indoor flower spurge - benefits and harm in the house
Euphorbia medicinal properties - All about medicinal properties.
Euphorbia: description of the plant Euphorbia belongs to the Euphorbia family, there are many species and subspecies of the same
aloe vera
Aloe vera. Transplantation, photo, cultivation, care, reproduction at home
Most readers will agree that in a home where care is at the forefront
propagation of succulents
What are the advantages and disadvantages of propagating Echeveria by leaves? Step-by-step procedure for planting at home and in open ground
Have you decided to transform your interior? Note that today's designers are not only concerned with how
How to plant cactus with children, other methods of propagation, whether it is necessary to remove the children
Features of cacti as plants These representatives of the flora belong to succulent plants. That is, they are capable
Pereskia cactus: types and propagation at home
Pereskia: flowering deciduous cactus Description of the pereskia plant Types of indoor pereskia Growing conditions for indoors
Prickly pear: a cactus for growing in open ground in temperate latitudes
Opuntia is the largest genus belonging to the Cactus family. This genus unites
Succulents in the country - Euphorbia Mile
Flower garden from the cover, or How it’s done: option with succulents
The earth's flora is rich and diverse. Among the usual trees, shrubs, herbs growing in certain
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How to care for a cactus so that it pleases you with its blooms
Author: Elena N. Category: Houseplants Published: February 20, 2019Last edits: January 11
Unpretentious sedum. Varieties of indoor succulent: Morgana, Burrito and other varieties
Botanical description of the succulent with photo Sedum (Sedum) has the following botanical characteristics: leaves are whole,
Monstera care: what types of work are needed for the plant?
Features of the exotic flower Monstera belongs to the Araceae family. Found naturally in Southern and
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