Zdraven is a useful fertilizer for garden and indoor plants

Description of the fertilizer - composition and general characteristics

The composition of the fertilizer is very rich. This explains why many problems can be solved using just this one tool.

Health includes:

  • Nitrogen. This component is one of the most important for the life of the plant. Thanks to its content, the formation and division of new cells occurs;
  • Phosphorus . Promotes normal absorption of essential elements. Affects photosynthesis and cultural development;
  • Potassium. Promotes dynamic development. Thanks to it, the amount of moisture inside the cells increases. The culture becomes more resistant to water shortages;
  • Iron. Promotes the appearance of chlorophyll and the formation of carbohydrates from carbon dioxide and water. With a deficiency of this component, poor crop growth is observed;
  • Copper. Responsible for the balance of moisture in the plant. With a lack of copper, even abundant watering does not save the crop; it droops and withers;
  • Zinc. Affects the ripening of fruits and their proper development;
  • Manganese. Increases the concentration of ascorbic acid and sugars. Necessary for normal respiration of crops;
  • Bor . Necessary for the development of roots and the proper formation of the above-ground part of the crop. Makes fruits sweeter;
  • Cobalt. This component is recommended for growing peas, potatoes, and cucumbers. Also necessary when planting on sod-podzolic soils.

Various types of this product have been developed, in which the balance changes in favor of certain components. For example, cucumbers require cobalt, tomatoes and peppers require manganese and zinc, cabbage needs boron, etc.

Fertilizer composition

Zdraven mixture for tomatoes is a domestically produced complex fertilizer with universal properties. It contains all the substances and microelements necessary for the growth, development and active fruiting of the plant.

The composition of the fertilizer is presented in the table:

Element Effect on the plant Content, %
Nitrogen Stimulates the growth of the optimal number of green shoots and root system. 15
Phosphorus Activates metabolic processes and the formation of the root system. 20
Potassium Reduces fruit ripening time. 15
Magnesium Participates in the process of photosynthesis, promotes better absorption of potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus; improves the taste of tomatoes. 2
Sodium humate Increases productivity, activates the supply of plants with necessary microelements. 2
Bor Increases the resistance of tomatoes to diseases and pests, promotes the saturation of fruits with sugars, prevents the fall of ovaries and the formation of barren flowers. 0,03
Manganese Enhances photosynthesis processes, accelerates plant development, stimulates the synthesis of vitamin C, carotene, and sugar content in tomatoes. 0,04
Zinc Activates protein synthesis and the action of enzymes, increases resistance to adverse weather factors (frost, drought), and participates in the regulation of growth processes. With its deficiency, the leaves wither, the fruits become small, and the yield decreases. 0,02
Copper Stabilizes the water balance of the plant, which promotes adaptation to sudden temperature changes and the development of frost and drought resistance properties. 0,02
Iron Deficiency leads to chlorosis. 0.03 (in chelate form)
Molybdenum Stimulates metabolism, plant growth and formation processes, participates in the development of the root system. With its deficiency, nitrates accumulate in fruits. 0,005

There is no chlorine in the Zdraven fertilizer for tomatoes. The fertilizer does not contain sulfur S. It is believed that plants grown on a personal plot receive it in excess through precipitation. And for crops cultivated on an industrial scale, it also comes from pesticides.

What plants to use for

The balance of essential elements in the substance makes it suitable for a variety of plants and crops:

  • Health for garlic and onions helps the bulb to develop properly and improves the taste of the product;
  • When growing cucumbers, the number of ovaries increases. The result is a rich harvest, all fruits are immune and resistant to diseases;
  • When fertilized, cabbage develops a good root system;

In the same way you can also feed: berries, fruit trees and shrubs, indoor plants and many other crops.

Productivity when using Zdravnya increases by 18-20%. The plants are also resistant to various diseases.

What is fertilized with this drug?

crops with Zdravne Turbo such as:

  1. Tomatoes and peppers. The drug helps make tomato ovaries larger.
  2. Onion and garlic. This product has a good effect on the taste of onions and garlic, and also makes them look more marketable.
  3. Cucumbers and pumpkin. Watering seedlings with this product can provide a large number of ovaries in cucumbers, and also protects against parasites and various diseases.
  4. Strawberries and raspberries can also be watered with this fertilizer. So, the lands will be large and juicy.
  5. Potato. By watering potato seedlings with fertilizer, you stimulate the growth of root tubers.

Hello turbo for indoor flowers

It is noteworthy that this fertilizer can be used not only for economic plants, but also for ornamental ones . Thus, the balanced chemical composition of the drug allows you to saturate the flower with all useful components.

How to breed

Zdraven Aqua for seedlings is bred according to the instructions for use.
It is recommended to dilute the composition with warm water. When feeding, the sprouts must be watered until the soil is completely wet. Liquid fertilizer “Zdraven-Aqua” is diluted in a proportion of 50 ml per 10 liters of water for root feeding and 35 ml per 10 liters of water for foliar feeding. The fertilizer is available in bottles of 0.5 - 1.8 liters.

Zdraven Turbo Universal for seedlings instructions for use:

  • to feed the root system: use 15 g of the substance per 1 liter of water;
  • for spraying the above-ground parts of plants: 1 g of substance per 1 liter of water.

This procedure helps protect the plant from pests and diseases. Typically, spraying is used in the intervals between root feeding.

Fertilizer effectiveness and reviews from gardeners

Zdraven-Aqua is inferior in popularity to more well-known brands of fertilizers. But flower growers who have tried this product note its high effectiveness in improving the quality of orchid flowering:

“In my opinion, it’s an excellent fertilizer, no worse than Bona Forte.” I bought it by accident, but now I will always order it. Indeed, it makes orchids bloom more magnificently and longer. In any case, phalaenopsis and dendrobium. This time, two phalaenopsises formed two arrows, one - as many as three. There are a lot of buds! At the dendrites, flower stalks popped out along the entire length of the bulbs. Satisfied with the fertilizer!” (Marina, Tver).

“I just recently started working with orchids, so I can’t compare, but Zdraven seemed like a good fertilizer to me. I chose it by reading the ingredients. I liked that there is little nitrogen in it, but more phosphorus - which means it really should help with flowering. Now I’m feeding two phalaenopsis that bloomed a month ago. One bud has already sprouted in the axil of a leaf - I think a peduncle will grow” (Evgeniya, Orel).

Fertilizer Zdraven: instructions for use

The product can be used both for seedlings and for plants in open ground.

For seedlings:

  • The first feeding is carried out after the first leaves appear (2-3 leaves);
  • The second procedure is carried out at intervals of 10-14 days after the first.

For crops in open ground:

1 feeding:

  • Cabbage, cucumbers, peppers and tomatoes are fed 14 days after the seedlings are planted. Either when shoots appear;
  • Beets, carrots, onions and garlic are fertilized after 4-5 leaves appear;
  • Potatoes are fertilized before they are hilled for the first time;
  • Perennial flowers, fruit and berry crops need fertilizer after the snow has melted.

2nd feeding, regardless of the type of plant, is necessary 14 days after the first procedure.

3 fertilizing is carried out at the stage when the fruits are formed. The interval between 2 and 3 feedings should be at least 15-18 days.

Useful information: using biosoil Ecoflora: advantages and disadvantages

Read here why plants need microelements.

Article on the use of fertilizers in hydroponics:

Effect of the drug

The action of the Zdraven complex when growing tomatoes is based on the use of the properties of the triad of components nitrogen-potassium-phosphorus:

  • Nitrogen: participates in the construction of plant tissues;
    Attention! The low nitrogen content in the Zdraven tomato fertilizer is optimal in order to prevent the crop from growing an excessive amount of green mass, and to direct all the energy to the formation of fruits.
  • Potassium: its balanced content gives impetus to the formation of large, juicy, sweet tomatoes and increases the plant’s resistance to harsh environmental conditions;
  • Phosphorus: stabilizes the hormonal system of the crop, thanks to which the plant develops correctly and becomes resistant to pests and diseases.

The remaining components of Zdraven nutrition (Mg, B, Mn, Mo, Cu, Zn) help the plant to form, accumulate vitamins and sugars in tomatoes, maximizing the taste qualities inherent in the variety. They promote abundant and high-quality fruiting.

Important! Fertilizer Zdraven cannot be used with Bordeaux mixture. These two drugs are incompatible.

Tomato fertilizer is available in the form of a complex fertilizer with an improved, specialized formula. This drug is labeled “Turbo”. The drug contains:

  • Iron - in divalent form is the active nucleus of chlorophyll formation, then replaced by magnesium;
  • Cobalt – promotes the cultivation of thin soddy-podzolic soils, characteristic of household plots, increases the survival rate of tomatoes on them;
  • Sodium humate – promotes the correct balance of microelements in the soil, preventing its saturation with potassium.

Zdraven belongs to the category of chelate fertilizers. Metal ions are present in it in association with chelating agents, which contribute to the most complete absorption of nutrients by plant tissues. Without a chelate shell, ions of useful components, reacting with (OH)—, are neutralized in the soil and become inaccessible to plants.

Important! Chelates (from the Latin word “claw”) are stable complex compounds in which the metal ion is protected by a shell (ligand) from reaction with hydroxides (OH)—. They are well absorbed, broken down and consumed by plants.

An important property of such compounds is that they decompose at a rate that meets the tomato’s needs for various microelements, depending on the phase of development. That is, they nourish the plant with the required elements at the required time.

Attention! Chelation agents are selected based on the needs of a particular crop. The effectiveness of feeding tomatoes, for example, Zdravnem intended for strawberries, will be low.

Fertilizer Zdraven is produced in the form of powder and solution of high concentration:

  1. Water-soluble powder Zdraven Turbo is created specifically for feeding tomatoes. The price of the drug is low. The contents of the package are not stored after opening, but are used immediately.

  2. Concentrated solution for tomatoes Zdraven Aqua can be dosed in the required quantity from an opened package. For convenience, it comes with a measuring cup.
  1. Zdraven MIX Turbo as a universal product is used for all major crops grown in the garden.

  2. Health for seedlings activates the life processes of young tomatoes. The seedlings become resistant to spring conditions and phytodiseases, and are well prepared for transplanting into open ground.

Advice! Zdraven for tomatoes is produced in various packaging from 15 g. This amount of fertilizer is enough to treat crops grown on an area of ​​1 - 1.5 square meters. The size of the package should be selected depending on the area where the tomatoes are grown.

Zdraven Turbo Universal: distinctive features

This is a fertilizer that has been modified and improved. The main difference is this: some components (iron, copper, zinc and manganese) are presented in a special form (called Chelated). This form is more accessible and understandable for absorption by plants. For comparison: in its usual form, the plant is able to absorb 35–40% of nutrients. The chelated form allows you to increase this figure to 85–90%. The very name of the product speaks of its versatility. Fertilizer can be used for various types of green spaces.

Advantages and disadvantages

Important! Zdraven increases tomato yields by 17 - 20%.

This drug has advantages and disadvantages. Its advantages are as follows:

  1. Taking into account the biological specifics of the plant. Zdraven was developed specifically for tomatoes and contains elements necessary specifically for this crop.
  2. No chlorine in the fertilizer. This element is toxic to tomatoes. It negatively affects the development of seedlings and its root system. Under the influence of chlorine, the fruits of the plant become small and the leaves turn yellow.
  3. Complete and rapid solubility of the drug. Minimal effort is required to prepare the solution. The fertilizer penetrates well into the soil, nourishing the plant and its roots.
  4. No need for additional feeding. Health for tomatoes contains all the elements important for plant development and fruit ripening.
  5. Low chemical load on the soil and high digestibility of the fertilizer by plants due to the chelated form of the microelements contained in it.
  6. Increasing resistance to powdery mildew, late blight, chlorosis, scab.
  7. Long shelf life, up to 3 years.

Attention! Zdraven is not used as a pest control agent.

The use of this fertilizer contributes to the formation of a powerful root system in tomatoes. The crop yield increases and the number of barren flowers decreases. The period of fruit ripening is reduced by almost a week. They become richer in vitamin content and acquire a sweeter taste, regardless of the variety.

The disadvantages of feeding include:

  • when stored for more than 2 years, the solubility of the drug in water decreases;
  • Irregular application of fertilizer reduces its effectiveness.

Attention! Tomato fertilizer Zdraven is sold at an affordable price. It is safe when the requirements for use and storage are met.

Benefits of use

The advantages over conventional fertilizers include the following:

  • The composition of the product includes all the necessary nutritional components. This eliminates the need to purchase and use them separately or mix them yourself;
  • The substance does not contain chlorine. This has a beneficial effect on the growth and development of roots;
  • The nutrients included in Zdraven have a complex effect, simultaneously solving a number of problems;
  • Sodium humate, which is part of the composition, has a beneficial effect on the soil. This element does not allow crops to accumulate nitrates and other harmful substances;
  • The product is easy to use. The solution can be prepared within a few minutes, completely dissolving the fertilizer.


“Zdraven” is an effective fertilizer that helps improve soil properties, increase the quality and quantity of crops, and protects plants from various harmful organisms and nutrient deficiencies.

Also, the positive characteristics of “Zdravnya” include:

  1. complete composition, characterized by an abundance of necessary elements;
  2. minerals are added in the form of chelates;
  3. no chlorine;
  4. low fertilizer costs for optimal plant nutrition;
  5. species diversity;
  6. different forms of release;
  7. good water solubility and absorption into the soil;
  8. will not cause difficulties in use and storage.

“Zdraven” can be used as a prophylactic agent, and not just as a plant fertilizer.

Preparation of a working solution of the Zdraven-Aqua fertilizer for orchids

Since Zdraven-Aqua is initially in concentrated form, it must be diluted with water before use. For this purpose, take settled or boiled water, free of chlorine. The temperature should be room temperature.

The technology for preparing the working solution is as follows:

  • the required amount of water is poured into the mixing container;
  • the cap is removed from the measuring compartment of the bottle;
  • squeeze the bottle without turning it over, squeezing the required amount of fertilizer into the measuring compartment;
  • the measured fertilizer is poured into water and mixed.

For root feeding, 5 ml of fertilizer is taken per 2 liters of water. For foliar applications, the concentration is halved - 5 ml of fertilizer is taken per 4 liters of water.

Important! Many nutrients in Zdraven-Aqua are in the form of salts. Therefore, between root feedings it is necessary to perform “clean” waterings so that the substrate does not become salty and the remaining salts are washed away.

After preparation, the working solution is immediately ready for use. There is no need to store it, so you should correctly calculate the required amount of fertilizer and water.

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