Fundazol - a universal fungicide, rules for preparing the solution, effectiveness, description, storage, analogues for fungal diseases

Despite the fact that indoor plants are located in apartments, houses or any other enclosed spaces, they are not 100% protected from pests and diseases, as many people mistakenly believe. Indoor plants are also susceptible to various diseases and the invasion of certain pests. If such a problem appears, it needs to be dealt with. It’s even better to treat the plant for preventive purposes so that it doesn’t get sick. For these purposes, special preparations are used, including Fundazol. You can purchase it in specialized stores, or online, ordering it for delivery. Recently, it is most often purchased through the Internet, because it is becoming increasingly difficult to find Fundazol on store shelves for gardeners. Recently they began to ban it, although nothing has been officially confirmed.

The main pros and cons of foundationol

Fundazol for plants has significant advantages compared to other similar drugs, namely:

  • has a minimal degree of toxicity;
  • within a day after use, it blocks the growth and development of fungal cells;
  • this drug can be used to treat the plant and for prevention;
  • operates regardless of temperature;
  • tolerates natural precipitation well 3 hours after treatment;
  • begins its therapeutic activity as quickly as possible.

It is also worth noting that this drug has some disadvantages:
  • the break between treatments should be at least 2 seasons;
  • if used incorrectly, the drug can be harmful to humans and fish;
  • very high degree of flammability.

Composition and chemical properties of the drug

The drug Fundazol differs from known fungicides not only in that it works regardless of climatic conditions. The main positive aspects were:

  • rapid absorption when sprayed and applied to the soil. The second option is the most suitable. Reason: watering promotes penetration through the roots into all parts of the plant (stems, inflorescences, leaves);
  • The barrier effect occurs in a matter of hours. The active components enter the cells through the pores, which stops the pathogen. The barrier's effect is long-lasting;
  • has no phytotoxicity, which indicates the possibility of use on all types of soil, for most garden and horticultural crops;
  • The functioning of the active substances of Fundazol occurs at any temperature. Hence the possibility of application in early spring or late autumn.

These positive aspects were made possible thanks to the chemical composition of the drug: the main ingredient is benomyl. The drug itself is a systemic fungicide. Appearance: powder. White color. Smell: unpleasant, light.

The therapeutic effect on the culture occurs from the moment of absorption for approximately 24-72 hours. After which it is stored regardless of weather conditions for 7-10 days.

Interesting fact! The main component is benomyl or its second name is foundationol. It has an acaricidal effect, thanks to which pests die: aphids, leaf beetles and their larvae, spider mites and their offspring. Destruction does not occur while the insects are in cocoons or eggs.

Fundazol is produced simultaneously by several manufacturers. There are no differences in the product offered:

  • CJSC "August" - Russia;
  • "Agro-Kemi" - Moscow;
  • "KFT" - Hungary.

The powder does not dissolve in water, other liquids or compounds. May form a coating on leaves or stems after spraying on plant surface.

When to use foundationol

The use of foundationazole is necessary if the plant has any disease from this list:

  • root rot;
  • wet rot;
  • gray rot;
  • blackleg;
  • ascochyta;
  • anthracnose

This pesticide can be used to treat tubers, spray seedlings or seeds before sowing. If a houseplant needs to be replanted, its roots can be soaked in a foundationazole solution for prevention.

It is worth noting that this drug cannot be used to treat downy mildew, rust, and bacteria.

The mechanism of action of the drug Fundazol

The effectiveness of the action is to stop the growth of fungi and their vital activity, due to the disruption of nuclear division of pathogenic organisms. It makes no difference how the drug gets onto the plant - through foliage, stems, roots or seeds.

The result of the fungicidal action can be observed already three days after treatment. The protective function lasts for a week, which is also indicated in the instructions.

Important! Not everyone knows about the acaricidal ability of benomyl - it suppresses not only adult spider mites, but also the eggs they lay. The product has a detrimental effect on leaf beetle larvae and aphids, as well as their eggs.

Based on the instructions for use, Fundazol is used to treat the following pathologies:

  • pythium and phanomycete root rot;
  • Alternaria blight;
  • fusarium and helminthosporium root rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • ascochyta;
  • anthracnose;
  • gray rot;
  • wet rot;
  • molding of seeds;
  • stem smut;
  • silver scab;
  • smut;
  • rhizoctanio;
  • fusarium;
  • snow mold;
  • blackleg.

The drug is used to treat ornamental plants, agricultural and garden crops, shrubs and fruit trees, berries and flowers.

Attention! Compliance with the dosage specified in the instructions for use will protect plants from the toxic effects of the drug. Although the product is not phytotoxic, increased doses may have a detrimental effect on treated crops.

The fungicide can be used not only in spring, but also in autumn. It is effective over a wide temperature range, as reflected in the instructions.

Preparation of foundation solution

There is a standard norm for diluting foundationazole - 1 g of the drug per 1 liter of water. To create a solution, it is best to use a special container and treat the plants using a sprayer.

Step-by-step instructions for foundationazole when preparing a solution:

  1. It is necessary to defend the water.
  2. Completely dissolve the drug in the required amount of settled water.
  3. Mix well.
  4. Immediately begin processing the plants.

If you see that particles of powder settle to the bottom, then you need to stir the solution periodically, otherwise there will be no desired effect.

Positive qualities of Benomyl

The chemical is indispensable in many areas and is widely used in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

The active component penetrates the plant and disrupts the development and spread of fungal infections. It has an acaricidal effect on pathogens, as well as on eggs and larvae of plant parasites.

Positive qualities include the following:

  • The fungicide has a wide spectrum of action.
  • Benomyl works great not only in preventive measures, but also has therapeutic properties.
  • Effectively fights serious infections and fungal deposits.
  • It has both insecticidal and acaricidal effects on plants.
  • It improves not only the yield several times, but also its quality indicators.
  • Therapeutic measures appear a few hours after treatment.
  • Protects plant crops for a month.
  • Compatible with many pesticides.
  • Does not show toxicity to beneficial insects and birds.
  • In strict compliance with recommended consumption rates, it does not cause phytotoxicity.

But it must be taken into account that all chemicals, including Benomyl, after being added to the soil in large quantities, exhibit a toxic effect on crops. Also, after constant use of the same fungicide, infectious agents become addicted. To prevent this, Benomyl must be alternated with drugs from other chemical classes.

How and when to treat plants

Depending on the type of plant and for what purpose it is processed, the instructions for using fundozol will depend. There are 3 ways in which the plant can be processed:

  1. Spraying
  2. Watering the soil
  3. Dressing of seeds, seedlings, tubers.

As a rule, this drug can be used at any time of the year, except winter. If the plant is replanted or reseeded, the treatment should be done on the same day.

Fruit-bearing plants should be treated with such a pesticide with caution and according to special instructions. For example:

  • fruit-bearing trees no later than 3 weeks before fruit ripening;
  • tomatoes - at least 10 days before ripeness;
  • cucumbers - 7-8 days before ripening.

Foundationazol for orchids

Fundazol is widely used by gardeners for the prevention and treatment of house plants. Foundationazol is especially often used for orchids, namely for the treatment of fungal infections.

It is worth noting that under no circumstances should the orchid itself be sprayed as a preventive measure. To combat fungal infections you need:

  • Cut off parts of the plant affected by the fungus.
  • Treat the wounds of the plant with the prepared solution or you can gently powder it with the pesticide itself.

Is it possible to combine foundationazole with other drugs? In principle, foundationazole can be used simultaneously with various other drugs:

  • pesticides;
  • growth regulators;
  • fungicides;
  • insecticides.

This drug should never be combined with alkaline agents.

Also, when deciding to use this pesticide with another drug, it is worth conducting a small compatibility experiment: mix the drugs in a small amount of water, if no sediment occurs, then they can be used simultaneously.

Fundazol: instructions for use for plants

The drug is effective for many garden crops.

How to use the product for each individual crop will be discussed below.

Foundationazol for strawberries

No more than 1.5 liters of solution is required per 10 m2. are treated with this solution of Fundazol before flowering and after full harvest.

Fundazol: application for cucumbers and tomatoes

Cucumbers and tomatoes are sprayed with Fundazol when initial signs of the disease are detected. No later than a month before harvest. Requires 2 treatments per season.

The consumption rate is 5 grams per 5 liters of water.

Foundationazol for grapes

As a preventative measure, grapes are sprayed with Fundazol before flowering. For medicinal purposes, they are processed after the fruits have already been harvested. Carry out 2 treatments per season.

The consumption rate is 5 grams per 5 liters.

Foundationazol for roses and other garden flowers

If initial signs of the disease are detected, 4 treatments of rose bushes are carried out per season.

For indoor plants

Many indoor flowers can be treated with Fundazol. In particular, the remedy is especially popular among orchid fans.

Foundationazol for orchids

Fundazol is actively used to treat orchids. The solution is prepared in a ratio of 7 grams of product per liter of water.

Processing is carried out in several ways:

  • Spraying orchids with Fundazol. During the active growing season of plants, it is often not recommended to use it, especially in closed conditions.
  • Water the flower, after placing it in a bowl. One plant needs no more than a tbsp. spoons of prepared liquid. The roots are lowered for 15 minutes.

Foundationazol for orchids - video

Emergency method:
when the root system rots, prepare a paste instead of the usual solution, which is subsequently applied to the damaged areas.
The fungicide is very powerful, and therefore the indicated dosages must be strictly followed. The next treatment of the orchid with Fundazol is done only after 14 days.

Foundationazol for clematis

When the plant is in the stage of wilting, you need to remove the damaged parts and thoroughly pour the clematis solution of Fundazol (0.2%) 2 to 3 times directly under the root.

The drug can be used for prevention:
water at the root in autumn and spring.
A universal chemical pest repellent!

Treatment of potatoes with Fundazol

The drug is used for preventive purposes - potato tubers are treated before planting on the site.

The prophylactic solution is prepared at the rate of 10 g of powder per 0.5 liter of water.

Foundationazol for cabbage

"Fundazol" helps treat clubroot.

The crop needs to be treated once by simply watering the soil before planting.

Pests in the garden!
How to get rid of wireworms How to deal with mole crickets

Apple tree processing

As a preventative measure for apple trees, it is necessary to apply 5 treatments. Prepare a solution in a 1:1 ratio. Young trees require 2.5 liters of water, and adults - 5 liters.

Application of Fundazol for thuja

The drug is also suitable for coniferous plants, in particular for thuja. They can be used to treat a diseased plant. Effective against fungal infections. To eliminate it, it is necessary to treat with the product (concentration 0.2%). Thuja is sprayed with Fundazol once every 14 days until October.

Foundationazole analogues

If it is not possible to purchase this drug, you can choose analogues that have proven themselves well:

  • foundation;
  • benazole;
  • lamethyl.

Safety precautions for use

Fundazol is toxic, so you should adhere to certain rules when working with it:

  1. When working with this drug, wear rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. It is best to prepare the solution in air.
  3. There should be no sources of fire nearby, as the drug is highly flammable.
  4. Do not use food containers to prepare the solution.
  5. After finishing working with the drug, you should wash your hands and face well, and wash your clothes.

If the product gets on your skin or eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water.

If you accidentally drink this solution, you must immediately drink 3-4 glasses of warm water and induce vomiting, take activated charcoal, and then consult a doctor.


Nikolay: an excellent remedy, including for indoor flowers: I cured an orchid from rot in two treatments. But due to the toxicity of the drug, I worked with it in the yard.

Anna: My brother has a vineyard, and from time to time he uses Fundazol, which can kill the fungus literally in one session. The main thing when working with this remedy is to clearly measure the dose, because the drug is poisonous.

Rimma: I have a collection of flowering plants, and I get very worried when one of them suddenly starts to hurt. Therefore, I use Fundazol mainly for preventive purposes: I treat the top layer of the substrate in pots. Thank God the flowers are not sick yet.

Andrey: Fundazol helped me cope with powdery mildew on the apple tree in one go. I heard praise from my neighbors about this drug, but I brushed it aside because I prefer folk remedies. But when trouble came, the tried and tested methods did not help, but Fundazol came to the rescue.

Official website and manufacturer's recommendations:

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