Pelargonium Sutarves Klara San

Sutarve nadya k pelargonium

Among the variety of varieties of pelargonium, the so-called zonal and rosebud varieties deserve special attention.
These varieties are distinguished by particularly decorative flowering and delicate shades of petals. In the article we will talk about such a variety of zonal pelargonium as Clara Sun - one of the latest innovations in breeding work. We will look at the features of this variety, find out how to plant and how to care for Clara pelargonium so that it grows safely and blooms beautifully.

  • Description
  • Appearance
  • Landing
  • Diseases and pests
  • Reproduction
  • Conclusion

Video “Care for geraniums”

From this video you will learn about where geraniums come from, what types there are and how to care for them.

I will sell cuttings of varietal pelargoniums: "Achievement" (Ivy hybrid) -300 "Asarnas Asgard" - 300 "Australian Pink Rambler" - 600 "Doveroint" - 200 "Ekeby Lovisa" - 250 "Celeste Maria" - 250 IB Sonya Nezh naya" — 400 Bеv foster — 200 Bеwerly Scammell — 200 Вrenda Kitson — 200 Вrightstone — 150 Воnifаce Butterfly — 100 Вright Sparks — 200 Оdensjo vаnessа — 100 Оdensjo Evelyn Shelby — 250 Оdensjo E loise " - 200 "Odensjo Madame Bovary" - 400 Odensjo still flirt - 200 "Odensjo Jolin." - 100 "Orange Glitter" - 200 "Orangesonne" - 200 "Ununges Molly" - 300 "Lady gertrude" Ivi- hybrid - 250 "Lara Harmony" - 350 Lara Gem" (IVI hybrid) - 350 "Millfield Rose" Ivy hybrid = 300 "Meadows > 00" Sutarves Clara San" - 250 "Sutarves Nada K. " - 250 "Sunstar Cherry" - 250 " Show Off "Dwarf - 150 "Swanland/Australian Pink Rosebud - 200 Ivy-leaved pelargonium "Jean bard" -250 Royal 'Rembrandt' = 200 "Beromunster" (unique) - 300 Fragrances - "'Pheasant's Foot'" - 200 "Fragrant Frosty"-300 "Deerwood Lavender Lass" - 250 "Cis Sunburst" = 150 Tulips - 'Patricia Andrea' - 400 "Linnea Andrea" - 400 "Lilian Andrea" - 400 There will be additions. I will deliver by train if there is a direct connection. Pickup from Verkhnyaya street, I can deliver it to 30 Mira street (during business hours), to 26 Baku. We will deliver for free if it is on the way. Delivery is paid by agreement


The advantage of the variety is that Pelargonium Clara blooms in an unusual way: its inflorescences resemble small roses. The color of the petals is appropriate - very delicate pinkish with a light green center.
The diameter of one bud is 3.5 cm. The buds are collected in lush inflorescences, giving the plant a special decorative appearance. Note that the flowering season of Clara pelargonium is very long - the plant pleases with its decorative effect from approximately March to November.

However, in order for the plant to bloom for so long, you will have to take good care of it: pelargonium Clara loves the sun, a not too voluminous pot, fertilizing and watering . Next, we will tell you about all the features of growing and care.

Ivy-leaved - ampelous pelargonium

Photo of assorted ivy-leaved geraniums

Various types such as zonal, ivy-leaved or ampelous, royal, fragrant, angels and unique (these are the most common). They are often used when breeding new varieties and crossed with each other. And the quantity that is available today can be very difficult to classify due to the presence of characteristic features of several species in one variety. And what adds even more confusion to this whole classification is that these signs can appear or disappear, depending on different conditions of detention. This is how additional subgroups of some species appeared.

This is the most common species, named due to the characteristic color division on the leaves. It appears as a darker spot in the middle of the leaf or a rounded ring. Erect shoots can grow up to 80 cm. The hardiest of all. Flowers are double and simple.

This species is divided into a large number of amazingly beautiful subspecies, but let’s look at the most popular of them growing in my garden:

Pelargonium rosebud or Rosaceae.

Rosebud pelargonium looks very similar to small roses collected in spherical bouquets. The color scheme and shape of rosebunda buds are very diverse. The size of the bush usually does not exceed 50cm. Flowers with a diameter of 5-6cm. collected in dense inflorescences. With age, the size of the inflorescences increases, and the color becomes more saturated.

This subspecies does not have many varieties, unlike other subspecies. But the appearance of flowers in the form of half-opened tulips collected in bouquets-inflorescences always attracts the eye and evokes affection. There are usually from 6 to 9 petals in a bud. They come with both carved and smooth edges. The bud size is no more than 1 cm; there can be from 20 to 40 pieces in an inflorescence. The colors of tulip-shaped geraniums are varied, but the color of the inner part is always more saturated than the outer one. The height of the bush can grow up to 80 cm.

Stellar or star geranium.

It got its name because of the structure of the flowers, which resemble “stars” in appearance. The flowers of the plant can be simple or double, and are collected in inflorescences with different densities depending on the variety. The size of flowers is usually within 3-4 cm, in inflorescences up to 20 pieces. The leaves of star geranium are also different, adding a special attractiveness and unusual appearance to the plant. In their shape, they are more reminiscent of maple trees with a characteristic zonal color. The color of the leaves can vary from just green to chocolate in the middle of the leaf with golden streaks. The color depends on the conditions of detention. The height of plants depends on the variety, and from this they can be either dwarfs no higher than 15 cm, or tall up to 50-80 cm.

Ivy-leaved or ampelous pelargonium.

This type of geranium has hanging or creeping branches that can reach up to 1 m in length. Looks beautiful in hanging pots or can be used as a ground cover plant outdoors. The shape of flowers of ampelous pelargonium can be simple or double in the form of roses. The structure of the leaves is reminiscent of ivy leaves, very smooth and hard. It is because of the shape of the leaves that ampelous pelargonium received its second name, ivy-leaved geranium.

And this describes only some common species and subspecies of pelargonium.


Let's find out the requirements of this plant for its habitat, soil, and lighting.

Location and lighting

In order for Pelargonium Clara to delight you with its flowering for a long time, you need to place its pot in a bright place. Like all geraniums, this plant does not like shade. If Clara does not have enough light, decorative flowering will not work: there will be few inflorescences, and those that appear will not be large in size.

If this measure is not taken into account, the flowering period will decrease, and the buds themselves will become much less lush and decorative. In addition, with a lack of light, Clara’s stems stretch and the foliage turns pale . This also negatively affects the beauty of the plant.

The soil

As for the composition of the soil, in this regard Pelargonium Clara is not particularly demanding.
Much more important for the plant is good drainage. Don't forget to put a layer of expanded clay on the bottom of the pot . Geranium does not tolerate waterlogged soil.

Its delicate roots can easily rot in such conditions. Pelargonium Clara Sun will feel best in soil with either a neutral or slightly acidic reaction.

Experienced gardeners add ash to the soil if it is too acidic. Recommended substrate composition :

If the soil is not very nutritious, you can also add humus. You can buy a ready-made substrate for geraniums in the store - in this case it will be optimal.

Let's get acquainted with the main points for caring for this ornamental plant.


Regular soil moisture is very important for pelargonium Clara . Although watering should be quite abundant, it is also important to avoid waterlogging the soil. Otherwise, the roots of the plant may begin to rot. Therefore, water only when the top layer of the substrate dries.

If there is a need to humidify the air, then this must be done using a spray bottle, directing the stream to the area around the pot, and not to the plant itself.


The plant needs additional nutrition .
Clara responds to proper application of the necessary fertilizers with longer and more luxuriant flowering. In spring, the plant needs nitrogen compounds, and when the inflorescences begin to form, it is better to focus on potassium-phosphorus complexes. In the store you can purchase a complex mineral composition for pelargoniums. It will fit optimally in this case.

It is important to know that pelargonium does not like organic fertilizers . It is also important not to exceed the dose of fertilizer prescribed in the instructions.

If you overuse fertilizing, the roots of pelargonium may well get a chemical burn. The frequency of fertilizing during the growing season is twice a month; in winter, the plant does not need additional nutrition.

Where and how to plant it?

Lighting and location

If a gardener wants his pet to please the eye with its flowering for a long period, it is necessary to place the pot with the plant in a well-lit place.
The flower does not like shadow. A window sill with windows facing south or southeast is perfect. But, it should be remembered that on too hot days, when the scorching rays of the sun penetrate the atmosphere, pelargonium should be shaded. This can be done using a piece of fabric or translucent paper. Decorative flowering cannot be achieved if there is not enough sunlight.

Important! When Clara feels a lack of lighting, the color of its leaves fades, and the plant itself loses its decorative appearance. In addition, the stems stretch, which also affects the beauty

In winter, you need to take care of additional light. You can use a special lamp.

Soil requirements

The flower has no special requirements for soil. More important than the soil is the drainage layer. There must be a layer of expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. Pelargonium has a negative attitude towards waterlogging. The delicate root system can easily rot in such conditions. The optimal soil for Clara Sun is neutral or slightly acidic. It is recommended to add ash to acidic soil.

Substrate composition:

  • 1 part leaf soil;
  • 1 part sand;
  • peat and turf also 1 part each.

If the soil is not particularly nutritious, humus is added to it. In flower shops you can purchase ready-made soil, which is designed specifically for pelargonium.

This is interesting: When to transplant hydrangea from one place to another: we tell you in detail

Diseases and pests

Like all other types of indoor plants, Clara pelargonium can be susceptible to attack by harmful insects, as well as various flower diseases .
Some of them can be destructive. Next, we will consider which of the dangers pose the greatest threat to this pelargonium. Is this danger great and can it be avoided?

We will also look at what they can be fraught with. What of all of the above can be defeated and what cannot be cured, you will learn further.

As for parasites, in this case the following pests pose the greatest danger :

To cope with the mite, you will need to use special fungicidal preparations. And whiteflies and aphids can be destroyed by products containing permethrin.

Of the diseases, the most dangerous for the plant is root rot - the so-called “black leg” . The disease occurs when the soil moisture regime is disrupted.

Note that blackleg cannot be treated, and if this disease occurs, pelargonium will have to be destroyed. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to thoroughly sterilize the soil before planting the plant, and also not to allow the substrate to become waterlogged.

We grow beautiful things with our own hands! Pelargonium Denise: photos and care features

Emma fran bengtsbo pelargonium

As mentioned above, Denise pelargonium is one of the most beloved plants by gardeners. Some of them call this variety Denis. On thematic forums there are literally queues for cuttings of this flower: flower growers are ready to shell out considerable sums for the shoot.

The plant belongs to the zonal rosebud varieties, therefore it has all the advantages of pelargoniums similar to roses. Among all rosebud pelargoniums, Denise is considered the most spectacular and most perfect flower.

The plant is not tall, unlike other rosebud species, but the bush still needs to be formed

Note that pruning in this case must be carried out carefully, since Denise is not very fond of this procedure. Who is the creator of this variety is still not known for certain

In addition, sellers of cuttings often sell other rosebud varieties for Denise, only externally similar to this variety. Therefore, it is best to purchase a plant from a nursery - this way there is less chance of running into a “fake” Denise

Who is the creator of this variety is still unknown for certain. In addition, sellers of cuttings often sell other rosebud varieties for Denise, only externally similar to this variety. Therefore, it is best to purchase a plant from a nursery - this way there is less chance of running into a “fake” Denise.

Plant propagation

Denis pelargonium reproduces in the same way as all its “neighbors” pelargonium: by seed and cuttings. When planting seeds, there is no guarantee that the plant will inherit all the characteristics and characteristics of the variety.

For this reason, rosebud pelargoniums are propagated exclusively by cuttings. Beginning flower growers often complain about rotting of planted cuttings. It is very disappointing when, with such difficulty, a cutting of your cherished dream - the beautiful Denizka - is acquired, but the efforts made do not bring the desired results, and the plant does not take root.

To avoid such disappointment, you can use the following recommendations:

  • The optimal time for plant rooting occurs in March and lasts until July.
  • Cuttings are taken from an adult plant. To do this, a cutting with 3-5 pairs of leaves is cut from a semi-lignified shoot. If you take a green grassy shoot, you won’t get a full-fledged cutting from it.
  • The soil mixture for germinating a plant should be light and breathable, for example, peat + soil soil or coconut filler, the main thing is that the soil is neutral in acidity.
  • The cuttings are dried on paper in the open air for one to two hours, the lower leaves are removed and planted in the ground, slightly buried in the ground.
  • The planted cuttings are carefully watered, trying not to create excessive humidity.
  • Water for irrigation is pre-settled for several hours at room temperature.
  • Place the container with cuttings for rooting in a bright, well-lit room, for example, on a windowsill. In approximately half a month, the cuttings will acquire their first thin roots.
  • As the flower grows, it is periodically fed with potassium-phosphorus complex fertilizers.
  • In winter, the plant loses its decorative effect a little and practically does not bloom. Therefore, it is best to leave the rosebud dormant until spring, rarely water it and not apply any fertilizer. The recommended winter temperature for Denizok is only +10-15 degrees.

On a note. At the end of February, the pelargonium plant is moved to a warmer room, fed, and soon the bush begins to actively develop and by mid-summer pleases with its first buds.

Watering and spraying

The plant does not need spraying. The watering regime should be such that the substrate is constantly moist, but without stagnation of liquid in the roots. Watering is needed frequently and not abundantly.


Pelargonium Clara Sun propagates well at home using the method of dividing the bush, as well as by cuttings. It is better to carry out the breeding procedure either in early spring or in mid-late summer. In addition, seed propagation of the plant is also possible, however, in this case there will be much more trouble. Below are instructions regarding different methods of propagating pelargonium.


In this case, the seeds are planted in the ground around January. The soil should be slightly moist and fairly loose and nutritious .
The top of the container with the planted seeds must be covered with polyethylene so that seedlings appear faster. The optimal air temperature outside is +20-24 degrees.

Periodically, the soil must be sprayed with a spray bottle. Shoots usually appear 15-20 days after planting the seeds.

As soon as a couple of leaves appear, it is recommended to pick the seedlings, and then continue growing for another two months. Then the strengthened sprouts are transplanted into separate pots .


When watering the soil, it is important to direct the stream only to the ground, without touching the leaves of the cutting. Otherwise, the shoot may rot before it has time to take root. Within a month, with proper maintenance and care, the shoot takes root .

Further care

Pelargonium Dovepoint - description, planting and care

In order for the plant to delight with elegant flowering, it is important to provide it with good care.

Pelargonium Clara Sun will be the pride of any gardener


The optimal temperature for this variety of pelargonium is from +18 to +24 degrees; it is in such conditions that one can expect growth and beautiful flowering.

Watering and spraying, humidity

Pelargonium is afraid of swampy soil, but it is also afraid of excessive dryness. Watering is carried out as the soil dries; it is recommended to spray with a spray bottle every day in the summer, early in the morning. And in autumn, winter and early spring - no more than once a week.

To maintain optimal humidity for the plant, spray the air next to it.


Careful loosening of the soil is useful after each irrigation; it promotes the supply of oxygen to the roots.


In spring, the soil is enriched with a composition containing nitrogen. During the budding period - potassium-phosphorus complexes. Late autumn and winter suggest abandoning the use of fertilizers.

Note! Organic matter is harmful to pelargonium because it provokes root rot.


The main task is to make the bush compact and neat. To do this, the top is pinched; this should be done in early spring. They work with a sharp knife, the cuts are disinfected with brilliant green.

Description of the variety

Pelargonium Sutarves Klara San was selected in 2016. It has double flowers that are highly decorative; due to the small number of petals, the bud does not open completely.

Pelargonium Sutarve Clara San - an ideal plant for true romantics

  • The inflorescences are shaped like roses. The petals are pink, the middle is light green. Diameter - 3 cm.
  • The buds are collected in inflorescences.
  • The leaves are large, rich green in color. Each rounded leaf rests on its own long stem.
  • Flowering continues from March to early November.
  • Fast growth rate, within a year the plant develops into an adult shrub.

Note! The more light there is in the place where pelargonium or geranium is planted, the brighter and more saturated the pink petals will be.

Varietal pelargoniums photo

Pelargonium sutarves klara san
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Varietal pelargoniums

I will sell cuttings of varietal pelargoniums (availability as of October 6, 2020): April Snow 250 Boniface Butterfly 250 Botans Röda 300 Brookside Fiesta 250 Brookside Katerina 350 Deacon Constancy 200 Edwards Jouce 250 Elnaryds Gusten 400 Flaming Kate 250 Free Cerise Polina 300 Gos Brook Ryan David 300 Grainger's Antique Rose 500 Julie 250 Midori Buke (adult) Mimi 250 Mormor Marta 350 Natalie 250 Norrand red sport 300 Norranges Sophie 300 Odensjo Madam Bovary 300 Odensjo Milk and Honey 300 Orion 300 PAC Viva Carolina 300 Royal Norfolk 300 Rushmoor Amur 1000 Rushmoor Platinum An niversary 250 Saxdalence Selma 300 Selma 250 Vina 250 (adult) IV-Pavstushka 400 IV-Sonya Tender 400 IRIOL-Shimmer 400 Leona Drops 500 Silk Alchemist 500 Silk Laguna 300 Yu_Jiga 300 Yu_Kathak 400 Yu_Pink Snow (cactus type) 800 Yu_Snoa 300 Yu_Tsy ganochka 500 Yug-Eva 500

Potted bushes: Malins Parla 100 Millfield Gem 150

Similar varieties

Pelargonium Clara Sun is similar to some other decorative varieties related to geraniums.

This is another zonal pelargonium. Anna Sun is a bush up to 35 cm high, but very neat. Terry soft peach flowers are collected in a decorative inflorescence.

A distinctive feature of the variety is double snow-white flowers with a light pinkish tint. Pelargonium flowers Sutarve Nadya K are up to 3 cm in diameter, collected in inflorescences.

The bush is compact and does not lose its shape even without constant shaping. The leaves are rich green.

This variety of pelargonium is distinguished by elegant speckled petals. Snow-white flowers are decorated with pink edging and specks. The leaves are elegant, bright green.

For reference! There is another similar variety, which by the way does not belong to the Sutarves variety. Such a flower is the Alpenbloss Fischer pelargonium.

All about pelargoniums Denise

  1. General information
  2. Description of famous varieties
  3. How to grow?

Pelargonium Denise belongs to the geranium family (genus Pelargonium) - it is an indoor plant of amazing beauty, similar to a neatly arranged bridal bouquet. Its inflorescences look like rosebuds, with a magnificent play of delicate shades. Many gardeners are trying to purchase pelargonium for their collection.

Planting and transplanting

The plant is unpretentious, but it is important to provide it with normal care.

For pelargonium to grow and bloom, it is necessary to create optimal conditions for the plant.

Choosing a place and pot

The pelargonium variety Sutarves Klara Sun needs natural light, so place the plant on the south or southeast side.

However, in summer it is important to create openwork shading for the flower to protect it from direct rays of the sun.

A suitable pot diameter is approximately 2 cm larger than the projection of the crown. If you choose a larger container, the plant will spend a lot of energy on developing the root system, rather than growing and flowering.

Note! The pallor of pelargonium foliage will indicate a lack of light.

Soil selection

Almost any soil is suitable for Sutarve pelargonium, but a drainage layer of crushed brick and expanded clay is important. This is the prevention of waterlogging.

Slightly acidic or neutral soil is suitable. You can prepare the substrate yourself by mixing leaf soil, sand, humus and turf in equal proportions.

Step by step planting process

It looks like this:

  1. The container is filled with drainage and substrate, then moistened.
  2. Seeds are placed on the ground at a distance of 4 cm from each other.
  3. Carefully deepen by 0.5 cm and sprinkle with earth.
  4. Gently moisten with a spray bottle.
  5. Wrap the container in plastic wrap to create a greenhouse effect.

After about 10 days, sprouts will appear. After this, the film is removed and the container is placed closer to the light source.

How does it reproduce

There are two methods of propagation - seed and cuttings.

Seeds are sown in January in nutrient soil. It is important that the temperature does not drop below +23 degrees. After two leaves appear on the seedlings, picking is carried out.

The most popular propagation option is cuttings. The top shoots about 8 cm long with 2-3 leaves are cut from the mother bush. The cutting is placed with the lower cut into a growth stimulator, then placed in nutrient soil for rooting.

Rules for successful formation of pelargoniums

For pruning, use only clean (treated with alcohol or hydrogen peroxide) and sharp tools.

Pinching shoots should only be done with clean hands so as not to infect the plant.

You need to cut the shoot directly above the leaf so that there is no bare stalk left.

The shoots from the root need to be pinched, then all the energy of the plant will go to the formation of the main stems.

When 3-6 nodes with leaves are formed on young shoots, it is necessary to remove the growing point on them. After this, new shoots will begin to develop from the leaf axils, on which flowers will form in 7-10 weeks.

Shoots affected by the disease must be cut off, including 3 cm of the healthy part of the branch.

All cuts must be treated with brilliant green or crushed charcoal.

After pruning, to speed up the growth of the plant, it is recommended to add nitrogen fertilizer to the soil.

During the flowering period, pelargoniums need to be fed with phosphorus and potassium fertilizers.

By following these simple tips, you can easily grow beautiful pelargonium, full of strength and energy, which will become a real decoration for your home.

Svetlana Ryabova

Growing problems and pests

Main pests: whitefly, spider mites, aphids. Insects are removed manually or insecticides are used.

An unpretentious flower with increased decorativeness - this is the amazing pelargonium Sutarve Clara Sun

The most dangerous disease is root rot. The reason is excessive watering. It cannot be treated and the plant will have to be disposed of.

If the leaves on the plant begin to fall off, this is a signal that its soil is poor and requires feeding.

Such is the delicate pelargonium Sutarve Clara San, a beautiful plant that is ready to become a worthy decoration of any interior.

'Sutarves Clara San'

'Sutarves Clara San'

Post by NataK » Jul 10, 2013, 9:59 pm

Pelargonium 'Sutarves Klara San' (Sutarve) Zonal, rosaceous pelargonium. In my opinion, it must be a strong growing plant.

This is the first flowering, there are 11 flowers in the cap.

Grows on a south window. Pot - 10.

I really like the shape of the flower. Flower size - 3 cm.

We're not the only ones who love flowers:

Re: Clara San (Sutarve)

Post by Passific » Jul 10, 2013, 11:33 pm

Natalya, thank you for introducing me to this variety.

In shape and color, Klara San and Apple Blossom Rosebud are very similar. It will be very cool if Klara San is more discreet and compact, unlike Apple

Re: 'Klara San'

Post by Mila M » Jul 24, 2014, 4:56 pm

The variety is very beautiful!

Re: 'Klara San'

Post by midas » 07 Sep 2014, 00:37

Re: 'Klara San'

Post by MAK » 07 Sep 2014, 00:52

midas, and I have this variety that is much more compact than Apple Blossom Rosebud. True, their age and volume are different. This is how she grew up, her blossoms were paler, but there was less sun for her. Age - less than a year. And Apple Blossom Rosebud grew 2 liters and was 2 times healthier. Age 4 years. One hat is fresh, the second is already withered. Volume 1 liter.

Re: 'Klara San'

Post by midas » 07 Sep 2014, 01:21


Compact, neat bush with huge caps of dark red flowers, medium terry.

One of the best varieties.

The flower stalks are driven one by one. Blooms all year round.




Price: 300 rub.

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