Spathiphyllum and anthurium flowers - male and female happiness together

What do spathiphyllum and anthurium look like?

The most striking difference between spathiphyllum and anthurium is in the flowers. The first one is gentle and light, therefore it is associated with a woman. The second has shades from white to bright scarlet, feels dense and even a little hard.

Women's and men's happiness

It is precisely because of such differences and external similarities that flowers look unusually beautiful in the interior. Also, the aroma of plants may differ depending on the variety; it varies from delicate, barely noticeable, volatile to pronounced and even slightly tart.

Interesting. Despite the fact that both plants belong to the genus Araceae, they are quite different in their appearance.

Botanical description, geography and origin

Spathiphyllum and anthurium - are they actually the same plant or not? Both belong to the genus of perennial herbaceous evergreen plants of the Araceae or Aronicaceae family. The distribution area of ​​both plants extends from Central to South America; spathiphyllum is also found in the Old World: the Philippines, New Guinea, Palau, and the Solomon Islands.

Both plants occur in a variety of forms, dominated by epiphytes, hemiepiphytes, and chemiepiphytes . In the wild, they grow on trees, sending out aerial roots that reach down to the ground and feed on the forest floor of the tropical rainforest.

But “female happiness” does not have a stem - the leaves are collected in a bunch directly from the soil, while the “male flower” has thick, mostly shortened stems. The leaves of plants are noticeably different: in spathiphyllum - the leaf has an oval or lanceolate shape with a distinct midrib, the shape of the leaf follows the shape of the petal; in anthurium - the leaf differs in shape from the petal (spatulate, rounded, with blunt apices), has a deep-core base and has an oily sheen.

The inflorescences (cobs) of spathiphyllum have shades from pale green to white and have an oblong-elliptical shape. Anthurium is characterized by a variety of shapes and colors of the cob: cone-shaped, club-shaped, spiral; red, pink, orange, purple or white or a combination thereof. Flowers of “male happiness” are tougher and denser.

The names of both plants come from the merger of two Greek words. Spathiphyllum: “spata” – bedspread, “phyllum” – leaf; anthurium – “antos” – color, “oura” – tail. Botanical reference books indicate the Latin names: Spathiphyllum and Anthúrium.

Reference! Thanks to its white flowers, spathiphyllum is also called “white sail”, and anthurium is nicknamed “flamingo flower” for the bright color of its flowers and the similarity of the flower shape with the grace of a bird. Anthurium has another nickname - “wax flower”, given for its excessive decorativeness, which resembles artificial flowers.

Spathiphyllum was discovered in the 70s of the 19th century by the German botanist G. Wallis in the jungles of Ecuador . Anthurium was discovered during the same period by the French botanist E.F. Andre during an expedition to South America.

The most popular varieties of these plants were subsequently named in honor of both researchers.

Signs and superstitions

Male happiness is a flower that cannot be kept at home

Residents of the tropics associate Anthurium with courage and passion. It is believed that after the wedding, the newlyweds should keep these flowers in their room for the entire honeymoon. Anthurium has a positive effect on the mood of your family, will relieve fatigue after a hard work week, will help you recover from illness, and will even help eliminate some bacteria.

According to legend, spathiphyllum was given by the goddess Astrata to an ordinary girl on her wedding day. The goddess put happiness and joy into the plant, after which the flower became associated with “female happiness.” Now it is believed that if spathiphyllum is in the house, then every unmarried girl will have happiness; the most important thing is to believe in the power of the flower.

Different shades of anthurium

Interesting. Precisely because male and female happiness cannot exist without each other, flower growers plant these plants in the same pot.

There are beliefs that anthurium fulfills certain wishes and will mark certain events:

  • if the flower blooms, it means that a white streak is coming in the life of the owners;
  • It’s best if someone gives the plant as a gift, although something bought in person will bring a lot of luck and joy;
  • a flower is not only capable of bringing happiness and also smoothing out misunderstandings, but will also teach you how to get around sharp corners in family life;
  • if someone in the house has heart disease, then it is better to have such a plant, it has a particularly beneficial effect on the health of elderly parents;
  • the flower will not let you be sad, it will bring positivity and joy to the house;
  • if a man begins to have age-related problems with men's health, then this flower is simply necessary on the windowsill;
  • when a girl cannot find a betrothed or meet a worthy young man, then anthurium will also come to the rescue;
  • the girl with the flower got married, then you should urgently buy a pair for it - spathiphyllum;
  • The plant helps to increase and preserve cash savings.

Interesting. The best place for an anthurium is considered to be a bedside table, or, as a last resort, the nearest window sill. There should be no electrical appliances nearby, they will steal all the positive energy.

Delicate spathiphyllum

Some signs about spathiphyllum:

  • a good assistant in personal matters for women;
  • helps to find a worthy companion;
  • The interesting thing is that if a girl likes a young man, but life with him does not work out, and he is not capable of a long-term relationship, the plant will scare him away;
  • for women in marriage it will help make the relationship with their beloved man more complete, rich, teach respect and mutual understanding;
  • if you want to give birth to a child, it will also contribute and help.

Important! The flower only helps those who believe in its gift; if not, then you can consider it a coincidence or an accident, but it’s worth a try.

Features of anthurium

This is a rather unusual bright flower with an original shape that fascinates and attracts attention. Because of its interesting appearance and color, it has been given many different nicknames. For example, they call a flower “devil’s tail”, “artist’s palette”, “pig’s tail”. But it is much better known under the name “male happiness.” People believe that the plant brings prosperity and good luck to the stronger sex.

Anthurium andre helps a person get rid of depression, which is very important in the modern rhythm of life. The plant helps a man calm his nerves, distract himself from anxious thoughts, and tune into a positive mood. After some time, problems that seemed global will no longer be perceived as serious. In addition, the flower gives peace and spiritual harmony, makes consciousness pure and the mind clear. It also helps single men find their soulmate in a short period of time, and married couples find harmony in their relationships.

Should I plant spathiphyllum and anthurium in the same pot?

What indoor flowers bring happiness and prosperity to the house?

Related flowers still need different care, which means it is not recommended to plant them in the same pot. Simply place the plants nearby on the windowsill. If they bloom at the same time, then happiness really won’t take long to arrive. Favorable changes are already on the doorstep.

If the desire to plant male happiness anthurium and female happiness spathiphyllum together in one pot is strong, then you should choose an elongated version, in which there is the possibility of internal division into two parts. This must be done, otherwise the anthurium will not allow the roots of the spathiphyllum to develop, and the second one will die.

The conditions for keeping the plants are similar, but spathiphyllum is able to tolerate lower temperatures. Spathiphyllum roots need a little space in the pot; it blooms only after filling all the space; anthurium needs as much free space as possible.

Unusual planting of spathiphyllum and anthurium

When growing together, the most difficult period will be the wintering period. White spathiphyllum “female happiness” loves additional lighting; anthurium goes into hibernation from November to February.


Next in the photo you can see what anthurium, male happiness, and its companion spathiphyllum, female happiness, look like, these tropical inhabitants who have become indoor flowers.

This is anthurium:

And this is spathiphyllum:

In the next photo you can see what flowers look like if you care for them properly.

Caring for spathiphyllum and anthurium at home in one pot

Growing spathiphyllum and anthurium together in one pot will require excellent care for each of the flowers. Even though they are relatives, there are still differences in how they are cared for. Proper maintenance will help create a unique tandem of these plants.


Spathiphyllum - types of flowers, description of what they look like

Spathiphyllum will feel good if in summer the temperature is between +210C and 220C; in winter it should be maintained between +13-160C. In turn, anthurium prefers higher temperatures and will enjoy air at +25-300C in summer, and +16-200C in winter.

If female happiness spathiphyllum and male happiness anthurium are in the same pot, then it will be quite difficult to maintain such a difference; you will have to maintain the temperature at the limit values.


Both plants have a fairly clear attitude towards direct sunlight - they do not like it. Both brothers prefer diffused sunlight, partial shade, and the growing area should be fairly light, no dark corners.

Important! If the male anthurium flower and the female spathiphyllum plant are placed in a dark place, then their foliage will lose its attractiveness, become pale and not so lush.


Watering for these two flowers is very different - “male happiness” likes moderate watering, “female happiness”, on the contrary, prefers abundant watering, with copious spraying in the summer. In winter, anthurium should be watered no more than once every 15 days; spathiphyllum should be transferred to moderate watering.

Anthurium and spathiphyllum


Anthurium does not like to swim, so it is better not to spray it, while spathiphyllum simply loves to take a bath on a sunny summer day. When planting in one pot, you should take into account the characteristics of the plants and carry out the procedure carefully.


High humidity is important for both plants, because they come from the tropics. You can maintain it using a humidifier or spraying the air around the plants.


The soil for brotherly flowers is similar - slightly acidic with peat and drainage. Transplantation should be carried out no more than once every three years in the spring. For spathiphyllum, you should put turf soil, leaf soil with peat, as well as humus soil with sand in the pot, with drainage at the bottom.

It is better for Anthurium to take a loose coniferous substrate with leaf and peat soil. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot, cover it with moss, which will help retain moisture, and the plant will feel at home.


Feeding should be done once every 3-4 weeks for Araceae or decorative flowering plants. Spathiphyllum will need this procedure from March to September; for anthurium, the best time to apply fertilizer will be summer.

Spathiphyllum female flower and male anthurium are related plants that look beautiful together and have quite a lot of folk signs associated with family happiness. These plants will not only decorate the house, but also bring joy, happiness and a lot of positivity into it. With the necessary care, plants can easily be propagated with the help of children.

Features of spathiphyllum

This flower is often called “women's happiness.” It comes from tropical rain forests. Many women prefer to grow it at home, as it is believed that it brings happiness to the fair sex. It is recommended to give it to a girl, because, according to legend, it helps her to soon meet her soulmate.

As popular belief says, it is strictly forbidden to give the female spathiphyllum flower into the wrong hands. Thus, you are deprived of your girlish happiness. This plant also feels comfortable in a house with positive energy, where there are no quarrels or conflicts. Serious family crises have a negative impact on indoor plants. Because of them, he may wither and die after a while.

Anthurium - “male happiness”: signs

The flowers of this plant can be red, purple, green. But they are never white .

The leaves of “male happiness” are stiff and bushy . But its belonging to the araceae requires no less care than for a female flower.

Anthurium is a symbol of vitality, passionate love and freedom . It is these qualities that are so valuable for the stronger half.

People are sure that this male flower helps them gain luck and become happy for many, many years .

An anthurium given by a woman will bring excellent health, mutual love into a man’s life, and will set him up for family relationships . And if everything is explained to him thoroughly, then there cannot be a better gift.

Feel free to bring this unusually beautiful flower into your home, and it will create such an atmosphere in it that your loved one will become courageous, courageous and courageous.

Paired with “female happiness,” they will significantly strengthen family understanding , promote attraction and smooth out conflict situations.

How to care for the soil?

As you know, sapatiphyllum loves moist soil, both during the fertilizing period and at other times . Therefore, under no circumstances should it be allowed to dry out. Also, you should never apply fertilizer to dry soil, otherwise you may cause root burn.

Before adding, the flower is watered generously and left for a while to allow the water to drain. You should make sure that the earthen ball is saturated with water and only then feed the flower. After applying the product, the plant is watered again, and the soil is loosened to ensure “breathing” of the roots.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Spathiphyllum is usually fertilized using the root method. Foliar feeding is relevant when there is a sharp lack of certain nutrients, when the plant dies and immediate action needs to be taken.

For flowering

The tropical flower will begin to bloom if complex nutritional preparations are added. They must contain potassium and phosphorus. Fertilizers are diluted according to instructions or at the rate of 1 g per 1000 ml of water. Immediately before the expected flowering, the frequency of fertilizing is increased to 1 time per week. The drug "Agricola" (1 small spoon per liter) has proven itself to be excellent.

It is advisable to alternate the application of mineral complexes and organic matter. A weak solution of mullein (1:30) is quite suitable in order to prevent an excess of nitrogen - the main enemy of budding and flowering.

During flowering

When flowering, spathiphyllum does not need fertilizer. It is better to fertilize immediately after completing this process, because the plant will be quite depleted. In addition, massive foliage takes a lot of nutrients from the soil. To replenish your strength, it is better to use complex liquid preparations.

Description of the flower

The anthurium inflorescence is a spadix surrounded by a brightly colored dense blanket. The color ranges from white to red, sometimes even bicolor or changing from one to another, but most often yellow, orange. The flowers have a faint pleasant scent. From spring to early autumn, flowers appear on one plant one after another, which retain their beauty for a month or more. The plant should be located next to windows facing west or east

The original shape of the inflorescence suggested the name for the plant: translated from Greek, “anthurium” means “tail flower.” The nickname “flamingo” is justified not only by the soft pink color of the perianth, but also by the shape of the Anthurium Scherzer spadix, which gracefully curves like the neck of this bird.

Interesting: For the anthurium to bloom, water the plant several times in a row in February with warm water (+40-45ºC).

The inflorescences are so large that the flower stalks cannot withstand their weight and bend. In this case, you will need to tie it to a support.

If the flowers are not cut, the anthurium forms an ovary, and after 2-3 months the orange-red berries ripen.

How to choose the right time?

How to determine that a plant needs fertilizer?

The first sign that a flower is “hungry” is a deterioration in appearance . A plant that has not been fed for a long time has a pale color, becomes smaller in size and does not bloom. Sometimes there is uneven yellowing of the foliage, as well as its drying out.

In more detail, each sign indicates a lack of one or another element.

For example:

  • If a flower is stunted, it lacks magnesium . This may also be indicated by lethargy and loss of turgor.
  • If the leaves of a flower turn yellow , this indicates that it has used up its vitality and needs comprehensive feeding.
  • Yellow leaves with green veins are evidence that the plant is suffering from chlorosis and lacks iron.
  • If the green pet is healthy, but does not bloom , this is a sign of potassium and phosphorus deficiency. In this case, you need to change the drug.

When should the procedure not be performed?

Cases when applying fertilizer is not recommended:

  1. If less than a month has passed since the transplant. In this case, fresh soil will provide the flower with everything it needs and it does not need fertilizing.
  2. You should not feed a plant that is sick or infested with pests.
  3. A newly purchased flower should not be fertilized, as this can cause serious stress to it. And a plant under stress may drop its buds or stop blooming altogether. The adaptation period after purchase is at least 2 months.
  4. During the cold season, the flower hibernates and does not need nutrition. During this period, the amount of fertilizer is minimized or not applied at all.
  5. If there is a suspicion that the flower is sick with root rot, fertilizing is not carried out. In this case, measures should be taken to treat the flower and then apply fertilizer.

What time of year is best to fertilize?

The most optimal time for feeding is spring-autumn period . This is the time of active growing season after hibernation, when spathiphyllum is fertilized once a week.

At home

Many gardeners prefer to prepare their own flower food using available biomaterial. Spathiphyllum will like:

It is pre-dried. Then they sprinkle the flower, embedding a little coffee into the soil. When watered, bio-raw materials will release their nutrients and vitamins.

Dried tea will be an excellent source of microelements for spathiphyllum. In addition, it has bactericidal properties and perfectly heals the soil. Dry tea leaves are scattered over the surface of the pot, slightly embedded in the soil. A side effect of using this fertilizer is the appearance of small midges.

The powdered skin is embedded in the soil. This recharge will last for at least 30 days. And to prepare a nutritious infusion you will need a liter of cold water and a banana peel. After infusion for 24 hours, the product is filtered and used for watering once every 12 days.

Fresh greens (about 100 g) are poured with a liter of boiling water and left for 24 hours. Then a solution for watering is prepared by diluting 100 ml of concentrate in 1000 ml of water.

A solution of ordinary brewer's yeast nourishes the soil with B-group vitamins, which activate growth. They also contain fungi and phytohormones that restore soil microflora. Raw or dry yeast is suitable for preparing the solution. Per liter of warm water you will need 15 g of raw or 3 g of dry matter + 25 g of sand. The infusion is kept for a couple of hours, then diluted in a ratio of 1:5 and used as fertilizer.

This is a real storehouse of vitamins and nutrients for spathiphyllum. All useful components are in an easy-to-digest form. The serum helps normalize soil microflora, improves flower immunity, and prevents the development of fungal diseases.

Used for both root and foliar feeding. In the first case, the soil is pre-wetted, and the product itself is diluted in a ratio of 1:10.

Acts as a powerful growth stimulator. Apply from early spring to mid-July. Frequency of use: twice a month. To prepare the vitamin composition, you will need one pharmaceutical tablet per liter of water. After dissolution, the product is ready for use.

Timing and frequency of application

From the beginning of spring to the end of August, spathiphyllum requires mineral supplements that will help it properly emerge from winter dormancy. Dry complex fertilizers are diluted in a small dosage - 1 g per 1000 ml of water. The plant is watered first.

Note. Preliminary watering helps protect the root system from burns and ensures uniform distribution of nutrients.

Liquid specialized fertilizers are diluted according to the instructions indicated on the packaging.

Fertilizers must be applied regularly. The optimal regimen is twice a month. In winter, if the plant is kept at a temperature no higher than +16, no fertilizing is done at all. If the flower is warm, fertilizers are applied, but less often - once a month.

Useful video

We invite you to watch an informative video about spathiphyllum and anthurium:

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Spathiphyllum “Women’s Happiness” and Anthurium “Male Happiness”, if you believe the signs, help very well in family matters. Already, many women have been able to find or improve their family well-being with their help, so this can be considered much more than superstition. Plants also serve as a talisman and protect against rivals and ill-wishers.

Step-by-step instructions: how to carry out the procedure?

You can find out how to fertilize the “female happiness” flower below.

Natural remedies

The most effective home remedies:

  • Coffee grounds . After the coffee has been drunk, the grounds are not thrown away, but poured into the pot. Subsequently, when watered, the coffee grounds will release beneficial substances to the soil.
  • Tea leaves are an excellent source of vitamins and microelements for spathiphyllum. After the tea is drunk, the tea leaves are dried and added to the pot, it works in the same way as coffee grounds.
  • Banana peel . Before use, the peel is dried and then ground into powder, after which it is embedded in the soil.

You can also prepare an infusion from banana peels. To do this, pour the skin of one banana with a liter of cold water and leave for 24 hours. After which the product is filtered and added to the pot once every 12 days.

  • Nettle infusion . To prepare, fresh nettle greens are crushed and poured with a liter of boiling water, then infused for 24 hours. The resulting concentrate is diluted in the proportion of 100 g of infusion per 1 liter of water.
  • Milk serum . Before use, the serum is diluted with warm water in a ratio of 1:10. After which the plant is watered at the root.
  • Succinic acid is a powerful growth stimulator. To feed, 1 tablet of the product is dissolved in 1 liter of water. The plant is fed by the root method.
  • Ready-made products

    Before use, ready-made fertilizers are diluted with water in the proportions indicated on the package. In this case, only boiled or distilled water should be used. After the product has completely dissolved, water the flower with it, strictly observing the norm.

    If the spraying method is used, the product is diluted in a weaker concentration. In this case, the dosage is reduced by 2-3 times compared to that indicated on the package.

    Preparations for feeding spathiphyllum:

  • Special fertilizers “For aroids”.
  • Universal products for indoor plants.
  • Tablet preparations containing basic elements and trace elements.
  • Liquid fertilizers for flowering.

The most popular of them:

The importance of fertilizing for “female happiness”

Proper feeding is the key to the health and longevity of spathiphyllum .
In this case, you need to strictly observe the dosage, frequency, and also choose the right product. In addition, the timing of application is of great importance. At the initial stage (immediately after planting), spathiphyllum does not require fertilizers; the soil provides everything it needs. But over time, the soil becomes depleted, and the flower begins to “starve”. The reason is the limited space of the pot, and therefore the feeding area. This is why fertilizing is of great importance.

Otherwise, the decorative effect will be lost, the plant will become weak, the color of the foliage will become dull, growth and development will stop, and flowering will stop. Over time, such a flower dies.

Can I keep it at home?

Like many araceae, anthurium juice contains calcium oxalate, which causes irritation to the skin and mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth. For this reason, the plant is considered slightly toxic. It is safe as long as you do not taste the leaves. During flowering, an allergy to pollen may occur.

Do not allow children or pets to play with the flower or pick or chew the leaves. Its juice is poisonous and can cause harm.

Like most indoor flowers, anthurium cleanses the atmosphere in the house: dense leaves absorb harmful substances (toluene and xylene). The high air humidity necessary for the plant also benefits its owners.

When buying an anthurium, make sure that the selected specimen is not infected with greenhouse parasites. The leaves should be dense and elastic, without spots, growths or cobwebs.

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