Spathiphyllum flower - propagation at home

How does spathiphyllum reproduce in natural conditions?

The flower has gained popularity due to its ease of care and beautiful appearance. If you like spathiphyllum, there should be no questions about how to propagate it; it’s worth seeing how it copes with it in natural conditions.

What does a spathiphyllum flower look like?

For your information! This plant grows best in swampy forests and on the shores of a warm lake or river. This is due to the fact that the plant loves a humid climate; even temperature is not such an important criterion. It reproduces by seed.

What determines the characteristics of reproduction at home?

Spathiphyllum has a special structure: the flower does not have a stem at all, so the leaves and flowers grow directly from the ground. Because of this, some types of reproduction are not available, and some care is also required.

A flower in a pot requires special conditions

You should pay attention to the growth of the flower in natural conditions. It does not like direct sunlight, but in the absence of light it may stop blooming. The air humidity should be high enough for the spathiphyllum to feel good. At the same time, it is worth watering the flower if the soil is completely dry, since otherwise the leaves will begin to rot at the base due to water retention.

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When flowering, the plant produces a bud on a long stem (40-50 cm).
The inflorescence resembles an ear. The beauty of the flower is given by the white leaves covering the cob. Over time, they turn green and turn into regular leaves. Usually the plant blooms in the spring, but if the maintenance conditions are met, it can bloom 2 times a year. Sometimes homemade spathiphyllum grows, forms a fluffy bush, but does not produce flowers. It is necessary to check the conditions of its maintenance, make sure it is properly cared for, increase the humidity, ensure regular watering 2 times a week and fertilization.

If all conditions are met correctly, you can move the plant to another location. Preferably with an influx of fresh air (not in winter). Low temperatures at night stimulate flowering. The flower will not bloom if the pot is chosen incorrectly. The potty requirements are described above. If this condition is not met, a transplant must be performed.

Spathiphyllum can be induced to flower by subjecting it to stress. To do this, do not water for several days. Then transfer to a cool place for 2-3 days. Then put the flower in its original place, continuing normal care, and wait for flowering.

Step-by-step guide to propagation from cuttings

Spathiphyllum Domino flower - home care

When asked how easier it is to propagate spathiphyllum at home, flower growers answer - with cuttings. They are leaf rosettes that separate from the adult plant. If they have small roots, then they can be immediately planted in the soil, and if they are absent, you can get the root part yourself.

Reproduction of spathiphyllum by stems

From the stems

Taking a shoot from spathiphyllum is not so difficult: you need to carefully cut off the leaf rosette from the mother plant. The following steps should be followed:

  1. Place drainage at the bottom of an individual pot.
  2. Place the shoot containing the rhizome into the pot. In this case, you should carefully straighten the roots in the pot.
  3. It is recommended to hold the shoot while the substrate is poured into the pot.
  4. Pour water at room temperature.

Important! If the shoot does not have formed roots, you need to help the spathiphyllum acquire them. It doesn't require much effort, but success is guaranteed.

From leaves

Not everyone knows how spathiphyllum reproduces, so if you like this flower from friends or relatives, you should not ask for a leaf to germinate the plant at home. This propagation method is not suitable for this type of flower.

Leaf planting

Sooner or later you will want to increase your plantation of these beautiful plants. First of all, we will warn those who have not grown spathiphyllum before from making mistakes. It cannot reproduce by leaf.

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Unlike, for example, begonia, a spathiphyllum leaf dipped in water will simply rot without giving roots. The same thing will happen if you immediately stick it into the ground, as is done with many succulents. Flower growers practice propagation of spathiphyllum by cuttings or division of rhizomes.

It is, of course, possible to use seeds, but it is complicated by many factors, which will be discussed below.

How to germinate spathiphyllum shoots in water

Why does spathiphyllum not bloom at home?

It became clear how to take a spathiphyllum shoot, but nothing is clear about rooting. First you need to prepare the water in which the process will be carried out, since regular tap water will not work. Spathiphyllum requires a certain acidic habitat with a pH of 5 or 6.

Note! The secret to success is the use of activated carbon. It is this that needs to be crushed and added to water.

Rooting spathiphyllum in water

Rooting a shoot is not difficult: you need to place it in a container with water and coal and keep it there until roots appear. But subsequently it is required to plant it only in certain soil. The soil should be prepared from sphagnum, peat and perlite. It is also recommended to keep the new plant in a greenhouse until the cutting gets stronger. After this, it will be possible to transplant the flower to a permanent place.

Quality soil

When replanting spathiphyllum or planting a plant yourself, you need to pay special attention to the soil in which you plan to plant your plant. It is very important to remember that the roots of spathiphyllum species or hybrids must be able to stretch, grow and move freely in the soil, otherwise they will rot. You also need to take into account that in the natural environment the soil is enriched with nutrients, so the plant must be periodically fed after planting.

The most suitable soil for spathiphyllum is loose, porous soil. You can purchase a substrate for plants of the araceae family, soil for ferns, or a universal mixture for flowering tropical plants. You can also prepare the soil mixture yourself according to one of the recipes from practicing flower growers:

  1. soil (for example, from a pine forest or garden soil), 20% peat moss, 20% perlite, 30% orchid mixture (contains cedar chips, charcoal, gravel), compost;
  2. earth, peat, sand / perlite / vermiculite in proportions 1:1:1 (it is recommended to use soil of different origins - for example, turf and garden);
  3. earth, humus, peat, sand, dry moss in equal proportions + mandatory drainage from expanded clay, polystyrene foam, etc.

To plant spathiphyllum, choose a low pot with a diameter of 20 cm (take into account the size of the plant) made of plastic or unglazed ceramic. Please note that your spathiphyllum will bloom only when the roots grow in the soil of the flowerpot.

Instructions for growing from seeds

Spathiphyllum - home care

Propagation by spathiphyllum seeds is the most labor-intensive process. This event takes a lot of time and effort. It is recommended to purchase seeds for sowing at a specialized store. At the same time, it is worth paying attention to the expiration date: half of even fresh seeds may not sprout.

Obtaining flower seeds

Important! Spathiphyllum seeds quickly lose their similarity, so they need to be sown immediately after collection. To ripen, they will need to be pollinated by an adult flower that is in the flowering stage.

For sowing, use a small container (you can use a plate). It is recommended to mix the soil from sand and peat, taken in equal proportions. It is worth sowing in moist, but not wet soil, and place the container in a greenhouse. The greenhouse needs to maintain a temperature of about 25 °C. Watering is required using a spray bottle. When seedlings begin to appear, it is worth starting to ventilate from time to time, since excess moisture can contribute to the appearance of mold.

Further care of seedlings

The first weeks after transplantation, the plant must be provided with proper care to promote rapid growth and development:

  • Cover with a plastic cap to create the most humid environment possible.
  • Optimize watering by watering only when the top layer of soil dries out.
  • Provide diffused light, shade the flower, preventing ultraviolet rays from reaching the delicate leaves.
  • Periodically spray the leaf plates with a spray bottle.

Advice . If the leaves begin to wither, they need to be sprayed several times a day.

How to properly divide spathiphyllum when transplanting

The easiest way to propagate a flower is by dividing the bush. But not everyone knows how to properly divide spathiphyllum when transplanting. For an adult plant, this action is useful, since in this way it is possible to remove a large number of young rosettes that take nutrients from the soil.

Replanting a flower requires a lot of space, since everything will be covered with soil.

It is recommended to carry out the process of dividing the mother bush in the spring, before the growing season begins. For good development, the delenka must have leaf rosettes. It is worth trying not to damage the root system too much. The root collar of a young plant should be at the same level as that of the mother.

Note! It is necessary to carefully select the size of an individual pot for the plant: in a large pot the root system will develop intensively, which will delay flowering. It is recommended to choose a medium-sized container so that not only the leaves develop.

Before starting the procedure, you need to water the plant generously to remove the flower along with a lump of earth. This will also help cause less damage to the root system. It is worth carefully rinsing the roots from the soil and untangling them. In this case, the separation will be easier to carry out. The cut areas need to be treated by sprinkling with charcoal or activated carbon and leaving to dry for a while.

It is recommended to purchase soil for planting aroid plants or mix it yourself. For this you will need:

  • coarse river sand;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • turf.

The rhizome of each division must be inspected and all dead parts removed. Each plant is planted in individual pots, spreading the fragile roots over the surface of the soil and carefully covering them with soil. Only after this is it necessary to carefully compact the soil.

You can mix the soil for spathiphyllum yourself

It is recommended to follow the step-by-step propagation instructions so that the flower subsequently takes root faster. But, if you like spathiphyllum, propagating the plant will bring joy, regardless of the complexity of the process.

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