How to grow lilies indoors: master class with photos and videos

House lily and its varieties

The perennial crop is distinguished by a fleshy stem and has a different arrangement of foliage. Greens can be collected near the bulb or evenly distributed along the stem. The main advantage of the plant is its large flowers of 6 petals with a rich aroma.

There are many types of lilies suitable for home care:

  • Citronella, “Dwarf” – height up to 60 cm, flowers have small bent petals with a diameter of 5 cm.
  • Royal Gold, “Home”, “Long-flowered”, “Regal” - funnel-shaped flowers.
  • “Taiwanese”, “Miss Rio”, “Garden Party” are ideal for home use. They have compact bushes up to 40 cm high and large flowers.
  • “Asian” - practically odorless, large flowers with spots, stripes, and dots.
  • Grand Commander, “Beautiful”, “Gilded”, “Empress of China” - bowl flowers.

Types of lilies

How can you water a lily?

Like other flowering plants, it is recommended to water the lily with soft, settled water at room temperature. Along with watering or immediately after it, growth stimulants and various liquid fertilizers can be added (Figure 5). For example, after the sprouts appear, a solution of nitroammophoska is added to the soil and a similar procedure is repeated after the buds appear.

Figure 5. Basic fertilizing for this type of flower

Immediately before flowering, superphosphate and potassium magnesium dissolved in water are added to the soil. In general, all root feeding must be combined with watering, and not apply fertilizers on dry soil. Growth stimulants and anti-stress drugs, diluted in water for irrigation, are used in the spring to protect the plant from the harmful effects of frost.

Growing lilies at home

Plants are grown from seeds and bulbs. When using the first method, the bushes are less susceptible to diseases and insect pests. With proper care at home, flowering occurs already in the second year after planting the seeds.

How to grow a lily from seeds

Buy planting material or prepare it yourself. The best time for sowing is March. If you choose February, then illuminate the seedlings with a phytolamp. Landing is carried out as follows:

  1. Fill the box with fertile soil.
  2. Scatter the seeds over the soil. The distance between them is at least 1 cm.
  3. Place a layer of sand on top.
  4. Water and cover the box with glass or a transparent bag.
  5. Store the container where it is warm and dark. The air temperature should be 20–22 degrees. Make sure the soil is always slightly moist.
  6. When sprouts appear, place the box in the light, away from direct sunlight. For full development there must be a 12-hour daylight hours.
  7. After 2-3 leaves appear, pluck the bulbs.

Seeds and first shoots of lily

Growing lilies from a bulb

You can plant several different bulbs in one pot. Subsequently, you will get an interesting flower arrangement. Please note that white lilies are grown only from bulbs:

  1. Choose planting material without rot or damage.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the container, add light fertile soil and river sand. The pot should be half full.
  3. Place the planting material in the center, straighten the roots, and cover with soil mixture. The soil should cover the bulbs halfway.
  4. Place the pot in a cool, dark place, protected from strong drafts. Fresh air and light ventilation are important for the culture, so care at home will be correct if you take them out onto the balcony, veranda, loggia.
  5. The soil should be moist and the air should be warm.

Planting a lily bulb in a pot

How to choose planting material to plant a lily at home

When choosing bulbs when purchasing, do not hesitate to take a good look at them. The surface of the planting material should be free of rotten areas, diaper rash, cracks and other damage. The bulb should be elastic and heavy. The average weight of one full lily bulb should be close to 4 g.

Asian and Oriental hybrids, dwarf and long-flowered species are suitable for growing at home.

Among Asian hybrids, the Elodie variety with double, large, pale pink flowers is popular. The height of this beauty does not exceed 50 cm, which is ideal for growing in a pot. Oriental hybrids are also suitable for indoor growing, but here I would like to warn you about the strong aroma of flowers in lilies of this group. Prominent representatives of Eastern hybrid varieties: Farolito (height up to 50 cm); Magni Korz (from 40 to 50 cm); Rodolphe (40-5 cm).

Is it possible to plant lilies in pots immediately, without prior preparation? It is not advisable to carry out such a planting; it is better to perform some preliminary procedures:

  1. Cooling period - from 2 to 3 weeks, the bulbs are kept in a household refrigerator (vegetable drawer) at an optimal temperature of +3+5C.
  2. Soaking for disinfection - before planting, the bulbs are soaked in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for 2 hours or Fitosporin (30 minutes).
  3. Stimulation - before planting, it is recommended to soak lily planting material for about 12 hours in root formation stimulants (potato juice, honey solution or Epin).

Caring for indoor lilies during growth and flowering

Water the plants regularly and add nutrient mixtures. Basic rules for caring for lilies at home:

  1. Before the buds appear, spray the plants with cool, soft water, a growth stimulator. Don't get caught in the inflorescences. After the procedure, shade the flowers, otherwise burns may occur.
  2. When the height of the plants reaches 9–12 cm, take them to the balcony. Accustom your flowers to fresh air gradually. Start with 20-30 minutes of “walking”. Increase the hardening time by 30 minutes every day. When the air temperature is below -12 degrees, it is not recommended to take out lilies.
  3. If there are many flowers on the bush, install a support.

Watering and spraying

All types of lilies need a lot of moisture. When the soil dries out, the flowers do not grow and wither. To avoid this, water them every 3-4 days. Use boiled, settled, rain or melt water. Remember that after watering with hard water, a white coating appears in the pot, which does not allow air to pass through. Salts will settle on the roots and hinder their growth.

Lilies and other flowers on the balcony

Loosening and fertilizing

For better air and moisture permeability, loosen the soil to a depth of 4–6 cm without touching the roots. Do this after every watering. Feed lilies with complex fertilizers for flowers - “Flower”, from Bona Forte “For all indoor plants”, “Good Power”, Pokon. Feeding is recommended every 7–9 days. In addition, adhere to the following feeding schedule:

  1. After planting the bulbs.
  2. When releasing flower stalks.
  3. After flowering, before wintering.

Disease and pest control

Gray rot

SignsCausesHow to fight
  • The leaves lose their elasticity and turn brown along the edges.
  • The sickest areas are covered with gray mold.
  • High soil moisture.
  • Failure to comply with temperature conditions.
  1. Remove diseased parts.
  2. Treat the greens with Topsin-M, Fundazol, and copper sulfate.


SignsCausesHow to fight
  • Red elongated spots appear.
  • The flower dies.
  • Temperature changes.
  • Waterlogged soil.
  • Infected seeds or bulbs.
  1. Treatment of affected areas of the flower with “Oxychom”, “Maxim”, “Abiga-Peak”.
  2. Immerse the seeds or bulbs in a solution with fungicides for 30 minutes, then dry for 2 days.

Fungus gnat or sciarid

SignsCausesHow to fight
  • Poor growth.
  • Withered foliage.
  • Lack of inflorescences.
Soggy soil.
  1. It is necessary to reduce watering.
  2. Remove dead parts of the plant.
  3. Remove the bulbs, remove any rot, and sprinkle with charcoal.
  4. Replace the soil with fresh, permeable soil.
  5. Treat the surfaces of the room with products such as Raptor, Raid or NEO Dichlorvos.

Amaryllis or mealybugs

SignsCausesHow to fight
  • Twisted green.
  • Gradual death of lilies.
Dry conditions.
  1. Regular spraying.
  2. Treatment with insecticides - “Aktara”, “Konfidor”, “Tanrek”, “Biotlin”, “Confidant”, “Calypso”, “Mospilan”, “Fitoverm”.

Spider mite

SignsCausesHow to fight
Thin cobwebs on the foliage.Dry air.
  1. Wash the foliage with soapy water.
  2. Additionally, treat with acaricides - “Akarin”, “Fitoverm”, “Sunmite”, “Kleschevit”.
  3. Next is traditional care.


SignsCausesHow to fight
Buds, flowers with stripes, unevenly colored.
  1. Sick plants should be burned.
  2. Disposal of contaminated containers and soil.

What to do to prevent the bulbs from growing ahead of time

As soon as you purchase the bulbs, you should take care of their safety. Temperature range within 0 - 5 degrees Celsius. The ideal place is the bottom shelves of the refrigerator or a basement that is well ventilated.

It is undesirable for there to be excessive dampness - the bulbs can rot or become moldy; early germination occurs due to high humidity. But overdrying is no less dangerous - the root system and the surface of the bulb itself should not be dry.

Place a handful of peat or moss, moistened just a little, into the bag. Light should not penetrate (germination also begins). Periodically remove the bags and ventilate them. Do not place planting material next to fruits and vegetables. They emit ethylene, which prevents the bulbs from breathing and receiving oxygen.

Now you know what to do if lily bulbs sprouted in March. With the right approach, you can grow wonderful flowers in any convenient way.

How to care for indoor lilies after flowering

With the arrival of cold weather, house lilies in a pot dry out and “fall asleep.” At this stage the following care is needed:

  1. After the foliage turns yellow, slightly moisten the soil and apply a minimal amount of fertilizer every 6–8 days. Thus, the bulbs will be saturated with useful substances from the ground in order to produce strong sprouts for next year.
  2. When the greens dry out, stop watering and do not fertilize.
  3. Cut off the above-ground part, leaving stumps 4–6 cm high.
  4. Dig up the bulbs and place them in a plastic bag with damp sawdust and moss. Store the material in a cold room, at a temperature of 3–6 degrees.

Transplanting indoor lilies at home

Dividing the lily bulb during replanting.
Annual replanting with complete renewal of the soil is recommended:

  1. Dig up the bulbs and clear away the soil.
  2. Separate the children and place them in pots. The small bulbs will continue to grow throughout the winter.
  3. Inspect large bulbs, remove rot and damaged parts. Treat the cut areas with crushed activated charcoal or charcoal.
  4. Disinfect the material by immersing it in a solution with fungicides or manganese for 30 minutes.
  5. Dry the bulbs on paper or cloth and store them as described above.
  6. In spring, plant the material in pots with nutritious soil.

What can you use to moisten the soil for lilies?

Watering lilies: video

Like other flower crops with the flowering process, the lily must be watered with soft, warm and settled water. The temperature should be room temperature. You can add a growth-stimulating solution to the water; it can be purchased at garden-themed stores.

Before the flowering process itself, it is worth watering the lily with a solution of superphosphate or potassium magnesium. Remember that all procedures for applying fertilizers to the soil should be carried out after it has been moistened. It is not recommended to fertilize in dry soil. It is worth spraying the plant with solutions that stimulate growth only in the spring season, so as not to expose the lily to cold weather. A consultant in a specialized garden-themed store will definitely help you choose the right fertilizers and stimulating solutions. Even if you are sure that the plant needs some kind of supplement, it is recommended to consult with employees of specialized stores.

Problems when growing indoor lilies

Often lilies refuse to produce buds or their greenery turns yellow and dries. This occurs not only due to disease, but also due to improper care. Common causes of problems are temperature changes, insufficiently moistened soil and air, lack of nutrition, unsuitable containers, and lack of a rest period.

Why does the indoor lily not bloom?

Indoor lily without flowers
Buds may not appear for the following reasons:

  1. Lack of moisture in the ground and air. Care - water and spray the plant more often.
  2. Changes in temperature, which leads to rotting of the bulbs. Keeping lilies in a room with a constant mild climate will help to avoid this.
  3. Lack of light and fresh air. The solution is to move the lily to a well-ventilated area with bright, indirect light.
  4. The pot is too wide, in which the growth of children and green mass occurs. The solution is to transplant the lily into a smaller container.
  5. No rest period. Care - in the fall, move the pot to a cool, shaded place.

Why do lily leaves dry out?

Dried leaf of a house lily
This problem is the most common. Changes in foliage color indicate the following:

  1. Autumn has arrived, so yellowing of greenery is natural. Caring for lilies at home is traditional - preparing for dormancy, keeping the flower in the cold.
  2. Wet foliage may be exposed to direct sunlight, causing burns. You need to move the pot to a room with diffused light, water or spray the plant in the evening or early in the morning.
  3. Dry air. Care - place a humidifier and a container of water next to the lilies. In addition, a flower pot can be placed on moistened stones, expanded clay, or moss.
  4. Lack of nutrition leads to disruption of the process of photosynthesis and suspension of chlorophyll production. When plants are actively developing, nourish them with complex compounds. When caring, mixtures with a high content of potassium and iron are especially recommended: 2 tsp. citric acid + 7–9 g of iron sulfate + 3 liters of cool water.

Proper watering of lily bulbs

Small flowers look great in small containers for plants and are very pleasing with their flowering process, especially if it does not take place at the usual time. To obtain this effect, you need to water the plants abundantly.

The most important thing is not to create a swamp, because too much water when watering lilies contributes to rotting of the bulbs and death of the plant.

In the summer season, you need to moisten the soil daily, but at the same time make sure that excess moisture does not linger in the soil. Plant plants in advance in containers with a drainage layer. Check that the soil moisture is moderate.

Description, characteristics of the plant

Indoor lily flowers have the following description:

  • stem about 70 cm high, fleshy;
  • leaf blades are wide at the base and elongated towards the ends, color is a light shade of green;
  • The flowers are cup-shaped, the color of the petals varies depending on the type of lily.

The size of the inflorescences is from 15 to 30 cm, the buds are about 10 cm.

The species diversity of indoor lilies is enormous

A lily in a pot, depending on its species, may have a pronounced, strong aroma, or no odor at all.

Oriental hybrids whose bush height does not exceed 80 cm are suitable for home cultivation.

The lily has faded - what to do?

When the flower has already bloomed, you can prepare to prepare the plant for winter. However, you should not immediately cut off the stems and leaves! After flowering, the plant gains strength for the winter dormant period. Therefore, it is necessary to give the lily time to fully recover. And cut off the completely dry leaves and stems.

Now you can dig up the bulbs and wash them in running water. After drying, the bulbs can be sent for storage. You can store them directly in the pot until next season.

Good afternoon. Is it possible to grow lilies at home or in the office during the winter? Thank you.

Irina Maksimova

You can do forcing bulbs in winter. Very interesting! You just need to take care of additional lighting. You can read about forcing lilies and varieties suitable for this on the website: And here it is written very well about preparing bulbs for forcing: https://flower-s(dot) narod (dot) ru/html/frame-flowers(dot) html?https://flower-s.narod(dot) ru/html/flowers/home/lilia(dot) html Replace the word “dot” with a dot. It’s very beautiful, with photographs of forcing placed according to growth stages. You can guess the timing of flowering for the holiday. Once upon a time, I grew tulips and hyacinths at work for March 8th. It didn't turn out bad. The only thing that can be difficult at work is increasing the length of daylight hours. If you work in a place where everyone goes home after 8 hours of work, you will have to take care of a timer to turn the lights on and off at the required time. I wish you success! )))

Nikita Ivanov


Galya Gavrilova

yes you can, I grew a tulip.

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