Dieffenbachia leaves: turn yellow, dry at the edges, small drops on the bottom, what to do, why this happens

Direct sunlight

When direct rays of the sun hit the leaves of Dieffenbachia, yellow-brown burns are formed, which lead to yellowing and drying of the entire leaf.

It should be remembered that Dieffenbachia should not be kept in the sun, but in partial shade..

In summer, the plant should be placed on a south-eastern window, where the sun's rays will hit it only in the morning.

Here the lighting will be sufficient for good growth, but without direct sun. If this is not possible and Dieffenbachia grows on a south-facing window, it must be shaded to avoid burns.

In winter, the flower requires fairly intense lighting. It is better to move it to the most illuminated windowsill. Winter sun rays will not harm the flower; you should not be afraid of direct sun during the cold season.

Why the edges and middle of the leaves turn yellow: reasons

Dieffenbachia gets sick quickly and unexpectedly.
It would seem that everything is in order, but a certain moment comes, and your health suddenly disappears. This is the difficulty of the disease - to detect it, you will have to conduct many experiments to find out the exact source of the problem. The only case when you shouldn’t worry is when a flower has recently appeared in the house. Perhaps you just recently bought it, and it is already showing signs of illness. The fact is that a flower, like a person, experiences “stress” in a new team . Namely due to changes in living conditions.

This will be especially noticeable if you bought Dieffenbachia in a retail store. There, the flowers are “fed” with stimulants, and after you bring it home, it stops receiving the dose.

But there may still be danger. You should check the flower for the presence of the following elements :

  1. Inspect the pot, and then put it aside. You need to look for various insects or questionable spots.
  2. If you find dangers, immediately start changing the soil and quickly pickle the flower.
  3. If the flower is clean, then urgently replanting is not necessary. It’s better to wait a couple of days, paying attention to his well-being.

But you still need to change the soil. Those additives that were fed to the flower in the store leave the new soil after 2-3 watering cycles.

The following explains why the tips and central part of the leaves of a flower may turn yellow if left for a long time at home.

Leaves dry out due to time

Your flower is already more than a year old and you have noticed that from time to time its lower leaves turn yellow and dry out. There is no problem here - this is a feature of Dieffenbachia. Over time, it becomes similar to a false palm due to its long stem and bushy top.
To maintain an acceptable appearance of the plant, it is enough to do the following:

  1. replant the flower in soil endowed with nutrients - do this at least 3-4 years;
  2. provide the flower with good lighting;
  3. do not forget about the watering and fertilizing regimes.

But even if the lower leaves still turn yellow and dry out, don’t worry, this is how it should be.

Lack or excess of light

If all this time you thought that Dieffenbachia needed more light, forget it. An overdose of sun, in particular from direct rays, is as harmful as a deficiency. Plus, in addition to the yellowness of the leaves, a flower overheated by the sun gets burned . The edges of the leaves will become dry and begin to curl, and brown spots may appear in the center of the leaf. The plant gradually dies.

To avoid this, in the summer months the pot with Dieffenbachia is moved away from the south side. She feels most comfortable in the southeast and southwest directions. Are the windows facing north? Great, there the plant will be saturated with soft diffused light.

In winter, another problem arises - lack of light. The flower will be pale and elongated. The stem seems to be reaching towards the light. This can be corrected by providing the plant with an excellent source of artificial light. In the morning and evening the lights are turned on over the Dieffenbachia . It is important that it is “cold”. The procedure should last 2-3 hours.

Temperature instability

Pay attention to where your flower is located during the off-season.
If, for example, in winter you decide to ventilate the room, and there is a flower in a draft, prepare for the fact that the leaves of the flower will soon begin to turn yellow. The problem becomes worse if you combine a cold spell with a flower transplant . A rotting process may occur. And what’s most “funny” is that it is impossible to discover that the roots are sick without digging up the entire plant. But still there are characteristic signs. The leaves may become limp and therefore turn yellow. It will be quite difficult to correct the situation.

Dry air

The causes of this problem may be the operation of heaters and batteries. And in summer you don’t even need any “amplifiers” - the air is always stuffy. Here, you can help the flower by observing a regular watering regime.

In winter the situation is different. It is aggravated by different heating systems.

Several times a month, Dieffenbachia can be “pampered” with warm water.

Violation of the watering regime

You shouldn't go from one extreme to another.
Less watering is bad. A lot of watering is the same. Moreover, if you overdo it, the plant will begin to rot. At first it will just be yellowing and discoloration of the leaves at the edges. After some time, the whole flower will become like this. To determine the ideal option, there are some instructions. Dip your finger into the ground and note for yourself at what depth the soil is dry. Let’s say the finger fits into the phalanx without difficulty and doesn’t stick to the ground—the plant needs to be watered.

Small “living space”

Dieffenbachia may begin to protest in the form of yellowing leaves if there is not enough space for it . The roots of the plant had grown so much that they occupied the entire pot. You can verify this by conducting a small experiment.

Near the bottom of the flower, grab the stem. If a dense tangle of roots appears from the pot, the problem is really in the pot. If the ground rises, then everything is in order.

The soil is not suitable

Dieffenbachia does not tolerate being in heavy soil . The soil should be as follows:

  • lightweight, permeable to air and moisture;
  • reaction - 5.6;
  • the composition should include sand, peat and charcoal.

Little or much food

Failure to apply fertilizers in a timely manner significantly affects the yellowness of the leaves.
And it is better to underfeed than to overfeed, since it is not easy to remove excess amounts of fertilizer from the ground. At the very least, this will take a lot of time. In addition, while the soil is being cleaned, Dieffenbachia is poisoned. Well, torture yourself and the flower - replant it in new soil. There are some principles in applying fertilizers :

  1. Transplanting a flower into new soil - after, or after, 1-1.5 months.
  2. From April to September, apply fertilizer every 13-15 days.
  3. From October to March, give the flower a rest.

Note! If you apply fertilizer and the edges of the leaves begin to turn yellow, you have overused the fertilizer. With deficit it’s a little different. The leaves turn pale, starting from the center along the veins, or between them.


If you suspect a disease, it is better to immediately transfer the flower to new soil , checking the roots and treating them with a fungicide.

Impact of insect pests

Yellow spots have appeared on the flower, something sticky remains on your fingers when you touch it, brown plaques, cobwebs - your flower has been attacked by insects.

How to help Dieffenbachia:

  1. Dilute laundry soap in water.
  2. Soak a piece of cotton wool in it.
  3. Start wiping the leaves from the very top to the beginning. The barrel also needs to be processed.
  4. Remove leaves that are too damaged.
  5. Spray the plant with insecticide. If a mite has settled on a flower, an acaricide will be needed.
  6. Follow this treatment every 5-6 days for the entire month.

If there were other flowers near the affected plant, inspect them.

It's time to learn how to care for yellowing Dieffenbachia.

Description of the plant - main characteristics

Dieffenbachia has a fleshy and strong stem on which variegated and large leaves are located. This plant has a distinctive feature in the form of an interesting pattern on the surface of the leaf blades. They have stripes with a blurred outline and small spots of light color.

Dieffenbachia grows well at home, and with quality care it can grow up to 2 meters in height in 3 years. This plant is often used in interior decoration; it is used not only in apartments, but also in public organizations.

Important! You should be aware that the juice of Dieffenbachia tissue is poisonous and can cause burns to the mucous membranes or skin. Contact with the poisonous part is most dangerous for children and animals.

There are 40 varieties of this plant in the world and each of them has distinctive features in color and size:

  • Dieffenbachia charming grows up to one and a half meters, its leaf blades are up to 28 cm in length;
  • dieffenbachia spotted is distinguished by a dense stem and oval leaf blades with variegated colors;
  • Dieffenbachia Leopolda is a low-growing variety with a green stem with blue-red spots, leaves about 30 cm long;
  • Dieffenbachia Baumann is distinguished by large leaf blades that grow up to 75 cm in length, they are colored green and covered with light spots;
  • Dieffenbachia Oersted has cone-shaped leaves in emerald color with a white stripe in the middle.

All available varieties of Dieffenbachia are beautiful and take root well at home. In order for them to feel comfortable, it is important to create suitable conditions that are close to natural.

Caring for Dieffenbachia at home

Growing conditions

Dieffenbachia prefers bright, diffused light without direct sunlight, and varieties with variegated leaves need more light than those with solid green leaves, otherwise their original color will fade. The best place for this rather large plant is at a distance of a meter or two from a brightly lit window. You can keep Dieffenbachia not so close to the window, but then you will have to use additional artificial lighting. The temperature in summer is preferably from 20 to 30 ºC, in winter - not lower than 15 ºC, and remember - no drafts, or Dieffenbachia will begin to lose leaves.

Dieffenbachia should be watered generously in the warm season, but the soil in the pot should not resemble liquid mud. In the cold season, watering is accordingly reduced, but the earthen ball should not dry out even in winter. Dieffenbachia requires high air humidity (65%), so spraying and washing the leaves is necessary, and the more often you do this, the better Dieffenbachia will feel.

For watering, wiping, and spraying, you can only use settled or boiled water. Sometimes, however, you can give a plant, if it is small in size, a cold shower, but the water should not get into the soil.

Caring for Dieffenbachia involves seasonal feeding. Dieffenbachia is fertilized, like most other plants, in the spring and summer, applying liquid mineral or organic fertilizers that do not contain lime once a decade in half the recommended dose. By the way, varieties of Dieffenbachia with white leaves lose this varietal property from the nitrogen contained in complex fertilizers, becoming greenish, so they are not fertilized with organic matter, and mineral fertilizers are applied once every 20 days.

How to transplant

Dieffenbachia is transplanted as the roots fill the space of the pot, sometimes you have to do this twice a year, and the best time for this procedure is from February to May. Choose a pot a couple of centimeters in diameter larger than the old one, put a decent layer of drainage in it and transfer the Dieffenbachia with an earthen lump, but cleared of adhering fragments of the old drainage, into a new pot. Then add the required amount of fresh slightly acidic loose substrate, consisting of two parts of leaf soil, one part of peat, one part of crushed sphagnum and half of river sand.

How to trim

Sometimes you have to remove damaged leaves of Dieffenbachia, which cats love to eat, and if the plant grows too quickly, you also need to take some measures. In such cases, Dieffenbachia pruning is used.

First of all, blot the damaged leaf with a napkin so that when cutting the poisonous juice does not splash into your eyes, then use a clean knife or blade treated with alcohol for disinfection, cut off the leaf or part of the trunk. The cut areas should be blotted again with a napkin, which will absorb the juice, and treated with crushed coal. Pruning should be done with gloves, and the remaining parts of the plant can be used for propagation.

Dieffenbachia - harm or benefit?

If Dieffenbachia juice gets on the mucous membrane or skin, it will cause burning, redness, swelling and temporary numbness, as with local anesthesia. And if, God forbid, it ends up in the stomach, then profuse salivation, vomiting and paralysis of the vocal cords will almost certainly follow, so Dieffenbachia should be kept at home out of the reach of children. If trouble occurs, you should immediately rinse your mouth with plenty of water, take activated charcoal and, just in case, consult a doctor.

In the plant’s homeland, it is considered a weed; it is mercilessly destroyed, making sure that its remains do not end up in livestock feed. It was used to make poison for rodents and insects and used it as a rod to punish slaves, who suffered for a week after the execution. However, indoor Dieffenbachias are much less poisonous than their wild sisters.

On the other hand, Dieffenbachia undoubtedly brings benefits: NASA data shows that this plant, along with ficus and dracaenas, purifies the air of toxins such as formaldehyde, trichloroethane, xylene and benzene. Therefore, at home, the best place for Dieffenbachia is your kitchen.

Causes of yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves

Dieffenbachia quickly reacts to changes in conditions by deteriorating its appearance. Its leaves often turn yellow, and sometimes even experienced gardeners cannot confidently name the reason for this.

Indeed, yellowing of leaves is caused by many factors: very bright lighting, excessive watering, changes in temperature and humidity, attack by pests and some others.

In the article you will learn what to do if the leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow, and you will also see the reasons why this happens.

Rules for caring for Dieffenbachia

In order for this wonderful ornamental plant to please its owners with health and beauty, they must provide it with not numerous, but mandatory conditions.

The permanent location of the bush should be well lit in the cold season, and in summer it is better to place the flower near a window, but not directly in front of it, since open sunlight is dangerous for its leaves. Staying in the shade for a long time leads to loss of brightness and color. The optimal air temperature for Dieffenbachia in summer is within twenty-five degrees Celsius. But provided that it is well moistened, the plant tolerates thirty-degree heat quite well. Winter temperatures should not be below sixteen degrees Celsius. Moreover, the plant does not tolerate drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations. Therefore, if the room is often ventilated, then Dieffenbachia should either be moved to another room or placed in a “secluded” corner of the room, inaccessible to fresh air flows. The main requirement for Dieffenbachia is watering. The entire growing season should be accompanied by abundant watering, so that the soil in the pot is moistened all the time, but does not stagnate. A sign of overwatering is the appearance of brown and yellow leaves on the plant. Experienced gardeners recommend using this technique when growing Dieffenbachia: once a month, leave the earthen lump of the plant in water for fifteen minutes, allowing excess water to drain off after the procedure.

It is very important to use settled water (preferably purified) at room temperature for irrigation. If the water is too cold, this will also soon affect the condition of the leaves of the indoor flower; they will curl and turn yellow.

Air humidity is another important point when growing Dieffenbachia at home.

Since this is a tropical plant, it simply needs regular spraying. During the summer, the plant needs a weekly shower. It will not only moisturize the leaves well, but also rid them of dust. When the ambient temperature reaches twenty degrees, it is recommended to place containers of water around the plant, or place the bush on moistened gravel.

Dieffenbachia is one of the most common and most unpretentious indoor plants. In fact, Dieffenbachia is a subshrub of tropical forests, capable of sprouting new roots from a lodging stem. Therefore, over time, the stem of Dieffenbachia becomes bare - the lower leaves turn yellow and fall off. In the remaining internodes, aerial roots first form, and when the stem touches the ground, the roots sprout and a new vertical shoot appears from the internode.

In a word, in nature, adult Dieffenbachias look like octopuses, spreading their tentacles. However, at home, Dieffenbachia leaves may turn yellow and fall off not only naturally. Why is this happening? What can cause healthy leaves to yellow, dry out and fall off? Let's figure it out.

First of all, it is necessary to create favorable conditions for the plant. If he is comfortable, the risk of disease will decrease significantly. So, Dieffenbachia is a light-loving indoor plant. Therefore, you need to place the flower pot in a bright room or near a window. However, this house plant needs diffused light, since direct sunlight can cause leaf burns. But in winter, additional lighting will not hurt Dieffenbachia.

As for the watering regime, it should be remembered that Dieffenbachia is a native of the tropics, where it is always humid and warm. It is from the lack of moisture in the air that its leaves can suffer, turning yellow and drying out. Therefore, it needs to be watered abundantly almost all year round, but especially during the active growth period (summer, autumn and spring). However, the plant should not be flooded, as excessive watering can cause root rot. In addition, you need to spray the leaves and air around the plant.

It is necessary to take into account both Dieffenbachia’s love for fresh air and its fear of drafts. Therefore, the room in which the flower pot is located must be periodically ventilated, protecting the plant from cold air currents. And in the summer, you can move the Dieffenbachia to an open loggia or garden, not forgetting to shade it from direct sunlight.

Under such conditions, your Dieffenbachia will certainly feel comfortable. However, sometimes even with good care the plant turns yellow. Why is this happening? Let's try to analyze the possible reasons why Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and dry out.

Strong hydration

Excessive moisture leads to fungal diseases of the plant

Excessive soil moisture easily leads to various fungal diseases. When the roots rot, the leaves of the plant first fall down and then begin to turn yellow. Moreover, the plates throughout the plant turn yellow.

In case of rotting, Dieffenbachia needs an emergency transplant and reduced watering , and sometimes this does not help. We have to cut off and root the surviving tops.

To protect the plant from rotting, it is necessary to strictly adhere to its watering regime. You can’t overwater the flower, but you shouldn’t overdry the earthen ball either, as this can cause the death of the plant. Keeping the soil moist but not wet is quite simple. Watering is carried out only after the top layer of soil in the pot has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm.

Sometimes plants turn yellow as a result of root rot and with the correct watering regime. This happens when the soil composition is incorrectly selected. The soil for Dieffenbachia should be light. In heavy soils, water stagnation and root rot are possible.

Dieffenbachia “cries” and does not grow

Often, if the plant is not sick, it is distinguished by lush greenery, intensive growth and brightly colored plates. But as soon as lethargy appears, the color changes and Dieffenbachia does not grow, it’s time to sound the alarm. Perhaps the cause was pests or viral diseases carried by insects. As a result, yellow or brown spots form on the leaf plates, which adversely affect the growth of the flower. Coping with a disease can be difficult, so the best solution is to start a new plant and say goodbye to it.

Sometimes the following factors influence the growth of Dieffenbachia:

  • lack of light;
  • “drought” on the soil;
  • need for feeding.

Careful attention to the flower and simple actions will help eliminate problems:

  • moving to another location in the premises;
  • regular moistening of the top layer of soil;
  • use of special fertilizers for Dieffenbachia.

Unfortunately, each of us tends to go to extremes. Therefore, excessive watering can lead to rotting of the roots and the appearance of drops on the Dieffenbachia. It is interesting that in such an extraordinary way, the flower compensates for excess moisture. Such droplets on the leaves are also found during periods of heavy rain. This is how the plant protects itself from excess liquid.

Another reason for the appearance of wateriness on leaf blades is bacteriosis. At first, small droplets of moisture may not cause concern, but if they are outlined by a visible border, it’s time to sound the alarm. Subsequently, the foliage turns brown and dies. It is better to destroy such a plant to prevent the spread of the disease to other indoor flowers.

Why do Dieffenbachia drops form on the leaves?

This unusual phenomenon is called Guttation (gutta - drop), and consists in the release of droplet liquid by the leaves of the plant in order to free it from excess amounts of water and various mineral salts.

In addition to too abundant and frequent irrigation measures, guttation can increase under conditions of decreased atmospheric pressure. Along with other aroids, Dieffenbachia sap is poisonous , so it is not recommended to touch the droplets actively released on the surface of the leaf blades. Over time, they dry out on their own.

Brown spots on leaves: causes and methods of control

One wise book records the simple truth that all living things suffer from diseases. We see the truth of these words every day. Unfortunately, plants also get sick and the tropical beauty is no exception. Research shows that it is susceptible to fungal, viral and bacterial diseases. One of them appears when brown spots form on the leaves of diffebachia, around which there is an orange border. Over time, they spread to the entire leaf, causing it to die.

The main causes of the disease are caused by the following factors:

  • high room temperature;
  • changes in humidity;
  • overwatering the plant.

If the care rules are followed and the listed points are not observed, then the plant is affected by a serious disease:

  • anthractosis;
  • fusarium;
  • bacteriosis;
  • bronzeness;
  • viral mosaic.

With such problems, brown spots appear on the leaves, framed by a dark line. A solution of fungicide, which should be sprayed on the infected plant, will help get rid of the disease.

In order for Dieffenbachia to receive enough moisture from the air, it needs to be “housed” away from direct sunlight, and in the cold season, from central heating.

The best option for growing Dieffenbachia is the eastern side of an apartment or house. Away from the sun, which burns its tender leaves.

Low air humidity

With insufficient watering and low humidity, Dieffenbachia leaves begin to turn yellow from below. First the tips turn yellow, then the entire leaf blade. Such plates dry out and fall off over time. This is often accompanied by loss of color and lightening of the upper leaves.

Often in a city apartment it is difficult to create the necessary air humidity for Dieffenbachia . In summer, the room is quite hot and dry; in winter, during the heating season, the air is dried out greatly by heating radiators. Therefore, for many inexperienced gardeners, Dieffenbachia is a long bare trunk with several leaves at the top.

For a plant to maintain its beauty, regular watering and spraying is not enough. It is useful to place it in a tray with a damp substrate: expanded clay, sand or moss. The substrate will humidify the air near the plant and also help preserve its green mass.

Reduced temperature and draft

Dieffenbachia is a heat-loving tropical plant. At low temperatures, Dieffenbachia can drop all its leaves (especially if the temperature drops sharply).

The leaves turn yellow very quickly throughout the plant and fall off, except for the very top ones.

The reaction of Dieffenbachia to a draft is drying out and yellowing of the tips of the leaves. If such symptoms occur, you need to move the plant away from opening windows, otherwise it may turn completely yellow and then lose all its foliage.

Dieffenbachia can also react when kept in an air-conditioned room. If you are near an air conditioner under a stream of cold air, it will certainly shed its leaves and lose its beautiful appearance.

You cannot keep this plant not only under air conditioning, but even away from it, because it does not tolerate temperature changes in such a room very well.

How to save Dieffenbachia

If the reason for the falling of yellow leaves lies in age, then the plant that is too bare and elongated is rejuvenated. For this:

  1. The crown is cut off with 2-3 nodes below the last leaves and placed in water or rooted in a peat-sand mixture.
  2. The long stem is cut into equal sections - 5-6 cm, placed in the same mixture, or moistened sphagnum, dropped right there in a pot or placed in water. Each cutting segment will give roots and sprout.
  3. The remaining stump will produce a lateral shoot - the Dieffenbachia will rejuvenate and continue active growth.

Having discovered signs or at least hints of rot, the grower does not hesitate. Only the promptness of the measures taken will save the plant:

  1. Dieffenbachia is removed from the ground. Inspect the roots.
  2. If soggy, blackened roots with spots or the smell of rot are found, all damaged areas are cut out.
  3. The above-ground part is also subject to careful inspection. The affected parts are cut out.
  4. After the “surgical intervention,” the plant is treated with a fungicide, and then the sections are covered with crushed coal.
  5. After drying the plant, it is transplanted into new soil. The container is also taken new.
  6. After transplantation, keep in deep shade for 3-4 days and monitor the condition.

Important ! This ornamental leaf plant is poisonous. Such work is carried out with gloves, preventing juice from getting on the skin and eyes.

If Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow, what is the reason and what to do

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow and dry ? This question is asked by some flower growers, in whose homes the familiar decorative foliage plant Dieffenbachia grows.

There can be quite a few reasons for this.

To understand them, you need to know all the nuances of caring for a plant, what diseases an indoor flower is most often exposed to, and what pests can attack it.

Dieffenbachia at home: basic care rules, photo

An easy-to-care houseplant naturally grows in humid tropical climates.

Therefore, in order for a bush to grow well in a house or apartment, and its leaves to be beautiful, you should create conditions for the flower that are close to natural.

If the leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow, it means that some care rules have not been followed. To know what to do in this case, you need to study how to care for Dieffenbachia correctly ?

Spots on Dieffenbachia leaves. Lighting

A plant with decorative multi-colored leaves requires diffuse lighting. In the shade, the leaves will fade, become greener and lose their decorative effect. But you should not place the flower on southern windows, where direct sunlight can burn the leaves of Dieffenbachia, on which, after such a burn, dry brown spots with yellowed areas around will appear.

What to do if the leaves of Dieffenbachia become dry from the sun ? They will not become green and beautiful again. Therefore, the affected leaves are carefully removed using pruning shears, and the plant is moved to a new location, away from sunlight.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow? Watering

Watering a flower depends on its size. But in any case, the plant cannot tolerate excess moisture. It has fleshy roots and a trunk, which quickly begin to rot due to excessive waterlogging. As a result, the lower leaves of Dieffenbachia first . They seem to give a signal that the plant needs help.

How to water a bush correctly:

  • between waterings it is necessary to allow the top layer of soil to dry;
  • water should only be used at room temperature, since cold water can cause root rot;
  • some time after watering, the remaining water should be poured out of the pan so that it does not stagnate in it and the roots do not rot;
  • You should water abundantly, but not too often, checking before watering with your hand or a wooden stick whether the top layer of soil is dry.

If algae (greenish coating) appears on the surface of the soil or the soil becomes slimy, it means that the substrate is often waterlogged and there is a possibility of root rotting.

What to do if the lower and other leaves on the Dieffenbachia have turned yellow due to waterlogging in the soil? The only way to save the plant is by replanting it in another soil and treating the roots. To do this you need:

  1. Prepare new nutritious soil intended for decorative foliage plants.
  2. Carefully remove the bush from the pot and inspect the roots.
  3. Remove rotten roots with pruners or scissors and sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal or activated carbon.
  4. The new pot is selected according to the size of the remaining root system. Even if the bush itself is large, and there are few healthy roots left, the container should be small. It is not recommended to plant the plant in an old large pot. A small number of roots in a large volume of soil will begin to rot again after watering.
  5. The bush is planted in a new container and carefully watered.

Now you need to monitor the soil and water it only after the top layer has dried.

However, Dieffenbachia leaves can also turn yellow due to over-dried soil. But in this case, the leaves become more dry than yellow, and saving such a plant is quite simple. It is enough to organize proper watering and the flower will begin to grow better. But if the soil dries out systematically, the plant may even die.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves dry out? Air temperature and humidity

The decorative foliage plant is unpretentious to temperature conditions and grows well in indoor conditions. However, some factors can negatively affect the growth of the bush and the condition of its leaves:

  1. Drafts, keeping the flower at temperatures within and below +12 degrees, temperature changes lead to hypothermia of the roots. As a result, the roots begin to rot first, after which the leaves turn yellow and fall off. In this case, the leaves begin to turn yellow and dry along the edges.
  2. Dry air at home is the enemy of many plants. Dry and hot air emanating from batteries has a particularly negative effect on the decorative appearance of leaves. Dieffenbachia standing next to heating radiators will have dry edges and tips of leaves. What to do in this case? The bush should be removed away from radiators and if the apartment is hot, spray the leaves several times a day if possible.
  3. The leaves will look beautiful if you wipe them regularly with a damp soft cloth or sponge. The plant will reward you with beautiful foliage if you periodically wash it in a warm shower. You should first cover the soil in the pot with cellophane so that it does not wash out.
  4. If the apartment is hot and the air is dry, you can use air humidifiers by placing it in a green corner where flowers grow.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow? Feeding and soil selection

The plant requires a slightly acidic, air- and moisture-permeable substrate. It should contain nitrogen, potassium, phosphorus and humic acids.

Lack of nutrients negatively affects the growth of the flower and its decorative effect. The adult lower leaves first .

The bush begins to grow poorly, and the growth is weak and underdeveloped.

Over time, the soil becomes depleted and the plant requires additional feeding. They should be carried out in spring and summer during the period of active growth. Fertilizers are selected for decorative deciduous plants and are used strictly according to the instructions. It is necessary to ensure that there is no lime in them.

Dieffenbachia with white leaves should be fed once every three weeks only with mineral fertilizers. When using organic fertilizers, the leaves will begin to turn green, since organic matter (manure, etc.) contains a lot of nitrogen.

You will be interested to know: Dracaena - types, meaning for the home

An excess of nitrogen in the soil and a lack of potassium and phosphorus causes the upper leaves of Dieffenbachia to turn yellow . Therefore, it is recommended to use complex fertilizers intended for decorative deciduous plants for fertilizing.

Natural yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves, reproduction and renewal

If the bush grows well and quickly, but only the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, then there is no need to worry. This is a natural process and over time the plant trunk will become bare. What to do in this case to make the flower beautiful again?

You can renew and at the same time propagate Dieffenbachia using apical cuttings. This is quite simple to do and there is no need to be afraid of such a procedure. It is better to renew the old bare plant and after a while get several young beautiful bushes. To carry out the procedure you need:

  1. Cut off the top along with the leaves to the bare stem. The cut must be made below the node, stepping back two centimeters from it.
  2. The cutting can be placed in a container of water where it will take root. After this, it is planted in a pot with suitable soil. You can root Dieffenbachia cuttings in sphagnum, sand or a mixture of peat and sand (1:10).
  3. The container with cuttings should be in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The air temperature should be within +22…+24 degrees.
  4. It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and sprinkle it with settled water as it dries. You should also regularly spray the leaves and wipe them with a damp cloth.
  5. When the roots grow to about 3 cm in length, the young bush can be planted in a new beautiful pot.

If the Dieffenbachia bush was tall, then the remaining stem can be cut into segments, each of which should have one node.

They are dried for two days, after which they are simply laid horizontally in a container with a mixture of peat and sand and covered with polyethylene.

At an air temperature of at least +25 degrees, the stem cuttings will soon develop roots and can be planted in pots.

As a result of such pruning, only a stump will remain from the bush, which needs to be watered. Soon it will begin to produce new shoots. Thus, from one adult Dieffenbachia with a bare, ugly trunk, you can get several young bushes at once.

Spots on Dieffenbachia leaves - flower diseases

Infected soil, pests or a diseased flower can cause the plant to become infected with a viral, bacterial or fungal disease. As a result, the leaves lose their decorative properties, and the bush dies over time.

Viral diseases

Viruses are carried by pests or the plant can become infected from a nearby diseased flower. Most often, Dieffenbachia is affected by the following viral diseases:

  1. Viral mosaic is identified by dark green round spots on the leaves that have a light center. Over time, the spots become more and more numerous, and the bush stops growing.
  2. Bronzing of leaves is a disease in which ring-shaped or round yellow spots appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia. The affected leaves do not fall off, but wither.

Viral diseases cannot be cured. The plant should be destroyed, otherwise it will infect other indoor flowers.

Bacterial diseases

The appearance of watery spots on the stem and leaves should alert you. If they have clearly visible boundaries and after some time become brown or brown, then this is bacteriosis. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this bacterial disease. It is transmitted through damage on the stems from one plant to another. A flower affected by bacteriosis soon dies.

Fungal diseases

Poor-quality contaminated soil, water and remains of diseased plant parts can cause fungal diseases to damage Dieffenbichia. The most common include:

  1. Leaf spotting. If small brown spots with an orange border appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia, then most likely this is a fungal disease. Over time, the spots grow and affect the entire leaf blade.
  2. Root rot. In this case, a light gray coating appears on the roots, dark spots appear on the root collar, and after a while the leaves droop and turn yellow. As a result, the plant dies. The root rot fungus lives in poor-quality contaminated soil and begins to develop rapidly when the soil moisture is high.
  3. Anthractosis. The disease can be recognized by fairly large dark brown spots along the edge and near the edge of the leaf. The spots have a yellowish border. If left untreated, the leaves gradually dry out and die.

In the initial stages, fungal diseases can be eliminated with the help of special fungicidal preparations. If the above-described signs are detected, the bush should be treated according to the instructions with Vitaros or Fundazol.

Leaves turn yellow and dry - Dieffenbachia pests

High air temperatures and dry indoor air are the main causes of pest damage to plants. Spider mites, mealybugs, thrips, scale insects and aphids love the leaves of flowers, from which they suck the juices. As a result, the leaves of Dieffenbachia dry out and turn yellow, young shoots become deformed, the plant lags behind in development and becomes depleted.

If the leaves of Dieffenbachia begin to turn pale, turn yellow and dry out, first of all the leaf blades should be carefully examined on all sides. At home, when the air is dry, spider mites most often appear on flowers. This insect can be recognized by its cobwebs and small brown dots, which are mites.

What to do if there are pests on Dieffenbachia ? You can get rid of them with the help of insecticidal preparations. Infected leaves should be cut off first, as they cannot be restored.

The field of this bush washes well in the shower. Use a sponge to wipe each leaf from all sides. If there are few pests, then this procedure may be sufficient.

But most often you have to resort to spraying plants with Actellik or Fitoverm.

As you can see, the leaves on Dieffenbachia turn yellow and dry, mainly due to improper care. Therefore, if the leaves begin to lose their decorative properties, the care and maintenance of the plant should be reconsidered.

Source: https://oazisvdome.ru/esli-u-diffenbahii-zheltejut-listja-v-chem-prichina-i-chto-delat/

Natural yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves, reproduction and renewal

If the bush grows well and quickly, but only the lower leaves begin to turn yellow and fall off, then there is no need to worry. This is a natural process and over time the plant trunk will become bare. What to do in this case to make the flower beautiful again?

You can renew and at the same time propagate Dieffenbachia using apical cuttings.

This is quite simple to do and there is no need to be afraid of such a procedure. It is better to renew the old bare plant and after a while get several young beautiful bushes. To carry out the procedure you need:

1. Cut off the top along with the leaves to the bare stem. The cut must be made below the node, stepping back two centimeters from it.

2. The cutting can be placed in a container with water, where it will take root. After this, it is planted in a pot with suitable soil. You can root Dieffenbachia cuttings in sphagnum, sand or a mixture of peat and sand (1:10).

3. The container with cuttings should be in a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The air temperature should be within +22…+24 degrees.

4. It is necessary to monitor the soil moisture and, as it dries, spray it with settled water. You should also regularly spray the leaves and wipe them with a damp cloth.

5. When the roots grow to about 3 cm in length, the young bush can be planted in a new beautiful pot.

If the Dieffenbachia bush was tall, then the remaining stem can be cut into segments, each of which should have one node.

They are dried for two days, after which they are simply laid horizontally in a container with a mixture of peat and sand and covered with polyethylene. At an air temperature of at least +25 degrees, the stem cuttings will soon develop roots and can be planted in pots.

As a result of such pruning, only a stump will remain from the bush, which needs to be watered. Soon it will begin to produce new shoots. Thus, from one adult Dieffenbachia with a bare, ugly trunk, you can get several young bushes at once.

Spots on Dieffenbachia leaves - flower diseases

Infected soil, pests or a diseased flower can cause the plant to become infected with a viral, bacterial or fungal disease. As a result, the leaves lose their decorative properties, and the bush dies over time.

Spots on Dieffenbachia leaves - flower diseases

Infected soil, pests or a diseased flower can cause the plant to become infected with a viral, bacterial or fungal disease. As a result, the leaves lose their decorative properties, and the bush dies over time.

Viral diseases

Viruses are carried by pests or the plant can become infected from a nearby diseased flower. Most often, Dieffenbachia is affected by the following viral diseases:

1. Viral mosaic is identified by dark green round spots on the leaves that have a light center. Over time, the spots become more and more numerous, and the bush stops growing.

2. Bronzing of leaves is a disease in which ring-shaped or round yellow spots appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia. The affected leaves do not fall off, but wither.

Viral diseases cannot be cured. The plant should be destroyed, otherwise it will infect other indoor flowers.

Bacterial diseases

The appearance of watery spots on the stem and leaves should alert you. If they have clearly visible boundaries and after some time become brown or brown, then this is bacteriosis. Unfortunately, there is no cure for this bacterial disease. It is transmitted through damage on the stems from one plant to another. A flower affected by bacteriosis soon dies.

Fungal diseases

Poor-quality contaminated soil, water and remains of diseased plant parts can cause fungal diseases to damage Dieffenbichia. The most common include:

1. Leaf spotting. If small brown spots with an orange border appear on the leaves of Dieffenbachia, then most likely this is a fungal disease. Over time, the spots grow and affect the entire leaf blade.

2. Root rot. In this case, a light gray coating appears on the roots, dark spots appear on the root collar, and after a while the leaves droop and turn yellow. As a result, the plant dies. The root rot fungus lives in poor-quality contaminated soil and begins to develop rapidly when the soil moisture is high.

3. Anthractosis. The disease can be recognized by fairly large dark brown spots along the edge and near the edge of the leaf. The spots have a yellowish border. If left untreated, the leaves gradually dry out and die.

In the initial stages, fungal diseases can be eliminated with the help of special fungicidal preparations. If the above-described signs are detected, the bush should be treated according to the instructions with Vitaros or Fundazol.

Diseases that cause yellowing of leaves

Poor quality soil, insects or improper care can lead to various diseases. Some of them are manifested by yellowing of leaves at different stages.

There are viral, fungal and bacterial infections:

Pests on Dieffenbachia

If stickiness, uncharacteristic spots, plaques, cobwebs or fluff are observed on the leaf plates, this means that pests have appeared on the flower.

To quickly solve the problem you need:

If insects are detected, neighboring plant crops should also be inspected.

Care to prevent the loss of decorativeness of Dieffenbachia

Indoor care of a tropical plant involves creating the correct temperature and watering conditions. It is important to exclude drafts and the influence of direct sunlight; this is one of the reasons for the yellowing of Dieffenbachia leaves.

The best solution would be to provide bright and diffused light; it directly affects the color of leaf blades of variegated varieties. As for the temperature, its indicators should be within 20-27 degrees in summer and 17-20 in winter. It is best to place the pot with Dieffenbachia away from radiators and heaters and closer to a closed window.

It is necessary to moisten the surface of the soil in which the home flower grows as the top layer dries, using settled and soft water. On hot days, you need to water the plant a little more often, focusing on the condition of the soil in the container. To maintain air humidity, you will need regular spraying and wiping the surface of the sheet with a damp cloth to remove dust.

Interesting! For Dieffenbachia, fertilizing is important, which is carried out in spring and summer. Liquid complexes and organic fertilizers are used. It should be borne in mind that a lot of nitrogen can cause the disappearance of the pattern on the leaf plates.

Dieffenbachia requires annual replanting, and you should select not only the right soil, but also the size of the pot. The procedure is carried out in the spring, before the onset of intense heat, so that the bush can adapt to new conditions. When changing the soil, the roots are handled as carefully as possible so as not to damage them. Sometimes it is better to use the transshipment method together with an old clod of earth.

Proper care of Dieffenbachia can provide a high-quality decorative appearance of the plant. The measures taken will maximally protect the plant not only from yellowing of the leaf blades, but also from other possible problems and diseases.

Pest infestation

When attacked by spider mites, yellow spots first appear on the leaves of the plant, which then cover the entire leaf blade.

This pest is easy to detect on the underside of leaves, which can be completely covered with a thin web. Typically, treatment with special chemicals allows you to quickly destroy the pest.

Already yellowed plates cannot be restored . Over time, they dry out and fall off. But eliminating mistakes in plant care will lead to the growth of young, healthy greenery.

Bush varieties will acquire lush shapes and green coloring. It is better to renew old tall plants that have lost their leaves by cutting off and rooting the tops. After this, the new plants need to create optimal conditions for growth and development.

Why does Dieffenbachia turn yellow? Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow - how to help the plant?

Dieffenbachia is a fairly common houseplant. Caring for it is not difficult. However, gardeners are interested in why Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow, what to do in this case, how can you help the plant? In this article we will try to answer these questions.

But first you need to find out why the leaves of Dieffenbachia turn yellow, what reasons contribute to the development of this disease. They may be different. Conventionally, experts divide them into three categories: pests, diseases, and improper care.

Dieffenbachia diseases: general information

Quite often, lovers of indoor flowers notice how the leaves of a tropical beauty turn yellow. The first thing that comes to mind is improper care. But this happens even to the most dedicated gardeners. Dieffenbachia diseases occur for various reasons, the main thing is to start treatment on time.

Another problem with the plant is the drying and falling of the lower leaf plates. Since they are the main decoration of the flower, it is not very pleasant to see their loss. In some cases, the cause is the natural process of plant development, which even the most competent gardener cannot stop. But if young plates fall off, it is worth thinking about possible Dieffenbachia disease and methods of timely treatment.

It is quite an unpleasant sight when a beloved flower drops its once lush leaves and takes on a pitiful appearance. Dieffenbachia withers for various reasons, but this appearance is a signal to action. In addition, brown spots, drops of unknown origin, or even leaves that do not open may appear on the plant. Let us consider in detail the possible causes and methods of treating Dieffenbachia diseases.

If there are small children living in the house, you can have an exotic flower in the office. Such a cute “neighbor” will decorate the room with lush greenery and will always be a reason for joy.

About precautions

Dieffenbachia is undoubtedly an aesthetically attractive plant. However, one cannot ignore the fact that it can pose a real threat to others if handled carelessly. The poisonous houseplant Dieffenbachia contains substances that cause allergic reactions when directly interacting with the skin or mucous membrane. It leaves burns and ulcers. Dieffenbachia should be kept in places that are difficult for children to reach. Moreover, it is not recommended as a decorative element in preschool institutions.

For animals, contact with the poisonous Dieffenbachia plant is no less dangerous. It has been noticed that cats have an increased interest in it. As in humans, if an animal chews a leaf of a plant, it can both provoke severe poisoning and cause anaphylactic shock.

When in contact with the plant, you should always wear gloves and protect your eyes from possible splashes of poison when pruning.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves turn yellow? 3 main reasons

Andrey Babitsky, a biologist and experienced specialist in indoor and greenhouse plants, shares useful information about the spectacular and flexible Dieffenbachia.

Dieffenbachia is a genus of tropical evergreen herbaceous plants of the Araceae family, native to South and North America.

Why do Dieffenbachia leaves begin to turn yellow?

The genus includes 66 species, many of which, due to the decorative qualities of their leaves, are used in indoor floriculture. The most common decorative species of Dieffenbachia include D. amoena, D. seguine, D. bausei and others.

Dieffenbachia seguine

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