8 ways to make Decembrist bloom even in summer

Magical properties of the plant

The Decembrist or “Decembrist” (as some older people call him) is credited with protective properties, recommending placing a flower pot near the entrance. Despite the advice, you need to remember that the flower will protect the family, home and well-being, being in any favorable place, not just on the window next to the door.

Another property of the plant is to absorb negative energy and replace it with positive energy. A strong increase in green mass and abundant flowering at the wrong time helps to understand that a flower works this way.

Important! When it comes to magic, opinions sometimes differ greatly depending on which tradition one belongs to.

Follow the light

It is not always enough to move the Decembrist to the less illuminated cool side; the length of daylight hours can also affect flowering. Optimally, this figure should be 7-8 hours.

In summer, you can trick the cactus by reducing its daylight hours by using a screen to cover the window or by moving it into the shade.

Signs and superstitions about the Decembrist

Signs and superstitions for the home associated with the Decembrist indicate an ambiguous attitude towards the plant. There are few bad beliefs, folk wisdom does not really support such judgments, but there are people who believe precisely in the negative meaning of the Decembrist.

Bad omens and superstitions:

  1. The flower will survive from the house of all men.
  2. A girl in a house with such a plant will never get married.
  3. If the Decembrist died, one of the relatives will soon die.
  4. Planting a flower at home means losses and grief in the family.

Good signs:

  1. Flowering on time, that is, in December, means peace and harmony in the house, no matter how many people live there.
  2. In November, the opening of the buds indicates an upcoming pleasant acquaintance.
  3. December flowering promises creative people the discovery of new opportunities.
  4. A plant lushly covered with fragrant flowers indicates that the positive emotions of the inhabitants of the house are stronger than all adversity. Even if a single woman has Decembrist, abundant flowering indicates that she is doing well and is more than happy.
  5. Nectar dripped from the inflorescences - a pleasant surprise lies ahead.
  6. The Decembrist scent fills the whole room - a sign that promises good news soon.
  7. The flower unexpectedly attracted the attention of a pet - someone wants to make acquaintance with the owner of the plant.

Some older people talk about this sign: Decembrist or epiphyllum bloomed in the middle of summer and attracted bees to the window - a cheerful meeting of all relatives is ahead. There is no reasonable explanation for why two such different plants are included in the sign, but for supporters of this belief it comes true. It is noteworthy that the Decembrist almost never blooms in the summer, and the epiphyllum is capricious and will not bloom without ideal conditions, which serves as a reason for jokes that the whole family is not going to do any good.

Important! Folk signs change over time, so it is not surprising that different beliefs prevail in different eras.

Useful properties of Decembrist

Many people are sure that the plant should be placed in a room where there are a lot of people. We are talking not only about residential buildings, but also about offices, schools and kindergartens. But it is in the Schlumberger’s home that will make it possible to understand the intentions of the person who came. After all, this is one of the main “functions” of a flower.

Useful properties that Varvara braid has:

  1. Allows you to create a friendly atmosphere in the room.
  2. Promotes speedy reconciliation of conflicting parties.
  3. With its help, you can identify envious individuals and those who want to do harm. How does this happen? If a “bad” person comes into the house, the plant will immediately retract or lower its leaves.
  4. Eliminates bad thoughts (for example, about suicide, theft or deception).
  5. Changes people for the better: if one of the household members was selfish, he will soon become sensitive and attentive towards others. Cactus extinguishes negativity, fills with tenderness and kindness.
  6. This flower, which came to us from Brazil, adores children. He gives them his energy, promoting the comprehensive (spiritual, creative, physical) development of the younger generation.
  7. It also has healing properties, which not everyone knows about. It is recommended to place it in the room of a person suffering from muscle and joint pain.

When Decembrist blooms at home: signs

Except for those cases when good flowering on time and at the wrong time is explained by high-quality care and ideal living conditions, signs generally indicate positive changes. There are also negative superstitions. But beliefs are a specific phenomenon; usually, for those who look for the negative in everything, negative omens come true.

Signs if the Decembrist bloomed in October

According to the sign, the Decembrist blooms in October, indicating an imminent profit and an addition to the family. According to another belief, zygocactus blooms this month to receive good news. There are no superstitions that promise trouble regarding October.

Signs if the Decembrist bloomed a second time in the spring

There is a superstition that such an event foreshadows losses, unhappiness in the family, problems at work and indicates that nothing good is foreseen in the future. However, there are other beliefs:

  • the second flowering in the spring, before the snow melts, indicates the imminent conception of a child;
  • the appearance of an inflorescence in May means a cool summer;
  • the plant bloomed in April - summer vacation will be spent in pleasant company.

Rumors that the second flowering will certainly bring trouble to the house are greatly exaggerated; popular experience casts doubt on such superstitions.

The plant has withered - what is this for?

In the old days, Christmas was considered a harbinger of mourning. If a cactus began to dry out for no apparent reason or simply died, then supposedly one should prepare for a funeral. According to popular beliefs, the flower went to another world, taking with it one of the family members.

But not everyone had a reason to worry. Many believed that if there were no seriously ill people in the house, the omen should not come true. But the flower foreshadowed death not only from diseases. There were many reasons for trouble to occur in a house in which the Christmas tree had dried up. Misfortune could come suddenly. And our ancestors blamed the dead zygocactus for this. All these terrible predictions are a relic of the past. Schlumbergera dries out due to insufficient care, and not for any other reasons.

Who can I give a flower to?

According to signs, the Decembrist flower can be given to young families who are just starting to live together. In addition, a beautiful plant is presented as a gift:

  • people of creative professions;
  • children or teenagers;
  • elderly women upon retirement;
  • recently moved people.

Due to the fact that bad omens about the Decembrist are considered nothing more than empty superstitions, it is even given as a wedding gift, especially varieties with white flowers.

Important! The only case when it is forbidden to give a flower is when someone in the house is seriously ill.

The plant may die trying to take away all the negativity, and if it fails to cope with the task and everything ends sadly for the person, the Decembrist will still be to blame. This is probably the reason for some superstitions.

Possible harm from the Decembrist

The positive effects of the plant are now known. However, in some cases it can cause harm. One thing is good - there are not so many signs with a negative connotation.

Schlumbergera is often called a “husband.” And this is no coincidence. Allegedly, as soon as a young lady purchases and brings a zygocactus to her apartment (house), changes will begin in her personal life (not the most rosy ones). Men simply will not linger around her, in her home. And all because of the energy of the flower.

With poor care or lack thereof, the appearance of the Decembrist will deteriorate, he will begin to look lethargic and withered. The same thing may happen to one of the family members living in this house.

Where is the best place to put the plant?

Feng Shui does not give recommendations on the best place for a Decembrist, esotericists also do not advise anything specific, but there are some general tips:

  • a bright window is the best place, but it should not be too hot;
  • It is advisable to place the Decembrist in one permanent place and not turn different sides towards the light;
  • It is better not to place a flower in the married bedroom, but near the workplace or in the bedroom of a single person, the plant will be beneficial;
  • a good place is on the window closest to the entrance;
  • In a nursery, the Decembrist is also appropriate - it stimulates the child to develop creatively.

But wherever the flower stands, you should make sure that it is not chewed by pets. The pets will not benefit from this, but the plant will suffer. There are no special superstitions associated with the location of the Decembrist.

Signs on the condition of the plant and features of caring for it

Schlumbergera can be called a long-liver. After all, she can reach 25 years of age. But a flower does not always provide visual pleasure. Like other indoor plants, it is not immune to various diseases and parasites.

An unhealthy Decembrist will no longer be able to spread a positive charge of energy to those around him. Therefore, the owner must carefully monitor the appearance of the “green pet”, taking proper care of it.

Flower growers identify the most common diseases of the Christmas cactus:

  • The foliage becomes limp and brownish spots form on it. This condition of the flower is caused by parasites that have infested it. The fight against these pests will involve spraying the leaves with chemical solutions. They can be purchased in specialized stores.
  • Dense white coating on the leaves. And here the parasites also tried. You can rid the flower of their presence using ordinary soapy water.
  • Zygocactus has not been blooming for a long time. Perhaps the whole point is that it is located in the wrong place. It is better to take the pot with the plant indoors, where it is cooler. It is also worth watering it less often. But as December approaches, Schlumberger needs to be back in the sun. And now you can water more often.

Like his fellow cacti, our Decembrist is unpretentious in care. But in order for it to have a decent appearance, you must follow some rules:

  1. Since the plant shares its energy with others, it cannot do without sunlight. Especially in winter, when the buds should appear. Therefore, place the cactus in a place in the room where there is more light.
  2. The pot in which the Decembrist will be located should not be very deep or too wide. A suitable option is a narrow container.
  3. The plant “feels” great on windows facing east or north.
  4. The air in the room should not be too dry. As for the room temperature, it can vary between 18-25 degrees.
  5. At the beginning of the summer season, give your green pet a “bath day”: carefully remove it along with its roots and place it in water with a special fertilizer.
  6. When buds appear, do not touch the zygocactus: turn it, put it in another place.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Despite the fact that few people believe in bad omens associated with the plant, there are at least three ways to avoid negativity.

  1. If the flower has not died, it is advised to “cajole” it, systematize its care, replace the pot, and move it to a more favorable place.
  2. Plants of the opposite meaning are planted - the more, the better.
  3. If the Decembrist has already died, they try to remove the dead plant from the house as soon as possible and cleanse the home of negative energy.

But the simplest method is to find a good interpretation and believe in it more than in all superstitions and bad omens.

Important! Sometimes negative signs are not associated with mysticism and superstition. Superstitions can be caused by improper care and unsuitable conditions.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

Every year the number of adherents of the teachings of Feng Shui is only increasing. Those who are seriously passionate about this practice should pay attention to Christmas. It will help improve the atmosphere in your home and relationships. The flower does not require any special arrangement. Any place where it will be more convenient to care for it will do. Then the zygocactus will begin to produce energy and have a positive effect on people.

It’s worth starting a plant in your apartment:

  • shy citizens. A cactus that blooms once a year will allow them to relax a little and gain self-confidence. Their social skills will soon improve as well;
  • professional psychologists. They will be able to easily win over clients during heart-to-heart conversations;
  • managers. Schlumberger will help create a trusting and positive atmosphere in the office of a boss at any level;
  • men who are overly emotional and incontinent. Thanks to the energy received from the Decembrist, they will be able to calm down and find harmony.

Reviews about signs and superstitions about the Decembrist flower

There is a lot of talk about signs and superstitions regarding the Decembrist in the house on various forums. Most of the discussion concerns whether to believe bad omens. As a result, there are three different types of opinions: you should believe only in good things, you need to focus on negative beliefs, it is better to forget about superstitions altogether.

Albina, 48 years old, Tambov

From my own experience I will say that the Decembrist brings only good. My mother gave me a flower for a wedding, I don’t know what the variety is called, with white inflorescences. More than twenty years have passed, and it is thriving. And my family too. I have a favorite job, my husband changed several jobs, but in the end he found “the one.” Children generally experience success, with the exception of minor failures, but no one is protected from them. I don’t see any reason for negativity towards the Decembrist.

Ekaterina, 39 years old, Moscow

I don’t believe in omens, but the Decembrist brought home only misfortune. First, my parents divorced in their old age, then my husband almost died, and as a result the bush dried up and the dog died. Thank God, only a dog! I will definitely not have such a flower again. Or here's a friend. A colleague gave her a flowering bush, and the next day problems began. I don’t think she meant any harm, but at the same time her friend ended up in the hospital and was on the verge of divorce and dismissal. Fortunately, when I returned home, I took it to work. The troubles are over, but he is never going to bring the Decembrist home again.

Elvira, 27 years old, Birobidzhan

I see no reason to believe in any signs. How many flowers have been at home - there have never been any changes. Neither for the better nor for the worse. Yes, a healthy, blooming green plant lifts your spirits, but nothing more. And linking his death with failures is simply stupid. It spoils the mood, but that's all. I remember when I was little, how my mother grew three of these flowers, she affectionately called them “Decembrists”. But whatever happens, it certainly has nothing to do with the plants.

Should you keep the plant at home?

Yes, sure. The main thing is to provide the Christmas tree with favorable conditions (access to sunlight, timely watering, monitoring humidity levels and room temperature). And then the zygocactus will thank you with its flowering. In winter, when the landscapes outside the window are dominated by gray and white tones, it will present a bouquet of its pinkish and reddish buds. And no outdated superstitions and signs will darken your mood. We must believe that the green pet will give only good signs.

Where is the best place to place the Schlumbergera?

If you keep the Decembrist in your apartment, it serves as a real amulet for your family. The best places to place it:

  • opposite the front door - the flower will protect the home from thieves;
  • in small rooms, such as a corridor, a bathroom - the Decembrist will not allow energy to stagnate;
  • children's room - a flower will help the child adapt to society:
  • in the living room - communication with guests will be sincere and sincere;
  • in the kitchen - the plant will create coziness.

Diseases and pests

Decembrist is quite resistant to attacks by harmful insects. And yet, some problems happen if you don’t take care of your green “pet.” What pests are considered the most dangerous and how to deal with them in order to prolong the life of the zygocactus?

The most common disease of the Decembrist is fungal fusarium. Pathogenic microorganisms penetrate the cactus through soil and scratches, which leads to rotting of the roots. You can defeat the disease with the help of fungicides, for example, Bayleton.

Another common pathology is bacterial late blight, which manifests itself in the form of a dark spot, which subsequently invades more and more new areas of the stem. It will not be possible to cure the affected areas, so the easiest and most correct thing to do is to remove the diseased processes so that the infection does not spread further.

The Decembrist flower usually does not cause any particular inconvenience to gardeners. But we cannot exclude the occurrence of some problematic situations associated with the growth of leaves and stems, as well as flowering. We have already talked about some things, but some things should be said additionally.

Table 1. Problems with growing zygocactus.

The flower withersThe pot is placed next to a hot radiator, which causes the leaves to become wrinkled. Another likely reason is overwatering. You need to move the pot to a cooler place (however, if you do this during flowering, the flowers will fall off). You should also reduce the intensity of watering, replacing it with abundant spraying.
Leaves and buds fallThe main reason is excessive watering.It is necessary to reduce the intensity of watering. After some time, you need to remove the flower from the container, remove the rotten roots and replant it in new soil.
The stems and leaves of the plant turn redThe main reasons: excessive watering, incorrectly selected fertilizing, direct sunlight, drafts.It is important to exclude all of the listed provoking factors. You should also keep the Decembrist in a cool room, away from drafts and bright sunlight.
Plant growth has slowed downThe main reasons: moisture deficiency, untimely application of fertilizing to the soil, too bright light.From the beginning of spring to the end of summer, you need to add special fertilizers to the soil. You should also regularly water, spray and wash the leaves and stems with warm, settled water.

Reasons why it may not bloom

A common problem for home botanists who grow Schlumbergera is improper plant care. Zygocactus will not bloom if :

  • not providing it with decent natural light;
  • unsuitable growing area (the pot should be of medium size to prevent excessive development of the root system);
  • the soil is not typical for this type of plant;
  • there is no additional flower feeding.

Read more about why zygocactus does not bloom at home and how to fix it, and from this article you will learn about how seasonality affects the plant, as well as how to make the flower grow and bud abundantly.

Recognizing an envious person using a Schlumberger

Another important signal that the Decembrist can give is the yellowing of the tips of the flowers. If after the visit of one of the guests within 24 hours you notice that the plant’s condition has sharply deteriorated, know that this person is an ill-wisher for you, so you should not let him into your home. The more the flower withers, the more evil the two-faced person wishes for your family. Of course, some people may be jealous of you unknowingly. After their visit, the Decembrist’s petals only fade slightly and straighten within a few hours. It is important to understand that the described sign will only work if the Decembrist is grown in suitable conditions - it has enough sunlight, heat, water and microelements.

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What to do if the Decembrist does not bloom

So, we figured out when the Decembrist blooms. However, some florists never wait for the coveted inflorescences in the winter months. Why does this happen and how can you help the Christmas tree get bright and attractive bunches of flowers?

Among the reasons for the lack of flowers, experts point out poor-quality (not meeting the plant’s requirements) soil, low air humidity, excessive shade, and lack of nutrients. All these factors need to be analyzed and eliminated.

Another question is how to “force” Schlumbergera to bloom at home?

You need to prepare in advance and do the following:

  • choose a planting container that is not too wide (so that the flower is cramped);
  • do not place the pot in a too warm place - the optimal temperature is +16 degrees (in a cool microclimate, flowering will last longer);
  • exclude serious temperature changes;
  • put the pot with the zygocactus in one place and refuse to move it or turn it over (otherwise the buds will fall off);
  • carry out pruning (pinching) in advance and do not break off the stems in October-November, otherwise you may not get buds at all;
  • organize additional lighting in the room if there is a lack of sunlight in the autumn-winter period (you can place the pot next to the lighting fixture);
  • refuse to fertilize in September, since otherwise the plant will form stems rather than buds;
  • reduce the intensity of watering during the formation of buds (October-November), but when the plant blooms, the volume of water can be slightly increased, but very carefully.

All these recommendations will allow you to achieve abundant flowering of the Decembrist. And, of course, it is necessary to follow the above-described principles of care so that the zygocactus feels great not only during budding, but throughout the year.

Schlumberger in Feng Shui

According to the Chinese philosophy of Feng Shui, the Decembrist is considered a flower with one of the most powerful energies. It doesn’t really matter in which part of the house you place the green crop. Ideally, the pot with the plant should be located where the whole family most often gathers - for example, in the living room or kitchen. With his cozy aura, the Decembrist will create an atmosphere of mutual understanding, which will have a positive impact on relations between household members.

If you want to attract finance to your home, it is worth placing the Decembrist in the money zone - the southeastern sector of the building. Of course, you shouldn’t expect immediate receipt of a large sum of money, but you don’t have to worry about any problems or difficulties of a financial nature.

The Family Zone (eastern sector) is another good place to place the Decembrist. In this sector, the plant activates the function of absorbing negative energy, thanks to which love, tenderness and mutual understanding always reign in relationships between household members. This is especially true for young families.

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The meaning of a flower in astrology

Astrologers believe that this plant can absorb numerous conflicts that arise between people. They suggest that the flower is suitable:

  • Young married couples who are just getting used to each other;
  • It is good to place it in the nursery, as it can put the baby in a creative mood;
  • Helps the family avoid attracting negative guests to their home;
  • To create a good festive atmosphere;
  • The flower is a talisman that can overcome many difficulties.

When purchasing this flower for your home, you should not think about the bad things that could happen because of it. It is worth remembering that the plant can die due to poor care, and this will not threaten anyone living in the house.

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