Garden geranium Rosanna: care, propagation, best varieties

Geranium Rozanne - what kind of flower is it

Currently, more than 350 species of geranium are known. The birthplace of the Roseanna variety is considered to be South Africa or India.

Short description

In 1989, on the garden plot of the spouses Rosanna and Donald Waterrer, two types of garden geraniums were accidentally crossed. The result is a completely new variety. The couple cherished this flower for some time, and then presented it to the world at a specialized exhibition.

Geranium Rosanna has been grown on windowsills for hundreds of years

Roseanne's appearance is peculiar. The plant is recumbent, it has long stems that spread along the ground. The leaves are soft and strongly toothed, green in color, deeply divided. There are up to five pieces on one stem. They emit a wonderful scent when touched.

For your information! Geranium flowers come in several shades: blue with a hint of purple, purple or white. The cooler the weather, the bluer the corolla becomes.

The buds are quite large; up to 3 pieces can be located on one stem. Flowers consist of 5-6 petals. The height of the bush is approximately half a meter. In a couple of years, the plant occupies an area of ​​up to 1 m².

Geranium flower

Botanical description and history of selection

Flower growers know more than 400 species of geranium . It is generally accepted that the Roseanna variety originated in Great Britain, but this is not entirely true. Geranium Roseanna appeared first in South Africa. and then on the territory of India. And only after these travels the plant came to Europe.

The variety was first brought to Russia in the 18th century. Russian flower growers were surprised by the fact that the flower can survive even in northern climates. After this, Rosanna geranium was distributed throughout Russia.

Popular varieties for outdoors and indoors

Wild meadow geranium

Geranium Rozanna has several varieties that differ in external characteristics.

Geranium x Magnificum

This variety of crop appeared as a result of crossing Georgian and flat-petaled geraniums. It is a compact perennial with a height and width of approximately 60 cm. The length of the leaves reaches 10 cm; by autumn they turn from green to red. There are many flowers, in most cases they have a purple color, veins of a darker shade, and a diameter of up to 5 cm.

Double Jewel

The flower is the tallest species among the Rosanna geraniums. The plant can reach a height of 80 cm. The flowers are double, white with a contrasting purple center. Flowering in June.

Mrs Kendal Clark

Geranium with such an interesting name has a distinctive feature - the petals of the flowers are transparent with a lavender undertone, and the veins are white. The bush is wide and spreading.

Flower petals can be almost transparent

Split Splash

Geranium Split Splash is distinguished by double white flowers. The petals have blue spots and streaks. The size of the flowers reaches 5 cm, the height of the bushes is 60 cm.

There are also varieties of geraniums distinguished by red leaves - Focus Pocus, Oki Doki, People Heron, Victor Reitor.

Note! The Summer Skies variety has lavender leaves, while Plenum Violaceum has purple leaves.


Lush geranium with large, round, violet-blue flowers, dark veins and a white center. Flowering is very abundant, almost all summer. The leaves are beautiful 6-10 cm, rounded, slightly fleecy with dark streaks and large teeth. Forms a round, loose clump up to 30 cm high. It is unpretentious, grows quickly in the sun and in partial shade, overwinters without shelter. Good in rocky gardens, rockeries, borders, etc.



purple, with a black center
Flowering period:
Bush height:
50-60 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

Geranium 'Ann Folkard' is one of the best varieties with bright flowers. This is an unpretentious herbaceous perennial plant that adapts very well to different conditions. It is a hybrid obtained in England in 1973. It has bright cup-shaped flowers on strong stems. The number of petals in a flower is five. Their color is purple-pink with dark veins and a black “eye” in the center. The flower size is about 5 cm in diameter.



carmine pink with dark veins
Flowering period:
Bush height:
20-35 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

An incredibly beautiful plant with olive green leaves with an intricate pattern on the upper side. The flower petals are pale, but numerous purple veins do not allow them to get lost in the foliage. The fruits appear in August. This geranium is suitable for universal landscaping of a summer cottage or garden. The variety is undemanding and frost-resistant.



pale lavender with barely noticeable veins
Flowering period:
Bush height:
30-50 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

An amazing superb variety with rare, showy purple-violet foliage. In mid-June, numerous delicate lavender flowers with thin graceful veins bloom.



cornflower blue-violet with dark veins
Flowering period:
Bush height:
30-50 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

An attractive, profusely flowering variety with cornflower-purple miniature flowers. Flowering is very long, from May until the first frost. Unpretentious, prefers sunny or semi-shaded places.



pale pink with purple veins
Flowering period:
Bush height:
30 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

The attractive 'Bobs Blunder' geranium has a wonderful combination of bronze leaves and pink flowers. It blooms for a very long time - from spring to frost. It grows well and can be used as ground cover.



white flower with lilac shades
Flowering period:
Bush height:
50-60 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

The flower is double white with a light purple center. The leaves are dark green. Meadow geranium is planted in mixed flower beds. It is of particular interest when creating mixed flower beds that imitate a flowering meadow.



white with purple streaks
Flowering period:
Bush height:
60 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

The first white-flowered geranium variety. The flowers are large, 6 cm in diameter, bloom profusely and for a long time. It is unpretentious to the soil and winter-hardy.



large, dark pink-violet with black veins turning into a black eye
Flowering period:
abundantly from June all season
Bush height:
20-30 cm
Planting location:
sun to partial shade
Winter hardiness zone:

Planting garden hybrid geranium Rosanna in open ground

Garden geranium - how to plant outside

Garden geranium Rosanna is unpretentious and frost-resistant. However, it is worth paying attention to the choice of planting site in open ground.

Selecting a location

Rozanne geranium grows calmly in both shade and sun. A flowerbed or pot is suitable for planting. In the second case, it is recommended to take a small container, which can be placed on the balcony in the summer.

When planting in open ground, it is better to position the crop so that the sun's rays hit it in the morning and in the afternoon. At noon it is recommended to shade the plant

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The plant is unpretentious to the composition and acidity of the soil, however, in order to get more beautiful flowers, it is recommended to prepare the soil:

  1. Dig small holes up to 15 cm deep.
  2. A small amount of peat is placed at the bottom.
  3. The sprouts are planted after a couple of weeks in a permanent place.

How to care in winter and summer

Hybrid geranium Rosanna is unpretentious. However, high-quality care will allow you to get larger flowers and a rapidly developing plant.

Watering rules and humidity

Bushes in open ground need to be watered as the soil dries out. The plant loves moisture, but does not tolerate waterlogging, so you should not be overzealous with irrigation.

Rosanna does not need spraying. In hot weather, such irrigation can cause burns on leaves and flowers.

Roseanne's petals come in different shades

Fertilizing and soil quality

The hybrid loves loose and fertilized soil, but it will also grow and develop well in clay or sandy soil. Fertilizing is carried out in the spring, using both mineral and organic fertilizers.

Pruning and replanting

Transplantation is best done in the spring once every couple of years. It would be enough.

Pruning is carried out if desired to give the geranium a certain shape. It is also necessary to remove excess shoots if the condition of the flower deteriorates.

Important! The branches are cut down to 10 cm, this will allow the crop to rejuvenate and develop better.

All about planting: rules, tips, instructions

Rosanna is a rather unpretentious representative of the flora, which is also frost-resistant.
With minimal care, the variety guarantees long flowering and normal growth. This type of geranium is planted in pots and flower beds . During its two years of growth, one plant can take up about a square yard of soil, so if you want to fill an area of ​​soil with flowers, dense planting will be effective.

To plant a plant in the soil, it must be prepared in advance by digging small holes and placing one small amount of peat on them. 2 weeks after preparing the pits, the plant can be placed in them.

Lighting and location

The place where the plant is planted can be an ordinary flower bed or pot . If the second option is chosen, then you should select a small container.

When planting a flower in open soil, you don’t have to worry that it will be damaged during winter frosts. As for growing a plant in a pot, for its favorable growth it is recommended to take it out onto the balcony in the summer.

Soil requirements

To plant geraniums in open ground, you need humus, well-drained soil . The soil must be constantly moist.

When planting a flower in a pot, you should give preference to a simple soil mixture.

  1. During the growing season, geraniums will definitely need to be fertilized with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  2. If the plant does not bloom well, then you need to do anti-aging pruning, leaving the plant from 8 to 10 centimeters long. This method will help maintain a beautiful shape and allow the plant to restore its former strength.
  3. Watering the plant should be done immediately after the soil begins to dry out. The water for this procedure should be at room temperature; excessively cold water can cause root rot and the development of all kinds of diseases.

Planting and caring for Rosanna geranium at home

Blood red garden geranium

At home, geraniums (including pelargonium) are planted in a suitable container. It is worth considering that this plant does not like large pots. It is better to choose small and not too deep.

A special mixture for indoor plants is suitable for the pot. Watering is carried out in a tray so as not to flood the root system and avoid its rotting.

A home flower is transplanted if it has grown greatly and the pot has become insufficient in size.

How does it reproduce

Cuttings and sowing seeds are the main methods of propagation. On an industrial scale, cuttings are used, and in the first year the young plant is not distinguished by the splendor of flowering, but from the second year it pleases with numerous buds.

Germination of seeds

Geranium - home care, how to water geranium

Buying seeds is difficult. They are obtained only by crossing the original predecessors of the hybrid. The plant itself does not produce them, which is why it blooms almost throughout the warm season.

If you are lucky enough to buy seeds, then they do not need to be prepared in any way. Sow on top of moist soil, lightly dusting with fine sand. Cover with film and wait for shoots to emerge (up to 14 days). Picking is carried out in the phase of 3-4 leaves.

Rooting cuttings

Planting cuttings are obtained by pruning shoots. The optimal size is no more than 10 cm and no shorter than 4-5 cm. The cuttings are left to dry for a couple of hours, and then, dipped in root, they are immediately planted in moist soil.

Important! For better and faster survival, you can cover the cuttings with a transparent cap. The roots grow back within a few days.

Features of plant flowering

Geranium Rosanna blooms even with minimal care and delights with a variety of flowers.

Period of activity and rest

The flowering of the crop begins early; some species produce flowers as early as June. The period of activity continues until the first frost. After which the plant accumulates strength and prepares for cold climate conditions.

Types and shape of flowers

Roseanne's flowers are shaped like a glass. The colors of the petals are varied - from white to blue. At the same time, they change shade depending on climatic conditions.


Pelargonium rosebud is often called geranium by gardeners. These are really plants from the same family, although they do not resemble each other either in leaves or the main decorative part.

Wild geranium can be seen in the forest

It attracts attention with its modest blue flowers. There are also special varieties for the garden with flowers from white to almost black (through the red spectrum)

The plant is resistant to cold.

Pelargonium is a resident of the southern regions. In Russia, it often lives indoors. Only in the summer they decorate balconies and verandas.

Blooms with beautiful umbrellas. You can find a green beauty with white, pink or deep red buds. It does not have blue flowers. The bush reaches a height of 80 centimeters.

The similarity between pelargonium and geranium is that they have almost identical seed pods.

Pelargonium rosebud appeared in the 19th century in Europe thanks to a mutation. The fashion for growing such wonderful roses originated in England. They were used to make bouquets. At the same time, amazing bushes were brought to Russia.

There are about 250 species of pelargonium. They are divided:

for hanging ones - with flexible stems that beautifully hang down or curl over surfaces;

Among the most striking and popular varieties are the following.

Vectis Rosebud. A miniature shrub with clusters of small bright red roses. It blooms luxuriantly for several months. Allows you to easily form a crown.

Flower propagation methods

Rosanna can be propagated in several different ways.

Reproduction by cuttings

From an adult plant you need to cut off a shoot with 5-7 leaves and place it in a container with water. It is recommended to add activated carbon to it. After about a week, the shoot will have roots and can be transplanted to a permanent location. Immediately after planting, the plant is watered, and a month later the first fertilizing is carried out.

Propagation by dividing rhizomes

Propagating a plant by dividing the root system is quite simple. The procedure is carried out in early spring. The plant is removed from the soil, the rhizome is examined, and diseased and dried shoots are removed. The cut areas are sprinkled with activated carbon to avoid the appearance and development of infection. Then they are divided into several parts and carefully placed in different holes.

Note! Unfortunately, geranium does not produce seeds at all, so this method of propagation will not work.

Roseanne does not produce seeds

Growing problems, diseases and pests

The Rosanna variety is unpretentious, but is not immune to diseases and damage by pests. Most problems arise as a result of violation of the rules of care:

  • when there is excess moisture, leaves and buds fly off;
  • with a lack of light, the leaves become sluggish and pale;
  • lack of moisture leads to drying out of the plant;
  • Rosanna is affected by aphids and whiteflies; you can get rid of them using special means;
  • the appearance of spots on the leaves indicates possible fungal diseases; they can be dealt with using fungicidal agents.

Geranium Roseanna is popular with many gardeners. The plant is unpretentious, does not require special attention, and is easy to preserve in winter. Its decorative appearance and rapid growth allow it to be used in landscape design.

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The Rosanna variety is a very beautiful plant, the flowers of which have a number of different colors.:

  • white;
  • purple;
  • blue color with a purple tint.

IMPORTANT : The flowers of the plant are goblet-shaped. Geranium is characterized by the presence of a powerful leaf-fibrous structure.

Geranium leaves are deeply divided. The density of leaves on one pod is approximately up to five pieces. The leaves are soft and hairy to the touch. The color is bright green. There are up to three flowers on the stem. Geranium flowers are quite large and cup-shaped.

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