Guzmania, transplantation of children - time and features of their separation, video

How to determine that a flower needs replanting

Unlike other houseplants, guzmania does not need to be replanted regularly - unless, of course, you plan to propagate it. For the flower to feel good, just one change of place of growth will be enough - immediately after purchase, and in the future the slowly developing root system will allow it to continue to be in the existing container.

When Guzmania reproduces, its babies are transplanted into a separate pot, which appear immediately after the mother bush blooms (begins and ends in the summer). Within 2–4 months after emergence, they form their own root system, so when they reach 15 cm, they are separated from the “mother” and transferred to a separate container.

Diseases of Guzmania

If you follow all the recommendations for caring for guzmania, it will grow in a timely manner, bloom and delight with new shoots. But in some cases the plant begins to wither, for which there are several reasons:

  • excessive watering;
  • spread of fungus;
  • sunburn;
  • incorrect choice of water for irrigation;
  • lack of nutrients.

The first is evidenced by the fact that the leaf wrinkles in the center, dark spots appear, water remains in the pan, and the substrate is noticeably wet.

Guzmania diseases, external manifestations

If a fungus has spread through the plant, the leaves become covered with a gray coating. The reasons for the spread of the microorganism are too high temperature and humidity in the room.

If there are brown spots on the surface, this means that the flower is standing in a sunny place and is getting burned. The tips of the leaves dry out if the plant is watered with hard or cold water without allowing it to settle.

If guzmania does not receive enough nutrients, then it stops producing daughter shoots. If the leaves are soft, then it lacks warmth. Some of these problems are eliminated through the use of special medicinal compounds, others as unfavorable factors are eliminated. Another dilemma that gardeners face is pests. There are several types of insects that attack epiphytes.

Note! After flowering, the mother shoot dies. This is a natural process that does not depend on the competence of the care

You can suspect pest infestation based on several signs:

  • the leaf becomes covered with yellow spots, and then completely turns yellow and falls off;
  • if convex brown plaques appear on the sprout;
  • A whitish fluff forms on the surface.

These are the most common traces of pests that attack the plant. In the first case we are talking about spider mites. You can get rid of it by treating the sprouts with a solution of laundry soap.

The appearance of brown plaques indicates a bromeliad scale infestation. It is collected by hand, and then the flower is treated with an insecticide solution suitable for indoor species.

If white fluff is visible on the surface of the leaf, then these are symptoms of mealybug proliferation. Flowers need to be treated with a solution of actara, actellik, bankol.

When can Guzmania be replanted?

In terms of replanting, guzmania cannot be called a very capricious plant, but, as when growing other indoor flowers, it is advisable to postpone this process to spring, when the root system of the emerging children is fully formed. In the fall, you can replant plants that are in shipping pots, because after purchase they will not be able to develop for a long time in such conditions. In other cases, you should wait to transplant until spring.

Guzmania: transplant when it's time

Guzmania requires careful attention and knowledge of simple rules. Regular transplants are not necessary, with the exception of those cases when flower growers are engaged in targeted propagation of the crop. For a flower to feel good, it only needs to change its habitat once after purchase. In the future, the procedure is repeated only if necessary.

Guzmania with inflorescences of crimson, scarlet and yellow shades

Important! Stores usually stock guzmanias already in bloom. They are beautiful, but after six months they will fade, the top will dry out, and the plant will wither. You need to prepare the children in advance, they will be useful in the future.

Preparing for transplant

Preparations in almost all cases involve the same actions: purchasing a suitable pot, preparing the soil substrate and drainage layer. However, in the case of guzmania, an important step will be additional processing of the plant itself.

Choosing a pot

Guzmania is characterized by a shallow root system, which means that the pot for it should be low but wide. Deep containers can lead to rotting of the lower part of the substrate, to which the roots of the flower simply do not grow. The ideal option would be a pot no more than 12 cm high, and the bottom 2-3 cm should be occupied by a drainage layer.

The diameter of the planting container is selected based on the size of the children being planted, but on average it is no more than 10 cm. When transplanting from a transport container of an adult plant, this value can be increased by half, and sometimes more.

Drainage preparation

The height of the drainage layer in a pot with guzmania is usually 1/3 of the total height of the product, and expanded clay, foam plastic or charcoal can be used as a moisture-absorbing material. The latter option is even more preferable, since it is an excellent prevention of high soil acidity and prevents the development of infection, while simultaneously protecting the plant from waterlogging and associated putrefactive processes.

As for the soil mixture, it should be as close as possible to the natural substrate of Guzmania. In nature, the flower often grows not in the ground, but on old wood, so you either plant it in ready-made soil for bromeliad crops, with the addition of peat, sphagnum moss and loose leaf soil, or prepare the soil mixture yourself using one of the following recipes:

  1. Option 1. A mixture of crushed roots of sphagnum moss and ferns (in a ratio of 1:3).
  2. Option 2. A mixture of coniferous bark, moss, sand and leaf soil in a ratio of 2:1:1:2.
  3. Option 3. A mixture of humus, sand, turf soil and peat, in a ratio of 2:1:2:4.

For any of them, it would be appropriate to use crushed charcoal, with the help of which you can increase the looseness of the substrate, even when you are already using it as a drainage layer.

Flower processing

Treatment of guzmania before transplantation is one of the main stages of the preparatory process, and it does not matter for what purpose it is performed. If we are talking about an adult, recently acquired plant, then before placing it in a new pot it would be wise to remove all damaged roots and treat the cut areas with crushed activated carbon, which will subsequently prevent rotting of the root system. The rhizome of children separated from the mother bush can be treated with a growth stimulant, using one of the popular drugs: for example, “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin”.

Land for Guzmania

To plant guzmania, ready-made soil for bromeliads is used; you can also buy soil for orchids.

Those who like to prepare their own soil mixture will enjoy the simple “recipes” given below.

1 soil mixture option

Mix in equal parts:

  • Sphagnum moss
  • Coarse sand
  • Sod land
  • Peat

2nd soil mixture option

  • Coarse river sand - 1 part
  • Crushed pine bark - 1 part
  • Forest, leaf soil - 3 parts

How to replant a plant at home: step-by-step instructions

Depending on what part of the plant you are going to replant, this process will have certain differences, but in any case you will need the following tools:

  • a sharp knife (used to cut off children from the mother bush or remove damaged roots of an adult plant);
  • shovel for pouring soil;
  • growth stimulator for treating the root system (for example, “Kornevin”);
  • landing capacity.

An adult plant can be moved to a new pot using the transfer method, after slightly drying the old soil. There is nothing difficult about this, the main thing is to prepare a suitable soil mixture and a larger pot.

Transplanting children will be more interesting and responsible, so it is advisable to adhere to the following plan of action:

  1. To begin, remove the mother plant from the pot and carefully remove the root system of the selected Guzmania babies from the old substrate (most often you have to use a knife to separate it).
  2. Place them on a clean sheet of paper and leave to dry for about an hour. Treat the roots with the prepared solution for better rooting.
  3. Place a drainage layer in the new pot so that it takes up one third of the total available space.
  4. Make a small mound of soil and place the root rosette of the plant to be planted in the center.
  5. Carefully level the roots and sprinkle them with soil substrate, up to the level of the root collar.
  6. Lightly compact the soil and spray it with settled water from a spray bottle.

At this point, the transplantation of guzmania can be considered complete and all that remains is to move the pot to a suitable place, further providing appropriate care for the rapid rooting of the young flower.

Video: features of development and transplantation of Guzmania

Diseases and pests of Guzmania

If agricultural practices are not followed and the immune defense is reduced, bromeliads are affected by fungi that cause gray and root rot.

Botrytis develops more often in high humidity and sudden temperature changes. Brown spots on guzmania leaves covered with gray fluff are the first sign of gray rot. The spots gradually grow, the leaves change color and fade, and the flower loses its decorative effect.

With root rot, the leaf blades droop, partially turn yellow, and become lifeless. To find out the reason, the plant is carefully removed from the soil and the roots are checked. If they turn black and lose their elasticity, then the pathogenic fungi have waited for a favorable environment for development and reproduction. A suitable environment for mycosis infection is waterlogging, leading to the formation of a sticky earthen lump.

At the initial stage of disease, guzmania can be saved by quarantining the plant. Be sure to cut off and dispose of damaged parts. If botrytis has struck, the crop is sprayed with fungicides without exposing the roots. They use the preparations Horus and Teldor, which do not leave burns on the leaves.

In case of root rot, the bush is removed, washed with water and the roots are soaked in a solution of Previkur, Oksikhom or Ordan. Then the rosette is replanted, having previously disinfected the pot and replacing the substrate.

Insects are pests that feed on the cell sap of Guzmania:

  • mealybugs, recognized by a white coating on the veins of leaf blades;
  • scale insects that secrete sticky honeydew;
  • spider mites enveloping foliage in a thin web.

The fight against scale insects and mealybugs begins by wiping the places where insects accumulate with a cotton swab moistened with a solution of laundry soap. If folk remedies do not help, use the insecticides Aktara, Mospilan, Tanrek according to the instructions.

In case of mite infestation, to destroy adult insects and larvae, the plant is sprayed 2-3 times with acaricides - Sunmite, Apollo, Omite.

Features of care after transplantation

Correctly performed transplantation is only half the battle on the way to obtaining a beautiful and blooming guzmania flower, therefore, so that all the efforts made are not in vain, be sure to take into account several requirements for further care.

Location and optimal conditions of detention

Regardless of the season, the transplanted plant should always be placed in a fairly warm room with moderate lighting and no drafts. However, specific temperature conditions and air humidity in summer and winter will have their differences, so when organizing conditions for the growth and development of Guzmania, you should focus on the following indicators:

Watering and fertilizers

On the first day after transplanting the flower, it will be enough to thoroughly wet the soil in the pot and add a small amount of liquid to the outlet. In this case, the liquid used must be soft, filtered and relatively warm, for which the water in an open container is left in the room for a day. Hard cold water straight from the tap is detrimental to the plant, especially since in this case the liquid is applied not into the soil, but into the rosette formed by the leaves, filling it to 2/3 of the total volume.

In summer, it is enough to moisturize guzmania once every two days, and in winter - no more than once a week. Fertilizers for Guzmania are not a vital component of care, since in its natural habitat it receives nutrients in minimal quantities. However, by feeding indoor flowers at home, you can not only stimulate flowering, but also prolong it, which will allow you to admire the plant for 2-3 weeks longer than usual.

To fertilize the exotic beauty, you can use universal compounds developed to enhance the decorative properties of flowering plants (for example, Agricol, Stimovit, Biopon). Before adding to the soil, any of them must be dissolved in water, which will help avoid overfeeding the plant. Moreover, in the case of guzmania, a single dosage should be approximately 4-5 times lower than that recommended by the manufacturer. Treatment of plants with the prepared mixture is carried out from May to September, no more than once a month.

Flower propagation

Propagation of Guzmania can be done in one of two ways: using purchased seed material or by separating the children formed on a dying mother plant. If you purchased an already mature flower, be prepared for the fact that you will soon have to take care of its renewal, because the average lifespan of this plant is 2-3 years, and some specimens die off much earlier.

In any case, with proper cultivation, new specimens (“babies”) always grow next to the mother plant, which need to be moved to a separate container. When propagating guzmania by seed, purchased seeds must first be disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate, and then sown in small containers filled with a mixture of peat and sand (in equal proportions).

Germination of seeds is carried out in a warm room, with a stable temperature of at least +25°C and high humidity, which can be achieved by covering the seedlings with oilcloth and regularly spraying the soil with water from a spray bottle. Usually the first sprouts appear after three weeks, and after another 7 days they will need to be picked into separate cups. If all actions are performed correctly, then the emerging seedlings will quickly catch up with the planted children.

How to ensure the comfort of an indoor guzmania?

The homeland of this exotic plant for us is Central and South America. In those parts it grows as an epiphyte, that is, it begins to develop its root system not on the ground, but on the bark of trees, usually dying. And it receives water from moist air.

Currently, more than one hundred species of this plant are known. In indoor conditions, they most often contain guzmania reed and the minor rondo variety. They are quite unpretentious, and in appearance they are not inferior to their brothers.

Externally, guzmania is a large evergreen bunch of long grassy leaves, a bright, beautiful pre-bloom and flower. In wild conditions, the height of the plant reaches 75 cm, but in houses it rarely grows above 40 cm - this is due to lack of humidity, limited root system and little sunlight. The flowers typically come in bright red, burgundy, brownish and pink hues, creating a contrast with the green leaves.

And although at first it seems that guzmania is a whimsical, capricious plant that is uncomfortable in our climatic conditions, in fact this is a myth. As practice shows, it does not require much time and effort from the owner; it is enough to just follow a few simple conditions.

How to properly water Guzmania

Since guzmania is a bromeliad plant, water it in the following way:

  • Water in moderation is poured into the outlet, and the residues that are not absorbed in the first minutes are drained;
  • The soil can be watered only in dry weather and high air temperatures. An alternative to this is to leave some water in the tray;
  • Watering is carried out every day or every other day in the summer, and in winter it can be limited to 1-2 times a week;
  • Guzmania does not tolerate excessive watering; it is better to dry out the soil a little rather than let the water stagnate in the outlet for a long time;
  • The plant should be sprayed daily with clean water from a spray bottle;
  • For irrigation, slightly warm soft water is used, which has stood for at least 2 days;
  • Sometimes the guzmania plant can be wiped down with a damp sponge to remove dust and pests.

As you can see, watering guzmania is not a difficult task, but in this case, overdoing it means damaging the plant or completely ruining it.

Light level

Ideally, the guzmania pot should be kept in partial shade in a room that faces west or east. In winter, it can be placed on the south side to compensate for the lack of sunlight. No need to place the plant directly on the windowsill!

Firstly, in winter it will suffer from drying out, since the heating system will be located directly under it. Secondly, direct sunlight can cause burns, which is usually expressed by partial drying of the leaves and brown spots on them. This is also evidenced by dry, curling ends.

Required temperature

In principle, ensuring a comfortable temperature regime for guzmania is not difficult. It is enough to keep the air temperature at 20-25 degrees in summer, and 17-20 degrees in winter. But you shouldn’t let it drop below 16 degrees - guzmania may not die if it gets caught in a draft and freezes, but this can cause diseases or problems with flowering.

Air humidity

Guzmania loves moist air, which is not surprising - it partially absorbs water from the environment, not only from the soil. The most optimal level would be 60-85%. This means that the plant will feel great in the summer in the loggia or in the kitchen, and in winter it can be placed in the bathroom if there is a window there. Otherwise, a humidifier or indoor fountain will help you solve the problem of dry air. Do not forget that you can add water to the pan, but you cannot overdo it, otherwise the root system will begin to rot from below.

Another useful tip: spray the leaves a couple of times a day, but make sure that the plant is not exposed to direct, aggressive sunlight. Otherwise, the rays, passing through drops of water, will leave burns on sensitive leaves.

How to properly fertilize and feed Guzmania

During the period from March to August-September, when the tropical beauty begins to bloom, it especially needs feeding with organic and mineral substances. Don't overthink it and buy a special mineral solution for bromeliad plants. It needs to be fertilized approximately once every 2-4 weeks. It is advisable to establish a specific feeding schedule to prevent oversaturation with substances.

Fertilizer diluted in water is also poured into the rosette of the plant, and its remains can be removed from the leaves with a damp sponge or rag. If the plant blooms beautifully for several months, then you can refrain from using fertilizers. In general, Guzmania does not always need them.

Typical mistakes during transplantation

By paying attention to some important details of transplantation and further care of guzmania, you will be able to avoid many problems.

First of all, we are talking about this:

  1. Lack of flowering of the plant, which is explained by a lack of moisture, heat or light. To prevent this, children planted in pots should be placed only in a well-lit place, with a suitable temperature and humidity (shown in the table above).
  2. Rotting of Guzmania immediately after transplantation or during further cultivation. In any case, the main reason for this phenomenon lies in the excessive amount of moisture due to frequent watering and spraying.
  3. Death of young shoots. If the transplanted plant looks lethargic and soon dies, check the temperature in the room. Typically, such consequences result from prolonged exposure of the flower to temperatures below +12…+13°C.
  4. Short flowering. The occurrence of this problem is often explained by moisture getting on the opened flower petals, so when watering guzmania during the flowering period, it is advisable to add it to the root.
  5. Slow growth of the transplanted shoot. Be sure to monitor the quality of water used for irrigation. The slightest admixture of chlorine or low temperature of the liquid will negatively affect development.
  6. Infection with infectious diseases. If the first signs of the disease became noticeable soon after transplanting the guzmania, then it is likely that it was caused by a violation of sanitary standards when pruning children or when preparing the soil.
  7. Drying of the transplanted parts. The main reason that plants do not take root in a new place of growth is their lack of a sufficiently developed root system. Simply put, you can separate them from the mother bush only if there are a large number of clearly visible roots.
  8. Drying leaf tips. Perhaps the indoor air is too dry and young plants need more frequent spraying.

Although these are not all, they are the most common problems with guzmania, so every gardener should know about them. To normalize the condition of a flower, it is enough to review the conditions created for it and make appropriate adjustments. In extreme cases, you will have to replant the plant again without repeating previous mistakes.

Description of Guzmania

The plant has wide, long leaves collected in a rosette. During the flowering period, bracts of bright colors grow - scarlet, burgundy, coral, burgundy, crimson shades. Nature thus got out of the situation by attracting the attention of insects to small, inexpressive white flowers. After flowering, seed pods with many small seeds are formed, which can be used for sowing and obtaining new plants. The roots of Guzmania are underdeveloped and almost do not participate in the nutrition of the flower.

The second interesting fact is that after flowering, guzmania dies, releasing several shoots, or children, before dying. It is the young specimens remaining after the mother bush that are the predominant method of propagation of Guzmania.

When and how to separate Guzmania babies?

The peculiarity of Guzmania is that flowering for it is the final stage of development. After the peduncle dries, the guzmania itself begins to dry out. However, for procreation, young baby bushes remain in the pot, which are formed during the flowering process.

Sometimes the mother bush does not dry out and continues to exist for some time, but it will no longer bloom, and after a certain period it will die anyway.

Some gardeners leave the babies in the same pot, removing only the dried part of the old plant from it, especially if only one sprout has formed. In principle, you can do this too - new bushes usually develop well and even bloom. But it is worth considering that this will affect the decorativeness of the bush, because there will be a void in the place of the parent plant. It is best to transplant the Guzmania babies into a separate container. Thus, you can get a compact, beautiful bush and at the same time propagate the flower.

How to propagate Guzmania

The life cycle of Guzmania lasts about three years. To continue admiring the exotic flower further, they think about how to grow young plants. Bromeliads reproduce in two ways - by seeds and daughter shoots.

Propagation of Guzmania by seeds

To disinfect, seed material is soaked in a weak solution of manganese for a quarter of an hour before planting. Planted superficially in a moistened substrate of equal parts sand and peat, without going deep. To speed up the emergence of sprouts, the container is covered with film, which is periodically opened for ventilation and irrigation.

If you maintain a temperature of +25°C, seedlings appear after 3 weeks. After another month, a pick is carried out, planting the seedlings in separate cups.

Reproduction of Guzmania by children

How does guzmania reproduce by shoots? Planting babies that form at the base of the rosette or in the axils of the leaves is a simpler and faster way to obtain adult guzmania. After flowering, when the leaf blades begin to dry out, cut off the peduncle and stop watering the rosette. Wait until the daughter shoots with at least 2-3 leaves reach half the height of the mother bush.

Before separating the young plant, it is covered with damp moss soaked in a solution that stimulates root formation. When the roots are formed, use a sharp knife to make a cut closer to the adult bush, separating the baby from the outlet.

Expert opinion

Oksana Alexandrovna

A gardener with extensive experience. Vegetable gardening is more than just a hobby for me.

Based on the experience of gardeners, cutting off the shoot along with part of the mother root system does not help its adaptation in a separate container.

Small superficial roots and massive rosettes make it possible to plant Guzmania in wide pots, whose width is greater than their depth. High containers provoke rotting of the young plant due to stagnant moisture.

After the baby is moved to a new place, the substrate is watered with water with the addition of epin, covered with a transparent plastic bag, and put away in an unlit place.

After 1-3 weeks, when the baby takes root, the pot is exposed to light and the young guzmania continues to be cared for as an adult plant.

Winter is the dormant time for bromeliads. In autumn or winter, even if the faded guzmania has dried out and a plant has formed, ready for replanting, they wait for spring - a time of active growing season, increasing daylight hours.

Expert opinion

Oksana Alexandrovna

A gardener with extensive experience. Vegetable gardening is more than just a hobby for me.

It is permissible to leave the sprout in a pot with a dried adult crop. In this case, guzmania blooms the next year.

When to replant?

Guzmania babies will be ready for separation no earlier than they have formed their own root system. As soon as the peduncle on the mother plant begins to fade, it should be cut off so that the flower does not waste its strength in vain, but directs it towards the active development of the children.

At the same time, you must stop watering the guzmania in the outlet, otherwise the plant will rot.

Transplantation of Guzmania children must be done in the spring. If young shoots appeared in the autumn-winter period, it is better to postpone the procedure until March.


To begin with, it is worth noting that among flower growers it is known that guzmania mix is ​​a plant that needs to be looked after quite carefully and attentively. Therefore, it is considered that the flower is quite difficult to grow. On the other hand, subject to all the necessary rules and recommendations, guzmania mix is ​​developing quite actively and delights household members and guests with its attractive appearance.

To begin with, it should be noted that for irrigation it is allowed to use only warm water, which must first go through a settling process. The watering procedure itself is carried out by pouring water into the sockets. After a short period of time, the filled water must be drained. Leaving liquid is strictly prohibited - this can provoke rotting processes, and, as a result, the death of the plant. Flowers are moistened only during hot and dry seasons, characterized by low air humidity and high temperatures. The required frequency of watering is once every 2 days.

In addition to watering and moistening the soil, attention should be paid to other conditions for keeping the flower. So, due to the fact that guzmania mix is ​​a tropical plant, it does not tolerate cold well.

The optimal temperature regime of the room in which guzmania is kept should not be lower than 25 degrees Celsius.

The humidity indicator deserves no less attention. To maintain it, you can use special humidifiers, spray the leaves of the plant with water, or keep Guzmania in rooms with high humidity (for example, a bathroom, kitchen).

As for lighting, first of all, it is worth considering that the flower does not tolerate direct rays of the sun, preferring partial shade. This is why it is forbidden to keep the plant on a windowsill - direct sunlight can cause burns on the leaves. On the other hand, in winter the plant needs a certain amount of light, so it is recommended to use a variety of artificial lighting options.

Guzmania also needs fertilizer. Feeding is especially necessary in the warm season (spring and summer). This seasonal need is explained by the fact that during this period the plant blooms and, accordingly, spends a large amount of its available strength and energy. As a top dressing, botanists advise using ready-made mixtures, which can be found and purchased at any flower shop. In particular, a fertilizer complex intended for bromeliad-type plants would be an ideal option. The fertilizer application schedule is once every 2 weeks.

How to replant?

When the children grow good roots, it is necessary:

  • remove them along with the old flower from the flowerpot;
  • Using a sharp knife, carefully cut off each baby, trying not to damage the young roots;
  • let dry a little;
  • treat the roots in a growth stimulator.

To plant children, you need to choose a pot no more than 12 cm high. In a deep flowerpot, flowers will quickly disappear from excess moisture, since the soil will not have time to dry out. As for the soil, a special substrate for bromeliads is suitable, to which you need to add a little sand, bark and leaf soil.

The planted children should be watered into the outlet, covered with a bag on top and placed in a shaded place until the end of rooting. Then the flowerpots are moved to a bright window.

Transplantation of Guzmania babies - video

General description and types

Guzmania is a herbaceous plant that has long leaves, small flowers and brightly colored bracts. If you grow this crop at home, it will barely reach half a meter in height. This can be explained by the lack of humidity and poor lighting that it is provided with in the wild.

The main decoration of Guzmania is its white bracts, which are orange, bright red, burgundy or brown. Combined with bright green leaves with various patterns, they give this indoor flower a rather striking appearance. The flowering of small white flowers ends with the formation of fruit-boxes, which contain a large number of small seeds. In the future, they can be used to produce new young plants.

It is important to note that after the first flowering, the guzmania dies. If you want to grow this crop in the future, then you need to take care of the propagation of this plant in a timely manner. .

This tropical crop currently has about 130 varieties. Only a few are used at room conditions; the most popular include the following types:

  • Blood red guzmania. This species is characterized by lanceolate-shaped leaves that bend downwards. A goblet-shaped rosette is formed from them. The yellow or red coating on the leaf blades makes this species highly decorative. The foliage grows up to 40 cm in length and up to 5 cm in width. The culture itself grows no more than 20 cm in height. The blood-red flower does not have peduncles. Flower-like inflorescences contain an average of 12 yellow flowers per peduncle, which is located directly in the leaf rosette. The flowering of this plant begins with the arrival of spring.

  • Mosaic Guzmania. This type of guzmania is considered low, the plant grows only up to 50 cm in height. However, it has quite high decorative properties. The leaves are very long, striped, reaching 80 cm in length and 7 cm in width. The leaves form a spreading beautiful rosette. Dark irregular stripes are clearly visible on the light green background of the upper surface of the leaf blade. The inner surface of the leaf is red. The peduncles are low, erect, pointed stipules are bright pink. A large number of pale yellow or white flowers are closed by means of fused yellow sepals and are collected in beautiful inflorescences. This species blooms from mid-summer.
  • Guzmania Donnell-Smith. By the flowering period, the indoor plant reaches a height of 30 cm. The leaves reach 60 cm in length, they form beautiful rosettes. Pale scales are clearly visible on the dark green surface of the leaf blade. On an erect peduncle there is a panicle inflorescence, which reaches a height of no more than 12 cm. This species blooms in the spring. The Donnell-Smith guzmania was grown as a cultivated plant in 1908.
  • Guzmania Tempo. This species is characterized by a golden-green color. The leaves are long and form a spreading rosette. The bract is bright red.

Dropping off children at home

Guzmania or guzmania is a fairly popular annual plant from the bromeliad family. Reproduction of the decorative crop is carried out by separating the newly formed lateral shoots left after the death of the parent plant, as well as by seed. The first option in indoor floriculture has become the most popular and is carried out in accordance with the following technology:

  • the lateral shoot is formed at the stage of the flowering period of the parent plant and over time transforms into a separate, full-fledged plant;
  • after the shoot reaches a height of 14-16 cm, it can be separated and planted in a separate flower pot;
  • Well-developed Guzmania shoots have three to four leaves and have a fairly well-developed root system.

Features of Guzmania

Like all representatives of the Bromeliad family, guzmania has leaf plates at the base that overlap each other, forming a kind of bowl for water; it accumulates it for itself, but in nature other forest inhabitants also use it. As a rule, the leaf plates are monochromatic, but there are types with transversely or longitudinally striped foliage. The length of the leaf plates varies from 0.4 to 0.7 m; they form a rosette, which on average reaches about 50 cm in diameter, however, there are species that are both smaller and more compact. In different species, peduncles may have different lengths. Flowering begins in March or September and lasts for several months. The flowers have no decorative value. However, the bracts of Guzmania are spectacular, as if varnished; they are colored yellow, orange, red or white and have a length of 40 to 50 mm. Such bracts form an extremely unusual inflorescence. The height of an adult bush is about 0.75 m, while its width is up to 0.6 m. However, in indoor conditions, the height of such a flower rarely exceeds 0.4 m. After the bush has flowered for 6 months, it dies.

Guzmania (Guzmania, Gutzmania). How to Care for Guzmania. Beautiful Bromeliads

How to transplant guzmania (video)

In some cases, the parent plant does not die after the formation of a shoot, but develops further and forms new shoots. As a rule, after flowering, indoor guzmania fades and the peduncle must be removed, which allows not only the formation, but also the growth of children. To stimulate growth processes, it is advisable to install the indoor plant in the shade and stop irrigation activities . Most often, in such conditions, the process of forming a full-fledged process takes about three months. It is strictly forbidden to separate and transplant children that have not formed a root system.

It is advisable to transplant the children to a permanent place in separate flower pots in the spring , which will allow the young plant to adapt to the new growing location as quickly as possible. You can also grow guzmania with seeds, which need to be disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate, slightly dried to a free-flowing state and sown on the surface of a previously prepared soil substrate.


Looking at the photo of Guzmania, it is impossible to deny her captivating charm. The diversity of the plant is also striking, with about 130 different species differing in color and flower shape.

Being part of the bromeliad family, guzmania is an epiphyte, but also takes root well in the soil. The latter circumstance allowed the tropical exotic to successfully inhabit home flower beds in other climatic zones. However, only a few species are recommended for breeding, the viability of which has been tested by our flower growers.

In the composition of bromeliads, guzman takes pride of place

Juicy red Guzmania bract

Reed or Guzmania minor is the most common type. The plant blooms for a long time, delighting its owners with shiny emerald leaves and bright bracts. Its varieties also include guzmania minor rondo , compact, with small flowers surrounded by red bract leaves.

Important! Guzmania mix is ​​sold in stores - you can see such a sign on this plant. However, this is not a separate species, but a generally accepted name for Guzmania by sellers, indicating the different palette of colors that it produces.

Guzmania with light orange bract

Thanks to its beauty, Guzmania will become the highlight of your interior.

Some types of plants, such as Guzmania musa or Guzmania mosaic, are valued by flower growers and interior designers for their decorative leaves. They form huge rosettes, painted green or pink, with transverse and longitudinal stripes.

Guzmania musa or Guzmania mosaic

Rules for choosing a pot and soil for replanting Guzmania

The soil mixture for growing an ornamental crop of this species must be quite specific, which is due to the characteristics of the growth of Guzmania in natural conditions. In its homeland, this crop uses not soil, but old plant wood for nutrition. In indoor floriculture, guzmania can be planted in ready-made soils intended for growing bromeliads.

The soil sold in flower shops is also perfect for growing orchids. Experienced flower growers and specialists in the field of cultivation of exotic plants recommend adding pine needles, as well as crushed charcoal, to a ready-made soil substrate based on peat, sphagnum moss, pieces of tree bark and loose leaf soil, which will improve the looseness of the soil and also make it as light as possible and optimally suitable for bromeliads.

Types of Guzmania.

There are over 120 different species and they are all native to South America. These tropical beauties are widely known among lovers of beautiful indoor flowers. Although there are several varieties of Guzmania, the most popular are Guzmania lingulata and blood red Guzmania.

Guzmania reed is the most popular of its species. Her common name is Scarlet Star. The leaves cluster together in the center in a star shape. Most often, Guzmania reed bracts are pink or red, but you can also find shades of yellow and orange depending on the variety. In nature, the flowers of reed guzmania are white. They survive well in low light and artificial light conditions. However, they do not tolerate exposure to intense direct sunlight. Reed guzmanias include the popular types of minor rondo and tempo .
Guzmania tsana or zana has green, glossy leaves that droop downwards. Some varieties have variegation or horizontal stripes on the leaves. Tsana has red bracts and yellow flowers.
Blood red Guzmania has long, wide, flat leaves that cascade over each other and bend toward the ground. The flowers are bright red or orange and turn yellow or green towards the center and edges. The plant is wider than it is tall.
Guzmania single-eared or crested is a rare species that is endangered in natural conditions. The plant has wide, flat, yellow-green leaves. The flower is placed on a spike above the foliage. The flower is usually red.

Guzmania can be a great gift. It will decorate any room. Avid flower growers try to acquire all possible types of guzmania.

How to separate Guzmania babies (video)

When preparing your own soil mixture for growing guzmania, you can mix three parts of leaf soil, one part of pine bark and one part of medium-grained river sand. Before planting the plant, it is necessary to disinfect the soil mixture using high-temperature conditions in the oven.

You should not use too large and voluminous planting containers for transplanting and planting decorative indoor crops. The flower pot must match its size to the relatively small and superficial root system of the guzmania. It is best to purchase a shallow, medium-sized flower pot for growing. The main condition for proper transplantation is the creation of a good drainage layer in the planting container and the presence of high-quality drainage holes. Only in this case will it be possible to prevent stagnation of moisture in the soil and save the ornamental crop from rotting roots.

Which pot to choose for guzmania?

The pot for growing Guzmania must be heavy, since the center of gravity of the plant is on the flower, which is located high, which is why we need a good balance. The best option is a ceramic pot. To make it more stable, place small decorative stones on top and broken pieces of pottery down under the soil. These measures will also improve drainage, which is very important.

The soil mixture should be porous enough to allow water to drain quickly and not stagnate at the roots. It is also important that the soil is airy - the roots of guzmania need air.

Guzmania transplant technology

As a rule, adult plants die after flowering and do not require replanting, but it is recommended to plant or replant shoots of an ornamental crop very carefully, according to the following technology:

  • carefully release the root system of the planted shoot or young ornamental plant;
  • lay the extracted plant on a dry surface for about an hour;
  • treat the roots of the transplanted crop with a rooting stimulator, which can be “Kornevin” or “Heteroauxin”;
  • pour a drainage layer into the flower pot, the volume of which should be approximately a third of the planting capacity;
  • fill up a raised area of ​​fertile soil and install a young rosette of a decorative indoor plant;
  • very carefully sprinkle the roots of the young plant with a nutritious soil substrate prepared in advance to the level of the root collar of the plant.

How to seat children: photos and step-by-step instructions

Guzmania lives on average two years. And then it dies for six months after flowering is completed. During this time, babies begin to form around the trunk. Once they reach a height of 15 cm and develop their root system, they can be replanted.

Main stages of planting:

  1. Stop watering the adult plant so that the soil becomes dry and loose. This will make it easy to separate the sprouts.
  2. Turn the pot over and remove the guzmania.
  3. Use a sharp knife to separate the children without damaging the roots. Allow them to dry for an hour on a piece of paper.
  4. Treat the roots with charcoal.
  5. Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot.
  6. Add soil and place the plant's rosette in the center.
  7. Level the roots and fill the top with soil up to the neck.
  8. Spray with a spray bottle.

Young plants are planted in a prepared substrate so that the size of the pot is sufficient for the next three years.

If you are not using a new pot, then before planting you need to wash it several times with soap and rinse with boiling water. This will save the young plant from infection by fungus.

If the width of the pot allows, you can transplant several plants into one container at once. Only the central dried part will have to be removed. In nature, guzmania grows in dense colonies.

After transplanting, it is important to maintain optimal humidity at 60-85% . To do this, guzmania is sprayed with filtered water. You can put sphagnum on the surface of the soil.

How to care for guzmania (video)

It is very important to remember that the root system of any type of guzmania is very fragile, so compacting the soil in a flower pot is strictly forbidden. After planting, abundant watering is carried out, and, if necessary, nutrient soil is added. Watering the planted plant is carried out in the leaf rosette with settled water at room temperature with the addition of a few drops of “Kornevin”. Further care of the plant consists of watering, fertilizing, and also carrying out preventive measures.

Sources: https://dachadecor .ru/komnatnie-rasteniya/technologiya-i-sroki-peresadki-guzmanii

Mistakes in caring for Guzmania and main problems

Do not be upset if the flower is a little sick or does not please with the bright colors of flowering. It is enough to restore favorable conditions for it.

Why does guzmania not bloom and what to do?

Why doesn't guzmania bloom?

A Tropicana can only go on strike if it is not properly cared for. Check if there is enough light and heat for it, are you flooding it? Perhaps you have never fed it? If, however, the grower is sure that proper care is provided, you can stimulate flowering:

  • Place ripe apples or bananas next to the flower, and cover the plant with them with a plastic bag. The ethylene released by the fruits will provoke the release of the peduncle and children.
  • Periodically check that the fruits do not have mold or rot and replace them with fresh fruits in a timely manner.

After a month or two, you will definitely achieve flowering. It’s just better to do this in spring or early summer, in accordance with the life cycle of the plant.

Guzmania leaves have wilted

This phenomenon indicates that the water in the outlet has stagnated and the roots have begun to rot. Classic consequences of overflow. Dry your beauty: drain the water from the outlet and tray, stop watering. Only lightly spray the plant and the surface of the soil when it dries.

When the turgor of the leaves is restored, it will be possible to resume watering through the funnel.

Guzmania is not growing

This also happens if the florist hopes that the flower purchased at the garden center already has everything it needs. Unfortunately, the transport soil is not suitable for the constant growth and development of the flower.

The reasons for growth stagnation are simple:

  • Lack of nutrition for the flower due to poor soil and lack of feeding through the leaves.
  • There is little light, the flower stands on the north window or in the middle of the room.

Feed the tropical beauty, replant it in nutritious soil and give it more light so that it will delight you with active growth!

Remember also that the plant juice is an irritant to the mucous membranes and skin. Therefore, it is better to work with rubber gloves.


Bromeliad family. Home to tropical forests of South America. The genus includes about 130 species of epiphytic plants. A fairly common plant that is valued by bromeliad lovers for its gorgeous inflorescences. Guzmania grows greatly in width, so it requires a lot of space; it is best to place it on a separate stand next to the window. Otherwise, care for it as you would for other bromeliads.

Guzmania care

Temperature: Guzmania is thermophilic. The usual room temperature in summer is about 22-28°C, in winter it is cooler 18-20°C, the minimum winter temperature is 18°C.

Lighting: light partial shade, with mandatory protection from direct sunlight from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. In spring and summer, the best place for guzmania is the windowsill of an east window, or in close proximity to a south or west window. In winter, you need a bright window without shading (until mid-February).

Watering: like all bromeliads, gusmania is watered directly into the rosette of leaves, part of the water flows into the ground, and watered again only when the substrate in the upper part dries out. The water must be soft (preferably boiled) and at room temperature. In spring and summer, there should always be water in the rosette of leaves, and it should be updated at least once a month with fresh water.

In winter, gusmania is watered very carefully so that the soil dries to half the height of the pot.

Fertilizing: from May to August, fertilizing is carried out once a month, while the fertilizer is diluted with water for irrigation and poured into a socket. Fertilizer is used specially for bromeliads or for ordinary indoor plants, but taken in a dose four times less than for other plants. The NPK ratio in the fertilizer should be approximately the same, in equal shares.

Air humidity: Guzmanias love regular spraying, which is necessary if the plant is in a too warm room (with central heating in winter). But you can place the pot on a wide tray with damp sphagnum moss.

Transplantation: usually carried out after flowering, when the mother plant dies and the children grow up. Guzmania is planted in a soil mixture consisting of 1 part light leaf soil, 1 part coconut fiber (coconut chips or coconut substrate), 1/2 part pieces of pine bark, 1/2 sand or vermiculite, you can also add a handful of chopped dried moss. sphagnum You can use a store-bought potting mix for bromeliads.

The planting container should not be too deep; it is better to use wide bowls. You can make a soil mixture based on a store-bought one; for this, use a universal soil (for example, terra-vita), add pine bark, broken into fractions of about 1 cm, coarse sand, sifted from dust, all in equal parts. Sand can be replaced with vermiculite. Add a few pieces of birch coals.

There is drainage at the bottom of the pot, made of expanded clay or pieces of wine cork.

Planting guzmania (personal experience, severina): Several options can be offered as a substrate for bromeliads:

  • a mixture of semi-decomposed leaves, sphagnum, peat, sand, pieces of charcoal or broken shards
  • softwood litter mixed with peat in a 1:1 ratio
  • pine bark mixed with peat in a 1:1 ratio.
  • peat soil, leaf, humus, sand 1:1:1:1/2

Exchange of experience on growing Guzmania

Pests of Guzmania

  • Bromeliad scale insect - settles on both sides of leaves, looks like brown, sometimes almost black, plaque-tubercles. Affected leaves turn yellow and die. Carefully inspect the plant in the store! Control measures. Pests are removed from both sides of the leaves with a sponge soaked in an insecticide solution (actellik 15-20 drops per 1 liter of water), or the plant is sprayed with the same solution. You can water the ground with a solution of the systemic insecticide actara.
  • Mealybugs are white, hairy insect pests that do not fly and are concentrated primarily at the base of leaves and the root zone. The mealybug damages the leaves, and a sooty fungus settles on its secretions. The plant is stunted in growth, the leaves turn yellow, if measures are not taken, the plant may die. Control measures. Use a sponge with laundry soap or alcohol to wipe all leaves on both sides. Water the soil with a solution of the systemic insecticide Actara or Confidor.
  • Spider mite - yellow spots of irregular shape appear on the leaves, and puncture points are visible in the light of the leaf. The leaves gradually turn yellow and die. Control measures. Wipe all leaves with soapy water, then spray the plant with an acaricide (Sunmite, Nissoran, Oberon).

Guzmania propagation methods

The rosette of leaves is crowned with an attractive plume of bracts. They come in colors and bright colors. In the very center there are small flowers that may not even open; the seeds will ripen without pollination.

The life span of a plant is measured by the time from germination to seed development. Having given birth to offspring, guzmania dies, but first leaves daughters that sprout from the key plant.

Reproduction of Guzmania is possible:

  • seeds;
  • children.

The propagation method by seeds is selected if it is impossible to purchase cuttings.

When is a guzmania transplant required?

The first and only time Guzmania is replanted is after purchasing it from a flower shop. In most cases, they sell a plant that is already flowering, which means that after six months the elite will dry out and the plant will die. We need to make sure that the plant blooms for a long time and get children who will continue the family line. The plant was carefully removed from the shipping container.

A bowl for guzmania is selected with a depth of no more than 12 cm, of which 2 cm will be a drainage layer.

The soil can be used purchased for bromeliads or composed without outside help from the same parts:

  • turf land;
  • coarse river sand;
  • finely crushed sphagnum moss;
  • peat

Add a little coke, pine bark, ceramic crumbs. The drainage system is made from shards and expanded clay balls

The roots of the plant are weak, so the soil must be compacted carefully when replanting.

Guzmania is not blooming!

There may be several reasons why guzmania does not bloom; it is difficult to give precise advice without seeing the flower. It's like making a diagnosis over the phone.

However, some options for not having a colorful plume can be considered.

Old baby

Guzmania, of course, renews itself like a Phoenix bird, reproducing into daughters after flowering. However, she also has her limits. A plant obtained after a 10-12 renewal cycle will not bloom; you can only count on healthy, green “tops”.

young babe

If the ripening time of the head of cabbage has not yet approached, the plant is less than 2 years old, then flowering cannot be expected here either. Readiness for flowering and further reproduction in the planted baby occurs in the 3rd year, or even in the 5th year if the baby is obtained from seeds.

Conditions of detention

Check whether the epiphyte has enough light and water.

Direct rays of the sun are unacceptable, but dim light is not conducive to flowering. If the windows are south, move the guzmania a meter from the window; if the windows face north, place them directly on the windowsill.

A lack of moisture is not as destructive as its excess, but if there is a lack of it, the epiphyte will not produce color.

Ideally, place the container with the flower in a tray with high edges, filling the bottom with gravel.

Make sure the gravel is constantly wet, this is your indicator. Based on the condition of the gravel, it is easy to determine whether the flower receives a lot or little moisture. And no hard lime water!

The soil

Compacted, heavy soil is not a bromiliaceae's best friend. If you get a flower sticking out of black stone or clay, you need to carry out recovery:

  • place the pot in warm water so that it reaches the neck of the flower, and let it get wet thoroughly;
  • carefully remove the flower along with the adhering lump and place it in a container filled with clean manure and sawdust humus;
  • After a few days, when the roots of the guzmania have straightened and become saturated, replant the plant in proper loose soil and a suitable pot.

Lack of "society"

There are capricious plants that refuse to bloom if there are no other tropical plants nearby (crossandra, palm, clivia, dieffenbachia, frisea, etc.).

Most likely, this is due to the fact that epiphytes prefer to settle on other plants and the lack of tropical “society” does not stimulate guzmania to flower.

Create a “tropical zone” for the capricious one by placing next to it a plant that is similar in principles of care (warmth, light, humidity), and the epiphyte will “come to life.”


Check the plant for diseases and parasites!

If everything is fine with the content, the age of maturity has also approached, and the green bush does not want to bloom, you can push it to do so - stimulate it.

Stimulation for flowering

There are 2 traditional methods:

  • preparations “Ovary” and “Bud” according to the instructions for them;
  • plant hormone - ethylene.


This colorless gas, the simplest alkene, has long been used industrially to ripen fruits. We will need it for flowering.

First way

Dissolve 1 tsp in 0.5 liters of water. calcium carbide and leave for a day under a tightly closed lid.

Pour the resulting ethylene solution into another jar, without disturbing the suspension that has settled to the bottom.

In the morning, pour 2-3-4-5 “cubes” of ethylene from a syringe without a needle directly into the center of the head of cabbage (leaf rosette-funnel). How much depends on the size of the outlet.

The calculation is something like this:

20 cm – 2 “cubes”,

30 cm - 3 “cubes”, etc.

In a month and a half, the guzmania will be decorated with its bright crown and throw out a peduncle. While waiting, it is better to illuminate the flower additionally – up to 14 hours.

Second way

Simpler, but more dangerous.

Place a couple of overripe apple slices or a darkened banana peel next to the plant.

Cover the epiphyte with a transparent bag over the head. The gas released by decomposing fruits will serve as a stimulant for flowering.

The bag should be removed once a day, the guzman should be ventilated and watered.

It is not recommended to keep the plant in an improvised gas chamber for more than 10 days.

The danger of this method is that rotten fruit, in addition to the release of ethylene, provokes the growth of putrefactive bacteria, which can affect the development of fungal diseases in the flower.

It is extremely difficult to get rid of a fungal infection; the plant can be lost completely.

Perhaps you shouldn’t rush into stimulation: every vegetable has its time. The time will come, and the tropical beauty will reward you for your patience with a lush plume of bract leaves of bright, unique colors and shades.

Another case is when Guzmania declares a boycott of flowering if it somehow does not like the situation in the apartment. This is already an area of ​​\u200b\u200baccepts and superstitions, but this also takes place!

Exotic flower Guzmania Save the flower Indoor plants, flowers

Is caring for a flower difficult?

Seeing such beauty, people begin to think that they need to worry about it day and night so that the magnificent flower can live in conditions far from the climate of the tropics. In fact, caring for a guzmania plant is not that difficult, you just need to know how!

Choosing a place and pot

A flat head of cabbage will not take up much space. In the limited space of a room, even the largest types of guzmania, which grow up to 2-4 m in the homeland of the tropical flower, barely reach 80 cm in height.

The plant prefers places with good lighting on the western sides and mandatory shading from the burning rays of the sun. Guzmania would rather grow and bloom in partial shade than get sunburned!

While it’s winter outside and gloomy gray outside the window, a tropical guest won’t mind moving to a southern window for a while, until spring. Unlike many other plant pets, she is not at all capricious and easily tolerates changes in location.

The temperature in the selected corner should not drop below +18 °C, ideally +22-25 °C. She doesn't like drafts either.

Since the roots of the plant serve only for stability when attached to the bark or crevice of a stone, a large flower pot is not needed. However, the pot must be heavy enough so as not to tip over under the weight of the flower. A thick-walled ceramic flowerpot or wooden tub is suitable.

Cramped conditions in a favorable environment will not prevent the epiphyte from developing well with proper care and delighting the owner with bright flowers.

But choosing the right pot and place for its “location” is not enough. It is necessary to provide Guzmania with care (watering and fertilizing) and replanting, if necessary, with the correct soil.

Watering and fertilizing

It is clear that a tropical flower needs a humid environment. Therefore, it is good if the choice of place for the pot fell in the area of ​​a small home humidifier fountain or at least an aquarium.

The ideal humidity level for epiphytes is from 50 to 80%, but this regime can only be maintained in a greenhouse; in apartments the norm is from 45 to 60%.

It’s great if you find a minute to spray the green growth with a spray bottle every day.

If you don’t have a minute, then provide a weekly warm shower.

When the plant is in bloom, the shower is canceled so that water does not get on the flowers themselves or inside the stipules.

Water for irrigation is used slightly warm and well settled. It is necessary to water directly into the center of the head, into the leaf funnel.

In the summer, before the flowers bloom, there should always be water in the funnel. During flowering and after flowering there should be no water in the funnel.

In winter, it is enough not to let the top layer of soil dry out. A good helper in this is a layer of sphagnum moss.

Attention! Weak guzmania roots easily rot if there is too much moisture!

The flower will survive slightly dry soil, but it will destroy the swamp irrevocably.

The tropical beauty needs to be fed during the periods of growth and flowering (March-September) with special formulations for Bromeliaceae every 2 weeks.

If a special preparation is not available, you can use regular fertilizers for indoor flowers according to the usual scheme, but in half the dosage.

The fertilizer should not contain copper and boron - they are toxic to the flower.

When guzmania throws out its bright plume, the number of feedings becomes more frequent: once every 10 days.

Transplantation and soil

The flower grows, and once every 2 years, if flowering does not occur, it needs a “new apartment” - a pot.

The roots that have grown in 2 years are not impressive in volume, so we prepare a pot with a larger diameter and a depth of only 10 cm. This is enough.

If necessary, increase the drain hole to D 2 cm (R-1 cm).

We lay pebbles and expanded clay (drainage) at the bottom of the “new apartment” and fill 1/3 with a moisture-intensive, slightly acidic substrate:

  1. leaf soil, conifer bark mulch, coarse sand, sphagnum moss - 2x2x1x2;
  2. turf soil, chopped sphagnum, peat, sand – 2x2x4x1;
  3. sphagnum, crushed fern roots, soil for orchids - 2x1x3

Choose one of three options.

Guzmania roots do not need to be cleared of the previous soil if it is healthy and the plant too - the roots are extremely fragile. Use a gentle handling method.

Replanting will also be required if the purchased plant is clearly cramped in a tiny pot.

A transplant is needed when the guzmania has faded and it is necessary to plant the “babies” - side shoots, since the mother rosette is dying.

During the flowering period, the epiphyte cannot be transplanted!

Having understood how to water a guzmania flower and replant it correctly, you need to separately touch on possible troubles - pests and diseases.

Flower stories: how to care for guzmania

Diseases and pests

The Tropicana has a strong immune system and copes well with all adversities, however, gross mistakes in care and local pests can undermine its health.

Real and fake diseases of Guzmania

The most common real diseases are fungal infections:

  • powdery mildew (“powdery”, true and false);
  • soil fungus (root and rosette rotting);
  • rust (“rust”);
  • sooty fungus (“mob”, aspergillus);
  • gray mold;
  • leaf spotting.

Among the “fake” diseases, there is curling and browning of leaves. The reason is dry air, too much watering or unprepared water.

“Treatment” consists of regular, daily spraying with well-settled (filtered, boiled) water with the addition of apple cider vinegar or lemon juice (1 teaspoon of acid per 1 liter of water). It is better to spray the plant early in the morning or after sunset.

Treating fungus is difficult and not always rewarding.

Transplanting a flower into new soil and treating it with fungicides (for example, “Fundazol”) are effective only at the first stage of the disease, when the change in color of the head and leaf rosette toward darkening is barely noticeable.

In case of severe damage, you will have to part with the plant - the fungus quickly spreads to other flowers, affecting weakened and young ones.

The fungus is very contagious! If it is not possible to quarantine Guzmania, then it is better to get rid of it to avoid infecting the entire home garden.

Prevention measures are simple:

  • compliance with the rules of care;
  • use of proven soil;
  • failure to use old containers without prior disinfection;
  • temporary isolation of new plant pets;
  • no dust;
  • correct watering.


The main, frequently encountered pests of Guzmania will be:

  • scale insects and false scale insects are a serious enemy of the novice “guzman breeder”; they are dangerous because they are difficult to detect at the early stage of infection;
  • spider mites of various types - cosmically rapid reproduction and suppression of the plant by destroying leaf cells;
  • The mealybug (felt louse, hairy louse, false cushion bug) is a close relative of the scale insect that sucks young shoots and leaves, but this creature affects not only the upper parts of the flower, but also its roots.

Relief will occur after wiping the epiphyte leaves three times with a soap-alcohol solution and spraying with insecticides (for example, Fitoverm, Metaphos, Confidor, Fosbecid).

Treatments are carried out every 10 days.

Attention! Spider mites are not insects! This is an arachnid animal! And it is useless to use insect repellents to destroy it!

We kill ticks with insectoacaricides and acaricides: Borneo, Actellik, Nissoran, Agravertin, Sunmite, Vertimek, Envidor, Dursban, Apollo, Kleschevit, Flumite, "Oberon", "Omite", etc.

After processing the unfortunate flower, it is strictly necessary to wash the window sill, the outer part of the pot, the tray and your hands with soap.

Having figured out how to care for the guzmania plant, you can begin the basics of its propagation.


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