Male indoor flower photo, name, care, signs

You can treat folk beliefs any way you like, but when legends have been preserved for centuries, it’s worth thinking about. One of the interesting, accessible and pleasant superstitions is associated with a plant popularly called Male Happiness, or Male Flower.

This anthurium is a spectacular houseplant. Bright flowers, dense shiny leaves, large compact form. All this is valued in decorating apartments and houses and is used in office interior design. But this flower is not good for its beauty alone. There are many interesting stories and hopes associated with it. What to expect from anthurium? First things first.

Anthurium male flower: a wonderful legend

Not every flower has its own personal legend. Anthurium has it, beautiful and sad at the same time. In ancient times, in one of the Indian tribes there lived a couple in love. The bride was so beautiful that an influential warrior from a neighboring tribe wanted to marry her. The girl refused the stranger and continued with her lover to prepare for the wedding. On the eve of the celebration, an outcast warrior and his friends attacked civilians, treacherously killed the groom, and tried to marry the bride by force.

The grief-stricken girl did not give up. She threw herself into the big wedding fire to preserve her honor and loyalty to her murdered lover. The girl’s act made an impression on the gods, who in those days were close to mortals and influenced their existence. The gods decided to save the girl’s life by turning her into a beautiful anthurium flower. He turned out to be bright, cheerful and forever young. But sometimes he remembers his bitter human fate and “cries” profusely with dew.

The rarest and most expensive species

Some flower crops amaze the imagination with their smell, size, color or abilities that are unusual for the plant world.
There is a flower called Victoria regia. This is an unusual white water lily, which has leaves with a diameter of about 2 m, supporting a load weighing up to 50 kg on its surface. The flower lives for 5 years.

The largest flower on the planet reaches about 250 cm in height and at least 150 cm in width. This is Amorphophallus titanica. Many scientists consider the smell of this flower to be one of the most disgusting on the planet - it is a mixed smell of rotten eggs and fish. The uniqueness of the flower also lies in the fact that it begins to emit a scent only when it is touched.

Among the majestic peaks of the Andes, the Puya Raymond flower grows. This type of flower is considered endangered. It reaches a height of 10 m and about 8 thousand white flowers bloom on it at the same time. Flowers appear in the 80th year of life; after the fruits appear, the plant dies.

The world's largest flower grown by man is considered to be the queen of flowers, the Lady Banks rose, planted back in 1885. Its trunk, on which more than 200 thousand flowers bloom, has already reached 3.7 m in diameter.

Why is happiness male?

A legend is a legend, but the common name of the flower is associated with something completely different. The appearance of this plant is so eloquent that one look at its flowers is enough to understand why it is called that. In contrast to the gentle, modest Feminine happiness, anthurium expressively declares its Masculine origin. The inflorescence of this plant is a spadix, most often cone-shaped. It is so defiantly optimistic and vertical that it is associated with a symbol of masculinity. This is where ideas about the influence of anthurium on male happiness arose.

Men's bouquet: unspoken rules of florists

When composing a bouquet for a man, you need to know a few rules that florists follow when putting together a bouquet for a man.
Size matters. More precisely, dimensions. The men's bouquet is characterized by an elongated and oblong shape.

Accordingly, plants with long stems are selected to create a bouquet.
Lush and round bouquets are traditionally considered feminine. Interesting tradition, right? It seems that we know what S. Freud would say about this. A similar rule applies when choosing flowers for a men's bouquet. Linear inflorescences
are preferred It is better to leave round and lush buds for a woman’s bouquet in honor of March 8th.
Flowers such as callas and irises meet male standards. They can be included in a flower arrangement for a man. When choosing a bouquet as a gift for a man, you should also pay attention to the color of the buds. Men's bouquets are characterized by muted or rich dark
tones. Colors such as purple, blue, and burgundy are often used. Soft pastel, pink and cream shades are inappropriate in a men's bouquet. It is better to take buds of this color to make a bouquet as a gift for a girl. The design of men's bouquets should be restrained, laconic and strict. An abundance of bows, romantic ruffles and satin ribbons will look good in the case of a women's bouquet, but when composing a flower arrangement for a man, such excesses are inappropriate.

Male flower: signs and superstitions

In Colombia, anthurium is one of the most beloved flowers. Peas with this plant are displayed on verandas, living rooms and other prominent places in the house. Residents of this country are sure: anthurium repels any negativity from the house. But most importantly, with its strong energy, this plant attracts good luck, love and wealth into the house! In the countries of Central America, the home flower Male Happiness is an indispensable wedding attribute. It is included in the composition of wedding bouquets, decorates the hair of brides, and is also used as a boutonniere for grooms. Guests invited to the wedding are sure to give these bright flowers, wishing the newlyweds an unusually happy family life.

In our country, the expectations from a flower are the same! And similar signs:

  • For Male happiness to “work” 100 percent, it must be given as a gift. It is believed that the plant is not as effective when purchased.
  • It doesn't matter who gives the flower. And the owner of the plant may not necessarily be a man. Anthurium will bring no less benefits to women. But still, in full force, he reveals his magical capabilities to his male owner.
  • If you spend a lot of time at work, then you can place a flower pot not far from your workplace. Such a neighborhood will be favorable: the degree of tension will decrease and efficiency will increase.

Bouquets of Flowers for Men

At first, someone may be surprised: do people give flowers to men? But then, most likely, you will remember many similar cases. Have you seen how they present baskets of flowers to pop artists and singers? Or how do they present bouquets to bosses? Of course, men's bouquets are inferior in popularity to women's, but still, bouquets are presented to the stronger sex not so rarely. Men are given flowers on their birthday, anniversary, in honor of promotion, on the occasion of a professional holiday, February 23, even on New Year. Veterans are always congratulated on Victory Day. And male teachers, among other things, are presented with bouquets on Last Bell, graduation, September 1, Teacher's Day. The reason can be completely different. What flowers can be included in a men's bouquet? Most people prefer to give the stronger half of humanity gerberas, roses, irises and even sunflowers. However, let's take a better look at the rules for composing a men's bouquet.

Male flower: care at home

Like many other house plants, anthurium came to us from Central and South America. Under natural conditions, it grows in humid forests. It blooms very generously in greenhouse conditions. But in home floriculture, anthurium has taken its place of honor. Caring for a flower Men's happiness is not particularly difficult. This plant will feel quite comfortable even with the most novice gardener. The flowering of anthurium will tell you how correctly you care for the plant. With a good owner, it blooms most of the year: from the first months of spring until the end of autumn.

The conditions for keeping the flower are simple:

  • The fact that in nature anthurium grows in a humid environment does not mean that it needs to be flooded. In indoor conditions it needs moderate watering. If water collects in the pan after watering, it must be drained immediately. Otherwise, the roots will begin to rot.
  • Humidity can be provided to the flower by spraying water with a spray bottle. But even here you need to be careful: only the leaves should be sprayed; the flowers do not like water.
  • America is the birthplace of Male Happiness, but he doesn’t need a lot of sun in your apartment. In late spring and summer, the plant may get sunburned. Therefore, at this time, a suitable place is where the flower will not receive direct sunlight. But in winter it is better, on the contrary, to place it in a well-lit place. Then the anthurium will gain solar energy before vigorous spring flowering.
  • If there is a need to transplant or propagate a flower by dividing the bush, it is better to do this in the spring. Even the flowering state of the plant is not an obstacle and will not worsen the condition of the anthurium.

Application in landscape design

Knowing how plants are classified according to their main characteristics, you can begin to select plants for your flower garden.
First of all, you need to find out the names of flowers that are in harmony with each other in terms of aesthetic characteristics and care requirements. In addition, it is advisable to select plants in such a way that flowering does not stop throughout the warm season. These can be either annual ornamental plants, with which the site will look new every new season, or perennial flowers, which are easy to care for. It should be noted that crops with a long flowering period include only annuals. When using perennial crops, choose flowers with alternate blooms.

When selecting beautiful plants for a flower garden, their height is taken into account, placing tall plants in the center of the flower bed or in the background of flower beds, combining them with medium-sized crops. Low-growing flowers are used to create, for example, flower borders.

With the onset of the first warm days, primroses appear, which open the season of a riot of colors, these include flowers with names :

  • delicate snowdrops are a white forest flower. It can please with buds from mid-February.
  • primrose - blooms in March, mostly snow-white or bright yellow. But with artificial plantings it can please you with a wide variety of bright and rich colors.
  • crocuses begin to bloom in late March or early April. Their petals can be painted in all possible shades of white, purple, pink, yellow and lilac.
  • hyacinths are the brightest of the primroses, blooming at the same time as crocuses;
  • Tulips bloom a little later than crocuses and are not at all a hindrance to other plants.
  • daffodil - bulbous plants are most often white with a yellow core;
  • Forget-me-nots, daisies and pansies take up the blooming baton in April. These low plants of various colors will cover the flower garden with a bright carpet.
  • fragrant lily of the valley is a rare forest plant listed in the Red Book. Blooms in May. When using it when creating flower beds, one must take into account that it has a powerful root system and easily survives all its neighbors;
  • peony blooms at the end of May with huge inflorescences of delicate and bright colors.

Spring ones are being replaced by summer options for decorating the site with the following color names :

  • dahlia plants are bright flowers with diverse forms of inflorescences of the most unexpected colors. The plant blooms in June and continues to bloom until autumn;
  • Turkish carnation is a perennial divine flower of all kinds of bright colors with a pleasant aroma for sunny areas. Its lush flowering begins from the second year of life in June, and lasts more than 30 days;
  • summer phlox can bloom on the hottest days of July;
  • garden daisies are an unpretentious plant that will decorate any area with its summer blooms;
  • Chrysanthemums come in all sorts of colors. Their flowering replaces other crops in August.

With the arrival of autumn days, the flower garden never ceases to delight with bright colors. Examples of flower names of the best autumn plants could be :

  • chrysanthemums that will not leave the flower garden until frost;
  • Craspedia blooms with golden balls and remains on the stems until frost;
  • allium has inflorescences in the shape of balls of various colors. They appear at the end of spring and remain in this form throughout the season, since this plant is a dried flower.

Naturally, the range of flower crops for continuous flowering is much wider. And, it is quite obvious that on any site, thanks to the knowledge of what kinds of flowers there are, you can arrange such a bright and fragrant flower garden.

Two Happiness in one house

Is it possible to have two flowers in one room: Male and Female happiness? Yes! And not only is it possible, but it is also necessary. They say that two of these plants in one house lead to harmony even faster. There are just two important rules for the coexistence of anthurium and spathiphyllum in a single space:

  1. Spathiphyllum (Women's Happiness) and Anthurium (Male Happiness) are not recommended to be grown in the same pot. These two plants have slightly different conditions for development. There is a high probability that the Male flower, due to its botanical characteristics, will suppress the development of Female happiness.
  2. To achieve the best effect, each family member must take care of his plant: the man - for Male happiness, and the woman - for Female happiness. Only in this case can we expect complete harmony both in the flower kingdom and in the family.

*Pictures used in the article are taken from free access on the Internet and are used on the site for educational purposes.

Exotic plants

Some plants are so rare that it is impossible for most people to see them bloom with their own eyes.
They grow only in certain often very remote corners of the planet. And some endangered species remain only in single copies. On the Philippine Islands, under the hot tropical sun, the climbing vine Jade Vine grows with chic 2-meter sea-green tassels hanging from it. This plant is pollinated only by moths and bats.

In the completely impenetrable jungles of Indonesia, located on the islands of the Malay archipelago and the western part of the island of New Guinea, grows a unique bright red flower, the Corpse Lily, or Rafflesia, which received its name for its specific corpse smell. This flower with a diameter of about 1 m weighs at least 10 kg.

The wild orchid has a unique method of reproduction in the wild. After its seeds fall into the ground, soil fungi come to the aid, which provide the plant with certain nutrition.

The rarest plant that blooms with very bright red flowers - Camellia red - is preserved in only 2 copies on the planet. One of them grows and is protected in the gardens of New Zealand, and the second - in England, in a greenhouse.

Ficus will scare away a man

Ficus is contraindicated for single women to grow. Since ancient times, there have been many legends in the world about indoor plants - “husbands”. Such beliefs say that they repel men, creating an unbearable energy in the room. Ficus, fern and liana can prevent a free girl from finding family happiness. But ficus is one of the indoor plants that will survive any owner.

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