Indoor Schefflera flower: signs, care at home

What does a flower look like

Schefflera is a tropical plant of the tree type. The name is given in honor of one of the scientists who studied it.

About 12 species of Schefflera grow in homes, but there are more than a hundred of them in the wild. The height of the plant can reach 2 meters, but, of course, when growing in an apartment, the length is shortened using special tools.

The most popular types of shefflera:

  • woody;
  • radiant;
  • dusty

The stems can unite into one large stem, or grow separately from each other. Each leaf is a work of art, because the patterns of color shades are different.

Attention! This is a poisonous plant. Therefore, it must be handled with caution. Allergy sufferers and simply sensitive people may experience redness and a rash on the palms when touching the plant. Therefore, it is better to care with gloves.

Types of shefflera

Before learning the signs about shefflera, we suggest you find out the types of this plant and choose the one that fits perfectly into your interior.

Schefflera Palmata

Schefflera Starifolia

Schefflera Gerda

Scheffler – Amate

Scheffler Louisiana

Schefflera arborescens Gianni

Scheffler Charlotte

Schefflera Nova

The meaning of Sheflera in the house

Schefflera is a plant that can collect or accumulate energy. Some esotericists strictly prohibit keeping a flower in the house, as it can become an energy vampire. But this problem can be quickly solved if you choose the right location for the pot.

It has a number of magical properties. It has long been noted that the plant can remove negative thoughts, impart a positive attitude, and relieve fatigue after a long day of work. They also prefer to place it in rooms where children study. The plant helps to accumulate knowledge, relieve headaches and better remember information.


Home care involves creating good lighting. The tropical plant is not able to grow in dark rooms. The best option would be to place the pot on the south side, but in summer it will have to be protected from too bright rays.

If there is no southern window sill in the house, then the choice should be made in favor of green leaf decoration. Schefflera with variegated leaves is very light-loving.

Where did the belief come from?

Many people know what a flower looks like. Some even keep it at home and know about some healing and magical properties, but where these beliefs come from remains a mystery to them.

It is believed that the first mentions appeared in texts that date back to the era of Antiquity and the Middle Ages. It was then that people began to understand that plants have beneficial properties and use this for their own purposes.

In Rus', the sheflera was noticed much later, since it simply was not present here due to the cold climate. But this does not mean at all that it will not show its wonderful properties if planted on the windowsill.

Sheflera's predictions

Sheflera can predict the future, you just need to carefully observe the behavior of the green pet. A sudden darkening of the leaves will indicate the presence of a large amount of negative energy in the apartment. In this case, you can use white magic to cleanse your home or remove the evil eye.

Discarded foliage will indicate the imminent illness of one of the household members or financial losses. So owners will have time to think about whether to invest or shift the available money. The leaves will curl up before a big scandal, so you can think about how to avoid it. But the rapid growth of sheflera is associated with an early pregnancy.

Not all signs come true, so if you want to get a plant, but don’t want to worry about the signs associated with its well-being, you can simply take full care of the new inhabitant of the apartment. And then the family will not be afraid of troubles.

Signs and superstitions

A plant placed at home can become a good predictor that will point out mistakes and help find the right solution. The most famous signs are:

  1. the leaves have become dark - in the life of one of the household members, or the entire family, ill-wishers have appeared, it is possible that damage has been caused, bad thoughts are constantly present, in order to resolve these problems you need to find the source of the negative and eliminate it;
  2. leaves begin to fall off - this indicates an unprotected, broken synergetic field, which can most likely lead to chronic diseases or financial problems;
  3. the leaves are curling up - scandals with family are approaching, soon there will be problems at work or with friends, it may also indicate excessive pickiness and conflict of the owner of the shefflera;
  4. Schefflera literally froze in development - this suggests that a sharp change in the situation is expected, and not necessarily in a bad direction, it could be either a sudden collapse of business plans or an unexpected win in the lottery.

Signs about shefflera at home

In this section we have collected signs about shefflera that are associated with the house:

  • The schefflera flower has stopped growing at home - expect difficulties with money, quarrels and squabbles between husband and wife to begin in the family;
  • Schefflera suddenly dropping leaves? The sign says this refers to illnesses of one of the household members;
  • Are there often quarrels and scandals at home? It is recommended to place a shefflera in the bedroom so that it calms the ardent temperament of the household and gives peace of mind to the family;
  • Scheffler in the hallway - to the frequent arrival of guests. Also, by displaying the shefflera in the hallway, the hostess showed that she was always happy to have guests;
  • Has Schefflera begun to grow quickly and dramatically? There will be an addition to the house. If you are not ready for children, get a pet immediately;
  • If shefflera is in the bedroom and begins to grow quickly, there will definitely be a pregnancy;
  • It is recommended to place Scheffler near the desk of a pupil or student - this will help to quickly absorb knowledge that will remain in memory for a long time;
  • Place a shefflera in the living room or near the safe - and the money will “flow” into your house;
  • Schefflera sheets are rolled up - to quarrels and squabbles;
  • The darkening leaves of Schefflera mean that there is so much negativity in the house that even the plant is overwhelmed and can no longer absorb. This is a sign that it’s time to lower the intensity of passions, otherwise trouble cannot be avoided;
  • If Aries, Leo and Sagittarius live in the house, this flower is ideal for their bedroom. It will bring success, wealth and, most importantly, energy;
  • Schefflera blooms - to unprecedented luck;
  • Schefflera lost color and began to dry out no matter what - leading to failure and financial ruin.

Scheffler in the living room

Magical properties and how to manifest them

The flower has a number of magical properties. In particular, the main abilities are considered:

  1. establishing a microclimate for communication between relatives who live in the same house;
  2. assistance in studying and solving difficult puzzles and logical problems;
  3. increase in capital, but taking into account that it is treated with care;
  4. development of mental abilities;
  5. relieving stress and headaches.

Schefflera also has the ability to normalize blood pressure and reduce temperature. In general, it has a positive effect on a person.

Despite the fact that sheflera is a plant with a positive spectrum of action, it is not suitable for everyone. After all, it enhances a person’s qualities. Therefore, it is not recommended for gambling, aggressive or drinking people, as well as those with weakened energy and chronically ill people.

In order to activate the beneficial properties, it will be enough to simply be next to an indoor flower. You should sit near the bush for 15-20 minutes. At this time, you can think about something good, dream.

Attention! The plant is a talisman for the fire signs of the Zodiac (Leo, Sagittarius and Aries), so it must be in their homes.

Southern plant loves moisture

Schefflera is very sensitive to large amounts of moisture, so it must be watered abundantly and the soil should not be allowed to dry out. Watering should be reduced only in winter, and if the winter temperature for sheflera is minimal, then it is stopped altogether or air humidification is simply canceled.

In summer, in addition to watering the plant, caring for it also includes wiping the leaves from dust with a moistened sponge. Also in summer you should periodically ventilate the plant in the fresh air. But the cheflera should be placed so that the sun's rays do not fall on it. Let it be diffused light or partial shade. The well-groomed cheflera in the house is very beautiful. A photo of such a flower will decorate any gardening magazine.

Can I keep it at home?

Many people have heard about the benefits of sheflera. Arguments for these:

  • ionization of air flows and cleaning of the room as a whole;
  • absorption of negative energy;
  • checking strangers - guests who do not have good intentions feel uneasy in a room with a plant and cannot sit still for a long time;
  • aid in learning - the plant develops logical abilities, strengthens neural connections, therefore it is indispensable for nurseries in which school-aged children study.

Ritual with a flower to attract prosperity and wealth

If the properties and abilities of the cheflera are maintained in the right way, it will prevent problems and help overcome the difficulties that arise, in all areas of life. Following some rules will enhance the beneficial qualities of this flower.

Careful care

The condition of the plant deteriorates not only when it wants to warn its owner about approaching troubles and possible difficulties. Inadequate care can also harm its appearance. The water used for irrigation must stand for several days. Schefflera is afraid of both excess and lack of moisture.

In places where there is increased activity and outbursts of anger

appear to be acceptable, this plant should not be placed.

For example, if a person knows how to set the right direction of negative energy, he will not need a chefler. The fact is that it will begin to extinguish such impulses. As a result, its owner will not be able to solve the problem as he previously intended.

Using the beneficial properties of the plant

The flower promotes the acquisition of skills and facilitates the learning process. That is why it should be placed on the table at which a schoolchild or student studies.

Placing cheflers in the workplace

This plant is closely related to material issues. It knows how to influence the income of its owner. If you place it in the room where negotiations are carried out, each transaction will become profitable.

New acquaintances should be checked using this flower

An important meeting with business partners or a serious acquaintance must be held in the room with the chef. After the event is over, it is worth observing her appearance. If new acquaintances can bring trouble, she will definitely point it out.

If you have sleep disorders, you should place a sheffler in the bedroom

However, the plant does not need to be placed directly next to the bed. Many people have difficulty getting rest. It is difficult for them to forget about pressing problems and allow the body to relax. This flower will allow you to harmonize the atmosphere and take your mind off troubles. Your sleep will become sound and pleasant.

Is it possible to keep a sheflera at home and where to put it according to Feng Shui

Photo: Instagram/adrianatrotsenko_

Be that as it may, experts in the field of esotericism advise every lover of house plants to purchase sheflera without any fear. As for astrology, the flower is suitable for absolutely all signs of the zodiac circle. But most of all - Aries, Sagittarius and Leo.

According to feng shui experts, in order for a plant to please all household members, it must be located on the western side of the home (the area of ​​​​money and prosperity) or the northern (career area).

It is most useful to place a flower in bedrooms, as it effectively purifies the air and promotes better sleep and a good night's rest. At the same time, you need to talk to the chef, treat her tenderly and kindly.

One flower is good, but two is better. Breeding rules

Schefflera is transplanted once every two years. When transplanting, good drainage from expanded clay or ceramic fragments is required. It is best to take special soil for the plant, and replanting should be done either in the fall or in the summer.

The plant propagates mainly by seeds and cuttings, but propagation by seeds is the exception rather than the rule. They should be planted in a pot either in February or March, and until the first shoots appear, it is necessary to maintain the optimal temperature in the room (22 degrees). After the first sprouts appear, you can lower the temperature slightly - to 18 degrees.

But as mentioned above, shefflera is most often propagated by cuttings. What do I need to do? It is necessary to take cut cuttings, thoroughly treat them with a hormonal mixture and plant them in a mixture of peat and sand (in a one-to-one ratio). After this, the cuttings should be covered with a glass jar and left there at a temperature of 20 to 22 degrees. Until the cuttings are completely rooted and strengthened, they should not be given access to air.

Green decoration of the winter garden - sheflera in the house. The signs associated with this plant have always surprised experienced gardeners. For example, there is an opinion that the appearance of roots on the trunk of a plant portends a big profit for the owner. However, skeptics argue that this is just another method of reproduction - using air layering. This method is only suitable for those who already have extensive gardening experience: an incision is made on the trunk of the plant, the incision is wrapped in moss and covered with film. The film, like the soil, must be periodically wetted. A little later, roots will begin to appear on the trunk. Then you need to cut off the top along with the roots and plant it in the ground.

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