Anthurium, brown spots on leaves - what to do, care rules

Tips of anthurium leaves drying out

Often, gardeners are faced with the problem of the tips of anthurium leaves drying out, which causes reasonable concern.
The tips of dried leaves lead to a rapid increase in the area of ​​damage to the leaf blade and complete loss of the leaf. The plant may lose all its leaves if you do not respond promptly and make changes to agricultural practices. Understanding the reasons why anthurium leaves dry out will allow for effective treatment. Dried tips of the leaves indicate insufficient air humidity in the room. Another equally common cause is poor aeration of the root system.

Treatment for anthurium with dry leaf tips involves more frequent spraying. A pot with a houseplant is placed away from heating radiators. Place a container of water next to the pot to increase air humidity.

Aeration of the root system depends on the composition of the soil and the material from which the flowerpot is made. Dense soil and insufficient drainage holes do not allow the roots to “breathe.” Anthurium should be transplanted into a clay pot

It is important to use a special composition for epiphytic plants for planting.

Probable causes of drying and spots on anthurium leaves

Flower growers who know the characteristics of the flower consider anthurium to be a very unpretentious and grateful indoor plant. And yet, lovers of this culture sometimes have to face some problems, most often related to:

  • with errors in the organization of watering;
  • with violation of the feeding schedule;
  • with excessive dry air;
  • with improper lighting of the plant.

Slightly less often, anthurium leaves and it itself suffer from sudden temperature changes and keeping the flower in a cold room.

As a result of prolonged violation of the conditions of maintenance and care, plants are exposed to the risk of rot and fungal diseases, which threaten, if urgent measures are not taken, the death of the potted crop.

Anthuriums can be attacked by harmful insects that harm both the root system of the crop and its above-ground parts.

So why do anthurium leaves turn yellow? And for what reason do brown spots appear on the leaves?

Video: Stretched violets: what to do?

The Anthurium genus contains up to 900 (according to some estimates up to 1500) species and is deeply appreciated by lovers of indoor flowers of the Araceae family (this includes plants such as alocasia, philodendrons, monsteras, syngoniums, scindapsus, zamioculcas, dieffenbachia, aglaonemas, spathiphyllums, anubias, cryptocorynes, colocasia and etc.). All types of anthuriums are loved for their beautiful leathery, shiny, large leaves and unusually shaped flowers that resemble swallowtails.

Decorative species are usually grown at home, including Hucker's anthurium, Veitch's anthurium, crystal anthurium, climbing anthurium, which is used for vertical gardening. The most popular are Andre's anthurium and Scherzer's anthurium, in which the inflorescence is characterized by a pronounced veil.

Anthurium is a wayward plant. To grow it and maintain a well-groomed appearance, it is necessary to use special soils, which will, moreover, be filled with substrates (you can make them at home yourself or purchase them in specialized stores), have a drainage system, because this plant does not like to be flooded or dry out , therefore, a system of optimal soil care must be present. In nature, anthurium grows in loose soil with the remains of rotted wood, which is constantly ventilated and not oversaturated with moisture. However, at home it is recommended to use soil for orchids or violets (coal, peat, bark or sphagnum) with the addition of high-moor peat, perlite and leaf humus. Instead of high-moor peat, you can use store-bought peat, but do not purchase low-lying soil, because it is completely unsuitable for growing anthuriums.

If the rules for choosing and caring for the soil are followed, the plants will delight you with their extraordinary beauty, otherwise, if the soil is oversaturated with water, improper care, or failure to comply with the appropriate criteria for room care and location, the anthurium may “catch” a viral disease and suffer from rot in the soil. roots, stems, infestation with parasites. How to check if everything is ok with your anthurium? If you notice cracked leaves, inclusions of yellow spots, tubercles, white rot on the roots, yellowing, or falling leaves, then the rules for maintaining the plant have been violated.

Anthurium leaves turn yellow

Anthurium leaves turn yellow and lose their attractiveness for various reasons. A yellowed leaf quickly withers and dries up. The plant quickly loses its above-ground part if the cause of the problem is not eliminated in time.

The yellowing of indoor epiphyte leaves is caused by:

  • Root system rotting.
  • Violation of lighting conditions.
  • The flowerpot is too small.
  • Damage by flower pests.
  • Swamping of the substrate.
  • Watering with unprepared water.
  • Chlorine content in soil.

Initially, watering is reduced to allow the substrate to dry completely.

It is important not to let the soil dry out. The plant is replanted if moderate watering does not lead to the desired effect

You should carefully inspect the horse system and remove rotten parts. A half-hour disinfectant bath of a weak solution of potassium manganese has a beneficial effect. All sections are treated with crushed coal or brilliant green (pharmaceutical green). The plant is planted in a new flowerpot, covering the bottom with a thick layer of drainage mixture. Watering is carried out moderately, avoiding flooding. Under natural conditions, anthurium grows in the diffuse shade of tropical forests. Therefore, it should be protected from scorching sunlight. A houseplant must be shaded when kept on the windowsill of a south-facing window. Yellow epiphyte leaves in winter indicate a lack of lighting. Anthurium is placed in a more illuminated place or additional lighting is provided with UV lamps. The root system of the epiphyte very quickly masters the substrate and fills the entire space of the flowerpot. Often the roots rise above the soil surface or grow out through drainage holes. The plant can grow safely in such conditions for some time. The yellow color of the leaves indicates a detrimental level of stress and the need for emergency transplantation into a larger pot. It is very important to water the anthurium with settled boiled water at room temperature. Chlorinated water from city water supplies is absolutely unacceptable for watering epiphytes. Chlorine and heavy metal salts accumulate in the substrate and lead to chlorosis. The specimen should be immediately transplanted into new soil. After transplantation, moistening and watering are carried out exclusively with prepared water.

Why is this happening and what to do?

Incorrect temperature

Anthurium is a plant from humid, hot countries. In winter, the optimal temperature for flower viability is only eighteen degrees, and in summer, despite the flower’s homeland, it is considered normal if the mark on the thermometer does not exceed twenty-six degrees. At the same time, anthurium does not like drafts and easily freezes in them.

If, nevertheless, the leaves begin to dry out due to the wrong temperature, you urgently need to create comfortable conditions for the anthurium: move it to a colder/warmer place where drafts will not reach the flower - this is monitored especially carefully.

Important! Be sure to reduce watering if the flower freezes slightly.

Illiterate watering

Having discovered that the tips are drying out due to the quality of the water, due to too many salts and heavy metals in it, you should not hesitate and switch to watering with another liquid with a better composition. An option is to infuse water: running water is poured into a bottle and left for two to three days. After a few days you can use it for watering: the composition improves, the liquid becomes less harmful. The main thing is that the water is at room temperature.


Anthurium is often “attacked” by mites, scale insects or mealybugs. Having found traces of insects on the stem, leaf blade, leaf petioles and axils, gardeners treat the anthurium with a soap solution. A gram of nicotine sulfate is added per liter of water. A day after treatment, the plant is washed with clean water. Beforehand, flower growers take care to protect the soil from waterlogging during the procedure.

A solution of pyrethrum, tobacco tincture or Karbofos can also help in the fight against parasites.


It affects not only the leaves, but also the root system of the plant. When dry spots appear all over the leaf, the anthurium is removed from the pot and its roots are examined (we talked more about the reasons for the appearance of various spots on anthurium leaves here)

If they suddenly turn from white/light brown to brown or black, and the tissues become soft and slimy, then the plant is replanted, but before that it is important:

  • remove soil residues;
  • cut off damaged leaves;
  • trim fungus-affected roots to healthy tissue;
  • treat the cuts with crushed coal;
  • treat the entire plant with a fungicide.

After moistening the soil, excess liquid is poured out, and before the next watering, wait for the top layer of soil to dry out.

Potty doesn't fit

Anthurium, the reason for the drying leaves of which was the lack of free space in the pot, and therefore the lack of oxygen, requires an emergency transplant. The new container should be two to three centimeters larger in diameter; it is advisable to add more coarse fraction to the soil: cones, pieces of brick or charcoal.

If desired and at the right time, the plant is rejuvenated and replanted.

Lack or excess of fertilizers

Violation of the feeding regime and their quantity leads to drying out of the tips of anthurium leaves. If this happens, it is necessary to check the recommended rate and amount of fertilizers usually given to the plant.

Excess nutrients in the soil cannot be corrected. In this case, the plant is transplanted into “poorer” soil and the recommendations for the use of fertilizing are strictly followed. The deficiency is compensated by increasing the dose of fertilizing.

The soil is not suitable

Too dry soil or, conversely, waterlogged soil can lead to unpleasant consequences for anthurium, including its death

Therefore, it is important to follow the watering regime and not overwater the anthurium. It is necessary to promptly remove excess accumulated water from the pan, monitor the quality of drainage and dry air

A quickly drying substrate indicates dry air. Then they try to moisten it in every possible way:

  1. spray the plant with water at room temperature;
  2. wipe the leaves (but do not allow drops to linger on the leaf plate - the anthurium can cause a burn);
  3. shade the plant, because the sun's rays, especially direct ones, not only harm the leaves, but also dry out the soil.

In summer, it is recommended to place the pot on a wide tray with damp coarse sand or pebbles. When watering with water from a tap, the composition of the soil can change, and an excess of fertilizers has the same effect. In the first case, the anthurium is watered with water that has been infused for several days, in the second case it is replanted and then the amount of fertilizing given is monitored.

On our website you have the opportunity to learn about what diseases can affect anthurium and why its leaves may turn yellow.

Spots on anthurium leaves due to excess or lack of light

The condition of the plant is greatly influenced by its location. Although in the tropics, where anthuriums are accustomed to living in nature, there is no shortage of sunlight, plants are more comfortable in partial shade.

The appearance of spots on anthurium leaves may be due to direct sunlight burning the leaf blades. Deterioration in the appearance of a green pet cannot be avoided if the anthurium is in a rather dark place and suffers from insufficient lighting.

If the plant has stopped growing, blooms little and reluctantly, it probably does not have enough light. Anthuriums with dense, dark green leaf blades suffer especially badly from this. In conditions of short daylight hours or being constantly in the shade, the cuttings of anthurium leaves lengthen, the leaf blades become smaller and noticeably turn pale. By moving the plant to a well-lit windowsill, you can see how it regains its former beauty, the development of yellowness and spots on the anthurium leaves stops.

The main thing, in an effort to provide the plant with the required lighting, is not to overdo it and prevent sunburn.

When the pot is exposed to direct sunlight, gardeners are interested in what to do, because the anthurium leaves turn yellow or acquire a bronze “tan.”

A good effect is obtained by tinting the glass with a special film that reflects part of the solar radiation. If it is not possible to equip a window like this, the plant can be moved away from the glass, or during the hours of maximum sun activity, any improvised screen can be placed near the anthurium.

If immediate action is not taken, excess sun will affect not only the color of the foliage, but also its health. These include brown spots appearing on the tips of anthurium leaves and loss of damaged foliage.

Causes of blackening of anthurium leaves

Improper care and temperature conditions of the plant often lead to the leaves of anthurium turning black. To figure out what reason affected the plant, the article will analyze in detail all the possible ones.

Diseased anthurium


A variety of diseases can appear in both indoor and garden crops. Anthurium is not immune to diseases either. If the leaves have dried out, spots or plaque have appeared, then such a plant should go into quarantine until it recovers, so as not to harm the other flowers. Treatment should be started as soon as possible.

The first possible problem is rust. It begins to appear first on the stems and leaves, looking like brown spots of different sizes. As a result, the leaves fall off, and after some time the plant completely disappears. This happens in dry air.

Septoria is a fungal disease that actively develops in warm and humid environments. Yellow spots and brown edges appear, the leaves dry out quickly.

Soil fungi infect roots, which rot and wither. The appearance is associated with the use of infected soil, or the plant was already infected upon purchase. Overwatering and improper drainage in the pot are also causes.

For your information! If you do not treat the flower by removing the affected parts, then only a stump will remain from the plant.

Powdery mildew appears as a white coating. There is a difference between false and real. The latter is treated with fungicidal agents. It appears due to high humidity at high temperatures, sudden temperature changes, and improper care. When pale small pimples appear, it is necessary to begin treatment for mealy fungi.

Fusarium and gommosis are also found in anthurium. The reason is poorly disinfected soil.

Affected leaves

Anthurium can also turn black from the caescospora fungus. It is not so dangerous for the plant, but it can affect its appearance. It first appears in the form of yellow spots, which then turn brown, eventually the leaves dry out and fall off.

Pest attack

Another reason why anthurium leaves turn black is an attack by pests. The main parasites are scale insects, aphids, thrips, and spider mites.

Scale insects are tiny, armored bugs that are very difficult to spot. It is necessary to carefully care for the plant. These bugs deprive the indoor flower of energy, and as a result it withers and dies.

Thrips larvae can be seen on the back of the leaf, they look like black dots. They can infect a plant at any time of the year, but are more active in spring and summer. Larvae and adult thrips are also dangerous.

Important! All flowers affected by pests must be quarantined. The main signal of aphid appearance is leaves that are sticky to the touch.

Aphids are insects that multiply very quickly throughout the plant.

The main signal of aphid appearance is leaves that are sticky to the touch. Aphids are insects that multiply very quickly throughout the plant.

If a cobweb is seen on a flower, it means that a spider mite has settled on it. It leads to drying of all parts of the anthurium - leaves, flowers, shoots.

Wrong fertilizer

Black spots may appear from the use of fertilizers that contain a large amount of calcium. A lack of boron, zinc and iron and an excess of calcium lead to rapid aging of the plant.

Anthurium needs to be fertilized once every 3 weeks in spring and summer. These flowers are very sensitive to both an excess of lime and an excess of minerals. Therefore, fertilizing should be diluted.

Improper watering

Leaves darken at the edges if not watered correctly. It is unacceptable to water with cold tap water and with a high lime content. In summer, water with warm water at room temperature; in winter, the water temperature should be 18 °C.


Why do anthurium leaves dry out?

One of the reasons for withering and drying of leaves is the banal aging of the flower.
This is a natural process that affects all living organisms without exception, and it cannot be stopped. The tips of the old leaf dry out, then the entire plate acquires a yellow tint, after which it turns brown and dries out. It is better to cut off such parts of the plant - they do not perform useful functions, but at the same time they draw nutrients and moisture from the flower. The blades of the scissors should be pre-treated with alcohol or any other antiseptic so that the wound does not become a breeding ground for infections. True, we can talk about aging only in those cases when only a few leaves turn yellow and fall off in a month. If a similar phenomenon is observed frequently and affects young leaves, the problem should be looked for in diseases or care errors.

What other spots may appear on anthurium and why?

The appearance of uncharacteristic spots on anthurium leaves indicates a disease of the species. It is possible to understand the cause and decide on treatment only after a thorough examination of the leaf plate.

Yellow spots

Yellowing of the leaf blade can occur when the plant is infected with chlorosis. It appears due to a lack of the following microelements: iron and magnesium. For treatment, you should remove the damaged leaves and urgently apply a complex fertilizer enriched with the necessary substances to the soil.

Yellow spots

On a note! It is possible to make an accurate diagnosis by the appearance of the leaf. With chlorosis, the veins remain green, and the leaf turns completely yellow.

Black spots

If the transplant procedure was carried out incorrectly or an unsuitable substrate for this species was used, black spots may appear on the anthurium.

The soil for this species is selected taking into account the individual preferences of the plant. For example, intended for bromeliads or orchids.

Leaf blackening

White spots

When anthurium is infected with powdery mildew, a white coating appears on the leaves.

This disease occurs at high temperatures and high humidity in the room.

This disease is easily treated in the early stages with ordinary fungicides.

Powdery mildew

Anthurium: why leaves and flowers turn black and dry

The reasons for blackening of leaves can be different: from diseases to improper nutrition and watering. When spots are detected, you need to quickly determine why the anthurium leaves turn black. The further course of action will depend on this.

Blackening of leaves


Most often, the flower is susceptible to the following diseases:

  • Fusarium wilt. This disease negatively affects the leaves and stems, and also affects the root system. First, the natural shape of the stem changes. Later the leaves begin to turn black.
  • Anthracnose. The disease is caused by a fungus. Small dots – fungal spores – begin to appear on the leaves. Then they turn into brown spots, which grow over time and may turn black. Holes appear in the center of the spots. Prerequisites for the development of the disease are excessive soil moisture and high (about 27-29 °C) ambient temperature.
  • Septoria. This fungal disease also actively develops in the presence of moisture and high temperatures. The development of the disease is indicated by the appearance of yellow spots with brown edges. The leaves quickly darken and dry out, and the fast-growing spores can easily infect nearby plants.

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Fusarium on anthurium

Pest attack

In addition to diseases, pests can have a negative effect on the plant. Most often, anthurium is affected by aphids and scale insects.

Aphids are tiny pests that reproduce at a high rate, forming large colonies. The insect feeds on plant sap and pierces tissues. Aphids settle on the inside of the leaf, so they cannot be detected immediately. The consequences of its activity are curled leaves, dry parts of the plant, and stunted growth.

Note! To combat aphids, biological and chemical pesticides are used - Fitoverm, Actellik, Karate and Decis. From folk remedies, infusion of onion and garlic can help

Scale insects are small sucking pests that are reliably protected by a dense shell. They suck out the juice and prevent the flowers from developing. When insects appear, anthurium leaves become covered with brown or beige convex elliptical nodules, which can be lifted with a needle or toothpick.

Contact insecticides do not help control aphids, so they destroy pests with systemic drugs - Confidor, Bankol or Biotlin. Their active substances penetrate the plant and poison the juice, which, when it enters insects, kills them.

Scale insect stains

Dry air

Due to insufficient air humidity, anthurium leaves first curl and then change color. Ultimately, this can cause the death of the plant. To prevent the problem, you should regularly (preferably every day) spray water on the leaves and in the air.

Errors when fertilizing

An excess of nitrogenous fertilizers is dangerous for the leaves and root system of anthurium, as it slows down the ripening of the flower, and all the nutrients go towards the formation of green mass. If there is a lot of calcium in the fertilizer, this leads to a lack of magnesium, potassium, iron and other useful substances. In both cases, the anthurium leaves begin to turn black. To prevent problems from arising, when using fertilizers, you must strictly follow the instructions, observing the dosages and timing.

Improper watering

Anthurium does not like waterlogged soil. This means that you should not be overzealous when watering the plant. It is necessary to moisten the soil only when it is completely dry. Hard or cold water also harms anthurium. The temperature should vary depending on the season: in spring and summer – 22 °C, in autumn and winter – 18 °C. Boiled water should be used for irrigation.

Automatic drip irrigation option

Important! Excessive exposure to moisture on the roots can lead to their rotting and death of the bush. The plant needs to be watered only when the top layer of soil has dried to a depth of 2-3 cm

What to do if anthurium leaves are covered with brown spots

If the leaf plates of the plant begin to turn brown, you need to determine what exactly led to the appearance of this symptom and begin to treat the anthurium:

  • Incorrectly selected soil characteristics - replanting in the right soil.
  • Sunburn - moving the pot to partial shade.
  • Incorrect watering - adjusting the watering schedule.
  • Pest attack - use of folk remedies or insecticides.
  • Damaged roots - replanting with removal of bad roots.

Additional Information! The effect of a draft on the plant can lead to the appearance of brown spotting. When ventilating the room, it is recommended to take the anthurium to another room.

In order not to encounter diseases, it is necessary to immediately take proper care of the anthurium.

Pests on anthurium leaves

Scale insects, all kinds of mites, aphids and mealybugs are the insects that most often cause damage to indoor anthuriums.

And for those asking why anthurium leaves turn yellow, gardeners should carefully examine the stem of the plant, paying attention to the area near the ground, the petioles of the leaves, their leaf blades and axils.

At the first signs of insects, anthurium is treated with ready-made complex insecticides or a soap solution to which 1 gram of nicotine sulfate is added per liter of water. Since insect control agents are toxic, a day after treatment, the plant is washed with clean water, protecting the soil from excessive moisture.

What to do to prevent diseases and pests?

The foliage turns yellow and falls off after fungal diseases. The most common:

  • septoria;
  • downy mildew;
  • rust;
  • anthracnose

Disease prevention includes

  • regularly wiping the leaves with a damp cloth;
  • creating comfortable humidity by spraying water from a spray bottle;
  • maintaining the correct temperature.

Moist, non-drying soil is a favorable environment for fungi and putrefactive bacteria. Anthurium does not like both insufficient watering and excess moisture.

Due to the aging of the flower, brown spots and drying of the leaves are considered normal. It is necessary to eliminate errors in care and ensure normal growth conditions. When brown spots appear due to fungus and pests, the flower is treated with special preparations. Prevention of diseases and preservation of the attractive appearance of anthurium is achieved with good care and maintenance.


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Solutions to the problem

Brown spots on the foliage surface of a flower can also signal the appearance of root rot in the root system. If, after removing the earthen clod from the container, the roots in it, instead of being light in color, have a brown-black tint, it means that the root system is affected by a fungus or other putrefactive microorganisms.

To fix the problem you should:

  1. Remove any remaining soil from the root system.
  2. Remove rotten roots with a knife, leaving healthy light roots.
  3. Sprinkle the cut areas with crushed charcoal.
  4. Trim leaves on the flower bush that are damaged by brown spots and withered.
  5. Treat the plant with fungicides.
  6. Transplant the flower into a fresh substrate and a new container, which are thoroughly disinfected beforehand.

We recommend that you find out why anthurium does not bloom and what to do about it.

To combat young scale insects, treat the plants and the upper part of the soil with a solution of warm water, grated garlic and laundry soap. It is also useful to disinfect the substrate with a solution of potassium permanganate, which not only disinfects the soil, but also fertilizes it. Such products, as well as industrial contact insecticides, do not work on adult scale insects covered with shields. They can be removed manually using a sponge or soft toothbrush soaked in a solution of dishwashing detergent. You can also resort to treating the plant with systemic insecticides in the form of “Confidor” or “Aktara”, 2 ml of which are dissolved in a bucket of water and sprayed onto the plant using a fine spray.

What are Anthurium diseases and the causes of their occurrence?

Violation of sanitary standards

The root cause of diseases is the owner’s attitude towards the purchased indoor plant. The flower needs time to adapt to new conditions. The plant requires individual observation to exclude infection.

To keep your flowers healthy, you need to isolate all newly purchased indoor plants from other crops for 2 weeks and keep them in quarantine conditions. During this period, healthy plants adapt and continue their growth and development. Patients will show external signs of the disease.

Disease groups

Diseases of indoor plants are divided into 2 groups: non-infectious and infectious.

Non-infectious diseases are the result of a violation of the maintenance of a flower in conditions that do not meet its requirements. Such diseases do not affect other plants. When the source of the disease is eliminated, they recover without causing damage to other crops.

Infectious diseases cause pathogenic infections that necessarily affect other plants. Changing hosts, pathogenic fungi, bacteria and viruses multiply quickly and in a short time can destroy almost all nearby plants.

Anthurium - signs and superstitions

It was not for nothing that our ancestors were wary of house flowers, because many of them are dangerous to keep in the home. Some, on the contrary, have magical abilities to positively influence a person’s life. Anthurium is one of these plants.

Anthurium - the “male flower”, as it is often called, or “male happiness - according to legend, in the past it was a beautiful girl who threw herself into the fire because of unrequited love. Since then, anthurium has brought happiness to any worthy man. And single women are advised to keep anthurium on their windowsill, as it attracts members of the opposite sex to the house. In a family home, anthurium promotes mutual understanding in the relationship between spouses and at the same time has a positive effect on masculine strength. Anthurium, which has powerful energy and healing properties, is recommended for people susceptible to nervous disorders and those suffering from cardiovascular diseases. In addition, this plant attracts money to the house. In order for the positive energy of anthurium to manifest itself, it is necessary:

  • install the flower on the east side and preferably in the bedroom;
  • remove all electrical appliances from the pot with the plant, as they absorb the energy of the anthurium.

The energetic energy of anthurium is greatest during flowering.

Plant care

The air around the plant should be well humidified. It needs to be sprayed a lot and often, and sometimes the foliage needs to be wiped with a damp cloth. To strengthen and develop the growth of adventitious roots, you need to cover the stems with moss. If you comply with all the requirements, the anthurium will bloom magnificently all summer.

In spring and summer, the flower grows, it needs to be fed, fed every 15 days, alternating organic and mineral fertilizers. The flower is replanted annually in the spring (if the base of the flower is more than 25 cm wide, replant it once every six months).

There are many reasons why flowers can become pale and small. This can be either a consequence of improper care or one of the signs of illness. Before taking active action, you need to find out the cause, and then effectively eliminate it.

Features of care

Anthurium is considered a capricious plant, for the correct growth of which many conditions must be observed. Sometimes even experienced gardeners make mistakes when growing it. The main thing you need to know is that anthurium deteriorates due to direct sunlight, so it needs to be kept in a slightly shaded place or illuminated with fairly bright but diffused artificial light.

The optimal air temperature for plant growth in summer is +20...+24°C, and in winter - +14...+16°C. But in winter there are short daylight hours, so during this time you will have to provide the anthurium with an additional source of lighting. If you ignore this requirement, the plant will inevitably fade. If the question arises as to why anthurium leaves dry and what to do to solve this problem, then you first need to determine whether the following conditions and recommendations are met:

  1. A plant that stands in a room with dry air must be constantly sprayed with a fine spray bottle. But splashes of water should not be allowed to fall on the inflorescence, as this will cause it to become covered with white spots.
  2. It is advisable to water the anthurium with slightly warm water. In summer this should be done three times a day, and in winter - once a week.
  3. The growing season begins in March and ends in October, so during this period you need to fertilize the plant with various nutrients (for example, foliar fertilizers), which must be applied in small portions.
  4. Faded inflorescences must be cut off, as they form seeds.
  5. After transplantation, anthurium is extremely sensitive to lack of moisture, so at first it needs to be constantly sprayed and watered.

These are the basic rules, which are the responsibility of the grower. However, if the leaves of the anthurium begin to dry out, what to do to correct this situation must be decided quickly, since in this case there is a high risk of the plant dying.

Fungal diseases

As mentioned above, anthurium is a moisture-loving plant, so it has a high chance of becoming infected with mycoses. These are diseases caused by microscopic fungi that love moist environments.

Downy mildew (peronospora)

Whitish, yellowish spots appear on the leaves of anthurium, so familiar to gardeners. Cucumbers are often affected by this disease. The formation of gray spores can usually be observed on the reverse side of the leaf.

The source of this common disease is a microscopic fungus that is extremely sensitive to air humidity. The main condition for getting rid of this parasitic fungus is a decrease in air humidity in combination with the use of contact fungicidal preparations (Topaz, Acrobat).


The disease affects anthurium leaves. Chlorotic spots of a rusty hue appear on the outer surface, and active sporulation occurs on the lower surface. Just as in the case of downy mildew, the main method of combating and preventing leaf rust is maintaining optimal air humidity. For prevention, you can use biological fungicides, for example, Albit, Alirin, Fitosporin.

An anthurium leaf affected by rust must be treated with a fungicide.

Fusarium wilt

This type of mycosis inhibits the entire plant. The fungal nature of anthurium wilting is revealed by a pinkish-white coating that forms on the root collar. The causative agent of the disease is species of fungi of the genus Fusarium.

Unfortunately, Fusarium infection occurs in many ways, including through water and air. And the fungal spores are extremely tenacious and resistant to high temperatures and chemicals. Therefore, the main thing in the fight against fusarium is prevention, for example, adding the antifungal drug Glyokladin to the soil. Systemic fungicides Vitaros, Rovral, Fundazol have also proven themselves well in the fight against fusarium.

Fusarium wilt affects the entire plant


This common fungal disease appears on the leaves as brown spots, sharply outlined by a yellow rim. Subsequently, the leaves wilt and the plant dies. The main treatment is treating anthurium with copper-containing fungicidal preparations (Bordeaux mixture, copper sulfate, Kuproxat).

Brown spots with a yellow rim on anthurium leaves are a sign of septoria


Another disease of anthurium that is fungal in nature. The leaves begin to dry out and become thinner. Dry brown spots may appear from the edges or in the middle of the leaf blade. If urgent measures are not taken, the plant will dry out quite quickly and soon die.

With anthracnose, anthurium leaves begin to dry out at the edges

Treatment should be carried out using systemic fungicides (Fundazol, Acrobat, Ridomil Gold). It is also necessary to treat the soil containing fungal spores with fungicidal preparations. If the anthurium could not be saved, the remaining indoor plants should be protected. The fungal spores are extremely tenacious, so the vacated pot must be heated. If this is not possible, then you will have to get rid of such dishes.

Late blight

Anthurium is quite rarely affected by late blight; nightshade plants are still more often affected by this disease. Despite this, if you notice small purple-brown spots on the leaves, you need to take immediate action. Late blight develops very quickly and affects the root system, dooming the plant to rapid death.

The best option for controlling late blight is to use systemic fungicides. These include Fitosporin-M, Fundazol, Alirin-B, Previkur. In this case, you will definitely have to replace the soil, rinse the roots thoroughly under water, and heat treat the pot or replace it with a new one. The roots can also be treated with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Diagnostics and recommendations on what to do

The following are the main reasons for the appearance of brown spots on the leaf blade of a plant. Troubleshooting solutions are also provided.

Popular articles Lunar flower - annual and perennial plant species

Root rotting

What is it and how does it manifest itself? In addition to the appearance of spots on the leaves, another characteristic feature of rotting is loss of color saturation and wilting. When examined, the roots look soft, with a peeling membrane. The cause of rotting is waterlogging of the soil or increased content of chlorine and salts in the water used.

If an illness is detected, a number of actions must be taken:

  1. Removing infected parts of the root system using a sharp knife.
  2. Sprinkle the cut roots with crushed activated carbon.
  3. Replacing soil with smaller pots.
  4. Reducing the number of waterings.
  5. Use only soft and settled water for further irrigation.
  6. Increase in air temperature.
  7. In case of severe damage, treatment with chemicals is indicated. You can take Fundazol, Topsin, Oksikhom. Use according to instructions.

To prevent root rotting, gardeners use drainage from a layer of expanded clay, broken bricks or small stones.


Brown and red spots on anthurium leaves may indicate the development of septoria - a fungal infectious disease (for what other reasons spots of different colors may appear on leaves, we described here).

Treatments for infection:

  • Urgent treatment of the bush with copper-containing preparations (Oxychom, copper sulfate, Kuproskat).
  • Removal of affected areas.
  • Thorough washing of the plant.

You can get acquainted with diseases that, like septoria, can threaten anthurium in our special material.

Spider mite

However, you can overcome ticks like this:

  1. The plant is soaked in water.
  2. Dry the soil as quickly as possible.
  3. In case of mass infection, chemicals will be effective. Actellik, Karbofos, Intavir, Fitoverm.
  4. Spider mites do not tolerate high air humidity and low air temperatures.

We invite you to watch a video about fighting mites on anthurium:


This is another pest, but unlike spider mites, it is more visible and easier to kill. The appearance of mealybugs is characterized by a white coating on the surface of the leaves. A regular soap or alcohol solution will help get rid of the pest if you repeat the treatment procedure once a week. Among the stronger drugs - spraying with Fitoverm, Aktara, Aktellik.


To revive a flower you need to:

  • reducing watering;
  • moving to a warmer place;
  • removing damaged leaves from the crown.


Throughout the year it is necessary to protect the plant from the destructive effects of drafts. The growing conditions for anthurium should be similar to the warm climate of its homeland. Drafts and wind cause him suffering, which he expresses by darkening of the leaves.

Incorrect temperature

The optimal air temperature, which excludes darkening and curling of leaves, varies from 18 degrees in winter to 20-25 degrees in warmer periods.

Improper watering and spraying

A tropical flower needs to be watered abundantly, but not often. The soil must be allowed to dry between waterings. The bottom of the pot should have a drainage hole. The water that enters the pan must be drained.

In addition to watering, anthurium needs spraying, since dry air is detrimental to it. Spraying of leaves during the period of leaf division is carried out daily, and in the summer – twice a day. In this case, water should not get on the inflorescences.

Big pot

The recommended pot diameter for anthurium is 24-32 cm. In wider “houses” the flower does not have time to develop the soil, while the root system of the plant needs to fill the entire pot. While the plant is growing roots, good leaf growth is not possible, and the roots themselves may rot.

Prevention measures

To prevent anthurium leaves from drying out and becoming covered in spots of different colors, some preventive measures will be needed:

  1. Choose the most suitable place to position the flower so that it receives sufficient lighting, but is not in direct sunlight.
  2. Avoid drafts.
  3. Try to organize proper watering , avoiding drying out of the soil, as well as its excessive waterlogging.
  4. Water for irrigation should be prepared; tap water or cold water should not be used .
  5. Choose the right container for replanting so that the plant feels comfortable.
  6. Pay attention to the soil in which the anthurium is grown.
    It must contain drainage and large fractions that will help remove excess moisture, saturate the roots with oxygen and ensure the delivery of nutrients. We recommend reading about preparing and choosing soil for anthurium.
  7. The flower needs regular feeding , especially during periods of growth and flowering.
  8. The temperature regime should , avoiding overheating and hypothermia of the plant.
  9. Water treatments once a month will have a beneficial effect on hydration and pest prevention.
  10. To maintain indoor humidity, it is recommended to install a humidifier .
  11. When affected by diseases and pests, you need to take emergency treatment measures without waiting for the situation to worsen. Periodic thorough inspections of the foliage and the entire above-ground part, as well as the roots during transplantation, should be carried out.

Video: Prevention of anthurium diseases

Treatment for pest damage to anthurium leaves

Treatment of Anthurium depends on what pests have affected it. The simplest treatment is for aphids. To do this, treat the leaves with chemical insecticides or folk remedies. Garlic infusion has proven itself well. To make it, half a glass of crushed garlic is poured with 5 liters of water and left for three days. Aphids cannot tolerate the smell of garlic.

The fight against spider mites is more difficult and is done according to the following algorithm:

  • rinse the plant under running warm filtered water to remove cobwebs and parasites;
  • treat the plant with acaricide and cover with a plastic bag for 3 hours;
  • After 4 days, repeat the treatment;
  • Treat once a week for 3 weeks, as young animals will appear.

To combat scale insects, you must follow this plan:

  • Use a soft cloth to clean scale insects from leaves and stems;
  • treat with the chemical drug Aktara outdoors or in a ventilated area, as the drug is toxic;
  • in case of severe damage, alternate with Karbofos;
  • transplant the anthurium into new soil, removing the remnants of the old soil from the roots.

Scale insects
When a plant is damaged by thrips, you must:

  • remove all affected leaves;
  • carefully remove the top layer of soil and replace it, as thrips eggs may be laid in it;
  • treat the plant with chemicals;
  • for better effect, you can use a spraying preparation (Aktara) and a soil watering preparation (Confidor);
  • The procedure should be repeated 4 times at intervals of 7 days;
  • For prevention, the plant can be watered with a decoction of celandine or yarrow.

Anthurium leaf affected by thrips
When carrying out health procedures, you should remember that:

  • at the time of treatment, the infected flower must be quarantined, separate from other indoor plants;
  • all work with chemicals is carried out with gloves and in ventilated areas;
  • any flowers brought from a store or someone else’s home must be quarantined for up to 2 weeks to ensure they are safe;
  • the flower can easily become infected again with pests if the care conditions are not followed along with the treatment.

Difficulties in the growing process

Not all amateur gardeners manage to grow anthurium the first time. A flower bought in a store at home begins to wither; if all the leaves are damaged, the flower almost always dies.

To prevent this from happening, you need a proper transplant:

  • It is better to replant immediately after purchase
  • Transplantation only by transshipment method

Many people do not advise immediately replanting plants bought in a store, but in vain. The roots are cramped in such small pots; the sooner the transplant is done, the faster the flower will get used to the new conditions.

Most often, the plant suffers due to improper care, especially with regard to air humidity. The optimal air humidity in the room should be at least 70%, but achieving such a figure is very difficult.

Usually in residential premises it barely reaches 30%, which, by the way, affects not only plants, but also people, especially small children. Anthurium loves spraying, and the water should not be cold; room temperature or a little hotter is best.

While you spray water, it will have time to cool to a comfortable temperature. This should be done every day. When spraying, you need to cover the flower stalks; it is not advisable for water to get on them.

Another difficulty is organizing proper watering so that the flower does not dry out or rot. Some amateur gardeners recommend covering the soil with moss or even replacing all the soil with it. It contains a lot of nutrients, it retains moisture well, while preventing the formation of mold and rotting of the roots.

Subject to proper growing conditions, anthurium grows strong and is rarely infected with infections or pests. And if this happens, then with the right treatment it quickly recovers.

Anthurium pests and methods of controlling them

When growing anthuriums, they are exposed not only to the invasion of pathogens, but also to the harmful effects of insects. Due to the appearance of pests, “tropical beauties” lose their attractiveness and lag behind in development. Therefore, it is important to detect parasites in a timely manner and take the necessary measures to combat them.


An invertebrate arthropod is a small animal with white wings and a cream-colored body. The “miniature moth” can be found on the underside of the anthurium leaf blade. Under favorable conditions, sucking parasites live here in entire colonies.


Pest larvae have a sucking type oral system. Therefore, they suck the milky juice from the anthurium. After this, the flower loses its attractive appearance and immunity. If spraying is not carried out in time, the anthurium dies. You can get rid of the sucking parasite with the help of drugs: Actellik and Oppercut.


A small light green hemiptera insect found on anthurium leaves is a dangerous pest. It multiplies very quickly, forming large colonies. It feeds on milky sap and is a carrier of infections and harmful spores. The consequences of aphid activity are curling and falling leaves, impaired photosynthesis, and damage by fungal and viral diseases.


To combat the sucking parasite, you need to use biological disinfectants: Aversectin S, Mikoafidin, Verticillin. Among the folk methods, an infusion of hot pepper with dandelions helps.


Dangerous insects living on the underside of the leaf blade. The presence of a parasite is indicated by a white sticky coating. The pest is very prolific, laying its offspring in small whitish balls. Over time, more than one thousand mobile larvae hatch from the cocoons, which spread throughout the anthurium.


After detecting a parasite, it is necessary to urgently carry out control measures in order to save the plant. The following drugs will help get rid of scale insects: Nemabact and Antonem-F.


A hemipteran insect from the superfamily of scale insects appears in the form of brown convex plaques that can be picked out with a thin, sharp object. The pest sucks out the milky juice and inhibits the photosynthesis of the affected anthurium. Conventional insecticides will not help in getting rid of scale insects. Therefore, it is necessary to treat with modern systemic biological products such as: Aversectin C and Avertin-N.



The small arthropod-sucking parasite can only be detected with a magnifying glass or under bright sunlight. At the initial stage of development, the pest's settlements are located on the underside of the foliage. The mite loves warm and dry air, developing under such conditions at lightning speed, forming cocoons from the web over the vegetative part of the anthurium. You can get rid of it by spraying with the following preparations: Actellik or Oppercut.

Spider mite


The bladder-legged sucking parasite resembles small, long flies. It feeds on milky sap and spreads viruses and pathogenic spores. When it invades anthurium, sooty fungus often appears. Against the pest you need to use glue traps, Bicol and Verticillin preparations.



Small flies flying around containers with anthuriums are carriers of the larvae of sucking indoor parasites. Sciarids lay offspring in the root system of the flower, causing great harm to the plant. The hatched larvae feed on the root areas. Anthurium affected by pests lags behind in development, its leaves lose turgor. Biological control measures in the form of the settlement of predatory mites Macrocheles robustulus and Stratiolelaps scimitus on the ground will help against flies.


What is wrong with “male happiness”?

Anthurium is susceptible to leaf diseases: fungal, viral and non-infectious. It is impossible to cure the plant using folk remedies. If you miss time, the plant will disappear, so damaged parts of the plant should be removed immediately and then treated with any fungicidal agent.

Note: Late blight will be a death sentence at any stage of the lesion, because there are no effective treatments against them.

Fungal infections

Most often, anthurium suffers from stem rot, root rot, septoria, fusarium, and powdery mildew. Anthurium often develops rust on its leaves, and all flower growers wonder how to treat anthurium.

Important: fungicides are considered the most effective against fungi for anthurium

Stem rotBlack watery spots on stems, rotting leaves.Excessive watering, cold room.Isolate the infected flower, cut off rotten leaves, and spray with fungicide twice at weekly intervals.
Root rotThe leaves lose their brightness, turn yellow and die, and the root tissue becomes soft.Low temperature, excess water, poor drainage.Reduce the frequency of watering, cut off wilted leaves, free the roots from the ground and cut off the spoiled ones, replant in healthy soil, treat the soil with Fitosporin-M or Alirin-B.
SeptoriaBrown spots with yellowish edges on the leaves.Too humid air, low temperature, lack of light and microelements.Remove diseased leaves, do not spray with water, apply fertilizer to flowering plants; anthurium septoria is treated with Fitosporin-M or copper-containing compounds.
Fusarium (no effective treatment)Anthurium leaves are withering en masse, and there is a white-pinkish coating on the root neck.High air humidity and temperature.Treatment of anthurium fusarium consists of treating it with an anti-fungal agent and applying a pesticide to the soil. The treatment is repeated after 5-7 days.
Anthurium anthracnose (powdery mildew)The leaves turn yellow and curl and grow short. The back side is affected by light gray fungal spores. High air humidity, sudden temperature changes.Isolate the diseased plant, remove and burn dead leaves. Treat with fungicide, wipe the leaves with Bordeaux mixture.
RustBrown-rusty spots on the stem and leaves, thickening.Lack of moisture, poor air circulation.Remove diseased parts and treat with fungicide.

Bronzing virus

Partial discoloration, the appearance of holes on the leaves and wrinkles indicate the anthurium bronze virus. It can be transferred from other plants by thrips.

Experts don’t know how to cure anthurium from this disease, so it will have to be destroyed.

Non-communicable diseases and their treatment

You can protect anthurium from non-infectious diseases by following simple preventive measures: it is recommended to keep the flower on the east side, away from electrical appliances, and also adhere to the temperature regime and watering schedule.

Plant poxYellow-green bumps and ring-shaped spots of yellow color.High humidity, low temperature, irregular fertilization.Restore normal conditions of detention.
EnatsiiThe leaves bend unevenly and grow unevenly.Temperature changes, drafts.Place the plant in more suitable conditions.

To prevent the flower from getting sick, the anthurium must follow the following rules of care:

  • regular watering;
  • ventilation of the room;
  • protection from drafts;
  • maintaining the required air humidity.

Important: after purchasing “male happiness,” quarantine the plant and remove any suspicious-looking soil.

Watering and fertilizing

This issue should be approached very carefully. All anthuriums, regardless of type, do not tolerate excess moisture and drying out of the earthen coma. Stagnation and too wet soil leads to rotting of the root system and greatly affects the leaves. They begin to turn black and gradually dry out and crumble. It’s the same story with the drying out of the earthen coma. The leaves begin to fade and gradually fade. An excess of moisture or a lack of it affects the roots of the plant, hence the problems with the leaves. Because the watering conditions are violated. As for feeding, its lack can affect the development of shoots and leaves, as well as reduce flowering. They may become smaller and develop poorly. Also, a lack of certain nutrients may be reflected in the leaf itself. Too much fertilizer can also be harmful. Lack or excess of fertilizing affects the timing and quality of flowering.

Solution to the problem: control watering and fertilizing. When planting, the pot must have good drainage. If there are not enough drainage holes in the pot, make additional ones. If your planter or pot has an automatic watering function or combines both a planter and a container for planting at the same time. Watering is controlled. The soil should have time to dry a couple of centimeters before each subsequent watering. You can determine the need for watering using special devices to determine humidity. There are devices that will indicate to you the need for watering and soil fertility. Or you can check the soil moisture with a match - it should be stuck into the soil and, if there is soil left on the match, you should wait a while with watering.

But I advise you to carry out fertilizing within the specified time frame (active growth and vegetation of the indoor plant). We also take into account the resting phase. Always study the instructions and fertilizer rates. It is better to reduce the dose a little rather than give more. Excess fertilizer or a strong solution can burn the root system and cause harm. Use liquid mineral and organic fertilizers for indoor plants, which can be diluted in water for irrigation.

Briefly about care

The following are general useful tips that will make caring for a capricious handsome man easier.:

  1. The soil for anthurium should be acidic. To acidify the soil, it is enough to add citric acid to the water once a month on the tip of a knife.
  2. For good growth, once every 2-3 weeks you can feed the plant with liquid fertilizers at the rate of 1/3 of the share indicated in the instructions. In winter, feeding is reduced or canceled.
  3. The air in the room where the pot with anthurium is located should be sufficiently humid.
  4. Anthurium is transplanted only by transshipment. In this case, the pot is used one size larger than the previous one.

We invite you to watch a video about caring for anthurium:

For active life, anthurium must be provided with : loose soil, good water and air permeability, and suitable drainage. Regular inspection of the plant and detection of leaves with brown spots will help you take timely measures to save your home beauty.

Dry air

For normal growth, anthurium requires not only proper lighting, but also sufficient air humidity - at least 70-85%. If the air is too dry, the leaves will begin to turn yellow, dry out and fall off, and new leaves cannot unfold normally and remain curled and deformed.

Most often, this phenomenon is observed at the beginning of the heating season, when air humidity drops sharply and the plant can no longer obtain moisture from the soil. To correct the situation you can:

  • use household humidifiers;
  • place containers of water next to the flower;
  • pour drainage into the tray of the pot, fill it with water and place the plant so that its roots do not touch the water.

In addition, it is necessary to water the anthurium a little more often, but without flooding it too much.

The soil should be moist, but not swampy - excessive moisture harms the flower no less than lack of watering. You need to water the plant so that moisture does not fall on the leaves. Even small drops of water act like lenses - they focus the sun's rays, which causes tissue burns.

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