Alyssum: cultivation, breeding rules, features of care at home, watering, fertilizing, advice and recommendations from experts

  • August 21, 2018
  • Flowers
  • Anastasia Efremenkova

The alyssum flower is a member of the Brassica family. There are about one hundred species of this plant in the world. Their homeland is considered to be North Africa, Asia and Europe. Alyssum entered the culture relatively recently, but in a short period it managed to gain popularity, which is increasing every year. There are quite a few reasons for this: unpretentiousness, ease of care, as well as a pleasant honey aroma that spreads throughout the area where this plant is located. The article will discuss all the features of growing alyssum, photos of the plant, some recommendations from experienced gardeners and much more.

Description of alyssum

Alyssum is one of the low-growing plants because it does not extend more than forty centimeters. Its shoots are highly branched and semi-lignified, the leaves grow quite densely and have an oblong or obovate shape. The flowers are quite small, but collected in beautiful inflorescences in the form of brushes. They have a wide variety of shades: white, lilac, red, violet, yellow and many others. Flowering begins around the end of May and continues until autumn. Alyssum also has fruits that are presented in the form of a pod with seeds inside. Planting material can be stored for no more than three years, since after this time the seeds lose their viability.

Alyssum is one of the honey plants, since not a single bee can fly past its honey aroma. Flower growers have long combined this plant into one genus with marine lobularia, although these are two completely different plants. Alyssum is represented by both annual and perennial plants. These flowers can be planted in flower beds directly in the open ground, or they can be planted in flowerpots or flowerpots.

Varieties of ampelous alyssum

Ampelous alyssum is represented by numerous varieties with different flower colors. They all have the same agricultural technology and biological requirements for the place of growth. The most common varieties of ampelous alyssum with photos, which are often used in landscape design and decoration of garden structures and balconies, are presented below.

Snow carpet

Snow carpet is the most popular variety for open ground and hanging cultivation in containers and hanging pots. It differs from other representatives of the culture with a pronounced honey aroma. Ampelous alyssum is a dwarf species; the height of the plant does not exceed 20 cm. The bush looks like a ball or a white carpet.

To preserve decorativeness, dying flowers are removed. Alyssum Snow Carpet is drought-resistant, light-loving, and completely unpretentious in care. They are used for lining ridges and flower beds, included in mixborders with ground cover perennials, and used to decorate rock gardens and rockeries.

Advice! Alyssum ampelous is a good option for vertical gardening of balconies and gazebos. The first buds of the Snow Carpet variety open in early June, the cycle lasts until November

Pink Queen

Pink queen is a variety of ampelous lobularia with highly branched, creeping stems, the length of which, with a small bush height (10–15 cm), reaches up to 30 cm. The flowers are small, dark pink with a purple tint, densely located on the upper part of the stems . The aroma is subtle, but less pronounced than that of the variety with white petals. Alyssum is often used for vertical gardening, decorating garden fences, gazebos or verandas.

The flowering period of the Pink Queen variety is from early summer until the first frost.

Esther Bonnet

The ampel variety of alyssum Esther Bonnet is intended for growing in flower pots and balcony containers. In flower beds they are used as a ground cover plant and decorate the edges of small ridges.

The variety is represented by cream, light yellow, pale pink, purple flowers. More often, a packet of seeds contains a mix of all shades of ampelous alyssum Esther Bonnet. The plant is very compact and forms up to five shoots, 20–25 cm long. They branch strongly and quickly, forming a continuous multi-colored carpet.

Esther Bonnet blooms in flowerpots from mid-May, in an open area - in the first ten days of June

Princess in Purple

The ampel variety of alyssum Princess in Purple (“Princess in Purple”) is a tall variety. A bush with erect stems up to 40 cm high. Ampelous alyssum is grown in flower beds or in portable containers and used to decorate recreation areas or open verandas.

Princess in Purple blooms profusely with dark burgundy or purple inflorescences from June to October

Growing alyssum from seeds

When to plant alyssum and in what conditions should this flower grow? Many, especially novice flower growers, are concerned about this issue. You can choose seedling and non-seedling methods of growing alyssum. As for the second method, the seeds are planted directly in open ground. It is best to do this in early May. The seeds are deepened 1.5 centimeters into the soil. Seedlings usually appear in the form of a continuous carpet throughout the entire bed. But you can’t leave them in this form; you should straighten them out, removing the smallest and weakest shoots. However, it is worth considering that flowers planted at such a time will bloom later than others.

Experienced gardeners recommend trying planting alyssum seeds before winter. Sowing is carried out towards the end of November, when the air temperature will no longer rise and there is no risk that the seeds will begin to germinate. It is believed that it is better to plant alyssum at this time, since in winter they can undergo stratification. This will have a positive effect on the strength of future seedlings, and will also allow them to bloom in a timely manner.

Alyssum – photo

Beautiful and decorative alyssums will become a real decoration of your garden. Just look at the photos, how good and impressive they are!






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Purslane (80 photos): types, reproduction and care

Alyssum seedlings: when to plant?

Growing alyssum from seeds into seedlings is a more popular way of propagating it. This is due to the fact that it is more reliable. Before planting seeds, which takes place at the end of March or beginning of April, you should purchase special soil (lime content - pH 5.5-6.2). The soil mixture is filled into a container in which seeds for seedlings will later be germinated. Planting material is laid out directly on the surface of the soil. Do not place the seeds too close to each other. They must be sprinkled with loose soil of the same composition on top. But, if you wish, you can simply press the seeds with your palm to the ground, and this will be quite enough.

The box with seeds must be placed in a bright room with an air temperature of 10 to 15 degrees. Cover the container with thick film or glass to create a greenhouse effect. Remember to remove the cover daily to remove condensation and air out the seeds. If you create conditions according to the specified recommendations, the first shoots will begin to appear within the first week after planting.

Monitor the moment when the first true leaves begin to appear. During this period, the first complex fertilizers should be applied. Seedlings can be picked only after they have at least 3 true leaves. Seedlings are not always planted in separate pots. Under favorable conditions they can develop quite quickly. In this case, it will be possible to plant them directly in open ground.

When to sow Alyssum for seedlings in 2022 according to the Lunar calendar?

Alyssum can be perennial or annual. Below are the dates for an annual crop, so if you purchased seeds for a perennial crop, you should plant a little earlier because the perennial variety takes longer to germinate.

Favorable days for sowing Alyssum depending on the month

The lunar calendar will help you determine which days are best to plant alyssum. Favorable days for planting this plant for seedlings:

  • February – 1-20, 25-29;
  • March – 2-14, 29-31;
  • April – 1-2, 5-7, 9, 18, 19, 20, 24, 25.

Bad days

If you do not have the opportunity to plant alyssum on favorable days, then you can devote any other day to this activity. But do not forget that there are days on which it is strictly not recommended to do any work in the garden.

There is no need to plant alissum seedlings on the following days:

  • February – 9, 21-23;
  • March – 9, 19, 20, 21, 24;
  • April – 8, 15-17, 23.

Landing in the ground

Seedlings obtained from seeds can be planted in open ground towards the end of May, when night frosts no longer occur outside. Consider your landing location in advance. There should be soil with a neutral reaction, a high humus content and a good drainage layer. The place for planting seedlings should be sunny, but without direct sunlight. If there is no neutral soil on the site, then slightly alkaline or slightly acidic soil is quite suitable.

Alyssum: plant features

Of the 5 existing species, marine lobularia, or marine alyssum, is most often grown in the garden. The bushes grow no higher than 30 cm, they are very lush and densely covered with small flowers that exude a pleasant honey aroma. The leaves are small, grayish-green, pubescent with light hairs.

Alyssum loves light and is resistant to cold. The plant tolerates drought and high humidity normally, but only if these phenomena do not last too long. Lobularia marine is an excellent honey plant; it grows well in open sunny places in slightly alkaline or neutral soil. Flowering lasts from May to October.

Technology of planting seedlings

Each gardener, when planting alyssum seedlings in the ground, must take into account that the flower quickly fills the area. Therefore, the conditions for growing alyssum require a large area. Seedlings should be placed at a distance of forty centimeters from each other. However, the chosen variety and type of plant should also be taken into account. It is necessary to prepare holes for seedlings in advance. Their size should be slightly larger than the size of the rhizome. You should not plant alyssum too deeply, and immediately after planting you need to water it abundantly. If the bushes have grown greatly in the pot, then they can be divided into several holes. The first flowering from seedlings grown from seeds can be expected within six weeks after sowing.

Features of cultivation

Alyssum has a fast growth rate and is able to fill a vast area in a short time. In this regard, when planting it in a garden plot, you should choose an open place with a sufficient amount of free territory. Bushes are planted at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. If you want alyssum to start blooming much earlier, the seeds should be sown to produce seedlings. The soil in which lobularia will be grown must have good air and moisture permeability and be sufficiently fertile.

  • Feeding. The plant should be fertilized twice during the vegetative growth period. To do this, use a complex mineral fertilizer containing nitrogen. They are introduced in early spring. In mid-summer, the flower is fertilized with organic fertilizers, which can be in liquid or solid form.
  • Watering. Watering is one of the most important stages of caring for lobularia. The general condition of the bush and its flowering depend on its correctness. The plant should be watered with warm water free of heavy metals, bleach and other chemicals. Rainwater is great for this. If improperly watered, alyssum can develop powdery mildew, root rot or other fungal diseases. In this case, the bush is destroyed so that the disease does not spread to neighboring plants. The regularity of watering depends on climatic conditions. On hot, dry days, watering is done once a week, on other days once or twice a month.
  • Trimming. Due to the fact that lobularia is a fast-growing plant, it needs regular pruning. This procedure is carried out twice a year - at the end of summer and at the beginning of spring. Spring pruning provokes the formation of a large number of young branches on which buds are tied. This makes the bush bloom abundantly and long-lasting. At the end of summer, pruning is carried out to prepare the plant for winter. All diseased and dry branches are removed, long stems are shortened and all flower stalks are cut off.

Secrets of cultivation

As you can see, growing seedlings from seeds and then planting them in open ground is not at all difficult. Caring for alyssum is just as simple. Here it is enough just to water the plant on time, periodically loosen the soil in the root zone, remove weeds, prune and apply fertilizers as necessary.

The plant must be watered regularly, and if the season is particularly dry, more liquid will be needed than usual. If the alyssum does not have enough moisture, it can shed all its existing buds and flowers. But before carrying out heavy watering, you should make sure that the soil has good water permeability. If it is at a low level, then water will stagnate in the roots of the plant, which will lead to rotting and then death of the plant.

It is important to note that growing alyssum at home is not possible. This is primarily due to the fact that it is quite large in size. However, if you wish, you can conduct such an experiment.

We provide Alyssum with proper care

Being essentially a drought-resistant plant, marine lobularia is sensitive to a lack of moisture during the flowering period, so in the heat you need to be especially careful and water the alyssum in a timely manner. But do not overdo it, because if the soil is insufficiently permeable, the plant may begin to rot. To know for sure whether the plant needs moisture, check the dryness of the soil at a depth of 3-4 cm. If it is dry, it’s time to water.

In the summer, trim off the faded shoots of the lobularia so that fresh flower stalks appear in their place. In the summer, 1-2 feedings are carried out, which are combined with watering. In general, if there are very few nutrients in the soil, every 4-8 weeks you can feed alyssum with a weakly concentrated solution of complex mineral fertilizer.

A young plant is at risk of developing root rot or being damaged by slugs, aphids or cruciferous flea beetles. We repeat that excessive watering should not be allowed, but if signs of the disease are already present, immediately treat the plant with a fungicide. In case of pest damage, the insecticides Aktara, Actellik, Actofit, Tanrek and Metaldehyde will help.

How do you know when it's time to water?

To be sure that alyssum needs watering, you need to lightly dig the soil (no more than 3-4 centimeters). If the soil at this depth is dry, then you can safely start moistening. After watering, the soil becomes soft and it is much easier to remove weeds. When the soil dries out a little, you should loosen it to ensure the supply of oxygen to the roots.

Those gardeners who have laid a layer of mulch in the root zone should know that the plant will have to be watered much less frequently, and it will practically not need weeding. However, loosening in this case is not canceled. Because the permeability of water and air to the root system depends on it.

How to grow alyssum

Planting cruciferous vegetables is a simple task, since the material is famous for its excellent germination and dynamic growth. To grow healthy and strong lobularia, the gardener needs to remember about moderate watering and do not forget about loosening. If you have doubts about the moisture content of the soil, it is recommended to check it by digging to a depth of 4 cm: if it turns out to be dry, then you can safely water the flower.

By the way, if you mulch the soil during spring planting, you can water and weed much less often.


While growing alissum, caring for it involves regular pruning. When alyssum begins to grow its green mass, it needs to be fertilized with nitrogen fertilizers. The fertilizer is prepared according to the following scheme: one tablespoon of Agricola-7 combined with urea is diluted in ten liters of water. When buds form on the flowers, complex fertilizer should be applied. If you apply fertilizers in a timely manner and in the required quantities, the alyssum will bloom without interruption until late autumn.

It is important to take into account that it is more often necessary to feed annual species. They need to be fertilized four times throughout the season. The first is applied immediately before flowering.

Use in landscape design

Lobularia are often used as decoration for rockeries, since compared to other representatives of the flora they are distinguished by their ability to perfectly fill the space of open areas, adjacent to boulders and small stones, covering their surface with a bright plant cloud. For proper design, you should be guided by the choice of varieties that harmoniously complement each other in tonality, using no more than 3 shades in the nursery. For example:

  • purple, white and blue;
  • pink, white and crimson.

Combination with other plants

Lobularia are universal representatives of the flora, since they are wonderful decorations both in single plantings and in company with neighboring plants. For example:

  • they will be an ideal edging for lilies or roses, carnations or phlox;
  • goes perfectly with tulips and irises;
  • grow harmoniously with petunia and begonia.

Bright lobularia coexist wonderfully with decorative deciduous plants and conifers such as yew or juniper species.

Trimming procedure

In order for alyssum to grow and develop freely in your garden bed, it is necessary to prune the plant in a timely manner. If perennial alyssums grow on the site, then with the arrival of spring it is necessary to remove last year's flower stalks, as well as damaged and diseased shoots and dried leaves. The same procedure is carried out immediately after the end of the flowering period. At this time, you should also shorten all shoots by eight centimeters. This may also encourage the alyssum to bloom a second time. Moreover, as mentioned earlier, this plant grows quite a lot, and thanks to pruning it will begin to look more compact and neat.

Types of alyssum

In our latitudes, three species are especially popular - branched rock alyssum, compact sea alyssum and graceful mountain alyssum. And besides them, there are dozens of varieties of different colors, lovingly bred by breeders.

Alyssum Big Jam

This is a large-flowered variety that is almost twice the size of regular species. The most common ones are lilac, lavender and purple bushes. Alyssum Big Jam tolerates drought and frost equally well, and can bloom even during short frosts.


Alyssum "Pink rug"

These are low, densely branched bushes up to 12 cm with small pinkish-lilac inflorescences. The leaves appear bluish, but in reality they are just small edges. A pink rug is a good choice for balconies, terraces, flower boxes and flowerpots.


Alyssum Paletta

Alyssum Paletta is very small and compact, in all shades of pink and crimson. There are even brown and brownish brushes, so you can grow a real variegated carpet. This variety gets along well with any other plants in the garden.


Alyssum "Gold placer"

The peculiarity of the Golden Placer is its voluminous and beautiful spherical bushes. Shoots with narrow green leaves almost spread along the ground and ideally decorate alpine hills or rocky areas. The name of the variety indicates the bright and rich yellow color of the inflorescences.


Alyssum rocky

These are elastic leafy rosettes and fluffy racemes. This species opens its buds for a month and a half in the spring, and by the end of summer is ready to bloom again. Most varieties are notable for all shades of yellow, lemon and gold.


Alyssum marine

These are dense bushes of many thin branches and shoots. Its leaves have an unusual silvery tint, and its white or lavender clusters enchant with their honey scent. Breeders have developed pink, purple and red varieties. Sea alyssum looks great in flowerpots and hanging arrangements.


Mountain alyssum

It is also called Gmelina, and its peculiarity is increased resistance to frost. The dense edge of the leaves gives them a grayish tint. The height of the bushes reaches 20 cm, and bright yellow flowers bloom in the second half of spring.


Columnar apple tree: varieties, care and cultivation (photo)

Diseases and pests

Among the pests, alyssum has one, the worst enemy - the cruciferous flea beetle. The problem is that it is quite difficult to get rid of it, but it is possible. To combat cruciferous flea flea you will need: dilute one tablespoon of vinegar essence in ten liters of water, and then treat all affected plants with the resulting solution. But it is worth noting that only adult plants can be treated.

Alyssum is often attacked by caterpillars, but getting rid of them is much easier. Experienced gardeners recommend treating plants with an infusion of chamomile, and an infusion of soap and tobacco is also considered a very effective remedy. Among the pests dangerous to alyssum are also white moths and cabbage moths. These insects can be easily removed using Lepidocide or Entobacterin.

Earlier in the article it was mentioned that the soil should not be over-moistened and water should not be allowed to stagnate in the roots. This leads to the fact that alyssum is affected by brown rot, or late blight. This disease affects the root collar and the entire underground part of the plant. In this case, treatment with fungicides or copper oxychloride can help.

In addition to this disease, alyssum is often affected by powdery mildew, which is a fairly common disease among garden plants. You can fight it using topaz or Bordeaux mixture. There is also downy mildew, which can be removed with Ordan, Bordeaux mixture and Oxychom. There is also a risk that alyssum will be affected by a viral mosaic, which, unfortunately, cannot be treated.

Problems during cultivation

To exclude possible diseases of Alyssum, you do not need to neglect the rules of planting and care. In the absence of fertilizing, excessive humidity, and sanitary pruning, various diseases may appear:

  • The most common problem is late blight. The soil, saturated with moisture, begins to turn sour and infects the root collar of the flower. To get rid of brown rot, the soil is treated with fungicides Kuproksat, Ordan. Watering is not carried out for some time.
  • Another problem that affects the crop is powdery mildew. It appears after excessive pruning, after overfeeding Alyssum with nitrogen fertilizers. Powdery mildew can also be triggered by sudden temperature changes. When the disease appears, use the fungicide Fundazol or Bordeaux mixture.
  • Alyssum is a cruciferous plant, so it is often affected by the cabbage flea beetle. To get rid of the pest, appropriate chemicals are used.
  • You can often see caterpillars on the plant. You can drive them away with tobacco infusion.
  • Spray Alyssum with bacterial agents Lepidocide, Kinmiks to get rid of cabbage moths and whites.


Perennial alyssum is one of the frost-resistant plants, but this does not mean that it is not worth worrying about. The plant easily tolerates frosts of at least 15 degrees. In regions with a temperate climate, it will be enough to simply sprinkle the flowers with dry leaves. Experienced gardeners say that you should not prune the plant right before the onset of cold weather. Pruning done at the end of the flowering period will be sufficient.

Alyssum after flowering

Collecting seeds

You need to collect seeds in the last days of September or the first days of October. Choose a dry day with no wind. You need to spread the fabric directly on the ground, and then take the inflorescences in your hands and carefully grind them. When everything is finished, remove all large debris and leave the small ones. To dry, the seeds are placed in a dry room with very good ventilation, but there should be no drafts. Seeds should be poured into a fabric bag and stored until spring. If the seeds have already spilled onto the ground, then in this case it is necessary to carefully sweep them with a broom from under the bushes. When the debris is removed, the seeds must be stored in the same way as described above.

Wintering perennial

Alyssum has average winter hardiness, so if the air temperature drops below minus 15 degrees, the plant will die. However, in regions with fairly mild winters, this flower can survive the cold months with proper preparation. In late autumn, the area should be covered with dried leaves. After the snow falls, you should throw a snowdrift on top of the foliage. If you cover alyssums in this way, they will be able to survive the winter, while green foliage will remain on the bush. It is not recommended to prune the plant before winter; trimming is done in the spring.

2.Growing in open ground

Alyssum can be planted in open ground directly from seeds or first (most often) grown seedlings at home. Also, for growing in open ground, seedlings purchased from flower shops are used.

To propagate the plant in open ground, you can use your own collected seeds. Seeds are taken only from fully ripened pods, which form on the bushes in the first half of autumn.

A warm, dry and windless day is selected for collection You can spread a sheet of newspaper or a light-colored cloth under the lobularia bushes, and also use disposable plates to collect the seeds. The pods can be rubbed directly on the plant with your fingertips, in which case the seeds will fall out directly onto the paper or cloth.

The resulting planting material is dried in a warm place and packaged in paper or fabric bags.

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Outdoors, seeds are sown in early May - when the likelihood of return frosts is low or before winter. Autumn sowing is carried out in such a way that seedlings do not appear before the onset of winter.

Perennial species are often grown by sowing seeds directly into open ground.

Select a place for planting that is protected from strong winds and sow in shallow furrows. The distance between the grooves is maintained at approximately 15 - 20 cm .

The seeds are covered on top with a layer of soil about 1.5 cm . With greater depth, the germination of seeds sharply decreases , since young shoots do not have enough strength to overcome such a thickness of soil.

When sowing in autumn, the seeds will naturally undergo preliminary stratification , and the first shoots will appear in early spring and flowering will begin in July and last until frost.

When sown in May, flowering will occur somewhat later - in August. After the first young shoots appear, they are thinned out so that they do not interfere with each other’s development.

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For the seedling method, seeds are sown in late February - early March . Seedlings are planted in a permanent location in the second half of May - when the top layer of soil, about 8-10 cm .

Alyssum prefers well-lit places, inaccessible to strong gusts of wind, with neutral and very nutritious soil containing a large amount of organic matter .

The bushes are planted in such a way that a distance of 40 - 50 cm . Despite its short stature, lobularia can form fairly wide bushes with lodging stems - this must be taken into account when planting.

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It is advisable to mix a small amount of river sand into the soil in which the plant will be planted to improve drainage.

Flowers are planted using the transfer - young plants are taken out of plastic cups and immersed in a planting hole along with a lump of earth, without destroying it.

When planting, it is necessary to maintain the same depth at which the plant was in the cup. strong deepening can lead to delayed flowering and rotting of plant stems. The soil around the plantings is lightly compacted and thoroughly watered.

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Caring for flowers grown in open ground consists of periodic weeding, loosening the soil, timely watering and fertilizing.

Remember that young plants that need to grow green mass need fertilizers containing large amounts of nitrogen . At a later age, for the formation of buds, fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of potassium and phosphorus .

In total, from planting to autumn, plants are fed 4 times - approximately every month.

Since lobularia does not like dry soil, and also suffers from fast-growing weeds, after planting its bushes can be mulched with sawdust or straw or peat.

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Unfortunately, alyssum cannot withstand prolonged frosts below -15 C and cannot winter outside in the middle zone.

If you decide to leave this attractive, tender plant for the second year, then take it home in the fall by planting it in a pot. Such plants will bloom on the windowsill until the beginning of December.

In more southern latitudes, for the winter these flowers are covered with a layer of spruce branches , fallen leaves or non-woven material and sprinkled with snow on top. Plants open in early spring, as soon as the snow melts from this place. The alyssum will appear immediately from under the shelter with green leaves.

In the spring months, the plant is pruned , removing frozen and old shoots.

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Alyssum care

Alyssum's unpretentiousness is one of the main secrets of its popularity. This is accompanied by a delicate aroma, lush flowering, and a variety of varieties and shades. Low alyssums look ideal in flower beds, mixboards and garden compositions.

Temperature and lighting

Alyssum needs a sunny, bright and always well-ventilated place - and it won’t cause any more trouble. A temperature of 10-15 degrees is suitable for him, but higher is good. Unpretentious plants are not afraid of frosts down to -10 - -15 degrees.


Alyssum does not tolerate a lack of moisture well - and this is almost its only requirement. Be sure to monitor the condition of the soil throughout the flowering season. There is a simple trick that will help you understand whether watering is needed right now: dig the soil 3 cm deep and touch it.

The soil

Alyssums germinate on almost any soil, because they are even adapted to life on rocks. Neutral or slightly acidic soil is better suited, but it must be well drained. The main thing is to avoid swampy and overly wet areas. After watering, the soil must be loosened and weeded so that the water does not stagnate.

Fertilizer and feeding

Alyssum is fed with nitrogen or complex fertilizers at the root early in the morning. But select specific additives strictly for your varieties. Annual alyssums are fertilized four times a season, and perennial ones - twice a year.

Transplantation and propagation

Alyssum propagates equally well by seeds and cuttings, but dividing the root will not work. In order for the seeds to germinate, it is enough to plant them in suitable soil - and nature will do its job. It is useful to periodically rejuvenate seedlings, because young bushes bloom much more luxuriantly and longer than three-year-old ones.


In order for alyssum to be beautiful and bloom wildly, it must be pruned. In the spring, cut off all dried, frozen and dying stems with flower stalks. The second pruning is at the end of summer, after the alyssum has finished blooming, to encourage re-blooming. At this time, you need to shorten all stems by 5-10 cm.


Alyssum tolerates winters well in mid-latitudes, but dies in frosts of -15 degrees. To make the flower winter better, cover the seedlings with dry leaves at the end of autumn, and cover them with a snowdrift in winter. If it is cold in your region, choose varieties with increased frost resistance.

Methods of propagation of alyssum

Alyssum can be propagated in the following ways:

  • cuttings;
  • dividing the bush;
  • seeds.

The first two methods concern mainly perennials. In practice, growing alissum from seeds is the most convenient method. The seeds have a round, flattened shape and a diameter of no more than 1 mm.

One gram of seeds can contain more than 1 thousand pieces. Guaranteed germination lasts for 3 years.

Sowing of seeds is carried out either directly into the ground or onto seedlings.

How is alyssum useful?

These flowers inspire admiration not only for their beauty and delicate honey aroma, but for their beneficial properties. This is due to the fact that the seeds contain 25% fatty oil. It contains organic acids such as behenic, stearic, etc.

Infusions, decoctions, and ointments are made from the green mass of the plant. Thus, in the treatment of scrofula and scabies, ointment is used for external use. Two tablespoons of seeds are mixed with ten suet. They insist for seven days. Alyssum decoction is good for infected wounds and ulcers. For this purpose, 40 grams of dry mass are poured with three liters of boiling water. Boil for ten minutes.

The universal infusion of alyssum flower can treat gastrointestinal diseases, neuroses, and headaches. To do this, 20 g of dry raw materials should be poured with a glass of boiling water. Leave for two to four hours. Take a tablespoon several times throughout the day.

Seedling method of propagating alyssum

Experts recommend using the seedling method of propagating alyssum, as it is more reliable and allows for early flowering. The use of seedlings ensures that the gardener will be able to plant the selected area with flowers without fear that some of the seeds will not germinate and bald spots will form on the flowerbed.

Collecting seeds

Before growing alyssum seedlings, take care of the seeds. Seed preparation should begin in the fall, at the end of September or October. Once the alyssum has finished blooming, collect the dried seed pods. Dry them in the fresh air for 1-2 weeks. Remove the seeds and separate them from the leaves and debris. For storage, use a linen bag or paper bag. Store in a dry, ventilated area. If the seeds fall off, sweep them out from under the bushes and clear them of debris. The seeds are very small, it is advisable to prevent them from falling off

When purchasing seeds, pay attention to the expiration date and condition of the package

Timing for planting seeds

When looking for an answer to the question of when to plant alyssum seedlings, it is necessary to take into account climatic conditions. In the southern regions of our country, you can start growing seedlings earlier than in the northern regions. It is undesirable for the seedlings to be overgrown by the time of planting. To get strong, healthy shoots, provide adequate lighting. When planting early, lengthen daylight hours with additional lighting. In the middle and southern regions, alyssum seeds are planted in late February - early March. In this case, by the time they are planted in the ground, the seedlings will be sufficiently strong and will have time to cover themselves with flowers. Alyssum will bloom a little later if you plant the seeds in April.

Soil and containers for seedlings

Alyssum is very unpretentious; it can grow in almost any soil. However, in order to get strong, healthy seedlings, it is necessary to take into account some agricultural technology requirements.

The best soil for alyssum should have:

  • high drainage properties;
  • pH 5.5–6.2; soil acidity
  • good breathability.

Flower shops offer special soil for flowering plants; you can prepare it yourself - take one part each of grain, leaf soil and humus, mix with two parts of coarse river sand. The addition of charcoal and pine sawdust will improve the drainage properties of the soil.

The root system of alyssum is compact, the roots are located near the surface. Prepare wooden or plastic shallow containers with holes for drainage.

Planting seeds

To get good alissum seedlings, follow the recommendations of experts:

  1. Before planting seeds, moisten the soil; it should not be wet, but moist.
  2. Distribute the seeds evenly over the surface and lightly press them into the soil with the palm of your hand.
  3. Cover the container with glass or film. This will maintain constant temperature and humidity. In about a week, shoots will appear.
  4. Briefly remove the film every day to remove condensation and avoid rot.
  5. Place the container on a sunny window sill to ensure sufficient light. If you sowed seedlings in February, arrange additional lighting, turn on the lamp in the evening. If there is not enough light, the seedlings will stretch out and be thin and weak.
  6. Water the seedlings as needed when the surface of the soil is dry.
  7. After 4–5 leaves appear, the top can be pinched so that the plant begins to bush. At this stage, remove the film; plants need + 18 – +20 degrees.

If the seedlings become crowded, transplant them into separate cups. Use ready-made peat cups and use them to transplant the seedlings into the ground.


Only perennial varieties of alyssum can be propagated . Several methods are suitable for them: seeds, dividing the bush, layering and seedlings .

It is better not to divide rock varieties - they do not survive this procedure well.

Obtaining seedlings from seeds

Sowing seeds in the garden is carried out in April - May . If it’s convenient for you, you can grow seedlings from seeds at home, and then transfer them to open ground.

The seeds are distributed in rows, maintaining a distance of 15–20 cm. When the planting sprouts, it is thinned out a little to obtain lush growth. grown in this way blooms 2 months after planting .

Layerings and cuttings

carefully selected from the bushes of the plant and placed in containers with water . Keep the cuttings in a warm place, waiting for them to take root. They require a lot of air and regular ventilation.

Rocky flower species can be propagated using cuttings. Cuttings are taken in mid-August . The shoots should be semi-lignified.

After treating the cut with a growth stimulator, place the cutting in a container with water and wait for roots to appear. Then, in mid-September, they are transferred to open ground. The young plants will have time to get stronger and survive the winter normally.


Alyssum seedlings are sold in stores; buy them in May. Take several bushes at once. Plant 2-3 pieces at a distance of 30 cm - this way you will get a beautiful flowery carpet.

The shoots grow quickly and instantly populate the space allotted to them . You can take seedlings of the same color or create a composition of varieties with different colors.

Alyssum in a pot: how many pieces should I plant?

Planting in pots is even easier. Fill the pot with drainage and soil, plant 2-3 seedlings in it, and that’s it. Weeds do not bother the plants, so no weeding is required.

Growing conditions for indoor alissum

Like all garden plants, alyssum moves into rooms reluctantly, requiring certain conditions. It will prefer stable coolness and cold wintering, and is extremely demanding on lighting. But there is nothing impossible in the list of requirements of this plant.

Alyssums in indoor format can be grown as annual plants, replacing them with new bushes (saving queen cells for spring or growing new seedlings from seeds) or as perennials with a winter dormant period and several prunings per year. Alyssums will still not please you for decades, but they can last for several seasons.

Lighting and placement

Alyssum requires the brightest possible lighting. Plants may suffer from midday sun, but it is still best to place them in the brightest places in the house. In a room, alyssum cannot be used to decorate the interior; they can only find comfortable lighting on the windowsill. If it is not possible to provide them with optimal lighting, it is better to move them to a balcony or loggia, veranda, terrace, or garden for the summer.

Alyssums grow well on western, partially southern and southern windows.

Alyssums grow equally well both as a potted ground cover with spreading shoots and as an hanging plant that can be used for hanging flowerpots and cascades, decorating shelves and multi-level compositions. They do a good job as a “substrate” for large trees and shrubs.

Alyssums feel great in the kitchen and in spacious rooms where bright seasonal accents are lacking. They make excellent additions to plants in greenhouses, provided optimal lighting is maintained.

When placing alyssum, it is worth thinking about their aroma: the rooms in which people relax are not very suitable for a plant with such an intensely sweet aroma. Fortunately, alyssum is not a night flower.

Plants do an excellent job of aromatizing space in rooms, creating a festive atmosphere, setting a special mood, but still it is better to choose the location for them carefully. When deciding to bring alyssums into the interior or onto the balcony, it is worth checking whether everyone at home likes their smell.

Indoor alyssum will happily spend the summer outdoors. © dotosite

Temperature and ventilation

Alyssums are heat-loving plants that, during the period of active growth, feel better in temperatures above 18 degrees Celsius. They are not afraid of heat, but the more stable and milder the temperatures, the longer the alyssums will bloom.

Room temperatures are more suitable for alyssums throughout the entire period of active growth, from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. During the period of abundant flowering, it is best to lower the temperature to 18 degrees and place the alyssums in the coolest place in the house, if this is, of course, possible.

When the temperature rises to 25 degrees, an increase in air humidity must be included in the care program. But still, high temperatures will affect the duration of flowering of alyssums.

If you want to give the bushes a try to bloom again next year, you should organize them the coolest winter possible. Alyssums are well preserved at a temperature of about 5 degrees. The maximum permissible wintering temperature is 10 degrees.

Even if the plant does not actively grow and loses its decorative properties, spring shoots can be used to quickly root a new generation of indoor alyssums. Despite the fact that alyssums can withstand negative temperatures, it is better not to expose indoor plants to such stress.

Alyssums are one of the plants that do not like disturbances in the free circulation of air around the bushes. It is better to place plants at some distance from walls and other crops so that air penetrates evenly along the entire perimeter of the bushes.

Alyssums love ventilation and grow very poorly without it, but strong drafts with temperature changes are also contraindicated for them. When placing it on a balcony or in a garden for the summer, it is better to take care of choosing a protected place.

Indoor alyssums can change their status at any time and can easily move to balconies and even open ground.

If you feed alyssum regularly, but not in large quantities, it will delight you with flowering all summer long. ©hatgionghoasoccon

Description and varieties

Some of the plant varieties can be confidently called ground cover. The shoots cover the ground with a dense carpet and branch well. This plant is known for its honey aroma and beautiful carpet of flowers. In severe winters, alyssum should be covered with dry leaves or spruce branches, because the lowest temperature of frost-resistant varieties is -15 C.

The foliage has a bluish tint and a small oblong shape. The inflorescences have a simple structure of 4 petals. They are often collected in clusters and delight their owners with abundant flowering and a pleasant honey aroma. These flowers are not ignored by industrious insects due to their nectar. The honey plant impresses with the color range of its inflorescences: purple, white, lilac, yellow.

Allisum has many factors that explain its popularity, long-lasting abundant flowering being one of them. It is worth planting the plant in a suitable place and it will decorate the garden or area from spring to autumn. And the plant will respond to proper care with larger inflorescences.

In order for the plant to reveal itself in all its glory, it should be provided with optimal conditions for its growth and the “right neighbors”. This plant goes well with Turkish carnations, phlox, marigolds, tulips, and dwarf irises. To create a beautiful, bright carpet, it is recommended to plant several varieties of allisum flowers in one place. In landscape design, this multi-colored plant is successfully used to create rockeries, alpine slides, mixborders and multi-level flower beds.

All Alyssum varieties are divided into three main groups:

  1. rocky;
  2. ampelous;
  3. marine.

Rock alyssum.

Rock alyssum from the order of perennial plants. It has strong and branching shoots no more than 30 cm high. Flowering time occurs in early spring and lasts about 35–40 days.

During the growth process, the shoots begin to age and become bare. To maintain alyssum in an attractive form, it is necessary to rejuvenate it. The rock alyssum bush has bluish leaves collected in a rosette. The inflorescences are collected in clusters and abundantly cover the bushes. If you continue to take good care of the plant bushes in the summer, they can bloom again in the fall. This often happens with rock alyssum, which blooms white.

Common varieties of rock alyssum are:

  1. Plenum (yellow double inflorescences);
  2. Gmelina (or mountain - a miniature frost-resistant species with yellow inflorescences);
  3. Golden autumn (simple yellow flowers);
  4. Compactum (low-growing plant up to 18 cm tall);
  5. Cintrinum (lemon-colored inflorescences).

Sea alyssum.

Sea alyssum or marine lobularia is an annual plant from warm regions with a honey-tart aroma of inflorescences. The shrub can grow in one place for many years, reaching a height of 40 cm. In coastal areas, this type of plant is very common and adorns many city flower beds and flower beds of private owners. This perennial does not require special care, just periodic trimming of old shoots.

Lobularia varieties:

  1. Violet Konikin (purple bloom);
  2. Easter Bonnet Deep Rose (bright pink bloom);
  3. Tiny Tim (white bloom).

Ampelous alyssum.

This type of plant is most popular among those who plant ornamental bushes in pots and flowerpots. To add greenery to a gazebo, balcony or summer terrace - an ampelous variety of flowering plant is perfect for these purposes.

Alyssum ampelous Esther Bonnet is widespread, pleasing to the eye with white inflorescences that abundantly cover the bush in flower pots. The Princess in Purple variety with light lilac flowers is also in demand. The Snow Carpet variety will give white inflorescences, and the Golden variety will give yellow inflorescences. It is recommended to plant several plants at once in one container.

Perennial alyssum.

Growing alyssum is not difficult. The plant only prefers open and sunny areas. If there is not enough free area for planting, it will develop in shady areas, but will not be able to open up in all the glory of abundant flowering.

The optimal location is a sunny area with drained soil without stagnant moisture. Apart from wetlands, acidic soils should be avoided. Since this plant does not need frequent watering, it is recommended to plant it on alpine hills and rockeries. If young plants require regular watering, then adults can easily get by with periodic watering.

In addition to the main groups, alyssum is divided into types:

  1. Savransky;
  2. Lensky;
  3. Cup;
  4. Rough;
  5. Winding;
  6. Iberian;
  7. Silver;
  8. Creeping.

Caring for sea alyssum

Despite the fact that sea alyssum is unpretentious in care, it is necessary to adjust the watering interval. If they are too frequent, then diseases may develop on the surface of the root system, causing the death of the plant. It is also necessary to periodically apply organic and mineral fertilizers to stimulate the beautiful and bright flowering of the shrub. We should not forget about preparing the crop for winter so that in summer we can again enjoy rich and fragrant flowers.


Plants need moderate watering. If there is not enough moisture for the bushes, they will bloom early. Exceeding the permissible water application rates will lead to the death of the entire flower. The crop needs to be watered when it requires it. Determining the optimal timing is quite easy. Check the soil at a depth of 3–5 cm.

Important! After watering and before fertilizing, you need to loosen the top layer of soil so that a sufficient amount of oxygen reaches the root system. If it is dry, then it is necessary to pour at least 10 liters of water under each bush.

In regions with heavy rainfall, it is better to refrain from frequent watering and carry it out no more than once every 2 weeks. This will allow you to adjust the timing of flowering and dormancy, as well as increase the lifespan of the plant.

If it is dry, then it is necessary to pour at least 10 liters of water under each bush. In regions with heavy rainfall, it is better to refrain from frequent watering and carry it out no more than once every 2 weeks. This will allow you to adjust the timing of flowering and dormancy, as well as increase the lifespan of the plant.

Top dressing

When the green mass on the bushes begins to actively grow, it is necessary to apply nitrogen fertilizers. You can use a urea solution (200 g per 10 liters of water) and pour 5 liters of liquid under each bush. Some gardeners use the drug "Agricola 7" (20 g for each bush). In autumn, it is recommended to use superphosphate, which will improve the frost resistance of sea alyssum. 30 g of the drug is placed under each bush.

Video: feeding alissum


Timely and high-quality pruning can significantly enhance the aesthetic appeal of a shrub. In spring, it is recommended to remove last year's flower stalks and dry leaves. Also cut off diseased and weak shoots that can slow down the development of the plant. When the summer flowering is over, you should remove the faded buds and shorten the shoots by 5 cm. This will provoke the re-formation of flowers.

Collecting seeds

The seed collection process is carried out at the end of September or beginning of October. Wait for a day when there is no wind or precipitation outside. Place a large blanket in your garden or yard and rub the flowers over it. After this, use your hands to select large debris so that it does not interfere with the preparation of seed for planting. Place the seeds in a cool, dry area to dry. The room must have good ventilation to prevent signs of mold. Dry seeds should be placed in clean linen bags and stored until spring.


It is very important to prepare the crop for winter, since the frost resistance of plants is low. If you live in a region where the temperature does not drop below -15°C, then it is enough to mulch the bushes with fallen leaves

When enough snow has fallen, you need to create a high snowdrift around the plant.

Familiarize yourself with the features of mountain alyssum.

The snow cover will maintain a constant temperature, which will protect the alyssum from hypothermia. In regions where winters are quite severe, additional shelter made of material that does not allow moisture to pass through will be required. In spring, you need to open the bushes in a timely manner so as not to provoke the development of diseases.

Video: wintering alyssum

Pest and disease control

Marine alyssum can be affected by the following diseases:

  • late blight. Symptoms of the disease appear as brown spots on the surface of the leaves. For control, it is advisable to use a solution of “Ordan” (40 g per 5 l of water) or “Cuproxatone” (50 g per 5 l of water);
  • viral mosaic. The disease appears in the form of large white-green spots. Treatment is carried out using “Topaz” (100 g per 10 liters of water);
  • powdery mildew (white mycelium appears on the leaves). To combat the disease, use the Oxychoma solution (70 g per 6 liters of water).

The following pests may appear on plants: cruciferous flea beetle, caterpillars and whites. A vinegar solution (5 tbsp per 10 liters of water) is used against fleas. To combat caterpillars, use “Lepidocide” (60 g per 8 liters of water). An effective remedy against whitefish is called “Entobacterion” (30 g per 10 liters of water).

3.Alyssum - planting and care


Nutritious and well-drained soil with a neutral or slightly acidic pH ranging from 5.5 to 6.2. Adapts well to most types of soil.

Most alyssums prefer to be in a light, fairly nutritious substrate that allows moisture and air to pass well to the roots of the plant.

A mixture of humus, peat with leaf and turf soil is suitable for cultivation To improve drainage, add a small amount of coarse river sand, perlite or vermiculite to the soil.

Rock alyssums are less demanding on soil composition and can thrive even in nutrient-poor soils with a lot of stones.

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3.2.Reproduction, growing from seeds

Alyssum is propagated by seeds , which are planted in the spring . germination for 3 years - then it sharply declines.

  1. For sowing, prepare small plastic containers with a lid and drainage holes in the bottom.
  2. A small drainage layer in the form of fine expanded clay is placed at the bottom of the container.
  3. Fill the containers with very light, nutritious peat-based soil.
  4. The substrate is well moistened using a fine spray bottle.
  5. Sowing is carried out on the surface of the soil, only lightly pressing the seeds into the ground with your fingertips. You can sprinkle the crops with a thin layer of sand on top.
  6. Seedlings are placed in a moderately warm (with a temperature of approximately 15 to 18 ° C) and well-lit place without access to direct sunlight.
  7. The lid of the container is closed or the crops are covered with glass or a transparent plastic bag to maintain uniform high humidity.

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Periodically remove the lid or glass, remove condensation and ventilate the container. The first sprouts can be seen within 4 - 10 days - at this time the cover from the container can be completely removed.

With the appearance of the first true leaf, young plants are fed with fertilizers diluted to half the dose recommended on the package.

Picking into separate small cups is done when 2 - 3 true leaves appear on each bush. After picking, fertilizing is also carried out approximately 7 - 10 days later .

When the plants become too small for the cups, they are planted for permanent residence.

The first flowering will occur in alyssum obtained from seeds at the age of approximately 1.5 months.

Thus, it is quite easy to grow alyssum from seeds; often even self-seeding can be found under mature bushes.

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Among the vegetative methods of propagation, you can use the method of air layering . Long stems are pinned to the soil and lightly sprinkled with soil. After some time, roots appear at the leaf nodes and new growth begins.

Young plants are then separated from the mother plants. when they already have a well-developed root system and green ground part.

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Stem cuttings for propagation are semi-lignified and 8–12 cm long.

  1. Planting material is cut in spring or late summer. For pruning, use only a sharp and sterile instrument.
  2. The lower leaves and all buds are removed from the cuttings.
  3. The bases of the cuttings are dusted with growth hormones.
  4. Rooting is carried out in a warm place, shaded from direct sunlight.
  5. Immerse the cuttings in well-moistened and loose soil made of peat and river sand.
  6. Young plants are covered with a transparent plastic cap or glass to maintain uniform humidity.
  7. The soil is periodically moistened with a fine spray, never allowing it to dry out.

The successful completion of the rooting process will be indicated by the appearance of the first signs of new growth.

Such cuttings also take root well in a simple glass of water . The disadvantage of this method is only a slight delay in development when planted in the substrate - thus the root system simply gets used to new conditions.

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Adult lobularia bushes can be divided into 2 - 3 parts using sharp pruning shears. The wound surface formed after this procedure is treated with chiseled charcoal or ash for drying and disinfection.

This way you can rejuvenate old plants. The cuttings are planted in separate holes and watered abundantly. At first, such plants should be carefully cared for and watering should be timely.

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3.3.How to grow at home, prune

When flowering begins to decline, cut the stems to 1/3 of the length , this will help the plant form side shoots and bloom again. After such pruning and abundant feeding, the first buds can be expected in 2 - 3 weeks .

When sanitary pruning, promptly remove old and diseased shoots with sharp, sterilized pruning shears - this will help maintain the attractive appearance of the bush. Also remove yellowed and dry leaves that will periodically appear at the base of the shoots.

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3.4.When does alyssum bloom?

Mostly flowering occurs in the summer months ; with proper care and timely pruning, you can expect re-blooming in the same season.

The most abundant and long-lasting flowering will be in those plants that receive regular watering, are grown in a well-lit place and are fed in a timely manner.

Some varieties are able to bloom already at the end of spring and their flowering can only be interrupted by frost and snow.

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It is often grown as an annual and does not need replanting. If necessary, you can transplant garden plants into a pot in the fall, before frost sets in.

When grown as a perennial plant, alyssum is planted annually in fresh substrate in the spring.

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  1. For planting, select a pot with large drainage holes.
  2. At the bottom of the pot, lay a layer of drainage material in the form of broken bricks, expanded clay or fragments of clay pots.
  3. A small layer of soil is poured onto the drainage.
  4. It is best to move the bush by transshipment - it is placed in a new container together with the old lump of earth, without destroying it.
  5. The planting depth should also remain the same.
  6. The perimeter of the plant is sprinkled with fresh substrate, which is lightly compacted with your fingertips to remove air pockets.
  7. After planting, the plant is thoroughly watered with water at room temperature and the excess moisture that appears in the pan after watering is drained.

Transplanted flowers are placed in a well-lit place without direct sunlight.

The first feeding is carried out 2 - 3 weeks after transplantation to give the root system time to get used to the new conditions.

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During the period of active growth, feed alyssum with water-soluble fertilizers once a month at half concentration.

Lobularia does not like excess nutrients, so the nutrient solution is prepared weakly, diluting it with water to half the dose recommended on the package.

In the winter months, feeding is stopped, giving the plant a period of rest. Resume fertilizing only in the spring, when the first signs of new growth appear.

Fertilizers should be applied only after preliminary abundant watering , since contact with a too concentrated nutrient solution on the root system in dry soil can cause a burn.

Young plants are fed with fertilizers high in nitrogen to stimulate the appearance of shoots and leaves; for older plants, fertilizers for flowering plants with a high content of potassium and phosphorus to ensure abundant formation of buds.

Alyssum reacts positively to the use of organic fertilizers in the form of slurry or humus and humus.

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3.7.Diseases and pests

  • The plant rots if watered too frequently or with insufficient drainage.
  • Alyssum is able to shed unopened buds and flowers if it lacks moisture during the period of active growth.
  • Excess nitrogen fertilizers will cause this plant to produce abundant green mass to the detriment of flowering.
  • Among fungal diseases , late blight, rust or powdery mildew may appear on lobularia if kept in too humid conditions, in a cool and poorly ventilated area. Also, a good prerequisite for the appearance of fungal diseases is the cultivation of lobularia in too cramped conditions, when the bushes are located too close to each other.
  • from viral diseases - unfortunately, the affected plants cannot be treated - they must be destroyed.
  • The plant blooms less profusely in low light.
  • The leaves turn yellow when grown in soil that is too heavy, when the root system does not receive enough oxygen, or when the watering regime is violated.

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Pests include , for example, cruciferous flea beetles and cabbage moths. When grown at home, mealybugs may appear.

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3.8.Growing conditions - temperature

Normal room temperature from spring to late autumn. The most suitable conditions for this flower are moderate to cool conditions ranging from 15 to 18°C .

With the onset of intense summer heat, the plants are taken to the coolest room and watered abundantly and the air is humidified. If kept in too warm conditions, the flowering time will be reduced.

During the autumn and winter months, the plant should be kept cool - indoors at a temperature of about 5 - 10 ° C so that it gains strength for the next season.

The plant does not tolerate prolonged frosts - the bushes die at temperatures of -15°C and below.

Silver alyssum is characterized by the greatest frost resistance - this plant can survive even at -23°C.

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Alyssum prefers a well-lit place without direct sunlight. The plant can sunbathe only in the morning and evening hours.

During the day, especially in spring and autumn, it is better to shade the flower, since the sun's activity at this time is too high.

Rock varieties are accustomed to direct sun and will do poorly when grown in partial shade .

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Lobularia prefers evenly moist soil without drying out or waterlogging. When the plants dry out, they look sluggish, but they recover very quickly after the next watering. It is especially important to monitor the regularity of watering during the period of active growth and flowering.

In the autumn months, the frequency of watering is gradually reduced and the winter months are watered significantly less, drying the substrate between waterings by about 1/3 of the depth .

For irrigation, use only well-settled, filtered or bottled water at room temperature . Irrigation with tap water that has not been allowed to settle will contribute to the accumulation of salts in the soil.

It is advisable to water in such a way that moisture does not fall on the leaves and buds of the flower.

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Alyssum adapts well to the dry air of living quarters; spraying is not necessary . In autumn and winter, when kept cool, the air around the plant should be dry.

Remember that drops of moisture getting on the pubescent leaves can cause rot.

Lobularia prefers to be in constantly ventilated areas with good air circulation.

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A valuable ornamental flowering plant that develops quickly and forms a dense flower mat. When grown outdoors, it forms a flowering border for a flower bed and looks great on a balcony or terrace.

In flower beds it is used as a ground cover annual , while indoors alyssum can be kept for several years.

In indoor culture it is used as a hanging plant for pots or ground cover.

Rock varieties can be successfully grown on alpine hills .

Lobularia allows designers to create multi-colored compositions from varieties with different shades of buds, and long-term flowering, which also occurs at different times in different varieties, allows you to get a blooming flower bed from spring to autumn.

Rock varieties have many beneficial properties and are used in folk medicine as an antipyretic and analgesic; it is believed that a decoction of this flower helps whiten the skin and get rid of age spots and freckles. Taking alyssum decoction orally helps break down and remove kidney stones.

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Young leaves, stems and flowers of alyssum are sometimes used as a seasoning in salads and other dishes.


How to prune alyssum correctly

All varieties and varieties of lobularia require regular pruning. It promotes strong growth and better flowering.

Bushes that are not pruned begin to lose their decorative effect over time. Their stems become bare and the number of inflorescences decreases. In addition to pruning faded brushes, shoots are additionally shortened to 7–10 cm, while simultaneously forming beautiful, lush and moderately sparse bushes. Proper pruning increases decorativeness and significantly reduces the likelihood of powdery mildew. After flowering, rock alyssum is shortened by a third of its length.

How to prune alyssum

It is advisable to do it after the plant stops blooming. Cutting off flower stalks will eliminate the unnecessary expenditure of energy on seed formation. A month after these steps, large branches should be pruned, leaving only three centimeters. Such measures will ensure good growth in the autumn. It is characterized by abundant inflorescences.

Perennial rock alyssums can hardly withstand temperatures below −15 degrees. There are times when a flower freezes at low temperatures. As the weather warms, plants thaw and recover.

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