Strelitzia reginae - planting, care and propagation at home. How to care for and grow from seeds

Description of the flower and photo

The unusually beautiful shape and bright shades of Strelitzia reginas have made these flowers not only a favorite decoration technique, but also a popular symbol of heavenly beauty. With the help of these flowers they create very attractive and interesting landscapes.

Strelitzia leaves are dark, large, oval-shaped, reminiscent of banana leaves with long petioles. They are arranged strictly in two ranks, forming an evergreen deciduous fan. The thick, waxy and glossy leaves are especially eye-catching.

The width of the leaf blade is 15 - 45 cm long. Usually reaches a height of 4 meters. Strelitzia produces inflorescences horizontally upward, emerging from a thickened stalk.

The inflorescence is located at the top of the peduncle, which can reach 1.5 m or more. The flower is the most unusual part of the plant.

Brightly colored modified leaves form green, red and purple perianths that look like small boats. The perianth size ranges from 10 -20 cm in length, depending on the age and size of the plant.

How it blooms

Each Strelitzia reginas flower consists of three vertically oriented orange sepals and three highly modified bright blue petals. Two petals unite and resemble an arrow, and at the base, where the third petal joins, a nectary is formed.

Each perianth contains two bright yellow or orange and one bright blue elongated petals. The pistil is located quite far from the stamens.


The anthers are located in such a way that pollinating insects cannot help but touch them when they fly up to a flower in search of nectar and thus transfer it to another flower.

As a result of pollination, leathery capsules are formed containing many seeds, covered with orange husk. The capsules contain oil, apparently to attract birds and insects.

Problems of indoor decorative culture

If the cultivation technology is followed, Strelitzia is extremely rarely affected by pathogenic microflora or damaged by plant parasites. However, novice amateur gardeners may encounter the following problems in the process of indoor cultivation of Strelitzia:

  • indoor crops are sometimes damaged by mealybugs, spider mites or scale insects, to combat which it is best to use double treatment with Aktara and acaricides with a three-week break;
  • lack of flowering in plants older than five years may require providing the indoor flower with temperature stress at 12°C;
  • An equally common problem is yellowing of foliage, which is most often caused by improper irrigation measures or root rot;
  • Another reason for yellowing of Strelitzia foliage may be low temperatures or lack of sufficient lighting;
  • The tips of the leaves most often dry out due to insufficient moisture in the soil and low air humidity.

Strelitzia planting

Buy a pot for Strelitzia that is large and deep, since the root system develops powerfully, the tap root goes deep into the pot and is located there in a circle, filling the entire space. By the way, when an adult plant of four to five years has completely mastered the space allotted to its roots, then it will bloom more readily. Be sure to place a good layer of drainage material at the bottom of the pot to prevent rotting of the roots from overwatering or stagnation of water in the pan.

Transplanting into a new pot

Young plants are transplanted every spring into new pots 3–5 cm larger than the previous ones. It is more difficult to replant adult plants, since the overgrown root system can be injured during replanting. It is enough to replant them every three to four years.

Replanting should be done by transferring a healthy plant into a wider and deeper pot. At some point you may need a tub - such large specimens are grown by our gardeners in greenhouses and even at home.

The drainage layer and drainage holes at the bottom of the pot should also be larger than those of the old pot. Place a layer of new soil on the drainage, and only then place an earthen ball with your flower there. Fill all the voids around the edges and top of the pot with new soil, shaking it slightly. Water it. Let the flower stand in the shade for some time and get used to the new pot.

Transplantation technique and fertilization

Young plants are replanted every spring, and sometimes twice a year. Adult Strelitzia is replanted if necessary; most often, a few centimeters of the top soil are simply renewed.

The flower itself tells you when to replant it: its roots grow into the drainage holes and seem to drive the Strelitzia out of the pot. The roots should not be crowded, so choose a larger pot each time you replant.

Light plastic containers are suitable for young plants. And massive flowers will be safe in ceramic pots.

Soil Mix Options

The soil mixture for Strelitzia needs to be nutritious and fertile. The following four formulations can be used.

  • Option No. 1. Store-bought soil for flowering plants, to which equal parts moss, sand and humus are added.
  • Option No. 2. In equal parts: leaf and turf soil, humus, peat, river sand and moss.
  • Option No. 3. Two parts of turf land. Sand, peat and humus - one part each.
  • Option No. 4. In equal proportions, leaf soil, peat, split bark, chopped moss and a small amount of coarse river sand.

A prerequisite is high soil drainage. This layer is created using expanded clay, broken shards or bricks, sea pebbles, and walnut shells.


Water the plant well before replanting. The earthen ball must be completely wet so that the roots become elastic. This will protect them from breaking off. As mentioned above, the transshipment technique is used for strelitzia. Next, follow the eight-step instructions.


  1. We prepare and disinfect the soil, drainage and container.
  2. Pour drainage into the bottom of the pot.
  3. Using a knife, carefully separate the lump of earth from the inner walls of the pot.
  4. We cut off the roots that have grown into the drainage holes.
  5. Carefully remove the flower along with the lump.
  6. We inspect the roots for damage, remove rot, and sprinkle the cuts with crushed coal.
  7. We transfer the plant into a new, more spacious pot, place it in the center, fill it with soil and compact it.
  8. We water the soil. If it settles too much, add more. A pot with large plants should not be filled to the very brim with soil to make it easier to replace the top layer.

Transplanting Strelitzia into another pot becomes more and more difficult every year. This is almost impossible to do with a massive, overgrown plant. Therefore, the top 5-6 cm of soil is changed, and the new layer of soil is fed with humus or other fertilizers.

Top dressing

Fertilizer is applied to the soil every ten days in the spring and summer. For young Strelitzia, fertilizers with a high nitrogen content are good to stimulate leaf growth. Adult plants that are about to bloom need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. In autumn and winter, fertilizing is not carried out; flower stalks are cut off during dormancy.

Strelitzia care at home

Growing Strelitzia at home is not difficult, but in order for it to bloom, it needs a lot of light and space to grow.

Lighting and location

Bright lighting is necessary; you can keep Strelitzia on a south-facing window, but it is not advisable to immediately place it in the sun. It is better to make sure that the plant gradually gets used to the sun. Shading will be needed if the “bird of paradise” stands in the sun in the summer heat. An eastern window is preferable, where the sun is in the morning, when the air temperature is not yet high.

In summer, it is useful to place Strelitzia in the garden, on the balcony, this promotes abundant flowering in the future.

Temperature, watering, fertilizer

Strelitzia prefers moderate or cool conditions in winter at a temperature of about 14-15 °C, minimum 12 °C. In summer, the normal room temperature, it is desirable to ensure a fluctuation in night and day temperatures, which is easy to implement outdoors.

  1. Air humidity. Not significant. It is useful to periodically spray and wash off dust.
  2. Watering. Abundant from spring to autumn, in winter, in a cool room, Strelitzia begins a period of relative dormancy, so water only occasionally, but in any case the soil should not dry out completely.
  3. Fertilizer. From March to August, fertilizing is carried out every 2 weeks with liquid fertilizers for flowering indoor plants. When maintaining a garden, it is useful to water it with organic fertilizers.


Strelitzia is replanted as needed; adult plants are usually replanted after 2 years. Unlike most indoor plants, Strelitzia feels good and blooms only when it has a spacious pot, so it is advisable to grow it in large flowerpots and tubs. The root system develops mainly in length, so choose a high pot.

When replanting, be careful, as the fragile roots of Strelitzia are easily broken. It is better to transfer it to a larger pot.

The soil

The soil required is the most nutritious. More often, a substrate is used from a mixture of turf, humus, leaf soil and sand in a proportion (2:2:2:1) with the addition of peat, as well as from leaf humus, turf soil and sand (2:1:1). Good drainage in a pot is a must.

Why do Strelitzia leaves curl?

There are several reasons for this phenomenon:

  • The plant is hot. Overheating is no less harmful than hypothermia. Strelitzia begins to suffer if the air temperature stays above 25 °C for a long time. Spray the plant periodically and wipe the leaves.
  • Root system rotting. Due to stagnation of moisture in the soil, the root system begins to rot, the process occurs halfway through the soil, and the curling of the leaves is an “external signal.” How to carry out an emergency transplant is described in detail above. To improve looseness, you can add small round pebbles to the substrate, and also adjust the watering system.


At home, Strelitzia is propagated by division, but you can also try it with seeds. The divided parts of the rhizome must have at least 2-3 growth points. Divide carefully, the roots are fragile. The “bird of paradise” propagates by seeds, dividing the bush and planting rooted side shoots.


When propagating by seed, only very fresh seeds are used, since they quickly lose their germination capacity - already six months after ripening. Seeds need to be prepared for sowing:

  • remove orange hair tufts.
  • Before sowing in the ground, they are soaked in water for 1-2 days, but it is better to soak them in a solution of phytohormones to speed up germination.
  • then plant in well-drained soil from a mixture of peat and leaf soil to a depth of 1.5 times the size of the seed.

When soaking and germination, it is necessary to maintain a constant temperature of at least 25 degrees. Lower temperatures delay the germination process. But even under such conditions, they germinate unevenly and for a long time: from 1 month to 1 year or even more.

The first transplant into well-drained soil is carried out in the phase of 2-3 leaves. Further transshipment of growing specimens is done depending on the filling of the pots with roots, without waiting for the very dense entanglement of the earthen coma, which can negatively affect the growth rate. It is necessary to replant carefully, without damaging the very vulnerable fragile fleshy roots; this also affects the growth rate.

Only in the second year are the seedlings planted in a permanent place. They are kept in warmer conditions compared to adult plants. Young plants must be protected from direct sunlight, as they can burn sensitive leaves.

You can expect the first flowering of plants grown by seed method no earlier than in 3-4 years, or even in 5-6 years.

Dividing the bush

You can propagate the African beauty by dividing the rhizome, which in Strelitzia is very fleshy, like in all plants of the ginger order. When dividing, you need to make sure that each part has at least one shoot, preferably two. Division begins after flowering, which under indoor conditions can begin in late winter - early spring and lasts until May-June.

Side shoots

When propagated by lateral rooted shoots, they are carefully separated, preserving the roots, and planted in separate pots. The soil mixture is made up of 2 parts turf soil, 1 part leaf soil, 1 part humus and 0.5 parts sand. A crock or drainage is placed at the bottom of the pot, and then the soil mixture. Rooting takes place at a temperature of 22 degrees.

Strelitzia is a rather slow-growing plant , and after part of the rhizome is separated, the young plant needs at least two years for it to grow into a powerful, profusely flowering bush.

Strelitzia is native to South Africa. Its genus includes 5 species of plants of the same family. The plant received its name in honor of the English Queen of Mecklenburg-Strelitz, wife of King George III. Strelitzia literally translates as bird of paradise. Strelitzia indoors is an evergreen, perennial, rhizomatous plant. The shape of the flower is very original and visually resembles a fairytale bird of paradise.


  1. Varieties of Strelitzia video
  2. Strelitzia plant and its features
  3. Strelitzia - home care
      temperature regime
  4. optimal lighting
  5. how to water strelitzia
  6. feeding
  7. how to properly transplant Strelitzia video
  8. How to propagate Strelitzia
      how to grow strelitzia from seeds video
  9. plant division
  10. For propagation we use side shoots
  11. Why doesn't Strelitzia bloom?
  12. Problems that most often arise when growing Strelitzia

Varieties of Strelitzia

We have already mentioned that there are several types of plants, the most common of which is Strelitzia birds of paradise, or royal.

The plant is a perennial, although it has a sufficient height - from 1 to 2 m, and does not form a tree trunk. Strelitzia leaves are bright, with a slightly wavy edge and a leathery surface, and have an elongated, oval shape. The Strelitzia flower looks very unusual and bright, quite large, it consists of orange and blue petals, the flower cover is green with reddish veins. The plant blooms from February to August.

Unlike its relative, white Strelitzia has a tree-like stem. The leaves of Strelitzia alba have an elongated elliptical shape, a glossy surface, their dimensions can reach 1 m in length, and their color is light green. The plant blooms from January to March, the bracts are lanceolate, the spathe is single purple, the flower petals are white.

You can meet Strelitzia Nikolai high in the mountains; it prefers to grow in tropical rainforests. The plant has impressive dimensions, the height of its woody trunk can reach from 3 to 5 m, and the length of the leaf can be one and a half meters with a half-meter width, the leaf petioles reach a length of one and a half meters. Flowering lasts from January to June, the flower is large, with four spathes of green-red shades, white outer and blue inner petals.

Strelitzia reed is resistant to low temperatures and droughts; its flowers resemble royal ones, but its leaves are very narrow and resemble needles.

You can learn about the types of strelitzia from the video:

Strelitzia plant and its features

Strelitzia grows without forming a trunk, reaching a height of about two meters. The foliage is large (about 40 cm in length), has an oblong-oval shape, leathery and lint-free, and is colored in dark green tones. Petioles about half a meter long extend from the root system, on which the foliage is located. Visually, they look like banana leaves.

Strelitzia has an elongated peduncle on which scale-shaped leaves are formed. Under the outermost leaf there is a bend in the peduncle, which resembles the head and neck of an exotic bird.

The scale-like leaf is slightly grayish in color. In its upper part there is a recess through which fairly large flowers (about 15 cm) appear. The flowers are colored orange-lilac and, due to their shape, visually resemble a bird's crest.

Active flowering occurs over several weeks: flowers that have bloomed are replaced by new buds, then the cycle repeats. Blooming flowers can be cut off. They tolerate this procedure quite steadfastly. The water in the vase in which they will be placed must be changed periodically.

Strelitzia - home care

The homemade Strelitzia plant is not particularly demanding and does not require special care. Reacts painlessly to shading. The only prerequisite for normal growth is sufficient space around the flowerpot. This condition is related to the size of the plant.

temperature regime

Strelitzia inflorescences have an exceptional appearance and are famous for their beauty and sophistication. Strelitzia blooms, with proper care, can be observed throughout almost the entire year. The ideal temperature for keeping an adult plant is from +20 to +25 C; in the fall the temperature is slightly reduced (to +14 +16 C). This regime will allow the plant to lay high-quality flower buds in late autumn and produce abundant flowering from mid-winter. Failure to comply with the temperature conditions leads to a prolongation of the flowering period; the plant will bloom unevenly throughout the year. In order for Strelitzia to bloom in winter and spring in January, the temperature should be increased to +25 C. If the temperature is +12 +14 maintained in winter, then Strelitzia will bloom in the summer.

The number of buds that appear in a plant depends on the age, quality and proper care of it. In order to see the first buds of a young plant, the owners will need to be patient - Strelitzia begins to bloom at 4-6 years of age.

optimal lighting

Strelitzia loves bright light, the plant can tolerate exposure to direct sunlight, but the plant should not be positioned so that it receives midday sun. The plant should not be placed near northern windows - it will suffer from lack of light and will not produce abundant flowering.

In the summer, if possible, Strelitzia can be exposed to the air, but it will need to be shaded from the midday sun.

how to water strelitzia

Successful cultivation of Strelitzia largely depends on proper watering. This should be done when the top layer of soil in the pot dries out. Water should be used that is soft and settled; the amount of water should be sufficient to saturate the soil to the bottom. Keeping the soil moist is a must, but stagnation of water in the pan can harm the roots of the plant.

As temperatures drop, watering should be reduced, but it is not recommended to overdry the soil. It is also advisable to periodically spray the plant and clean the leaves from dust using a damp sponge.


The plant should be fertilized once every two weeks, using liquid fertilizer for blooming indoor flowers. During the dormant period, there is no need for additional nutrition for the plant.

how to replant strelitzia correctly

A young plant is replanted annually, mature plants - once every three years. The best period for transplantation is spring. Pots should be chosen with a small diameter but high.

Don't forget to provide good drainage!

If the plant is large and grows in a tub, then you can get by with replacing the top layer of soil every year. If the roots are damaged during replanting, each wound should be covered thickly with crushed charcoal.

To plant Strelitzia, you will need humus nutrient soil with an acidity pH of maximum 6.5 of the following composition:

  • 1 part - humus,
  • 1 part - turf land,
  • 1 part - leaf soil,
  • 0.5 - sand.

The bottom of the pot is lined with drainage material.

You can learn more about plant growth and caring for it by watching the video:

How to propagate Strelitzia

There are many ways to propagate a plant:

  • planting seeds,
  • plant division,
  • planting lateral layers.

how to grow strelitzia from seeds

In wildlife, pollination of Strelitzia occurs with the help of a sunbird, a small bird (about 3 cm long). Sitting on one of the petals of a flower, it helps activate a certain mechanism that is responsible for the release of pollen. The pollen, in turn, settles on the bird's paws and chest. Flying to other flowers, sunbirds carry pollen and thereby pollinate flowers. Over time, in place of the pollinated flowers, fruits appear, inside of which there are seeds.

It is quite possible to obtain seeds at home, but this will require several simultaneously flowering plants. Freshly harvested seeds should be sown; they will ensure ideal germination. The germination rate of seeds decreases very quickly; after six months, from 10 seeds, at best, you can get one plant.

If seeds are purchased in a store, you should carefully study the labeling of the bags, and after making a purchase, sow them immediately. Before sowing, the seeds will need to be cleared of fruit residues, of course, if there are any. To activate the process of seed germination, they are kept for 24 hours in water at a temperature of about +35C +40C. Growing Strelitzia from seeds can be started at any time of the year - it doesn’t really matter.

While the Strelitzia seeds are warming up, you will need to prepare a container with soil for each seed; this can be an ordinary plastic glass; a hole with a diameter of 0.5 cm should be made in its bottom. The best soil mixture can be prepared independently by mixing equal parts of peat, compost soil and river sand. You can disinfect the mixture by pouring boiling water over it. After cooling, the soil in the cup is trampled down and covered with a 2 cm layer of clean sand.

1 grain is sown in each glass; you should not press it deeply into the sand - let some of it remain visible. The glasses are covered with glass on top and left in a warm, bright place, but placed so that they are not exposed to direct sunlight. Seed germination can last from one and a half to six months.

There is no need to take any action until the sprout appears on the surface. After the sprout appears, it is gradually hardened by removing the glass every day for half an hour. During this period, the small plant will already need watering. It is carried out if the top layer of soil has dried out. Water for irrigation should be boiled and warm.

Grown seedlings will need to be transplanted into a larger pot. All work should be carried out very carefully - the roots of Strelitzia are extremely fragile. If they are damaged, the plant may suffer greatly or even die.

Ideal conditions for growing seedlings:

  • temperature +22 C,
  • timely but moderate watering,
  • sufficiently bright illumination.

Watch a video on how to grow Strelitzia from seeds:

plant division

The best period for dividing the plant is after flowering, around May. Each detachable part must have at least one shoot.

To plant the separated parts, prepare pots 20 cm in diameter. The soil is prepared in the same way as for planting seedlings.

When planting a plant, you should be very careful with its roots.

For propagation we use side shoots

If there are rooted side shoots, you can begin to propagate the plant. The shoot is separated from the mother plant, very carefully so as not to damage the roots, and transplanted into pots. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot and fill it with the prepared soil mixture. Transplanted plants should be kept at a temperature of +22 C; the soil in the slides should not be allowed to dry out.

Why doesn't Strelitzia bloom?

You should not expect flowering during the first years of the plant's life. If a five-year-old plant does not bloom, then this should already be alarming. The first, and most often sufficient, measure is to change the plant’s maintenance regime. Starting from November, reduce the temperature to +14 +15 C, reduce watering to 2 per month. The plant can return to normal maintenance with the onset of March - during the dormant period, Strelitzia managed to lay powerful flower buds.

Since it is difficult to maintain a temperature of about 14-16 degrees in a city apartment in winter, you can postpone the rest time to spring. The plant will tolerate a drop in temperature to +10 calmly, but leaving pots outdoors if there is a threat of a further decrease in air temperature is not recommended. Lower temperatures can cause irreparable harm to the plant.

If it is easiest to create a dormant period in the summer, then Strelitzia will delight you with its flowering on New Year's Eve. A correctly calculated dormant period will allow you to time the flowering of the plant to coincide with your favorite family holiday.

Problems that most often arise when growing Strelitzia

Sometimes the plant may experience a change in leaf color. They turn yellow not because of a lack of light; most often the reason lies in the poor condition of the roots, namely in their rotting as a result of excessive watering. To save the plant, it is recommended to use products to treat root rot. Sometimes the cause of yellow leaves is too low a room temperature.

Dry leaves on Strelitzia can be observed with excess or lack of moisture. You can determine overwatering by the shine of the soil in the pot - there is an amount of moisture that it is not able to absorb. In this case, watering should be reduced. Insufficient watering will be indicated by cracks on the surface of the soil in the pot.

Author: Sergey and Svetlana Khudentsov


Strelitzia flowering

Only a large plant in a sufficiently spacious pot can bloom. The flowering time of Strelitzia directly depends on the cold period: if in winter it was kept at a temperature of 12-15 degrees, it will bloom profusely in the summer, and if it is provided with about 15 degrees in the summer, it can bloom in October.

With proper care, Strelitzia is resistant to pests.

Why doesn't Strelitzia bloom?

There may be several reasons why Strelitzia does not bloom at home:

  1. Perhaps you don’t feed her enough, but she likes to be fed every 10 days with either organic matter or mineral fertilizers during the active growing season and preparation for flowering. You can use complex fertilizers for blooming indoor flowers.
  2. Also check whether the flower has a suitable pot. If it is too large, then flowering will not occur until the root system of the flower has completely mastered the soil space. And if the pot is too tight, the roots rest against the walls and crawl out of the drainage holes, you will have to transplant the plant into a suitable container and wait another year for flowering.
  3. Remember if Strelitzia had a dormant period last winter or fall, during which it would rest and gain strength for flowering. The conditions must be appropriate: cool room, moderate watering, no fertilizing. If this was not the case, then you will have to provide it with these conditions this winter, then Strelitzia will definitely bloom next year.

How to make Strelitzia bloom

Strelitzia begins to bloom in early spring. Its flowers appear alternately from brightly colored bracts. White, yellow, lilac, blue and light blue (depending on the type) – you can’t take your eyes off them. The owner of a blooming specimen of an indoor flower always wants to see this very bloom as soon as possible. But in the case of Strelitzia, you will have to wait 4 - 5, or even 6 years for flowering. Even after reaching the adult period of its life, the plant may not bloom.

To make it bloom regularly and luxuriantly, in the winter months it is placed in a cool room, up to 12 - 14 degrees Celsius, with moderate watering, without fertilizing and bright light.

One to two months of such spartan conditions is enough, and return the plant to its warm place with diffused sunlight. Start feeding and watering the unfortunate plant regularly. Use special preparations that accelerate flower set (pollen, ovary). Strelitzia is a very grateful creature. Now it will definitely bloom.

All the hardships of growing royal strelitzia from seeds (with photo)

The very labor-intensive process of growing Strelitzia reginas from seeds - all the hardships can be overcome, but for this you need to arm yourself with knowledge. Typically, reproduction occurs by separation of mature lateral processes, which are called babies. But they don't always grow. They are obtained only from healthy plants. Look at the photo - what the final result will be:

But growing Strelitzia from seeds is easier. It is necessary to take into account that the seeds must be planted fresh in the ground, otherwise the flower simply will not grow. The seeds to be planted must first be heated in forty degree water. Leave them to swell and prepare the soil in the meantime. Take regular plastic cups and make small holes in them. Then, you need to fill the plastic containers with soil that will contain peat. Also, good soil requires sand. To improve growth, you also need to add compost. Then pass this soil through boiling water and leave to cool.

After all the operations done, you should place one seed in a glass. It needs to be pressed into the ground and then covered with glass. In this way, it is possible to avoid the appearance of fungus, which can spoil the seed and put a stop to the entire ripening process. The flower will appear in about six months. With the appearance of the first leaf, Strelitzia should be transplanted into a larger container. The roots are whimsical, as they are very fragile, so you need to replant the flower very carefully. Damage to the roots can affect the entire growth of the plant later.

The plant will not soon produce its first flowers. To do this, you need to care for the flower for 5 years. By 8 years the longest flowering period occurs, and in total Strelitzia blooms for 10 years.

Pay attention to the photos of Strelitzia flowers on the Internet - they are beautiful. There are no people who would regret planting this wonderful flower.

Of course, it is necessary to take very long and careful care of the Strelitzia, protect it and follow all the rules. We must remember to move them to bright places so that the flowering gives beauty and an unforgettable aroma. If a person is ready to take such steps and devote time to a flower, then he will receive an amazing, and most importantly living, accessory for his home or garden.

What does a novice gardener need to know? Firstly, it is necessary to use organic and high-quality fertilizers. Only with such fertilizers can the desired result be achieved. Secondly, approach each flower with love, as if you were a living person. They also feel warm. And thirdly, always seek help from professionals if you notice defects and parasites.

Diseases and problems during cultivation

Indoor Strelitzia, subject to normal growing conditions, rarely gets sick. However, any disturbances in water or temperature conditions can provoke diseases of the roots or leaves of the plant. Let's consider the possible problems of growing the Bird of Paradise.

  1. If dark spots appear on the leaves of Strelitzia, the reason lies in an excess of moisture in the root system. Check whether there is a sufficient layer of drainage in the pot, whether excess moisture is stagnating in the tray, think about whether you water your pet often. Correct the situation. Cut off the affected leaves.
  2. If the roots begin to rot, the flower should be removed from the pot, the affected parts of the roots should be removed, and the sections should be treated with crushed charcoal or activated carbon. Strelitzia will have to be transplanted into another soil and avoid the same mistakes.
  3. If the edges of the leaves and their tips turn brown, the air in the room is too dry. It is necessary to spray the plant regularly; in addition, place the flower pot in a tray with wet expanded clay, turn on the humidifiers if you have them.
  4. If during flowering Strelitzia suddenly begins to drop buds, the reason may lie in moving the plant from place to place or turning the pot on different sides to the sun. Royal Strelitzia doesn't like to be disturbed while it's blooming!
  5. If the leaves of Strelitzia begin to wither and turn yellow, the plant may be cold. If this happened during the winter months and the pot is intentionally kept in a cool room, we still recommend moving it to a room with a higher temperature. The lower temperature threshold for Strelitzia is 12 degrees.
  6. If the leaves of a flower begin to spontaneously crack at the tips and tear, it means that the plant is under stress from temperature changes or irregular watering. Draw conclusions. Correct the situation.

Humidity and watering

From the beginning of spring to the end of autumn, Strelitzia needs to be watered very generously (every 3 days), making sure that the soil remains moist. With the onset of winter, watering should be gradually reduced to once every two weeks.

Strelitzia loves high humidity, so it is necessary to regularly spray it with a spray bottle. It also doesn't hurt to wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. To maintain humidity, it is useful to place the pot with the plant on a tray with wet pebbles.

Water for irrigation and spraying should be soft and settled, and not colder than room temperature.

The exception is spraying in winter (daily is best) - cool water is ideal for this.

Some popular types of Strelitzia

Strelitzia white/blue "White Bird of Paradise"

Strelitzia White or Strelitzia Augusta is a perennial plant native to South Africa. This species got its name because of the white petals of the flower. The plant is powerful, up to 6 meters in height. It has several straight single trunks with a woody lower part and huge elliptical shiny light green leaves up to one meter in length. Moreover, at the base some leaves are heart-shaped. Strelitzia's peduncles are axillary, with two lanceolate bracts, with a single purple spathe. White flowers reach a length of 20–30 cm, a height of 7.5 cm and a thickness of 5 cm. The petals of the flowers are snow-white. The upper one is in the shape of a lancet, and the lower one is similar to a boat. The filaments of stamens are 3 cm long, with anthers – up to 5.5 cm.

Strelitzia Nicholas - “Giant Birds of Paradise”; "Wild Banana"

Strelitzia montana is the rarest tree-like species found in the very south of Africa. Locals call this tree the Desert Banana. It grows up to 10 meters in height and has huge leaves that grow in two rows and clasp the bottom of the tree trunk. The flowers are also large, white, with pointed, red, boat-shaped bracts. The flowers reach 45 cm in length.

Strelitzia reginas / S. parvifolia

Strelitzia reed is very similar to reed. This species grows in the East of South Africa. It tolerates sudden changes in temperature, even sub-zero, and can withstand prolonged drought - such a cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant. Its orange-blue flowers are similar to the Royal flowers, but the leaves are different - large, narrow, needle-shaped. They grow in a dense bluish-green rosette and reach a diameter of two meters. Flowering lasts from May to October.

Strelitzia caudata / Strelitzia "Desert Banana"

How to buy Strelitzia reginae flower seeds on Aliexpress?

At home, only one type of plant is grown - Strelitzia reginas. It is planted from seeds, which are usually ordered online. Sellers of the Chinese trading platform Aliexpress also have them.

Catalog with offers for Strelitzia seeds on Aliexpress.

IMPORTANT: To make purchases on Ali quickly and conveniently, before registering, it is recommended to read the article - instructions “First order on Aliexpress” and the Buyer’s Guide.

To quickly find offers for Bird of Paradise seeds on the Aliexpress website, enter the query “Strelitzia” or “Strelitzia reginae” in the search box on the main page.

Strelitzia reginas seeds on Aliexpress.

IMPORTANT: On Ali, Strelitzia seeds are sold in bags of 20, 50, 100 pieces. When placing an order, you must take into account that the older the seeds, the worse they grow. After six months, for example, it is possible to grow a flower from only 1 out of 10 seeds. Therefore, it is better to buy more and plant several in one pot at once. You can also contact the seller and ask to indicate what marking is on the bag of seeds.

When and how does it bloom?


If a flower is to bloom for the first time, then this process begins in the spring or summer of the 4-5th year of life. This flower can rightfully be called one of the most unusual because of its flowers and rather large stems. Its color is also fascinating: the outer leaves are orange, and the inner leaves are dark blue.

In appearance, the flower looks like a bird in flight, which is why it is popularly called the “bird of paradise.” The flowers have no scent, but they have a lot of nectar. There is so much of it that droplets of nectar flow beyond the edges of the flower's flower.

Before flowering, a process of so-called dormancy occurs, at which time flower buds are laid. This is considered the preparatory period. The flowers themselves reach a size of 10-20 cm. It is considered normal when there are 5 – 7 flowers on one peduncle. But on one plant the number of pedicels can be more than six, so it blooms almost until the dormant period.

Why isn't this happening?

There are several reasons:

  1. Perhaps this is due to the small amount of feeding, she likes to be fed every 10 days during the preparation for flowering and growing season.
  2. Another reason could be an unsuitable pot, check.

What to do?

If Strelitzia does not bloom for a long time, then in this case you can try treatment by changing the temperature regime. To do this, the flower must be placed for some time in conditions where the temperature is only 10-12°C, and then returned to its original place. As a rule, this helps stimulate the flowering process.

Don’t forget to cut the flowers correctly, then they will surprise you with their vitality. If the flowers are placed in ordinary water, they will live for about 14 days. But if they are placed in a special maintenance solution, their life expectancy will increase to 30 days. Only orchids have a longer flowering time.

This useful video explains what to do to make Strelitzia bloom:

Thus, we can conclude that if you are the owner of Strelitzia, then you are definitely lucky. This flower is of extraordinary beauty. We can say with one hundred percent certainty that it will delight you and your loved ones.

How to grow vegetatively?

There are two options for propagating Strelitzia vegetatively:

Using division

Experienced gardeners note that the best time to divide the plant's root is after flowering. The plant must be planted carefully so as not to damage the roots during the replanting process.

Wide, suitable-sized pots are prepared for the resulting seedlings.

Side shoots

The separation of side shoots occurs as follows:
When dividing the root, you need to ensure that the root has from one to three shoots. You need to be very careful when doing this - the Strelitzia root is quite fragile. Transplanted plants must be kept at a temperature of 22°C.

Choosing a pot

When choosing a pot, you should remember that Strelitzia prefers space; in a cramped pot, its roots will grow outward. The diameter of the pot is selected according to the age of the plant - the older it is, the wider and more spacious the pot should be.

The pot should have several drainage holes at the bottom.

Composition of the earth mixture

For a flower to grow strong and beautiful, loose and nutritious soil is needed. It is important that the soil allows air and water to pass through well.

The soil composition should include:

All this should be in equal proportions. Charcoal is added to the drainage.


Planting a Strelitzia root is not much different from sowing its seeds. To do this you need:

Growing Strelitzia at home is quite easy if you follow the basic rules. Taking care of the flower, maintaining the right climate and timely watering will allow you to admire the luxurious flowering of an unusual plant for a long time.

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Conditions for growing at home

For the health of royal strelitzia and the preservation of its decorative appearance, it is necessary to organize acceptable conditions.

Did you know? Botanists consider the royal strelitzia to be a low-toxic representative of the flora, since the juice of its foliage is conditionally poisonous, and the flowers are not edible. However, when making bouquets from it, they can only be placed in places inaccessible to children and pets.

Location and lighting

The main conditions for success in growing the described plant are the presence of sufficient natural light and large space.

Some more requirements for placing Strelitzia in an apartment:

  • presence of bright sunlight in the morning and evening hours;
  • diffuse lighting at lunchtime;
  • fresh air is beneficial for the plant , which helps the crop to bloom (can be taken out to the loggia or garden, protecting it from winds, drafts and sunburn);
  • placing small flowers on the windowsill on the western and eastern sides;
  • arrangement of large flowerpots with large plants on a stand (table) so that its leaves are higher than the windowsill (for better absorption of daylight);
  • in winter (November - February) extend daylight hours for the plant using phytolamps (at least 12 hours).


For Strelitzia in the spring-summer period, room temperature is quite suitable, and during winter dormancy the temperature indicators should be slightly lower.

Acceptable temperature indicators for plants at different times of the year:

Springmoderate, +20…+22°C and more
Summermoderate, high +25…+35°C (with sufficient watering)
Autumnmoderate, +20…+22°C
Winterlow, +12…+16°C

Important! If you plan to bloom strelitzia for the New Year holidays, you need to sharply reduce its temperature in the fall to +12...+14°C, but in no case less.

Air humidity

A tropical flower requires high humidity, especially in the warm season.

The table shows humidity indicators for Strelitzia seasonally:

Spring SummerHigh, 75%.
Careful spraying of the leaves is necessary (without getting on the flowers). Place the flowerpot on damp peat or moss, on a tray with wet stones. Place next to the flowers: containers filled with water; aquarium; fountain; electric humidifier.
Autumn winterModerate, 55–65%.
Wipe the sheets with a damp cloth.

It is unacceptable to place flowers near heating appliances.

Step-by-step instructions for the procedure

Seed selection

The main thing you need to pay attention to when choosing seeds is their shelf life. You need to know that the older the flower seeds are, the worse it will germinate.

Therefore, you need to choose seeds that were packaged no later than six months ago.

In addition to the expiration date, it is important to pay attention to the following:

  • seeds must be the same size;
  • dryness of seeds;
  • purity of seeds, without signs of disease.


Proper preparation of seeds for planting increases their chance of successful germination:

  1. It is necessary to clean the seeds from the hair tufts (they have a dark yellow color) and soak in warm water for one and a half to two days.
  2. After the seeds swell, if necessary, remove the remaining fruit pulp from them.

To increase the chances of grain germination, experienced gardeners advise replacing the water when aging seeds with special phytohormones. This type of medication must be used strictly according to the instructions.

Preparing the soil and container

Soil for strelitzia can be purchased at the store or made yourself. For the last option you need:

  • sand (500 g);
  • peat (500 g);
  • compost (500 g);
  • leaf soil (500 g).

All components are thoroughly mixed. It is allowed to add humus to the finished soil.

Any small glass can serve as a container for seed germination.

It is important that the bottom of the glass has holes for water drainage.


Before you start planting seeds, you need to fill the glass 2/3 with soil and pour boiling water over it. After the water stops flowing and the earth has cooled, you can begin planting:

  1. Place one seed in one glass. If the container allows, it is permissible to plant several seeds (there should be 2-3 cm of free space between them).
  2. Sprinkle the seeds with soil.
  3. Cover the cups with glass and place in a well-lit place, avoiding direct sunlight.


Taking into account that fresh flower seeds were taken for planting and the conditions were correct and favorable, we can expect that the first sprouts may appear in a month and a half. But it is worth considering that seeds can germinate up to six months.

Moisturizing the soil after germination

It is necessary to start moistening the soil only after the seed has sprouted. The sprout is watered with boiled water at room temperature.

Watering must be done as the top layer of soil dries.


The soil for Strelitzia must be kept moist at all times. But at the same time, overflow and stagnation of water should not be allowed. In this case, the root system begins to rot, which will lead to the death of the flower.

To maintain the water balance of the plant and not flood it, Strelitzia is regularly sprayed and wiped with a damp cloth.


For rapid growth and long flowering, you need to find a suitable place for the flower, where there is enough free space and good lighting. Often a window facing west or east will provide the right light.

If this is not possible, Strelitzia can be placed on the south side of the apartment. In this case, it is necessary to create conditions under which the plant will not be exposed to direct sunlight, otherwise it may die.

Botanical characteristics

Under natural conditions, Strelitzia is an evergreen herbaceous perennial plant , and the largest specimens can reach a height of ten meters or more. The average height of most species varies between 2.0-3.5 m. The tap root system goes deep into the ground.

The foliage of Strelitzia is large, oval, leathery, green in color with the presence of a bluish-gray bloom. The average leaf length ranges from 35-190 cm. The average leaf width can vary from 12 to 75 cm. In appearance, the leaves of this ornamental crop are very similar to banana foliage, but have longer and well-developed petioles.

The flowers are located on long stalks and have orange and purple petals. The inflorescences are horizontally located and look like the crests of strange birds. The average diameter varies from 12 to 18 cm. Each peduncle has six or more flowers, which gradually open and ensure long-term flowering of this highly decorative plant. In indoor conditions, Strelitzia also blooms quite long and abundantly. Indoor Strelitzia blooms in waves. The plant is perfect for cutting and lasts in a vase for almost a month.

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