Planting frost-resistant garden azaleas in open ground

Do you want your garden to turn into a celebration of color from spring to summer? So, look at the bright and unforgettable representative of the heathers - the azalea. The popularity of garden azaleas is growing every year, and frost-resistant plant varieties can withstand temperatures down to -30 °C and winter quietly in open ground. All you need to do is position the plant correctly and create favorable conditions for it.

Briefly about care

Type of agricultural operation for caring for garden azaleasDescription of conditions and actions
Watering and air humidityAfter the soil surface has dried, water with settled water at a distance of 20 cm from the center of the bush (acidify the water with citric acid once a month). In extreme heat, the bush is sprayed
Location organizationA flat area with partial shade, sheltered from drafts and flooding by spring waters, good if there is a garden or park pond nearby
Favorable neighborhoodSpruce (tap root), linden with small leaves, oak
Optimal temperature conditionsIn summer +20 °C +25 °C, in winter it can withstand up to -27 °C -32 °C
Planting and transplantingBeginning of March or September
Soil requirementsGarden soil is mixed with sand, turf, a sufficient layer of drainage (crushed red brick, crushed stone) is placed at the bottom of the hole, and pine needles, sawdust or shavings, and mown grass are used as mulch.
Fertilizer applicationDuring the budding-flowering period, the plant requires potassium and phosphorus, and after flowering, the azalea is watered with a solution of phosphorus-potassium fertilizers (1:2)
First flowers3-4 years after planting in April-May
TrimmingSanitary pruning is done in early spring, and formative pruning is carried out after the flowers have withered.

Growing conditions

Incomparable and abundant flowering - that's all about Azalea. It is even more pleasant because it comes very early, at the end of February - beginning of March, when winter in most parts of Russia does not even think of letting up. But in order to achieve the appearance of beautiful flowers, you will have to try.

Azalea is a very demanding houseplant. Even minor temperature fluctuations or failure to comply with the frequency of watering can lead to disruption of flowering rhythms, and sometimes even destroy the flower.


Azalea notices temperature fluctuations of even 5-10°C. The main feature is that this flower does not like heat at all. During flowering, for example, it is not recommended to place the pot in a place where the air heats up above +18-20 C. Otherwise, even if it is possible to achieve flowering, it will most likely be fleeting and dull.

Optimal temperature for azaleas

Advice! Experienced gardeners recommend choosing a permanent place for Azaleas between two glasses - one will block access to cold air from the street, the other will block access to too warm air from the room. A balcony or veranda is best.

Another feature of this flower is that when the buds appear, it is important to reduce the air temperature even more, to about +12 °C. The upper limit is +18 °C.

In the summer, when it is very hot outside, to reduce stress, it is generally recommended to move the plant to a room where there is air conditioning (but not under direct flows of cold air).

Air humidity

The natural habitat of some varieties of Azalea is the humid tropics. This means that the plant loves high humidity, and this requirement should be strictly observed.

Attention! Particular attention should be paid to moisturizing the flower during the heating season, because hot radiators dry out the air greatly.

Azalea loves high humidity
, but you have to walk a fine line. Azalea is very capricious, so it will react equally poorly to both excessive waterlogging and excessively dry soil in a pot.

In general, you should have a regular sprayer on hand, with which you can give Azalea a light shower with cool water at least once a day. But don't forget about one more feature.

If the plant is blooming, then such procedures should be canceled, because droplets of water falling on the petals will lead to the formation of dark spots. To avoid this, during flowering it is better to simply place containers of water next to the pot, which will gradually evaporate.

Advice! You should avoid the popular misconception that to cool your azalea, you can try periodically placing pieces of ice on the surface of the soil. The root system of the plant in such conditions will be stressed and rot.

Description of the plant

Azalea is the collective name of a large group of beautiful flowering shrubs from the genus Rhododendron. It is difficult to characterize the varieties of garden azaleas with general characteristics, since the cultures have many differences:

  • grow to a height of three meters or barely rise above a 50-centimeter curb;
  • lose their leaves annually or are classified as evergreen;
  • bloom at different times.

Garden azalea (azalea)
However, each azalea growing in the garden has a number of characteristics that distinguish the shrub from other plants. Thin shoots with light brown bark are covered with green dense leaves of a vague elliptical shape. The surface of the leaf blade is covered with small hairs.

The root system is located close to the soil surface and is highly branched. During flowering, the tops of the shoots are covered with a scattering of colorful funnel-shaped flowers.

The duration of flowering depends on the variety and growing conditions of the bush: some delight with flowers for a little more than three weeks, others decorate the garden for more than 3 months.


Inhabiting the mountainous areas of the Himalayas, the Caucasus, Europe and America, the heather family has given us about 800 species of rhododendron. And only a small part of them are able to develop successfully in our temperate but cold latitudes. Among them are the deciduous rhododendron Molle, the evergreen Fortune, and the evergreen but blushing Russatum, which adorns the alpine hills of our gardens . In the vast expanses of Siberia, Daurian rhododendron grows under natural conditions, which is often confused with wild rosemary.

Rhododendron "Molle"

Rhododendron "Fortune"

Advice! Since the characteristics of the genus include the distribution of plants into evergreen and deciduous trees, bushes and subshrubs, you have to base your choice on these indicators.

Beautiful rhododendron "Daursky"

Soft purple “Russatum Gletschernacht”

Japanese rhododendron, which is a very branched deciduous shrub, is taking root well here. The evergreen rhododendron is also suitable for our gardens. It is dense, tolerates frost well, but grows very slowly.

Rhododendron "Japanese"

In many European catalogs, rhododendron is called azalea. Therefore, flower growers agreed that the azalea flower is a species of rhododendron growing indoors. They are used in home floriculture, decorating window sills, winter gardens and greenhouses. The exception is the garden azalea, but in order for it to take root in the open air, a lot of effort must be made.

Azalea will serve as a wonderful decoration for your home

Those who are interested in the beneficial properties of the plant should take a closer look at Adams rhododendron, which has a tonic effect.

Rhododendron "Adams" has a tonic effect

We advise lovers of lush flowering shrubs to plant Katevbinsky rhododendron in the garden. The shrub, 2 to 4 meters high, during the flowering period turns into a huge ball of brightly colored inflorescence petals, completely covering the green leaf of the rhododendron.

Lush blooming rhododendron shrub "Katevbinsky"

Deciduous varieties of rhododendron differ in their winter hardiness. These are Limon Lights and Mandarin Lights, with a rare lemon- yellow color and delicate aroma. Among the evergreen rhododendrons, it is worth noting such varieties as Haaga, Mauritz and Peter Tigerstedt.

Rhododendron "Limon Lights"

Rhododendron "Peter Tigerstedt" with its snow-white flowers

Today, when the army of hybrid rhododendron is regularly replenished with new varieties bred by breeders from different countries, the choice is so wide that you can decorate your garden with a wide variety of colors of this plant.

Bright rhododendron "Mandarin Lights"

Rhododendron "Haaga"

However, not a single type of rhododendron can be said to be an easy-to-care plant. An azalea or rhododendron will get on your nerves, but will more than repay your diligence with lush, fragrant and beautiful flowering.

Crops for the garden

Of the several hundred species of Azaleas, only a few varieties are suitable for growing in the garden. Gardeners' favorites are hybrid varieties belonging to the Pontic or Japanese azalea.


“Pontine azalea” (A. pontica) or “Yellow Rhododendron” is the most interesting species for Russian gardeners. A shrub with a height of 1-2 m and the same diameter. The color of small flowers depends on the variety: white, sunny yellow, red, pink, orange. Flowering begins in early summer, with buds opening before the leaves appear or at the same time as them. The green, oblong-lanceolate leaves turn orange, red or yellow in the fall. The garden plant overwinters quietly in open ground at temperatures down to -30°C.

Diseases and pests

The most common pest of flowering rhododendrons is the rhododendron bug. It lays brown eggs on the bottom of the leaf, appearing as dark spots on the front side. To kill the bug, spray with diazinon.

Rhododendron is widespread among gardeners

The Asian garden beetle also causes enormous harm, eating large holes in the leaves of the plant. The traditional pest of garden crops, the spider mite, is also dangerous. They are also sprayed with diazinon.

Considering rhododendron diseases, let us also recall mixed chlorosis. The disease occurs from a lack of nitrogen and potassium in the soil. It appears on the leaves, indicated by yellow spots along the edges and on their tips.

Azalea "Mollis (geel)"

Important! Symptoms of mixed chlorosis are similar to the plant’s reaction to stagnant water. Check the soil under the plant

Hypothermia of soil and air can cause necrosis. When it occurs, the central vein of the leaf dies and the leaf itself turns brown. It is difficult to deal with sudden temperature fluctuations, so choose frost-resistant varieties.

Azalea is considered one of the most beautiful indoor plants

You can see how to care for azalea here:

Hybrid varieties of garden azalea

Based on the listed varieties, many hybrid varieties of frost-resistant azaleas have been created, which are maximally adapted for growing in Russia and the CIS countries.

Golden Lights

A deciduous representative of winter-hardy varieties of azalea “Golden Lights” (A. Golden Lights) was bred by American breeders in 1975. The height of the five-year-old shrub is 1.3 m, older specimens grow up to two meters. The width is about 1-2 m. The crown is hemispherical, very dense.

Azalea Golden Lights (azalea golden lights)

Cilia run along the edge of the elliptical leaf blade. In mid-May, many single flowers of a very juicy light tangerine color appear. The maximum permissible limit is -34 °C.

Deciduous azalea "Golden Lights" should be planted from mid-spring to late summer.


Azalea "Geisha" (A. Geisha) is characterized by relatively fast growth and high frost resistance. A dense, cushion-shaped, well-branched bush of 50 cm in height can withstand temperatures down to -27°C. Dark emerald glossy leaves turn burgundy in cold weather. This azalea is not large-flowered: funnel-shaped lilac or orange flowers do not exceed 2.5 cm in diameter. The flowering plant resembles a lush ball - branches and leaves are completely invisible behind the flowers.

Azalea Geisha


The abundantly flowering perennial shrub "Azalea Arima" (A. Arima) blooms luxuriantly (but only for a couple of weeks), with large white flowers with a pinkish edge and a yellow spot on the upper petal. The flowers look like lilies and exude an intoxicating aroma. Deciduous rhododendron with vertical shoots grows up to 80 cm and with age acquires a funnel-shaped crown. Bright green wide glossy leaves 10 cm long and about 5 cm wide. The plant can withstand 25-degree frost and needs shelter.

Azalea Arima

In order to preserve flower buds and compactness of the bush, last year's shoots are shortened by a third, a few days after the garden azalea blooms (see photo).


The lowest among garden azaleas, “Melina” (A. Melina), reaches only 30 cm in height and 70 cm in width. Green oval-oblong leaves turn yellow in autumn. Young shoots are strewn with small light gray fibers. The dwarf shrub blooms with delicate raspberry-pink flowers.

Azalea Melina

Rosie Lights

Perennial Azalea (A. Rosy Lights) is the most frost-resistant garden variety, bred in 1984. Overwinters in open ground at temperatures from -40 degrees. Low, only 90 cm, the bush is absolutely not capricious. Blooms with fragrant pink flowers in the shape of a star.

Perennial pink azalea (azalea rosy lights)

Important! If you want to grow an azalea on your site, think carefully about whether you can and will want to pay enough attention to the plant. A shrub that is remembered only from time to time is unlikely to please with its lush color.


In domesticated rhododendron, propagation is carried out using cuttings and layering. Seed propagation is typical for wild representatives of the genus. At home, seed propagation is a complex process. That's why most gardeners prefer propagating rhododendrons from cuttings instead of seeds.

Rhododendron propagation

Seed material is semi-lignified parts of the plant. They are cut twice a year: in mid-March-April and from mid-July to mid-August.

The length of the cut shoots is approximately 7-9 cm. The three lower leaves on the cutting must be removed, leaving a tail of 0.5 cm, and the remaining leaves should be cut in half.

Important! The lower cut of the cutting should be oblique and drawn just under the bud.

Rhododendron has a lot of bright and interesting varieties.

Immerse the finished rhododendron cuttings in a heteroauxin solution (2 tablets per liter of water) for 6 hours.

Fill the container for planting with layers of substrate: 1st layer – 2-3 cm of drainage from pebbles or broken shards, 2nd layer – 3 cm of coarse sand, 3rd layer – 8-10 cm of coniferous soil.

Rhododendron "Hybrid Helsinki University"

If planted cuttings are heated with 25 W lamps, they will root faster, on about the 40th day. Without heating, the process will take 60 days.

Azalea Planting Basics

Planting rhododendron bushes consists of several stages. The first and perhaps most important is the correct placement of the crop. The landing site should be:

  1. Well lit, but not with direct ultraviolet light, but with soft, diffused light. The ideal option is to plant the bush in the shade of mature trees.
  2. Sheltered from winds and drafts. It’s good if there is a cinder block fence or a house wall next to the plant.
  3. Not flooded by melt or rain water. If we are talking about a large variety with a developed root system, it is important to take into account the depth of groundwater. If the figure does not reach 150 cm, it is better to look for another place or opt for a low-growing bush azalea.


Direct sunlight is dangerous for species blooming in the garden, so we plant rhododendron along the fence or under the roof of the gazebo . It’s more difficult with indoor species. Azalea loves coolness and diffused light . Read about how to maintain a comfortable +18-20 degrees for her in the summer in the section on planting.

Rhododendron is afraid of direct sunlight

About further care

It is not so difficult to plant an azalea in your yard, but to organize systematic monitoring of the seedling afterwards. Everything is simple here: more attention means a more beautiful and healthier bush.

Garden house plants are watered, just like indoor plants, without allowing the soil to dry out or overwater. Adjust watering so that there are no sharp transitions between too dry and too wet, otherwise the plant will die. The guideline should be: air temperature, the condition of the garden soil, and the variety of shrubby azalea. Water should get into all the nooks and crannies of the root system.

The following cheat sheet will help you determine how much water is needed for irrigation:

  • short (dwarfs) – 5-8 l;
  • medium-sized – 10-12 l;
  • tall – 20 l.

When growing exotic bushes, do not skimp on water. Regular underwatering leads to the fact that the root system moves to the surface (to where there is moisture), and this will certainly cause the azalea to freeze.

On summer evenings, the plant being grown needs to be sprayed. Carry out the procedure only after sunset, otherwise the water will work like a lens, the azalea will get burns and begin to hurt.

To make growing garden azaleas in your own garden easy and enjoyable, caring for the plant must be supplemented with fertilizing. This is not difficult, especially since the shelves of specialized stores are full of ready-made fertilizers. If you're just getting into gardening and are worried about messing things up, consider the following:

  • for young animals only liquid fertilizers;
  • the composition is determined by the time period: before flowering - with nitrogen, budding and flowering - with phosphorus and potassium;
  • increasing the dose of chemical solutions will burn the roots and destroy the plant;
  • calcium fertilizers or wood ash are strictly prohibited (these are acid neutralizers in the soil);
  • From July, nitrogen fertilizing should be removed so that the plant is fully prepared for winter.

Attention! Do not feed your azaleas with ammonium nitrate. When the substance reacts with peat, a violent, explosive release of heat will occur.

Is pruning necessary?

For garden azaleas, pruning is not a mandatory, vital procedure. But in some cases it serves to give the bush a beautiful shape. During the first 2 years after planting the plant, you can practice on young shoots and at the same time stimulate branching. To do this you should:

  • pinch off fresh shoots a little higher than the leaf;
  • repeat the procedure regularly.


Lack of moisture is especially dangerous for young plants. In the first year of rhododendron's life in the garden, take care of regular watering of the flower. On particularly hot days, do this every day. However, do not overdo it with the amount of water. Remember, wet soil is detrimental to the delightful knotweed.

Watering azaleas at home is carried out with the same regularity as garden rhododendron. The only thing you need to do is remove excess water from the pan. Unlike garden species, home rhododendron loves spraying.

Azalea bonsai will fit perfectly into your interior

Remember! If your azalea leaf turns yellow or falls off, you have given the plant too much water. Reduce the frequency of watering.

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