Rules for transplanting Ficus Benjamin at home

Description of Ficus Benjamin

It can grow up to 25 meters in height. The trunk is gray, the leaves have all shades of green with yellow and white splashes, usually have a sharp droplet shape. The leaves reach 5 centimeters in width and grow up to 12 centimeters in length. Ficus opened the door to art for gardeners. From the trunks of the plant, braids and beautiful curves are obtained. This green home tree is capable of purifying the air from harmful substances; it is successfully used to treat diseases of various specifics. Most often it is used to eliminate respiratory pathologies.

ficus benjamina in a pot

Ficus benjamina transplant

Every plant growing at home requires proper care. Without the necessary attention, the tree will not grow properly. The task of replanting must be approached more responsibly than other procedures, since the growth of a houseplant completely depends on the composition of the soil and the accuracy of the actions. Here are a few reasons why you need to replant a ficus:

  1. The pot containing the small tree suddenly broke.
  2. The soil began to smell unpleasant, but no external harmful factors were observed.
  3. The owner begins to suspect that the root system has begun to rot.
  4. Pests have appeared.

Various diseases can be a good reason to relocate a small tree. Soil mold and other disturbing symptoms, such as fungus, are signs of pathologies that can be eliminated by replanting. The plant will die if measures are not taken in time after detection of harmful effects.

The best time is early spring, because this is a period of active growth and development. The winter period is very difficult for these plants; changing their “home” at such a time will be traumatic for the green friend. Transplantation can also be done in the fall if the days are warm outside. Then the roots will have time to recover in time for the difficult period. Excessive replanting is traumatic for the roots of the plant. For adult ficuses, this procedure is simply useless. You just need to update the top layer of soil to ensure there is enough nutrients.

Helpful advice! So that the green crop does not lack lighting, you can buy a regular LED lamp with a power of no more than 12 W. Then there will be enough light so that the tree does not act up. Artificial light will help maintain vital functions in cloudy weather.

What time to choose

The best time of year to replant plants is spring or early summer. Then, even at home, the tree will receive enough heat, the roots will have time to grow before the onset of the autumn dormant period. Ficus Benjamina is no exception. If it is enough for an adult plant to sprinkle fresh fertilized soil on top, then a young tree definitely needs to change it. A video on this topic will help from a practice point of view.

After purchasing a ficus, the shipping container must be replaced with a permanent one, regardless of the time of year. It needs to be replaced after 3-4 weeks, when the flower gets used to the air, light, and temperature. Then it won't be stressful for the new pet.

How to replant a ficus after purchase

Not all housewives know how to properly replant a plant after purchase without much difficulty. However, this is the most important procedure for maintaining life. Homemade ficus also needs good care with proper watering.

we replant ficus benjamina after purchase

It is not recommended to change the place of residence of the plant immediately after purchase. The transplant procedure can be done only if a fungal infection or mold has appeared in the soil. To take root in a new place, the tree needs a couple of weeks to acclimatize. After a period of adaptation, they begin the procedure itself, using soil that was prepared in advance. You need to change housing no later than a month after purchase. You should not buy soil with an acidity level that exceeds the norm.

Important! Do not use soil with a high level of acidity, no higher than 6.5 pH!

Transplant algorithm:

  1. Prepare a nutritious soil mixture.
  2. We put any drainage in the pot and fill it with river sand.
  3. We water the small tree 1-2 days before the procedure.
  4. We take it out of the old shipping container, remove the soil and rotten roots.
  5. We move the ficus into the new house and fill it with pre-prepared soil.
  6. Water a little from a watering can.

This will help! During the procedure, the green crop experiences stress. Full watering is contraindicated; you need to regularly spray the leaves with warm water.

Preparing the substrate

  • Suitable soil is sold in specialized stores. Ficus Benjamin is suitable for universal soil or a special soil mixture for ficuses. When purchasing, you need to pay attention to what plants the substrate is intended for, expiration date, composition, and what fertilizers it contains. Ficus does not tolerate soil with high acidity; it should be at 5.5-6.5 ph. The package with the substrate must be opened in advance, allowing the accumulated nitrogen to come out. For looseness, add small pebbles, charcoal, sawdust or sand.
  • Regular garden soil is not suitable for indoor plants. It may be infected with pathogenic microbes, and the flowers will simply die. In addition, such land will not be suitable in composition.
  • If it is not possible to purchase ready-made soil in a store, it is not difficult to prepare it yourself at home. For a young specimen, you need to mix one part of leaf soil, peat, sand, and two parts of turf soil. An adult plant needs denser, nutritious soil.

Selection and preparation of soil for transplanting ficus benjamina

If the soil mixture is prepared independently, then before the procedure you need to disinfect it with boiling water. A weak solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate) is often used. Store-bought soil does not require additional processing. Basic requirements for soil substrate:

  • good ability to retain moisture for a long time;
  • neutral acidity not more than 6.5 pH;
  • breathability.

In the case of a young tree, lightweight soil without unnecessary impurities will suit it. You can buy soil at the store or prepare it yourself from leaf soil. Mature trees need denser soil. Drainage is any porous building material (expanded clay) or building brick chips, and the soil is mixed with turf, leaf soil and sand in proportions of 2:1, respectively.

Lighting and location

Ficus Benjamina is a light-loving plant. However, we note that varieties with monochromatic dark leaves are best placed in partial shade, while those with light leaves are best placed in diffused light. But variegated varieties, whose leaves contain few green cells containing chlorophyll, will not be able to fully synthesize sugar without bright sunlight. Their illumination should be above average.

The best place for a flower to live would be a wide window sill on a window facing southeast, or a place on a bedside table near the south window. The north side is suitable only for ficus varieties with solid green leaves, and only in the summer. At other times of the year, additional lighting will be required. There is a lot of bright sunlight on the southern windows, but at noon the hot sun will burn the leaves of the flower.

Ficus needs direct sunlight in the morning, before 11, and in the evening, after 17. But only adult specimens can withstand the midday sun, and even then not all of their species. It is better if a light curtain hangs on the window at this time. Young plants should be accustomed to sunlight gradually. In autumn and winter, all types of ficus should be placed closer to the sun. On short days, any ficus needs additional lighting, otherwise its leaves will crumble, and in variegated varieties they will also lose their bright color.

Green species tolerate partial shade more easily, but they cannot remain without sunlight for a long time - their growth will slow down, the crown will become one-sided with elongated, faded branches. If the pot is located far from the window, somewhere in the corner of the room, it simply needs an additional artificial light source, for example a fluorescent lamp, which should be attached somewhere above at a distance of no closer than 70 cm from the crown.

It is still advisable to move Ficus Benjamin twice a year: in the summer to the open air, and with the onset of cold weather - back to the house.

Try to find a place on a balcony, loggia or terrace so that its lighting conditions and air temperature do not change much. The ideal place to live for the summer would be the outer wall of the window, near which the pot stood in the apartment in the spring. We do not recommend placing the flower on the south side - it is too hot there.

How to choose a new pot and how often to replant

The indoor tree does not tolerate changing the soil and pot. Culture can weaken greatly and slow down development. In rare cases, death occurs. To prevent consequences, the owner needs to keep control over the frequency of transplants, which depends on the age of the tree:

  • the youngest plants need a regular annual procedure;
  • after 5 years of life, it can be replanted once every 20 months;
  • the most mature ficuses do not need to be replanted; they need regular renewal of the soil layer at the top.

Don't forget! You can't replant without a good reason. Only pests and roots rotting from waterlogging can cause it.

Pots 3 centimeters larger than the previous one are suitable for new housing. The choice often falls on the following “houses”:

  1. Plastic pots. Practical, easy to use and comfortable.
  2. Clay pots. Here the plant will definitely not become waterlogged. Clay absorbs moisture well.
  3. Wooden tubs. Used for transplanting small trees that have reached a decent size.

The right place for replanting contributes to the good life of any indoor plant. Before purchasing, you need to treat and check the bottom for the presence of special holes for ventilating the soil. There are often cases when a flower pot breaks or the tree begins to lose vitality. Unscrupulous vase manufacturers use cheap plastic to save money. This material releases toxins upon contact with soil and water, poisoning the ficus. As a result, the plant begins to wither. It is necessary to replace and correctly select a new container for the life of ficus Benjamin.

replanting ficus benjamin into a larger pot

Years of experience give gardeners the ability to identify high-quality flower pots from low-quality ones. Familiar manufacturing companies provide high-quality plastic products. When choosing a new pot, you need to build on previous experience.

If the ficus does not take root in a plastic pot, then it is better to use ceramics - it is natural, does not emit toxins, is beautiful and reliable. The material is not cheap, but it gives a 100% guarantee of quality. The size of the new container should be as similar as possible to the old one, otherwise the plant will experience even more stress during transplantation.

Choosing a color is an equally important aspect. Experienced flower growers recommend choosing vases in bright and light colors. They will please the eye at any time of the year and will attract the attention of guests. The right choice is the key to the comfort of a green tree.

What to feed

Ficus benjamina needs feeding from spring to autumn. The frequency of fertilizing at different times is different. In March–April, it is enough to feed the plant once a month. In June, ficus grows actively. And you will have to feed it more often - once every 2 weeks. And so on until September. In the autumn months, again reduce feeding to once a month, but in winter there is no need to feed - let it rest. Nutritious soil guarantees the successful growth of the plant, the beauty of its trunk and the bright color of the leaves.

Organic and mineral compounds and plant compost mixtures act as fertilizers. You can purchase a special fertilizer for ficus plants or a complex fertilizer for decorative deciduous plants in the store. Fertilize according to the instructions included with them, do not overdo it with doses, even better, pour more water than indicated there. Choose fertilizers with a high nitrogen content, as it has a good effect on the growth of green mass of the plant. You can also feed Ficus Benjamin using a spray bottle (foliar feeding). To stimulate the growth of new branches, the drug “Epin” is diluted, and “Ferrovit” is used when the plant lacks iron, and its young leaves acquire a yellowish tint.

We can also recommend you traditional time-tested recipes: dilute 1 tbsp. l. sugar in 1 liter of warm boiled water. Pour this solution generously over your ficus (and a couple or three other flowers, if there is excess solution left). Two sweet feedings over the summer are enough. Glucose is an excellent source of energy for the life processes of all plants. Ficus is no exception.

How to transplant a ficus at home step by step

To transplant a tree, housewives follow these instructions:

  1. The previous vessel is tapped so that the old soil no longer sticks to the walls of the container.
  2. In order not to spend a lot of time on cleaning, you need to cover the replanting area with cardboard and unnecessary waste paper.
  3. Preparation of items for the procedure: pre-prepared soil, a small watering can, a plastic spatula and a new vessel.
  4. A drainage layer is poured onto the bottom of the new container. The thickness should vary by 3-5 cm - depending on the size of the pot.
  5. Remove the tree from the old container without removing the lump from the ground. Then they are carefully moved to a more spacious home.
  6. New fresh soil is poured around the entire circumference.
  7. Compact the soil.
  8. After transplantation, water or spray with water.

when and how to replant ficus benjamina

Important! If the root system has been damaged due to improper care of the tree, then the roots must be completely cleared of old soil and the damaged areas removed. The cut areas must be powdered with charcoal.

Care and watering of Ficus Benjamin after transplantation

After the procedure, the plant may begin to shed its leaves, but you should not be afraid of this, as this is a natural reaction to the stress experienced. Soon the tree will grow and develop to its full potential again. If you overwater the soil, the roots will soon begin to rot, and the tree may die from moisture.

After the transplantation procedure, it is recommended to water little by little. The first spraying with water should be carried out within two days. The main signal for watering is dry soil in the pot. A wooden stick is placed inside the container and pulled out. The stick is left without particles of soil - watering is required. If there are still stuck pieces, you can and should wait a few days.

Ficus is a capricious plant; it does not tolerate changes in location. It is better to choose a sunny, windless place for the plant. You can place it in a corner where the sun shines in the morning and shade towards midday.

When to transplant into a large pot

You start thinking about choosing a new home for a tree when the root system begins to grow out of the drainage holes. Sometimes the roots can be seen on the surface of the soil layer. There is also a need for replanting when the tree grows in an uncomfortable, small transport pot. It is impossible to grow and develop normally when constrained.

It is also necessary to replant a tree into a large pot when the need for propagation arises in order to obtain new young plants. These factors indicate that the time has come to transplant the green tree into a large pot.

Replanting Ficus Benjamin in the fall

There are emergency situations when a tree grows in a poor substrate, often dries out or the soil is too dense. It is not recommended to replant in the fall. From October to the end of winter, the plant goes into a dormant stage. In order not to disturb him again, the procedure should be performed exclusively using the pass method.

Benjamin ficus transplant

The worst option is that during the dormant period, the roots of the tree began to rot or a nematode attack began. You can't do without a full transplant. In such cases, you need to completely treat the damaged roots with potassium permanganate and be patient. Replanting needs to be done twice as carefully, without disturbing the roots again. Sometimes the plant begins to shed its leaves, wither and slow down its development. Due to damage to the root system, there are inevitable cases of death.

Important! Root rotting during a quiet period can lead to the death of the flower.

Why does Ficus Benjamina shed its leaves after transplantation?

Shedding of leaves occurs for several reasons, but the root of the problem is always the same - improper care. Even simply turning the pot a few degrees to the left or right can cause protest in the form of dropped leaves.

Change of place

Ficus is the same indoor plant that can survive replanting normally if handled correctly. But if you constantly rotate and move the pot, the tree will not tolerate it and will shed its leaves. Before transplanting, you need to carefully select the place where the flower will be located. The temperature should be slightly higher than average room temperature, the lighting should be moderate. After making the right choice, there will be much less “moving”.

Excessive or insufficient lighting

Green crops are very sensitive to light. The tree will not like 24-hour shade or direct sunlight, and it will shed its leaves. In winter it is good to provide additional light. The lamp should be placed 25-35 centimeters above the plant. Lamps up to 20 watts will be enough.

Improper watering

Most indoor plants do not like excess water in the pot; house ficus is no exception. Before transplanting, you need to take care of the correct thickness of the drainage layer; it should not exceed 5 centimeters. Watering should only be done when the soil is dry.

The cause of leaf falling is lack of moisture. Because of this, the home flower tree cannot take nutrients, carry out photosynthesis normally and move cell sap. In hot seasons you need to water more often, in cold seasons - less often.

Little trick! Using a device with a sharp tip, you can loosen the top layer of soil without touching the roots. The soil will not dry out, Benjamin's ficus will receive a sufficient amount of moisture before the next watering.


A transplanted ficus requires more careful care.

  • Immediately after transplantation, the plant is placed for 2-3 days in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight. The optimal temperature is 22°C-24°C.
  • The first watering is carried out a day later, then - daily, as the soil dries out, with small volumes of settled or filtered soft water at room temperature. A growth stimulant (for example, Epin) is added to irrigation water, which shortens the period of adaptation and recovery.
  • Large specimens are covered with a plastic bag, which ensures the creation of a greenhouse effect, which is periodically opened for 10-15 minutes for ventilation purposes, and the cover is removed after the active regrowth of fresh foliage begins.
  • When settling, the substrate is topped up.
  • The first application of fertilizers is planned a month after transplantation. Fertilizing is carried out with nitrogen-containing compounds that activate the growth of green mass, for example, rotted manure, urea, urea.
  • Pruning is done the next season after winter.

After changing the previous growth conditions, it is possible to observe a suspension of development and sometimes shedding of leaves in a flower crop. This is due to the passage of an adaptation period. Newly appeared leaves will indicate successful rooting.

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