Wonderful flowers good morning or how to care for miracle plants


The plant has small flowers, but in combination with colorful foliage it looks lovely. Flowers come in white, pink or yellow tones. One flower is replaced by another, and it seems that the sorrel blooms endlessly. She shoots an arrow that goes the length of the leaves, and on the top of her head there is an umbrella with tiny flowers. About 3-4 buds bloom together, fading over time, and then new flowers begin to bloom behind them.

In certain countries, such a culture is a symbol of goodness and good luck in the home. It will also be presented as a New Year's gift. In the countries of Russia, the plant acquired the name “Butterfly Flower”, since its leaves curl up, like an insect’s, if the light changes.

"Good morning" on the window and flower bed

There is a wonderful flower in the world with a very simple name - sorrel . It received its name for the sour taste of the leaves, which contain large amounts of oxalic acid. “ Good morning ” is what this flower is sometimes called. Early in the morning he opens the leaves, as if greeting the owner. When the sun goes below the horizon in the evening, it folds its leaves like umbrellas, hinting that it’s time to go to bed.

Oxalis is a perennial plant, grown both as a home and as a garden plant. In nature there are bushes with leaves painted in different shades of green and red. The color palette is also varied - white, soft pink, bright yellow.

Humidity and ideal temperature

The acceptable environmental temperature for the crop in the summer season should not be higher than 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should not be lowered below +7. Indoor violet oxalis likes to stay in cold conditions, but can withstand high air temperatures well.

The environmental humidity for the plant should be moderate. If the room is cool (15-18 degrees), you don’t have to worry too much about the moisture level - the flower can easily withstand dry air. As the temperature increases, you need to worry about increasing humidity: you can spray the leaves or store the crop in a container filled with wet expanded clay.

What flower is called good morning?

Oxalis flower close up
Good morning flowers received such a wonderful name due to their interesting feature: in the early morning the plant’s branches open, as if welcoming the owner, and in the evening the leaves fold and the flowers close, indicating that it is time to sleep.

In addition, due to the large amount of oxalic acid in the leaves, the plant is called oxalis.


In spring and summer, especially when it is hot, purple sorrel requires a considerable amount of moisture. The crop in the home environment should be watered abundantly, but under no circumstances should water stagnate in the soil. To do this, after irrigation, after 2-3 minutes, it is necessary to drain the water that has flowed into the pan. In winter, the plant should be watered at a frequency that ensures the soil is kept slightly moist.

Plant care before and after flowering

Basic requirements for crop care for lush flowering:

  1. Temperature. During the warm season, the plant prefers moderate temperatures. In winter he is comfortable at a temperature of 12-18 0
  2. Humidity. In spring and summer, oxalis should be sprayed periodically. Spraying is not carried out in autumn and winter.
  3. Watering. In the warm season, plants need abundant watering. But it should be monitored so that moisture does not stagnate. This will help protect the roots from rotting. In autumn, watering is reduced, and in winter the soil should be kept slightly moist.
  4. Fertilizer . In spring and summer it is necessary to feed. For this purpose, complex mineral fertilizers are used. Feeding should be done once every 2-3 weeks.
  5. Transplant . Should be replanted every spring.

Blooming purple wood sorrel
The plant enters a dormant period in winter and sheds its leaves. They should be cut off almost at the root so that the active growth of young shoots and generous flowering begin in the spring. Withered and dry leaves must be removed in a timely manner.

How to care for sorrel while it is dormant

If the crop begins to noticeably wither and lose its foliage, and it is just winter outside, then the plant enters a dormant stage. Caring for purple sorrel will also be necessary at this time. The first thing to do is shorten the cuttings by 1-2 cm and put the pot in a dry, dark room. Great places for this would be a basement or cellar. Fertilizer and watering will need to be stopped, and only then, after 1-2 months, with the emergence of the first shoots, it will be resumed again. Even during this period, an invasion of pests is possible, so you need to carefully monitor the flower.

Plant varieties

The following varieties are commonly found in home floriculture:

  1. Purple or triangular appearance. A low plant whose leaves are trilobed and placed on long petioles. The leaves are spotted with dark purple color. The flowers are small in size, white, pale pink or lilac.
  2. Oxalis four-leafed. It grows both at home and in open ground. The leaves are four-lobed, light green with a brown center. The flowers are red-crimson in color and form inflorescences.
  3. Oxalis Bovey. This variety reaches up to 25 cm in height. The leaves are light green. The flowers are placed on long stalks of dark pink color. Heat-loving variety.
  4. Common sorrel . The species grows up to 10 cm in height. The leaves are similar in appearance to clover. The flowers are white, solitary, on long stalks.
  5. Oxalis ferruginosa . The bushes reach a height of up to 10 cm. The leaves are gray-green. The flowers are large in size, light pink with spots.

In addition, a very beautiful variety is grown at home - multi-colored sorrel, distinguished by white flowers with a red stripe.


The need to replant oxalis occurs when it becomes clearly thickened. The best time to replant the crop is the first half of spring. This is the most positive moment when the plant comes to life. For replanting a flower, the best option would be a ceramic pot with a diameter 3 cm larger than the volume of the previous container, with a suitable container for removing moisture. This is all done so that the purple sorrel does not dry out, and its leaves do not turn yellow or fade.

Then you will need to pour a generous amount of drainage onto the bottom so that moisture does not retain and green algae does not grow. You can use broken brick or expanded clay as a drainage layer (they are also suitable for this purpose). After this, you should carefully remove the crop from the old flowerpot, slightly soften the soil lump with your hands, find and separate the young tubers from the determining mass of the rhizome and place them in a pre-prepared container with a light substrate.

The more carefully you remove the flower, the faster and freer the rooting procedure will be. For replanting, you can use a ready-made and packaged earthen solution from the store as a substrate, or you can prepare it yourself. What purple sorrel looks like, the photo posted in the article will demonstrate this.

Landing rules

Correct planting of sorrel will allow you to achieve rich flowering, shoot formation, and disease resistance.

To do this, you must follow the following rules:

  • The best time to plant a flower is spring, before it begins to bloom;
  • in indoor conditions in summer the place for the bowl is provided with diffused light; in winter it is not afraid of direct sunlight;
  • for garden cultivation, a site located in the openwork shade of trees is selected;
  • to develop disease resistance, the flower must be gradually hardened;
  • light crumbly soil is used, containing river sand, humus and brick chips;
  • for cultivation, drainage from expanded clay or shards is required;
  • the diameter of the hole is dug a little larger than the roots of the plant occupy;
  • Do not bury the roots.

The soil

Preparing a substrate for a houseplant proceeds in the following order: you need to take one part each of leaf and turf soil, add two portions of peat and equal parts each of sand and soil. In this case, the soil should be neutral (6.0-7.0) and slightly acidic (5.0-6.0).

Due to the different replanting periods, it is possible to control the flowering time of the crop. You can also resort to the help of a biostimulator of plant growth "Epina". But it is better to do this in extreme cases, since with a favorable environment, after a certain stage, the sorrel actively grows and puts out flower stalks.

How to plant correctly in open ground

Proper planting of a plant in open ground will ensure:

  1. Good shoot formation.
  2. Abundant flowering.
  3. Resistance to pathogenic microorganisms.

To do this, you need to decide on the choice of planting site and properly prepare the soil.

Select landing time

The optimal time for planting is spring, before the flowering period of oxalis. Timely planting or replanting a flower will ensure its beautiful appearance throughout the summer.

By the time of flowering, the plant will have completely recovered from the stress to which it was subjected as a result of planting work.

Site selection and soil preparation

When growing wood sorrel at home, you should choose a place to place the flower pot in such a way that the plant is provided with diffused lighting during the day.

In summer, it is recommended to remove sorrel from window sills, and in winter, the flower is not afraid of any lighting, including exposure to direct sunlight.

When planting a flower in a garden or flowerbed, you can choose a place that is in partial shade from nearby trees. It should be noted that sorrel can die due to sudden temperature changes or under the influence of drafts.

To increase the resistance of a flower to various unfavorable factors, it should be gradually hardened.

After choosing the optimal place for a flower to grow, you should pay special attention to the quality of the soil. Oxalis loves loose and light soils; when planting a flower at home, you can buy a special soil mixture for ornamental plants.

In garden conditions, in order to lighten the soil, you can add to it:

  1. River sand.
  2. Brick chips.
  3. Rotten last year's leaves.
  4. Rotted manure.

Soil treatment and preparation

The flower prefers loose and light soil, which must be prepared before planting lucky clover.

Soil preparation consists of:

  1. Digging up the soil at the planned planting site.
  2. Lightening the soil by adding river sand, rotted humus and last year's leaves.
  3. In the application of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilizers.

The process of planting in open ground

  1. Digging a hole with a diameter larger than the roots of the flower in a straightened state.
  2. Equipment with a drainage system in the form of brick shards or expanded clay.
  3. Place the plant in the prepared hole.
  4. Burying the root system without deepening it.
  5. Abundant watering and spraying of leaves.

Flower propagation

The crop is propagated by seeds, division of rhizomes, daughter bulbs or tubers. In the second and third cases, the divisions are planted in the ground in large flowerpots of 5-10 pieces at intervals of 10 cm, filled with a thin layer of soil, watered sparingly and stored in a cool room.

Violet wood sorrel is also propagated using cuttings with leaves, which are placed in a container with water, and when the first shoots appear, they are planted in the sand - there the cuttings take root.

Seeds must be sown in the spring season (after frosts), without covering them with soil and preserving moisture. To do this, after seating, they should be covered with glass. It is also necessary to maintain reduced lighting and ventilate the sowing area every day. The temperature should be 16-18 degrees. The growing season can be expected after a month.

In fact, cultivating seeds is considered a very difficult undertaking, so it is often advised, especially to inexperienced gardeners, to practice the above methods of plant propagation.

Diseases and pests

Oxalis is resistant to disease carriers. With excessive watering, there is a risk of rotting of the root system.

At the first symptoms of the disease, the plant needs to provide first aid:

  • dig out of the ground, cut off tubers spoiled by rot;
  • thoroughly dry the soil where the flower will be transplanted;
  • plant it again, ensuring rehabilitation with moderate watering.

The flower may be attacked by harmful insects, including aphids, scale insects and whiteflies.

Methods for killing aphids:

  • mechanical: removing and destroying pests from leaves manually;
  • chemical: treating an infected plant with an insecticide solution;
  • folk: sprinkling leaves with laundry soap diluted in water or marigold infusion.

Symptoms of scale insect infestation:

  • the color of the leaves has acquired an unusual brown tint;
  • leaves and stems are covered with sticky, sticky secretions from the pest.

The most effective means of destroying scale insects is to treat the flower with a soap or alcohol solution.

Whiteflies can only be destroyed with a chemical agent by treating the leaves with an insecticide solution.

Planted at home, in the garden or greenhouse, the unpretentious, long-lasting and beautifully flowering sorrel delights the owner with the daily welcoming opening of its leaves. The morning will always be good!

Purple sorrel: beneficial properties

In folk medicine, all components of the crop are used - leaves, flowers and peduncles. The plant has all organic acids (citric, oxalic and malic). The raw materials are prepared in the spring or from the beginning of summer (May-June) and dried at a temperature of 40-50 degrees. An extract made from such material is used for diseases of the liver, stomach and scurvy. This is an excellent antiseptic. Violet sorrel juice is also used to treat scabies and the flower is used in homeopathy.

The plant is used for loss of appetite and to normalize metabolism. It also has a hemostatic, wound-healing, diuretic, anthelmintic and choleretic effect. Helps neutralize heartburn and vomiting, lowers blood pressure, and is used for mercury or arsenic intoxication. Decoctions and tinctures are used for therapy:

  • stomatitis;
  • gastritis;
  • bleeding;
  • cardiovascular ailments;
  • kidney;
  • Bladder;
  • liver.

If you correctly follow all the above rules and tips, then purple sorrel will always invariably delight your household not only with a lush crown of patterned leaves, but also with the endless blooming of white and pink flowers throughout the year. A fragile plant, like a butterfly, will open its leaves every morning and fold them in the evening. And in the company of other varieties of oxalis, the culture will look very impressive both in the room and on the balcony.


In nature, there are more than 700 variants of this plant, the most popular of which are Depp's oxalis, common oxalis, ferruginous oxalis, carob, nasturtium, triangular, and lucky clover.

  • Common oxalis grows everywhere in Europe, in almost all forests. In Russia it is often called “hare cabbage” or sour cabbage.
  • Ferruginous oxalis is the most popular species; it is a compact, low (up to 8 cm) bush. The gray-green leaves are collected from many oval parts, large silvery-pink flowers bloom in June - early July. The species is frost-resistant, so it is actively used in flower beds.
  • Carob sorrel is a weed that clogs not only flower beds, but also beds. The proliferation of numerous shoots with cherry-colored leaves and tiny yellow flowers must be carefully controlled.
  • Depp's oxalis has green leaves decorated with reddish-brown spots. Raspberry flowers are collected in an elegant inflorescence. The plant is not frost-resistant; it must be dug up for the winter.

How to transplant sorrel?

To prepare oxalis for transplanting, you need to stop watering for a while. As soon as the earthen lump dries, it will easily leave the pot.

The new pot should be 3–5 cm larger than the previous one, this will stimulate the formation of daughter flower tubers.

In the first 4 years of life, sorrel is transplanted once a year, then the periods between transplants increase to 2 years.

The transplantation process consists of the following stages:

  • the plant is removed from the old pot;
  • the roots are washed, and all rotten and broken shoots are removed and dried;
  • a seedling is placed in moist soil in a new pot;
  • the roots are covered with substrate and compacted a little;
  • The transplanted flower is watered and placed in a bright place without direct sunlight.

Other reasons are:

  • wrong soil;
  • diseases.

Transplantation during flowering

It is preferable to replant oxalis immediately after emerging from dormancy, in the spring. But if you need emergency replanting and the oxalis bush is not yet devoid of leaves, proceed as follows:

  • remove the plant, being careful not to damage the tubers.
  • Place the whole lump in a new container.
  • add soil without covering the stem.

The plant will calmly respond to an unscheduled transplant, the main thing is not to harm the roots.

Moderator: Yavia

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Oxalis - growing secrets

Post by TatyanaK » Jan 10, 2010, 11:05 pm

Oxalis (lat. Oxalis) Oxalis family (Oxalidaceae).

In general, there are many varieties of them. They are all bulbous. In winter they have a period of rest, but may not sleep. If the above-ground part has died off, you need to place the pot with the plant in a cool place of 12-14 degrees. Water very rarely. In spring, sprouts appear from the bulbs. Requires good lighting. In summer it can also grow outdoors, although direct sunlight causes burns. Watering in winter is moderate after the soil dries, in hot weather - abundantly. I have a wood sorrel growing now, Oxalis triangularis.

Re: Oxalis

Post by Tasha » Jan 10, 2010, 11:45 pm


Post by YASAMIN » Jan 11, 2010, 00:18

Re: Oxalis

Hummingbird Post » Jan 11, 2010, 02:40 p.m.


Post by Bore » Jan 11, 2010, 05:16 pm

I agree with everyone who spoke: - oxalis-oxalis are bulbous and rhizomatous; - the plant is absolutely unpretentious; - may go into retirement (it happens that it is difficult to wake up later), or it may grow and even bloom all winter (as I have now

), although not so abundantly

Let me add that all my family simply adore our sorrel - for the unusual butterfly leaves that it folds and straightens. And for the delicate bell flowers, amazingly in harmony with the color of the leaves.

Re: Oxalis

Post by YASAMIN » 23 Feb 2010, 08:48

Re: Oxalis

Post by Bore » Feb 23, 2010, 10:49 am


Post by YASAMIN » 23 Feb 2010, 11:01

Re: Oxalis

Post by Bore » Feb 23, 2010, 11:24 am

This is a rhizome

There are also bulbous oxalis. I had one like this, green tops, red flowers - the bulbs are shaped exactly like onions, but tiny.

By and large, the tuber, the bulb and the rhizome are one and the same: a modified shoot, most often underground, serves to store water and food. But botanists are terrible bores, and strictly distinguish between bulbous, tuberous and rhizomatous plants.

Re: Oxalis

Post by Viola » Feb 24, 2010, 11:25 am


Post by Bore » 24 Feb 2010, 13:51


Post by Vasilisa » 27 Nov 2010, 16:43

These are all varieties of oxalis, about a little - the most masterpiece.

Re: Oxalis

Post by Cumilla » 27 Nov 2010, 16:54

Re: Oxalis

Post by Vasilisa » 27 Nov 2010, 17:08

And their leaves are different, if I nurse you until the summer I’ll show you, I want to say, maybe someone doesn’t know that a cut-off leaf of sorrel Good morning, it gives roots well in water and therefore reproduces easily, in the fall, when the plant retires, I cut off the leaves and By spring, whole thickets are growing, and one more thing: the wood sorrel likes to spend the summer on the balcony.

And the varietal flowers have different yellow and pink

Re: Oxalis

Post by Olga Rasputina » November 27, 2010, 10:52 pm

Re: Oxalis

Post by Vasilisa » 28 Nov 2010, 13:44

The smallest onion has woken up, which is in the center near the denyuzhu Oxalis versicolor, now we will grow it under lamps.

Re: Oxalis

Post by Olga 56 » 28 Nov 2010, 22:07

Re: Oxalis

Post by mixa77 » 29 Nov 2010, 13:26

Re: Oxalis

Post by Vasilisa » 29 Nov 2010, 16:38

Re: Oxalis

Post by TaNik » 04 Jul 2011, 18:51

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Oxalis care at home

Oxalis got its name for its sour taste, but flower growers have another name - “Good morning”.
This plant folds its leaves in the evening and spreads them out again in the morning. Let's get to know the wood sorrel better, and it will gratefully take root on your windowsill. Common wood sorrel (Oxalis) is a modest plant with clover-like leaves. But its decorative varieties are surprisingly diverse. The leaves can be silver, burgundy and purple. The shape of the leaf slightly resembles a butterfly, so it seems that a whole flock of these delicate creatures have sat down to rest on your windowsill. Oxalis are usually perennial plants, although there are also annual species. They grow well in open ground, on balconies and in apartments. But there are sissies that require real greenhouse conditions. Oxalis Deppe photo

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