English rose Crown Princess Margareta (Crown Princess Margareta)

History of selection

The variety was bred in 1999 by English breeder David Austin. During his work, he used a group of modern hybrid tea roses and ancient species, as a result, Princess Margaret appeared thanks to the crossing of Abraham Darby with an unknown seedling. The variety is classified as a leanander hybrid and resembles a crown in shape.

Crown Princess Margaret was named after Queen Victoria's granddaughter

Rose Crown Princess Margareta Crown princess Margareta - Features

History of origin Aristocratic culture appeared relatively recently, in 1999, and is the creation of the famous British breeder David Austin. The specialist obtained this variety by crossing Abraham Darby and an unknown seedling. In catalogs the plant is listed under the name AUSwinter. This decorative flowering perennial belongs to the group of English Leander hybrids. The rose was named after the Swedish Crown Princess Margaret of Connaught, the granddaughter of Queen Victoria, a professional decorator and gardener. Among the fruits of her work we can highlight the Sofiero Summer Palace, located in the city of Helsingborg.

Description of the variety Crown princess Margareta forms a spreading bush with a height of 1.5 to 1.8 meters. Its long, beautifully cascading shoots are covered with medium-sized semi-glossy green leaves, tinged with anthocyanin in spring. Large, densely double flowers formed on the bush are apricot-orange, cup-shaped or rosette-shaped, with the central part of the inflorescence being darker in color than the edges. Each rounded bud consists of an average of 100 petals and is equipped with a sharp tip. Once opened, the flowers stay on the bush for a long time, without falling off and exuding a rich fruity aroma. They develop in brushes of 3-5 pieces. The rose with the royal name belongs to the re-blooming varieties and pleases the eye with its spectacular inflorescences until the autumn cold.

Princess Margaret's crown does not freeze at temperatures of -25−28ºС, its resistance to diseases is very high. The flowers of the plant are absolutely indifferent to rain, so the crop can be grown in regions with cool, damp summers, without fear of deterioration in the quality of flowering shrubs. But under the influence of direct rays of the sun, flower petals tend to fade, which is why they acquire a pale yellow tint.

Description of the Princess Margaret rose variety and characteristics

The park English rose Crown Princess Margaret has excellent characteristics. Its bushes are strong, large, and have an attractive oval shape. Their size is approximately one and a half meters wide and from 120 to 185 cm in height. The shoots grow vertically until many buds form on them, after which they droop a little and can sometimes bend down to the ground.

Advice! In regions where it often rains, it is advisable to provide support for the bushes, since the shape of the bush is disrupted under the weight of wet buds.

The plant is well leafy, the leaf blades are glossy, medium in size, their color is rich, dark green. There are few thorns on the shoots.

The double flowers of the Crown Princess Margaret rose are quite large, weighty, dense, formed on shoots singly or in clusters in which they are collected in groups of 3-5, and can bend and look down under their own weight. The shape of the flowers is ovoid, with a pointed tip. They can reach 12 cm in diameter, the number of petals is numerous - from 40 to 120 pieces. The color of the flowers is orange, with an apricot tint.

In the central part of the bud the color is saturated, especially bright; along the edges the petals are lighter, slightly yellowish. In cool weather, the Crown Princess rose is especially beautiful; on hot days it can become pale.

Warning! Flowers on bushes last no longer than five days, but this fact is compensated by their large number.

The flowering of the variety is very abundant, occurs in waves, continues almost until mid-autumn, and begins in early June. The aroma of the buds is medium strong, with fruity notes.

Crown Princess is characterized as a very frost-resistant variety. Easily tolerates temperatures down to -23 °C. In the southern regions it does not need shelter. According to many gardeners, Margaret's rose tolerates winter better than any other variety of crop. In addition, the plant has high endurance, rarely gets sick, and practically does not react to heavy rains. True, the buds usually fade in the sun.

The flowers are suitable for cutting, but they do not last long in a vase and are used quite rarely in floristry.

Description of the variety

Crown princess Margareta forms a spreading bush with a height of 1.5 to 1.8 meters. Its long, beautifully cascading shoots are covered with medium-sized semi-glossy green leaves, tinged with anthocyanin in spring. Large, densely double flowers formed on the bush are apricot-orange, cup-shaped or rosette-shaped, with the central part of the inflorescence being darker in color than the edges. Each rounded bud consists of an average of 100 petals and is equipped with a sharp tip. Once opened, the flowers stay on the bush for a long time, without falling off and exuding a rich fruity aroma. They develop in brushes of 3-5 pieces. The rose with the royal name belongs to the re-blooming varieties and pleases the eye with its spectacular inflorescences until the autumn cold.

Princess Margaret's crown does not freeze at temperatures of -25−28ºС, its resistance to diseases is very high. The flowers of the plant are absolutely indifferent to rain, so the crop can be grown in regions with cool, damp summers, without fear of deterioration in the quality of flowering shrubs. But under the influence of direct rays of the sun, flower petals tend to fade, which is why they acquire a pale yellow tint.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

The English bush rose Princess Margaret has a number of positive qualities that are appreciated by gardeners around the world, including in Russia.

Crown Princess decorates the garden throughout the season


  • long and abundant flowering;
  • large sizes of inflorescences;
  • pleasant aroma;
  • rich color;
  • high immunity;
  • ease of care;
  • frost resistance;
  • wide application;
  • propagation by cuttings.


  • poor flowering at a young age;
  • influence of the sun on appearance;
  • rapid flowering of buds;
  • difficulty in covering.

Reproduction methods

The Austin rose Princess Margaret is most often propagated by cuttings. To do this, select healthy shoots that are at the stage of lignification, cut them at an angle of 45 degrees, up to 15 cm long, and be sure to treat them with a growth preparation. Next, they are planted in the ground, watered, and covered with film or a bottle. After 2-3 weeks, the shelter is removed and the rooted seedling is taken care of as usual.

Attention! Rose cuttings can be stored at temperatures from +20 to +23 °C.

Dividing the Crown Princess bush is carried out in the spring before buds open, or in the fall. The plant is dug up, its roots are divided into parts, the shoots are cut off, and then the sections are planted in a permanent place.

Planting and caring for roses Princess Margaret

The agricultural technology of this variety of ornamental flowering shrub is similar to other varieties. The work of planting and caring for the Crown Princess is not too complicated; you don’t have to be an experienced gardener to cope with it. If you follow all the rules, the plant will quickly take root, bloom profusely and live a long time.

Princess Margaret roses are planted from seedlings

Conditions and terms of landing

Crown Princess can be planted in spring or autumn, when there is no threat of frost. The best place for it will be an area in partial shade; light for 4-5 hours is enough for the bushes.

Important! If the sun hits Rose Margaret in large quantities, then there is a high probability that its flowers will turn white.

The soil for this variety should be loamy and fertilized, moderately moist, with an acidity ranging from 5.6 to 6.5.

How to plant correctly

It is advisable to plant the Crown Princess Margaret rose in three cuttings. Over time, they will grow so that they form one bush. The landing procedure is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  1. Dig a hole to a depth of 60 cm.
  2. Fill the bottom with a mixture of expanded clay and sand.
  3. Organize a cushion of manure or peat.
  4. Place the seedling pre-seasoned in the growth stimulator in the center of the hole, straightening the roots.
  5. Fill with soil, compact, water, mulch.

Comment! When planting a Crown Princess rose, the grafting site should extend 3 cm into the ground.


Rose Crown Princess Margaret is not too demanding to care for. Compliance with basic rules allows it to bloom brightly and abundantly all summer. Water the bushes no more than twice a week, at the root, with warm water. The soil is also regularly loosened and weeds are pulled out. Margaret is trimmed as needed. In the spring, damaged and old branches are removed; in warm areas, all shoots are shortened by 1/3, in cold areas more. In summer, buds that have bloomed are removed, and in autumn, unripe stems are removed. The crop is fed several times a season. First, fertilizers are applied immediately after removing the covering material, then after another two weeks. They use mineral and organic substances, alternating them with each other. At the beginning of the growing season, the Crown Princess rose needs nitrogen, and throughout the summer - phosphates and potassium.

Advice! At the moment of bud formation, it is advisable to water the bushes with mullein solution.

If the Princess Margaret rose grows in the northern regions or the middle zone, then it is provided with shelter for the winter: a frame is built over the bush, covered with a special material, and spruce branches are laid on top.

In the Austin nursery, the Crown Princess rose is positioned as one of the largest scrubs

Plant care

  1. Clematis is an original combination of yellow roses with bright blue and purple large-flowered clematis, which grow well under the protective protection of a powerful rose bush.
  2. Delphiniums – purple and blue varieties of perennial delphiniums go well with delicate, showy roses.
  3. Dahlias – Miniature, cushion-shaped dahlias in orange, purple and burgundy red can be grown in a container next to rose shoots.

Park rose is easy to care for. All it needs for flowering and development is proper watering and feeding.

Watering is carried out 1-2 times a week, depending on the ambient temperature. In extreme heat, the bushes need additional moisture by spraying them.

Attention! The rose must be watered with clean, always warm water. The rose needs soil rich in nutrients that support its development and long flowering.

The rose needs soil rich in nutrients that support its development and long flowering.

Nitrogen fertilizers are applied during the growing season. During flowering and autumn, the rose needs fertilizers with phosphorus and potassium.

Pruning and replanting

Bushes undergo sanitary pruning 2 times a season - at its beginning and end. As they fade, faded buds are removed. Damaged shoots must be pruned.

If necessary, only young bushes can be replanted. When moving to a new location, a lump of old soil is retained on the root system.

Attention! It is not recommended to replant roses over 6 years old.

For the winter, the shoots are removed from the supports, laid on the ground, and covered with spruce branches. The shelter is constructed no earlier than before the temperature drops to -5 °C, otherwise the flower may begin to rot.

Despite the fact that the variety is frost-resistant, the bushes need shelter for the winter

We must fertilize the plant, starting from the moment it opened after winter. Then we hold the event once every two weeks. In addition to mineral and organic fertilizers, roses require the addition of vitamins and microelements. They are brought in in windless, gloomy but dry weather. One fertilizing can be combined with watering. Both liquid and solid fertilizers are used. The last nitrogen-free fertilizing is given no later than the first half of September.

Loosening the soil and removing weeds is mandatory. These types of gardening help the plant's root system receive more oxygen and speed up the penetration of moisture and nutrients. They are done carefully so as not to damage the roots.

Another important moment in the life of roses is pruning. Its purpose is not only to form a bush, but also to keep it clean. It is performed in spring or autumn. At the bush of the English rose Crown Princess Margareta, 5-7 main skeletal branches are left, which are shortened by 2/3, and old, diseased and unnecessary ones are removed.

Application in landscape design

Princess Margaret's Crown Rose is widely used in landscape design of gardens, parks and flower beds, and can also be used in single plantings. Flowers with blue and purple shades of petals, such as sage, lavender or delphinium, as well as salvia, mantle, and geranium, are excellent neighbors for the variety.

With minor pruning, it is grown as a climbing variety and used as a hedge. This variety will become an exquisite decoration for a mixborder and will impress as a standard tree. In addition, Princess Margaret grows freely in flowerpots and containers and is suitable for cutting.

Crown Princess looks beautiful in a bouquet, but quickly falls off

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