Description of white peonies: photos of popular varieties, flower care and propagation

Description and photo of white peonies

Today there are a large number of varieties of white peonies known. Based on the color of the bud they are divided into several categories:

  • with snow-white flowers;
  • with cream buds;
  • with red splashes;
  • with a yellow core;
  • with a greenish tint;
  • with pink color in the center.

There is also a classification according to the shape of the buds:

  1. Terry, with a large number of petals surrounding the middle in 2 - 3 levels. The stamens look similar to petals, but there are varieties with traditional stamens.

  2. Non-double, consisting of 6-10 petals arranged in two rows. In the center are the pistil and stamens.

  3. Semi-double have at least five petals. There are non-standard and traditional stamens in the center.

  4. Japanese or transitional. They are distinguished by their stamens, which are predominantly yellow in color. This species is considered a middle ground between the double and non-double types. The classification is given based on the place of selection of such varieties.

  5. Anemones have long petals at the bottom and short ones at the top. Outwardly they resemble a ball. Stamens in the form of petals.

This is the main classification of white peonies. The height of these plants does not exceed 100 cm. Most known varieties of peonies are perennial, but there are those that live only one year. The stem is quite strong, so the flower survives strong winds well. The root system grows quickly.

Mini peonies

Recently, miniature patio peonies have appeared. They are often used for container gardening and rock gardens. Their height does not exceed 60 cm, the bush has a compact shape, and the flowers are mainly anemone-shaped, with an early flowering period. The aroma is spicy, fragrant. But these varieties are completely new and there is little information about them; some believe that this is not a variety, but ordinary peonies treated with growth retardants.

Interestingly, such peonies are named after world cities:

"Madrid" - blooms in late May-June.

"Rome" - especially decorative with a dense terry center.

"Moscow" is a rich red color that contrasts beautifully with the dark foliage and yellow anthers.

"London" - densely double red flowers.

Popular varieties

Despite the wide variety of varieties and species, only a few of them have gained popularity in Russia. It is worth taking a closer look at what peonies are grown in garden plots in the Russian Federation:

  1. Rose Marie Lins. The cream-colored buds look rich. There are small pink spots in the center. The petals are soft, form a strong bud, the size of which reaches 25 cm. There is a citrus aroma. The bush itself grows up to 90 cm in height.

  2. Shirley Temple. A double bud, up to 20 cm in size. The petals initially have a slightly pinkish tint, but then become completely white. The height of the bush is no more than 90 cm. The foliage is lush and persists until autumn.

  3. White Swan. The buds are spherical, terry type. The inner petals are narrower than the outer ones. The flowers themselves are quite dense. Powerful bush up to 80 cm high. Used for cutting and in landscape design.

  4. Festiva Maxima. The buds are terry type, up to 20 cm in diameter, there are pink inclusions in the center, the petals themselves are snow-white. Flowering period from May to July.

In Russia, white peonies are found in any climate zone. Because the flowers are unpretentious and adapt well to any weather conditions.

Classification of varieties by ripening time

Peony lovers rarely limit themselves to one bush. Selecting crops with different ripening periods helps to make your favorite plant bloom for a long time.


Early cultures are especially loved - after a gloomy winter, you want bright colors and a riot of greenery. Among the early and mid-early species, the following are in particular demand:

  • Coral Fairy – bright pink-red;
  • Claire de Lune - with two-row petals, white and yellow;
  • Pearl scattering - pink petals with mother-of-pearl, pink-yellow staminodes;
  • Buckeye Bell - blackish-red petals, bright gold staminodes;
  • Lada – white-cream terry variety;
  • Sunny Gel - with rare yellow heads.

Representatives of the coral group bloom early - Salmon Chiffon, Coral Supreme, Sable. Flowering of early species begins in late May-early June.


The average flowering period includes peonies that bloom in mid-June. There are many terry varieties in this group, distinguished by complex shapes and colors:

  • Princess Margaret - a pure pink, large flower without purple tones;
  • Varenka - pink-spherical, very lush, dark pink;
  • Cruiser Aurora - scarlet-red hemispherical flower;
  • In memory of Academician Tsitsin - white-pink with red strokes in the center, with a long flowering period;
  • Top Brass is a creamy white and pink tricolor bud, at the end of flowering a protruding feather appears (high petals).

Lush heads adorn the bushes until the end of June.


The last wave of peonies blooms on the 20th of June - these are late varieties:

  • Pobeda – red peony of domestic selection;
  • Snow globe is a double rose-shaped bud with a faint aroma;
  • Kuril Islands - rainbow petals of white and pink shades;
  • Old Faithful is a purple-red wonder with velvety petals;
  • Albert Kruss is a salmon pink ball with cream edges.

Late varieties end the peony flowering season in early July.

Flowering time

White peonies have different flowering periods. Thanks to this, several varieties can be grown on the site. This means that when some buds fade, new ones will bloom. As a result, you can enjoy the sight of these beautiful plants all summer long.

There is a classification based on the time of bud blooming, which usually occurs in the first month of summer:

  • spring, bloom until June 5;
  • early, bloom from 5 to 10;
  • mid-early, blooming from June 10 to June 15;
  • average: from 15 to 20;
  • medium-late, the buds of which bloom by June 20–25;
  • late ones, begin to bloom from 25 to 30;
  • very late, bloom after June 30.

Thus, with the right choice of varieties, you can achieve flowering throughout the summer.

Important. The buds bloom in 2 – 3 weeks. Therefore, it is necessary to select varieties based on the duration of flowering.


The best time to transplant white peony is autumn. During this period, the plant can easily take root in a new territory. The choice of location should be in an open area that is well lit by the sun. Preparations need to be done several weeks before planting. The first step is to dig a shallow hole and fill it 2/3 with a mixture that includes:

You should also add 0.5 liters of birch ash, a glass of superphosphate and a large spoon of iron sulfate to the substrate.

Digging up peony rhizomes must be done with extreme care. To do this, you should use a garden fork.

  • The bush is dug around quite deeply, after which the bush is pulled out of the ground with the help of shovels.
  • The peony should be washed with water to ensure the removal of adhering soil.
  • The dug up flower must be placed in the shade for 5 hours, after which the stem must be cut 0.1 m from the root system.
  • The next step is to divide the pion. Using a sharp knife, it is necessary to divide the rhizome into parts, in which there are few roots and 3-4 buds.
  • After a careful inspection, it is worth removing roots that are rotten or damaged.
  • Before the planting procedure begins, the peony root system is placed in a manganese solution, and the cuts are sprinkled with crushed coal and dried.
  • In order for the flower to take root well, it should be dipped in heteroauxin and then dried.
  • Planting in a hole is carried out in such a way that the buds are located 3–5 cm above the soil surface. The roots are sprinkled with substrate and mulched with peat.

Features of cultivation

Each plant requires special attention to itself. Peonies are no exception, despite the fact that they are practically unpretentious. It is worth considering in more detail how to properly care for these flowers, so that the buds are large and the plant itself remains healthy.


These flowers should be planted in the fall. To do this, you need to perform a number of actions:

  1. Dig a hole 60x60x60. If there are several roots, then the distance between the holes should be at least 100 cm.
  2. Place a drainage layer on the bottom. It is advisable to use expanded clay.
  3. Add a layer of soil.
  4. Carefully lay the root so that the top bud is at a depth of 3–4 cm.
  5. Cover the rhizome with soil and lightly water it.

If the peony root appears in the spring, it is recommended to plant it in a pot and place it in a cool and dark place so that it does not germinate.

Important. The soil in the pot should always be moist. It is recommended to place ice or snow on it. By gradually melting, it will not allow the earth to dry out. At the end of August you will need to transplant into open ground.

When is the best time to plant?

Planting should be done in the fall, but before that the soil must be disinfected. In the Southern Federal District, you can leave the root without additional protection, since winters there are mild.

However, in other regions it is necessary to perform certain actions to protect the plant from the cold:

  • put peat mulch on the hole;
  • cover everything so that the wind does not scatter the mulch and the snow does not wash it away.

Important. If there is a suspicion that the winter will become especially cold or the gardener lives in the northern part of Russia, then the root can be planted in the spring. But at the same time it is placed in a pot of soil. After 2 - 3 weeks, when the peony gets used to the new conditions, it is necessary to remove it from the pot and leave it in open ground.

How to care for a flower?

Peonies do not require special care, but you should not forget about them. They require minimal attention and proper planting location. These flowers love light, but in nature they also grow in shady areas. In this case, their main forces go into the foliage, and the buds turn out to be small.


Peonies need to be watered as the soil dries out. It is recommended to use no more than 20 - 30 liters of water. In order for it to reach the depth where the root system is located. Here are some rules for watering white peonies:

  1. After planting the plant, you must carefully fill the hole with water.
  2. When the soil dries out, water it moderately.
  3. It is necessary to pour water under the root so that it does not get on the leaves of the plant.
  4. During the period of active flowering, watering should be made more abundant.
  5. A couple of weeks before preparing the peony for winter, watering the plant must be stopped.

Important. In strong sunshine, it is forbidden to water any flowers, as there is a risk of them getting burned. It is recommended to do this on cloudy days or in the evening.

Top dressing

Gardeners alternately use organic and mineral fertilizers. The first ones can be added dry.

There are several periods in the life of a peony when feeding is necessary:

  • spring: May 15 – 20;
  • two weeks after adding the first portion of fertilizer;
  • during intensive growth.

Important. It is necessary to fertilize in accordance with the instructions. There are many different fertilizers. Potassium is needed during active growth. Phosphorus and superphosphates are required during the flowering period. When using organic fertilizers, care must be taken to avoid ammonia damaging the peony roots. Excessive amounts of which in the soil negatively affect the development of the plant.

At the end of flowering, adding fertilizers to the soil is pointless. If minerals dissolve in water, then they must be poured at the root.

Caring for white varieties

Peonies require careful care. This is the only way to achieve beautiful flowering of the bush.

Watering and fertilizing

Peonies must be watered regularly, especially before flowering, in the first half of June. Watering is also required during bud formation and root growth. This time refers to July and September.

Important! Feeding is carried out for 3-4 years after direct planting.

From the third year after planting, it is necessary to feed the plant. In early spring, feed urea under the bush. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds, and then at the beginning of flowering. Fertilize with nitrophoska - 1 tsp. on the bush. The fourth time is fed 2 weeks after flowering. Apply superphosphate and ash 1 tbsp. spoon.

Regular watering is important

Mulching and loosening

Peonies prefer loose soil. However, loosening must be done carefully. At a distance of 10 cm from the bush, loosening can be deep. In spring it is worth mulching with a small amount of rotted manure.

Preventative treatment

The treatment is carried out two or three times. The interval between treatments should be 10-12 days. The procedure is based on spraying with a fungicide solution.

Pests and diseases

Peonies have high immunity, but from time to time they are still susceptible to diseases such as:

  1. Tobacco rattle virus or peony ringspot virus. Small rings or stripes of yellow or green appear between the veins on the leaves. It is recommended to remove affected plants and burn them. However, the severity of the disease depends on the variety. Some varieties are resistant to this virus.
  2. Gray rot manifests itself in the presence of gray mucus on the leaves of peonies, which gradually kills the plant. Young shoots are most often affected. If rot appears during the bud opening period, then large flowers that have already opened take on a brown tint. And the buds themselves turn black. Rot appears due to improper care and heavy rains. It is necessary to treat the plant with fungicides to get rid of the problem.
  3. Rust is characterized by the presence of brown spots on peony leaves. After a while they curl and dry out. To combat it, fungicides such as “Topaz” and “Vectra” are used 2 – 3 times in 10 days.
  4. Root rot occurs due to the influence of fungi. The root becomes covered with mucus and begins to rot. As a result, the stem darkens and the plant withers. You need to dig up the flower, cut off the damaged areas and clean them of mushrooms. The soil should be replaced and the affected one disinfected.

In addition, gardeners growing white peonies have to deal with the following pests:

  • bronze beetles;
  • root-knot nematodes;
  • ants;
  • aphid;
  • spider mite

A solution of soapy water or industrial poisons are used against these insects.


Lush multi-petal peony flowers retain their shape for a long time and do not discolor under the sun's rays. The most beautiful terry varieties:

  • Shirley Temple - pinkish-cream spherical buds;
  • Green Jade is a tree-like species with lush greenish flowers;
  • Sarah Bernhardt is an old, proven variety with pink lush buds;
  • Barbara - a crown-shaped flower with deep pink petals;
  • Bowl of Cream - a creamy ball with a honey aroma;
  • Red Charm is a striking, cherry-red, bomb-shaped flower.

The terry peonies Marshall MacMahon, Ren Hortens, and Edulis Superba are distinguished by their beauty and brightly colored petals.

Reproduction methods

There are two ways to propagate peonies. However, not one of them allows flowering to occur within 3 to 5 years. These include:

  1. Use of seeds. It is necessary to collect them yourself and treat them from possible viruses and bacteria. After drying, they are placed in a paper bag. In autumn they are sprouted and planted in a pot. In spring, transplant into open ground.
  2. Dividing the bush. In this case, cut the root into two parts. It is important that both of them have buds. The cut is treated with activated carbon, after which the roots are placed in the ground and watered moderately.

Important. Damaged roots are restored within 1 – 2 years. Therefore, there is a possibility of either a complete absence of flowering, or it will be minimal. But after 3 – 5 years the plant will delight with large buds.

Thus, white peonies are often used by modern gardeners to decorate summer cottages. The flower is unpretentious, so it can be grown throughout Russia without any problems.

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