Pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina - description, planting and care

General information

This plant was first bred by breeders from Sweden, who soon after brought their brainchild to a European exhibition.
There, pelargonium caused a great stir, which led to a flurry of positive reviews. This exquisite flower has become a multiple winner at various flower festivals, including in the capital of Russia, where it was brought in 2012. The inflorescences of the PAC Viva variety have similar external features to rose buds and a flower such as ranunculus (a special type of buttercup). The surface of the petals resembles terry to the touch. The number of flowers on one umbrella can vary from 6 to 30 pieces. The size of an individual flower is about 5 centimeters. The arrangement of the buds in the inflorescence is quite free, which makes it easy to view each flower in the umbrella.

The growth of the inflorescence itself can occur over quite a long time. However, when the buds bloom, they will be able to delight you with their luxurious blooms for two weeks, and sometimes a little longer.

The plant itself is small, it is not a hanging plant, so it will not spread its branches to the sides. They grow quite close to each other. The leaves are hard in texture and rough to the touch. Their color is dark shades of green. Observing a plant that is in a well-lit room, it will become noticeable that its foliage is replenished with even more new leaves. Consequently, an increase in the number of leaves will be followed by an increase in the number of inflorescences. The flower will become even richer and more beautiful to look at.

This is interesting: Pelargonium Pink Rambler - covering the issue

Pelargonium PAC Viva - what kind of flower is it

Not everyone knows, but the entire genus Pelargonium belongs to the Geraniaceae family. Perhaps this is why ordinary people often confuse the varieties of these two plants; pelargonium is often called geranium and vice versa.

Pelargonium has excellent decorative properties

The plant, named PAC Viva, is a perennial subshrub that has creeping branches and fleshy foliage. The flowers are on long and powerful peduncles and can have different colors.

Brief description, history of origin or selection

This variety of pelargonium was bred by Swedish breeders. They showed their creation at a European exhibition. The first flower caused a real stir there.

A characteristic feature of the culture is the similarity of its flowers to rose buds. The petals have a terry structure. There may be 6-30 inflorescences on one umbrella. Each flower reaches 5 cm in diameter.

For reference! According to the description, the key advantage of the pelargonium variety PAC Viva is its long flowering.

The plant is compact in size. Its branches fit tightly to each other. The foliage has a hard and rough texture and is dark green in color.

Pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina

Collector Olga Bondarets continues to talk about her plants. Today is a story about the stunning, mind-blowing ivy-leaved pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina.

Beautiful ivy-leaved pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina

Today I want to share my impressions and show one of my favorite ivy-leaved pelargoniums - the most beautiful variety PAC Viva Carolina.

pelargonium blooming PAC Viva Carolina

PAC Viva Carolina belongs to the group of ivy-leaved or ampelous pelargoniums.

Once I saw this beauty bloom on the Internet, I immediately fell in love with it and really wanted to have it in my collection. The search was crowned with success: in Minsk I found a nice fluffy cutting of Carolina. I immediately transplanted it into a pot and began to wait for flowering.

The cutting, purchased in the spring, quickly recovered after transplantation and began to grow. Grew by leaps and bounds. I noticed that PAC Viva Carolina bushes very well on its own: I only did one pinch to correct the bush.

My Viva Carolina bloomed quite soon. We didn't have to wait long. The first inflorescence was not large, only three flowers, but how beautiful they were!

PAC Viva Carolina. First flowering

Viva Carolina flowers are large, at first they bloom as a white rose, then the rose opens, and the skirt of the flower becomes pinkish-lilac in the sun. When the flower opens completely, the green center of the flower appears.

There are not very many flowers in the inflorescence, 5-7. But there are more of them as the plant matures and gains strength. The inflorescences themselves are large balls. Viva Carolina blooms non-stop, sometimes there are so many flower stalks that the foliage is almost invisible.

PAK Viva Carolina

In the photo, the bush is not even six months old, but how it blooms... It was the April cutting that produced so many flower stalks in July.

My PAC Viva Carolina spent the winter on an uninsulated balcony in a box, which I covered with a blanket in severe frosts. And it wintered well. It would have been much worse for her in the warmth.

The older the plant gets, the more vigor it has. So my Carolina this year (the plant was already a year and a half old) showed what she is capable of. In the photo, the plant is sitting in a 1.5 liter pot, and I have not changed the soil even once since I transplanted the cutting into the pot. I fed it with Plantofol until June, then sometimes watered it with Fertika for the flowering ones.

Pack Viva Carolina

Pack Viva Carolina

The one and a half year old plant produced 15 flower stalks. Beauty! I can imagine what a three-year-old plant will be capable of.

In general, PAC Viva Carolina is a real Viva, which embodies some advantages - the flowers are large and very beautiful, they bloom profusely, the flowers themselves last a long time and they do not fall off at all (even in the heat. This is how the inflorescence balls dry up). Viva Carolina's bush is very compact, the internodes are short and it bushes on its own. Flowers become fuller, more voluminous and brighter with age.

PAC Viva Carolina

pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina


Thank you for this beauty! VC is my dream, I’m just starting to study pelarg. And I already purchased a VC cutting a few days ago. Yours is so beautiful that I want to say bravo.

Thank you, Larisa! I'm sure you will succeed!

Pac viva madeleine pelargonium description

Pelargonium pak Viva is a plant that simply cannot fail to attract the attention of passers-by. It captivates with its appearance literally at first sight

The main advantage of this flower is its double petals.

The main advantage of this flower is its double petals.

Another valuable quality of Viva pelargonium is its ease of care and long flowering time. Some gardeners love this plant for its compactness. Today we’ll talk about detailed care for this beauty.

History of origin and botanical description

The main advantage of the variety is its ability to bloom early, and also bloom for a long time after that. For the first time, a plant of this variety was presented at an exhibition in Europe.

We need to thank the Swedish breeders from the Rokdala nursery for this beauty.

At that event, Viva pelargonium created a real sensation, so already in 2012 it was brought to a competition in Moscow, where the flower won more than one award.

Features of appearance, description and photos of common types

This variety of pelargonium is completely different from its counterparts. It looks more like double Asian buttercup or red roses. One inflorescence can contain from 5 to 30 flowers. Each bud is approximately 5-6 centimeters in diameter.

The buds in each brush do not fit each other very tightly, due to this you can easily examine each flower individually. The peduncle grows quite slowly, but this is further justified by the long flowering period - usually the blooming buds stay on the plant for up to 15 days.

Gardeners like the bush for its compactness. The branches extend from it often and densely. The leaf blades are very dense, even a little harsh, and they are very rich in color - dark green. With a large amount of lighting, the leaves on the plant become even larger and they look more luxurious; with the amount of foliage, the number of peduncles also increases.

We invite you to familiarize yourself with the descriptions and photos of the most common varieties of Viva pelargonium.


This plant is distinguished by lilac-white petals. They feel terry to the touch, the flowers grow very densely on the bush. From 3 to 5 single flowers are formed on one flower brush. The leaf blades are, as usual, dark green and differ in their growth in width. The flowering period is considered long, and the process itself occurs very abundantly.


The variety is distinguished by the correct shape of the bush and a long period of budding. The foliage is wide, but we are not talking about large sizes here. The leaf color is dark green. This variety is considered a zonal variety. The shade of the petals is usually white, but blush appears in the sun.


Flower petals are bright pink. The foliage is green, but not dark. Approximately 5-6 buds can form on one inflorescence. During the flowering period, which lasts about 15 days, the flowers delight with their brightness and splendor.

How to plant?

This process cannot be called very complicated. The plant should be planted from November to mid-spring. This is due to the fact that as the flower itself grows, the daylight hours must also increase.

Soil preparation

Typically, gardeners purchase a ready-made substrate. It is necessary to buy only soil with neutral acidity levels. However, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, take:

The ratios are maintained at 2:1:1. Mix all this well and fill the container.

  1. If you are planting cuttings then it should be in a small pot.
  2. If it is necessary to plant only seeds, then a wooden box is filled with the mixture.
  3. After this, the grains are placed at a distance of 5 centimeters from each other and lightly sprinkled with soil.
  4. Then the soil is moistened, but this should be done only by spraying and only with settled water.
  5. At the end of all procedures, the box is covered with film, which is opened for ventilation daily.

Lighting and location

Despite the fact that pelargoniums usually prefer well-lit places, Viva is a variety that prefers partial shade. To do this, it is better to place a flowerpot with a flower on the western or eastern side of the room.

How to properly care?

Watering mode. It is not necessary to moisten the soil for pelargonium with particular frequency. It is enough just to ensure that the root system does not dry out. Don’t forget about the drainage layer, which will protect the plant from stagnant water; you can also make holes in the bottom of the pot so that excess water drains out even faster.

Features of cultivation and care

Caring for zonal pelargonium is very simple. All you need is to choose a good place for planting and determine the correct watering regime.

Care at home is the most comfortable, since it does not require covering the plant for the winter or controlling rodents. However, there are some nuances here too. For example, if placing pelargonium outdoors in spring and early summer is almost guaranteed to provide the plant with the required amount of light, then indoors you will have to find the brightest and most tranquil corner of the house - preferably a south-east window. If such a place is not found, in winter the flower will have to be illuminated artificially - using lamps.

The home conditions in our regions are ideal for growing zonal pelargonium - comfortable temperatures for the plant are considered to be from 12 to 24 °C, which allows the flower not to fade even in winter. The same applies to humidity: low humidity during the heating season is not a cause for concern, because pelargoniums do not need spraying. All they need is regular watering after the soil dries out. In winter, the frequency of soil moistening can be reduced to once every 10 days.

Zonal pelargoniums prefers loose soils. Special soils for this type of plant can be purchased at a flower shop or mixed yourself. To do this you will need leaf soil, peat, charcoal and sand. All ingredients must be mixed in a ratio of 3:1:1:1.

The flower needs to change the soil once a year. When transplanting from pot to pot, the volume of the new vessel should not exceed the previous one by more than 15%. The plant is planted in the ground in mid-spring and removed from there in the fall.

Pelargoniums are characterized by a high growth rate, which is why the timely formation of a bush becomes an important point. If there is no pruning and removal of old shoots, the plant will stop blooming. Therefore, regularly remove old shoots, and also pinch the flower at growth points no higher than above the sixth leaf.

Pelargonium zonalis, like other house plants, is often affected by pests and fungal diseases. In addition, the cause of disease can be improper care of the flower or its complete absence. To avoid problems, do not disturb the regime of watering, replanting and fertilizing, and also regularly check the plant for the presence of parasites (aphids, whiteflies, spider mites).

Get to know the PAK Viva Rosita variety in the photo:

How to grow ivy-leaved pelargonium

Proper cultivation of the PAC Viva Carolina variety lies in properly selected maintenance conditions, which consist of several points:

  • Good lighting. Southern window sills or bright loggias and balconies are preferable. It is better to shade the bush from direct sunlight to prevent burns of the deciduous mass;
  • Temperature. The optimal temperature range is +20-+25 degrees during active vegetation and flowering, about +14 during the wintering period;
  • Humidity. There is no need to create “tropical” conditions for ivy-leaved pelargonium - a plant with African roots tolerates low humidity and mild drought. It is not recommended to allow the leaves to come into contact with water, since in this case the plant experiences stress.

Pelargonium agricultural technology comes down to compliance with the following rules:

  • Moderate watering. PAK Viva Carolina tolerates drought well, but you should not allow the soil to dry out too much - this will inevitably affect the quality of flowering and the decorative appearance of the crown. Flooding the soil is also undesirable, as it leads to rotting of the roots;
  • Feeding. Indoor cultivation of varietal pelargoniums requires the mandatory use of fertilizers for Geraniums with a high content of potassium and phosphorus. The compositions are applied during the active growing season once a week; with active growth of the bush, more frequent application of fertilizing is allowed. During the dormant period, the plant is not fertilized;
  • Transfer. The plant must be replanted into a new pot annually, using small flowerpots (the maximum distance between the root system and the walls of the container is 1.5-2 cm). It is imperative to use drainage to prevent moisture stagnation at the roots, as well as the use of a loose and nutritious substrate in which Viva Carolina can develop normally. Ideally, the soil will include peat, turf and leaf soil, sand or perlite, humus in equal quantities, as well as a small part of charcoal or activated carbon.

Pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina

The PAK Viva Carolina variety feels great in the fresh air - with the onset of summer, hanging flowerpots can be hung on the balcony to create a decorative area. The only caveat: the bush needs to be accustomed to “street” maintenance gradually so that pelargonium can acclimatize normally without stress. With the onset of cold weather, the flowerpots must be brought back indoors to avoid freezing.

Wintering of PAC Viva Carolina should take place in a dry room at a stable temperature of about +14-+15 degrees. The plant is prepared for a dormant period 30 days in advance, completely stopping feeding, and then transferred to a well-lit, cool windowsill. Watering is carried out rarely and in small portions, since under these conditions the bush does not need a significant amount of moisture. In the second half of February, pelargonium is returned to its usual conditions of detention, if necessary, pruned and shaped, replanted and fertilizing is resumed.

Pruning is a necessary measure to preserve the decorative appearance of the bush, while the main attention should be paid to pelargonium in the fall. The axillary shoots are greatly shortened, leaving about 7 leaves, all bare and dry branches are completely removed

The crown is formed throughout the growing season, promptly removing dried inflorescences and thinning the bush.

In general, caring for the Viva Carolina variety cannot be called difficult - growing pelargonium requires minimal expenses from the grower. Care always pays off with beautiful and lush flowering within several months.

Main varieties

These indoor flowers do not have a wide variety of shapes. The main differences between the varieties are the shape and color of the leaves, as well as the shade of the buds. Mostly the varieties are flowering, but there are also decorative deciduous specimens. The most popular types:

  1. Mona Lisa. An ampelous perennial up to 60 cm tall with rich green leaves. The leaf blade is long, elongated, bent downwards. A light vein is visible on the surface, which divides the plate into two equal parts. The buds are red or lilac.
  2. Lobba (Beautiful). Ampel form about 30–50 cm in height. The stems are flexible, reddish or purple in color. The leaves are small, grow densely, form a lush crown, and have an oval or ovoid shape. Lighter underneath. The flowers are red or peach.
  3. Marble. This variety is distinguished by the color of its leaves. They are dark green, covered with a dense waxy coating, red below, and small light yellow veins on the surface. The height of the plant is up to 60 cm; it practically does not bloom at home.
  4. Twister. A low bush up to 40 cm tall with long stems. The leaves are small, up to 3 cm long, bent towards the shoot so that they look like curls. The surface is waxy, the leaves are purple in color. It blooms with bright red or orange buds collected in clusters.
  5. Fabulous. At home, it reaches 60 cm in height, ampelous in shape, the shoots are small, soft, hanging, and become woody at the base with age. They have dense foliage. The leaves are long, with a pointed end, up to 10 cm long. It blooms for up to six months with small, bright yellow-red buds.

If there are more exotic varieties that are difficult to grow at home - Tricolor. The climbing hanging plant Carolina has an interesting leaf color and very unusual burgundy buds that look like curved gramophones.

CarolinaLobbaMona LisaMarbleTricolorTwister

PAC Viva Carolina: brief description and features of the variety

The PAC Viva Carolina variety grows in a cascade, growing long spreading branches. The height of an adult plant varies between 15-25 cm, while the shoots themselves can reach 1.5 m, depending on the method of formation. The green mass is similar to ivy leaves - dark green, with a characteristic glossy sheen and fleshy structure.

Pelargonium PAK Viva Carolina produces densely double flowers, the color of which changes as they bloom. White buds appear first; as they open in sunny conditions, the “skirt” acquires a pink tint. After complete dissolution, you can notice a greenish center, due to which the flower seems to glow from the inside.

For young plants, not very abundant flowering is typical - a maximum of 5-7 flowers open in each cap, but as the bush matures, their number increases. The inflorescences are dense, full and completely cover the crown, making pelargonium look elegant and impressive.

It is worth noting that Viva Carolina belongs to compact varieties with short internodes, which provide decorative crown at each stage of the growing season. With age, the quality of flowering improves, the buds become larger, brighter and fuller. Pelargonium does not fall off - the flowers simply dry out on the peduncles, turning into a herbarium.

The average recommended pot volume should not exceed 1.5 liters; in addition, the plant needs proper wintering. It propagates vegetatively, but it is better to root the cuttings immediately in light soil without first germinating in water, since the cut can rot from too much moisture. It is advisable to pinch the bush at all stages of maturation - pelargonium left unattended can become deformed and grow undecorative lashes.


The plant is not picky about soil. You can plant in a purchased universal soil mixture. Characterized by vigorous growth. It gets stronger over time.

Cucumber Carolina

Pelargonium Pak Viva Carolina does not require special care. Water regularly with water at room temperature. Over-drying and over-watering should be avoided.

Use complex mineral fertilizers for fertilization from spring and throughout the summer 2 times a month (for example: Plantofol). Then, periodically, when watering, mix water with Fertika liquid fertilizer (or analogues) for indoor and balcony plants.

Additional Information. To make it bloom and branch more densely, at the end of winter you should cut off the bare stems and pinch off the shoots. This will accelerate the growth of side branches and the formation of buds.

It bushes on its own, the bush is compact and has short internodes. Pinching is done only if necessary to correct growth.

The plant is quite resistant to cold. Withstands temperatures down to +7°C, sometimes tolerates short-term drops to −1°C. It can easily overwinter on an uninsulated balcony if the pelargonium is carefully wrapped in thick fabric. Does not require a winter dormancy period. Tolerates heat worse. Watering in frosty weather should be reduced. In the presence of artificial light it can bloom.

You can plant it in an apartment from the end of February to November. In December and January you should refrain from transplanting cuttings. For landscape purposes, planting should be done after frost, snow melts and the ground has warmed up.

You can plant it in an apartment from the end of February to November.

How to grow Pac Viva Rosita and care for the flower

Pelargonium Rosita is an unpretentious plant. However, it is recommended to purchase not a full-fledged flower, but its cuttings. Caring for it will not require serious effort and will not cause big problems.

Illumination and temperature conditions

Pelargonium Viva Rosita loves partial shade, unlike many other species. It is better to leave the pot in the east or west of the room. Direct sunlight is dangerous for the plant; burns may occur on the leaves and flowers.

Culture loves warmth. The most suitable temperature is considered to be up to 25 degrees. During the warm season, it is recommended to take the container out into the fresh air.

Important! Rosita is a pelargonium that does not tolerate cold temperatures. In winter, it is better to remove the plant from the windowsill so that cold glass does not harm the leaves and shoots. Pelargonium Rosita

Pelargonium Rosita

Watering rules and humidity

The Viva Rosita variety does not require frequent watering

It is important to ensure that the soil does not remain dry for a long time. The pot should have drainage holes to allow excess water to drain out. It is best to water the crop through a tray

This moisture will be sufficient for the root system. It is recommended to avoid irrigation from above. It is also not recommended to spray the flower; it is permissible to do this only if the air in the room is too dry

It is best to water the crop through a tray. This moisture will be sufficient for the root system. It is recommended to avoid irrigation from above. It is also not recommended to spray the flower; it is permissible to do this only if the air in the room is too dry.

An air humidity of 60-65% will be optimal for pelargonium to bloom long and profusely and to develop well. In this case, it is recommended to periodically ventilate the room. This will help avoid the development of diseases.

Fertilizing and soil quality

Soil for planting can be purchased ready-made

It is worth paying attention to the fact that the acidity should be neutral. The soil is prepared independently from turf, peat and river sand in a concentration of 2/1/1. It is recommended to periodically loosen the soil

This saturates it with oxygen and allows excess moisture to leave faster.

It is recommended to periodically loosen the soil. This saturates it with oxygen and allows excess moisture to leave faster.

Feeding pelargonium PAK Viva Rosita is carried out from spring to autumn during the period of active growth and development of the flower. It is recommended to use special complex fertilizers that are suitable for geraniums and pelargoniums. The frequency is once every 2 weeks.

Important! In winter, the indoor flower rests and no fertilizing is needed for the crop.

Flower container size

For the first planting, choose a medium-sized pot. A very large container will not allow the plant to bloom - it will increase its total mass.

Pruning and replanting

To form a compact and beautiful bush, be sure to prune it. The bush is heavily pruned in February - this action stimulates the growth of new shoots and leaves. The procedure is repeated as necessary to form and remove damaged or diseased shoots. The top and side branches are also pinched.

Pelargonium blooms very beautifully

How to care for PAC Viva at home

Pak Viva Madelina is a pelargonium that needs to be provided with complete and high-quality care for normal development. No special knowledge is required, but there are nuances that need to be studied.

Illumination and temperature conditions

This culture needs not very bright lighting. Florists advise choosing the shady part of the room. In favorable weather, the plant can be taken to the balcony to saturate it with oxygen.

To achieve lush flowering, it is recommended to maintain the temperature at +22..+26 degrees. Windows should be opened periodically to allow fresh air into the room. This will be a reliable prevention of the development of diseases and parasite attacks.

Watering rules and humidity

Too often it is not recommended to moisten the soil, as this provokes rotting of the roots. The soil should be moistened as it dries. There is no need to spray the bushes additionally. This is done only when the air is very dry.

Fertilizing and soil quality

In order for oxygen to flow into the soil better, it needs to be systematically loosened. Active fertilization is required from early spring to late autumn. The necessary compositions are sold in specialized stores and are called “for pelargoniums”.

Flower container size

A medium sized pot is suitable for the plant. It must have drainage holes through which excess moisture will be removed.

Attention! It is best to place the bush on a tray of water. This will help saturate the root system with moisture.

Pruning and replanting

The crop must be pruned annually. In this case, shoots with 4 nodes must be left intact. Thanks to this, you will be able to get a lush plant.

If dry or yellow leaves appear, they should be cut off carefully.

Important! To prevent rotting processes, the cut area should be sprinkled with charcoal. When pruning foliage, the base of the petiole should be left intact.

It is recommended to replant young plants every year. Adult bushes are moved only when the container is full. In this case, you need to place a drainage layer at the bottom and fill the container with turf, peat, humus, and leaf soil. All components are taken in equal proportions.

Pelargonium needs to be pruned in a timely manner

Other varieties of PAC Viva

The abundance of crop varieties allows everyone to choose the color tone they like. Although they are prized for their colorful buds, there are also specimens with very beautiful foliage.

Note! The buds of this variety look like roses, but there are also tulip-shaped varieties in the family. For example, pelargonium PAK Salmon Princess (Princess Caroline pelargonium)

PAC Viva Madeleine

Pelargonium PAC Viva Madeleine is a fairly compact bush with a long flowering period. In partial shade the petals are snow-white, but in full sun they turn pink. The leaves are small, dense green.

PAC Viva Rosita

The pelargonium variety Pac Viva Rosita blooms luxuriantly. The buds, collected in inflorescences, bloom bright scarlet petals. Flowering lasts about half a month. This variety is most often chosen for home collections.

Important! It takes root well from cuttings, so there is no need to spend money on an adult bush.

PAC Viva Maria

Pelargonium Pac Viva Maria is distinguished by the size of its buds. It is covered with large double flowers. The color of the petals is peculiar; they are pearl pink with deep crimson markings in the center. Because of them, Viva Maria is called the little eye.

Pelargoniums PAC Viva: description of varieties and care

Many housewives love to decorate their interiors with indoor plants, especially those that produce beautiful blooms. The indoor pelargonium flower PAC Viva is just one of these. It is simply impossible to pass by such a flower; its delicate buds will definitely make you look at them. It is thanks to its elegant flowering, as well as its ease of home care, that pelargonium can often be found in homes. In addition, she has been pleasing housewives with the beauty of her inflorescences for a long time.

Viva Rosita: a brief description of pelargonium


The PAK Viva Rosita variety, bred by a Swedish nursery in 2011, immediately attracts attention with its luxurious flowers. The shape and layering of the petals is as close as possible to Old English roses

The color of the buds is bright crimson and in contrast with the green foliage this color looks very impressive

The shape and layering of the petals is as close as possible to Old English roses. The color of the buds is bright crimson and in contrast with the green foliage this color looks very impressive.

Viva Rosita is very generous with its inflorescences, forming from 20 to 30 buds, which bloom gradually. Young bushes often dry out some of the flowers, but in adulthood the problem disappears when the plant gains strength.

The budding period lasts about 2 weeks, pelargonium forms thick and strong peduncles. Since the flowers are not close to each other, they are easy to see individually.

Viva Rosita forms a compact and lush crown independently, without outside intervention.

Often, one pinching is enough for the crown to begin to branch; in some cases, you can do without manipulating the shoots.

With sufficient lighting, a dark semi-ring is formed on the leaves - a “zone”, which makes pelargonium even more decorative.

PAC Viva Rosita is an easy and trouble-free variety to propagate; to obtain new bushes, it is enough to remove the required number of shoots from the mother plant and root them in a light and loose substrate.

Pelargonium reacts positively to annual transplants; it is better to use a pot a couple of centimeters larger than the previous one.

During the budding period, Viva Rosita geranium needs regular feeding and abundant watering - such care will allow the plant to reach its maximum potential.

At the end of autumn, it is advisable to send pelargonium for the winter, which promotes proper rest and the formation of flower buds for the next season.

Features of care

Growing and caring for a houseplant aeschynanthus is not an easy process. If the rules are not followed at the slightest level, the plant will not bloom and the leaves may lose their decorative properties. For example, with a lack of light, variegated forms lose their bright color. And in specimens with green foliage, yellow spots may appear on their surface.

Watering requirement

Water for irrigation should not be hard. If this is exactly what you have in your apartment, soften it or clean it with special filters. In addition, the moisture for watering the flower must contain a lot of calcium.

Stagnation of moisture in the pot should not be allowed. If the soil is too wet, the leaves will begin to soften or turn yellow, and then completely fall off. As soon as the top layer dries, apply a small portion. But do not allow the soil to become too dry.

In summer, water the flower more often, up to 4 times a week, especially if the room is hot. In winter, reduce this frequency to a minimum. If the room is cool, you can add a new portion of water once every 10–14 days. The frequency of watering is gradually reduced, reducing procedures from the end of summer.


The flower responds to high-quality, properly selected fertilizers with bright buds and beautiful decorative leaves. Feed optimally with ready-made mineral mixtures with a complex composition, which are intended for flowering indoor plants. The dose should be half that indicated on the package. The feeding frequency is as follows:

  • from the beginning of April to the end of September, fertilizing is carried out twice a month, and it is optimal to alternate organic matter with mineral compounds;
  • the rest of the time, especially in winter, no fertilizing is applied so that the plant remains in the dormant phase.

In addition to ready-made fertilizers, you can use folk recipes. For example, use herbal infusions, yeast to fertilize during watering, add wood ash and crushed eggshells to the soil.

The latter is especially useful for the flower because it contains a lot of calcium. At the beginning of spring, it is better to give preference to nitrogen-containing mixtures that promote foliage growth.

Pests and diseases

One of the most common reasons why leaves wrinkle, dry or fall off is improper care. But this problem can also be caused by illness. In indoor conditions, Eschynanthus mainly suffers from root rot:

  • if watering is too frequent, the root system suffers, the thinnest tender roots begin to rot;
  • then the process moves to the bases of the shoots, they soften;
  • in neglected form, the foliage suffers; it becomes a darker, watery shade and can crumble even without yellowing.

Mealybugs Aphids Thrips Root rot

If you properly care for the plant and strictly monitor the cleanliness of watering, root rot will not affect it.

It can be attacked by pests such as scale insects, aphids and thrips. Factors that contribute to their reproduction are too dry air and high humidity in the soil. Regular moistening and control over the frequency of watering will help avoid infestation of the flower with insects.

Growing and care process

The plant does not need frequent watering; it is enough to keep the earthen ball moist and not flood the roots. The ivy plant normally tolerates periodic spraying of the leaves to remove dust.

On a note! You should not keep the pot in the sun so that the inflorescences and leaves do not dry out and turn yellow ahead of time.

Pelargonium Carolina bushes well on its own, but to make the plant more fluffy and achieve a spherical bush, you can pinch and trim the shoots.

Pelargonium Viva Carolina is propagated by cuttings. First you need to root the material. At home, you can place the cuttings in a pot at the end of February. In open ground, this is done after the frosts have ended and the soil has completely warmed up.

Important! The plant does not like heat and drought. Plant or display the flower in partial shade, water moderately

In winter, watering is reduced, except in cases with artificial lighting.

An adult pelargonium PAC Viva does not require constant attention. Caring for this plant is limited to regular watering, spraying, and a properly selected corner in the room. Contrary to the fact that other varieties of pelargonium love light, this species prefers not too bright lighting. It is better to choose the shady part of the room. As soon as the weather allows, the plant can be taken out to the balcony or loggia so that it is saturated with oxygen.

It is best to choose drainage pots for planting, which will help not retain water in the soil. It would be more correct to place a tray with water under the flower. Thus, the root system of the plant will always be supplied with the necessary amount of moisture.

In order for the flower to develop well and bloom luxuriantly, it is necessary, among other things, to adhere to a moderate temperature regime - 22-26 degrees. In spring and summer, you need to place pelargonium in the open air, and in winter, remove it from places where there may be cold or wind. The moisture level in the room must be kept at an average level. Periodically, you need to open the windows to allow fresh air to enter the room, this is the prevention of parasites and diseases. Additionally, there is no need to use a sprayer with water, only in case of extreme dry air.

For better penetration of oxygen into the soil, it should be loosened regularly. Pelargonium needs to be actively fed from the beginning of spring until late autumn. The necessary fertilizer mixtures can be purchased in specialized stores. In spring and autumn, you need to spray the flower with fertilizers about a couple of times a month. In winter, it is better to avoid feeding altogether. In winter, the plant is placed in a darker place, and the watering regime is reduced to once a week and a half. It is better to place pelargonium in a room with a temperature below 20 degrees (15-18 would be optimal).

If you follow the above tips and recommendations, this beautiful flower will constantly delight you with its bright and luxurious blooms.

An overview of PAC Viva Carolina pelargonium can be seen in the video below.

Agricultural technology

Pelargoniums are unpretentious plants; caring for them in the garden will not be difficult even for novice flower lovers. The transplant is carried out in early spring, when daylight hours have already noticeably increased. The soil should be well loosened.

It is recommended to plant this flower in a pre-prepared soil mixture of turf, peat, coarse sand, and humus. It is recommended to place chicken or horse manure in it.

For a month, the transplanted plant must be watered every day with settled water. Avoid overwatering, as this will make the plant sick.

The next stage of plant care in the garden is pruning. The first correction of the shape should be carried out approximately a month after the transplant, when the pelargonium has taken root. Only weak, diseased and unproductive shoots are removed. The stem should be left approximately 15 cm long.

It is very important to feed pelargonium growing in the garden correctly and in a timely manner. For this purpose complex fertilizers are used

During the formation of buds and the beginning of flowering, it is necessary to additionally apply potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. Of the complex fertilizers, Agricola and Kemira are best suited.

Important! Pelargonium Viva Rosita should be watered only with water at room temperature. She doesn't like cold water

It is necessary that during watering a small amount of water gets on the leaves.

Home care

It is best to grow the plant at home on well-lit windowsills. In summer, the plant can be taken out to the balcony or porch.

Note! In conditions of insufficient lighting, the plant stretches and its decorative properties are lost. The flower does not like heat and cold

The optimal temperature in summer is 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be reduced to 16 degrees. The air humidity in the room should be about 55%. The plant tolerates dry air much better and does not even need additional spraying. With increased air humidity, the stems are affected and the plant begins to rot. The plant should not be grown in a room with poor ventilation, because heavy air contributes to the development of diseases.

The flower does not like heat or cold. The optimal temperature in summer is 20 degrees. In winter, the temperature should be reduced to 16 degrees. The air humidity in the room should be about 55%. The plant tolerates dry air much better and does not even need additional spraying. With increased air humidity, the stems are affected and the plant begins to rot. The plant should not be grown in a room with poor ventilation, because heavy air contributes to the development of diseases.

Pelargonium needs to be watered when the top layer of soil dries out. There should be no stagnation of moisture in the soil, because this negatively affects the condition of the root system and can lead to its rotting.

At home, organic fertilizers are never applied. In winter, no fertilizing is necessary. Nitrogenous fertilizers are the best for it.

From the beginning of spring to mid-autumn, you need to remove the top shoots. This way it is possible to achieve lateral growth of the plant and more luxuriant flowering.

Pelargonium Pac Viva Rosita

Winter care

In autumn and winter, the plant must be put into a dormant state. To do this, the temperature is reduced to 14-16 degrees, watering is reduced to a minimum. To prevent pelargonium from growing, it does not need to be fed.

You must dig up the plant very carefully and always with a lump of earth. Then it is also carefully transferred to a flower pot


Pelargoniums are propagated by seeds, dividing the bush and cuttings. Plants grown from seeds grow more abundantly. They need to be planted in early spring. The optimal germination temperature is 20 degrees. Seedlings need to be picked and grown for about 2 months in good light conditions.

Cuttings are carried out in February-March or July-August. A cutting with 3 leaves and about 5-7 cm long is withered and planted in the substrate. The planted cuttings are watered (only to the edge of the pot in which it grows). The cutting can be placed in water and only after the root has grown, planted in the ground.

Propagation of pelargonium by cuttings

Other varieties of PAC Viva

Breeders at one time were not too lazy to create several types of such a beautiful flower as pelargonium PAC Viva, and, undoubtedly, they only benefited from this. Each of these types has its own individual characteristics, a detailed description of which is given below.

Viva Carolina belongs to the Geraniaceae family, as indicated by its ivy-like, succulent dark green leaves. It is a flower of medium height with creeping shoots that can spread up to 1.5 meters in length. On average, one bush gains up to 50-60 cm in height.

Luxurious terry inflorescences of Viva Carolina give a feeling of celebration

The flowers of the plant are rosebud, semi-double, thickening with age. Young buds are no different from pink ones, but every year they become fluffier, with a broken “skirt”. At first, 3-5 buds are formed on the peduncles, and after that their number can increase.

Additional Information. Pelargonium PAK Viva Carolina is distinguished by the unusual colors of its buds. At first they are soft pink, almost white, but after standing in the sun they become colored. Along the edges the “skirt” becomes lilac-pink, deeper the flower is white and has a greenish-yellow core.

Pelargonium PAK Viva Carolina has “sisters” - varieties of geraniums with similar general characteristics and unique coloring of inflorescences:

  • PAC Viva Madeleine. It has a pleasant creamy hue, the flowers are pink and white in one plexus. Against this background, the red core of the stamens stands out.
  • PAC Viva Rosita. This is a scarlet-red geranium with delicate flowers burning in the sun, reminiscent of a cross between a peony and a rose.
  • PAC Viva Maria is a delicate flower, similar in color to orchids: the edges of the petals are soft pink or white, and the bases are crimson.

There is also a variety called Princess Caroline. These are exotic buds in coral and watermelon tones with variegated, dotted petals. Typically, Princess Caroline pelargonium is a soft pink flower with bright splashes, but in special conditions the opposite can happen.

Geranium Viva Carolina is associated with wedding bouquets

The “sisters” look good together, complementing each other with their outfits. Such a bouquet will definitely bring lightness and solemnity to the greenhouse.


Among the varieties presented below, each gardener will be able to choose a flower to his liking or create an ensemble of several beauties in his flowerbed.

Pelargonium Foxy forms large caps. The foliage is painted in dark green tones, flowering occurs without any problems. The culture can hardly be called whimsical.

Ivy-leaved pelargonium Vicky produces bright pink flowers. Judging by the descriptions, the closer the row of petals is to the center of the flower, the shorter it is.

Blue Wonder is simply a gorgeous flower crop. The flower belongs to the zonal varieties. Semi-double flowers are painted in a non-standard lilac-bluish tone. In the very middle of the flower there is a white spot. The dark green leaves look very elegant.

Lauretta, which produces semi-double flowers, has cyclamen-colored caps. The stocky bush branches heavily. Pink pelargonium with a white center looks very attractive.

Lilac Rose is another ivy-leaved type. The plant produces dense double flowers of a delicate lilac color; Moreover, the bushes are relatively small.

First Yellow is a rather rare variety, because yellow pelargoniums like it are not very familiar to gardeners. The variety was introduced back in the late 2000s, so experience with it has already been accumulated.

Mexica Nealit creates pink-lilac flowers, from the middle of which a white ornament appears to emerge.

The Victor variety fully lives up to its name. The flower of this pelargonium is very large and is characterized by a velvety red tone. The diameter is 0.05 m.

As for pelargonium Angeleyes Orange, this variety has good resistance to frost. The flowers of the plant are small, which is compensated by their abundance. The culture is suitable for both home and outdoor conditions.

The variety Emilia is a typical zonal pelargonium. The caps of this plant are quite large. Semi-double flowers are pink in color.

Pelargonium Ameta is also popular. It's hard not to admire this purple flower with lavender eyes. The plant itself is medium in size, but the buds and flowers are invariably large.

Red Sybil is painted differently - pure scarlet. When pelargonium of this variety is half-bloomed, it can easily be confused with a rose. All this, combined with the white lining, creates a truly stunning look. Plus, gardeners won’t have to put in any effort to get the crop to bloom.

Happy Birthday stands out even among other PAC pelargoniums. The lacy, velvety leaves look absolutely stunning. The plant has graceful pink flowers. They are lighter on the outside and brighter inside.

Blue Touch is one of the common zonal pelargoniums. Many flowers are formed on the peduncle. The inflorescences are large in size.

But Flower Fairy Velvet is causing mixed reviews. The plant forms relatively small bushes. The caps are moderately large, but the pelargonium is very free-flowing. However, in flower beds where there is no one to trim the flowers, this is even a plus - the wind itself removes unnecessary petals.

Wilhelm Langguth - this is the name given to variegated pelargonium. Dark green leaves have a white outer border. In bright sunlight, a darker area is revealed. Then the appearance becomes even more original and attractive.

You should take Fairy Berry if you need pelargonium similar to fuchsia. There is a red spot in the middle of the petals. The compactness of the bush does not interfere with abundant flowering.

The variety Evka is one of the variegated pelargoniums. The flowers are relatively small and bright red.

It is appropriate to complete the review with the Fireworks Bicolor variety. The plant has pink petals, while the center is distinguished by an expressive dark burgundy spot. The variety is suitable for container growing, but it can also be used to decorate an ordinary balcony.

Pelargonium PAC Viva Carolina

Color: pale pink

Ivy hybrids are the result of crossing zonal and ivy-leaved pelargoniums.

Features: Very beautiful large, densely double pale pink flowers in the shape of a rose.

It can grow not only in the house, but also on the balcony or in the garden.

Lighting: bright light.

Watering: moderate, without waterlogging and without drying out, with water at room temperature, when the top layer of soil dries out.

Temperature: not lower than +10°

Feeding: in the spring-summer period, the plant is fed with complex mineral fertilizers once every 2-3 weeks. Particular emphasis is placed on phosphorus-potassium preparations, which give the plant strength during budding and flowering.

Formation (pruning): as it grows, for more luxuriant flowering, the plant is formed by pinching each branch above 5-6 leaves. If this is not done, the stems will stretch, the bush will lose its decorative shape, and the flowers will become rare.

The first pinching of young plants is done by removing the growing point above the 5-6th leaf.

geranium after pruning
You can grow geranium from seeds, but I prefer cuttings, which are carried out from mid-February to early March.

For you on this site - options for breeding geraniums

The methods of propagation of our pelargonium are by seeds, cuttings and division. Let's look at all these different methods of easy reproduction in more detail.

Indoor pelargonium is quite easy to grow

When our indoor pelargonium has grown, you can divide it. This way you will get several colors.

Planting and further care

Bushes can be propagated by cuttings or seed method

To achieve excellent flowering and full development of the crop, it is important to choose the right place for planting. Pelargonium flower care is of no small importance.

Selection and preparation of a site

Culture needs sufficient lighting. With a lack of light, there is a risk of deterioration in the development of bushes. In this case, flowering becomes less abundant.

Note! When growing a plant in the country, you should choose an open, illuminated place. The soil must be sufficiently fertile

How to plant

When planting seeds, you can collect them yourself or buy them in a store. The grains have a fairly dense shell, so before planting it should be rubbed with sandpaper. To ensure that the sprouts sprout quickly, the seeds should be soaked.

It is recommended to plant cuttings immediately after pruning. In this case, it is necessary to remove the foliage from the shoots and then place them in water. When roots appear, the cuttings should be planted in the ground.

Watering and fertilizing

Pelargonium of this variety requires systematic but dosed watering. Moisture deficiency causes crop wilting. Its leaves turn yellow and fall off. Excess liquid can cause root rot.

Important! In summer, bushes should be watered at least once a week. In winter, the soil is moistened every 2 weeks

The plant needs to be watered regularly, controlling the amount of liquid

It is necessary to fertilize bushes in spring and summer. With the arrival of frost, a period of rest begins. At this time, the plant does not need feeding.

It is worth considering that you should not spray the bushes. During flowering, the crop does not require additional moisture. If leaves get wet there is a risk of staining.


To get a lush and beautiful crown, you need to trim on time. Dry flower stalks should be removed immediately. The procedure is recommended to be carried out after flowering. To do this, use a sharp pruner.

When pruning, shoots should be cut to a third of their length. This stimulates the development of lateral processes.

Preparing for winter

The culture belongs to perennials. After the flowering period is over, it is worth trimming the branches and preparing the bush for winter. To do this, the flower pot should be placed in a cool room with a temperature of 10-15 °C.

It is important to provide the plant with diffused lighting. Daylight hours should be 12 hours

During dormancy, it is worth reducing the number of waterings and refusing to apply fertilizer.


Pelargonium pac viva madeleine, carolina and other varieties
You can get new pelargonium bushes in two ways - cuttings or seeds. Planting work is best done in early spring or late summer.

Note! An adult healthy bush is used as a mother bush. For rooting, cuttings 7-9 cm long with 3-4 internodes are suitable. They can be rooted in water or planted directly into the ground. Rooting will occur in 7-10 days

Rooting will occur in 7-10 days

For rooting, cuttings 7-9 cm long with 3-4 internodes are suitable. They can be rooted in water or planted directly into the ground. Rooting will occur in 7-10 days.

When sowing seeds, you won’t be able to get a flowering bush so quickly. The crops will hatch at the end of 2 weeks. Then you need to wait until 3-4 true leaves appear on the seedlings. Only then can they be planted in a permanent place. You will have to wait at least another 1.5-2 months for flowering to begin.

Pelargonium cuttings

Rooting cuttings makes it possible to get a flowering bush much faster than sowing seeds.

Diseases and pests

Usually this process occurs due to improper care. Most often, the following ailments can be noticed on Viva pelargonium:

  • Fungus Puccinia. It is distinguished by red pigmentation on any part of the plant. As soon as a lot of spots appear, the affected parts fall off, and the whole plant begins to dry out. Fungicides help fight this disease.
  • Blackleg. You can recognize it by the characteristic blackening at the base of the shoot, which is caused by a fungal infection. It can also be treated with fungicides; resuscitation should begin as early as possible so that the disease does not spread further throughout the plant.
  • Gray rot. This disease can be recognized by its characteristic plaque. The cause is cool and damp air. It is treated by changing the growing conditions - ensuring good ventilation and increasing the air temperature.
  • Nematode. This disease affects the root system, causing the entire plant to die. There are no methods for treating such a disease, so if a nematode is detected, you will have to say goodbye to pelargonium.
  • Swelling of foliage. It manifests itself in the form of small growths on the leaf plates. It develops due to lack of lighting and too much soil moisture. To get rid of swelling, you should change the soil or simply dry it well. It is better to put a new drainage layer.

Pelargonium Viva can be attacked by the following parasites:

  1. Aphid.
  2. Caterpillars.
  3. Whitefly.
  4. Termites.

You can get rid of pests using drugs that have proven to be the most effective.

Let's call them:

  • Marathon;
  • Aspirin;
  • Monterey;
  • Messenger.

PAC Viva Carolina

True, for breeding pelargoniums, this propagation option is by no means the most successful.

Breeding pelargonium by sowing seeds is a fascinating activity. But this hobby, of course, requires us to have some experience.

Varietal seeds of homemade geranium, which are found in some stores, are not cheap.

A nuance that is useful to take into account when working with such seeds. Pelargonium obtained from its own seeds does not often take on the properties of the original bush. The easiest way to propagate indoor pelargonium is by cuttings

The easiest way to propagate indoor pelargonium is by cuttings.

Green cuttings take root perfectly, and geraniums take on the properties of the mother plant.

pelargonium natalie

Modern varietal geraniums - how to propagate

We prescribe a rare varietal geranium...

Stunning geraniums for sale

selling amazing crops

Dear Buyer!

Enter your Name and E-mail, as soon as this product goes on sale, we will immediately notify you about it!

Unit price: 450 rub.

Dispatch period: June-October, 2018

Seedling age: rooted cuttings

Catalog number: 03014

Pelargonium Monseruds Rosen. Standard zonal rosebud pelargonium.

The bush is strong and responds well to shaping. The inflorescence consists of rosettes of dark cherry color.

Pelargonium Pink Rambler

Pelargoniums, like people, have their stars and celebrities. Zonal pelargonium Pink Rambler is one of the most famous varieties of rosaceous plants. Unpretentious, luxuriantly flowering powerful bushes are deservedly loved for their beautiful ruffled foliage and bright pink-carmine flowers. Pelargonium flowers, so similar to tiny garden roses, are collected in spectacular inflorescences, the volume of which is given by the light underside of the petals and the stunning shape of the buds.

When growing a variety, it is important to remember that rosaceous varieties form inflorescences a little later than other zonal plants

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