Pelargonium Elnaryds Hilda and other varieties of the Elnaryds Geranium series are one of the most beloved
A violet rooted from a leaf is akin to a miracle for beginning gardeners - that’s just happened
Potassium-phosphorus fertilizers belong to mineral preparations. As is already clear from the name, their main components
Violet is a small perennial plant with very beautiful flowers. Propagation of this plant in
Dazzling violets with uniquely beautiful and large flowers in magical shades of the color palette: They are a summation
We all know that violets are an integral part of the comfort of every home. With your tender
Gloxinia is very popular among floriculture lovers, as it does not require special care and makes you happy.
Care features Violets prefer light, which plays a huge role during flowering. Not recommended
Violet is loved by flower growers because it has an attractive appearance and a rich range of colors (the color depends
Lord Bute Royal geranium with a very beautiful, velvety dark burgundy shade of inflorescences and pink edging