When to transplant lilies to a new place - in autumn or spring

Lilies actively grow in the garden and develop over 3-5 years. After the specified time period has passed, they require a transplant. If you neglect this procedure, the bulbs will begin to grow in colonies and become smaller, which will have a detrimental effect on the beauty of the flowers. So, when to replant lilies so that the plant continues to delight with a riot of colors and attractive appearance - this is discussed in detail in the article.

The need for replanting lilies depends on the specific plant variety.

Choosing the time of year

There are two points of view when to plant lilies in spring or autumn:

  • All work on replanting lilies is traditionally carried out in the fall, since it is believed that in this case the flowers will be healthier. This is enough for the bulb to rest. Planting in the fall months will help them re-establish roots.
  • If it is impossible to carry out planting activities in the autumn months due to bad weather conditions, then it is better to postpone them to the spring. The same method should be followed with a variety for which wintering in a flowerbed is contraindicated. Some gardeners find this method more convenient, since there is no need to insulate the plantings and clear them.

Rainy September weather can upset all plans and force you to postpone work until spring, and in the spring you will have to take into account floods and frosty nights.
To accurately calculate the timing of replanting, it is recommended to use the gardener’s calendar. It is also worth considering the climate of a particular area, because the timing and recommendations depend on this.

As for the general rules, then: in the spring, work should begin after the soil has warmed up. So, for example, for the southern regions the second half of April is considered the best option, and for the northern regions - the first days of May. As for autumn, replanting should be planned for the end of August and September.

The place where you plan to grow flowers should be well lit, and the rays of the sun should also reach it.

Why do you need to replant lilies regularly?

For the first 3 years after planting, the lily actively “inhabits” its living space, it has enough nutrients from the surrounding soil, enough space for the development of the bulb, and the growth stimulants caused by the stress of the previous transplant have not run out.
But after this time (and for some varieties much earlier), such comfortable conditions for growth and development end.

Annual children grow, taking away space and nutrition from the mother plant. Old onion scales become an obstacle to the complete absorption of nutrition. Fungi and pathogenic microbes accumulate in the soil. Lilies need to change their registration!

When is the best time to replant?

The well-being and health of lilies, in particular, depend on when the planting was carried out. So, the best time to transplant lilies to a new place is considered to be 3-4 weeks after the end of the period of abundant flowering.

This time is enough for the bulbs to gain mass and be able to adapt normally to the new environment.

After a period of abundant flowering, you need to pick off all the flowers. This will help the plant not waste its nutrients.

Is it possible in summer?

It is possible to carry out a transplant in this case, but only in some cases. As a rule, Candidum lilies enter the dormant stage in July-August, so it is better to perform the procedure precisely in the indicated months.

Asian hybrids also tolerate planting well in the summer months, so any time is suitable for such an event. If the flowers have bloomed early and a month has passed since the end of the process, then replanting can be done in the summer.

If you choose an unlit area of ​​the garden plot for planting, the crop will simply die

Changing location during flowering

As for the flowering period itself, moving the plant from place to place during this time is extremely undesirable, since it can cause more harm than good.

An exception is possible only in the case of Asian hybrids, since, as stated above, they are resilient and can withstand transplantation at any time.

When digging flowers, care must be taken not to damage the bulbs, otherwise you will not have to expect abundant flowering.

It is necessary to move the plant from place to place at least once every 3-5 years, but it is best to take into account the characteristics of the variety

What's the right way to do it in spring?

The best option is to replant garden lilies after flowering has ended. But, some gardeners practice carrying out the procedure in the spring, believing that this time of year is better suited for planting activities.

At this time of year, the best option would be to propagate the plant by dividing a nest of bulbs. In this case, it is especially important to dig up, divide and replant in time before the lilies begin to push out the main stem.

If the height of the stem is more than 10 centimeters, then it is advisable to leave the transplant until autumn.

If the bulbs are dug up and the gardener is faced with the task of preserving them until spring, then care must be taken to maintain optimal storage conditions. For this purpose, you can place them in boxes and store them at a temperature of no less than +1 and no more than +4 degrees.

After completion of work, it is necessary to ensure watering of the holes

When to dig up lilies after flowering and when to plant

When is it better to replant phloxes to another place?

All gardeners should know when to dig up lilies after flowering and when to plant them in a new place. This is the most important factor in the process of developing flowers and improving their appearance and internal state. Since the bulb gives up most of its nutrients during the flowering period, it greatly decreases in size and weight.

trumpet lily

Recovery requires at least a month and a number of conditions:

  • Sufficient amount of soil above the bulb;
  • Preserving the total number of leaves, getting rid of only yellowed and wilted ones;
  • Removing the capsules in which the seeds are formed.

Important! If the planting depth of the bulbs is small, then after flowering it is worth adding at least 15 cm of fertile soil.

When to plant lilies after flowering

After flowering ends, time must pass before replanting, during which the bulb will fully recover. This will take at least 4-6 weeks. It should completely go into a period of rest. Transplantation can occur even at the end of October, but only in the case of late flowering and complete rest and restoration of the bulb.

Lily bulbs ready for transplanting

All about lily transplant technology

In order to properly transplant these plants, you need to follow some rules: decide on the time of transplantation, pay attention to the quality of planting material, choose the optimal location, and directly care for the planted plants.

How to properly transplant lilies to another place

Planting bulbs in a new location is carried out in several stages:

  1. Prepare the correct hole.
  2. Provide a drainage layer by pouring a small layer of sand into the bottom.
  3. Place the onion and straighten its roots.
  4. Sprinkle a layer of nutrient soil on top.
  5. Water generously.
  6. Mulch with a layer of loose soil, such as peat.

Important! The distance between large bulbs should be at least 20 cm, between small ones - at least 15 cm.

Digging up bulbs

Digging up the bulbs must be done carefully; they must not be damaged under any circumstances. It should be carried out only after they have fully prepared for this process and have stored a sufficient amount of nutrients. They need to be carefully removed from the soil, shaken off, carefully examined for diseases and damage, and kept in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for some time. Then it is necessary to separate the children (if any) and plant them.

Storing bulbs for spring replanting

Bulbs for spring transplantation must be stored in a cool room where the temperature does not exceed +3°C. This could be a basement or a refrigerator. Future planting material can be removed in plastic bags with a small amount of wet sawdust. It is better to make small holes in the bag so that the bulbs can breathe. They need to allocate a separate shelf or compartment of the refrigerator. The main thing is not to put them next to fruits or vegetables, as they can get an infection from them.

Transplantation methods

If replanting occurs in the fall, then it is not difficult to do. It's enough just to follow the rules. But after wintering, sprouts may form on the plant. If their length is more than 5 cm, then it is better to plant such a flower not directly, but at an angle, so that the sprout looks up. If it is straight, then the landing should be the same as usual. If you bought bulbs with a sprout before winter planting, then you need to carefully unscrew it - a new one will appear in the spring.

After winter, the bulbs can be put away not only in a bag, but also dropped into a bucket of sand, which needs to be moistened periodically. It should also be stored in a cool place. But in this case, by the time of transplantation into open ground, a good sprout will definitely appear, and the lily will bloom a little faster.

Choosing a landing site

The place where lilies are transplanted should be sunny, calm (or protected from the wind). These plants can take root well in partial shade, but in this case they will not bloom magnificently and abundantly.

Important! If the area is small, you can transplant the flowers to the same area where they grew. But in this case, you need to update the soil to a more nutritious one.

Preparing planting holes in a flower bed

First of all, you need to prepare the soil, which should include peat and sand, and add fertilizer (superphosphate and potassium sulfate). Excessively acidic soil should be neutralized with limestone or dolomite flour. After preparing the soil, it is necessary to make holes, the depth of which will be three times the length of the bulb.

Important! Tall varieties of lilies should be planted a little deeper, and low-growing ones so that the sprout pecks a little through the top layer of soil.

Mulching and fertilizing bulbs

Mulching is used to retain moisture. This procedure has a positive effect on most plants, including lilies. For Oriental and Asian hybrids, it is better to use materials that make the soil more acidic. For example, only peat or sawdust. American and tubular varieties do not like acidic soils, so humus with the addition of ash is used for mulch. Ash is also used to feed lilies, adding 100 g per 10 liters of water. Such fertilizing can be carried out repeatedly.

The first time the lilies are fed is still in the last layer of snow, when the shoots have not yet appeared. It is carried out with any fertilizer for lilies. The same fertilizing is carried out during the budding period. After flowering, feed with a mixture of potassium and superphosphate.

Important! It is not recommended to use manure as fertilizer. It can cause the development of infectious and fungal diseases of the root system.

Features of various regions of Russia

The main criterion that serves as a guide for gardeners when deciding when to replant lilies is a period of at least a month after the last flowers have fallen from the bush.

In 30-40 days, the bulb will accumulate the necessary reserves, which will give it the strength to survive the winter and begin a new life cycle. Therefore, gardeners who do not have experience should monitor when the lilies fade and only then dig them up for subsequent replanting.

When making a decision, you should not be guided by the opinion of neighbors who believe that they know better when to replant lilies. You should only rely on your own opinion.

This period occurs at different times depending on the region:

  • The earliest time flower transplantation was carried out was in the Siberian region, when September had just come into its own. Even better - in the last days of August. But, of course, everything depends on weather conditions, because Siberia is famous for low air temperatures - the main thing is that there is 1-1.5 months left before the expected weather change towards sub-zero temperatures.
  • Transplantation in the Urals begins in September. The southern regions are 1-2 weeks later.
  • If warm weather is promised in the fall, in the Moscow region the procedure begins in the last ten days of September.
  • In the southern part of the country, work is carried out in October, since the warm weather persists there longer than in any Russian region.

Gardeners who rely on the lunar calendar choose a spring or autumn day on the waning moon.

It is recommended to carry out planting activities in the fall, but if this is not possible, you can choose spring days

About transplanting lilies in open ground

For normal flower development, it is required to be replanted every 3-4 years. The frequency is determined depending on what variety grows on the site.

  • American hybrids can be replanted only once every 10 years.
  • Asian and Tubular hybrids are characterized by strong bulb growth, so it is recommended to move them to a new location every year (the maximum allowable break for Asian hybrids is 3 years).


Some novice gardeners do not understand the feasibility of this event. They point out that “relocating” a flower to another area is stressful for it, which can subsequently lead to a decrease in the protective functions of the plant. In addition, there is a possibility that the lily will not take root in its new conditions. Of course, all these points are very important, but a transplant is still necessary.

Firstly, plants need nutrients to grow, which they absorb from the soil through the root system. Each type of flower has its own set of useful elements.

Important! If the same crop is grown in one place for several years, the land will be completely depleted.

On the one hand, this problem can be solved by feeding. On the other hand, not all summer residents and flower growers use this technique, since it requires solving many difficult problems. For example, accurately determining the optimal dosage of fertilizers (which will not be so easy for an inexperienced gardener to do). Thus, as a result of disruption of the eco-balance of the soil, the flowering of lilies gradually declines, their beauty fades and fades.

Secondly, the crop does not tolerate heavy watering and oversaturation of the soil with moisture. At the same time, bringing the watering process to perfection seems to be quite a difficult task. Many gardeners rarely visit their plots, so they begin to abuse watering, trying to make up for lost time, as well as make a reserve for the future.

In addition, gardening communities often experience interruptions in the water supply, which disrupts the regularity of watering the site. Added to all this are precipitation, groundwater, lack or improper installation of drainage, and melting snow. In this regard, the integrity of the root system of flowers is violated. Thus, the second task performed by transplanting lilies is to control the condition of the bulbs.

On a note! Inspection of the roots is also necessary in order to prevent “parasitism” of the “children” in relation to the “parent”.

Thirdly, if the roots of the flower are rotten, there is a possibility that the disease will spread to other lily bushes (considering that the planting and growth of these plants is quite dense). Periodic inspection of the bulbs and replanting of lilies will help avoid unnecessary problems and allow the flower to develop normally.

Many varieties of lilies are characterized by the formation of “children”. This process is quite natural, but if they are not removed, the bulbs will begin to take most of the nutrients from the soil, leaving nothing for the “parent” lily. As a result, the growth rate of the crop will decrease and flowering will deteriorate. As a result, the bush will turn into a collection of green stems, only slightly indicated by the faint bloom of small buds.

Fourthly, few varieties of lilies are able to withstand harsh Russian winters in open ground. A transplant in this case is not a whim, but a necessity. Before the onset of cold weather, flowers are dug up for storage in a suitable environment for them, and in the spring the crop is re-rooted on the site.

Fifthly, an overdeveloped root system begins to pull the bulb deeper into the soil. The intensity of the subsidence can reach from 5 to 15 cm every 2-3 years (the exact figures also depend on the density of the earth). As a result, every year it becomes more and more difficult for sprouts to break through to the surface, many of them remain under a layer of soil.

Transplanting lilies

Practical recommendations

The most important thing is to choose the right place before transplanting lilies. To avoid making mistakes, the following recommendations should be considered:

  • The chosen location must be well ventilated, which means that the area located near the walls of a country house or along an external fence is absolutely not suitable.
  • The area where planting is planned should be well illuminated by sunlight (at least 4-5 hours a day).
  • You should also know how to plant lilies, because proper placement also affects subsequent flowering. So, large specimens need to be planted every 20-25 cm, and short ones - every 10-15 cm.
  • The depth of the holes should be at least 15 cm.

The next year after transplantation, lilies may not bloom brightly. This does not mean that a mistake was made in the process of moving from one place to another - the plant simply needs to gain strength and grow.

During active flowering, the plant should be touched only as a last resort.

Agrotechnical rules for caring for lilies after transplantation

When to replant the hosta

After transplantation, lilies need proper care. It depends on the season in which this process occurred. Autumn lilies need to be watered, gradually reducing this procedure, fed and insulated for the winter. Agrofibre laid over a layer of dry leaves is suitable for this.

Sheltering lilies for the winter

For those flowers that are transplanted in the spring, fertilizing, regular watering, mulching and planting in the right place are necessary.

When is the best time to transplant lilies, everyone decides for themselves. Different methods of transplanting and caring for bulbs will help flower growers make the right choice. Beautiful flowers, which are the decoration of any garden, have made almost all gardeners fall in love with them. Caring for them is not difficult, transplantation also does not cause any special problems. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid, you need to try and enjoy the result.

Beginner mistakes

Novice gardeners who are planting flowers for the first time can make a number of mistakes. To prevent them, you should remember a number of rules:

  • If you want to preserve the decorative appearance of the site, you cannot cut off the shoots of fading crops.
  • Before you begin transplanting, you need to inspect the bulbs. You need to get rid of suspicious scales and dust them with ash. Dried bulbs will become strong again if they are soaked for 3-4 hours in a special solution that contains epin, zircon or HB-101.
  • After flowering has stopped, lilies should not be touched for 1-1.5 months, otherwise they will not survive the winter.
  • It is strictly forbidden to leave specimens that have suffered from rot in order to preserve and plant more material.
  • After replanting, you should not provide exhausting care for the plant - it is enough to mulch the soil after the bulbs are moved into it, as well as regular watering.

Transplant procedure

After the plant goes into a dormant period (the leaves have withered, the peduncle has withered), you can begin replanting the lily.

Preparing the bulb

The algorithm of actions is as follows:

  1. Dig up the bulbs (or the entire nest). It is safer to do this with a pitchfork, sticking it at a distance of 15-20 cm from the peduncle. It is better to remove more soil than to damage the bulbs.
  2. Clear away the soil.
  3. Rinse in cool water to make it easier to separate the bulbs from each other.
  4. Disassemble the nest into individual bulbs, carefully separating the roots.
  5. Unscrew the stem from each bulb in a circular motion. If the bulb is fully ripe, then this operation takes place without effort. If the peduncle does not unscrew, you need to put the bulb to ripen for 7-10 days.
  6. Remove all dead, damaged and dried scales.
  7. Separate the kids. They need to be planted in a separate area.
  8. Trim broken or too long roots.
  9. Immerse the onion in a disinfectant solution for 20-30 minutes.

Preparing the planting hole

For normal growth of lilies, it is important to plant them at the required depth.

Take note! Depth rule: 3 bulb heights. For “heavy” soils, it can be planted to a depth of 2.0 – 2.5 times the height. Plants with abundant flowering can be planted at 4 times the depth.

The hole in the prepared and fertilized soil is prepared 15 cm deeper than necessary based on the height of the bulb.


  1. Drainage (8-10 cm) is placed at the bottom of the hole: expanded clay, broken brick, pebbles.
  2. The next layer is garden or meadow soil to completely cover the drainage.
  3. Then river sand is poured in a slide. The bulbs are planted on the top of this mound, straightening its roots.
  4. The top is covered with fertile soil.
  5. Water generously with water, preferably 2 times. The second time - after the first portion of moisture has been completely absorbed. After such watering, the voids in the ground are guaranteed to disappear, and there is no need to trample the soil, risking damage to the bulbs.
  6. Spread a layer of dry garden soil on top of the wet soil. This is necessary to prevent the appearance of a crust after the soil dries out and to prevent weathering of the fertile soil.

For heavy clay soils with a close approach to groundwater, another planting method is used. It protects the bulbs from rot. This is especially true when growing expensive varietal lilies.

A bulb wrapped in sphagnum moss is planted on a sandy mound inside the planting hole. Thanks to the bactericidal properties of this moss, the onion will be protected from any fungal infections. In addition, moisture-absorbing moss will absorb excess moisture.

What to do if there are still sprouts on the bulb

Sometimes there are still sprouts on the bulbs. It probably has a broken dormant period - for example, it was stored at a low temperature for a long time. This material is suitable for autumn planting. But as soon as the cold weather sets in, the sprout will die. Therefore, there is no need to wait for flowering. It will come only next season. Although sometimes there are exceptions: if you plant a lily closer to August, it can delight you with its flowering in the fall.

If the sprout has been removed, it is better to plant it a little earlier than usual. The bulb will take more time to take root and adapt to the new location. For convenience, by the way, such material can be placed at home in a pot. There the plants will bloom, and in the spring they can be transplanted into the garden bed.

Possible mistakes when planting lilies in autumn.

Some gardeners make mistakes when planting lilies.

  1. Seedlings are planted too early. The bulbs sprout sprouts, which go away in the cold and carry the risk of death to the plant.
  2. Lilies are planted too late. The bulbs do not have time to establish themselves in a new place and die from frost.
  3. Plant the bulbs at a shallower depth. The sprouts that appear take down aerial roots. Tall stems cannot stand it and fall or need to be tied up.
  4. Fertilize the soil for planting lilies with fresh manure. Manure rots and causes bulbs to rot.
  5. Lilies are planted in wetlands. The bulbs also cannot withstand large amounts of moisture and begin to rot.

How to properly transplant lilies to a new place in the fall

Selecting a location

The lily bed should be located on the bright side of the garden. The soil must be drained and enriched with sand. Drafts and winds are contraindicated for lilies, but air movement in the place where they are grown must be present.

Also focus on the color of the inflorescences. Dark lilies do not like bright days; it is better to give them a place in partial shade. The sun's rays cause dark shades to fade. On the contrary, bright ones do not like shade, so feel free to plant them in a sunny area of ​​the flowerbed.

Transplanting lilies in autumn, video:

It is not recommended to plant lilies after other bulbous plants, since few useful substances remain in the soil after them.

You should not plant lilies under a tree or other tall plants; you are unlikely to see flowers there. But with other flowering crops of low and medium height, a lily can grow very well. Plant asters, carnations, geraniums, roses, zinnias, fuchsias, dahlias, and bluebells in the neighborhood.

Replanting a lily, video:

Recommendations for choosing a bulb for planting

Of course, the success of planting depends on the choice of quality material. This nuance is of great importance. Please note the following:

  1. The optimal size of the bulb is about 4 centimeters.
  2. The bulb should be firm to the touch. It is not recommended to take one that is too soft and flaccid for planting. Also, it should not have any stains or signs of mold. However, if there are few of the former, you can still use such material.
  3. It is very important to inspect the bottom of the bulb. It should be whole, the roots should not be rotten.
  4. It is undesirable for the bulb to have sprouts.
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