Home flower bed: cyclamen has faded, what to do next?

What kind of plant is this?

ATTENTION : The cyclamen plant belongs to the genus of herbaceous perennials of the Myrsinaceae family, but some scientists believe that it originated from the Primrose family. The plant's name comes from a Latin root meaning "round", like the shape of cyclamen tubers.

Cyclamen is not only a beautiful plant, but also medicinal, because diluted cyclamen juice helps treat sinusitis, but you should be very careful not to burn the mucous membrane (about the medicinal and beneficial properties of cyclamen, chemical composition, as well as contraindications to its use, read here).

Many lovers of growing flowers doubt whether to grow this unique flower, because there is an opinion that it is very whimsical. Don’t believe it, this is all not true, the beautiful cyclamen is unpretentious, loves coolness and partial shade . It, like every plant, has certain requirements; if you fulfill them, it will delight you for many years.

Before getting to know cyclamen better, it is advisable to read information about it in order to know in advance about its properties and needs, so as not to harm the flower in the future and prevent it from dying.

When and how long does flowering occur?

When does an indoor flower bloom and how often? If you properly care for cyclamen, it will bloom for a long time and continuously . The flowering period is from autumn to spring; during the entire flowering period, one plant has about 60-70 flowers.

Cyclamen flowers have a wide range of colors, from snow-white to all shades of pink, purple, and burgundy. The leaves of the flower are beautifully heart-shaped and collected in a basal rosette.

It can bloom all year round without going on vacation, or it can please you for just a few months. It blooms abundantly from November to March , later it goes on vacation to gain strength for new flowering.

This plant needs to be properly cared for so that it blooms as long as possible, because proper care is what promotes the flowering of the plant.


The peculiarity and advantage of cyclamen is its long flowering, which is also very spectacular. During the flowering period, it has a very delicate aroma.

At home, the flower feels quite comfortable; if it is in the right place and is properly cared for , it will thank you with its flowering for quite a long time. In fact, the plant is unpretentious, beautiful, medicinal, which needs to be treated correctly.

IMPORTANT : Cyclamen flowers can be smooth and delicate, or they can be velvety, small and very large, it all depends on the variety of cyclamen, and there are a considerable number of them.


Exquisite cyclamen blooms when nature sleeps and cold snow reigns outside. Autumn and winter are not the best time for most flowering plants, but not for him. As if graceful flowers of bright colors frozen in a rapid run, elegant leaves, perseverance, absence of whims - how can you pass by such perfection? The materials in our section will tell you how to create the best conditions for cyclamen in city apartments, how to give it a relaxing holiday in the summer so that it will delight you with rich flowering in the winter, what varieties and hybrids there are that do not require a dormant period.


How to care?

In order for the plant to bloom and please the eye, you need to know how to properly care for it. First of all, the flower must be protected from drafts . If you decide to place it on the windowsill, then it is advisable that the window there does not open. But surprisingly, it grows remarkably well in a cool room, where it is only 10-12 degrees.

Cyclamen needs light, but direct sunlight is harmful to it.

We talked in detail about the secrets of caring for cyclamen at home in this article.


Don’t forget that flowers also have pests. Cyclamen is not often attacked by pests and parasites, but the plant can be affected by the cyclamen mite. Signs of damage will be crooked peduncles, curved buds, and curled leaves. In order to prevent the appearance of this pest, the plant should be sprayed with a special pest control drug once a month.


You need to water the plant in a tray ; you cannot water the plant from above, otherwise the tubers may begin to rot. It is necessary to distribute the moisture evenly so that there is no overflow or, conversely, the earthen ball does not dry out.

Cyclamen should be fed constantly, except during the rest period. Feeding should begin a couple of weeks after purchasing the plant. If you grew cyclamen yourself, you should start fertilizing a week after the sprouts appear.

Before fertilizing, you should make sure that the earthen ball is thoroughly saturated with water. Complex mineral fertilizers are well suited for feeding.


Proper replanting also affects flowering . Cyclamen must be replanted very carefully so as not to damage the roots. The plant needs to be transplanted into a low but wide container.

TIP : Until the roots have completely taken root, you should not water very often, and then gradually increase the moisture.

It is very important to create aeration of the cyclamen root system. It is advisable to use a breathable substrate made of coarse-fiber peat. For optimal soil composition, you need equal parts of sand, humus and peat, as well as three parts of leaf soil. To play it safe, soil for cyclamen can be purchased at a special flower shop.

Transplantation should be done in the summer, until the plant blooms . To ensure the transplant goes smoothly, follow these rules:

  • before planting, you first need to pour a layer of expanded clay onto the bottom of the pot, then add the prepared soil, place the plant on it and sprinkle the sides with the earthen mixture;
  • after transplantation, the upper third of the plant tuber should remain above the ground;
  • after transplantation, the plant should be watered after 10-12 days;
  • after the transplant has been made, in early September, when young leaves begin to form, the flower must be moved to a cool but sunny place.

Watch a video about the correct transplantation of cyclomen:


The plant is recommended to be planted in August-September. Plant seeds or cuttings at a distance of 2-3 cm from each other. Make the furrow 1 cm deep.

It is better to prepare the substrate for planting yourself from the following ingredients:

  • Leaf soil.
  • Peat.
  • Coarse sand.
  • Humus.

Soil brought from a garden plot requires disinfection. It is placed in the oven or doused with boiling water. Holes are made at the bottom of the planting box to allow excess moisture to escape.

Before planting, a 2-3 cm drainage layer of expanded clay is placed on the bottom of the container.


With age, the plant grows and the flowers become smaller. To ensure that the plant does not lose the size of its flowers, it should be propagated.

Under indoor conditions, cultivation of cyclamen can last up to 7 years . After this period, the cyclamen is no longer suitable for propagation, so you need to buy a new one. The onion can not be thrown away, but used for medicinal purposes against sinusitis.

Propagating cyclamen is a troublesome business. For industrial purposes, it is propagated using seeds. You can do this yourself by dividing the tuber. But since this is a very difficult task, the easiest way is daughter propagation by a tuber. To do this, you just need to separate the young tuber from the mother one and plant it in a separate container.

All other methods of propagating cyclamen, in particular through seeds, are not effective.

Maintenance during the rest period

Cyclamen has faded, what should I do next and how to care for it after flowering? After flowering (late spring), cyclamen begins a dormant period . There are several options for keeping the plant at this time.

ATTENTION : As soon as the leaves begin to turn yellow, reduce watering, preventing the earthen coma from drying out. The pot with the tuber is placed in a cool, shaded place.

Another option for home care to preserve the tubers: after flowering, watering is reduced, and when all the leaves fall off, the pot with the plant is laid on its side. The roots do not die and, in order not to dry out the soil, cyclamen is sometimes watered.

After cyclamen has gone to rest, its bulb cannot be stored in the refrigerator . Otherwise, after the end of the rest, he may not wake up. In order for cyclamen to come out of its “vacation” again, you just need to put it in a dark place, such as a balcony, basement, or simply put it under the bathroom.

During dormancy, it is recommended to water the plant no more than once every 2 weeks. Watering should be done with warm water containing phytohormones, and avoid getting it on the flowers, leaves and bulbs.

Watch a video about caring for cyclamens during the dormant period:


Cyclamen is constantly growing. Every year, young leaves appear, and old ones die off. As a result, dry tree-like trunks are formed, which noticeably spoil its appearance. This is where plant rejuvenation is required. Many owners are afraid of this process, but in fact it is simple:

  1. Grab the stem of the flower with all your strength.
  2. Unscrew the cyclamen at the base with a sharp movement so that the tuber remains intact.

The hardest part will be the care. Now water the cyclamen very little every day. Place the pot in a cool place with diffused light. After a month, a new shoot will appear on the tuber.


If your cyclamen leaves turn yellow, but its flowers remain strong and healthy, then you have dry and warm indoor air. You should ventilate the room as often as possible to ensure favorable flowering of your plant.

If your cyclamen begins to rot, the soil may be waterlogged . This is dangerous and the plant may die. Therefore, you need to monitor the plant and water it correctly so that it does not die due to your mistake.

If the plant begins to look sickly, it means your cyclamen has been infected by the cyclamen mite and you should start fighting it as soon as possible.

Try not to overwater the plant so that it does not start to rot; when watering, do not get it on the leaves and flowers; it is advisable to water the cyclamen through a tray.

The cause of disease in a plant may be improper care . If you violate the rules for caring for cyclamen, then it has a greater chance of becoming infected with cyclamen mites or other parasites. To avoid this, you should follow these rules:

  • do not place in too hot a place;
  • the plant was planted in a large pot;
  • the plant was watered not through a tray, but directly onto the tuber;
  • the plant has not been fed for a long time or the fertilizer contains a large amount of nitrogen.


The new pot for replanting should be larger than the previous one and have drainage holes. You can buy soil for replanting or prepare it yourself according to the following recipe:

  • ½ Humus and sand.
  • ½ turf or deciduous soil.

The transplant is performed in 6 stages:

  1. Cyclamen is removed from the container along with the soil.
  2. The root is shaken off and washed under cool water.
  3. Inspect for damage, rot and mold on the tuber. If there are damaged areas, they are cut off and the cut areas are sprinkled with crushed coal.
  4. The finished mixture is poured into the pot 1/3 full.
  5. Insert the plant and fill it to the edges of the pot.
  6. Water the soil and spray the leaves.

Transplantation is performed every 4-5 years. The best time is early March.

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