Fairytale violet SM-Dance of Galaxies (Morev)

Violet Irish Flirt (S. Sorano)

The author who registered an exquisitely delicate variety with a marvelously graceful silhouette of a chiseled rosette and foamy caps of snow-white terry corollas intricately tinted with delicate shades of a greenish palette is Sidney Sorano, an outstanding master of selection from the Sorano family clan.

IMPORTANT! The variety was bred in the family's Lyndon Lyon Greenhouse in Dolgeville (New York, USA), which has been successfully managed by his grandson Paul Sorano since 1982, after the retirement of the founder of the beautiful family business, Lyndon Waldo Lyon.

The Irish Flirt violet was introduced to flower growers in 1991 and invariably finds its admirers among violet growers around the world.

Photo and description of the variety

Naturally occupying one of the most important places in the lists of classic retro varieties, the lovely violet with a skillfully constructed compact rosette silhouette is quite often found in private collections, although due to the greenish color of the flowers, for some violet growers it is “an acquired taste.”

After the recorded entry of the violet into the season of a mature plant, subject to a small set of agrotechnical techniques, it necessarily takes on the image of a rationally strictly arranged bush with a neatly tiled arrangement of leaf plates with a symmetrical configuration of shapes and extremely voluminous outlines of the caps.

According to the author's description included in the world violet-growing registers, the contours of the violet must correspond to the size of a semi-miniature scale.

And the vast majority of flower growers who keep Saintpaulia note that the bushes of the variety almost completely comply with the required standards.

Only a few collectors noticed an increase in size in their specimens beyond the boundaries of the format expected for the variety, which can occur with increased nutrition of the plant or a large diameter of the flowerpot.

Varietal violet bushes form independently , although as they grow, in order to control the correct size of the semi-miniature silhouette, it is advisable for gardeners to pay attention to the size of the flowerpots in which the plants are planted.

ATTENTION! Instances can sometimes take the shape of a hemisphere due to the desire of the leaves to hug the flowerpot.

In Irish Flirt, the leaves with the usual medium-format size for a semi-miniature are distinguished by the textural smoothness of the glossy-shiny layer, the design of expanded oval “hearts” with a very noticeable highlight of the smoothly shaped end and a graphically weakly shaped pattern of barely noticeable venation, which attracts attention with a light venous pattern .

The edges of the wavy leaves bend slightly in any direction and are framed with neatly sculpted, rounded large teeth, accentuating the already lacy texture of the entire bush.

INTERESTING! The texture of the plates is juicy and extremely tender, which is especially dangerous when in contact with hot sunlight.

The color of the leaves of almost all varietal violet bushes is maintained in calm variations of the emerald green palette. The reverse side of the leaf plates has a lighter tone, with a whitish-silver coating.

In the established regime of regular flowering of the charming semi-miniature, a mostly progressive increase in the intensity of budding is noticeable, ultimately turning into the rapid formation of luxuriously foamy caps of many heavily double flowers with corrugated petals.

The varietal semi-miniature has an endlessly long budding, accompanied by a slow blooming of double flowers classified as “star”, as well as the airy lightness of the caps and the originality of artistic coloring.

The medium-sized corollas have strongly wavy petals, densely framed by a corrugated edge , which, together with the extraordinary countless number of buds, creates a feeling of foamy fullness of the flower caps and increases the feeling of their visual perception in the form of small roses.

The fundamental color scheme of the variety’s corollas is a snow-white tone, illuminated by shades of a green palette of varying color intensities , which largely depends on the surrounding microclimate.

NOTABLE! The main feature of varietal violets is considered to be the completely greenish color of the buds, which, after the corollas open, remains on the petals with emerald shades decorating their corrugated fringe.

Violet occasionally prefers to create sporty variations with pinkish petals at the center of the flowers.

From Saintpaulia a completely pink sport , which is recorded in the registers as the Sassy Sister variety. This sport is quite widespread in collections.

Violet Bride's bouquet: description of the variety and characteristics

Violet Bridal bouquet: photo

As we noted earlier, the violet variety Bride's Bouquet has a compact symmetrical rosette. The flowers are crystal snow-white, the buds reach 6 cm in diameter, so these violets are also classified as large. The cap of inflorescences is tightly located on the rosette, the foliage is dark green and quite large. The texture of the leaf plates is slightly quilted. Sometimes, over time, the bride’s bouquet begins to mutate, so the rosettes become not crystal white, but, for example, pinkish or bluish. However, this does not happen often. And these varieties have the same large and double flowers, and the white color gradually turns into blue or pink. The petals are just as wavy and delicate. Therefore, even a slight mutation will not harm the plant, the inflorescences will remain beautiful and tender.

Home care

Specimens of the varietal variety of violets in indoor gatherings demonstrate a very problem-free nature:

  • The most advantageous are those windows that are located on the southeast side - here the plants are most illuminated. The windows on the south side of the house are better illuminated in winter, but in summer severe overheating is noticeable there, which threatens the plants with burns.
    Therefore, it is recommended to slightly shade the windows during midday heat. Window sills in the eastern and western directions are considered semi-shaded; here the sun's rays are available to violets only in the first half of the day. Northern windows are the worst suited for placing violets, and then only if they are equipped with additional lighting;
  • watering should not be carried out too often while simultaneously monitoring the drying of the top layer of the substrate in the flowerpot;
  • additional nutrition with mineral fertilizers at a particular moment in time or not, showing their internal state with a decorative appearance.
    In the same way, you can find out the plant’s need for certain types of fertilizers. But this procedure of agrotechnical care cannot be abused;
  • An important role in all life processes of specimens of the variety is played by the optimal lighting regime with a well-chosen structure. For proper growth and healthy flowering, it is necessary to combine long-term illumination of the plant with a natural spectrum with exposure to LED lighting;
  • the possible temperature gradient is +20 + 24°C. It is important to prevent its extraordinary jumps and cold drafts;
  • timely provision of violets in the home collection with fresh substrate is a necessary condition for maintaining the health of the specimen - this will ensure aeration and water permeability of the soil. In addition, a good drainage system is needed;
  • For replanting, it is more correct to use “transshipment”, although it is suitable when working only with healthy violets.

Features of development and flowering

Violet growers, when growing white-green semi-miniature violets in their collections, find all aspects of its varietal characteristics, with the exception of small nuances, magnificent and worthy of all praise.

The irrefutable advantages of the violet variety at the beginning of development can only be compromised by a slight increase in the size of the semi-miniature bush due to the incorrectly selected volume of the flowerpot, which will be entirely the fault of the grower.

Many violet growers have this particular variation of Saintpaulia in their collections with an unusual green palette of flowers due to the proven characteristics of adult specimens.

Among the successful details of the author’s presentation of violets, the following should be highlighted:

  • elegant contours of a chiseled and independent semi-miniature rosette;
  • excellent health of plants on the windowsills;
  • unique color of white corollas with green reflections of varying intensity;
  • endless persistence in flowering with increasing flower size in adult violets;
  • luxuriously foamy hats;
  • persistence of the white color of the petals, which is usually a problem with violets with white flowers;
  • unpredictable number of newly formed buds.

Of the somewhat complicated traits of the variety, it is important to pay attention to:

  • some tendency to bend the leaves towards the flowerpot;
  • long process of opening buds;
  • negative reaction to lack of moisture;
  • fear of leaf blades sunburn;
  • deformation of the center of the sockets under excessively intense lighting.

Problem-free propagation of the violet variety is ensured by the multiple formation and decent adaptation of slightly slowly developing children.

CAREFULLY! The decorative appearance of violet flowers requires responsible decisions regarding the temperature regime: under cool conditions, the greenish-emerald color on the edges of the petals appears more intensely, significantly decreasing, but not completely disappearing in a hot microclimate.

The variety bears a significant mass of its buds on persistent, sometimes elongated peduncles, which maintain an upright position due to the small size of the corollas.

This variety of violet forms foam-rich caps from small corollas , but this requires several waves of flowering.

The corollas of varietal violets exhibit vitality for more than two months.

Features of flowering, growth and reproduction

A fully blossomed Saintpaulia looks like a round bouquet with a loose, loose structure, fully justifying its name . Violet growers unanimously recognize it as the best among white-flowered standards.

In addition to its unique beauty, the plant’s good adaptability , which is comfortable in the same conditions as its owners, is valued.

Development at home

With proper care, the SM-Bride's Bouquet variety develops quite well. It quickly increases the green mass, and after that pleases with long-lasting flowering. The main thing is to provide three main conditions for the good growth of Uzambara violet:

  1. Proper regular watering;
  2. Comfortable temperature;
  3. Sufficient lighting.

How long does it take to grow an adult plant?

After planting the cuttings in the ground, the emerging young plant begins to bloom within 8–10 months . Those who grow this variety for the first time are often surprised by the speed of development of the baby, and the first buds on the starter can appear as early as seven months after the start of growth.

The violet grows quickly and blooms within 8 months.

Reproduction methods and features

The variety reproduces well both by stepsons and cuttings . Varietal color is transmitted from the mother plant very often, so to obtain a specific varietal plant, it is enough to leave two or three children.

IMPORTANT! The variety is very adaptable, so getting a varietal plant is not difficult.

Flowering in hot and cool conditions

Morev violets, like many other varietal Saintpaulias, do not tolerate heat well .

This variety is no exception; at high air temperatures, tiny flower stalks dry out, or the violet stops blooming altogether, until the room temperature drops to 22 degrees.

At the peak of summer heat, double flowers SM-Bride's Bouquet:

  • They lose their terryness;
  • Blooms with simple flowers.

The size of the flowers also decreases. And with sudden temperature fluctuations, the leaves at the rosette may lose turgor.

What do flower stalks look like?

The peduncles of the variety are strong and hover above the foliage. Each of them often holds 4 – 5 huge flowers. It is these strong peduncles that give Saintpaulia such a luxurious airiness.

Is it possible to achieve cap flowering?

The variety readily blooms both on the shelf and on the windowsill . The flower produces an average of 5-7 peduncles, each of which blooms from three to five flowers measuring 4-6 cm. The dense cap keeps its freshness for 2-3 weeks.

The violet blooms magnificently and with large flowers.

IMPORTANT! Blooms in waves at intervals of several months.

Bud lifespan

The beautifully blooming snow-white flower opens quickly and lasts about two to three weeks . At the same time, the new buds are larger than the previous flowers.

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