Exotic varieties of orchids: Angrekum, Ascocenda, Bulbophyllum, Gulu

The popularity of exotic flowers is gaining momentum. Orchids attract the attention of not only experienced flower growers and breeders, but also beginners.

There are legends and myths about the birth of this amazing flower, which are passed from mouth to mouth and maintain the mystery of the plant. In the wild, orchids live in the most unusual places : in the tropics - on trees, in the mountains - on rocks and limestone, there are even underground species. Their unusual appearance, sometimes terrifying, inspired fear in ancient times.

Some species actually belong to predatory representatives. Now the most unusual shapes and colors of orchids are a decoration for any home flower collection.

The exotic nature of its growth and image gave rise to the myth about the capricious nature of an exotic flower . In fact, at home, an orchid requires minimal care, but with a strict regime .

Orchid roots are adapted to the most unfavorable conditions: drought, humidity, heat and coolness. In the tropics the climate is unpredictable.

We will tell you about the varieties of orchids: Angrekum, Ascocenda, Bulbophyllum, Gulu, which develop well at home and bloom all year round.


In the Orchid family there is the genus Angraecum, which has about 200 species. Madagascar and African forests and the islands of the Indian Ocean are considered their homeland.

Epiphytes found a warm, shady, windless place to live under the treetops.

Bulbs are not formed on angrecums ; the stem is erect, on which long leaves of a dark green color with a waxy coating grow in two directions.

Angrecum shoots a peduncle with 1-8 buds from the leaf axils.

Due to the shape of its flowers, angrecum is sometimes called “Star” or “Comet”. The petals are pointed and the sepals are widely spread to the sides. The lip is short and wide. The long spur resembles the tail of a comet.

itself is of medium size (3-10 cm in diameter) , in some species up to 20 cm in diameter. The color of the inflorescences is pastel colors : white, cream, greenish. Yellow and orange angrecums are extremely rare.

The flowering period of angrecums is not strictly fixed; it can bloom in the winter months . The aroma of the flower, which intensifies at night, is reminiscent of cinnamon .

Common types of angrecum in home keeping:

  • Magdalena;
  • One and a half feet.

Angrekum (photo of Magdalena species).

Angrekum one and a half feet.

Both species do not require a dormant period and can bloom throughout the year.

Advice! Experienced flower growers, after active flowering, remove the peduncle once a year and rest the plant for 10 days without watering or fertilizing.


Among orchids, there is a genus of epiphytes called Ascocenda. The origin of the genus is not natural, but artificial : by crossing several species of Ascocentrum and Vanda, about 1,500 interspecific hybrids were obtained.

Monopodial plant with one vertical stem on which vaginal, alternate, succulent leaves are formed. The leaves are similar to vandaceae: belt-shaped with a central vein and a forked tip.

The roots of Ascocenda are covered with velamen, a porous substance that retains the amount of moisture necessary for the flower, obtained from the surrounding atmosphere.

Ascocenda blooms all winter , from September to May. 12-25 flowers appear on the plant .

themselves are relatively large (5-8 cm in diameter) with a simple orchid shape, reminiscent of a pansy. Various colors:

  • purple;
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • orange.

Variety of Ascocenda.

The Ascocenda orchid develops well fixed in blocks, which are collected from:

  • a piece of pine bark;
  • coconut fiber;
  • fern roots;
  • sphagnum;
  • thin layer of moss.

The block is fixed vertically on the wall, imitating a tree trunk. Instead of a block, you can take a small thick driftwood and organize an “ epiphytic tree ”.

Important! The block with the ascocenda should be easily removed from the wall for watering.

Ascocenda can also be grown in a tall transparent container . With this method, the green part of the orchid must be fixed above the upper edge of the flowerpot.

Orchid guli khaqidagi 19 ta qizikarli malumotlar


Muzdan illom - qizikarli muz shakllanishinging 23 ta fotosurati
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In a small region in southwestern Australia you can find an orchid with flowers of an unusual shape.

Ballerina Orchid is a small terrestrial plant that grows in groups or in single bushes.

The color of the flower is cream with dark burgundy individual petals and sepals. The image of a blossoming flower resembles a ballerina in a tutu in a beautiful dance position.

In their homeland, clearings with Ballerinas are mercilessly destroyed by rabbits and kangaroos. The ballerina is currently on the verge of extinction. In its natural environment, the ballerina can live for many years, but blooms for only two weeks.

The stem of the orchid is tall, the curved branch-peduncle turns out to be graceful and lush.

A ballerina at home can do without a rest period and delight her owners with her color all year round.

Proper orchid care at home

The basic rule in keeping orchids is to create “tropical” conditions on the windowsill:

  • daylight should be at least ten hours a day ; additional light sources are installed in the winter;
  • direct sunlight should not fall on the leaf blades of the orchid; dispersion is organized by attaching thin paper or tulle to the glass;
  • summer air temperatures can reach up to 30 degrees, winter ones - up to 16. Differences of more than 6 degrees between day and night temperatures are detrimental to orchids ;
  • Watering is needed abundantly, but not frequently ; the best regime is once every three days. Water strictly on the root system; it is better to blot random drops of water from the leaves and leaf axils with a clean cloth or sponge;
  • The orchid substrate should easily allow air and water to pass through . To do this, it consists of large pieces of bark, moss, coarse sand, and pebbles. Stagnation of water is unacceptable for an orchid;

Composition of substrate for orchids.

  • The air on the windowsill needs fresh air, but the orchid does not create drafts . In a draft it will quickly die;
  • From April to September, the orchid actively grows and develops; it needs support in the form of additional special fertilizing . Fertilizers should be applied strictly according to instructions, little by little, but weekly;
  • stimulating an orchid to bloom involves organizing stress: reduce watering, increase air temperature, remove all flower stalks, eliminate fertilizing;
  • compliance with orchid maintenance regimes will avoid rotting, drying out and attacks by pests (aphids, thrips, whiteflies and others);
  • The choice of container depends on the variety that you purchased for home cultivation. Some varieties prefer a pot made from a piece of pine bark, some prefer a transparent tall vase. The bulk of orchids develop well in a regular pot with the right substrate and good drainage;
  • If necessary, replant an orchid using the transshipment method . At this moment, dead parts of roots and leaves are removed;

Important! Certain types of orchids do not tolerate transplantation and any manipulation, for example, Bulbophyllums. They are replanted once every 5 years, and not every 3 years, like the others.

  • Orchids are propagated by all known methods: seeds, dividing the bush, bulbs and pseudobulbs, young “babies”. The method depends on the specific variety of orchid .

Maintenance and care

The rules for keeping the Big Lip hybrid are similar to the basic requirements for caring for any phalaenopsis.

Conditions: lighting, temperature, humidity

An orchid feels most comfortable when its growing conditions are as close to natural as possible. In the house they should be as follows:

  • Illumination: partial shade, diffused daylight, protection from direct rays, additional lighting with special lamps.
  • Temperature: optimal - from +180 to +250C, minimum - +130C, maximum - up to +350C. The greatest permissible temperature difference during the day is 50C.
  • Air humidity: not less than 40%. To maintain it, trays with water are installed.

Care and replanting after purchasing an orchid

The purchased plant is quarantined for a week, separately from other indoor flowers. At this time, his condition is monitored.

Then the orchid can be transplanted into a larger pot and the soil can be replaced with fresh one.

Attention! If the plant has buds and flowers, then it can be replanted only after flowering has ended.

Watering and fertilizing

The preferred method of hydration is immersion for 20-30 minutes in clean water at room temperature. After water procedures, excess liquid is allowed to drain, then the pot is returned to its usual place.

In summer, the frequency of watering is once every 7 days, in winter - half as often. But flower growers advise focusing on the condition of the soil: it should dry out completely between waterings.

Important! It is necessary to ensure that water does not accumulate in the axils of the leaves; remove it with napkins or cotton swabs.

Stimulation of flowering

If flowers do not form on the phalaenopsis for a long time, you need to check how comfortable the conditions are for the flower, whether there is sufficient lighting, and whether there are pests. You can also take the following measures:

  • reduce watering by half;
  • reduce air temperature;
  • refuse feeding.

Stressful conditions often stimulate flowering.

Pruning rules

To determine whether to prune after flowering, you need to pay attention to the flower stalk. If it remains green and elastic, this indicates that new buds may appear. There is no need to delete it. Yellowing of the peduncle signals that it can be cut off.

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