Flamingo flower or anthurium: care at home, nuances of watering and light levels, plant replanting and propagation

Everyone's favorite hot summer season is coming very soon. It's time to prepare for it and arm yourself with ideas on summer nail designs. The trend will be rich shades and combined designs. As always, berry and fruit themes, small floral prints, abstraction and interesting thematic designs will remain relevant. This review will be dedicated to a manicure with a beautiful pink bird - a flamingo. Let's look at original manicure ideas with a summer print. Let's make a selection of photos with step-by-step instructions for performing a manicure with this design.

Manicure with pink flamingo

A classic artistic manicure is not so easy to perform. Here you need to have a little drawing skills and good brushes. As for the latter, experienced nail technicians rarely use standard brushes. Usually they are cut to suit themselves. Take a brush and rotate it around its axis, using nail clippers to cut off one hair at a time. Periodically, the brush needs to be tested to understand how much more thickness of pile needs to be removed. Once the brush is ready, you can start painting your nails. If you are a novice master, find on the Internet an example of a manicure with a flamingo design, or even better, step-by-step photos of the design. Next, decide on the background. If it is white, then you can start working right away. If the background is bright or dark, then it is better to make a white background in the place where the flamingo will be located. On white the colors will look more saturated. When starting painting, apply the required colors of gel polishes to the palette. A lighter or darker shade can be made by mixing the base color with white or black. When applying the drawing, do intermediate drying.

How to draw a flamingo on your nails: step-by-step instructions

Flamingo in full growth

Description of Anthurium Andre

Anthurium Andre is an epiphyte 0.5-0.8 m high (up to 1 m), having a shortened stem with numerous roots. The leaves are large and leathery. Peduncles are longer than leaf petioles. Color ranges from white to purplish-red.

Anthurium Andre variety White Champion

Anthurium Andre variety Princess Amalia Star, Princess Amalia Star

What is an anthurium flower?

The anthurium “flower” is an inflorescence-cob with a leaf-veil. The so-called flowers consist of one bright bract - the spathe - and a long inflorescence-cob. The spathe itself is leathery, heart-shaped, 10-20 cm long. The spadix is ​​up to 15 cm long, white or yellow.

Design with flamingos and green leaves

Last year, summer manicure was full of prints with tropical foliage. In 2020, the tropics will remain relevant, but in tandem with geometry or interesting designs. So why not combine luscious foliage with ferns and flamingos in one design. This will be a great manicure option for the summer. It is better to make foliage as a background. An option with palm leaves under a matte top and a glossy bright flamingo in the foreground will look great.

Anthurium propagation

Rooting apical cuttings in the sand in spring.

Pieces of the stem or side shoots with aerial roots can be easily separated from old specimens of anthurium; such shoots can be immediately planted in a pot. Until they are completely rooted, it is better to keep them in high humidity: under film or a glass jar.

Anthurium Andre variety Manaka, Manaka

Flamingos, tropics and juicy fruits

Another type of fashionable manicure 2022 with flamingos is a combination of bright fruits, greenery, tropical flowers and the image of the bird itself in one design. Additionally, the design can be decorated with droplets of top to give it even more juiciness. When creating a composition, select fruits based on the background color or match the pink feathers of the flamingo.


Anthuriums with purple flowers are most often found in cultivars.

Tulip (Tulip)

A compact variety with flowers of bright purple shades , a uniquely shaped veil and a tall inflorescence. As the plant grows, the color of the bract changes color and becomes pinkish with burgundy streaks.


It belongs to a miniature group of plants and is distinguished by a tulip-shaped blanket of rich pink-violet color. The flowers of this variety are small, elongated, hooked, with dark lilac ears. The stems of the plant are tall, with sparse large dark green heart-shaped leaf blades.

White manicure with flamingos in watercolor

Do you want to get not only a beautiful manicure, but also a fashionable one? Try combining several trends. Design on almond nails using watercolor technique using a trendy coral shade. To apply the design, use regular watercolor paints or special watercolors for nail design. If you don’t have either one or the other at hand, then try experimenting with the technique of shading gel polish with a top coat.

Features of growing anthurium at home

Anthurium Andre is demanding

  1. to the light,

  2. to the warmth

  3. to air humidity.

Anthurium Andre variety Baby Orange, Baby Orange

Where to put the pot with anthurium?

For the pot with anthurium, you need to choose a bright place: a south or west window will do. In winter, additional lighting is desirable! Especially if the pot with anthurium is in the room or on the north window.

In summer, it is VERY useful to take the flower pot outside, but place it in light shade. For example, on a terrace or veranda.

IMPORTANT! Anthurium forms a large spreading bush, so the flower pot should be placed so that it has minimal contact with other plants.

Anthurium Andre variety Pandora

Anthurium Andre temperature

To ensure abundant flowering, from January to March the temperature is +18… +15 °C, from spring from +20 to +22 °C.

In general, anthurium reacts very poorly to drafts and temperature drops below +18 °C.

In summer it is useful to keep Anthurium Andre in the garden

Humidification mode for Anthurium Andre

PLENTY OF WATERING in summer and moderate in winter, without drying out. For irrigation, use soft, settled water at room temperature.

In summer, spraying is advisable; in winter, it is useful to keep it near a humidifier.

The roots of many anthuriums, like orchids, have a spongy outer layer - velamen, which allows them to retain water.

Anthurium Andre Rotero, Rotero

Feeding Anthurium Andre

From March to September, Andre's anthurium is fed once every two weeks. It is better to use liquid diluted fertilizers.

Transplanting Anthurium Andre

All anthuriums are replanted every 2 years . A special soil for Aroids is suitable for replanting. The main pot should have drainage holes and be filled with drainage, at least a quarter of the height.

What to do after flowering with anthurium?

Faded inflorescences of Andre's anthurium (also for Scherzer's anthurium) are cut off immediately after flowering so that they do not set seeds and weaken the plant.

Full size image

In previous designs, flamingos were only partially depicted on nails. But you can decorate just one finger and try to draw this beautiful bird as a whole. As additional decor, you can use bouillons, crystals, kamifubuki and rhinestones. The easiest way to paint is on a white background. You will need the thinnest brush possible. The drawing will be brighter if you outline it. For lovers of nude and pastel designs, it is better to do without contours.

Popular and rare varieties

Most often you can find anthurium or male happiness in red and white on sale. These are the most adapted varieties that can tolerate lack of care. However, there are other bright colors that are more high maintenance, but they are less common.

Anthurium Scherzer

A distinctive feature of the variety is its spirally twisted cob. The color can be different - red, orange, spotted.


Large variety, can reach a meter in height. The color of the peduncle cover is dark burgundy with long ears.


The Cavalli and Fiorino varieties are similar in the color of the cover - pink or purple, and the same color of the cobs.


Valued for its bright leaves, it is called an ornamental foliage plant. The plates are large, with silvery veins that stand out against the green background. The flower does not attract attention because it does not have a beautiful cover - only a long stamen.


An epiphytic plant with huge veiny leaves reaching 2 meters. The flowers have a light green, inconspicuous cover, so they do not attract attention.

Anthurium majestic

The leaves are large, heart-shaped, blue-green in color with brightly visible veins. Flowering is almost invisible.


Baker's Anthurium has long leaves, but the peduncle has virtually no spathe. After pollination, berries are formed on it.

Black Prince

The most unusual variety, which includes three subspecies. One of them is the Black Prince. Over time, the bedspread becomes dark burgundy, almost black. The cob is usually green or yellow.

Princess Alexia

The bract is yellow in color, almost triangular in shape, which differs from all the varieties described above. The variety is very difficult to care for, so it is not suitable for beginners.


The leaves of this species are not at all similar to most representatives of anthuriums. They look more like miniature palm trees.

Minimalist design

If you are still a beginner, then try yourself in creating simple drawings in the minimalist style. You can get ideas anywhere: a print on a dress, a notebook cover, a phone case, etc. When creating such designs, use no more than three colors as a basis. Otherwise, minimalism may not work.

Flamingo in the living room

The living room will look elegant if you place a half-meter or meter flamingo figurine in the corner. This will be a bright accent and a conversation piece for guests.

In the living room they often also put furniture with images of these birds: either a chest of drawers, or one (maximum two, so as not to overdo it) seats. Such seats can be chairs or armchairs: a print with a bird is usually made either on the back or across the entire surface of the object.

When it's time for tea, you can serve it in dishes with images of flamingos. Cups and teapots are made in their shape, and their proud and mysterious posture is depicted on plates.

The surest option to try the image of a flamingo in your home is to hang a poster with its image. If you don’t like it or get tired of it, you can always remove it. The living room is a good place to check out such a poster.

Black flamingo

Another simple design that a beginner can do is the flamingo silhouette. As a rule, it is made in black. Black manicure with flamingos can complement seascapes, sunsets and palm trees. Texture backgrounds are also trendy. For example, in the form of multi-colored spots, stripes and stains, foil prints, chaotic dots. The photo below shows a complex design; in reality, it can be made somewhat simpler.

Appearance Anthurium Flamingo

Anthurium is a flower of amazing beauty. As already noted, it has many varieties, many of which differ in appearance:

  1. Andre is the most popular of the species. Reaches a height of 80 cm. Its buds are bright red. The shoot is not very long, the covering leaf is pink and white, and the tail coming out of it is white or cream. Anthurium Andre blooms from one to one and a half months.
  2. Scherzer - differs from the previous species, it is less tall, about 50 cm. The shade of its leaves is green, they are wide and velvety. The blanket is green, about 10 cm long and 2 cm wide. The fruits of this plant are scarlet berries.
  3. Flamingo Brown is an artificially bred bud. Plant height 50 cm. Leaves are green. Brown in English means brown, and accordingly its bracts are of this color. The ear of a young plant is yellow, but later turns green.
  4. Crystal - this variety is grown because of its beautiful leaves with a velvet surface. The trunk is 25 cm long, 2-2.5 cm thick, green in color.
  5. Climbing - this variety is grown on a support, as it has a long stem. The color of the leaves of the plant is green.

At their core, all types of Anthurium have a rich and uniquely beautiful appearance. Their unusual buds and bright leaves will not leave any home plant lover indifferent. However, it should be remembered that any plant requires proper care and then it will delight the owner for as long as possible.

Stamping manicure with flamingos

We smoothly approached express options for nail design without painting. To create a fashionable print in the pop art style, consisting of flamingo silhouettes, just use stamping. The photo below shows a simpler version of this design. To make something more stylish, try using trendy neon shades, and it is better to choose contrasting ones. It will be much more effective.

Flamingo in the nursery

This motley animal just begs to be in a child’s room. In addition to the obvious wallpaper, bed linen and pillows for a nursery in the flamingo style, you can add children's variety in the form of, for example, a wall clock with pink feathers, a teepee with this print, a toy pillow or a toy bag.

Of course, you can also set up a children’s table in the shape of a red flamingo or a lamp that you can admire before bed.

A poster with a feathered friend will also remind your child of warm summer.

Manicure with flamingo stickers

When you don't have time to draw, you can resort to stickers. For a more interesting color design, it is better to choose stickers with a transparent base. There are water-based and self-adhesive ones. When working with the former, you need to thoroughly remove moisture from the surface before applying the top. When working with the latter, you need to make sure that there are no air bubbles left under the sticker. It is best to smooth out such stickers with a silicone brush. As a rule, they have a fairly dense base that should not tear under the pressure of the brush.

One of the most fashionable prints of 2022 is a combination of simple patterns and geometry. Such designs are most often done on short nails, when space for creativity is limited.

The most sophisticated and simplest option for decorating nails using stickers can be done on a white background. Now they sell stickers on a transparent background that look like watercolor painting. Try using them. For effect, add a few large drops of top coat to the surface of your nails. Translucent kamifubuki are also suitable for decoration.


Anthuriums with snow-white flowers, which create a special solemnity, are represented by these varieties.

Acropolis (Acropolis)

A flower with a distinctive feature of oval pointed leaves , large white bracts and a light yellow or pale peach spadix, at the top of which the color becomes brighter and more saturated.

White Champion

A compact plant up to 50 cm high. Its leaf blades are large, glossy, and have a rich dark green color.

The inflorescences have a intricately twisted, elongated, white spathe and a light lemon-colored spadix, which turns green as it matures. Over time, the bract also begins to turn green.

Marasol (Marasol)

A variety with a soft creamy cover, the shade of which sometimes acquires a yellowish tint. The color of the cob varies from light yellow to greenish with a dark tip. The foliage is emerald green with a satin sheen .

Delicate nude design with flamingos

Continuing the theme of stickers, we can’t help but mention the fashionable nude designs with camouflage. Translucent pink-beige bases allow you to create a light and natural manicure that can be complemented with absolutely any design. Stickers on transparent film will also look great. The advantage of this manicure is that it can be worn a little longer due to the fact that when it grows out, the transition from the natural nail to the coating is not very noticeable.

The birthplace of the flower and myths about its power

Araceae grow in tropical forests. There they live as epiphytes, that is, they feed on the host plant. Accordingly, they are never flooded with rain - the roots are suspended and absorb moisture from the surface cells of the rhizomes. At home, care for anthurium must be organized so that the conditions are similar.

It is known where the flower spread from: these are the forests of South and Central America. It is always humid and light there, so at home you will have to maintain lighting at least 12 hours daily, as well as humidity, all year round. If such conditions suit you, you can buy a flower for male happiness.

In India, there is a belief that the gods turned a girl into an anthurium who did not want to marry the leader and threw herself into the fire. Taking pity on the unfortunate woman, higher powers turned her into a beautiful plant.

In Central American countries, unmarried ladies keep the flower in their homes to attract masculine energy into the home. In other regions, it is believed that you cannot buy a plant yourself - you can only receive it as a gift. Then he will bring money and good luck to the house. People believe that anthurium has its greatest power during the flowering period.

Manicure with flamingo pattern in graffiti style

A stylish, fashionable and youthful design can be achieved by combining elements from various themes in one design. The photo below shows a seemingly classic flamingo, but with glasses and a tape recorder. The design is supplemented with palm leaves and inscribed in a triangle. The design is quite complex, but it looks very stylish. It resembles graffiti. Similar ideas can be found on the Internet.


The most common varieties of anthurium with flowers in red shades.

Andreanum Mixed (Andre Mix)

One of the most popular and unpretentious representatives of the species is a tall, short-trunked plant with a bright yellow inflorescence.

The size of its fiery red cover, with a leathery texture in the shape of a heart, bent down, is about 18-20 cm. In some cases, a dotted pattern may appear on it. The foliage is glossy, intense green, spiky.

Anthurium Scherzerianum (Scherzer's)

A low-growing plant with leathery, ellipsoidal matte leaves, on which the relief pattern of the central veins is clearly visible. The bract is bright red with an orange base and has a dense texture. The main difference of the flower is a curved, spirally twisted spadix of a yellowish or orange hue, up to 8 cm long.

Based on these types of anthurium, a huge number of hybrid varieties and garden forms have been bred.

The Legend of Anthurium

The exotic anthurium plant, with brightly colored covers of flowers, symbolizes masculinity. It is also called the flower of love or the flamingo flower, probably for the elegance of its forms and the inherent nobility of the bird.

Anthurium is rarely found in homes - it is not easy to grow indoors. Due to the fact that the plant is very capricious, only professional, experienced gardeners can afford this. It takes a lot of effort to grow it, but it's worth it.

This genus has about 900 species, but most of them are intended for cultivation only in heated greenhouses or florariums.

Only a few species are suitable as potted indoor plants: the small-sized Scherzer anthurium, which is most suitable for indoor conditions, and the Andre anthurium, which is much larger in size.

Anthurium Scherzer

The name of the genus comes from two Latin words: “oura” - tail and “anthos” - flower, which translates as flower tail. In some plants, the shape of the inflorescence actually looks like a tail.

The origin of the plant itself is told in the Indian legend about flowers. Everything happened at a time when people existed in tribes and were ruled by a heartless, selfish leader. He wanted to marry a young fifteen-year-old beauty living in a neighboring tribe.

But she did not like the cruel ruler, and she refused to become his wife. The enraged leader, stunned by such disobedience, attacked the village where the beauty lived and forcibly brought her to him. This tribe had a tradition of lighting a celebratory fire on their wedding day.

The young girl was saddened by the separation from her family. She chose death over a rich life with a cruel leader and threw herself into the fire in her red wedding dress.

But the gods took pity on the young beauty and did not let her burn in the fire. Instead, they turned the girl into a red anthurium flower, which was not inferior to her in grace. And the village, at the behest of the gods, became a dense impenetrable tropical forest, in which anthurium blooms every year, delighting everyone with its exquisite beauty.

How to care for anthurium at home

For the first time, these unusual tropical plants, brought from South America, were exhibited in 1862 in England at a flower exhibition. Then wild representatives of the araceae created a real sensation in the flower world, not to mention today’s hybrids and varieties, which with their colors resemble fairy-tale birds. Anthurium, a flamingo flower, truly deserves comparison with a noble bird.

Author: Irina Baltaga


Tatyana 04/29/2012 16:11 It’s a good legend, but it has nothing to do with growing anthurium.
Don’t believe that it is difficult to grow - it is very unpretentious and the main thing for it is your desire to have it at home, and the second is your respect for it as a noble and worthy plant! You don’t need to be a professional, you just need to imagine his habitat and create similar conditions for him. And believe my experience - it will delight you with its blooms all year round!!! Answer

Svetlana 06/27/2012 10:48 Tatyana! Thank you for your message!


Svetlana 12/20/2012 10:53 very beautiful and unusual flower! But who can tell me I bought a slightly defective one at the base - without leaves and for some reason the stems are turning brown, what is it? Is he dying and cannot be saved?


Irina 12/20/2012 15:17 Is it completely without leaves? And most likely there are no flowers. I would like to see in the photo what is left there. It was either frozen by accident (if you bought it in winter) or it was flooded. You will need to carefully remove it from the pot and inspect the roots to see if they are rotting. Remove diseased and thin (brown) ones. Healthy roots of Anthurium are light yellow, milky, and thick. Dry the roots for an hour or two and plant in new soil. Before planting, they can also be treated with a fungicide (foundazol, oxych). The soil for Anthurium should be light, loose, as for orchids (bark, peat, coal, sphagnum). Ordinary soil will not suit him. If the trunk between the roots and the top is too long, you can re-root it. That is, cut off and root (in a glass of water + root) the top with several aerial roots. If this is not done, then you will be left with an ugly bare trunk, which even if it grows with new leaves, there will be few of them.


Olga 04/23/2013 16:30 Hello! Help me please! The other day I was given this flower. It seems to me that there is something wrong with it... I have never bred anthuriums, I don’t know how to communicate with it) The leaves are hard, strong, but its general appearance confuses me... How to revive it and what is the best thing to do? Thank you!


Irina 04/24/2013 06:36 I quote Olga:

Hello! Help me please! The other day I was given this flower. It seems to me that there is something wrong with it... I have never bred anthuriums, I don’t know how to communicate with it) The leaves are hard, strong, but its general appearance confuses me... How to revive it and what is the best thing to do? Thank you!

Hello Olga.
Your anthurium is not in such a condition that it needs to be resuscitated. The only thing I noticed was dry tips and edges of the leaves in some places. This may be due to insufficient or excessive watering, or from dry air. Anthurium loves high humidity. To increase humidity, leaves (but not flowers) can be sprayed every day. But it is better to place the pot on a tray with pebbles or expanded clay and pour a little water there. The layer of pebbles should be 2-3 cm so that the water does not come into contact with the bottom of the pot. The water will evaporate and increase the humidity around the plant, so it will have to be added from time to time. The main thing is that the tray is wider than the diameter of the pot. Wipe off dust from leaves frequently. Anthurium does not like to be flooded. Between waterings, the top layer of soil should dry to a depth of approximately 2-3 cm. Watering can be plentiful, but rare. Its roots need to breathe, so be sure to loosen the top layer of soil between waterings. Avoid direct sunlight. The light should be bright, but diffused - through tulle or blinds. Check the soil composition. The substrate for anthuriums should be light, loose, breathable, consisting of large fractions (for looseness, pine bark, expanded clay, and sand are usually added). If you replant, do not change the size of the pot, it fits just right, even a little too big. You can try using an orchid substrate if it meets all the requirements. In order for the anthurium to recover faster, you can spray the leaves with Epin for a while. And when its condition returns to normal, start fertilizing with mineral fertilizers every 2-3 weeks. After transplantation, fertilize only after a month and a half! Good luck! Reply Anna 07/29/2015 19:30 hello, please tell me everything seems to be nothing, but my flower doesn’t want to bloom. I’ve had it for 2 years already.


Irina 07/31/2015 03:14 I quote Anna:

Hello, please tell me everything seems to be nothing, but my flower doesn’t want to bloom. I’ve had it for 2 years now.

Hello Anna.
Among the most famous mistakes that lead to the absence of inflorescences in anthurium are the following: 1. Lack of bright diffused light. Direct rays are detrimental to both the stems, leaves and flowers of the plant. But lack of light is not the best solution. During the period of impending flowering, you can add artificial lighting to support the anthurium. 2. High temperature during the winter. The formation of buds is stimulated, first of all, by the wintering period with a temperature of 15-16°C. A common mistake is to continue maintaining the air temperature at 20-22°C. 3. Problems with watering. Drying of the soil or, on the contrary, stagnation of water leads to withering of the anthurium. If the plant does not choose water during regular watering, then you should think about replanting. Most likely, the issue is the low drainage height in the flower pot or poor soil quality. Until the issue with the soil is resolved, it is unlikely that it will be possible to establish irrigation in the required mode. 4. Low humidity. Anthurium, due to its tropical origin, loves high humidity, so they do not like dry air. 5. Finding faded inflorescences on the plant. Anthurium inflorescences that have bloomed begin to form seeds, weakening the plant. To support further flowering, each inflorescence that begins to fade should be cut off with a sharp knife or garden shears. Indoor anthurium flower: not everyone knows how to care. This is a test for a true grower, but it can be passed with dignity with proper preparation. Reply Anna 08/01/2015 17:32 Thank you very much! For me, options 2 and 3 are suitable. I’ll replant first, then I’ll solve the problem with wintering. By the way, please tell me what the drainage height of an adult plant should be. (horizon height 18, diameter 20 plant-30cm)


Irina 08/02/2015 01:09 I quote Anna:

Thanks a lot! For me, options 2 and 3 are suitable. I’ll replant first, then I’ll solve the problem with wintering. By the way, please tell me what the drainage height of an adult plant should be. (horizon height 18, diameter 20 plant-30cm)

For adult plants, drainage is up to 1/4 of the height of the pot.
Reply Anna 08/02/2015 08:51 Thank you very much!!!


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Plant diseases

How does the appearance of anthurium depend on external living conditions:

  • During or after flowering, dark spots may appear at the ends of the leaves. This is a sign that the irrigation liquid contains calcium salts. During the flowering period, the amount of water is increased, and accordingly, the amount of lime in the tissues increases.
  • If the temperature during the dormant period drops below 15 degrees, this may cause black spots to appear on the leaves. Anthurium needs to be urgently moved to a warm place, otherwise it will wither by spring.
  • Yellowing of leaves occurs at any time of the year when there is a lack of moisture in the soil and it dries out.
  • The yellow color of the leaves may be due to the proliferation of orange aphids. You need to take a closer look and accurately determine the cause. If they are insects, use an insecticide spray.
  • Stagnation of water in the soil causes the formation of a gray coating on the leaves and shoots. This is a fungus and must be treated with a fungicide.
  • Mealyworm, which settles on the shoots, leads to their cracking. Karbofos is used against scale insects.
  • The scale leaves behind sticky spots. If there are not many pests, you can treat the plant with a solution of laundry soap.

Pests can enter a flower in the summer through an open window. There is a greater risk if there are trees nearby, so it is important to inspect all plants on the windowsill to prevent other species from becoming infected.

Important! If the disease of the “male happiness” flower has begun, then when caring at home, treatment is carried out after checking the roots for the presence of rot. If the root system needs resuscitation, it is cut off, treated with a fungicide, and dried. After this, it is advisable to change the soil

Transplanting plants and dividing a bush

In order for the “male happiness” flower to bloom, it is important how to care for it. The first priority will be the transplant. It is carried out regularly every year in the spring using the transshipment method.

You can determine that a flower has grown out of place and needs replanting by looking at the roots sticking out of the drainage holes at the bottom. This means that they have made their way through the drainage and soil layer, looking for ways to grow a root system.

The roots of the flamingo flower are fragile and can break from a careless touch. If during the transshipment process rotten or dry roots are found, they are removed and the cut areas are disinfected.

Transplant rules - what not to do:

  • Flowering specimens cannot be replanted: transshipment is usually carried out until the plant begins to grow. It has a peculiarity: until the roots grow through the entire volume of the pot, the above-ground part will not develop. The faster the roots fill the space, the greater the chance of buds setting.
  • You cannot water the plant immediately after transferring it to new soil. You need to give it time - 2 - 3 days - to master and adapt to the soil, as well as to heal cuts on the roots. This will help avoid rotting.
  • You cannot plant the plant in the soil below the level at which it grew in the previous pot. This can cause neck rot.

After 3–4 days, you can begin regular watering.

Step-by-step process on how to transplant an anthurium:

  • Prepare the soil and drainage. Moisten the flower ready for transplantation.
  • Pour 3 cm of expanded clay and a little substrate onto the bottom.
  • Carefully remove the flower, trying to injure the lower roots as little as possible. There is no need to shake off the soil, as the roots hold it tightly. If you still need to completely replace the soil, lower the earthen ball into a basin of warm water and wash it off the roots. After this, it is advisable to leave the roots for a couple of hours in a heteroauxin solution. This is a growth stimulator, after which it can be replanted.
  • Move it into a new container and add soil around the edges, tamping the soil around with your fingers.

During adaptation, aerial roots can be covered with damp moss to prevent them from drying out. If the plant is large and needs rejuvenation, the anthurium is propagated during the next transplant.

Potty requirements

Select a pot with a slightly larger diameter and depth than it was before. It is necessary that the roots be a little crowded, then they do not grow much and part of the energy goes to flowering.

If you buy a very large pot, the flower will begin to grow roots, all its strength will be spent on this process. Therefore, choose a size 3–4 cm wider and deeper than the previous one.

The bottom of the container should have large holes for drainage so that the water not only drains quickly, but quickly evaporates from below, creating moisture around the leaves.

It is recommended to place several more containers filled with liquid nearby to enhance evaporation. In summer, there is not enough humidifier and the flower tissues begin to dry out.

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