Garden liana - morning glory: overview of species and features of maintenance


Morning glory sweet potato can reproduce in two ways: vegetatively and by seeds.
The first option involves propagation by tubers and cuttings. In this case, the tubers must be dug up in the fall, even before the onset of frost.

Usually in the month of December, buds appear on them. Then the tuber needs to be transferred to a nutrient substrate - peat is usually mixed with river sand. However, regular flower soil will also work.

When the seedlings appear, you can use a sharp knife to divide the tubers into 2-4 parts and plant each one in a separate container for growing. As the weather warms up, the planting material moves into pots.

This method is only good if the plant has developed tubers. In this case, you can get up to 15-20 young plants from each bush. But the fact is that in most varieties the tubers develop very slowly, so it is not possible to obtain high-quality seed material in the first year.

Morning glory can be propagated by cuttings, which can be obtained from sprouted tubers. They are washed under running water so that all the milky juice comes out, dried in the open air for two hours and sent into water for rooting.

You can also get cuttings from purchased seedlings. In this case, the shoot is cut to a size of 10-15 cm, and several leaf nodes must be captured.

A characteristic feature of morning glory is the fairly rapid formation of the root system - you can get full roots already on the fifth day, so there is no need to use “Kornevin” and other drugs with a similar effect.

Morning glory can also be propagated by seeds. But this method is used quite rarely - they take a very long time to germinate, so you can enjoy all the beauty of this plant no earlier than in the second half of summer.

Morning glory - plant care, pruning, watering, propagation

Synonym: Ipomoea Fastigiata. Homeland: Central America.

Morning glory is a perennial, fast-growing plant. The root system, depending on the variety, can be in the form of rhizomes, roots or tubers.

In the temperate zone the plant is cultivated:

as an outdoor plant - annual;

as a houseplant - when grown in pots.

Height - 45-60cm. Morning glory is formed in the form of a bush or hanging plant. The flowers are funnel-shaped and pink or purple; grown mainly as an ornamental foliage plant.

Morning glory seeds are very poisonous and, if ingested, cause severe poisoning.

Flowering period: summer/autumn.

Optimal lighting is bright, diffused light.

Acceptable lighting is partial shade.


The leaves wither and droop when the temperature drops to 4 0 C. Temperatures below 0 0 C are detrimental to the plant. Minimum temperature in winter: +14 0 C. Optimal temperature: + 20 0 C.

Minimum temperature for winter maintenance of tubers: 7 0 C.

Air humidity matters only if the plant is exposed to direct sunlight for a long time at a high temperature (above +25 0 C). In all other cases, for the successful cultivation of morning glory, air humidity is not of decisive importance.

in the period May / August - without drying the earthen coma;

during the period September / April - with a slight drying of the earthen clod.

The optimal acidity of the soil mixture is pH from 6.1 to 6.5 (slightly acidic). Composition of the soil mixture: 1 part leaf soil + 1 part turf soil + 1 part perlite + 10 grams of bone meal (for every 10 liters of mixture). The soil mixture must be well drained.

Morning glory responds well to pruning. Remove damaged parts of the plant and those showing signs of disease.

The main pruning is carried out in September, as a preparatory measure for winter maintenance. In the spring, after the cuttings have germinated, pruning is carried out, leaving a maximum of 3 stems. During the growing season, thinning pruning is carried out.

In September, before the first frost, we dig the plant out of the ground and replant it in a pot - if you want to use it as a houseplant.

During the growing season, the frequency of fertilizing is once a week. Fertilizer concentration is the same as for indoor plants. In winter, we fertilize once in mid-January.

Spider mites, aphids. Methods and methods of control are described in detail in the “Pests” section of the website.

1) White rust. A common disease of morning glory, it reduces the decorative value of the plant, but is not fatal.

Anthracnose is a fungal disease that usually occurs after a period of heavy rainfall. The initial stage of the disease begins with small brown spots with yellow rings around. Young leaves are affected first. As the disease progresses, the number of brown spots increases and eventually they coalesce to form a large spot and the leaf dies and falls off. The disease is spreading quickly. If the plant is left untreated, anthracnose can kill it. To combat this disease, it is necessary to trim off all affected tissue. If the disease is not eliminated, the plant must be treated with fungicides intended for use against anthracnose. See the “Diseases” section of the site.

3) Viral diseases.

Viral diseases occur where morning glory propagates vegetatively, and material contaminated with viruses was used for this. About 20 officially registered types of the virus have been found in various morning glory species.

4) Root and stem rot caused by the fungus Fusarium.

The source of infection, as a rule, is unsterilized soil mixture. Symptoms include: dark-colored rotting lesions that cover the root and usually have a sharp edge separating the rot from the healthy part of the root. The disease cannot be treated - the plant is destroyed. For more information on disease prevention, see the “Diseases” section of the website.

5) Black rot, Ceratocystis fimbriatum.

Tubers with this disease have depressed spots that are dark brown/black. Very often black dots are scattered throughout the spot. These black spots contain fungal spores that cause disease. Sometimes a pink substance oozes from the blackheads.

6) Soft rot, Rhizopus.

The plant is damaged during the winter storage of tubers. Manifests itself in the form of watery, soft rot. The plant should not be treated - immediately after the disease is detected, the infected tubers are disposed of.

7) Physiological disease – white edema (described in detail in the “Diseases” section).

Types and varieties of morning glory

Of the more than 500 species of morning glory, only 25 are grown in culture. Let's briefly talk about the most popular of them.

Morning glory Cairo (Ipomoea cairica)

Originates from Asia and Australia, its shoots grow up to 5 m long. They are so densely strewn with blue flowers that morning glory looks like a real carpet. The leaves are lobed, palm-shaped, carved.

Morning glory (Ipomoea purpurea)

An annual liana whose pubescent stem reaches 8 meters. Leaves are glabrous, oval or lanceolate, opposite. Single red, dark purple, purple, blue, white or pink gramophone flowers up to 7 cm long. There are varieties with variegated and even double flowers. The tropical belt of America is considered the homeland of morning glory. Varieties: Starfish, Scarlett O'Hara, Nochka, Giselle.

Morning glory Nile (Ipomoea nil, Ipomoea imperialis)

Or in Japanese, asagao (morning face) is a highly branched annual vine up to 3 m long. The leaves are large, broadly oval, opposite, long-petiolate, dark green. Funnel-shaped flowers of red, soft or dark blue, pink or purple with a diameter of up to 10 cm. This morning glory blooms from mid-summer to October. Varieties: semi-double Pikoti blue or red with white edging, hybrid Serenade - double corrugated flowers of dark red or lilac color 8 cm in diameter.

Morning glory (Ipomoea tricolor)

Or red-blue morning glory (Ipomoea rubro-caerulea) - native to the tropics of America. A perennial used in cultivation as an annual plant. The stem reaches a length of 4-5 m. The leaves are large, opposite, heart-shaped, bare, wrinkled, the petioles are long. Funnel-shaped flowers 8-10 cm in diameter are collected in bunches of 3-4 pieces: pale blue with a white tube, but when they fade, they become pink-purple. This morning glory blooms from early June until the first frost.

Some varieties contain psychotropic substances used in medicine. Varieties popular in floriculture: Pink Lollipop, Blue Star, Sky Blue, Flying Saucer.

Morning glory (Ipomoea hederacea)

An annual liana from the American tropics. The branched stem reaches a length of 2-3 meters, the leaves are large, heart-shaped, three-lobed, similar to ivy leaves. Funnel-shaped flowers with a diameter of about 5 cm are usually sky blue, sometimes with a white border, but they can be red, burgundy, or pink. They are collected two or three on a long peduncle. They bloom from July to mid-autumn. The Roman Candy variety with variegated white-green leaves is even grown as an hanging plant.

Morning glory (Ipomoea noctiflora)

Also from tropical America. The stem is up to 3 m long, shoots up to 6 m, large heart-shaped leaves, fragrant white flowers are also large - up to 10 cm, open at night and close with the first rays of the sun, and those unfamiliar with this mystery of Farbitis moonflower ask why their morning glory does not bloom. But on a cloudy day, the flowers close only in the evening, and you will be able to appreciate their amazing delicate beauty. This morning glory blooms from July-August to October.


These are morning glories with lacy carved foliage and small tubular-shaped flowers. Among the most popular in culture: feathery quamoclit (Quamoclit pennata), Slaughter's quamoclit, or cardinal vine (Quamoclit x sloteri), fiery red quamoclit (Quamoclit coccinea) and lobed quamoclit (Quamoclit lobata).

In addition to the described species and their varieties, such types of morning glory as Brazilian, palmate, Moorish, lobed and others are slightly less common in cultivation.

Unusual types of morning glory: name and description of flowers

The famous morning glory purple, blooming with purple “gramophones”, has proven itself to be an excellent annual vine. It is successfully used for landscaping fences, gazebos, balconies and other objects that require additional green vertical space. Morning glory is so unpretentious that it sometimes becomes a weed, since its seeds can be stored under the snow and produce abundant shoots the following year.

Note! these familiar flowers also have other types of morning glory , they are not as commonplace as their relatives, they never become “weeds”, and require wider distribution in vertical gardening of balconies and garden objects.

Popularly, this plant, often simply called “ bindweed ,” is so well known that it needs no introduction at all.

Unusual types of morning glory.

In total, the genus Ipomoea includes about 450 species. And many of them have also been successfully cultivated and used as ornamental plants. Let's find out more about them.

Description and varieties of plants

The height of morning glory is 30 centimeters, and the width can reach two meters. The shoots can hang from the basket or curl along a support built next to the plant. They also spread well on the ground.

Ipomoea sweet potato has funnel-shaped flowers of white, pink or lilac color. The flowers look impressive.

Most types of sweet potatoes are grown for their decorative leaves, as they do not bloom, but there are plant species that bloom brightly and for a long time.

Morning glory has large leaves, reaching 15 centimeters in diameter. The leaves grow on elongated petioles. Depending on the variety, sweet potato leaves can be green, light green, or yellow.

The following ornamental varieties of morning glory sweet potato are known:

  • the “Light Green” variety has palmate-lobed and bright light green leaves;
  • the variety “Sweet Caroline Purple” has serrated, five-lobed, purple-violet leaves;
  • the “Sweet Heart Red” variety has maple leaves divided into lobes. The color of young leaves is brown, and older leaves are greenish-purple.

Ipomoea Cairo, Purple, Nile, tricolor and other varieties are often used in landscape design.

Ipomoea Cairo has 5-meter shoots and abundant blue flowers. When budding occurs, the vines are densely covered with inflorescences, which creates a solid carpet of delicate petals.

The annual morning glory Purple has a pubescent stem, 8-meter stems on which oval foliage grows. The plant blooms with flowers of blue, soft pink, red, purple or white. Sometimes in gardens you can see terry morning glory purple.

Ipomoea Nile has shoots only 3 meters long. The plant blooms with blue, pink, lilac flowers. Blooms from mid-summer to October.

The annual tricolor morning glory can reach 5 meters in length. Heart-shaped leaves and 8-centimeter buds grow on the branches. At the beginning of flowering, the plant blooms with blue shades, which turn into a pink shade closer to the flowering period. It blooms from mid-summer until the onset of the first frost.

Mr. Summer Resident recommends: beneficial properties of morning glory sweet potato and its use

The plant contains many useful substances. Vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates, micro- and macroelements - the list is quite extensive. Starch obtained during processing is often used in medicine. It can help with disorders in the gastrointestinal tract and immune system. Forage varieties of morning glory sweet potato are popular in cooking and livestock farming.

Tubers and other edible parts should not be eaten by pregnant women or nursing mothers. The same applies to people who are sick with diseases of the digestive system. Ipomoea sweet potato can be planted next to petunia, ornamental grasses, Europhobia, purslane, and lobularia. This plant is used to decorate garden paths and gazebos. Caring for morning glory does not take much time.

Diseases and pests

Most often, morning glory is attacked by aphids, whose feeding is indicated by yellow spots that appear after puncturing and sucking juice from the leaves of the plant. Aphids are also dangerous because they produce honeydew, on which destructive sooty fungi settle. Spray with insecticide.

Another dangerous pest is the spider mite, whose presence can be determined by its thin web and small dots. Spray with acaricide.


Morning glory is an ideal vine for the garden, balcony and terrace. Can be grown in open ground, also in containers, hanging baskets or flowerpots. Due to its winding shoots, it perfectly hides pillars, gratings, fences, walls, and other supports.

Concluding remarks

In our climate, morning glory is grown as ornamental plants. Also, morning glory (sweet potato), which in its natural habitat is considered an edible plant (tuberous roots). Sweet potato has many varieties with decorative leaves, so it is also used as an ornamental plant.

Varieties for indoor growing

There are about seven thousand varieties in the world, which are divided into three groups: vegetable, dessert, and fodder. A large number of varieties are grown in open soil. But there are varieties that can be grown indoors. Provided that the room is well ventilated or the flower is placed on the balcony in the warm season. We list the most popular varieties in Russia:

  • Margarita - Has large, light green, heart-shaped leaves.
  • Kumara Red - A very lush bush with large leaves, loves sunlight, so it is recommended to place it only in a very bright room.
  • Burgundy - It is decorated with large and beautiful leaves, and the inflorescences exude a very pleasant aroma.
  • Purple - Its almost emerald leaves are quite resistant to almost all diseases and insect pests.

Winter-hardy vines

Almost all climbing plants are winter-hardy. Popular perennials: wild grapes, campsis, clematis, wisteria and other varieties.

Special websites on this topic contain a huge number of photographs of plants entwining, writhing, and trembling. Having seen the unearthly beauty, you can easily find information about any specimen you like.

Breaking out of the bustle of the city, boxes - many floors, you dream of merging with nature, of peace and comfort. That is why any summer cottage or territory of a country house is a virgin land for realizing the most incredible fantasies in their improvement. Climbing plants will help transform the site with the help of various supports, arches, and structures.

The benefits of sweet potato

In addition to the edibility of all parts of the plant, sweet potato has medicinal properties:

  • it has a low glycemic index and is suitable for diabetics;
  • is a natural antidepressant due to its high potassium content;
  • it is a natural source of the hormone progesterone, or “pregnancy hormone.” Maybe that's why there are so many Chinese? They are leaders in the production and consumption of sweet potatoes. The same progesterone helps maintain skin elasticity in postmenopausal women;
  • has an anti-inflammatory effect, used for injuries and diseases of the joints;
  • helps reduce low-density lipoprotein levels, protects the cardiovascular system;
  • purple tubers are a source of anthocyanins and are considered as a preventive agent in oncology.

And it is also very filling!

The pulp of the tubers is white, cream, yellow, orange, pink, red and purple.

Combination of morning glory with other plants in landscape design

In landscape design, morning glory vines are used to decorate not only vertical, but also horizontal surfaces of various carpet plantings and various flower beds. A flower bed made from a mixture of morning glory of different colors looks impressive against the background of coniferous trees.

Asters planting and care in open ground

Morning glories open their gramophones early in the morning. If the sky is overcast, the flowering will continue all day; on a bright sunny afternoon, the flowers will close. This is due to the fact that plants cannot tolerate excess ultraviolet radiation.

Note! Morning glories, planted in tall pots in the form of vases or hanging flowerpots on special supports located on a green lawn, will create islands of flower waterfalls flowing to the ground. Early species begin to bloom in early summer, their flowering can last until the onset of cold weather

The combination of hybrids and varieties with different flowering periods allows you to create a constantly blooming green wall. The total flowering period of the entire flower arrangement will depend on when different types of morning glory begin to bloom. A tall hedge of flowers tied to supports will become a beautiful background for lilies and daylilies, phlox and irises, garden geraniums, asters, marigolds, peonies

Early species begin to bloom in early summer, their flowering can last until the onset of cold weather. The combination of hybrids and varieties with different flowering periods allows you to create a constantly blooming green wall. The total flowering period of the entire flower arrangement will depend on when different types of morning glory begin to bloom. A tall hedge of flowers tied to supports will become a beautiful background for lilies and daylilies, phlox and irises, garden geraniums, asters, marigolds, and peonies.

Flowering Gramophone Ipomoea

Characteristics of morning glory

Externally, the flower looks very attractive, this can be clearly seen in the photo.

The leaves are dark green, heart-shaped, three-lobed or dissected, and, against a background of bright greenery, there are numerous bright flowers, similar to gramophones. They come in a variety of colors, mostly burgundy and blue. Breeders have developed varieties with double flowers.

This genus is distinguished not only by its different growth forms: vines, shrubs, small trees, but also by its root system. Annual varieties have roots, while perennial varieties have tubers and rhizomes.

The liana is famous for its rapid growth and easily weaves around the support provided to it. In the garden it will become an elegant addition to an arch or pergola, decorating them with bright and numerous flowers.

The buds bloom very early - at sunrise; the buds of some varieties close in the afternoon. Their lifespan is short, but thanks to the constant appearance of new buds, flowering lasts for a long time, until frost.

Morning glory is grown mainly in open ground and rarely as an indoor crop. It grows well on the balcony and veranda.

This is interesting: morning glory flowers “catch” every ray of sun and during the day they turn to follow it.

Possible pests and diseases

The appearance of pests and diseases is usually associated with violations of agricultural practices. If the plant is thickened and regularly flooded with water, root rot appears, which can destroy it. The first symptoms of the disease are damage to flower stalks. If signs of rot appear, you should immediately reduce watering and regularly loosen the soil. To avoid rot, you should carefully monitor the amount of incoming water, following the watering rules.

Quite often the lower leaves and young shoots are affected by the fungus. To avoid this, you should regularly remove fallen leaves, inflorescences, dried lashes and all parts of the plant that look diseased. Fungicidal drugs are also used to combat fungus.

Harmful insects can cause significant harm to the plant, reducing its decorative value or infecting it with disease. Among the pests for morning glory, two types of insects are most dangerous:

  • aphid;
  • spider mite;
  • whitefly

Signs of aphids will be yellow spots on the foliage. These insects feed on plant sap by piercing the surface of leaves. At the same time, they infect the plant with honeydew and attract other insects that transfer aphids from one flower to another.

To get rid of the infestation, wash off the aphids with cold water from a high-pressure hose. After this, the entire planting is treated with a solution of a suitable insecticide. For a more reliable result, it is better to repeat the treatment after about a week.

To prevent the appearance of aphids near the morning glory thickets, you can plant plants that repel them:

  • garlic;
  • onion;
  • Dalmatian chamomile (the main thing is not to confuse it with common chamomile, on which aphids thrive).

Determining whether a plant is infested with spider mites is quite simple. Its main feature is the thin cobwebs that cover the stems, flowers, and leaves of the plant. The easiest way to get rid of it is with a plant shower. You can use either plain cold water or a solution of laundry soap. You need to shower until the tick disappears completely. To be on the safe side, you can also treat the planting with a suitable insecticide.

Quite often, whiteflies parasitize the flowers and leaves of morning glory. They also feed on plant juices, as a result of which the flowers become deformed and dry out, reducing the decorative value of the entire planting. The best way to combat whiteflies is an insecticide solution that is used to treat morning glory thickets several times.

Lush morning glory bushes will be a magnificent decoration of any garden, and their ease of care and unpretentiousness make it one of the most popular ornamental plants. It should be remembered that this flower is highly poisonous, so it can only be grown in open ground, in the fresh air. If you want to grow it in an apartment, then it is better to place the flower on the balcony.

In many southern countries, morning glory is grown as a perennial crop, but when planted in the Russian climate, it always behaves like an annual, even with the most careful care. The only way to make it conditionally perennial is to allow it to reproduce by self-sowing. To do this, the planting must be dense and extensive enough so that as many seeds as possible fall on the ground, which will produce abundant growth next year.

Morning glory: care features

Morning glory is a fairly easy plant to care for; the main thing is to provide it with support, regular watering, good lighting and fertilizing. Mature morning glories grow normally in all-purpose houseplant soil.

With active growth, such a plant needs abundant watering - the soil in its pot should never dry out, but also not become very wet. Also at this time it is necessary to regularly fertilize - once every 1-2 weeks.

At home, morning glory feels normal in good lighting. As for the temperature, it must be maintained at a level of at least 15 degrees. But there are also varieties that can tolerate temperatures up to 10 degrees.

Some varieties of such plants can also be grown as perennials - in this case, in winter, watering should be plentiful, the temperature should be maintained at 7 degrees.

Growing conditions

Morning glory, planting and caring for which is not difficult, still requires attention. Initially, you need to plant planting material at the right time and properly care for the sprouts.

Morning glory seeds

Growing from seeds

In order for Farbitis to prepare to bloom at the end of May, you need to plant the seeds on time

After their germination, it is worth paying special attention to the development of seedlings

Morning glory seeds should be planted in early March. To do this, you should prepare small cups of peat. The base should be slightly damp. Before planting the seeds, you can soak them in a solution to speed up growth.

Note! At a room temperature of 18 °C, seedlings will appear in 10 days

Seedling care

For rapid growth of seedlings, you need to organize suitable conditions:

  • place the sprouts under a lamp for additional heating and lighting;
  • moisten the soil with a spray bottle when the soil dries out;
  • if necessary, you need to thin out the seedlings by removing several units.

With basic care, the seedlings will quickly grow stronger and turn into high-quality seedlings.

Seedling care

The seedlings will definitely not bloom in peat pots, but they will begin to weave almost immediately. A week after germination, you need to immediately install supports. If the seedlings are intertwined with each other, it will not be possible to untangle them before planting.

Seedling care

When and how to plant morning glory in open ground

You can grow a full-fledged plant if you plant the sprouts in open ground in time. The ideal time to reschedule would be early June. It is not worth removing the earthen lump from the root system.

You need to choose a place where the soil acidity is average. Pre-apply complex fertilizers. Farbitis should be planted in an open area so that direct sunlight falls on the flower from all sides.

Sprouts in open ground

Watering mode

At first, the flower will consume a lot of water, but over time the need for irrigation will decrease. The main thing is not to overdo it with watering, otherwise the root system will rot. Watering should be done when the soil under the bush dries out.

Important! If there is enough water, the flower will grow quickly

How to feed morning glory for abundant flowering

In order for flowering to be abundant and timely, you need to apply fertilizers on time. It is advisable to use a mixture of ordinary humus and deciduous soil. You need to apply about half a bucket of dry fertilizer under the bush. If you feed the plant in excess, the root system will only develop greatly.

Features of care during the flowering period

During the flowering period, farbitis needs to be properly cared for:

  • make sure that the soil under the bush does not dry out;
  • constantly loosen the soil to avoid stagnation of moisture;
  • Fertilize once every 3 weeks.

Additionally, it is necessary to remove dry, damaged shoots and already faded buds.

Features of care during the rest period

During the dormant period, you need to reduce watering. You should not apply fertilizer to slow down growth. It is necessary to remove the above-ground part of the flower

This is important so that during the cool season the stem and branches do not grow.

Collection and storage of seeds

Abundant flowering guarantees a good seed harvest. Planting material should be collected at the beginning of September. Otherwise, the boxes will open on their own and self-seeding will occur.

Collection of seed material

The material must be placed in glass jars, which in turn must be placed in a dark, slightly cool place until next year.

Propagation of morning glory by cuttings

Reproduction can be carried out not only by sowing, but also by cuttings. How to prepare and root a cutting:

  1. Cut a branch from a bush.
  2. Cut 20 cm from the workpiece so that two nodes remain on the future cutting.
  3. The cut is made at an angle of 45°.
  4. Place the cutting in water. After five days, roots will appear.
  5. Place the workpieces in a peat, pre-moistened substrate.

After a week, the cuttings will take root and become suitable for planting in a flower bed. This option is a secondary method of propagating a flower.

Reproduction by cuttings

Preparing for winter

The type of crop is not at all frost-resistant. Therefore, only annual varieties are planted in Russia. But even such specimens need to be prepared for winter: cut off the ground part and some of the stems as much as possible.

Features of care

This tropical plant needs to be provided with optimal conditions for normal growth. Correctly selected care is important.


Liana is a heat-loving crop. Tolerates heat well. But it does not tolerate low temperatures well. The temperature in the room should not be lower than +18 ℃. At temperatures from +25 to +30 ℃, dischidia actively blooms.


Prefers to be constantly in the sun. In this case, the sun's rays should not be direct. It is best if the light is diffused. Tender leaves are susceptible to burns, so direct sunlight is destructive for the vine.


Soil irrigation should be moderate. The soil should not be allowed to constantly dry out. You need to water as soon as the substrate has dried. In summer, water 3-4 times a week. In winter, one watering per week is enough.

Additional Information! The water should be warm and boiled. You can also water with water that has stood for 3 days or with melted snow.


Spraying is carried out regularly with the same water as for irrigation. In winter and summer, spraying should be frequent, at least 4 times a week.


Like all tropical plants, the liana loves high humidity. The minimum value is 40%. The higher the humidity, the better the flower will feel. In winter, next to the vine, you can place a plate with wet expanded clay and regularly add water to it.


Breathable soil with good drainage is best for planting. Heavy, dense soil is not suitable for planting vines. Orchid substrate can be used as a soil mixture. How to prepare the soil yourself:

  • sphagnum;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil;
  • river sand;
  • charcoal.

All the necessary ingredients are mixed so that a homogeneous soil is obtained.


Caring for Ovata dischidia at home, like other varieties, involves the application of fertilizers. Fertilizers for succulents or decorative deciduous crops are used as fertilizers. Fertilizers are applied no more than twice a month during the period of active shoot growth.

Additional Information! It is not advisable to overfeed the plant. It is necessary to alternate root and foliar feeding.

Growing from seeds

All morning glory is easily propagated by seeds, which remain viable for four years. Seeds can be sown either immediately in open soil, when the air and soil have warmed up sufficiently, or for seedlings at the end of March.

Sowing seeds

Before sowing the seeds, they should be soaked for a day in water at room temperature. When the seeds swell, they can be sown. It happens that a small particle of seeds swells within 24 hours. Such seeds must be pricked with a needle and soaked in water again for the same time. Morning glory seeds usually germinate in 10 days. The ideal room temperature for successful seed germination is +18 degrees. Seeds can be sown in boxes filled with a specially prepared substrate, or in peat pots, which will greatly facilitate planting seedlings in open ground.

Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the soil for sowing seeds, since each variety of morning glory requires a certain soil. If you sow morning glory of African origin, then it needs a substrate for succulent plants with the addition of crushed expanded clay

American varieties will not be able to grow in such soil. For species of American origin, it is necessary to mix two parts of leaf humus, part peat and half a part of fine expanded clay. For American species, it is good to add crushed coconut fiber to the substrate.

Experienced gardeners sow morning glory seeds in peat cups of three or four pieces. The cups must be placed in a tray and covered with transparent film to create a small greenhouse. As the soil dries, it is necessary to water it, and the greenhouse should be ventilated from time to time.

Particular attention should be paid to the temperature regime - it is optimal if the temperature in the room is about 18-20 degrees. After 10-12 days, the first shoots should appear

Seeds and planting of ampelous indoor plants

Mostly flowers are sold already formed and ready for interior decoration. But you can grow some beautifully flowering species from seeds yourself, for example, begonia, lobelia, petunia. When purchasing seed material, be sure to look at the expiration date.

Planting an ampel consists of the following stages:

  • The soil mixture is disinfected with a weak solution of potassium permanganate. This will help prevent infection with fungal diseases;
  • We fill the container with the prepared soil, water it lightly and sow the seeds (if they are too small, you can carefully mix them with sand);
  • We pour the seed material onto the soil mixture and treat it with a growth stimulator using a spray bottle. The air temperature during landing should be at least 22 degrees;
  • Shoots will begin to emerge after 1-2 weeks. The temperature can be reduced by 2-3 degrees;
  • When the first leaves appear, carefully monitor the soil moisture level. The soil should not be excessively damp.

Features of planting morning glory sweet potato

Morning glory on the balcony is grown from seeds. The plant's planting material has good germination for four years. The seeds must first undergo stratification or remain in warm water for 24 hours. If after 24 hours the seed has not swelled, you need to pierce the outer shell with a needle and re-send it into warm water for a day.

Planting morning glory sweet potatoes from seeds is carried out as follows:

Seeds are sown in the ground at the end of May. The soil for the plant must be selected taking into account the variety of morning glory. For example, some varieties grow better on soil mixed with fine expanded clay. The second varieties are best planted on soil with leaf humus, to which peat, vermiculite and coconut fibers are added. Distribute the prepared soil mixture into small containers into which seeds are sown in threes. Place the glasses in a warm place and cover with film to create a greenhouse effect

It is important to ensure that the soil does not dry out, so the seedlings need to be watered regularly. It is also important to ventilate seedlings

Sprouts are grown at a temperature of no more than 20 degrees Celsius. If you properly care for the sown seeds, the first shoots will appear within 10 days. In June, young seedlings grown from seeds are transplanted into open ground. Dig small holes at a distance of 20 centimeters from each other. Make a frame above the flowerbed to support future vines. Plant one seedling in each hole, cover with soil and water.

Sometimes gardeners at the end of May sow crop seeds directly into open ground, without first growing seedlings

It is important to plant plants in bright and comfortable places, on slightly acidic, well-drained soil


Indoor morning glory requires a water- and breathable substrate. It is suitable for universal soil for indoor crops, which is sold in any flower shop. If you wish, you can create a suitable mixture of different soils yourself. To do this, you need to take ordinary garden soil, disinfect it by calcining it in a frying pan and add a little humus, as well as potassium and phosphorus fertilizers. If ordinary soil turns out to be too acidic, then it must be additionally mixed with crushed ash or add a little lime.

Morning glory loves lush soil, but it is worth noting that even if you plant it in the most ordinary soil, it will grow and produce flowers, but not as abundantly as we would like.

Most often, morning glory is grown from seeds. This planting material retains high germination capacity for about 3-4 years. Seedlings must undergo stratification and lie in warm water for 24 hours - during this time the seeds will swell. If this does not happen, then they need to be pierced with a needle and placed in water for a few more hours.

Seeds can be planted in containers for germination at the end of February or beginning of March for seedlings, or they can be planted directly in open ground. In the latter case, planting should be carried out in the second ten days of May, when the threat of returning cold weather has completely passed and consistently high day and night temperatures have established.

Plants are planted at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other. It is advisable to make a light frame over the flowerbed, which future vines will use as a support.

Varietal varieties of morning glory

Most often, various species forms are grown in our gardens. This vine is very widespread in Japan, and Japanese breeders have developed many varieties of it. In addition, morning glory in Japan is considered a medicinal plant.

  • The Grandfather OTS variety is very popular among our gardeners. It is also called Grand. This is the earliest variety in terms of flowering. The flowers are very large, up to 5 cm in diameter, rich purple in color with dark strokes. The bush grows very lush, the shoots reach 3.5 meters in length.
  • The next very popular variety is Pink Lollipop. This is a variety of domestic selection with very beautiful, bright pink flowers. The heart of the flower is ivory-colored, the bells reach 8 cm in diameter. The foliage of this variety is much lighter than other varieties.
  • Dacopa - this variety has slightly lilac petals with a blue tint, like a translucent flower with a pink core, it is also called blue morning glory. The flowers of this variety look like exotic butterflies. The variety blooms very profusely, and sometimes the foliage is not even visible because of the flowers.
  • The rare variety Rosita has bright red flowers, which are painted with white strokes. This variety is considered the best for growing on the balcony. Its shoots reach a length of 2 meters, and some gardeners grow Rosita in flowerpots.
  • Of the double flowers, the most popular variety is Serenade to the Sun with carved, very shaggy bells. The edges of the flowers are painted with patterns, and their color is wine red with white stripes.
  • The brightest flowers of the morning glory variety Giselle are sky blue in color, reaching a diameter of 8 cm.

Growing and caring for morning glory

This culture is unpretentious in care, but still, when growing morning glory, the following factors must be taken into account:


Morning glory is grown on a support. As soon as the seedling reaches a height of 25 cm, it needs to cling to something; the sooner it clings, the faster it will grow. The supports are very different: a simple mesh - chain-link, special nets and trellises for climbing plants, pergolas, arches, country buildings: gazebos, verandas, walls of houses.


Morning glory is a moisture-loving plant; during the period of growth of green mass, before the appearance of buds, watering is needed quite often and plentifully; the ground should always remain moist, but not waterlogged, without waterlogging. If there is not enough moisture at this time, the shoots will stop growing, but the flowers will appear earlier.

When the plants bloom, you can water them less often, after the top layer of soil has dried, but without allowing drought.

In hot weather, the soil under morning glory needs to be mulched to retain moisture.

Some species need special mention. So for morning glory sweet potatoes, abundant watering is required for the first two months after planting. A mature plant can withstand drought, but its development and flowering suffer as a result. Overmoistening is unacceptable, because... leads to rotting of tubers.

Ipomoea nile, when grown in open ground, is watered only when there is a long-term absence of precipitation. This species is drought-resistant. But prolonged drying out should not be allowed; the plants will shed their flowers and buds.

The soil

Morning glory is undemanding to soils; only heavy soils with excess moisture are not suitable. It grows best on light, loamy soils with a neutral reaction.

Constant shallow loosening promotes better plant development.


Fertilizing is necessary for the crop for abundant and long flowering and healthy growth.

The first feeding is carried out during the growth period with preparations containing nitrogen substances, but without an excess of the latter, otherwise flowering will be poor. You can use Fertika Spring for the Garden fertilizer.

The second, with the addition of phosphorus, is applied at the beginning of flowering, the third - during rapid flowering, during this period phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are applied. The granules are scattered around the bush, followed by embedding, and then watered.

Morning glory nile can do without fertilizing.

How to plant morning glory and care for it

Ipomoea annual is tolerant of all conditions, but grows better with proper planting and good care. It loves light and warmth, loose, non-acidic soil, and quickly climbs supports, but some varieties do well without them, covering the ground on the slopes with a thick multi-colored carpet. It responds to abundant watering by rapid growth and cannot tolerate stagnant water. Drying out the soil is very undesirable - the leaves wither and the flowers do not open. The best place to plant it is south, southeast or west. It also grows in the shade on the north side, but it grows very tall and almost does not bloom. She feels uncomfortable in places blown by strong winds. Therefore, it is ideal when the bed is protected.

Morning glory will create an emerald hedge in a matter of weeks

It begins to bloom in the morning, and as soon as the sun warms up, the gramophones close, but if it is cloudy during the day, the flowers remain open all day. Moving from place to place is very painful. It does not tolerate frosts, and moonflowering farbitis generally stops flowering already at 10 degrees. Often this plant is sown in pots or containers to decorate and protect a balcony or terrace from the hot sun.

What does morning glory look like in a flower pot?

The liana is characterized by rapid growth, unpretentiousness in cultivation, and shade tolerance. All these qualities make the plant indispensable for decorating walls, imitating hedges, and hiding possible defects.

Weigela shrub - an ornamental flowering plant for the garden

Morning glory looks great in pots, flowerpots, floor vases and containers. Mobile containers are mobile and, if necessary, can be easily moved to a new location.

Important! The flower does not like transplants, so it is better to sow the seeds immediately in a flower pot.

Considering that the vine grows strongly, the pot should be at least 2.5-3 liters per plant. When growing morning glory in containers, seeds should be planted at a distance of 25-30 cm. The flower is unpretentious to the quality of the soil, but prefers light, loose, non-acidic soil.

Many types and varieties of flowers are valuable due to the original color of the foliage

If desired, you can grow the plant through seedlings. Young seedlings should be transferred with a clod of earth to a permanent place, being careful not to damage the root system.

Before sowing, the seeds are soaked for a day. Sowing should be done depending on weather conditions, given that the plant does not tolerate frost. The critical temperature for morning glory is 2-4 ºС.

To prevent the plant from stretching when the fourth true leaf appears, the seedling must be pinched.

The plant easily tolerates lack of moisture, but loves watering. You need to make sure that there is no stagnation of water in the pots or tray.

Important! When planting in decorative containers, care must be taken to ensure there are drainage holes.

Morning glory always grows in a vertical direction. To form a plant in an ampel form, you need to install special supports or frames to force the shoots to grow in the right direction. The frames are made from bamboo sticks in the form of a wigwam or metal frames are used with a circle at a height of 20-30 cm above the plant. The flower wraps around the frame, the main shoot stops growing, and the side shoots begin to grow in a horizontal direction, creating the correct shape of an ampelous plant.

Morning glory fits picturesquely into compositions with abundantly flowering ampelous plants: petunia, fuchsia, surfinia, bacopa

For vertical gardening, plastic trellises or nets are used. With the help of a fast-growing vine, you can grow a beautiful backdrop in a month.

The flower is responsive to fertilization. For more luxuriant flowering, fertilizing should contain a minimum of nitrogen. If the plant is grown for decorative foliage, it should be fed with complex mineral fertilizer. Caring for the plant is simple; any novice gardener can grow morning glory.

Ipomoea sweet potato indoors

Unlike outdoor varieties grown as annuals, indoor sweet potato morning glory requires more careful care for about 5-7 years:

  1. The culture is considered to have come from warm countries, and therefore loves sunshine and fresh air. In the summer months, it is better to place the flower pot in an open area: balcony, terrace, porch.
  2. In winter, when the air in the room is very low, morning glory can shed all its leaves. Because of this, it is recommended to keep it in a warm room on a south or south-east window, where diffused sunlight is constantly present.
  3. A strong draft in the room can harm the plant.
  4. Water an indoor flower through a tray or using the usual method no more than once every 1-2 weeks, depending on the air temperature. Spraying is not carried out.

How to care?

Morning glory is a rather unpretentious plant, but for it to bloom fully, it is necessary to create a favorable habitat.

Sweet potato prefers well-lit and windless areas, but it is not advisable to grow it in the shade - in search of light, the plant will begin to stretch, fade and lose its decorative effect. Planting is carried out in the spring, and in the fall the bush will dry out naturally.

If a perennial variety is growing and you need to preserve it in the winter, then shortly before the onset of frost you should cut off the top of the vines, carefully dig them up and replant them in a pot, then take them home and leave them in a warm room. It is very important at this moment that the morning glory is located as close to the window as possible - it needs fresh air. At the same time, cold drafts should not be allowed - when the temperature in the room drops significantly, the sweet potato sheds its leaves.

This flower is rightfully considered a godsend for too busy or simply forgetful owners - it does not require regular watering at all. Moreover, morning glory is very afraid of waterlogging - frequent irrigation is required only in the very first weeks. If the plant is planted on a balcony or in open ground, then it is watered only in extreme heat twice a week. During rains, watering is excluded.

If there is excessive moisture, light-colored blisters appear on the leaves of the sweet potato - this is how the plant reacts to excess water. If such a symptom is detected, you should stop watering until the blisters disappear.

When kept at home, watering is preferable, in which water is added to the pan - the plant itself will take as much moisture as it needs.

Spraying for morning glory is not recommended , but once every three months you need to wipe the leaf blades with a soft sponge dipped in settled water to clean them of dust and dirt.

At low temperatures, the plant dies quite quickly, so you can take the container with the flower outside only after the temperature at night stops at 20 degrees and above. This fully applies to planting in open land.

Features of growing sweet potatoes

Today in Russia, sweet potatoes are successfully grown in amateur gardens even at the latitude of St. Petersburg. In industrial plantings - approximately at the latitude of Voronezh. Sweet potatoes are grown by farmers in Bashkiria, the Novosibirsk region, and Khakassia. There is positive experience of growing in Udmurtia. In terms of heat requirements, sweet potatoes are similar to eggplants.

Sweet potatoes are not planted as tubers; they are propagated by cuttings from the tuber or stem segments. The tuber, after all the cuttings have been taken from it, is quite edible!

It is advisable to place the tubers for germination a month before planting. If there are no tubers yet, you can write out rooted cuttings - many sweet potato farms are engaged in sending out cuttings.

Sweet potatoes need warm soil; it’s a good idea to warm it up in advance under a film. The soil needs to be loose. Firstly, it warms up easier this way. Secondly, it is easier for the sweet potato itself to grow tubers in such soil. Thirdly, moisture will not be retained there and the tubers will remain healthy. And, fourthly, it will be easier for you to dig up the tubers.

The tuber, after all the cuttings have been taken from it, is quite edible.

Some varieties can be planted relatively closely, but it’s better still after 40 cm - this way the sweet potato develops better. North of Voronezh it is advisable to plant in ridges.

Heavily fertilized soil is not needed, the plant will fatten, gain a huge amount of green mass, but will not have time to grow tubers. But you need to pour ash before planting (for better growth and development of roots).

Where the soil does not warm up well, it is more effective to plant sweet potato shoots “lying down”. About the same as overgrown tomato seedlings. There is evidence that in this position the tubers develop more one-dimensional, and, of course, they do better in the heated upper layer.

Planting, like any seedlings, is done on a cloudy day, even if the seedlings have been hardened in the sun and in the air; if not, shade them for another five days until they get comfortable.

Sweet potatoes need to be watered only in the first half of summer, and only if there is little rain. In the second half of summer, the sweet potato will cover the entire bed with stems and mulch itself. Watering at this time, coupled with a general decrease in temperature and a decrease in the amount of sun, can provoke rot.

You can pluck shoots for food throughout the summer, but without frenzy; after all, leaves are the main supplier of nutrients for the development of tubers.

However, you can plant a separate bush on well-fertilized soil (mine is among pumpkins), there will be a lot of shoots, and you can eat it all summer long. Small tubers in the fall will be a bonus.

Sweet potatoes need loose soil.

By the way, some varieties do well in limited quantities, for example, “Pobeda-100”, “Bayu Bell”, “Beauregard”, “Covington” - you can try growing them in a container in the summer. Large, of course, at least 10 liters.

Secrets of harvesting and storing sweet potatoes from the founders of the Sweet Potato Farm

Many people would like to know when the cherished time comes to begin harvesting the long-awaited root crops? And most importantly, how to preserve sweet potatoes in winter? My husband and I have been successfully growing “sweet potatoes” in a temperate climate (Voronezh region) for five years, having founded the “Sweet Potato Farm”. Therefore, the recommendations below are based solely on our personal practical experience.

Secrets of harvesting and storing sweet potatoes.

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