Caring for Decembrist in November: features of feeding, watering and conditions of detention

History of a flower

The Decembrist originally came to us from the tropical forests of Southern Brazil. So he likes to struggle on fallen trees or other plants not high above the ground. Although this epiphytic plant lives in hollows or crevices of large plants, it is not their parasite.

This forest cactus receives its nutrients with the help of its leaf segments, absorbing light and moisture from the environment.

Quite a lot of time has passed, but the flowers remember their biological homeland, and therefore they bloom at the beginning of winter.

Complex fertilizers

They can be easily purchased at any flower shop. Complex fertilizers will be the best choice, since they are well balanced and all substances are in the required concentration. The best drugs are:

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  • "Ideal";
  • liquid complexes for succulents;
  • any fertilizer for cacti.

It is worth noting that experimenting with different types of fertilizers is not recommended, since the root system of the Decembrist is highly sensitive to an excess of nutrients. Even a slight excess of the optimal dosage can be detrimental to the plant. In addition, there are many folk remedies that will be a good alternative to complex supplements.

What signs and superstitions are there?

There are many different signs associated with the flowering of a plant. But, despite superstitions, this plant still lives in many of our people’s homes, and they delight them with its beautiful and delicate blooms.

After all, not a single Christmas is complete without his participation. Its flowering in winter is like magic, as if summer has returned to your personal windowsill, even though there is severe cold outside the window.

If the Decembrist bloomed its buds in mid-December, then next year will be successful in family affairs.The flowering of the Decembrist in mid-spring will attract a lack of money to the family, problems in the work team and the death of all plans for the future.
If the first bud opens in the first ten days of December, then next year the family will have many positive impressions.Some nationalities call Schlumbergera “Muzhegon”, since not a single man gets along with him.
If flowering begins before the first month of winter, then a pleasant acquaintance awaits the gardener.A strong spring increase in leaf mass of a flower is considered to indicate that someone in the family is sick and is actively fighting this disease.
If flowering begins in October, then this threatens to receive a profit or inheritance, or an addition to the family.A girl who grows a zygocactus will most likely remain an old maid.
The more positive emotions there are in the family, the more beautiful and magnificent the Schlumbergera flowering will be.The death of a flower signals that death may come to the family.
For people involved in various kinds of creativity, the opening of flowers in due time will mean that new solutions will be open to him in his work.Distant ancestors noticed one feature of the flower - if a negative person appears in the house, then he not only drops the buds, but can also dry out the leaf segments. After this man leaves, the Decembrist comes to life again.

Caring for Decembrist in November: features of feeding, watering and conditions of detention

Good afternoon, my reader. These plants can be very different: my friend’s flower blooms earlier than expected and is actively growing buds, unlike my Decembrist. It is in no hurry to bloom, the buds grow very slowly, and only one flower is preparing to bloom. However, the flowering period does not affect the characteristics of care in November: every Decembrist needs the same procedures. Which ones will be discussed below.

Decembrist. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Lighting rules

Perhaps this parameter is more important than the others, so let's start with it. The flower under study is extremely sensitive to the level of light, and when daylight hours decrease, mass flowering begins. In order for it to proceed evenly, you need to place the Decembrist on a lighted windowsill and provide lighting to all parts of the plant.

You should not move the pot with the plant when it is time to flower and the buds have formed. Changing the angle at which the sun's rays fall is stressful for the Decembrist, because of this it can drop the buds.

Watering and spraying Decembrist

Like any forest cactus, Decembrist grows on trees in the wild and absorbs moisture with powerful leaves. At home, it does not need excess moisture in the soil, and during flowering this can completely harm the plant. Schlumberger should be watered moderately, only when the soil has dried out by 1.5-2 cm. When water accumulates in the pan, it must be poured out to avoid rotting of the roots.

Decembrist. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Decembrist prefers high humidity. In November, the apartment’s furnishings are not conducive to this: the heating increases and dries out the air in the room. An alternative to a humidifier is to spray the plant with a spray bottle once every 1-2 days. Then you will create a comfortable environment for the flower.

How to make flowering more abundant?

It is possible to double the number of buds on a flower. To do this, prepare a solution of boric acid:

  • Add 1 g of boric acid to a small amount of water; be sure to use warm water, otherwise the substance will not dissolve. Mix the liquids thoroughly;
  • add the resulting mixture to a spray bottle, then mix with 1 liter of warm water and shake;
  • Spray with Schlumbergera.

Boric acid is a natural flowering stimulator, but you should not use it repeatedly: 1-2 times is enough for a good result. Otherwise, the substance will become addictive, and without such spraying the plant will not bloom.

Decembrist. The illustration for the article is used under the standard license ©

Necessary feeding

An obligatory part of caring for the Decembrist in November is high-quality nutritional supplements. The presence of potassium and phosphorus determines the flowering process of the plant; they increase the duration of this period and have a beneficial effect on the number of buds.

There are several feeding options:

  • Liquid mineral fertilizers for indoor plants, sold in flower shops. They are used every 2 weeks strictly according to the instructions.
  • Banana peel is a fertilizer option and a representative of folk remedies. You can also use apples and wood ash infusion.

The care shown during the flowering period and preparation for it will have a noticeable effect on the Decembrist and will improve the progress of the buds opening. Feeding, maintaining the level of light and humidity, moderate watering - all this will help you enjoy the flowering of this beautiful plant.

Is it true that the Decembrist can indicate death?

This is one of the negative signs that has existed since ancient times. It is believed that the dying flower does not go to another world on its own, but takes one of the apartment’s residents with it.

But this is just a relic from the past, because a Schlumbergera growing in a house cannot take someone with it to the kingdom of death. The Decembrist dies from improper care, and not for other reasons.

Banana peel infusion - an exotic delicacy for the Decembrist

For a gardener, banana peels are interesting because they contain large quantities of potassium (78 mg/g) and manganese (76 mg/g) - two chemical elements. They are supplemented with valuable potassium, iron, sodium and phosphorus. And banana skins decompose very quickly, releasing nutritious organic substances, to which the Decembrist reacts very favorably!

I prepare “banana top dressing” like this: I take a fresh peel from a ripe banana and fill it with water. There are no strict proportions. But about 1-2 peels per 1 liter of settled water. I let it sit for a day and use the water to water the zygocactus at the root.

Decembrist can bloom without additional nutrients. For example, if you recently transplanted a flower, then there are still enough of them in the soil. In other cases, I recommend using special fertilizers (and there are ones for every taste - from trouble-free chemicals to folk organics) in order to get long and luxurious flowering.—pora-p...8c1b200a9b9429d?&from=feed

What does it mean if Schlumbergera blooms in April?

From a scientific point of view, this does not mean anything bad. Since Decembrists are divided into two subspecies, which have two different flowering periods:

  1. Schlumbergera - flowering occurs in December.
  2. Ripsadolis - blooms in April.

The appearance differs in the structure of the flower, Schlumbergera blooms with a flower consisting of three layers of petals emerging from one another. And thanks to its winter flowering, it is called the Decembrist or Christmas cactus.

Ripsadolis blooms with a single-tiered flower resembling a daisy around mid-spring and people also call it the Easter cactus. Since its flowering occurs on Orthodox Easter.

Therefore, the flowering of the Decembrist in April will mean only one thing: that the gardener has bloomed ripsadolis on the windowsill, since it was properly cared for.

The meaning of a flower in astrology

Astrologers believe that this plant can absorb numerous conflicts that arise between people. They suggest that the flower is suitable:

  • Young married couples who are just getting used to each other;
  • It is good to place it in the nursery, as it can put the baby in a creative mood;
  • Helps the family avoid attracting negative guests to their home;
  • To create a good festive atmosphere;
  • The flower is a talisman that can overcome many difficulties.

The benefits and harms of the Decembrist for the home

It is believed that this plant is very useful and simply irreplaceable where there are usually a lot of people - at home, in the office, in school or kindergarten - it doesn’t matter. The main thing is that it is the Decembrist in the house who will help recognize a person’s intentions. This is one of the useful “options” of this plant.

  1. Creates a friendly and positive atmosphere in the room.
  2. Can reconcile those who are in conflict.
  3. It will help to identify people with negative thoughts: with a person who came with evil intent, the Decembrist will immediately begin to wither or drop its leaves.
  4. Drives away bad thoughts.
  5. Changes selfish people for the better: the Decembrist knows how to extinguish negativity and fill them with kindness, gentleness and tenderness towards others.
  6. The Decembrist loves children very much: with his energy he helps them develop not only spiritually, but also creatively.
  7. Decembrist has useful healing properties: in a family where there is a pot of this flower, it is rare to encounter diseases of the muscles and joints.

Harm from the Decembrist:

  1. The plant is often called a “husband flower”: allegedly, as soon as a woman gets such a plant, the men in the house stop staying for a long time and the reason for this is the energy of the flower.
  2. If the Decembrist is poorly cared for and it begins to wither and dry out, the same thing can happen to one of the family members.

What does a plant mean in Feng Shui?

Some flower growers have a question about how best to choose a place in the house so that it suits the Decembrist and meets the requirements of Feng Shui.

The chosen place in the apartment or office does not matter, the main thing is that the flower grows well and blooms according to the description. The main point will be its presence in the house, since the Decembrist:

  1. Fills the home atmosphere with comfort and good mood.
  2. Protects the home from negative emotions.
  3. Helps improve family relationships.

This plant is simply necessary for people in a house where many guests come or in an office where many visitors come.

How to avoid the consequences predicted in signs

Despite the fact that few people believe in bad omens associated with the plant, there are at least three ways to avoid negativity.

  1. If the flower has not died, it is advised to “cajole” it, systematize its care, replace the pot, and move it to a more favorable place.
  2. Plants of the opposite meaning are planted - the more, the better.
  3. If the Decembrist has already died, they try to remove the dead plant from the house as soon as possible and cleanse the home of negative energy.

But the simplest method is to find a good interpretation and believe in it more than in all superstitions and bad omens.

Can I keep it at home?

This question is quite easy to answer. This flower deserves a place of honor among other flowers that live in our homes.

People buy Schlumbergera and enjoy its flowering, and a good growth of shoots in the spring only indicates that the flower is being properly cared for. And the flowering of the Decembrist, when the blizzard sings its songs outside the window, generally looks like a miracle during Christmas. After all, we all know that a beautifully blooming flower cannot influence our course of life, it is influenced by the person himself.

Tea solution

It is very common among experienced gardeners. And this is not surprising, because the tea solution promotes not only good flowering, but also the formation of large buds. For preparation, you can use the most ordinary black tea without flavoring additives. Take 15 grams of tea leaves, pour 500 ml of boiling water and leave for one hour.

It is worth noting that tea fertilizer is used for irrigation instead of regular water. They begin to apply it in November only in the morning hours into pre-moistened soil. The feeding intensity is 2 times a week.

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