Date palm: description, types, home care

Types of date palms

Among the many types of date palms, it is worth noting those varieties that are used as home ornamental plants.

ViewPeculiarityDifferences in care
PalmateThe most common and fastest growing. Mature plants have a bare trunk. You can grow it from the seeds of ordinary date fruits purchased in the store.
RobelenaLow growing and shade tolerant. Whitish coating on the leaves of young plants. Often - several trunks. Requires intense lighting (12-14 hours a day), abundant watering and moist air. Heat-loving.
CanaryShort. Large, hard leaves with a bluish tint. The trunk is straight and thick. Thorns on leaf petioles. Loves bright, well-ventilated rooms. Requires a large layer of drainage and a high pot. Easily propagated by seeds.
CurvedMulti-barreled. White fluff on the leaves. Thorns on petioles. Height up to 8 meters. Resistant to direct sunlight, does not require shading. Loves moist air, requires frequent spraying.
ForestThe tallest, single-barreled. Thorns on petioles. The leaves, bluish with a gray tint, grow in groups of 3-4 pieces with a downward slope. Unpretentious and resistant to pests. Frost-resistant.
RockySingle-barreled. Thorns on petioles. The leaves are small and few in number. Frost-resistant.
CeyloneseSingle-barreled. Short bluish leaves with spines on the petioles. Resistant to cold.

Types of dates that can be grown from seeds

1500 varieties of date palms decorate different continents. But not everyone is capable of growing in artificially created conditions. Only dwarf forms of the palmate date can decorate offices and apartments. A date oasis can be created from the following varieties of palm trees:

  • Robelena is distinguished by a dense, feathery crown and the ability to tolerate slight shading;
  • Canary: the feathery trunk is crowned with hard and narrow leaves, the petioles are covered with thorns;
  • The common or palmate variety is characterized by rapid growth and low decorative qualities: a bare trunk and a top of leaves;
  • Curved is interesting because it forms several trunks and grows like a shrub;
  • Ceylon has short leaves and spiny petioles;
  • Stony received the title for its trunk, which quickly becomes bare;
  • Forest is a giant date that is suitable for very large rooms or greenhouses.

True date palm (date palm)

The palmate palm is the same palm tree that produces delicious sweet dates that are sold in stores all year round. Each date contains an elongated pit with pointed tips. Seeds from store-bought dried fruits remain viable and are suitable for sowing.

The fruit of the palmate date is a famous sweet and tasty date.

The palmate date grows in the hot tropical deserts of Africa and Arabia. At the base of old trees, numerous root shoots often form, due to which plant regeneration occurs.

Real date palms grow in tropical deserts

Canarian date palm

The Canary date grows in the wild only in the Canary Islands. It is often grown as an ornamental plant in subtropics around the world, including in Russia along the Black Sea coast. This palm tree does not produce root shoots and reproduces only by seeds.

The Canarian date palm is grown as an ornamental plant in many countries

The fruits are not eaten due to their small size and fibrous pulp. Canary date seeds have an oval shape with rounded tips. You can pick up ripe fruits in December - January in the cities of the Black Sea coast, where these palm trees grow in abundance.

The fruits of the Canarian date are easily identified by the rounder seeds than those of the real date.

In my opinion, the Canarian date is more interesting for home cultivation: its plants have more graceful leaves and a fluffier crown, they look much more attractive than potted palmate date plants at a similar age.

Canarian date plants look very attractive

The palmate date is less decorative, but its seeds are easier to find

Caring for dates at home

The date is not a very fastidious plant, but a few simple conditions for caring for it at home must be observed.


The palm tree loves bright rooms, but does not tolerate direct sunlight. To avoid leaf burns, it is necessary to provide shading. Covered balconies and loggias protected by curtains are good for growing dates.

Air temperature

The date is sensitive to temperatures, and if in summer it can withstand hot days, in winter it needs a cooler room - no higher than +18 ° C. Do not place the plant near radiators.

In the warm season, you can move the plant outside. But it should be borne in mind that at night the temperature should not drop below +12 °C.


Since the palm tree comes from a tropical climate, it is accustomed to high air humidity. Therefore, the drier the air in the room and the higher the temperature, the more often the plant needs to be sprayed. In hot weather, large leaves can be carefully moistened with a wet cloth.


Palm trees do not tolerate stagnant water well, so a good layer of drainage is required at the bottom of the pot. For irrigation, settled water at room temperature is used, ideally rain or melt water.

The frequency depends on the time of year. In winter, dates require watering less often, and in summer - more often and more abundantly. At the same time, you need to monitor the condition of the soil, avoiding either waterlogging or drying out.

Top dressing

You can fertilize the soil every ten days in the summer and every month in the winter. To do this, 1 gram of potassium sulfur is added to a liter of water for irrigation.

Once a year, it is advisable to carefully remove the top layer of soil in the pot, replacing it with fresh soil mixed with superphosphate fertilizers.

Leaf trimming

It is necessary to promptly remove dried and broken leaves. It is not advisable to prune partially yellowed ones - they serve as a source of nutrients for the plant.


A young date palm grows quickly and should be replanted at least once a year. For adult plants (over 5 years old), this procedure is required once every 3-5 years.

It is advisable to replant in the spring. It is strictly not recommended to choose autumn for this - the palm tree may die.

It has a hard time adapting to a new place, so it should be replanted in accordance with the step-by-step instructions:

  1. The new pot should be much deeper than the previous one, because the roots of the palm tree grow deeper than wide. Good drainage holes are a must.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot - for example, expanded clay.
  3. You can use ready-made store-bought soil or mix turf soil, sand and humus yourself in equal proportions, be sure to add 1 tablespoon of superphosphate fertilizers per 3 liters of soil.
  4. Under no circumstances should the earthen ball around the roots be damaged. Only the top layer of the former soil needs to be cleared off. If the pot does not allow you to remove the palm tree along with the soil, it should be broken or cut.
  5. The plant trunk does not need to be buried in a new pot. The ground level should remain the same as in the old place.

Interesting facts about the benefits of dates

Much is known about the benefits of dates - this is a scientifically proven fact. Scientists have found that by eating just one fruit, a person triggers an “irreversible healing process” in the body. This is exactly what the phrase says, belonging to scientists who conducted research on the benefits of dates.

In addition, representatives of different nations of the world believe that dates have magical properties and can influence human life expectancy:

  • The Chinese claim that some of their centenarians rely on dates as the basis of their diet.
  • Many modern nutritionists suggest replacing sweets and other sweets with dates.
  • It is known that the lower the blood sugar level, the stronger the feeling of hunger. Eating just 2 dates allows you to bring this figure back to normal. It is noteworthy that the feeling of hunger subsides for a very long time.

It is the latter technique that many nutritionists advise their patients to use in order to “deceive” the body and not eat an extra high-calorie portion of food. You should always keep a few fruits with you, which will allow you not to pounce on food, obeying the feeling of hunger.


All types of dates are easily propagated by seeds, which can be purchased in stores. A regular palmate date can be grown from a seed from a candied fruit purchased at the supermarket.

Preparing the seeds

Immediately after extraction from the fruit or after purchase, the seeds are soaked in warm (+35...+40 °C) water for 2-3 days. The water changes every day.

For planting, select the seeds that have sunk to the bottom of the container. Before this, the swollen seeds are washed with running water.

Soil preparation

Drainage holes are cut in disposable cups. A sterile soil mixture is mixed, consisting of leaf soil, perlite and vermiculite in equal proportions. This mixture is poured into cups (not to the brim!) and poured over.


In order for the date to germinate faster, it is necessary to slightly open the outer shell of the pit. Then deepen the seed vertically into the ground (one for each cup) and sprinkle another half centimeter.


Cups with seedlings are placed in a warm (+20...+30 °C) place and watered from time to time, preventing them from drying out. Germination takes three to nine months.

As soon as the first shoots appear, it is necessary to provide them with bright, diffused lighting - but in no case should they be placed in direct sunlight.

Transplantation into a pot is carried out when the length of the sprout reaches 4 centimeters.

Is it possible to eat dates for constipation as a laxative?

To answer the question of whether date tree fruits are weakened or strengthened, you need to consider their composition in detail. An important role is played by the fact in what form the fruits are consumed: dried or fresh. Dried dates are a treasure trove of fiber, which helps speed up intestinal motility.

Therefore, their use is advisable for constipation. Fruits can be eaten straight from the package, made into compote, or added to various dishes.

If you have problems with bowel movements, it is best to consume the product in dried form, which contains more (albeit slightly) dietary fiber than fresh fruit. Dried dates are known for their laxative properties. Therefore, they should be consumed by people suffering from constipation. To get the laxative effect of dates, you need to soak them in water overnight and eat them in the morning.

Conversely, fresh fruits contain large amounts of potassium, which is essential for diarrhea. The body easily digests fruits. This way you can eliminate a delicate problem.

Diseases and pests attacking dates

A well-cared for palm tree rarely gets sick. Here is a short list of diseases that dates are susceptible to and how to treat them.

CauseSigns on leavesTreatment
Lack of nutrientsYellowness.Regular feeding.
Watering with hard waterFiltration of water for irrigation.
Excessive wateringBrown, rotten smell.Stop watering until the soil dries completely.
Lack of moistureDarkening at the ends.Correction of detention conditions, change of location.
The air is too dry
Watering with cold water
Fungal diseasesGray or pinkish spots.Fungicides are antifungal drugs. It is not recommended to use more than once a week.

In addition, the date palm can become the target of pest attack:

  • The spider mite causes the leaves to turn yellow, dry out and curl, and entwine them with a thin web.
  • Mealybugs suck the sap from the leaves, leaving a white, fluffy coating.
  • Thrips contaminate and dehydrate, resulting in discolored spots.
  • The scale insect attaches itself to the integument of the plant, drawing out the juice. It can be distinguished by its brown tubercles.
  • Nematodes are worms that live inside leaves and cause them to thicken, deform and die. They are difficult to remove and spread quickly, so if they are detected, the plant should be destroyed along with the pot as quickly as possible.

Most insects can be removed using the following folk methods:

  • Garlic infusion: 4 heads of garlic are dipped in 1 liter of water and kept for 5 days. The resulting extract is diluted with water and used to spray foliage.
  • Tobacco infusion: add 40 grams of tobacco to 1 liter of water and leave for 2 days. Then add another liter of water and spray the plant.
  • Soap-vodka solution: 15 g of liquid soap and a couple of tablespoons of vodka are diluted in 1 liter of water. Use once a week to wipe the leaves.

If the above methods are ineffective, it is necessary to treat the plant with agrochemicals, following the instructions.

It is recommended to first try the product on one leaf of the plant to determine the reaction.

Before processing, the soil must be covered with a film to protect it from foreign substances that could harm the composition of the soil.

Dates - beneficial properties and how much you can eat per day

Both fresh and dried dates provide a large amount of energy due to their high content of simple sugars. In this regard, they are recommended for athletes and people leading an active lifestyle. Despite this, regular consumption of the product does not increase blood sugar levels. Dates replenish glycogen levels in the liver and muscles, restoring energy reserves.

Eating the fruits of date trees is recommended for people who live under excessive stress. Because they contain vitamins and minerals that improve the functioning of the nervous system. For the same reason, they improve heart function, reduce discomfort during menopause in women and protect against osteoporosis. They also contain taurine, which acts as an antidepressant and regulates sleep.

Dates are also high in fiber. Thanks to this, they improve the functioning of the digestive system, prevent constipation and reduce the risk of developing bowel cancer. For the same reason, they interfere with the absorption of cholesterol, reduce the amount of triglycerides in the blood and prevent the formation of atherosclerotic plaque.

This is why they protect against cardiovascular diseases such as atherosclerosis and heart attack.

Dates contain natural salicylates (substances that act like aspirin), so they have analgesic, anti-inflammatory and antipyretic properties. Therefore, they can be used as a gentle and natural remedy to support the fight against viral infections. And also as an aid in the treatment of pain in joints and muscles.

A decoction of ripe fruits is used for asthma, sore throats and runny nose, and also as an expectorant.

It is worth noting that date oil improves sperm motility and increases their number. Therefore, this product is also very useful for men.

Benefits of dates for women

Fruits, due to their fiber content, relieve symptoms of menopause, prevent atherosclerosis and the formation of blood clots in blood vessels. They are also often recommended for people suffering from hypertension.

Dates give energy to a tired body within half an hour after consumption. They are especially recommended for women during childbirth so that they can achieve full fitness faster.

Is it possible to give dried dates to children?

Date tree fruits can be a healthy and sweet snack for your baby between meals. Using them you can prepare healthy baked goods and desserts without adding sugar.


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Delicious sweets do not cause tooth decay, provide energy for play and, despite containing natural sugars, reduce the risk of excess weight problems in the future.

Possible problems during cultivation

Some gardeners are faced with a situation where a date stops growing for no apparent reason. This may happen due to the following factors:

  • Lack of heat. At air temperatures below +17 °C, the roots of the plant cease to function properly, and the nutrients necessary for growth do not enter the trunk.
  • Incorrect soil composition. The palm tree does not like soils with acidity below 7 pH. A lack of manganese and iron in the soil may also be to blame.
  • Pot too big. The aboveground part of the plant will not grow until the roots fill all the available space.

Dates: glycemic index

The glycemic index of dry dates is 62. This qualifies them as a medium glycemic index fruit. The sugars present in the fruit are simple sugars of natural origin. Dried dates are very rarely sweetened because it is not necessary due to their natural sweetness.

Attention! People with diabetes should limit their consumption of dates because the average glycemic index is not safe for people with the condition.

It should also be taken into account that fresh date palm fruits will have a lower glycemic index, allowing you to consume them in small quantities, even for diabetics (fresh IG is a maximum of 54).

Mr. Summer Resident informs: the use of date palms

In its natural habitat, the date palm is a very practical plant. Its fruits, which come to us as dried fruits, are rich in amino acids and are used not only for food, but also for medicinal purposes.

They also serve as food for animals. The date supplies people with wood, raw materials for textile production, valuable oil, and juice for extracting sugar.

Designers use this plant to fill empty spaces and zone rooms. It fits perfectly into an interior furnished in a modern style.

In esotericism, a date palm in the house is considered a sign of harmony in the family. She is credited with the ability to extinguish conflict situations and promote mutual understanding.

What do we know about the palm tree?

The plant grows successfully in tropical climates. They say that the history of the date palm began a long time ago. There are suggestions that it was cultivated 8,000 years ago by tribes living in the territory of modern Iraq. Its fruits were consumed by the inhabitants of Mesopotamia. Some believe that the local population prepares a miraculous decoction from the sap obtained from the tree.

Palm bark is also used as a building material. Roofs are covered with its leaves; they are also used for weaving various products. In general, all parts of the plant are actively used.

The date palm looks quite unusual during flowering. It can contain more than two thousand flowers. They are collected in large inflorescences that hang in clusters from the palm tree. This is how dates grow on trees.

It is noteworthy that in hot desert areas this plant makes it possible to grow cereals and grapes. The palm tree creates darkness, which allows a person to engage in successful farming. How do dates grow in such conditions? The main “requirement” of a palm tree is a shallow groundwater table.

Interesting fact! The palm tree can be up to 100 years old. It grows only at night, since its day is entirely occupied by photosynthesis.

Fruit composition

Dates contain 24 amino acids, which is many times more than other fruits. From them we highlight:

  • tryptophan - it slows down aging, balances the mental state of nervous disorders, relieves insomnia, stimulates brain function;
  • Glutamine amino acid neutralizes excess stomach acidity, and thereby eliminates and prevents heartburn.

What else is healthy about dates?

  • fats - 0.5%;
  • oil - 0.5%;
  • sugar - about 60%, but it is harmless, as it consists of fructose and glucose, does not harm teeth, and is not contraindicated for diabetes;
  • proteins - approximately 5.5%;
  • minerals and salts (copper, iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, potassium, magnesium, zinc, aluminum, cadmium, manganese, sulfur, boron, and others);
  • vitamins B, A, C;
  • selenium (reduces the likelihood of cancer);
  • pectin;
  • dietary fiber;
  • fluorine;
  • beta carotene.


The most popular variety of dates in the United States. The variety was first bred in Morocco, but the main exporter today is Israel. The fruits are quite large, up to 9 cm. The color is dark brown, sometimes even almost black. The skin is very thin, and when consumed, a bright caramel aroma is felt.

Due to the complete absence of fat, the fruit has only 66 kcal. The average price category is not as common in Europe as in overseas countries.

The effect of dates on the body's functioning

Date is an important product for almost all organs and systems of the human body [6].

Below is a description of the most beneficial properties of this dried fruit.


Dates are considered to be an effective remedy against constipation. To enhance the laxative properties of the fruits, you will have to soak them overnight and eat the swollen fruits in the morning. They contain large amounts of soluble fiber, which is necessary to speed up the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, which is important for preventing constipation [7].

Bone Health and Strength

The huge amount of minerals found in dates makes these fruits a superfood that is good for bones, particularly those weakened by osteoporosis. Selenium, copper, manganese and magnesium, which are part of dates, are essential components for healthy bone tissue [8]. A deficiency of these nutrients leads to rapid aging and thinning of bones.

Intestinal disorders

The presence of nicotinic acid makes palm fruits useful for many intestinal disorders.

Regular consumption of these fruits helps inhibit the proliferation of pathological microorganisms and stimulate the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

In addition, it is important to remember that dates are insoluble and soluble fiber, which also largely affects intestinal health [9].


The high iron content in date palm fruits makes them one of the best foods against anemia [10]. If you have been feeling weak, lethargic, or easily tired lately, these may be signs of anemia, so try introducing dates into your diet.


One of the most interesting components of date fruits is sulfur. This is not a very common element in foods, but it has many beneficial properties. Among them is the ability to protect against seasonal allergies. According to research, organic sulfur compounds alleviate the symptoms of seasonal allergic rhinitis. So be sure to stock up on dates for the next blooming season.

Lack of body weight

A kilogram of dates is more than 3 thousand kilocalories. With such an energy value, fruits, of course, can hardly be called a dietary product that promotes weight loss. More often it is introduced into the diet for the opposite purpose. For people who are underweight, weakened, or with underdeveloped muscles, dates are the best choice.

Natural energy drink

As a fruit extremely rich in natural simple sugars such as glucose, fructose and sucrose, dates can be used as an ideal snack that quickly restores energy.

Nervous system

It seems that nature itself has selected a chemical composition for dates that is optimal for the functioning of the nervous system. Potassium is one of the main ingredients necessary for the functioning of nerve cells and brain performance. This substance is present in large quantities in dates, making these fruits an excellent choice for older people whose nervous systems are weakening, as well as for people whose work requires mental stress [11].

Healthy heart

Another benefit for the heart is the presence of potassium in dates, which is necessary to maintain the strength of the main muscle in the body - the heart. Dates have been proven to reduce low-density lipoprotein (“bad” cholesterol) levels and prevent strokes and heart attacks. You can enhance this property of dates by soaking them in water overnight.

Man's health

Research has shown that dates are beneficial for sexual health. These fruits act as an aphrodisiac on humans.

According to an ancient recipe, dried dates should be kept overnight in fresh goat milk, and then ground and mixed with the same milk, honey and cardamom powder. The effectiveness of this folk medicine against sexual impotence has been confirmed by science. Not long ago, researchers determined the effect of oils contained in date fruits on the sexual functions of the body. High levels of estradiol and flavonoids (present in dates) increase sperm production and enhance sperm motility [12].


The list of benefits of date fruits includes benefits for the eyes. In the homeland of these plants, crushed date palm leaves are used as a drug for night blindness. To improve vision for people living in our latitudes, dried fruits are also suitable, which also contain enough microelements useful for vision.


These sweet fruits are known to help reduce intoxication in the body as a result of alcohol poisoning. Dates are useful if you need to reduce the level of hopping or get rid of a hangover. And again, soaking them in water overnight will help enhance the healing abilities of the fruits.


Due to the presence of potassium, dates will help you get rid of diarrhea quickly. These fruits are also useful for people with chronic diarrhea.


This variety of dates is grown in Iraq. The fruits are medium in size, up to 5 cm in diameter. When biting, a person feels a slight sugar crunch. As a rule, in European countries the product is used as an additive in desserts and included in purees.

Dates are rich in various vitamins, among which are:

  • potassium;
  • iron;
  • B vitamins.

The color of the fruit is golden-red; depending on the stage of ripening, it may vary slightly, either lighter or darker.

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