Indoor flowers are the joy of every housewife. Thanks to them, the rooms feel cozy
Everyone knows this hardy cactus with edible fruits. Prickly pear has flat, round, juicy shoots
Flower growers have many plants, among which Tradescantia is very popular. This plant is not
Selecting a container and soil Selecting a container: Cacti are quite demanding on the container in which they will be
Too much water Flowers need to be watered regularly, but many people simply “flood” them
For those who visit their dacha on short visits or are physically unable to water the plants daily, dragging
What could be easier than growing violet (Saintpaulia)? They live in almost every apartment.
Many people grow flowers on their windowsill or in their garden. This activity delivers
Common mock orange (Philadelphus pallidus) The species is native to Southwestern Europe. The shrub stretches up to three meters in
Citruses Photo: Lemons, tangerines, oranges, grapefruits, sweeties and pomelo are the simplest fruits