Reo - photo, home care, reproduction

Names and brief descriptions of indoor flowers with purple leaves

The unusual color of the leaves can be of various shades: from light lilac to deep purple. It can be uniform, can be located on both sides of the leaf at once, and there are options where this color is presented on one side - only on the top or bottom, while the other part remains the usual green. Purple on both sides are the well-known wood sorrel (night butterfly) with small triangle leaves, irezine (which needs a large amount of light to maintain the brightness of the color). The types of Herbst irezine and Purple Lady irezine are monochromatic.

Stromanta as a flower garden decoration

The upper side of the leaves is purple

Among the whole variety of indoor flowers, painted in this unusual, unusual shade only on top, the most popular is hemigraphis alternating. There are more than 100 species of this plant in nature. At home, ampel and semi-ampel forms are grown. It can be perennial or annual. The plant is whimsical, but looks very impressive.

With proper care, the ovoid, serrated leaves turn purple on top (its saturation changes depending on the lighting), while remaining light green on the reverse side.

The underside of the leaves is purple

There are other plants with leaves that are purple only on the bottom. The most common among them:

Reo during the flowering period

Note! All plants in this group may change color slightly depending on the lighting.

Houseplant according to Feng Shui

In any room you can achieve a great feeling of harmony and peace, but only if things are correctly arranged in it and the necessary plants are present according to Feng Shui. Our psychology compares Feng Shui to a level with a home hobby, but for residents of the East it is something more. If we are talking not about an apartment, but about a dacha, then it is very important to take care of the yard, since energy penetrates from it into the premises. Plants in pots that can be placed directly on the windows will help normalize the atmosphere in the rooms. This will create a kind of protection and shell from external negativity that can penetrate the room. The plants themselves should not be sick or dying. Such plants emit very unfavorable energy. It is also worth noting that the plant may not be suitable for a home or a particular person. This is very easy to feel, and if such a feeling arises, then it is better to give such a plant to someone for whom it is better suited. Reo occupies a fairly strong position among energetically useful plants in Feng Shui. Besides being very useful, it is also exotically beautiful. Reo is a very powerful plant; its stem can reach a length of about half a meter. The reo flower is not the most noticeable thing about the plant. It has bicolor leaves that are brilliant green on top and purple underneath. Taken together, this creates a very beautiful picture. The plant blooms for a very long time. White inflorescences emerge from spathes folded like lips. Reo needs careful care and attention. But just by its appearance, the plant causes moral balance and an improvement in psychological state.

If, according to Feng Shui, there are indoor reo flowers in the room, then they can absorb the negative energy of aggression, as well as anger, which may be hidden in someone. The plant easily relieves tension from the home atmosphere, and also does not allow the host’s biofield to decrease. It also has a good effect on human health, it improves the condition of the vascular system.

The teaching of Feng Shui states that each person’s home can be divided into different zones (for example, the zone of love, children, creativity, health, career, knowledge, family and friends). To highlight each zone, it will be almost impossible to delimit it; the zone must be activated. To do this, various indoor plants are placed, each of which is capable of being responsible for the successful functioning of a particular zone. It is the element to which the plant belongs that balances the zone, and the correct arrangement contributes to a surge of positive energy in each zone. The reo plant helps regulate zones such as the health zone and the love zone. In the love zone, reo can be compared with plants such as camellia, impatience, gardenia, hibiscus, acalypha, chrysanthemum, orchids, aphelandra, zantedexia, pelargonium and so on. In terms of love, room reo contributes precisely to the settlement of relationships, as well as the elimination of love turmoil.

This plant greatly influences the negativity that can come from love partners. This plant absorbs negative emotions and takes them for itself. Peace and tranquility begins to reign in the atmosphere, which has a beneficial effect on the development of further relationships.

This plant is also very necessary, according to Feng Shui, in the health zone. In general, any indoor plant can improve your health, but Feng Shui indoor plants such as monstera, aucuba, croton, cissus, poinsettia, dracaena, and bonsai work best. The reo plant also improves the general condition. It has an effect on psychological balance, on the functioning of the vascular system, and helps to cure any diseases that can be cured by peace and good rest.

Indoor flowers with purple stems

Flowers grown on a windowsill very often have purple “trunks”. There are representatives of home flora that have such original stems:

Purple indoor flowers can decorate any room and bring a little variety to every interior. And it doesn’t matter at all whether it will be painted in this color in whole or in part. The most important thing is effectiveness and unusualness. As a rule, such plants are not too picky, and all they need is as much sunlight as possible to make the color brighter.


Superstitions and signs

Since the front and back surfaces of reo foliage have different colors, the plant itself has a dual nature. The flower is ruled by Mars and the Sun. That is why he fills the house with high feelings and a spirit of nobility, while cleansing it of anger and aggression. Reo fills a person with creative energy and helps to bring all things to an end. Some experts believe that this flower can protect your home from black witchcraft. Since rheo is exposed to the influence of Aquarius, it has a beneficial effect on the state of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems of people.

Tradescantia reo in my greenhouse. Don't repeat my actions!

Oxalis triangularis (Oxalis)

An indoor herbaceous plant, it belongs to the sorrel family.

It grows naturally in South Africa, Europe, South and Central America.

Very popular among flower growers due to its unpretentiousness and decorativeness.

The foliage of this plant has a sour taste.

This flower is distinguished by its unusual triangular leaves.

On thin stems there are trefoil leaves that look very much like butterflies. The upper side of the leaf is more purple in color, while the lower side is less saturated.

In the evening, the leaves close and become triangle-shaped.

During flowering, they produce pale, delicate peduncles with light lilac flowers.

For complete care you need:

Reo flower as an activity stimulant

Folk omens claim that the power of this pleasant flower is great. It has properties that stimulate different types of activity:

Next to a bright Reo, poetry is easier to write, interesting ideas come to mind faster, beautiful music sounds in the soul. Creative people try to put Reo in their studio to feed off his energy. If a person has not previously noticed any creativity in himself, having got Reo, he will begin to engage in needlework, painting, and become interested in art.

Next to this plant it is easier to implement your plans and finish what you started. After all, creative people are distinguished by their inconstancy and lack of natural composure. And the tropical herbaceous plant will help them gain balance, vitality, and the ability to go to the end, without retreating from difficulties.

When people lose loved ones, nothing can brighten the bitterness of loss. In order for a person to be able to return to normal life again and accept what happened, he is advised to get a Reo. Regular contact with this tradescant helps restore mental balance and find the meaning of life.

Ginura vine-bearing

There are several varieties of ginura. However, the most popular and unpretentious ginura is the climbing ginura.

Belongs to the Astrov family. The homeland of growth is exotic countries: Asia, East Africa.

The culture is ampelous and has long creeping stems, approximately 50 cm long.

Velvety leaves are oblong, wavy at the edges and pointed towards the top. They have an unusual two-tone color. At the base the leaf is purple, and in the middle of the leaf there is a sharp transition to emerald color.

The leaves and stems of the plant are covered with fleecy fringe.

Produces yellow, dandelion-like flowers.

Care requirements:


A bright, picturesque, unpretentious plant.

Belongs to the Amaranth family.

They grow in their natural environment in Australia, America, and the Antilles.

On bright pink stems, spectacular glossy leaves of a bright purple hue are located opposite. They can be oval, round or slightly elongated.

The inflorescence is capitate, spike-shaped.

The most popular types are Linden irezine and Herbst irezine.

Suitable growing conditions:

Setcreasia purpurea (Tradescantia pallidum)

Spectacular and hardy, hanging plant.

Its homeland is Mexico and its highland parts. Grows together with cacti and agaves.

The stems and leaves are colored violet-purple with a greenish tint.

The leaves are narrow, up to 3 cm wide, oblong in shape, narrowed at the top. Their length is up to 10cm.

It blooms for a long time from May to August, with small pink flowers.

Growing conditions:

Setcreasia should not be irrigated from above to avoid the appearance of light spots on the leaves. Therefore, to maintain humidity, place a container of water or a tray with pebbles or expanded clay next to the plant.

Diseases, pests

Of the pests, the most dangerous for rheo are scale insects. When these insects are detected on the leaves, the flower is treated with a soap solution. Adult insects are first removed by hand. In case of severe infection, the damaged foliage is removed and the bush is sprayed with insecticides such as Fitoverm and Aktara.

With frequent watering, the plant may suffer from root or stem rot. In this case, the bush is removed from the pot, the root system is examined, and all diseased areas are removed.

Reo (Tradescantia capillata)

One of the most unpretentious flowers.

Some scientists attribute it to the genus Tradescantia, but there is another opinion according to which it is assigned to the genus Reo.

Throughout the year it has decorative, massive, purple leaves. Its leaves have a beautiful, graceful curve.

It is ideal for the interior of any room. And in the summer it feels good on the balcony or loggia.

Favorable conditions:

Indoor plants with purple leaves bring variety to the usual green world. They improve the mood with their variegated colors.

What they have in common is ease of care. As a rule, they require a lot of light for their bright colors, moderate humidity and watering.


Reo flower as an amulet

The ability of a bright tropical guest to neutralize any accumulations of negative energy has been known for a long time. Even simple manifestations of evil and aggression between household members come to naught when there is a Tradescantia cape in the room.

The number of quarrels and conflicts in the family decreases, disagreements are resolved through negotiations. They say that it absorbs any negativity in the room. If strangers feel anger, envy, or try to damage the house or family members, Reo can serve as an obstacle to the penetration of the evil they exude.

Important! When we are talking about a more difficult situation, about the desire of envious people and ill-wishers to do damage, you should not rely only on the plant.

Many signs and superstitions give the Reo flower the ability to stop directed negativity; its strength will not be enough for long: the flower will get sick, begin to wither, and eventually die.

Names of purple indoor flowers

The purple color of the petals looks advantageous in a classic or minimalist interior; such plants always attract attention. There are many varieties of domestic crops with light or dark purple buds. And each of them requires proper care and attention. In this case, the flower will delight you with flowers all year round. If you do not provide the plant with comfortable growing conditions, it stops blooming and eventually dies.

Himalayan geranium. The shrub plant reaches only 30-60 cm in height. It is distinguished from other species by large flowers with lilac petals of varying degrees of brightness (from light lilac to rich, with pinkish veins).

Achimenes Ehrenberg. Reaches half a meter in height. It has straight and thin stems on which grow medium-sized leaves with a bright green color and clearly visible veins. The flowers are purple at the edges and deep lilac closer to the center. The flowering period occurs from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn.

Saintpaulia. There are many varieties of the plant. They all differ from each other in the color of their buds. They are terry or glossy, light lilac or bright purple. Plants with a heterogeneous shade that combines several colors at once (duochrome, chimera, bordered) look unusual. Saintpaulia grows up to 30 cm in height, has thin stems and a shallow root system. Roots well in loose soil mixed with sand.

Gloxinia. The plant has a tuberous root system, thin stems surrounded by double green leaves. Buds with a diameter of 5 cm bloom at the tops of the stems. They are distinguished by their border color - white at the edges and dark lilac in the center. The shape of the petals is wavy, heterogeneous. Flowering occurs in the summer and lasts 2-3 months.

Calla purple. It has the same structure of stem, leaves and flowers as the classic white variety. A distinctive feature of the plant is the deep purple hue of its petals. The color is uniform, inclusions of other colors are rare, which depends on the type of crop.

Passionflower. An exotic plant, notable for its unusual flower shape. The petals are painted in different shades of lilac. In one inflorescence there are light and rich tones. In the middle there is a corolla, which consists of bright purple threads, and a yellow anther. The leaves have a complex shape with jagged edges. The stem is thin, growing upright.

Stapelia shaggy. The plant belongs to the category of succulents. It has strong and fleshy leaves, thick stems in which moisture accumulates. Buds form at the tops of the stems, which then bloom into bright purple, star-shaped flowers. The flower is double, covered with barely visible fibers. Some varieties have light veins on the petals.

Streptocarpus. Dark terry leaves of a green hue are collected in a basal rosette. Stems rise from it to a height of 20-30 cm, and on their tops purple, funnel-shaped flowers with white veins and a light center are formed. The buds reach 5-7 cm in diameter.

Fuchsia. An evergreen exotic plant with thin green branches-stems on which bright purple flowers of unusual shape bloom. They have a corolla-shaped cup and a tube-shaped corolla. The surface of the petals is terry or simple. The flower is easy to care for, but in winter it needs rest.

Under the wrong conditions, the flowers first change color, become dull, and become covered with spots. The emergence of such a situation indicates that it is necessary to reconsider the care of the crop.

Is it possible to keep Reo at home?

Important! Old superstitions warn people to beware of the plant's poisonous sap. You especially need to keep an eye on children and pets. They may accidentally chew leaves or poke around in the soil.

It is better to place the plant on the east or west side . Southern - undesirable because of the direct and hot sun, which the reo will not tolerate. And the north side is also not suitable due to insufficient lighting. You can replenish the lighting in winter with additional phytolamps or with the help of daylight.

What house plants have this leaf color?

Gardeners also prefer to grow plants that have unusual lilac or purple leaves. There are many varieties of such flowers. They fit well into the design of the house and are considered original due to their appearance.

Hemigraphis. An evergreen plant with lilac foliage. At home, 4 varieties of hemigraphis are grown from a wide variety of species:

Ginura. Lush fast-growing shrub with small lilac leaves. The stems are creeping or upright (depending on the variety), grow 50 cm in length, hollow inside. The leaves are colored deep purple at the bottom and have bright green veins on top. They are covered with light fluff, giving them a spectacular terry surface.

Medicinal properties

In the wild, the flower has medicinal properties. The juice obtained from the stems and leaves is used in medicine. Thanks to its antioxidant effect, the juice helps stop gum bleeding .
Therefore, in folk medicine, juice is often added to rinses. A decoction of the leaves of the plant helps with respiratory diseases. Eliminates rhinitis, laryngitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis and sore throat. Cleanses the lungs.

But in indoor conditions the plant loses its healing properties. The sap from the stems and leaves of the plant can cause burns. It irritates the skin, causing hives and very severe redness. Therefore, when transplanting a flower, it is recommended to wear thick gloves.

What are the features of cultivation and care?

Any indoor culture needs to create optimal conditions for normal growth and development. Care consists of the correct choice of substrate (soil), watering, fertilizing, creating suitable air temperature and lighting:

How to water and fertilize?

Watering and fertilizing are mandatory procedures in caring for indoor flowers. It is recommended to water the plants early in the morning or after sunset (in extreme heat and sunlight, moisture evaporates faster from the soil and does not have time to be absorbed into the roots). When watering, you need to pay attention to the surrounding conditions: the higher the air temperature, the more abundant the moisture should be. This means that in spring and summer, purple flowers are moistened 2-3 times a week; in winter, it is recommended to reduce watering.

The soil is fertilized in the spring, when the roots and other parts of the plant are in a state of active growth. During this period, nutrients are more readily absorbed by the crop, and accordingly, the procedure gives better results. If necessary, for example, if poor soil is used, it is recommended to repeat fertilizing in the fall.


It is recommended to replant indoor plants in early spring, when all life processes are activated after winter dormancy. It is necessary to carefully remove the flower from the pot without touching its roots. Drainage is placed in the container for transplantation and a little soil is poured. Place the plant there, sprinkle it with substrate, and moisten it abundantly.

It is better to fertilize and prune crops 2-3 weeks after they are moved to a new pot. This procedure must be carried out as the plant grows, since some varieties require frequent replanting, others - once every 2-3 years.

Diseases and pests

Often, a houseplant begins to turn yellow, turn black, and its leaves become covered with spots and wormholes. The reason for this is diseases and attacks by insect pests.

Diseases are divided into viral and bacterial. The most common viral pathologies of domestic plants include mosaic and plant jaundice. The first disease, if treated in a timely manner, does not cause serious harm, but worsens the appearance of the crop, as it is accompanied by the appearance of yellow spots on the leaves. Jaundice is considered a more dangerous pathology, as it leads to rapid withering and death of the flower.

Bacterial diseases include:

Indoor flowers are also susceptible to pests, such as:

The plant must be treated with an insecticide; if necessary, repeat this procedure after 14 days until all symptoms disappear completely.

Description of features

The rheo flower (in Latin called Rhoeo Hance) belongs to the species “Tradescantia variegated”. Sometimes they write “reo”, it is often called reo tepalata , because its already modest, inconspicuous flowers managed to hide under the leaves-bracts, as if under a blanket.

This botanical feature caused people who studied the plant to associate it with a mythological boat that floated down the Nile, in which lay a baby. It was discovered and saved by an Egyptian princess, and the plant was named reo (by the way, Reo is the name of a forest nymph) and began to be called “Moses’ boat” or “Moses in a basket.”

In its homeland, in the tropical zone, the plant does not know periods of rest. This, however, does not mean that there the reo rolls around like cheese in butter: in dry times, it has to fight for life, using the moisture previously accumulated in the succulent leaves.

At home, this amazing property of the plant helps it stay fresh all year round. And the leaves are truly unique: their length ranges from 25 to 30 cm, width – 5 cm, and thickness – 0.5 cm. Thanks to these parameters, even a single plant, if it is also well-formed, makes a rich, lush bouquet.

Reo variegated (bedspread)

Reo is a perennial crop that is quite easy to care for . In home floriculture, this species is used more often than others. The leaves are dense, shiny, violet-purple on the “underside” and dark green, with longitudinal white stripes on the “front” side.

The flowers (by the way, they can appear at any time of the year) are white and quite spectacular, even despite their miniature size. The “trunk” of the rheo is voluminous enough that, like the “crown,” it contributes to the accumulation of fluid reserves.

Read also: Cold salting of hot peppers for the winter

The reo palette can also include colors that are unusual for leaves, such as pink or pink (Stripe in Pink variety), burgundy (Compacta).

Reo yellow

Reo yellow is not so often used in indoor floriculture, perhaps because yellow colors create the illusion of fading autumn foliage, and we want fresh, spring colors.

Nevertheless, this type of reo looks very original.

For example, the Vittata variety (as pictured) impresses with its combination of dark purple and intense yellow color.

In the spathacea Vittata variety, the beautiful sandy shade has completely replaced the purple colors.

There are also varieties with a beige color.

Although reo is not a capricious flower, it is very responsive to good care . If you take care of it according to all the rules, reo can become a real decoration for your home flower collection.

Light and temperature

Reo requires good lighting, but direct sunlight can be detrimental to it . The best choice is windows facing west and east.

If you place the reo plant on a southern windowsill, your green pet will need light shading. On northern windows, lighting may be required, because if the flower does not have enough light, its stems will begin to stretch.

This plant should not be exposed to sudden temperature changes . We must try to maintain the air temperature around 20 degrees in summer and at least 15 in winter.


The amount of watering is adjusted depending on the season:

  • from spring to autumn - intense,
  • in winter – moderate.

The same approach can be applied to spraying - such water procedures are extremely pleasant for the plant, however, in the cold season they should be carried out less frequently, but not completely eliminated, since due to the operation of heating radiators in the room there is quite low air humidity.

Reo is a moisture-loving crop, so the soil in the pot should always remain moist.

And so that the roots do not suffer from excess moisture, you need to ensure high-quality drainage in advance.

A good option for increasing humidity levels is to place pots on trays filled with wet moss or pebbles.

By regularly adding water to the tray, you will be able to maintain the moisture level required by the plant. The water should be at room temperature and soft in composition. After half an hour or an hour, the water needs to be poured out of the pan.

Fertilizers and fertilizers

Reo needs fertilizers and fertilizing from the first month of spring to August inclusive. They need to be done once every two weeks. In autumn, the number of fertilizing is reduced, in winter - they are stopped completely.

The fact is that in a state of relative dormancy, the plant consumes less nutrients and they begin to accumulate in the soil, which can subsequently have a negative effect on the flower.

It is advisable to use complex mineral fertilizers, as well as organic fertilizers, strictly in accordance with the volumes specified in the instructions.


Adult specimens do not require frequent replanting; it is enough to do it once every 3-4 years . With “youth” this procedure is carried out every spring, usually using the transshipment method. First, the top layer of “old” soil, in which there are no longer any nutrients left, is removed.

Each time the pot is taken a little larger than the previous one , and the shape is always chosen the same - with a large diameter and insignificant depth. The fact is that the rheo root system grows more actively in width than in length. Drainage must be laid at the bottom. For more information about rheo transplantation, watch this video:

Description of the reproduction process with photos

Indoor flowers reproduce well at home. Most often, in order to grow a new plant, it is necessary to take a viable shoot of the mother crop, properly process it and plant it in the ground.

To do this, you need to choose a cutting that is not damaged. It is cut with a sharp knife at an angle. The cut site is treated with crushed charcoal. The shoot is then placed in a substrate (for example, water) until strong roots are formed on the cut. After this, it is planted in nutritious, pre-moistened soil and watered.

Every house plant requires a lot of attention and care. And only under such conditions will it actively grow, develop, and delight the owner with large and bright flowers of all shades of purple.


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