5 cacti that will live more than 100 years with proper care


Echinocactus can also easily live up to a hundred years with proper care. This is a relatively small spherical cactus, covered with a large number of small but very sharp thorns. This plant is native to the deserts of Mexico, so it requires good lighting. It is advisable that in summer the cactus be exposed to direct sunlight throughout the day. In winter, lighting should be installed.

The recommended temperature for growing this cactus is +25 °C. The plant requires moderate watering. It is enough to moisten the soil twice a month in the summer. In winter, watering should be avoided due to the risk of root rotting. This cactus is a slow-growing one, so it is recommended to replant it once every 3-4 years.

  • Author: Inna Kiseleva
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Conservation status

In the United States, the plant is protected, and the area where it grows has the status of a national park. By law, it is prohibited to harm the saguaro in any way. If they are building houses or laying new roads, they must take into account the possible harm to huge succulents.

Nevertheless, poachers do not sleep and steal cacti of a relatively “young” age (up to 50 years). The attackers dig up the plants and load them into cars. The black market offers up to $1,000 for one succulent. To combat theft, cacti were equipped with microchips, which emit a special signal when the plant is stolen. If a carnegia is taken out of the reserve, the alarm makes it possible to establish the place where the offense occurred.

How to grow: planting and care rules

The first thing you need to worry about when planting a cactus is choosing the right container.
Some gardeners believe that any vase or piece of kitchen utensil can easily be used as a pot. But in reality this is extremely impractical and absolutely not suitable for this prickly flower. Depending on where cacti are able to accumulate life-giving moisture, they are divided into two types:

  • leafy;
  • stem

But based on this knowledge, you should choose the most suitable pots. For the first type, low, capacious containers are suitable, and for the second, absolutely any vessel.

The next fundamental criterion is the material from which the pot is made. Plastic is considered the most practical material currently existing. Such containers are lightweight, reliable, do not depend on environmental conditions, are affordable, easy to maintain and are available in a wide range. You can choose any color, shape and design solution.

Plastic does not allow moisture to pass through at all. And some of its types are capable of deforming under prolonged exposure to water and sunlight.

Another common material, pots from which are often used for growing cacti, is clay.
This natural, environmentally friendly rock, which allows moisture to evaporate, opens up air and regulates the temperature of the earthen clod. However, in winter they can cause the roots of the plant to freeze. Ceramic pots are similar in initial qualities to clay pots. Their obvious advantage is that they are natural and harmless.
When choosing a container for houseplants, you should focus on the presence of drainage holes that support the natural outflow of liquid and natural ventilation of the soil.

It is important to fill the selected pot correctly. First of all, its lower part must be filled with a drainage layer, which can be purchased at a specialized store. It is permissible to use the following as a drainage “cushion”:

  • expanded clay;
  • small pebbles;
  • pieces of foam;
  • broken red brick;
  • eggshell.

For normal plant development, it is recommended to add birch charcoal to the drainage.

Next comes a layer of soil. The easiest way is to purchase a ready-made soil mixture in the store labeled “for succulents and cacti.” Or cook it yourself. The product must be:

  • porous;
  • loose;
  • coarse-grained;
  • enriched with nutrients.

A soil consisting of one part sand, a similar amount of turf and leaf soil and one fourth part peat is ideal.
To increase nutritional value, humus should be added. Before mixing, it is recommended to wash the sand with a weak solution of potassium permanganate.

Cacti are propagated in three ways:

  • children;
  • cuttings;
  • seeds.

Experienced gardeners assure that there are no clear seasonal boundaries for planting cacti. You can move the young plant into a separate container even in winter. The only difference will be slower growth. Also, in the cold season, you need to be more attentive to the hydration process, doing it much less often than in summer.

The optimal season for planting is considered to be the beginning of spring - a period of intensive growth.

It is not recommended to do this later due to the onset of the flowering period of the plant. If the goal is to grow cacti from seeds, then the procedure for adding material should begin in February. Since the process of the appearance of the first shoots can take from several weeks to a couple of months.

Variety of shapes and types of cacti

  1. In nature, there are both the smallest cacti and giant specimens that reach a height of several meters. Dwarf cacti are called Rebutia.
  2. The cactus is characterized by slow growth and a long lifespan. In nature, they live from tens to hundreds of years. There is an original cactus with the shortest lifespan - 10 years.
  3. Cacti are also divided into 2 large groups - tropical and desert.
  4. Desert cacti grow in harsh conditions with a lack of moisture and daily and seasonal temperature changes. Some of these unusual cacti can even tolerate low temperatures.
  5. Tropical cacti are more heat- and moisture-loving. These types of cacti grow in diffused light in the special conditions of the humid evergreen forests of South America. Almost all representatives of forest cacti grow on other plants and have long hanging stems and sometimes unnoticeable thorns.

What shapes do cacti come in?

The fact that a cactus can have different shapes is evidenced by the description. The cactus most often has ribs. Usually these ribs are straight and descend from the top of the stem to the base, but they can be spiral or wavy-curved.

Facts about cacti indicate that in nature there are representatives of this plant with an ugly overgrown stem. These are the cristate and monstrous forms of the plant, but this may be confusing to children. Normally, the growing point of a cactus should be located at the top of the stem. The annual growth of cells in this zone increases the diameter and height of the stem. The substances secreted by the cells thus suppress the growth of the same cells scattered throughout the stem.

The history of the origin of the cactus: where is its homeland and how it grows in nature

  1. The first data on the emergence of cacti appeared back in the 16th century. In 1958, the German genius Jacob Theodor Tabernemontanus managed to publish a famous herbal book. It was in it that various varieties of cacti were mentioned for the first time.
  2. The cactus considers South America its homeland, because from where it spread throughout the planet.
  3. The history of the origin of this plant speaks of the complex adaptation of cacti in the desert zone. To reduce the consumption of its own liquid in drought conditions, this vegetation grows a strong skin. Cell sap, which is produced during photosynthesis, becomes viscous, which allows cacti to maintain water balance.

What to do if the cactus does not grow

Create suitable conditions for your pet:

  1. Young sprouts should not be placed in direct sunlight. Mature desert varieties, on the contrary, are recommended to be planted in well-lit places, on south-eastern or eastern windows. Decembrist and other shade-tolerant species are best placed on the north side. Do not move the flower deep into the room. Lack of light will lead to its death.
  2. Avoid using black soil. On fertile soil, the plant will rot and become moldy. You should add 50% sand to the pot. It is not necessary to use deep containers, since cacti have short roots.
  3. It is recommended to water the soil from several times a week to 3 times a month. The larger the specimen, the less often it requires water. In winter, the amount of fluid is reduced. Some varieties of cacti hibernate during the cold season. They do not require watering during the dormant period.
  4. It is possible to make a flower grow faster with the help of properly selected fertilizer. Fertilizers should not be added immediately after transplantation; they can destroy the cactus. It is forbidden to feed the plant during the dormant period. Dilute mineral fertilizers with soft or melt water, and then apply them in cloudy weather.
  5. Replant into another container at least once a year. Changing the pot stimulates the growth of the root system and trunk. Don't forget to put drainage at the bottom. Stones, shards or expanded clay are suitable.

Growth may be stunted due to diseases or pests. If the root system is affected, carefully dig up the cactus, rinse the roots thoroughly under running water, and treat.

Then transplant into a new pot. In this case, you cannot use soil from an old container. It is recommended to calcine the new soil in the oven to destroy pathogens.

If you notice rot on the trunk or roots, carefully cut off the affected area. To prevent the spread of pathology, sprinkle the cut with ash and dry it. If a young shoot or shoot begins to rot, you will have to remove it.

It is impossible to fight dry rot; for prevention, treat the flower with fungicides. Fusarium blight, which manifests itself as a pink or purple coating on the trunk, cannot be cured. The diseased plant will have to be destroyed.

Growth may be stunted by spot rust. To treat this disease, Bordeaux mixture or the drug “Topaz” is used.

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