Ceropegia Variegata: description and care at home
Ceropegia is a perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Lastovnevye family. Ceropegia's closest relatives are
You need to fertilize milkweed once a month.
Euphorbia white-veined: A flower that does not require care +Video
Euphorbia White-veined Euphorbia White-veined is a perennial succulent. Natural habitat – Madagascar and
What the money tree is afraid of, or how to keep the fat tree healthy
Quote from Ira_pichurova's message Read in full To your quote book or community! Pruning Crassula Callus, Crassula, Money
Indoor living tree: photo with description, care features, cultivation and recommendations from gardeners
November 11, 2018 Indoor plants Ekaterina Ryzhkova What is a living tree indoor plant?
Reproduction of Zamioculcas at home: leaves, cuttings, division
Features of Zamioculcas A feature of Zamioculcas is that the leaves are entirely an aerial part, and
Heather - planting and care in open ground, description of the plant, when is the best time to plant, replanting rules
Everything about the garden flower heather - when and how to plant, care for, propagate and prepare for winter
One of the hardiest and most unpretentious shrubs is heather; planting and care in the open
Transplanted cactus in a flowerpot
How to properly replant a cactus at home
Cacti are those plants that are firmly entrenched in the homes of gardeners. Original shape and
ficus propagation
Some tips for propagating ficus at home
Reproduction of ficus at home is a good thing and not easy. It all depends on
Blue Agave succulent: features of care at home
Is Blue Agave a Cactus or Not? Because of the plant's spiny leaves and sharp spines.
What kind of care does echeveria require at home?
Botanical description of the plant with photo Echeveria or Echeveria (Echeveria) is a succulent plant belonging to the family
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