How to make a florarium with your own hands: containers, soil, plants, care
Growing tropical plants in our houses and apartments is not so easy. Dry air
Money tree photo
Crassula (Money tree or Crassula) - types, photos and names
There is hardly a person among us who has never seen or heard about
Sedum sedum - bright sun in your garden. How to grow and care
Sedum caustic description, photo planting and care, succulent, flowering, beneficial properties, medicinal use, active
How to care for cactus mix at home
How to care for a cactus mix 03/09/2017 I would like to pay a little attention to indoor plants. Girls
Blooming cacti
Without thorns: how to grow tropical cacti at home?
Cacti can be called the most durable plants on the planet. They adapt to extreme heat and
How Zamioculcas grows photo
Why Zamioculcas does not grow and what to do: reasons, ways to solve the problem
Plants » Flowers 0 492 Article rating Kira Stoletova Zamioculcas is often bred at home
Leaf propagation
Subtleties of vegetative propagation of the Decembrist: how to root a cutting?
Sooner or later, everyone who grows Schlumbergera at home has a desire to propagate
Lophophora cactus: features, types and cultivation
The genus Lophophora, also called peyote, is of particular interest among the numerous representatives of the family
castor oil for flowers
Castor oil for flowers as a fertilizer: how to use, reviews and tips
What is this product? Castor oil is obtained from a plant called castor oil. The culture itself
Compositions from succulents: photos, principles of creation
Succulents are a real boon for compositions and creativity; they can be planted not only in
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