Peony Monsieur Jules Ely 16 photos description of the variety and cultivation characteristics

Features of Terry Bomb Peony

This plant was named after the deity of the ancient Greeks - Paean.
Paean healed the Olympian gods from illnesses. Most species are also “healers.” They are used in the treatment of diabetes and arthritis. They treat the kidneys and cardiovascular system. Used for poisoning, ulcers and varicose veins. But you should be careful when using this plant as a medicine.


The appearance of the double bomb peony is good throughout the warm season. This species is a herbaceous perennial. The roots of the plant are tuberous and fleshy. The stems reach a height of up to 1 meter. The leaf has a dissected shape.

Terry bomb peony bush

The flowers have a strong double appearance. The saturation of the petals is so great that when fully bloomed, the flower looks like a ball or a bomb. It is because of this shape that this species received the name Terry bomb-shaped peony.

Color may vary.


Regular care is required. Despite its beauty, it does not require special attention. When planted correctly, this garden worker will produce lush blooms every year.

Frost resistance

Frost resistance is excellent. In winter, even in cold regions, this plant does not freeze out without additional shelter. However, it is better to play it safe - trim the bushes and cover them.


Flowering is annual and occurs at different times in different varieties.

All varieties of Terry peonies can be divided into certain groups depending on their flowering period

Based on when the plant blooms, peonies are divided into groups:

  • from May 20 -31 – very early;
  • from June 1-10 - early;
  • from June 16 – medium and late.

Classification of peonies by flowering duration with examples and brief description

Flowers have certain differences in size, appearance, and color. All types of peonies are divided into several main groups depending on the shape of the buds:

  • Non-double. The bud of such plants contains 5-10 petals, which are divided into 2 rows. The central part contains many stamens and pistils. The culture is characterized by strong and straight stems.
  • Japanese. This is a kind of intermediate form between double and non-double peonies. They are characterized by stamens that resemble curved petals. Thanks to this, a pillow of different shades appears in the center. It may be yellow or pink. Scarlet varieties are also found. Peonies are characterized by straight and elastic stems.
  • Anemone-like. The petals of such plants form a large number of rows. There are a few yellow stamens in the center.
  • Semi-double. These plants are characterized by many rows of petals. In the center there are ordinary and transformed stamens. After cutting, the buds remain fresh for a long time.
  • Terry. In the middle there are many wide petals. Some varieties are characterized by deformed butts. Flowering times vary depending on the specific variety.

Double peonies have many petals in the center

Growing a flower

Thin-leaved peony (paeonia tenuifolia)
Gardeners of any level can cultivate this variety of peonies, since it is quite simple. It is recommended to remember a number of basic rules that will help you grow high-quality plants.

Planting with root cuttings

A root cutting is usually called a part of the root system with a growth bud and a root. They are harvested until white roots form. You can start planting cuttings in early August. To do this you should:

  1. Dig up the peony rhizome, remove the soil, remove rotten and dried roots.
  2. Divide into as many cuttings as possible (each should have a bud and a root).
  3. Soak the cuttings in potassium permanganate for 2 hours. Treat the cut areas with charcoal.
  4. Plant in the substrate at a distance of 18 cm from each other.

Note! It is recommended to protect the plantings from the sun at midday, water and remove weeds. Shelter is recommended in winter

In a couple of years it will be possible to find a new place for the plants.

Rhizome division

It is recommended to dig up peonies in order to replenish the supply of cuttings in the second half of August. It is worth planting either in September or early October. In this case, the seedlings are more likely to take root and survive the winter.

Selecting a location

Choosing a location is an important consideration for many flowers. Peony Monsieur Jules Ely is no exception. It is recommended to plant it either in sunny areas or in partial shade. Absolute shade can negatively affect flowering - it will not happen. However, when planting in the sun, it is recommended to find a way to shade the plant during particularly hot hours.

Important! It is not recommended to plant this peony variety near large bushes and trees, as it loves light. You should also avoid places where groundwater is too close to the surface, as this can cause rotting of the root system

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The soil for growing this type of peony should be light, well-permeable to air and water, and also be fertile. The best option is to choose loam. It is recommended to choose neutral acidity, since peony does not like acidic soil. To make the substrate, it is recommended to take peat, sand, humus and garden soil in equal proportions and mix thoroughly. It is also worth adding a small amount of wood soil and mineral fertilizers to it.

Depending on the method of propagation of the plant, the flower is prepared in a certain way. If we are talking about seeds, then it is worth following the rules of artificial stratification; if we are talking about root cuttings, disinfection with the help of potassium permanganate and charcoal is necessary. Treatment with a root formation accelerator remains the same.

Step by step landing procedure

There are not so many landing rules that you can make a mistake at least at some stage.

  1. It is worth digging a hole 60-70 cm deep and 1 m in diameter in advance. This is required so that the plant's roots can spread without problems.
  2. If the soil is acidic, you need liming; if it is loose, you will have to add humus; if it is dense, add sand; if the groundwater is located close to the ground, you should fill the bottom of the hole with drainage.
  3. Fill the hole halfway with the prepared substrate, place the seedling, carefully straightening its roots. The renewal bud should be located approximately 5 cm above ground level.
  4. Water.

The procedure is simple, and therefore even a novice gardener can cope with it.


Planting by seeds

The seed method of growing peonies is used either for selection or for obtaining a large number of plants. This method has a number of disadvantages: flowering may be delayed for 3-7 years, and only about a third of purchased seeds may sprout. If it is impossible to use other options for one reason or another, it is recommended to follow the step-by-step instructions.

When purchasing seeds, you need to pay attention to their appearance. If they are wrinkled, then it is better not to buy them, but shiny and smooth ones can turn out to be a real plant

First of all, it is recommended to keep the seed in warm water for 24 hours, and then soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate for a few more hours. Subsequently, it is recommended to treat the seeds with a growth stimulant.

You first need to plant them in a container, and after the first shoots appear, transplant them into open ground. In this case, artificial stratification is needed. This is done in the following way: the seeds are sent to the freezer at the end of April for a couple of months.

At the end of June, it is worth taking them out and planting them in the ground, placing the container with them on the windowsill. Boxes with seeds should be taken out into the garden and covered with spruce branches for the winter. In the spring, sprouts should emerge from the seeds and should be planted in the garden.

The healing properties of peonies

In addition to their attractive decorative qualities, peonies are also known for their medicinal properties. For the first time, peony began to be cultivated for the production of medicinal potions in China, then in Japan, and then spread throughout the world.

Peony roots are used for medicinal purposes.

Peony roots are used for medicinal purposes. They are collected in the fall (October - November) in the second year after planting the flowers. They are washed, dried, crushed and used in the form of a decoction or infusion as an anti-inflammatory and analgesic.

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In the fall of 2013, I planted a peony bought at an exhibition. the next summer there were 2 flowers on it, but this year the emerging buds remained in their infancy. The old bush growing nearby is blooming as usual. What can be wrong ? Thank you

Discussion in our VKontakte group:

Lidiya Voronchikhina: My favorite flowers! Pearl Catcher: If you don't have enough space in your garden, don't even dream about it. Peonies grow into huge bushes that need strong supports, without which all this beauty will lie in the mud, especially after rain. The flowers are heavy and the stems are rather weak. Especially the old and most beautiful Soviet varieties. In addition, there are a lot of nuances in planting and growing. Planted a little deeper or shallower - it doesn’t bloom, the buds freeze. Slightly drier or slightly heavier soil dries or rots. A little more nitrogen - it gives powerful greenery, does not bloom, and gets sick. A little more phosphorus - the buds will be huge on puny legs and will open poorly, and will rot after rain. In short, this flower is not for a beginner. Olga Kislitsina: But it seems to me that you have to try sooooo hard to kill this handsome guy... Now there is so much information about the intricacies of growing that you can easily have it in your flower garden without any problems. Marina Zhdanova: Very easy to care for, the bush can grow in one place for many years, it takes up about a meter of space - old varieties, less new ones. The main thing is not to bury it, it blooms beautifully. Vasilisa the Difficult: Catcher, they are not growing anywhere. Pinch in time and for 0.5 square meters it will stand rooted to the spot)) For small areas it’s just the thing. It grows and grows. Still a weed. He doesn't need anything. I watered it when I remembered and it was good. But you can’t make a support... well, who’s to blame))) Nastya Svetlichnaya: Catcher, apparently not your flower)) A problem-free flower, use urea in the spring, water with soaked black bread in the summer. Only bread without mold should be soaked for several days. They love it very much. And you will be happy))

You can participate in the discussion by going to the page in our VKontakte group.

Varieties with white flowers

Yellow crown peony (paeonia yellow crown)

Many French heritage varieties have white flowers in varying shades. It can be white with a lemon tint, as in the profusely flowering variety 'Duchesse de Nemours' ('Duchesse de Nemours', 1856) or the extremely fragrant 'Enchantress' ('Enchantress', 1903).

White flowers with a lemon tint. Variety 'Duchesse de Nemours' ('Duchesse de Nemours'). Photo by the author

Pinkish when blooming and then lightening to pure white, the variety 'Madame de Verneville' ('Madame de Verneville', 1885), bred by Albert Crus, forms a lush bush with strong, non-lodging stems. The great advantage of this variety is the amazing aroma of roses.

Peony 'Madame de Verneville' ('Madame de Verneville'). Photo from the site

'Avalanche' ('Avalanche', 1886), synonym of 'Albatre' ('Albatre'), has white flowers with a light pink center and red markings on the petals. 'La Lorraine' ('La Lorraine', 1901) blooms in creamy caps with pink intensification towards the center. 'Madame Emile Lemoine' ('Madame Emile Lemoine', 1899) has pink speckling on the petals and red markings in the center.

Variety 'La Lorraine' ('La Lorraine') - cream caps with pink saturation towards the center. Photo from the site

The very late variety with fragrant white-cream flowers 'Marie Lemoine' ('Marie Lemoine', 1869) is magnificent, as well as the creamy one with a light pink tint, now extremely rare 'Solange' ('Solange', 1907) . Lemoine variety 'Primevere' ('Primavera', 1907) - creamy white with red markings, yellow base of petals in the center, turning white at the end of flowering.

Variety 'Primevere' ('Primavera') - creamy white flower, in the center there is a yellow base of the petals. Photo from the website

Another stunning historical peony with an amazing scent and large pink-cream-white flowers with a yellow highlight in the center is 'Madame Jules Dessert' ('Madame Jules Desser', 1909). Or the famous Lemoine variety, which was once very popular, 'Le Cygne' ('Le Signe', 1907) - white with a yellow highlight, with dark green folded leaf blades. The white and pink variety 'Argentina' ('Argentina', 1924) is also magnificent.

The 'Argentina' variety is excellent. Photo from

But perhaps the most famous of the white French peonies is the famous variety 'Festiva Maxima' ('Maxim's Festival', 1857), it is also the most common and recognizable - blooming profusely, with carmine-red markings on pure white petals. Large pink-shaped flowers, exuding a wonderful rose aroma, hold well on strong stems. The variety is distinguished by its vitality, high resistance to disease, and is excellent for cutting.

The famous variety 'Festiva Maxima' ('Maxim's Festival')

Historical varieties

'Sarah Bernhardt' ('Sarah Bernhardt', 1906) 'Festiva Maxima' ('Maxim's Festival', 1851) Peonies that can surprise: the most memorable varieties and types

The incomparable 'Sarah Bernhardt' is an extraordinary blackcurrant ice cream color. Photo by the author diseases

'Festiva Maxima' is a well-recognized and beloved peony. The flower has characteristic crimson strokes. Photo by the author If you want to expand the color palette of peonies in your garden, from the old ones the French dark burgundy variety of medium flowering period 'Marechal MacMahon' ('Marshal Mac Mahon') and 'Felix Crousse' ('Felix Cruss') deserve attention, abundantly and Long-blooming large violet-red flowers with silvery petal tips.

'Felix Crousse' blooms profusely, all the flowers bloom together and do not fall off for a long time. Photo by the author Magnificent fragrant varieties:

  • 'Madame de Verneville' ('Madame de Verneville') - white-pink, has a rose scent;
  • 'Duchesse de Nemours' ('Duchesse de Nemours') - early blooming, with the scent of lily of the valley, white flower with yellow highlight.

On the left is the peony 'Madame de Verneville', on the right is 'Duchesse de Nemours'. Photo by the author We can recommend a few more beautiful French peonies.

  • 'Albert Crousse' ('Albert Crousse', 1893) - pink-shaped, warm pink tone, decorates the garden already at the end of flowering of the majority of varieties;
  • 'Monsieur Jules Elie' ('Monsieur Jules Elie', 1888) - pink-lilac. He and 'Albert Crusse' were repeatedly recognized as show leaders at exhibitions;
  • 'Reine Hortense' ('Reine Hortense', 1857) is an old French peony, double, rose-shaped, soft pink in color with a rich center. In 2022, it won the People's Choice Award.

Peony 'Monsieur Jules Elie' has a pink-lilac color 'Edulis Superba' ('Edulis Superba', 1824)

Peonies in the garden

Peony rubra plena (paeonia rubra plena)

The function of the peony is to decorate the garden. But there are some other features:

if you plant flowers in a line, they will delimit the space of the site into zones; with the help of this plant they focus attention on the desired object (for example, peonies at the entrance to the gazebo);

good as a 2nd tier (for example, low-growing plants are planted, and then a wall of hops. The middle tier is necessary); Terry Bomb-shaped peonies are used to decorate the garden plot

Terry Bomb-shaped peonies are used to decorate the garden plot

  • cover not very attractive places (if you plant them in front of the house, you can hide the not very decorative bottom of the facade of the house);
  • Great for edging paths.

Plant peonies so that they become a real treat for the eyes.

Use Cases

For Monsieur Jules Elie, it will not be difficult to find a place in the garden, flower garden or front garden. Its pink flowers with a lilac tint contrast wonderfully with the bright background of the grass lawn and the dark green needles of evergreens - junipers, spruces, thujas, fir, boxwood, and pine trees. In mixed plantings, Monsieur Jules Elie goes well with fragrant herbs and cereals with silver leaves and lilac, blue, pink, and white inflorescences. The plant can be placed near the gazebo, planted along the fence, in the foreground of the site, at the front entrance to the home. Large peony flowers are suitable for cutting.

Back and forth

Peony Duchesse de Nemours - what kind of variety is it, history of creation

The variety was bred by agronomist from France Calot in the mid-19th century. At that time, in order for an ornamental plant to become popular, it was necessary to work hard to create important properties: a refined aroma, purity of color and double inflorescences. The delicate paeonia Duchesse de Nemours met all the above requirements, and therefore quickly became in demand among flower growers.

Pion Duchess de Nemours

Brief description, characteristics

Peony bushes are tall. An adult plant reaches a height of 1 meter. As the plant grows and develops, the perennial grows quite quickly. The ornamental crop has a strong root system, thanks to which one plant can grow from 7 to 10 years. The varietal herbaceous peony Duchess de Nemours belongs to the Lactiflora group.

The medium-sized shrub has many shoots that create volume and splendor. The culture has dissected dark green leaves. The sophistication of the plant is added by milky-white flowers with a yellowish tint and greenish at the base of the petals. When open, the flowers reach a diameter of 15–20 cm. The Duchess de Nemours peony blooms for 15 to 20 days in mid-summer. The flowering bush is distinguished by its lushness and pleasant aroma, reminiscent of the scent of lily of the valley.

Additional Information. Cut peony flowers retain their decorative appearance for no more than a week.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

A decorative flower has a number of important advantages:

  • unpretentiousness to growing conditions and care;
  • annual abundant flowering;
  • resistance to frost and other unfavorable climatic conditions;
  • stable immunity to most fungal and bacterial diseases characteristic of other varieties of peonies;
  • the possibility of using flowers to decorate gardens, parks and to create compositions in cut form.

The variety also has some disadvantages that do not affect the demand for the crop. The main disadvantages are the short flowering period of the bush, as well as the short period of preservation of its decorative properties when cut.

Use in landscape design

The milky peony looks great in group plantings with dark varieties of crops with the same flowering time. Single bushes look organic in any flowerbed or local area. The most abundant flowering of bushes is observed at the age of 4 to 10 years. This variety is ideal for decorating summer cottages and city parks.

Peonies in the park

Description of peony Karl Rosenfield

Peony Karl Rosenfeld is a herbaceous, milky-flowering variety. The plant was bred in southern China and, thanks to its beauty, became the property of the country. Despite its southern roots, the variety is cold-resistant and can withstand severe frosts without shelter. The flower grows poorly only in the Far North.

Getting acquainted with the peony Karl Rosenfeld should begin with external characteristics. The plant forms a powerful, spreading bush, up to one meter high. Strong, thick shoots are covered with lacy foliage of light olive color.

The surface of the leaf plate is smooth and shiny. Closer to autumn, the lush crown acquires a reddish tint, which allows it to maintain its decorative appearance until late autumn.

Peony Karl Rosenfeld has gained popularity for its beautiful flowering. Large inflorescences appear only when grown in open sun. Thanks to thick shoots and strong peduncles, the bush does not break or bend under the weight of flowers. Therefore, the plant does not need a garter. But many gardeners, due to their spreading shape, place the bushes in a beautiful support to give a decorative appearance.

To have an idea of ​​the beauty of the Karl Rosenfield peony, you need to look at the photo:

The flowers are large, double, and serve as a real decoration for the garden.

Features of flowering

Peony Karl Rosenfeld is a herbaceous, mid-late variety. Flowering occurs in early July and lasts about 2 weeks. Thanks to its beautiful flowers, the variety is often used for making bouquets. To extend the flowering time when cut, sugar and vinegar are added to the water. At the same time, the water is changed daily.

  • flowers are arranged singly, double or simple in shape;
  • the structure is dense, large, 18 cm in size;
  • The color of the flower is dark red with a purple tint;
  • the petals are large, ribbed, and bend in waves;
  • The aroma is sweet, attracting butterflies and pollinating insects.

Lush and long-lasting flowering depends on the place of growth, climatic conditions and compliance with agricultural practices. If all care requirements are met, the bush will decorate your summer cottage for a long time.

Application in design

Herbaceous peony Karl Rosenfeld is ideal for realizing design fantasies

But before you design a flower garden, it is important to know what peony goes with

Peony planting scheme Karl Rosenfeld:

  1. 3-4 plants are planted in the center of the flower bed, and herbaceous or ground cover plants are placed around it.
  2. Peony harmonizes perfectly with hybrid tea roses. While the rose bush is forming buds, Rosenfeld is already showing lush flowering. After it ends, the rose shows itself in all its glory, and the bright inflorescences look harmonious against the background of the green foliage of the peony bush.
  3. Peony Karl Rosenfeld is suitable for creating mixborders. It is planted surrounded by garden geraniums, mantles, decorative onions and aquilegia.
  4. In order for the flowerbed to delight the whole season with beautiful flowering, peonies are planted in combination with Siberian iris, large-rhizome geranium, sedum, yarrow and common mordovnik.

Flowers of the Buttercup family are not compatible with herbaceous peonies. Hellebore, anemone, and lumbago quickly deplete the soil. Therefore, when growing together, peonies will not show lush and beautiful flowering.

The variety goes well with herbaceous and flowering plants

When creating a flower garden with peony variety Karl Rosenfeld, it is important to remember that it:

attracts attention; loves open sun and nutritious soil; grows in one place for about 20 years; Due to its spreading nature it requires a lot of space.

With the right combination of colors, the flowerbed will become a decoration for your garden plot; it will bloom from early summer to late autumn.

Varieties with red flowers

'Aviateur Bleriot' 'Linne' 'Marechal Mac Mahon' Famous late variety 'Marechal Mac Mahon'. Photo from, author Tatyana Komarova'Inspecteur Lavergne' 'Felix Crousse'Bomb-shaped 'Felix Crousse' ('Felix Crousse'). Photo by the authorLook at a selection of peonies of French selectionPeonies in my garden. Variety 'Sarah Bernhardt' ('Sarah Bernhard') and 'Karl Rosenfield' ('Karl Rosenfield'). Photo by the author

  • Peonies are a real decoration of the garden! Reproduction, planting, care
  • Peonies: types and varieties
  • Peony's finest hour
  • Peonies you can be proud of. Masterpieces of domestic selection
  • What is the secret of the popularity of American peonies?
  • Peonies in landscape design
  • 10 tips for peony lovers

Plant care

Spathiphyllum flower - propagation at home

Herbaceous peonies are unpretentious plants. Some species require virtually no care at all. Monsieur Jules Ely is more demanding than them, but even he is not as picky about the soil, pests and bacteria, and also about watering. But in order to wait for beautiful flowering, it is recommended to follow certain recommendations.

When growing peonies, certain rules must be followed.

Watering and fertilizing

Peony Monsieur Jules Elie needs regular watering - 1-2 times a week, 1.5-2 buckets per bush. It is recommended to use well-settled warm water, since cold and hard water can lead to a deterioration in the health of the flower.

Important! The bush needs fertilizing periodically: in the spring it is worth adding nitrogenous substances, they can be organic matter, and in the summer mineral complexes that contain calcium, phosphorus and potassium are used as fertilizers

Mulching and loosening

Mulching and loosening are important stages of plant care. They need to be produced to keep the soil moist for a long time, but not to make it heavier. It is worth loosening 2 times a month after watering. It is also worth removing all weeds. Mulching is done with compost, dry grass or sawdust.

Preventative treatment

Herbaceous peonies can suffer from diseases, despite being highly resistant to some species. To avoid this scourge, it is recommended to treat the bushes 2-3 times a season with Bordeaux mixture, copper oxychloride or foundationazole. These preparations contain copper and therefore can be used for medicinal purposes.

Plant care

The plant is very unpretentious and does not require careful care. He still needs some procedures. Otherwise, it will grow poorly or not bloom at all.

Watering and fertilizing

Peonies need plenty of watering. They especially need moisture during the period of rapid growth, before flowering and in the fall when laying new flower buds. Water regularly, but do not over-moisten the soil. Stagnant water is harmful to the plant. One bush requires up to 30 liters of water during watering

Water carefully so that water does not get on the leaves and shoots.

Watering is an important component of care

During spring growth, peony requires root feeding with nitrogen fertilizers. In addition, it is useful to foliar fertilize with mineral fertilizers. This procedure is carried out monthly until flowering ends.

Mulching and loosening

After each watering, loosen the soil under and around the bush. This prevents the soil from drying out and helps retain moisture for a long time. The loose soil is covered with mulch so that it does not dry out too quickly and there are no sudden changes in temperature at the root of the plant. Shredded bark, straw, peat,

Preventative treatment

As a preventive measure, the soil around the plant is treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. 2-3 g of dry matter are dissolved in 10 liters of water. Treatment is carried out in early spring after the snow melts. This destroys fungi and pathogenic bacteria.

Outdoor care

Almost all peonies are quite unpretentious. With proper placement and high-quality preparation of the site, they will require a minimum of attention from the gardener.

Several events will need to be held throughout the season.

WateringIt is carried out as the soil dries out with warm, settled water into the grooves around the plant.
FeedingComplex mineral fertilizer is applied 2-3 times, starting in early spring and before budding begins. As soon as the buds begin to form, a solution of mullein (1/5) is added, and after flowering ends, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers are added.
Loosening and mulchingTo maintain a loose soil structure, regular loosening is carried out. An alternative to this procedure can be mulching the plantings. This will help retain moisture in the soil, prevent crust formation and protect the roots from damage when loosening.
Preventative treatmentsPeriodic spraying with preparations against aphids and ants is required, and spring treatment with Bordeaux mixture is also recommended.

Fertilizer must be applied in early spring

Peony blossom Monsignor Jules Ely

Peonies of this variety are especially beautiful during flowering. They are grown for their large and fragrant flowers. Care during flowering will extend this period and ensure the growth of buds in the next season.

Period of activity and rest

The active growing season begins in early spring. The plant grows green mass and forms buds. Peony Monsieur Jules Elie begins to bloom in early June. The duration of flowering depends on lighting, care and age. The bush can continue flowering until the middle or even the end of July. In winter there is a period of rest, which lasts until the beginning of spring. During the dormant period, the above-ground part of the plant dies.

Care during and after flowering

During flowering, the plant needs regular and abundant watering. Fertilizing for flowering plants is also required. After flowering ends, feed with compounds containing potassium and phosphorus.

Additional Information! After flowering ends, it is recommended to reduce the frequency and intensity of watering.

What to do if the peony does not bloom, possible reasons

Sometimes the peony refuses to bloom. There are several reasons for the lack of flowering:

  • lack of lighting;
  • large landing depth;
  • small planting material;
  • plant age.

Important! If the bush is very old, it is advisable to replace it with a young plant

Regular feeding of flower crops

At the very beginning of the growing season, the plants are fertilized with nitrogen. When small buds are just being laid and until the end of the season, phosphorus and potassium should be added to the soil. During active flowering, the shrub needs three components - nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus. At the same time, fertilizer rates should be moderate. After all, in an effort to help a plant, you can cause a lot of harm to it. For example, if you overdo it with nitrogen, you can provoke the development of rot. Plants should be fertilized after preliminary watering of the soil, on moist soil. This eliminates the possibility of burning the root system of the bush. Read the article: Remontant strawberries: a review of small-fruited and large-fruited varieties.

Peony Monsieur Jules Elie - what kind of variety is it

From the name of the peony Mons jules elie you can guess that it has French roots. The variety was bred in 1888. This is a milky-flowering peony, which belongs to the herbaceous perennials.

How the Monsieur Jules Ely variety blooms

Brief description and characteristics

The Monsieur Jules Ely shrub is quite small, can reach up to 1 m in height. The branches are erect, branched and strong with matte dark green foliage. Against their background, pink double inflorescences in the shape of a bomb look especially attractive. The diameter of the buds varies around 20 cm. The lower petals of the bud are quite large, slightly bent. The central ones are curved inward and smaller ones.

For your information! The flowers have an attractive aroma.

Advantages and disadvantages of the variety

Among the advantages of the plant are the following:

  • high frost resistance;
  • high immunity;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • highly decorative;
  • Suitable for both cutting and landscaping.

Peony Mons Jules Ely has a lot of advantages that its only drawback cannot cancel out. It lies in the fact that in the shade you can either not wait for flowering at all, or the flowers will become much smaller. It’s very simple to deal with this - use another place for planting.

Use in landscape design

Bushes are used mostly in the garden or flower garden. They go well with aromatic herbs or grains. The plant can decorate gazebos and the entrance to the room. However, the Julie El peony can be useful for creating bouquets.

Jules Ely inflorescences close up

Take a closer look at your nameless peonies - there may be French aristocrats among them

Features of care

You will probably be surprised to learn that literally until the middle of the last century, all peonies in our country came from France. Of course, we remember our grandmother’s village front gardens, where several nameless bushes usually grew: a couple of early red ones, a few pink ones and always a white one. Naturally, no one knew the names of the varieties, and, in fact, did not even think about it. Pieces of peonies were purchased at markets and traded with neighbors and differed only in color.

But it must be especially said that among the herbaceous peonies there are no absolutely outbred peonies, without clan and without tribe. Any of them necessarily belongs to some sort; it’s just that over the years, wandering from front garden to front garden, he has lost his name, like impoverished nobles who have lost their origin.

Meanwhile, all of our grandmother’s nameless bushes are the heirs of those peonies that were bred more than 100 years ago in France, where the center for the selection of these plants was located since the 19th century. Such originators as Calot, Cruz, Lemoine, Desser, Millet, Doria, Rivoire worked there. France then essentially became the second homeland of the peony, which came to Europe from China.

In pre-revolutionary Russia, peonies brought from Europe were initially grown in botanical gardens and pharmaceutical gardens and used as medicinal plants. Then they began to be planted in noble estates, and subsequently, after the revolution, they scattered from the ruined noble estates into the village front gardens. Actually, our people’s idea of ​​what a classic peony should be was formed under the influence of French varieties.

First of all, a peony should exude a wonderful aroma - without a smell it is not a peony at all, as most people think. Absolutely all the old classic varieties created by French gardeners are distinguished by a strong scent - lilies of the valley, old roses, lilac or carnation, jasmine or citrus. And they all bloom with lush double flowers of pink, crown, spherical or hemispherical shape.

Diseases, pests and ways to combat them

Peony ITO Yellow Crown is quite resistant to various lesions. However, improper care can lead to serious consequences.

Most often the culture becomes infected:

  • rust;
  • gray mold;
  • brown spot (cladosporiosis);
  • brown spot (septoria);
  • root rot;
  • powdery mildew;
  • ring mosaic of leaves;
  • Lemoine's disease.

If the disease is detected, it is immediately recommended to collect the affected areas and burn them. Sometimes you have to destroy the entire plant. To avoid this, preventive treatments with appropriate medications will help.

Pests of yellow peony:

  • aphid;
  • bronze beetle;
  • root-knot nematodes;
  • ants;
  • thrips;
  • fine hop strand.

A soap solution or treatment with insecticides such as Actellik, Fitoverm, Confidor, etc. will help fight them.

Despite the difficulty of breeding and the high cost of planting material, gardeners are very willing to grow this variety. The charming perennial is more than worth all the costs. Sunny, fragrant buds win hearts forever.

Features of care

Like all peony plants, “Monsieur Jules Ely” loves sunny places and neutral loamy soils. A plant growing in partial shade will also feel good, gaining green mass, but it will not delight you with beautiful flowering.

Water the plants abundantly, not allowing the water to stagnate. In the spring, when rapid growth begins, during the formation of buds and the flowering period, as well as at the end of summer when new buds are formed, peonies need watering. One adult plant requires up to three buckets of water.

In the spring, after the snow melts, the soil near the bush is disinfected with a solution of potassium permanganate (2–3 g of substance per 10 liters of water). One bush needs 5 liters of solution. As the peony begins to grow, it is fed with fertilizers containing ammonium nitrate. Once a month, the bushes are watered along the foliage with a solution of any complete mineral fertilizer (according to the instructions). To make the solution stick to the leaves, add laundry soap to the water. You can also use dry fertilizers by working them into the furrow around the bush and then watering it.

In autumn it is time to trim and replant peony bushes and prepare the plant for winter. This does not present any particular difficulties, since “Monsieur Jules Ely” overwinters in the open ground, without requiring additional shelter, except in winters when severe frosts and little snow cover are expected. However, young plants should be covered in any expected winter.

When the leaves and stems of the plant wither, they are cut off at soil level. All withered tops are burned to prevent the development of diseases and pest damage. Harmful insects can hide in the axils of the leaves. The treated bush is sprinkled with several handfuls of wood ash.

There are times when peony bushes need to be pruned ahead of schedule. To avoid the death of the plant, the stems are cut so that 3-4 leaves remain on them. This method will allow the plant to lay new buds for next year.

Tree varieties of pink peonies

If herbaceous bushes for some reason do not suit the gardener, they can easily be replaced with pink tree peony - a perennial, woody shrub.

Unlike its herbaceous relatives, its shoots do not die off in the winter, but become lignified, thus forming a kind of shrubby, flowering tree every year. As a rule, this variety is not very capricious in care. But growing it in your front garden can be a real challenge: the bush grows very slowly before flowering; you can only wait until the first buds from seedlings obtained from root cuttings appear in the fourth year after planting. It is generally difficult to get seedlings from large, glossy, black seeds, since only 1/3 of them will sprout. And for this you will have to spend a lot of time stratifying them. But time does not stand still, and lovers of tree peonies began to graft them onto herbaceous varieties (for example, Pink Jade, Black Pearl or Pink Azure). Such a seedling will become a full-fledged “peony tree”, but you won’t have to wait so long for flowering - it will bloom its beautiful flowers within the first year after planting. The following varieties are popular: Pink Powder, Marshmallow, Pink Lu, Pink Lotus, Pink Zhao, Qipao, Red Giant, Silver and Goldfish.

Variety Pink River

The Pink River tree peony is a wonderful option for any garden. It blooms extremely beautifully - large semi-double flowers, 17x5 cm in size, reminiscent of chrysanthemums in shape. The color of the petals changes from light pink at the top to a darker, purple color at the base. Numerous stamens with bright yellow pollen add to the beauty. The bush is quite large: height – 1.1-1.5 m, width – up to 1.5 in diameter. It exudes a very delicate aroma, in harmony with an equally sophisticated appearance. It blooms early, is undemanding in care, resistant to diseases and pests. The only thing you need to remember is that, like all woody peonies, it does not like transplants, drafts and shade.

Variety Pink Cloud

The Pink Cloud peony looks unusually delicate on the site and also has an incredibly delicate, barely perceptible aroma. The flowers are double, large - 16x11 cm, many thin, delicate petals of a light pink hue create the visual impression of a light cloud that appeared at dawn and fell under the radiant rays of the Aurora.

The stems are dense, with 3-5 buds on them. Bushes of medium height - 80-90 cm, leaves are carved, dark green. The peony tree blooms in the mid-late period, very profusely.

Growing a flower

Correct landing first of all means choosing the optimal place. Proper care will be required in the future.

Planting with root cuttings

Only young specimens are propagated by root cuttings. For this:

  1. A bush is dug up.
  2. Cut into pieces so that each has several shoots.
  3. The sections are sprinkled with crushed coal or cinnamon powder.
  4. The parts are planted in prepared holes.

What time does boarding take place?

If desired, the hybrid can be planted in spring and autumn. Flower growers advise carrying out work in early spring before the growing season begins. Before winter, the plant will take root well and become stronger.

Note! Autumn planting should be completed before mid-September. The reasons are the same - the plant must get stronger

Selecting a location

Although the yellow peony is a voluminous bush, it is still a grass, so it does not tolerate strong gusts of wind. Also, for good flowering, it needs maximum sunlight.

As a perennial that grows in size every year, the Yellow Crown peony develops best away from large plants. For the same reasons, it should initially be planted in a wide and deep (about 1x1 m) planting hole, at a great distance from groundwater.

How to prepare the soil and flower for planting

The flower will grow in one place for many years, so fertile soil is initially required. The optimal composition for it will be:

  • humus (compost) - 20-30 l;
  • wood ash - 0.5-0.7 kg;
  • mineral phosphorus fertilizer (for example, superphosphate) or potassium sulfate, 200 g each.

The mixture is thoroughly mixed with the excavated soil.

Next, a peony is selected for division and dug up.

Step by step process:

The peony is carefully dug up. The roots are freed from the ground. The rhizome is divided into parts so that each piece of root has 3 or more buds.

Step by step landing procedure

Planting a crop looks like this:

  1. The young plant is placed in the center of the finished hole and covered with earth.
  2. Finally, the soil near the bush is compacted, watered and mulched.

Peony planting

Important! The upper buds should not be buried more than 5 cm

Planting with seeds (for selection)

It is possible to grow the ITO Yellow Crown peony from seeds, but it is not known what kind of flower will grow. Varietal characteristics are almost never preserved. The process itself is quite long and complex. Sometimes you have to wait up to five years for sprouts.

The seeds themselves should be collected immature (in mid-August) and stratified. To do this, they are placed in a damp substrate (for example, sand) and heated to a temperature of 30 °C. Then the crops are cooled for a day in the refrigerator and heated again.

If the outcome is successful, at the end of 3 months the seeds hatch. Then they are planted in peat for another 3 months and kept at temperatures from 5 °C to 10 °C.

Note! A growth stimulator will help improve root formation. Seedlings with real leaves are placed in a bright, warm place before planting in open ground.

Seedlings with real leaves are placed in a bright, warm place before being planted in open ground.

Transplantation and propagation

Wild peonies grow in one place for up to 100 years, but their cultivated counterparts require replanting every 10 years.

When a plant needs to be replanted or a bush needs to be divided, it is carefully dug up, avoiding mechanical damage to the roots. The root system of peonies is powerful, with a fragile, fleshy rhizome with tuberous thickenings. The root lies quite deep for herbaceous plants, so you need to dig it out with a pitchfork. Having dug the bush in a circle to a sufficient depth, use a shovel to carefully pry it up and remove it from the soil.

The removed root is shaken off the ground, washed and placed in the shade, allowing it to dry slightly to get rid of excessive fragility. Old thick roots are cut off at an angle of 45°, leaving only 10–15 cm in length. Large rhizomes must be divided. To do this, use a peg, which is driven into the middle of the root, after which several parts with eyes are obtained. Root division is carried out on plants no younger than 5–6 years old.

Often the middle of the rhizome of peonies is empty, so each new part must be carefully inspected and rotten and damaged areas must be removed. Treat the sections with a solution of potassium permanganate and sprinkle with fungicide.

The hole for planting is prepared a month before the start of autumn work. A prepared hole about 60 cm deep is filled 2/3 with a substrate made from a mixture of earth, peat, humus and sand, adding wood ash, superphosphate and a little copper sulfate. Planting is done in a prepared hole so that the buds are located at a depth of 3–5 cm. The division is covered with earth on top and mulched with a layer of peat no more than 5 cm.

Peonies are propagated by dividing the bush and by seeds. But due to the fact that it is difficult to obtain the original variety from seeds, this method is used only by breeders to create new plant species. The rest use bush division.

Peonies from cuttings bloom in the second or third year, but their varietal characteristics may appear only after four or five years with proper care:

  • all buds on an annual seedling are completely removed;
  • in the second year, one bud is left, waiting for it to bloom to see the presence of varietal characteristics, after which it is also removed, pruned as short as possible;
  • This operation is carried out in all subsequent years, waiting until the plant blooms with the required color.

When this happens, you will never regret the effort expended and the long wait for the result.

To learn how to properly plant peonies in autumn and spring, watch the following video.

Peony Monsieur Jules Ely (herbaceous)

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