A tiny rose in a flower pot is the dream of many house plant lovers. Delicate aroma of flowers
Author: Elena N. Category: Houseplants Published: May 23, 2012Republished: February 22, 2019Latest
The main methods of vegetative propagation of dendrobium Vegetative methods of propagation using parts of the mother plant are called vegetative.
What is mock orange and how does it grow? The Latin name for mock orange is Philadelphus and comes from
How to make a flower stand with your own hands - overview of types, master classes on creation, photos
Dahlias are often found in flower beds; the Merry Guys variety is one of the most popular. Plant
Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: January 19, 2019Last edits: April 23
What kind of drug is this? This drug is an insecticide that can cope with more than 20
You can remove ants that have settled in a flower pot or garden flower bed using various methods. With this
Increasingly, exotic plants look at us through the glass windows of apartments and offices. Majority