Subtleties of the process: how to replant violets? Plant care

Despite its demanding conditions, violet is a very popular and beloved home flower by many. It takes up little space, and even during the period of vegetative dormancy it looks quite decorative - touching velvet leaf plates can decorate a window sill or shelf even in the absence of flowering.

Transplanting violets is the most important part of plant care. With this procedure, the flower rejuvenates and multiplies. And when moved to a larger pot, it gets the opportunity to fully develop the root system.

Transplantation at home

When transplanting violets, it is important to maintain optimal conditions . The air temperature in the room should be 20-25 degrees above zero, relative humidity approximately 40-50%. The most optimal time of year is spring, when the plant has enough sunlight and is full of energy. If you replant a violet in winter, you will need to take care of an additional source of lighting so that the plant does not wither in the new pot.

Attention : There are several ways to transplant Saintpaulia: transshipment, partial replacement and complete replacement.


This method is preferable when the plant urgently needs to be replanted. Let's look at it step by step:

  1. The violet is carefully removed from the old pot, preserving the entire soil lump.

  2. The new pot is filled approximately 1/3 of the way with drainage material, then a new pot is placed approximately in the middle, and the space formed between the pots is filled with new soil and carefully compacted.
  3. After this, the old pot is removed, and a violet is planted in its place. The level of old and new soil with this planting method should be the same.

We recommend watching a video about the correct transshipment of violets:

Complete replacement

The method of replanting a flower using replacement is suitable in cases where it is necessary to completely replace the soil . To do this you need:

  1. The violet is cleaned of rotting roots and old shoots, and sprinkled with crushed coal.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the new pot, then a mound of new soil, and carefully plant the plant.

We recommend watching a video about the correct transplantation of violets with soil replacement:

Partial replacement

This method is used in the case of a planned transplant of a small violet. The method involves partial renewal of the soil. The flower is carefully removed from the pot, the soil is lightly shaken off and planted in a new one. This method is also used when it is necessary to plant a plant.

How to carry out the procedure correctly?

Soil preparation

It is recommended to purchase soil in a store, otherwise there is a risk of infecting the plant with diseases . If it is not possible to take it in the store, but it is necessary to disarm the soil: it is necessary to steam it and fertilize it with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Soil composition:

  1. River sand – ½ volume.
  2. Coniferous soil – 1 volume.
  3. Crushed moss – 1 volume.
  4. Leaf soil - 1 volume.
  5. Turf soil - 2 volumes.

Tip : Expanded clay, brick chips, pottery shards or moss can be used as drainage. For young plants (up to 6 months), drainage should occupy 1/3 of the pot, for adults - ¼ of the pot.


Usually, when replanting, it is not recommended to add fertilizers, since if the soil is prepared correctly, it already contains all the necessary nutrients . But when preparing the soil, you can slightly “revive” it by adding microbiological fertilizer “Baikal EM-1” 14 days before transplanting. “Baikal EM-1” is mixed in a ratio of 1 to 100.

You can also add Fitosporin-M to the new soil when replanting. First, you will need to prepare a liquid concentrate from it, according to the instructions, and then dilute the resulting concentrate in a proportion of 1 ml per 2 liters of water, and moisten the soil with it before replanting.

Just before transplanting, you can add a little vermicompost, charcoal or coconut substrate.


You can choose a plastic or ceramic pot or container as a container for replanting. A clay pot contains pores, which causes the earthen ball to dry out faster .

The dishes should be wide, the diameter of the dishes should be 1.5-2 times greater than its height. In this case, the diameter should be 2-3 times smaller than the plant itself. There must be holes for drainage.

We recommend watching a video about choosing a pot for violets:

How to understand that a violet needs a transplant and when is the best time to do it?

Violet transplantation is required in the following cases:

Buying a new plant. In stores, violets are sold in universal “transport” soil, which practically does not contain the macro- and microelements they need, and in pots that are unsuitable for them. Therefore, at the end of the period of adaptation to the new environment (about two weeks), it is necessary to change the container and substrate, providing the plant with the opportunity for normal development.

The presence of a layer of whitish plaque on the soil surface. This indicates its depletion; if the soil fertility is insufficient, the violet will not bloom. Also, such a substrate practically does not allow air to pass through, and access to oxygen to the roots of Saintpaulia is vital.

An overgrown root system, due to which the earthen clod is practically invisible, roots protruding from the drainage holes. The violet in the pot is clearly cramped.

  • The appearance of the plant has changed for the worse. The leaves lose their tone, turn yellow or brown, decrease in size, fall off, the violet does not bloom or the buds are deformed, the stem stretches. When fertilizing does not help in this case, the plant requires rejuvenation.
  • Available young sockets. They must be planted out so that the plants do not “compete” with each other for water and nutrients.

Under optimal conditions, violets actively grow. Therefore, they need a transplant at least once a year or even more often - every 6-8 months. It is carried out in the spring, from early March to mid-May. A second transplant, if required, is at the end of autumn.

Replanting in summer is not recommended, because Saintpaulia blooms at this time. The plant spends nutrients on the formation of buds, and replanting at this time is extra stress for it. It is also necessary to take into account that it does not like extreme heat. If you carry out the procedure in winter, the violet will not have enough warmth and sunlight. She will not be able to develop normally and will grow slowly.

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Blooming violets are replanted only in cases of extreme necessity, for example, during the development of rot, other fungal diseases, or pest attacks. In this case, you need to cut off all the flower stalks, treat the “wounds” and “dry” the plant a little.

Obtaining planting material

Before transplanting a flower, you need to prepare it . The soil will need to be moistened so that the flower and the lump can be easily removed from the pot. The roots are cleared of soil and damaged ones are cut out. If the roots are very overgrown, approximately 2/3 of them can be removed without harming the plant.

If a flower needs to be rejuvenated, then for this you will have to remove not only part of the roots, but also part of the leaves. When rejuvenating, transplant the plants into a smaller pot. You can also rejuvenate the plant by cutting off the roots along with the stem and dried leaves. In this case, a sharp, disinfected knife is used during circumcision. The remaining upper part is placed in a glass of water, and, after waiting for a good root system to form, it is transplanted into a pot.

Growing from a leaf

You can obtain planting material using leaf propagation:

  1. To do this, it will be necessary to select healthy, elastic leaves located in the second or third row from the rosette.

  2. These leaves are cut with a sharp, disinfected knife, dried for 15 minutes and sprinkled with charcoal.
  3. Then cool boiled water is poured into a dark plastic cup and an activated carbon tablet is dissolved in it.
  4. Next, the stem of the leaf is immersed there no more than 1 cm.
  5. The resulting planting material can be replanted after the cut roots become longer than 1 cm.

We recommend watching a video about growing violets from leaves:

You will find all the detailed information about growing violets in a separate article.

Planting lilies in open ground (rules and planting scheme)

Before planting seedlings in open ground, carefully select a place for their cultivation. It should be sunny (in the worst case, located in partial shade) and protected from the wind. Dig up the soil and remove any remaining roots from other plants. If necessary, get rid of weeds and too tall, but already faded and old plants. Otherwise, they will create a shadow that will prevent the lilies from growing.

Algorithm for planting lilies in open ground:

  • before planting, dip each bulb in a 0.2% solution of the disinfectant Maxim Dachnik for 20 minutes, and then in a growth stimulator for 45-60 minutes;
  • remove dead scales and shorten the roots to 5 cm;
  • for each plant, dig a hole whose depth is equal to three times the diameter of the bulb;
  • The planting interval also depends on the variety and amount of planting material. Leave a margin of 15-20 cm between lilies of low-growing varieties, and 25-30 cm between tall varieties.

But what happens to bulbs planted shallowly is that stem roots appear on them.

Lilies can be planted according to one of three schemes:

  • single-line (ribbon) - maintain a distance between lilies of 5-15 cm in one row and 50 cm between “lines”;
  • two-line (for medium-sized lilies) - leave 15-25 cm between the bulbs, 25 cm between the lines, and 70 cm between adjacent ribbons (consisting of two lines);
  • three-line (for low-growing lilies) - 10-15 cm between bulbs, 25 cm between lines, 70 cm between ribbons.

Features of the process and subsequent care

There are a number of rules according to which it is necessary to replant violets:

  1. The container must be thoroughly rinsed with water before replanting, regardless of whether it has been used before or not. In this case, the dishes must be correctly selected. The best material for cookware is plastic.
  2. When replanting Saintpaulia correctly, its lower leaves should be in contact with the ground.
  3. You should not water the violet immediately after planting. This can lead to rotting of the root system. To maintain soil moisture, you need to cover it with a transparent plastic bag.
  4. It is advisable not to neglect plant rejuvenation procedures during the transplantation process. In order for the violet to take root quickly and painlessly, it is also necessary to properly care for it during the first time after transplantation.
    To do this you need:
    • To ensure normal growth, it is necessary to maintain moderate humidity (approximately 50%) and a temperature above 21 degrees Celsius in the room in which the transplanted violet is located.
    • Daylight hours should be at least 10 hours.

  5. It is necessary to protect the flower from sudden changes in temperature and drafts.
  6. Watering should be done carefully and in moderation. Do not spray leaves.
  7. After 2-3 weeks, you can begin to introduce fertilizing, first in small doses, and then gradually increase to normal.

You can read about the features of caring for this beauty in our article.

Is it possible to carry out the procedure with a flowering plant?

If flowering buds appear on the violet, then replanting is undesirable . The presence of flowering buds just means that the plant is doing well. It can be replanted after it has flowered.

However, there are emergency cases when it is necessary to replant a flowering plant in order to save it. In this case, for replanting it will be possible to use the transshipment method, having previously trimmed all the buds.

We recommend watching a video about whether it is possible to replant a blooming violet:

Diseases of violets

The most common cause of violet diseases is improper care. The main problems of this indoor beauty:

  • Yellowness and dry areas on the leaves are caused by excessive air exposure and direct sunlight.
  • Root rotting is due to the fact that the flower is standing in a cold and dark place or is regularly flooded. This causes diseases such as gray mold and fusarium.
  • Powdery mildew, mites, aphids, nematodes, and thrips are also found in the practice of growing Saintpaulias.

In order to save a diseased bush, you need to remove the affected leaves, replant them in sterile soil and apply an appropriate drug that destroys diseases and parasites. You can buy and spray with Fitoverm, Agrovertin or another composition, depending on the problem.

Possible problems

  1. Rotting flower . After transplanting violets, some gardeners notice that the plant has begun an active process of rotting. This may be due to:

    • The presence of parasites in the soil, poor soil quality.
    • Damage to the plant during transplantation.

  2. Excessively abundant watering.
  3. In this case, treatment must be urgent and drastic: all damaged parts must be removed and the violet rooted using a healthy leaf.

  4. Leaves turn yellow and dry out. It would seem that after transplantation, the violet in the new soil should become more beautiful and healthier, but light or yellow spots begin to appear on its leaves, or the leaves begin to dry out. The reasons may be:
    • Incorrectly selected soil.
    • Inappropriate location of the pot.

  5. Failure to comply with the watering regime after transplantation.
  6. In the first case, transplanting into the “correct” soil will help, in the second and third – following the rules of caring for the plant.

  7. Doesn't bloom. Reasons for this problem:
      When replanting, the container chosen was too large.
  8. The soil is not selected correctly.
  9. The transplant was carried out in winter.
  10. Damage to the measles system.

Prompt elimination of the causes will lead to the long-awaited formation of buds.

Violet is one of the most charming and popular house flowers. Thanks to breeders, the list of new species of this beauty is constantly expanding. Most of them can be grown quite easily by novice gardeners. But first, you should familiarize yourself with all the rules of care, reproduction, as well as diseases and pests that can prevent you from growing a healthy and beautiful plant.

Other violet propagation options

Violets are propagated using stepsons that have 3-4 leaves. They need to be carefully cut, being careful not to damage the delicate leaves. They are planted directly into the soil and provide a kind of greenhouse. In addition, you can plant daughter rosettes from the mother plant.

Growing violets is easy, but it is best to do it in the spring. In order for the flower to be full-fledged, there must be only one inflorescence in the pot.

How to plant an old violet and get several healthy, full-fledged rosettes from it:

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