What does ginger root look like and its varieties, composition

Ginger is a versatile plant that can be useful in many areas of life. It has long been used as a natural remedy, as well as in the form of an original hot spice, which gives dishes a unique taste.
  • Nutritional value and composition of ginger
  • Description of ginger
  • Ginger taste
  • Use of ginger in cooking
  • Use of ginger on the farm
  • Ginger ripening season and storage conditions
  • Types and varieties of ginger
  • Beneficial and harmful properties of ginger
  • Interesting facts about ginger

My acquaintance with ginger took place relatively recently - around the same time when I switched to vegetarianism. I was then actively looking for new tastes for myself and somehow came across this unique vegetable.

To be honest, I immediately fell in love with him. I love spicy things very much, and ginger amazingly combines heat and freshness.

In addition, there was a rather long period in my life when I tried to eat according to Ayurveda, and in this teaching, onions and garlic are considered tamasic and rajasic foods, that is, those that activate qualities in a person that are not the best from a spiritual point of view - ignorant and passionate.

Ayurvedic experts consider ginger to be a beneficial food - beneficial for both the soul and the body. It is for this reason that those people who follow the ancient Indian teaching about life replace onions and garlic, which are familiar to Russian taste buds, with this overseas vegetable.

Currently, I have moved away from the Ayurvedic style of eating due to the impossibility of preparing different dishes for all family members. Moreover, I returned to eating garlic - alas, I did not become a highly spiritual person.

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