Violet Cinderella's dream: description. How to care for violet variety Cinderella's Dream

Among fans of indoor plants, violet is very loved and popular due to its beauty. This flower is also called Saintpaulia, viola, moth and pansy. Biologists count more than 500 varieties of violets, and some believe that there are already more than 1000, each of which is charming and unique in its own way. One of these varieties is “Cinderella’s Dream”.
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This flower differs from its fellows in its petals and leaves, and in its unusual flowering form. It is these differences that make it possible to distinguish this variety of viola into a separate variety.


The beautiful appearance of the violet is created by its flowers.
The flowers of this variety are delicately white in color with a lilac edge.

Coloring occurs some time after dissolution. Initially, young flowers are pure white.

Flowers reach a size of up to 4 centimeters.

“Cinderella’s Dream” blooms early, although the flowers often fall off, but flowering begins again immediately. "Cinderella's Dream" has up to 6 buds on one peduncle.

The structure of the flower is also interesting: a corrugated shape with voluminous ruffles.

Features of violet

This result of selection work has won the hearts of flower growers due to its beautiful appearance and ease of care. Reviews about this plant are extremely positive.

There are several main options for flowering Cinderella's dream:

  • There are white flowers in which strawberry ruffles and mesh are found only on the upper petals;
  • there are violets with white flowers, the mesh on which is only on the upper petals, and ruffles are located throughout the flower;
  • The brightest color variant of the violet, Cinderella’s Dream, is a snow-white flower with a rich ruffle and mesh throughout all the petals.

Photo of violet “Cinderella’s Dream”

Growing conditions

This variety of Saintpaulia is unpretentious, however, some growing rules will allow you to achieve long flowering and rapid growth.

Find out about other varieties on the site: violet “Blue Dragon”, violet “Blue Fog”, violet “Esmeralda”, violet “Lituanica”, violet “Ice Rose”, violet “Olesya”, violet “Summer Twilight”, violet “Chanson” , violet "Jan Minuet" and others


The soil for the “Cinderella's Dream” variety of violets, like any other variety of indoor violets, is no different from outdoor flowers.
Violets love nutritious loose soil. The main condition for favorable flower growth is breathable and moisture-absorbing soil.

If you decide to prepare the soil for Saintpaulias yourself, forest soil would be the ideal option.

Turf, rotted leaves, sphagnum moss and sand are components of suitable soil for violets.

For older flowers, the soil must be rich in nutrients to ensure lush flowering and flower growth. During this period, soil replenishment will be necessary.

In specialized flower shops you can purchase ready-made universal soil. The advantage of such a substrate is its absolute biological sterility. The finished soil can be improved by adding sphagnum moss or perlite. There must be expanded clay drainage at the bottom of the pot.

Choosing a pot for violets

Since the roots of Saintpaulia grow not deep, but to the side, a shallow pot is needed.
In addition, violet roots need a lot of air and light and ventilation. Ideal sizes for Cinderella's Dream:

  • 9x9 cm – for adult Saintpaulias;
  • 7x7 cm – for medium-sized flowers;
  • 5x5 cm - for baby violets.


Since the birthplace of Saintpaulia is North Africa, and in these places the lengths of day and night are the same, the approximate time of necessary lighting for flowers is 12-14 hours.
Violets love light, but direct sunlight is not suitable for them. Therefore, it is better to place flower pots on the north, east and west sides. The place where the flower is located should be well lit.

Important! In winter, due to the decrease in daylight hours, flowers need artificial lighting.

Required temperature and humidity

As for temperature, violets do not tolerate cold and drafts; they also do not like heat with high humidity.
Rare temperature changes are also undesirable. grow very well and bloom magnificently at a temperature of 20-22 degrees.

As a tropical plant, violet needs moisture, and the optimum temperature must be maintained. You cannot spray the leaves, but you can spray water in the air near the flowers. You can also place saucers or cups of water near flower pots.


Watering is one of the main actions that contribute to the life of sempolia.
Despite the fact that the violet is a moisture-loving flower, too much water will destroy it. But excessive dryness will also harm the plant.

It should be watered no more than twice a week. Moreover, water should not get on the leaves and flowers. The best option for watering is to ensure that there is always water in the trays of the pots. Thus, the plant will receive a sufficient amount of moisture, not water.


Natalia. “The opinion of some flower growers about violets in general is interesting. Especially regarding terry types, they are the best. I strongly disagree with this. “Cinderella’s Dream” is such a beautiful and wonderful violet, which also does not require special care or conditions.

I have been propagating it beautifully for several years now. I have put together a wonderful collection of different shades. And what kind of abundant and harmonious flowering does it have? All the flowers are one to one, with fringe, translucent under the light of the lamp. Wonderful variety."

Many gardeners are attracted by the color of the variety.

Anastasia. “A neat, beautiful, romantic, fairy-tale-like variety. I bought it at a flower show a couple of years ago and am not at all happy with it. The corrugated flowers are so delicate and numerous that they create coziness in the house for a very long time in the form of a huge hat.”

Marina Dyagileva. “For many years I have been trying to grow Cinderella’s Dream, but I just can’t create the conditions in my essentially cool house. I tried to grow it several times, but when I acquire babies, I just can’t get them to bloom. What am I doing wrong? Or are the conditions in the house not allowing you to achieve a positive result? But I still try all the time.”

Transplanting a plant

Over time, when the soil loses all its nutrients and the root system of the plant grows, the violet needs to be replanted.
It is very easy to determine this time: a white coating appears on the surface of the soil in the pot, which means that the soil is oversaturated with mineral fertilizers and has poor air permeability.

It is better to replant Saintpaulia in the warm season with fairly good lighting. The flowering period of violets is unfavorable for transplanting them, so it is better to wait until they bloom.

Having thoroughly cleaned the violet's root system of rotten and old roots, the plant is transplanted into a clean pot with new soil. There is no need to water the newly planted flower; you can cover it with a plastic bag.

Fertilizer and feeding

As for additional nutrition, violet especially urgently needs feeding in spring and autumn. At least once a month, the flower must be fed with mineral fertilizers. Nitrogen, potassium and phosphorus are necessary elements that promote favorable growth and lush flowering of violets. You can fertilize in the same way as watering - through a tray.


  • do not feed young plants up to two months old;
  • plants that are sick or affected by pests are not fertilized;
  • Do not apply fertilizers in conditions of high humidity and direct sunlight.

Temperature and lighting

The pot with violet variety Cinderella's Dream should be placed in a well-lit place, and the plant should not be exposed to direct sunlight! If you decide to grow viola on a windowsill, make sure that the leaves do not touch the glass - otherwise the plant may get burned. You can provide additional lighting for flowers using fluorescent lamps. Exposure to light for about 16 hours a day will be beneficial.

It is very important to observe a certain temperature regime: in summer the thermometer should show about 23-25 ​​degrees Celsius, and in winter - about 18. Do not forget that violets do not tolerate drafts, but oxygen is necessary for their development. Therefore, you need to ventilate the room after removing the flower to another place.

Diseases and pests

Like all indoor plants, Saintpaulias are susceptible to some diseases.
There is also a threat in the form of some parasites that can destroy the root system, flowers and leaves.

Mites, stink bugs, aphids, flies, woodlice, whiteflies, coccids are some of the parasitic insects that can be deadly to violets.

Parasites can be controlled by treating plant leaves or soil with pesticides.

Diseases that can affect the Cinderella's Dream plant:

  • Fusarium - sudden changes in temperature, cold water when watering contribute to rotting of the roots;
  • powdery mildew - a white coating that appears on violet leaves as a result of low temperature and too high humidity;
  • late blight - lack of light and excess moisture make the leaves lethargic and lifeless;
  • gray rot - leaves rot due to water getting on them.

All diseases can be prevented and cured. At the early stage of diseases, it is enough to tear off all rotting and diseased leaves and provide the plant with proper care. If the disease is already advanced, then the plant must be treated with pesticides.

Planting and propagation

One of the proven propagation options is vegetative, but for this method you need to use only a middle-aged plant. Necessary:

  • Cut the cuttings located in the 2nd row;
  • Dilute an activated carbon tablet in a glass of water;
  • Leave the cutting in it until roots appear;
  • Replant into soil.

Another method is based on the greenhouse effect - in this case, the cuttings should be planted directly in the ground and covered with polyethylene, after making small holes in it.

An effective method is considered to be pinching. This indoor plant is far from the most fertile and in order to ensure that stepsons appear, it is worth stimulating their formation by pinching small leaves in the center of the Saintpaulia. When they appear, use a scalpel to separate one from an adult plant and keep it in a glass of water until the root sprouts. After 1.5 months the plant will already become independent.

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