Tea rose: home care, planting, watering and propagation

Tea rose is an excellent plant that can decorate any home. In addition, it is very useful: it is enough to make tea from this rose to strengthen the immune system, improve mood, and calm the nervous system. Growing a tea rose at home is not so difficult, the main thing is to know all the intricacies of care well. Today we propose to talk about what a tea rose needs. Home care, photos, reviews, features of reproduction, fertilizing and replanting - all this will be discussed below.

Why is this rose called tea rose?

Tea rose appeared in European countries in the nineteenth century. She got there from China. The delightful beauty received its name due to the unique aroma that is unique to this species. With its scent, the flower is reminiscent of one of the many varieties of tea for which China is so famous. Another version according to which the plant received this name is that the queen of flowers simply resembles a Chinese tea bowl in appearance. From the petals of a tea rose you can prepare aromatic and incredibly tasty tea that cannot be obtained using any other roses.

Replanting the rose

You need to replant an purchased rose for several reasons:

  • The soil in which the plant was in the store is completely unsuitable for the further growth of the pet. His task was to quickly drive out the seedlings, which greatly depleted the bush. Such an oversaturation of biostimulants for growth will only cause harm in the future, and young roses will feel unwell.
  • Plastic pots from the store are very small so that the bush feels free and the earthen ball does not dry out from lack of moisture. Definitely, the root system in them is poorly ventilated due to the lack of drainage, which causes fungal diseases of the roots and can lead to the death of the rose bush.

Replanting an indoor rose after purchase is a very important and necessary procedure, so it requires a responsible approach. Before replanting the plant, it must be carefully prepared. Before transplanting, to strengthen the immune system and stimulate growth, it is advisable to treat the rose with Epin solution, and then build a structure by inserting wooden sticks with a height equal to the bush along the walls of the pot. Prepare a plastic bag in advance by making holes in it for ventilation and cover the plant. A fence made of sticks will protect the plant from contact with polyethylene.

The rose should be replanted after the flowers begin to fade. First you need to remove dry leaves and flowers, treat the bush with soapy water and rinse well under a contrast shower.

It is important to remember that the water temperature should not exceed +40 °C, otherwise the leaves of the plant will be damaged. Then you need to let the flower pot stand in a bowl of warm water for at least 30 minutes

Then you can proceed directly to the transplant.

Remember, a newly planted rose will be sick for some time and will not recover immediately, but then it will delight you with an even greater abundance of flowers than when purchased. How quickly an indoor rose adapts after transplantation depends on how correctly and safely all manipulations are carried out for the plant. This period can last from 1 to 1.5 months, after which the delicate beauty will begin to grow.

Adaptation period

Did you buy a rose? Don't know what to do with it? Are you wondering what it takes to care for a tea rose? Care at home at first is quite simple: the plant does not need to be replanted immediately; it will need a long period to get used to the new environment. That is why it is not recommended to take any action in relation to the flower. Flower growers advise creating the same conditions that were in the flower shop where you purchased the plant: you will need to set a similar temperature regime, air humidity, water and spray the plants as they did in the store where you purchased the flower pot.

Of course, you don’t have to adhere to all these rules, but in this case the plant will take a very long time to adapt, and perhaps even die. Flower growers note: this regime will not last long, after which you will need to create conditions that will be optimal for tea roses at home. Care at first includes protection from drafts, watering with purified water, lightly spraying the leaves, choosing a place where the plant will not be exposed to sunlight to avoid burns.

Step-by-step instructions for replanting a houseplant

To replant, you need to prepare a pot, soil mixture, and drainage.


The new pot should be larger than the one in which the rose is grown.
Its overall dimensions should be 3-5 cm larger than the previous one in terms of bottom diameter and 5-7 cm in height. It is better to choose a ceramic product with glazing. If you don’t have such dishes, you can take a plastic container with thick walls and a large tray. It is best to give preference to a classic pot or a slightly rounded shape. These features are very important during transplantation. If you choose a very large pot, the water will stagnate, which will lead to souring of the soil. As a result, you may not see flowering at all.


The soil can be purchased at a flower shop. There is a special soil for roses that is ideal for them. Drainage mixtures are also purchased along with the soil. The soil can be prepared at home.

Mature plant

  1. Prepare a pot for replanting. To do this, you need to soak the product in warm water for 2-3 hours. If you are using a pot that has been grown in another plant, it should be washed thoroughly. No need to use detergents. Regular baking soda is suitable for cleaning. There is no need to rinse plastic pots.
  2. Place drainage at the bottom of the pot. In pots without holes, the drainage layer should be at least 3 cm. In pots with holes - at least 1 cm. You can use a ready-made drainage mixture or use improvised materials. Expanded clay, pebbles, polystyrene foam and clay cuttings are suitable.
  3. Prepare the soil for replanting. Primer for roses is sold at any flower shop. You can prepare the soil mixture yourself. There are several options for mixtures.
  • 2 parts clay-turf soil;
  • 1 part sand;
  • 2 parts peat or rotted manure.
  • 1 part peat;
  • 4 parts of sod-humus soil;
  • 4 parts sand.

Granules of any complex fertilizer for roses can be added to both compositions. Many people also add fine expanded clay to the soil.

  1. Before planting, rose shoots must be trimmed so that only 2-3 buds remain on each.
  2. The transplant itself boils down to rolling over an earthen clod. It must be handled extremely carefully, because the roots of the rose are very thin and fragile. Therefore, new soil is placed at the bottom of the pot, following the drainage.

Experienced gardeners recommend removing a plant from an old pot in this way:

Turn the container over, passing the stems of a potted rose between your fingers, and shake vigorously

This way the flower will be less disturbed. Before removing, it is better to place the pot with the plant in water for several hours so that the soil is well saturated. Carefully place an earthen ball on the drainage layer. Then you should add more soil so that there are no voids around the edges.

We invite you to watch a visual video of the process of transplanting an indoor rose:

After the purchase

Transplanting an indoor rose immediately after purchase differs from replanting an adult plant at home only in preparation for the procedure

Let's figure out how to replant a purchased flower and what is important to remember. Such a plant can be replanted without waiting for the end of the flowering period

  1. Before transplanting, the rose must be washed with soapy water. This will help in the fight against parasites.
  2. After this, the plant must be left in a bowl of cool water for 30 minutes. Then it is recommended to give the leaves a contrast shower, alternating cold water with hot water. The hot water temperature should not be more than 40 degrees.
  3. Spray the indoor rose with Epine solution from a spray bottle. Cover with a plastic bag so that it does not touch the leaves.
  4. Once a day you need to arrange ventilation, increasing its time.
  5. After all the manipulations, the flowers will fall off and the plant can be replanted.

You will find more information on caring for indoor roses after purchase in this article.


Rose cannot stand temperature changes. This leads to the fact that it fades and stops blooming. You can expose plants to fresh air only after you have hardened off the plant. This is not difficult to do: in early spring you can start opening windows for several hours a day. This way you will get more luxuriant blooms in the summer. However, you should be careful: it is not recommended to place tea roses in a pot on hot windowsills when caring for them, because an excess of sunlight will cause the plant to begin to shed its leaves.

During the summer months, the tea rose will feel great on the loggia or balcony, but it is important that the temperature does not rise above 25 degrees. During the winter cold period, the plant will need a large amount of light. If there is not enough natural light, gardeners recommend purchasing special lamps.

Content requirements


When growing a mini-rose, you must provide it with good air exchange, so the best place for its location would be a balcony. You can put a pot of roses on the windowsill, but you will need to open the window often. In summer you can take the flower with you to the dacha.


During flowering, which occurs in the summer, the plant needs fresh air, so try to place the flower on a balcony or loggia whenever possible.

Remember that roses do not like extreme heat, so try not to let the soil overheat. Choose light-colored pots, and in the hot season, wrap the flower container with reflective material.

Room temperature will be ideal for potted roses. Cold air is also harmful to it, so make sure that on cold days there is no blowing from the windows, and if you use a fan or air conditioner, place it away from the plant.


During the development and flowering of a rose, it is necessary to spray it.
You can give her a warm shower once a week. In any case, you cannot ignore moisture, as this can lead to drying out of the leaves or, even worse, the appearance of pests (more on them below).


The dwarf rose is a light-loving plant, therefore, it needs good lighting. But the scorching summer sun can damage the flower, so try to protect it from direct sunlight, especially at midday. In the morning and evening hours, the sun is not dangerous for the rose.


What does caring for a tea rose in a pot include? Experienced flower growers know well: the queen of flowers is very sensitive to soil moisture. You can water it only with purified water; it is advisable that it does not contain any impurities or additives: otherwise the rose may get sick and stop blooming. It is recommended to water twice a day in summer, and in winter - as the soil dries out. The indoor tea rose, the care of which includes timely moisturizing, loves water. That is why gardeners recommend spraying the leaves of the plant with cool water. This is especially required in summer and on hot spring days. When spraying, avoid getting water on the buds and flowers.

How to care for roses at home

When growing indoor tea roses, certain care is required.

Choosing a location and lighting

Rose prefers bright lighting ; eastern and south-eastern windows are suitable. On the south side it grows in dark or diffused light, otherwise the leaves and stems burn. An abundance of fresh air and no drafts are necessary. In case of insufficient lighting, LED lamps help. For abundant flowering, daylight hours should be more than 14 hours .

The soil

The soil is suitable loose and nutritious . To make up the soil, turf soil, humus and sand are used in a ratio of 3:1:1. Perlite is suitable as a leavening agent - 10% of the total volume. The finished soil "Rose" is optimally balanced; it contains sand and agroperlite. Acidity is also important; neutral soil ( ph 5-7 ) is suitable for cultivating indoor roses.

Temperature and humidity

In summer you need a temperature within +25°C +28°C , average humidity 50% . The pots are placed on a tray with water and expanded clay; frequent spraying helps. A shower is arranged at least once every 2 weeks, the rose reacts to it with violent growth. In winter, the temperature is reduced to +15°C , the dormant period stimulates early flowering.

How to water correctly

You need to water regularly to avoid drying out the soil, but not to over-moisten it. As a rule, you need to navigate by the top layer of soil. Water is especially needed during the development of buds, which usually happens in the warm season. Tea roses do not tolerate temperature changes well, so they should be watered with settled water. Leaves love spraying. It is better to spend it in the evening, when there is no bright sun.

In summer you can spray twice. In spring, the condition of the plant depends on how the indoor rose is cared for during the dormant period, that is, in autumn and winter. During these months, you need to water the flower with water cooler than the ambient temperature. This also needs to be done less frequently, and sometimes even allowed to dry out for two days.

Feeding and fertilizers

Nutrients are added during the growing season - from spring to autumn. The bush should be fed once every 10-14 days . It is necessary to alternate mineral and organic fertilizing every 10 days , and also apply minerals to the leaves once a month. Agricola or Bona Forte mineral fertilizers are suitable. From organic matter they use “Orgavit” or “Biohumus”.

All fertilizers are applied strictly according to the instructions; excess nitrogen causes yellowing of the leaves. To stimulate growth and development, vitalizers and stimulants are used: “HB-101”, “Epin”, “Zircon”, “Ribav-Extra”.


The rose blooms all summer, but with additional lighting and high temperatures it grows buds in winter. The color of the flowers depends on the variety; some exude a pleasant scent. up to 15 buds on one bush . To stimulate, all aging flowers are removed along with the peduncle. Cold wintering also affects the abundant growth of buds.


Pruning of roses is carried out in the spring and ends in July. The shoots are cut 1 cm above the buds with a sharp knife at an angle of 45° , the cut should be without cracks and smooth, the surface is covered with garden varnish. Also in summer, branches growing inside the bush are removed so that they do not shade the middle.

If the rose is grafted, wild shoots should be regularly eradicated, otherwise they will not allow the scion to grow. Since the rose is grafted onto a rose hip, wild trunks are easy to recognize - they are abundantly covered with thorns and the complex leaf has not 5, but 7 leaves.


In spring they begin to trim the bushes. You need to cut off a shoot of at least 15 cm with two to three dormant buds. Cuttings take root in warm water, additionally dissolve charcoal or 3 drops of hydrogen peroxide in it for disinfection. Adding “Kornevin” or “Ribav Extra” stimulates the formation of roots. The cuttings are placed in a greenhouse, as high humidity and temperature are required.


The plant must be replanted as it grows; each subsequent pot is 2-4 cm . If you transplant it immediately into a wide pot, the excess soil will turn sour and the roots will rot. The most gentle method is transshipment of the plant . When transplanting, the earthen lump is preserved and the roots are not injured. Expanded clay is poured into a 1 cm layer at the bottom of the pot, then the rose is carefully rolled over. The voids around the edge of the pot are filled with earth.

Features of care depending on the time of year

In winter, during the dormant period, you can see pots with blooming roses on the windows. To save a flower, it must be cut and the necessary conditions for rest must be created. Continuous flowering will very quickly destroy the plant. If a flower does not want to go on winter rest, but the gardener wants to admire the flowering longer, it is worth delaying the start of the growing season. Such plants require strictly observed dormant periods.


When talking about tea roses, growing and caring for them, one cannot fail to mention such an item as applying fertilizers. In general, all indoor flowers need fertilizing. This beauty is no exception: the soil for it needs to be regularly enriched with various organic and mineral additives. Mullein and bird droppings are perfect. You can also purchase special fertilizers designed specifically for indoor roses. Instructions for using such fertilizers are always described step by step on the packaging. It should be said that excessive feeding can negatively affect the condition of the rose.

How to choose an indoor rose

The choice of variety is a fundamental factor in successful window gardening. This article will help you understand the nuances of caring for indoor roses. It will also introduce readers to the varieties that are most popular for home cultivation.

Indoor roses

Note! Experts do not recommend purchasing roses at markets. It is best to trust stores that specialize in this

Seasonal care: autumn

Do the flower queen's requirements differ at different times of the year? Flower growers say: in autumn, winter, spring and summer, caring for this plant is significantly different. We propose to consider each stage in detail. Let's start in the fall. Caring for a tea rose at home with the onset of cold weather means that the pot must be brought from the loggia or balcony into the house. This should be done when the thermometer begins to show a temperature below 15 degrees. It is best to place the plant on the south side near the window at this time. In autumn, the development of buds and their growth stops. The plant does not need feeding; it is also recommended to reduce watering. Since the flower begins to prepare for winter, it does not require special care.

The temperature at this time should not exceed +17 degrees. The air in the room where the flower is located should be moderately humidified. You should not place the plant pot next to heating appliances or any equipment, such as a microwave oven, TV or computer. The plant will feel much more comfortable on the windowsill, where cool air comes from the street.

Rules of care

In order for the plant to develop normally, it is recommended to provide it with adequate and complete care.


The plant should be watered regularly. This is especially true during rapid growth and flowering. Excessive dryness of the soil causes serious harm to the rose. Therefore, watering is carried out immediately after the soil dries.

At the same time, it is worth remembering a sense of proportion

It is important that the earth does not become sour. Ornamental plants are highly sensitive to excess moisture

This is especially true in winter and autumn. Therefore, after budding stops, watering should be reduced. To moisten the soil, it is recommended to use settled and filtered water.

How to feed correctly

The plant requires systematic feeding. It is recommended to use fertilizers in spring and summer. This is done once every 2 weeks. It is recommended to alternately use mineral and organic compounds. It is worth choosing standard preparations that are suitable for flowers. It is recommended to mix the product with water before use.


This procedure ensures good flowering and proper development of indoor roses. Pruning helps give the bush a beautiful shape.


It is recommended to trim the peduncle after flowering has completed if the crop is weakened. To do this, you need to take gardening gloves, sharp pruning shears and a container for cuttings. When flowering ends, the bud bends down and the petals fall off. It is these flowers that are recommended to be removed.


If the stems of the bush have become dark or wrinkled, they also need to be cut off. Healthy and strong branches are green or brown in color. If the stem is half healthy, it should be cut a little above the eye socket. If weakened and thin stems appear that are directed inside the bush, it is recommended to remove them too, cutting them off near the very base. They prevent the air circulation that the plant needs.


It is necessary to trim the leaves if you want to get a crop with a long trunk and a thick top. When pruning in spring and autumn, leaves should be removed for sanitary purposes. This helps to ensure proper flowering of the crop.


Weak shooters cannot hold heavy flowers properly. In such a situation, they must be removed.


From time to time, indoor roses require transplants. To carry out the procedure correctly, it is worth considering many features.


With the systematic use of fertilizing in the summer, the soil does not have time to deplete. Roses are transplanted only if the soil has changed its characteristics - it has become denser or, conversely, resembles dust. The procedure is also carried out if the plant has outgrown the size of the pot. It is recommended to carry out manipulation in February, before the rose awakens.

How to transplant

To transplant a rose, it is recommended to place expanded clay at the bottom of the pot. If there are the required number of drainage holes in the pot, this step can be neglected. After this, the rose should be carefully removed from the pot and moved to a new one. Sprinkle the prepared substrate on top.

Treatment against pests and diseases

The crop may encounter various pathologies and pests. In such a situation, it is recommended to remove the damaged fragments and treat the crop with fungicides or insecticides.

Choosing a pot

To ensure full development of an indoor rose, it is important to choose the right container for its cultivation. The new pot should be larger than the previous one, several centimeters in diameter

It should be 5-7 centimeters higher in height. However, it is not recommended to use too large a container.


When optimal conditions are created for the crop, it blooms every 8-9 weeks throughout the year. At the same time, the bush is covered with small decorative flowers of different shades. To make flowering more abundant, the plant should be moved to a cool place for the winter. He should be provided with complete rest and shoots should be cut to 10 centimeters.

In winter, the culture is dormant. It is recommended to prepare it for this period. To do this, it is worth reducing the number of waterings. They are carried out at intervals of 3 days. It is best to water the plant through a tray. It is not recommended to fertilize the flower during this period.


Caring for tea roses in spring consists only of timely watering. The fact is that with the first warm days the plant seems to come to life and transform. It develops new shoots and leaves that grow into strong branches. At this time, the soil and the plant itself should not be allowed to dry out. In the spring you should start fertilizing the rose - this way the soil will be saturated with useful substances and the development of the rose will accelerate. When stable warm weather sets in, the tea rose can be taken out to the balcony or loggia so that it can soak up the sun's rays.

At first, it is recommended to place the pot with the plant in a shaded place so that it can adapt to the new environment. The adaptation period usually lasts about 15-20 days. In order for a rose to bloom magnificently, you should often turn it towards the sun. In this case, the plant will be symmetrical. But if you do not turn the rose towards the sun, the plant will become one-sided.

Basic rules of cultivation and care

Modern garden proud beauties have good immunity to small temperature changes and are able to grow in not very favorable weather conditions. The same cannot be said about the graceful beauty in the room. Roses of this variety are famous for their fastidious nature.

Delicate pink tea rose flowers

Temperature and air

Place the capricious woman in a room where the sun's rays penetrate well and there is also access to fresh air. It is best to set up a rose garden in a room whose windows face southwest or southeast.

Flowers are placed on the windows taking into account the seasons of the year. You should be very careful about the air temperature. If you place flowers on the south side, in summer the plants will suffer from the heat and may wilt. However, in winter this arrangement of roses is only welcome.

If all conditions are met, the plant will bloom profusely and delight the eye with large, beautiful buds.

In spring, tea rose needs fresh air

With the onset of spring days, roses especially need fresh air. When the weather becomes warm enough, they can be taken out onto the balcony or into the yard. However, before this, the flowers are prepared for the open air by hardening off. This can be done by regularly ventilating the room well.

Outdoors, flowers are placed in such a way that they are not exposed to ultraviolet rays. Initially, it is arranged in shaded places. Within a month, she should fully adapt to street conditions.

Multicolor tea rose


To prevent shedding of leaves in winter, when purchasing a plant, pay attention to varieties that are best suited for keeping indoors. For example, the Bengal variety can bloom continuously, especially if there is good light during the winter months.

Rose varieties suitable for growing indoors

For a plant to feel great, it needs enough light. With the onset of summer, it is placed on the sunny side, but care is taken to ensure that the air temperature is not too high. In winter, daylight hours are increased with the help of artificial lighting.

The dream of every gardener is lush roses with abundantly blooming buds. To do this, you need to constantly turn the plant towards the sun. This is done to ensure that the flower develops evenly. Then it will be beautifully shaped and lush.

Tea rose in the exterior

Watering and fertilizing

When watering, observe moderation. Its intensity is determined by the soil in the pot. Make sure that the soil is slightly moist, but do not allow the soil to become wet.

In winter, the plants are kept in a cool room, so the amount of watering is reduced. Check the soil periodically to ensure it does not dry out. The water should be settled and at room temperature. You can read more about caring for roses in autumn and winter in our article.

For feeding, mineral fertilizers are used, which must be introduced with the arrival of spring and before the beginning of autumn. You can use both ready-made preparations and natural fertilizer. A good result is obtained by feeding with a solution for which bird droppings and cow excrement are used.

Watering a tea rose

Feeding should be done regularly. The “health” of the plant depends on well-selected ingredients and their quantity. If not fed properly, the beautiful rose may wither and the leaves may even fall off.


Speaking about hybrid tea roses and caring for them, one cannot fail to note what requirements the plant makes in the summer. Usually this means abundant and regular watering, fertilizing, and spraying plants. In addition, flower growers say, you should regularly wash or wipe the rose leaves, remove those that have withered, allowing new ones to grow.

To protect against diseases, preventive measures should be taken: inspect the plants for problems, do not overheat. Very often in the summer, flower growers notice that the rose becomes cramped in the pot. Then it is recommended to transplant it. Please note: this should be done during a certain lunar phase. In order not to make a mistake, carefully study the lunar calendar for replanting indoor plants.

Varieties and types of indoor roses

Indoor roses feel great at home and can delight lovers of delicate beauty with a large selection of species and varieties. A distinctive feature that unites the types of indoor roses is the small size of the bushes and root system, which makes caring for the plant easier. Timely replanting of indoor roses, in turn, ensures their comfortable stay in pots with a small amount of soil.

Currently, thanks to the efforts of breeders, varieties have been developed that can delight with abundant flowering and resistance to pests and diseases all year round. Among the most suitable for home cultivation of roses are several types of plants:

  • Bengal rose is very undemanding in care, decorative all year round, has no aroma, but blooms profusely, can winter at +25 ° C on the windowsill. The buds are red and pink.
  • Polyanthus roses - bush height up to 0.5 m, do not require special care. They bloom very profusely, while the buds are collected in inflorescences and have a pronounced aroma. Wide range of shades.
  • Bourbon rose is a fairly large plant with large flowers; it takes a long time to develop in buds, but also blooms for a long time from June until the New Year. From January to March it usually sheds its leaves, and by April it is covered with greenery again. Flowers may vary in color. It takes a long time and is difficult to take root.
  • The Chinese rose is a miniature plant, no more than 15 cm high. It blooms very densely, so that the greenery is almost invisible. It is distinguished by a rich variety of varieties, there are representatives with a pronounced rich aroma and no odor at all. Wide palette of colors. Overwinters at low temperatures.
  • Tea rose bushes reach 30 cm in height. The plants are endowed with beautiful double flowers of various shades. They emit a subtle pleasant aroma. They do not tolerate dampness and cold. They bloom all year round.
  • Remontant roses are large plants with large flowers of red and pink shades. They overwinter at low temperatures. They can bloom all year round if given enough space and proper care.

To successfully grow roses at home, you need to carefully evaluate the characteristics of the room and choose a variety in the store, taking into account its agrotechnical requirements. It is advisable to choose a plant with unopened buds, carefully checking for pests and examining the leaves for diseases. Remember, after 2-3 weeks it is necessary to replant the indoor rose after purchase. After all, the most difficult thing is to preserve the plant, and then follow the rules of propagation technology and care for the capricious enchantresses of the home flora.


Of course, it is not enough for a plant to simply plant and care. Tea roses need regular fertilization. If there is a lack of fertilizing, the flower will begin to wither and its leaves will fall off. According to reviews from experienced flower growers, mullein is excellent as a fertilizer. The method for preparing this fertilizer is quite simple: you will need 1 part mullein and 2 parts water. This composition must be thoroughly mixed and then left for 5-10 days to ferment. Before you apply this fertilizer, it must be diluted in cool water in a ratio of 1 to 15. Fertilizer made from bird droppings is also suitable.

Summer care

A rose in a pot requires special care at different times of the year. These features should be taken into account in order to provide the flower with optimal conditions for growth. In the summer, it is necessary to provide high-quality, frequent watering. You also need to periodically fertilize, wash and spray the leaves.

If you notice diseased or dry leaves or shoots, remove them immediately. The rose should not be allowed to overheat.

If it grows noticeably during this time, you need to transplant it into a more convenient container. To do this, you need to wait until the Moon is waxing.

In order for the rose to be lush, you need to periodically turn it towards the light. This work is especially effective in the summer. In this case, the rose will develop evenly in all directions and will look proportional.

Diseases of tea roses

Like other indoor plants, the tea rose is susceptible to various diseases. Powdery mildew and spotting are the most common. If you notice a whitish coating on the stems and leaves of the queen of flowers, a little like a cobweb, it means that the plant has been affected by powdery mildew. If you do not start fighting the disease in time, the growth of the rose will slow down or stop, and the plant will die. The main cause of this problem is microscopic fungi that attack plants. Under what conditions does powdery mildew develop? There are several main reasons:

  • the room where the rose is kept is too humid or, on the contrary, too dry;
  • the rose receives excessive amounts of fertilizer;
  • the room temperature changes sharply;
  • the roots are cramped or lack oxygen.

If you notice small black spots on the leaves and shoots, you know: you are faced with spotting. This problem in tea roses appears when the air is dry or at an unsuitable temperature for the flower. Of course, you can protect a flower from diseases: to do this, you need to follow all the features of caring for a tea rose at home.

Diseases and pests

Home roses can be affected by diseases and pests such as:

  • Chlorosis. The appearance of this scourge can be recognized by yellowed leaves. Iron chelate effectively combats chlorosis.
  • Powdery mildew. Its appearance is indicated by white spots on the leaves and stems of the plant. Fungicides are used for treatment.
  • Spider mite. This pest leaves a thin web between the leaves. To combat it, the drugs Fitoverm and Apollo are used.
  • Thrips and aphids. Deformation of the leaves and flowers indicates that the plant is infected by these pests. For treatment, insecticides for indoor plants are used.

Propagation of roses and their transplantation

Speaking about tea roses, planting and caring for this amazing plant, we cannot help but talk about how to replant the plant. This should be done when the adaptation period ends after purchasing the flower. You will need a pot that is larger than the previous one, drainage and gloves. Please note: the container for roses must have a hole at the bottom. You will need to carefully remove the plant from the old pot, straighten the roots, and remove the soil from them. And then transplant to a new place and water the ground thoroughly. After you transplant the plant, be sure to remove it from a sunny place for about a day. After this period of time, it will be possible to return the flower to its original place.

Another quite pressing issue that concerns flower growers is the propagation of tea roses at home. Flowers should be planted in the summer. As soon as the plant fades, cuttings should be taken. They need to be cut above the bud that grows at an oblique angle. After this, the cutting must be immersed in water and left until white roots appear. Of course, water needs to be added regularly. When the roots become strong, the cutting is ready for planting in a permanent place and care. A tea rose (you can see a young plant in the photo above) will require the same care as an adult flower.

Secrets of care

Care is the same as for ordinary roses:
You need to hill up the planted plant immediately, using peat or coconut substrate. This will protect the rhizomes and stems from drying out or freezing for the entire adaptation period.

It is recommended to water no more than once a week, so as not to provoke the development of fungus, in copious amounts and in the morning, water should not touch the leaves. It is better to place a watering hose with slow water pressure under the stem of the plant for a while.

Take preventive measures in the form of spraying (from bottom to top), with a solution: dissolve 100 g of colloidal sulfur in 100 liters of water, the first 2 sprays with an interval of 2 weeks, then once a month.

After the first flowering, you need to remove fading inflorescences and prune annually to shape.

The rose produces its first flowers on lateral branches of the 1st or 2nd order, which grow on the stems of the first or second year; repeated flowering appears at the tops of the shoots. The first flowering is the most abundant, so the shoots sometimes cannot even withstand the weight of the flowers and begin to sag or break.

To preserve the plant, from the second year onwards, in the spring you need to prune 1/3 of the annual shoots and 2-3 buds of the lateral shoots. After the first flowering, be sure to remove the wilted inflorescences, and the rose will delight you with flowers again.

At the first frost in cold regions, roses should be prepared for winter: remove old inflorescences, remove painful shoots, cover the base of the plant with fertilizers to a depth of 35-40 cm.

It is recommended to remove climbing varieties from their support, arrange them and place them on a prepared area of ​​dry foliage (or spruce branches), make a frame structure, cover the top with burlap, then with polyethylene film.

Be sure to clear the stems of leaves and treat them with a solution of iron sulfate (3%). Leave the ends of the winter house open until the temperature stabilizes around -5°C.

Ventilation is required periodically both in winter and in spring; with spring warming, you can gradually free the roses from their shelter, preferably on a cloudy day, and unwrap them thoroughly only at the very end.

Useful qualities of a flower

For many centuries, tea rose has been famous for its beneficial properties. Tea brewed from the petals of this plant is pleasant to the taste, aromatic, invigorating and inspiring. Tea rose can also strengthen the immune system and digestive system, and is indispensable in the fight against colds, various infections and viruses.

Tea brewed from the petals of this flower has a beneficial effect on the gastrointestinal tract, helps remove fluid from the kidneys, and quickly copes with diarrhea and dysentery. It should also be noted that such a drink can lift your mood, reduce fatigue, and eliminate insomnia and depression. The essential oils contained in tea rose are beneficial. They are most widely used in perfumery and cosmetology. It must be said that tea rose plays an important role in cooking. You've probably heard, and maybe even tried, oriental sweets that you simply can't tear yourself away from.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

This beautiful plant is attractive not only for its appearance (the color range of the buds is wide), but also for the pleasant aroma that comes from it. Perhaps this is one of those varieties that have a rather strong aroma. After all, if you take any other representative of this family, then, despite the bright scarlet buds, the aroma from them will be weak.

This flower is very whimsical and requires not only increased attention, but also patience. For example, in a garden in clean air, a rose will feel comfortable. But if you want to bring this bright miracle home, you should prepare for the fact that it will need a place where there is a lot of light and the air does not stagnate. The plant does not like constant drafts, but nevertheless, the room in which it will be located should be regularly ventilated.


To give the tea rose bush an aesthetic appearance, faded inflorescences are removed, the stems and lashes are shortened by a third of the length. If this is not done, then during the flowering period the branches will sag under the weight of inflorescences and buds.

Climbing varieties of tea roses are not pruned too low, otherwise the plant will lose its climbing habit and become a bush. Be sure to remove frostbitten and old skeletal branches. Pruning ensures free air circulation inside the bush. This must be done to exclude fungal diseases. Pruning makes the flowers larger and the scent more intense.

Important to remember

Spring pruning stimulates shoot growth. Trim them by 20 cm, leaving up to 5 buds. Also remove damaged and dry sprouts. In the fall, before wintering, cut the shoots by a third. If pruning is not carried out in time, this will reduce the abundance of flowering, and after 5–6 years the plant will stop blooming altogether.

To prepare for wintering, the stems on the bushes are cut off and the plant is hilled. But it's best to prepare a shelter. Place roofing felt on the frame, cover with film and press the ends to the ground.

Remember that tea roses that are not cared for correctly are susceptible to diseases. With a lack of moisture, black dots appear on the leaves and runs - spotting. The plant is also affected by powdery mildew. The main factors for its appearance are:

  • lack of aeration and oxygen in the soil;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • sudden changes in temperature;
  • excess fertilizer.

In addition to its pleasant aroma and aesthetic pleasure, tea rose can be used for jam, brewing tea, and making oil. A bath with rose petals has a beneficial effect on the skin. So growing the plant in the garden is very profitable.

Choose a variety of tea rose and plant it in a sunny place. Provide the crop with good care so that it pleases you with lush and fragrant flowering.


The best way to propagate tea roses is by cuttings. To obtain planting material, shoots are cut from the bush, leaving at least three buds on them. The resulting cutting is placed in a container with a solution of a root formation stimulator. After a couple of weeks, the first roots will appear.

Afterwards, the cuttings are planted in a small pot filled with nutritious soil. The top is covered with plastic film. As the plant grows, it will need to be transplanted into a larger pot. Flowering from such a rose can be expected already in the second year after rooting.

How to prepare a rose for wintering

Preparing for winter also requires effort. In November, the plant enters a dormant period. The flower will not delight you with fragrant buds and green foliage. In most cases, the tea rose sheds its leaves during this period. It needs to be moved to a cool place. There should be no drafts or too low temperatures in the house. Minimal lighting will not harm her.

It is customary to water the plant as little as possible, but you also shouldn’t let the soil dry out too much. The water temperature should be equal to the room temperature. Following all the above rules, the tea rose will thank you with its beautiful appearance and aroma.


Tea rose is a heat-loving plant. Therefore, when choosing a place to plant, you need to think about the comfort of the rose. And she feels good where there is a lot of sun. Ideal when there is sun in the morning and slight shade in the afternoon (southeast).

The landing site must be protected from biting winds and drafts. In this case, it is necessary to ensure free air circulation. This will prevent the rapid spread of fungal diseases, to which climbing varieties of tea roses are very sensitive.

For climbing varieties of tea roses, provide supports and trellises. If you are going to use tea roses as a hedge, then the distance between the planting holes should be at least half a meter.

Think in advance about how you will insulate the roses for the winter and whether additional structures are needed for this. If yes, then leave room for them. Red tea roses planted in heavy soils have a more intense scent, so plant them in slightly acidic loams. If you have light soil, then add dried clay, as well as turf and humus, to the planting hole.

In temperate climates, roses are planted in the spring, when the weather is consistently warm without returning frosts. In southern regions with warm winters they are planted in the fall.

Given the weak frost resistance of tea roses, immediately after planting and watering, the soil around the plant is mulched with sawdust or peat. This prevents the roots from freezing and drying out.

Features of planting and caring for crops in open ground, at home, in a pot

How to care for tea bush roses so that they grow healthy. Care includes:

  • pruning shoots,
  • watering,
  • weeding,
  • fertilizing

The culture likes to grow in sunny places, protected from strong winds. Insufficient sunlight causes poor quality flowering and a high likelihood of disease. It is light-loving, but in direct sunlight its flowers fade and burns appear on the leaves. In full shade, rose bushes will struggle to grow and bloom. Fungal diseases spread mainly on wet leaves. This determines the choice of landing site - sunny, with midday shade, excluding the north and northeast wind.

A solid fence or hedge will protect you from drafts. You can plant small trees nearby. This will hide the roses from strong winds, and at the same time there will be normal air circulation around the bushes.

Hedge of tea roses

Well-drained soil is preferable; plants generally do not cope well with wet soil. If the place where the rose will grow is wet, the soil is mixed with sand and compost when planting to improve drainage.

Planting holes are dug wide and deep enough to comfortably accommodate the roots of the plant. After planting, the soil is compacted and watered well. Shrubs are planted at a distance of 80-100 cm from each other.

Note! In northern climates, when planting, the neck of the trunk is hidden 3-5 cm below the soil level, in warmer climates a little higher.

Most roses require stem pruning, which removes old and weak branches. There should be good air circulation and open space for sunlight in the center of the plant. The best time to prune shoots is early spring - before the buds open.

To maintain flowering, the stems should be thicker than a pencil; old branches should be cut back to the very base. This promotes new growth and increases air circulation in the center of the plant.

Before rooting, the planted rose is watered daily. Then the amount of watering is reduced. Tea rose is susceptible to fungal diseases and does not need waterlogging. Water tea roses as needed depending on the weather and soil. On sandy or clay soils they need more frequent watering than on loamy soils. Deep-rooted roses will not show signs of drought as quickly as other plants.

Important! Watering must be approached with caution. Water only the base of the plant, trying to avoid getting water on the leaves. This can lead to leaf burn and crop diseases.

It is also necessary to feed roses throughout the season. Fertilize mainly three times a season with a balanced fertilizer. The first application is in the spring, the second application is when the plant begins to bloom, the third application is in mid-summer.

Mulching maintains soil moisture around the bush throughout the summer and prevents the appearance of black spots and weeds. A layer of organic mulch is spread around the trunk of the plant, replacing it with new mulch every spring.

Tea roses are considered less hardy to cold weather than other species, such as floribunda.

Before wintering, remove all leaves on the shoots and carry out autumn pruning of the branches. In this state, the plant is ready for shelter for the winter.

If frosts are expected, provide protection to young shrubs by covering them with burlap, spruce branches, peat and other material. The base of the plant will protect the additional compost around the bush. When severe frosts pass, this protection is removed.

Purchase and transplant

It is better to purchase plants from trusted garden centers. This way you can be sure that the flower is not infected with dangerous pests. When choosing, pay attention to the condition of the plant itself, and not to the number of buds. Often the bush is forced to bloom vigorously with special preparations. After transplantation, such roses often die.

You should only buy healthy plants with dark green foliage. It should not show signs of disease or parasite damage. If the bush looks lethargic and lifeless, it is better to refuse the purchase.

An important question is how to transplant a purchased rose into a pot. You cannot do this immediately after returning from the store. The plant must acclimatize. One to two weeks is enough for this.

Before transplanting, the plant is treated with any pest control agent. The pot is chosen so that it is a couple of centimeters larger than the container in which the plant was purchased. It is better to take a purchased substrate designed specifically for roses.

You can make the soil yourself. To do this, mix 2 parts of turf, 1 part of leaf soil, 1 part of humus. Add a little sand. Transplantation is carried out using the transshipment method.

After transplanting from the plant, it is recommended to tear off all flowers and buds. This will make it easier for the rose to survive stress, and it will begin to grow its root system.

What to do when the rose doesn't bloom

The most common question from beginning gardeners is why the tea rose does not bloom. There are several answers to this:

  1. Not enough light. If the windows face the non-sunny side, you will have to provide the plant with additional lighting. For this, it is recommended to use special phytolamps.
  2. Unsuitable indoor climate. Roses stop blooming in rooms with low air humidity. Installing a humidifier will help solve the problem. If it is not possible to purchase a device, open containers with water are placed next to the plant. Regularly spraying the bush with warm water will also help.
  3. Lack of nutrition. If the leaves have lost their rich shade, yellowish spots have appeared between the veins, the rose is probably gnawing. In such a situation, it simply does not have enough nutrients for flowering. You need to feed it with complex fertilizer.
  4. Excess nutrition. In an attempt to achieve lush flowering, inexperienced gardeners apply too much fertilizer to the soil. As a result, the soil becomes salty. The root system cannot fully extract useful substances from it. Transplanting into fresh soil and establishing a normal fertilizing regime will help solve this problem.

The frequency of flowering of tea roses also depends on the specific variety. Some of them are able to delight with luxurious flowers almost all year round. But generally, a store-bought plant will bloom twice a year.

Features of care

The tea rose will feel good if it is on the windowsill in a room whose windows face south or southwest. So she can stand the whole winter and delight with her beauty. In summer, the flower may shed its leaves in response to too hot weather. It is worth remembering that caring for a flower at home requires special attention to temperature changes.

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If you want your plant to bloom vigorously, then you should provide it with a general room temperature of about twenty to twenty-five degrees Celsius. It is necessary to protect roses at home almost constantly. Proper planting and care of your home tea rose is the key to ensuring that the flower will please you and not get sick for a long time.

To prevent the plant from shedding its leaves in winter, you should be especially careful when purchasing this flower. Bengal roses, which can bloom all year round, are optimal for indoor growing if they are provided with artificial lighting in winter.

The tea rose will feel great if you take it out onto the balcony or into the yard. But you shouldn’t do this immediately after purchase. The flower needs to adapt to its future habitat. Before you take it out into the clean air, you need to prepare the plant. Regular ventilation of the room is ideal for this.

The tea rose needs proper watering, because it is one of the key aspects for its life. It is worth remembering that the soil in the pot should be moist, not wet. Even with good drainage, the plant can die from excessive watering. The water required is clean and preferably warm.

The leaves also require moisture, but it must be given to them carefully. You should pour warm water into a spray bottle and spray it so that it gets only on the leaves of the plant, but not on the flowers. Feeding is done from early spring until the end of August.

You must also remember about the most common diseases to which this beauty is susceptible. Spotting can appear on the plant if the soil is too wet, and powdery mildew will be a consequence of excessive feeding of the flower. Therefore, you should pay special attention to watering, as well as seasonal feeding of roses.

What does a tea rose look like in a pot and why is it called that?

The tea rose is recognized as one of the most beautiful representatives of the Rosanova family.
Its flowers have a delicate, discreet shade. The petals form a dense rosette, their edges are wavy, which makes the flower even more decorative. The shape of the bud depends on the specific variety. It can be round or elongated with a pointed end. A distinctive feature is that after the flower has fully opened, the yellow center becomes visible. And the dark green leaves, located on thin but very strong stems, become a spectacular frame for such beauty.

China is recognized as the birthplace of this flower. There are several versions of why the rose was named tea rose. According to one of them, the flower resembled a bowl, from which it is customary to drink tea in the land of the rising sun. According to another, the aroma of the flower seemed so subtle and delicate to the discoverers that it reminded them of the most exquisite varieties of Chinese tea.

Tea rose is not just an ornamental plant. At all times it has been used as a medicine for many diseases. Tea made from petals will help you calm down, improve your immunity and mood.

Caring for a rose during flowering

The first flowers appear on the bushes at the end of March or April. Experienced flower growers know how to achieve three blooms in one season. The formation of new buds is stimulated by cutting off flowers along with the peduncle as soon as they begin to fade. This procedure allows you to get new flowers, although autumn blooms are not as abundant as spring ones.

If the rose produces corymbs and clusters of inflorescences, then the individual flowers are cut off along with the peduncle.

There is nothing impossible in stimulating flowering in winter. Flowering plants in stores confirm this. The main condition for growing in winter is the presence of bright artificial lighting.

Planting a flower

The plant propagates by cuttings and dividing the root system. Planting is carried out in autumn or spring.

In order for the flowers to quickly take root and produce long-lasting abundant flowering in the future, you need to choose the right place and prepare the soil for planting.

Planting in early autumn allows the plant to take root before frost and produce its first flowers in early summer.

In spring, roses should be planted in well-warmed soil, when there is no longer any risk of frost.

Planting is carried out in pre-fertilized soil. The size of the planting hole should correspond to the length of the root, and the diameter should be at least 30 cm.

In this case, the root collar should be 3 cm above the soil level . The planted bush must be watered immediately.

Planting is done in early autumn or late spring

Pests and diseases

This type of rose can be susceptible to various diseases. Therefore, it is recommended to carefully care for and carry out preventive measures, and if there are visible diseases, immediately begin to combat them.

The most common diseases:

  • powdery mildew . Gray dust appears on the foliage. It is recommended to immediately spray the plant with special fungicidal preparations;
  • gray rot . The buds become covered with a light coating and begin to rot. It is recommended to spray with preparations containing copper - copper sulfate, Bordeaux mixture. Spraying is repeated every two weeks;
  • bacterial cancer . The root system suffers. It appears in the form of growths on the roots and root collar. The plant needs to be inspected, the growths removed with a knife and lubricated with ordinary brilliant green. In addition, the bush must be dug up and the roots treated with a solution of iron sulfate.

Among the dangerous pests of tea roses, bronze beetles can be noted . These insects love to eat buds.

A dangerous pest for flowers is the bronze beetle, which eats buds.

There is only one way to get rid of them - collect them with your hands early in the morning . At this time they sit motionless on the bushes.

Caring for flowers is not difficult, but it must be regular and correct. By following the simple recommendations above, your garden will delight you with beautiful flowers with an unusually pleasant aroma.

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