Codiaeum attracts the eye with variegated leaves, colored yellow-green, pink or red. Healthy
Treat the sections with a disinfectant (ash, coal, cinnamon, alcohol solution). Formation of a geranium crown (video) Spring pruning
The popularity of exotic flowers is gaining momentum. Orchids attract the attention of not only experienced flower growers and breeders,
Decorative design of a personal plot is one of the areas of gardening actively practiced by many owners of private
Technology of azalea propagation by cuttings Cuttings are cut using a blade or a sharp knife, previously disinfected with alcohol
Gloriosa is a beautiful flowering plant with climbing shoots from the Liliaceae family. In wild nature
Hydrangea Anabelle is the most common variety of tree hydrangea. This shrub will decorate any garden. In
Phalaenopsis hybrid Phalaenopsis is the most common orchid in indoor floriculture. It so happened that in
General characteristics of large-leaved hydrangeas. Hydrangea Endless Summer Photo of large-leaf hydrangea Absolutely any variety of hydrangea
The breathtaking violet SM-Forest Magic (Seedling Morev) When choosing a new violet for his collection, every gardener