Description First, let's introduce you to this plant. The main decorative effect is provided by multiple branches
Botanical description All representatives of the daisy genus have a weak but characteristic odor. The plant is widely used
Many indoor plants are known for their magnificent flowering: violets (Saintpaulias), geraniums (pelargoniums), begonias, orchids -
What does a begonia flower look like: characteristics of the plant Begonia is a genus of plants that includes more than 1,600 different
Purchase By the way, about what else to call these flowers when searching and purchasing: this
The Gymnocalycium cactus can be called a pioneer among the spherical representatives of these succulents in indoor floriculture. However
A poinsettia flower in its bloom is a very beautiful sight, but short-lived. She's been around for a long time
August 22, 2018 Fashion trends Efimova Anastasia Girls with red hair always stand out from
The technology for growing amaranth is quite simple. Due to its unpretentiousness, the plant is especially popular. This is unique
Author: Elena N. Category: Houseplants Published: January 03, 2019Last edits: January 11