A flower with an interesting name is Crassula ovata 'Gollum (The Hobbit)'. What is it and how to grow it at home?


Crassula ovata Gollum (Hobbit) propagates in many ways: cuttings, leaves, shoots with aerial roots, dividing the bush. Everything is going well. An accidentally broken leaf, cuttings left after pruning to form the desired crown shape - use them to propagate the plant. However, it must be said that the simplest and most popular method is still cuttings. Seeds are too long and difficult, rooting leaves also has its own specifics, but a cutting about ten centimeters long is what you need.

Lightly wither the cuttings in the shade, then place them in a glass of water (you should add charcoal to avoid rotting). When the roots appear, you can plant the plant in a small container with suitable soil. A small fat plant must receive enough light, and the soil must be moistened daily, unlike adult specimens.

Features of growing Crassula Ovata "Hobbit"

Crassula Ovata Hobbit is a small shrubby succulent that is especially popular among followers of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien because of the shape of its leaves. This Crassula will appeal to lovers of Succulents with an unusual appearance.

Unlike other Money Trees , Hobbit has tubular leaves and is somewhat similar to the 'Gollum' variety (Crassula Ovata Gollum). And it is this plant that will be discussed further.

Description and features

The homeland of Crassula Ovata is South Africa, which already has more than 350 varietal species. Species diversity depends on the places in which Crassula grows. In drier conditions, unusual leaf colors and shapes stand out. Among all this diversity, there are both dwarf subtypes and powerful trees that stretch their trunk high into the sky.

The only thing that remains unchanged in a large natural assortment is the opposite leaf arrangement, the thickness of the leaves and the absence of cuts in the leaf plates. You should know that the leaves of Crassula Ovata are unsuitable for food because they contain a large amount of arsenic, which negatively affects the health of people and their pets.

Blooming Crasulla Ovata

Surprisingly, the number of pistils corresponds to the number of stamens. The flowers are quite small and collected in small bunches. Most species fit into three conditional groups:

  • Tree-like - reaches a height of up to one meter. It stands out for its color on the underside of the leaves. It is characteristically red. Over time, the trunk curls and acquires a characteristic brown tint. The species actively blooms in autumn-winter. The flowers are white.
  • Creeping - distinguished by their speed of covering the grass area. Its shape is very different from its predecessor, from the elongated club mosses to the thin yellow leaves of Crassula Otpryskova. It is grown mainly in summer cottages to reduce air humidity.
  • Spike-shaped - have a straight stem that can reach only half a meter. The shape of the leaves is very amazing, they seem to be strung on top of each other. In terms of color, it can be either a green plant or with brown spots.

In addition to the main subspecies, there is a wide variety of different varieties that are unique in nature. It is worth considering more significant species that can be observed in the homes of most indoor plant lovers.

Description and characteristics of the Crassula varieties Ovata Gollum and Hobbit with photos

Crassula Gollum as well as Crassula Hobbit have a tree-like growth form. The progenitor of these varieties was Crassula Ovata (Oval Crassula). They grow slowly, practically without human intervention, and are compact. Crassula Gollum and Crassula Hobbit are two very similar varieties.

  • "Gollum" has tubular leaves with "suckers" turning into an inverted cone.
  • 'Hobbit' basically has leaves that are open on the underside (ball-like). Which perfectly coexist with the “funnel-shaped” leaves on the same plant. The reverse side of the leaf can often have a rich burgundy tint.

Of these two varieties, the 'Gollum' variety is more common, but since they are very similar, they are usually called simply 'Hobbit' for convenience. The plant is not whimsical. The main condition for maintenance is calm. Grows up to 60 centimeters.

In the following photo you can see what both varieties of plants look like.

Crassula Gollum photo:

Crassula Hobbit photo:

Diseases and pests of Crassula coral

The most serious problem in growing Crassula coral is overwatering. The root system of a plant, under conditions of oversaturation with moisture, very soon rots, the flower droops, the foliage softens and over time becomes covered with brown spots, which indicate that most of the roots have already been irretrievably lost.

The plant must be immediately removed from the pot, the roots inspected, and rotten and damaged roots removed. If there are at least a small amount of healthy roots left, it makes sense to try to save the flower. To do this, you should treat it with a solution of a fungicide, for example, foundationazole, and leave it to dry for a couple of days, then plant it in a new substrate and leave it for up to 5-6 days without watering.

The absence of new spots on the leaves indicates that the disease is receding. However, there is no need to rush to restore watering; it is advisable not to wet the plant for 2-3 weeks, only then water it very sparingly and again take a long break between waterings. Only after finally making sure that the disease has completely subsided, do they resume the watering regime with complete drying of the soil mixture between successive moistenings.

Crassula cannot be saved if, after removal from the ground, completely rotten roots are discovered. All that remains is to try cuttings into new specimens, and then only on the condition that you can choose healthy cuttings without brown spots on the foliage.

Crassula coral is resistant to most pests. In indoor conditions, it may find itself in the zone of parasitic action of aphids and mealybugs. If the pest colony is small, remove it manually using a cotton swab soaked in alcohol, or wash it off with a solution of laundry soap. If there are a lot of insects, chemical treatment with an insecticide is used, and the solution is also spilled on the soil, because among the scale insects there are species that also live in the soil.

Sometimes in stores you can buy small succulent plants under the general name “succulent mix”. An entire collection of small (and very inexpensive) succulents are displayed on one tray-pallet: take what you want. But when you bring a new pet home, you want to know the name more precisely.

For example, here are the following sentences:

If the plant name says “mix,” as in this case, it means that the houseplant can come in different colors (and types).

Succulent mix. Choose yours!

Our latest acquisitions are a couple of such plants, the names of which were established thanks to the help of people knowledgeable about succulents.

“Mixed succulents”, the names of which are yet to be determined.

Sometimes determining the exact name can cause some difficulties, because many species are quite similar. It’s easier to see the difference in an adult plant, but when you have a baby, you may have doubts.

For example, difficulties may arise when determining the type of Crassula.

For example, is this plant Crassula gollum, hobbit or coral? Apparently (see species comparison below) this is a gollum.

Crassula (crassula) gollum (C. gollum).

Crassula ovata Hobbit and Crassula gollum (C. Gollum) are similar, but the hobbit has wider leaves and more ears, and the gollum has more tubes and sticks.

Hobbit or Gollum?

Crassula hobbit (C. Hobbit) and gollum (C. Gollum) are two similar hybrid varieties created in the 1970s in the USA, presumably by crossing Crassula Ovata and Molochnaya (C. Lactea).

Both species have the original shape of the leaves, in Hobbit they are turned outward and fused from the base to the middle, and in Gollum they are completely rolled into a tube with funnel-shaped expanding tips (the so-called “Shrek ears”).

There is also Crassula Coral (C. Coral, synonymous with C. Skinny Fingers), similar to them. Most of its leaves are stick-like, tapering towards the end, with funnel-shaped tips, as well as a powerful trunk and numerous side shoots.

Crassula mix, different plants.

What is this second plant (from the first photo in the article)?

This is Cooper's Adromiscus.

Adromischus belongs to the Crassulaceae family. Native to South West and South Africa. Very thick leaves, reminiscent of “barrels”, with a wavy edge with spots.

Cooper's Adromischus.

There is a similar species called cotyledon.

And this made the mix younger.

The difference between this Succulent and the Hobbit species

Gollum is very similar to Crassula Ovata "The Hobbit", it is no coincidence that both names are taken from the famous novel "The Lord of the Rings". Indeed, these Crassulas are easy to confuse with each other. The difference is to look for at the tips of the leaves - Gollum's leaves end in small suckers, while Hobbit's leaves are more hollow.

The Hobbit is very similar to Gollum. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

Crassula Gollum is an excellent picky plant that does not require special care. And its unique shape and texture can decorate any collection of home flowers. And even its name brings a smile and tenderness.


When planting Crassula "Hobbit", special attention should be paid to preparing the substrate and choosing a pot. You can pick up the soil mixture in the store

It is better to stay with a composition intended for cacti and succulents. However, you can make the substrate yourself from available components. You need to take:

  • 1 part sheet soil;
  • 1 part river sand;
  • 1 part turf.

All components can be assembled in an environmentally safe place away from major roads and highways. It is also necessary to add a little crushed coal, zeolite and fine expanded clay to the prepared mixture. All components must first be calcined on a baking sheet in the oven - this will destroy the larvae of insect pests, as well as pathogens of fungal, viral and bacterial infections.

You should definitely put drainage at the bottom of the container; it should occupy at least a third of the pot. Usually pebbles or expanded clay are used

This is very important, since stagnation of water leads to waterlogging of the soil, and this has the most detrimental effect on the condition of the root system and leads to the shedding of leaves

The root system of Crassula is superficial, so it is better to choose a low, but wide and flat pot for the plant. It is in such a container that the fat woman will be as comfortable as possible. The diameter of the pot should approximately correspond to the size of the crown. If it is smaller, the roots will be cramped. If you take a larger pot, the Crassula will grow and develop very slowly.

The container can be made of any material, but since the flower looks very impressive and resembles a bonsai, it will look best in a ceramic or clay container. If you wish, you can even choose a special bonsai

There is also one important requirement for Crassula pots - they must have several drainage holes to remove excess moisture from the substrate

Transfer rules

The first time the plant needs to be replanted immediately after purchase.

Most often (especially if the flower is imported from abroad), before sale, succulents are placed in a peat mixture soaked in hormonal substances - this is a temporary substrate, convenient for transportation, but it is not suitable for permanent maintenance. The crop will soon die in peat.

The soil must be disinfected before planting


  • The Crassula is removed from the purchased pot and the peat mixture is completely shaken off the roots (this is done only during the first replanting).
  • Prepare a pot for planting in advance - its shape and size are important.
  • The roots are superficial, so the container should be shallow, but wide and stable.
  • Proper drainage is very important: clay shards are placed at the bottom of the pot, followed by a layer of large expanded clay. Soil for cacti and succulents is poured on top and mixed with vermiculite for better moisture permeability.
  • The plant is placed with its roots on the ground and sprinkled, lightly compacting it in the area of ​​the stem.

You can prepare a soil mixture suitable for Crassula yourself. To do this you will need to mix in equal proportions:

  • leaf soil;
  • coarse river sand;
  • turf;
  • universal flower soil.

Attention! All assembled components must be calcined in the oven to remove pest larvae and bacterial infections.

Reproduction methods

Crassula reproduces well in several ways. Each gardener can choose the most convenient one for himself.


A new plant can be obtained from one leaf

Like any succulent, Crassula easily produces new shoots from a single leaf. The seed material is cut off and set aside to dry. It is better to put it on paper in a dark, warm place.

When the cut site dries, each leaf is placed in a special sand-turf substrate. It is possible to pre-dip them in the Kornevin solution. The top of the sheet is covered with a jar or whip. In a greenhouse it will be easier for it to take root and start growing.


This method is the most common. Several side branches are cut off from an adult plant, washed under running water and set aside to dry. It is better to take small branches with 5-6 leaves.

When the juice stops secreting, the cuttings are placed in water, dropping a little of the Kornevin preparation into it. After the roots appear, the cuttings are placed in the prepared substrate.

Some gardeners prefer to plant shoots in the ground immediately, without placing them in water. In this case, it is necessary to have a greenhouse and a more drained soil mixture, because it will be more difficult for roots to form in the ground. However, shoots rooted in the soil grow faster than after a container of water.

Aerial roots

Sometimes an adult Crassula forms roots directly on growing shoots. If this happens, you can easily separate the segment with the roots and immediately plant it in the ground. Such shoots take root the fastest and do not require special care. True, the plant does not always take down such aerial roots.

If the branches on an adult Crassula tree are all rooted, this is not a good sign. The plant lets you know that it is uncomfortable, cramped, and lacks moisture or microelements in the soil. Most often, replanting into a larger pot with nutritious soil helps solve this problem.


The Hobbit variety is a hybrid, so collecting seeds from it and using it for subsequent planting is not practical. Even if you manage to get seedlings, it is not a fact that this particular succulent will grow.

The shoots may not retain the properties of the mother plant. In addition, Crassula seeds do not ripen properly at home. To do this, special conditions will have to be created.


Crassula, similar to coral, is interesting not only for its leaves; it is also beautiful during flowering, which, by the way, is rare. If you provide her with all the conditions at home, she will delight you with small inflorescences. For this to happen, you need to leave a few branches intact when forming the crown.

By the way, flowering is one of the main ways to distinguish Crassula species. Crassula Gollum blooms with pale pink flowers, releasing loose buds first. And the fat Hobbit produces dense buds that will open into snow-white flowers.

For your information! Flowering occurs in the cold season.

Crassula blooms only in winter

Money tree care

How to care for crassula, what features need to be taken into account when watering, choosing a place and soil for the plant?

Watering Crassula

Different types of Crassula differ little in terms of care. This is an unpretentious and hardy plant. But we must remember that the flower came to us from South Africa, and in nature it grows in desert and semi-desert areas, which means it does not tolerate the bay.

Excessive watering for Crassula is much more dangerous than lack of moisture, and easily leads to rotting of the roots and base of the stem, and fungal plant diseases such as gray rot.

If necessary, severely damaged above-ground parts of the plant should also be removed.

The intensity of watering Crassula depends on the season. In spring and summer, it is worth watering it when the top layer of soil in the pot dries out, not often, but abundantly. If the soil is dry at a depth of about two phalanges of fingers, you need to water the flower.

In autumn, the intervals between waterings gradually become longer, and in winter, during the dormant period, the soil should be moistened approximately once a month. Do not allow water to stagnate in a pot or tray and water the fat plant with cold water.

For more information on how often to water a money tree, read our article.


You can use a ready-made special mixture for succulents (if you don’t have one, a mixture intended for cacti will do) or you can make it yourself.

For this you will need:

Mix all ingredients in a ratio of 1:1:3.

Under no circumstances should the substrate be acidic; Crassula prefers neutral and alkaline soils. Therefore, a small amount of ash should be added.

For greater looseness, you can also add expanded clay or brick chips to it.


The root system of Crassula lies near the surface, so it does not need a deep pot; its width and stability are much more important.

The plant will survive in a very small container, but due to the heavy, fleshy crown, sooner or later it will begin to tip the pot and fall on its side, and the fragile succulent shoots may break.

At the same time, you cannot select a pot “for growth”; in a large container it will pull the stems unsightly. A young plant that is actively growing its crown should change the container once a year, an adult - once every three years.

Crassula does not tolerate transplants well and often loses some of its leaves after them; it is best to transfer it without disturbing the root system.

Varieties of Ficus Benjamin: Natasha and Kinky - a description of the species, care recommendations and much more, read here.

Lighting requirements

Like any desert plant, the Crassula loves light, a sea of ​​light!

An eastern or southern window is an ideal place to place Crassula ovata and plants of related species on the windowsill. Under the sun's rays, the edges of the leaves acquire a slight reddish tint, “sunbathe”, young shoots grow thick, powerful and do not stretch.

For all its light-loving nature, the Crassula is one of the most tolerant desert inhabitants to a lack of lighting - it will survive in partial shade. But in such conditions, its stems will be thin, the coin-shaped leaves will be pale and dull, so you should not place it in a shady place if you want to fully enjoy the beauty of the flower.

Crassula is undemanding to air humidity and does not need spraying, which many indoor plants love; it is better to simply wipe its leaves with a damp cloth so that dust does not collect on them.


In order for the fat woman to feel good, you need to take care of the temperature in the room. During the period of active growth, it should not fall below 20 degrees, and in autumn and winter, during the dormant period, the plant should sleep at a temperature of 8 - 14 degrees. If there is a heating radiator right under the window where the flower pot is located, you can fence it off with plastic film or foil so that hot air does not rise up to the window and the crassula does not get too hot.

Features of caring for Crassula "Hobbit"

In terms of care, this unusual plant differs little from other crassulas - drought-resistant, light-loving and unpretentious.

The only thing to remember is that, unlike its wild ancestor, it does not like excess sun. Delicate coral-shaped leaves-tubes burn easily and, if the light is too bright, they can begin to turn black and die.

To avoid burns, the fat plant of this variety should be kept in a place that is sufficiently lit, but not exposed to direct sunlight.

Similar plants

  • Hatiora salicornioides - "Dancing Bones" or "Hatiora". There are no leaves of Hatiora, but there is a long green stem consisting of small seeds or sticks. As they grow, they become woody and form a stem-like appearance. They resemble the cone-shaped leaves of Crassula Gollum.
  • Peperomia graveolens is a species of Peperomia belonging to the succulent group. Original leaves that look like boats. The top is green, the bottom may be red. Reminds me of the leaves of Crassula Hobbit.
  • Adromischus halesowensis - Adromiscus. Belongs to succulents. Also similar to Crassula in leaves. This species has elongated triangular leaves, slightly convex from accumulated moisture. At the bottom the leaf narrows, forming a thin stalk, and at the top it expands and becomes thinner.
  • Crassula portulacea - Portulac Crassula. A popular succulent with teardrop-shaped leaves on thick stems.
  • Crassula lactea - Crassula milkweed. One of the progenitors of the Crassula Gollum and Crassula Hobbit varieties. The leaves are obovate, pointed at the ends and wide at the base, soft green in color with white dots along the edges.

This succulent is very unpretentious and does not require special conditions. A nice plant that can live for a very long time. It will delight the owners and surprise guests with its fancy shape. Perfect for beginner gardeners.

Today there are more than 300 species of this wonderful plant. In separate articles we will talk about the most popular of them. These are: Perforata Crassula, Buddha Temple, Tree-shaped, Sunset, Moss-moss, Silver and Minor.

Necessary conditions for cultivation

The plant is usually without pruning and takes on its original, “bonsai” shape. The growth rate is average.

The unpretentiousness of fat women, including the Hobbit, is widely known. However, in order for the plant to delight with its healthy appearance and lush greenery, some simple care rules must be followed.

Location and lighting

All Crassulas love sunlight, and therefore the best place for them is on the windowsills of the south and southwest sides of the house. However, the succulent is ready to share a well-lit place with other, more light-sensitive plants, and develop well if it gets at least a couple of hours of sunlight a day. When constantly in the shade, it loses its decorative effect: turgor decreases, the color of the leaves fades, they fall off, and the branches become elongated. When the “correct” location of Crassula is returned, the Hobbit will gradually recover, but the process is slow.

Air humidity

This factor does not play a big role for the plant. Crassula Hobbit tolerates both summer heat and dry indoor air in winter. She suffers only from the dust that accumulates on the leaves. They need to be wiped periodically with a damp cloth or sponge.

In summer, the flower will be happy to be sprayed with water at room temperature. After this, the pot with Crassula should be shaken lightly so that the water droplets do not stagnate in the axils of the leaves, and the wet plant should not be placed in the sun so that the water droplets do not serve as lenses for the sun’s rays and cause burns.

Soil and pot requirements

Crassula Hobbit needs loose, well-drained soil, but not too nutritious. You can prepare your own soil mixture from equal parts of leaf and turf soil, coarse-grained, pre-roasted or steamed sand, a small amount of crushed brick for additional drainage and crushed charcoal as a preventative against rotting of the root system.

The best option is to purchase a soil mixture for cacti and succulents in a specialized store.

The material does not play a special role, but since the flower is distinguished by its exquisite decorativeness, they try to choose beautiful ceramic or clay pots and bonsai pots for it (moreover, the container for an adult tree should be wide and heavy enough to hold the overgrown crown).

A mandatory requirement for a Hobbit Crassula pot is the presence of drainage holes (as well as good drainage as a bottom layer).

Facts about this Crassula Ovata Gollum

Gollum has elongated tubular leaves with a wrinkled end that resembles suckers. The tips are reddish and the long leaves are green. In addition, the plant can bloom, blooming pink buds in the form of stars.

Green finger-shaped foliage. Photo used as illustration. Source: Yandex.Images

This plant can be grown both indoors and outdoors. The most important thing is soil with good drainage properties and sufficient sunlight. In addition, like other succulents from the Crassulaceae family, Gollum does not tolerate low temperatures and large amounts of moisture.

Reproduction methods

There are several ways to propagate a money tree - from cuttings, leaves and seeds.


The cuttings are harvested in the spring. Take an adult and healthy plant, carefully separate the lateral shoots with several leaves from the stem. Place in a container with warm water.

Stems with roots are planted in a nutrient substrate.


Roots may form on the leaves

Some leaves may produce thin roots. You can also get new plants from them. Carefully separate it from the stem along with the root, then plant it in a light and loose mixture of compost soil and sand (1:1). Moisten and cover with film.

Keep in greenhouse conditions until new leaves appear.

The seedlings are periodically moistened and ventilated. When they get stronger and grow 2-3 pairs of leaves, they are planted in clay pots.


Seeds collected from an adult plant are sown in bowls or seedling boxes filled with a nutritious and light mixture of leaf soil and coarse sand (1: 0.5). Spray with warm water from a spray bottle, then cover with transparent film or glass.

The glass is removed after about 2 weeks, when sprouts appear. As soon as they grow and get stronger, they are dumped into separate containers - you can use disposable small cups with holes in the bottom.

For picking, take a mixture of turf, leaf soil and sand. Grow at home in a warm and well-lit place.

As soon as one pair of leaves appears on the plants, they are planted in pots with a diameter of 5-7 cm. They are kept at a temperature of 16-17°C for 2-3 weeks, then transferred to a permanent habitat with other flowers.


The plant feels better in a bright and warm place. Loves the sun, but the heat and burning rays of summer can cause yellowing and wrinkling of the leaves. Tolerates dry air well and does not require spraying. It grows well on sandy-clayey soil; the soil should be permeable; for better drainage, the bottom of the pot is filled with expanded clay. In summer, the plant can be placed on the balcony or in the garden, but it is worth providing protection from rain. In winter, it is better to move it to a cool place and reduce watering so that the fat plant goes into a dormant state, otherwise it may wither and lose leaves.

Crassula "Hobbit", like other representatives of the Crassula genus, is easy to grow. In the warm season, it requires moderate watering. Water thoroughly, then wait until the soil dries well. From spring to autumn, fertilize once a month with fertilizer intended for cacti. Replant if necessary when the roots no longer fit in the pot. It is better to replant in spring or summer. Large and highly branched specimens should be planted in heavy, stable pots to protect the plants from tipping over.

Caring for Crassula at home


. In the summer, crassulas feel great in the fresh air - they can be taken out into the garden or onto the balcony.


. Miniature species, whose leaves are twisted into dense rosettes, love bright light and tolerate direct sunlight. But columnar and tree-like species provide shade. To ensure uniform growth of the plant, it is periodically turned in different directions towards the light.


. In summer, for compact species with dense rosettes of leaves, watering should be moderate. Columnar and tree-like ones need abundant watering, although infrequent. With the onset of autumn and lower temperatures for all types, watering is reduced to once a week. If the plant overwinters in a cool room, then water it only after the earthen ball has completely dried out; once or twice a month is enough.

Top dressing

. In summer - once every 10-14 days, alternately with mineral and organic fertilizers. For miniature species, the concentration of fertilizing should be lower than for other indoor plants. In autumn, as temperatures drop, fertilizing is applied less frequently.

Earth mixture

. For crassulas, a heavy soil mixture is used, while for groundcovers a mixture with a high sand content is used. The usual soil formula for Crassula is as follows: 4 parts of heavy turf soil and one part each of deciduous soil, humus and sand. Crassulas do not need any other additives.


. Crassulas do not need regular transplantation. They are rarely replanted when the previous pot seems clearly too small for the plant, but frequent replanting does not harm them. When transplanting, Crassula is not buried low in the ground; usually it is left at the same depth level at which the plant was before transplantation.

The correct pot for a fat plant is shallow, but relatively wide. The diameter of the pot should be approximately equal to the estimated diameter of the plant's crown so that it stands stable.


. As a rule, propagation of the fat plant by cuttings and leaves is used. This is a very simple method in which plants almost always take root and grow. No special conditions are required. The fallen leaf easily takes root. You can help with this: press the bottom of the leaf to the soil and water it from time to time.

To propagate Crassula at home using stem cuttings, proceed as follows. The cuttings are cut and dried, and then planted in a sandy substrate or the soil mixture described above. The first watering after planting is carried out after 2-3 days. The cuttings are watered again and again occasionally to prevent the soil from drying out. Crassula cuttings are not covered for rooting.

Crown formation

. For the crassula, popularly known as the “money tree,” the most common species in indoor floriculture, the formation of a crown is important. In order to get a stable, visually harmonious plant, you cannot do without manually forming a tree.

The crown of the Crassula is formed by pinching. The optimal length of the branch is considered to be up to branching into 3-4 pairs of leaves. When a new bud begins to appear, you need to pinch it off - manually or using tweezers. In the same way, pinch the top when the plant reaches the desired height.

Branches that are too long are also suitable for pruning. They are cut off after the fourth pair of leaves, and the cut is sprinkled with crushed activated carbon.



This succulent is rarely watered from mid-autumn, winter and the first week of spring. Crassula ovata comes from deserts and semi-deserts, so they survive even temporary drought quite easily. It accumulates all the moisture in the leaves. Even if the plant is forgotten and has not been watered for a very long time, it loses the elasticity of its leaves and even sheds some of them, but remains alive.

In summer you need to water more often. Once every two weeks, but you need to check whether the top layer of soil is about half dry. If the soil does not dry out in due time:

  • You need to check the drainage; perhaps it is so caked and clogged that it does not allow excess water to pass through quickly enough.
  • With constant soil moisture, there is a threat of rot or mold, which can destroy the entire plant.

It is better to water with soft, settled water at room temperature. You can use a household filter and water with filtered water.


All Crassulas love good sunlight. It is better to place them on south and southwest windows. But even without sufficient lighting all the time, a succulent can develop perfectly if you place it in a sunny place for a couple of hours.

In summer, you can move pots with plants to the veranda or terraces and allocate a small corner for them there. With a strong lack of light, the plant loses its leaves and stretches. At the same time, it loses its decorative effect, and it will be quite difficult to restore it.


As with all Crassulaceae, the temperature in summer can range from 20 to 25 degrees. In winter, when the plant is resting, the temperature must be significantly reduced to -10-15 degrees.

  • Leaf succulents can withstand both temperature drops and rises for short periods of time. This happens in natural habitats, and although these are bred varieties, they have inherited this quality.
  • In winter, it is necessary to give the plant a cool period - this will help it bloom fully in spring or summer. If there is no such period, then you should not wait for flowering - the plant will only increase its leaf mass.


In practice, it does not play a big role for the plant. Easily tolerates the dry air of our city apartments and the summer heat of country houses. Only when a lot of dust accumulates on the glossy leaves can you wipe with a damp sponge.

In summer, a warm small shower is possible as a replacement for natural rain. After this procedure, you need to gently shake the flower pot. This is necessary so that all droplets of water roll off the leaves.

The succulent must dry indoors; after a shower, you cannot expose it to fresh air and, especially, to the sun. Drops of water on the plant may cause sunburn.

The soil

The soil in the flower pot should be specially selected for succulents. Store-bought mixtures may also work, but they are of good quality.

You can make the mixture the old fashioned way, with your own hands. All the components are not so difficult to find, but you will be sure of the quality of the mixture. You will need:

  • 1 part of leaf soil, sifted through a sieve with large mesh (you can take purchased soil from the store, any neutral one will do);
  • 1 part coarse river sand (also sold in flower shops);
  • 1 part of turf land taken far from highways and major roads;
  • To this mixture you need to add fine expanded clay, crushed charcoal and a little zeolite.

Don't forget to put a significant layer of drainage at the bottom of the pot. Stagnant water has a detrimental effect on plants. One of the reasons for dropping leaves is precisely the excessive moisture of the plant, which occurs if the drainage is poor.


In order to correctly transplant Crassula, you need to follow some rules:

  • Only young plants are replanted annually. In this case, the new pot should be quite a bit larger than the old one - 2-3 cm in diameter.
  • Adult and old plants are replanted every three years. Replace (or wash the drainage well), change the earthen substrate. Be sure to look through the root system and cut off too long roots. The sections are sprinkled with crushed charcoal;
  • Very good results are obtained by replacing the top layer of soil to a depth of 2-5 cm, depending on the age of the plant.


To fertilize Crassula, you can use a traditional complex fertilizer for cacti and succulents. It can be easily purchased at a specialized flower shop.

  • In the spring and summer, you can feed the plant twice a month, following the instructions for using the fertilizer.
  • In winter, fertilizing should be reduced, or better yet removed completely.

Popular varieties

There are several varieties of indoor flowers, they differ in appearance and shape.

  1. Minor. This is a miniature variety - up to 30-40 cm in height, with glossy leaves pointed at the tips. Under good growing conditions, the trunk and leaves take on a reddish tone with age. With an excess of organic fertilizers, the decorative effect is lost.
  2. Oblikva. The variety was bred by domestic breeders. In Europe it is called lime or lemon. The main difference between the variety is the presence of stripes on the surface of the leaves, and their color can be different. The edges of all leaves are rich green. To achieve maximum decorativeness, you will need to provide two conditions - continuous lighting and coolness.
  3. Gollum, or hobbit. An old hybrid form, bred in the 70s by American breeders, based on the milky and ovate Crassula. The leaves are tubular and have a red edge at the end. They are narrow at the bottom, widened closer to the top. The plant is characterized by slow growth - it grows by 4-5 cm per year. The maximum height is 50 cm. The crown can be different - round, oval and completely shapeless.
  4. Sunset. Translated from English it means “sunset”. The leaves are bright - the main cover is emerald, with cream edges and purple edging. With a lack of light, they become a solid green color. In the wild it blooms from the beginning of March until the end of August with small flowers collected in brushes. There are specimens with yellow, blue or red tints. At home, flowering is observed extremely rarely.
  5. Tricolor. This is a variety of Crassula obliqua. The leaves are green with whitish stripes and a bright scarlet edge. The crown is spherical, consists of numerous shoots, densely covered with emerald foliage. The leaf blade is dense, fleshy, rounded, glossy.
  6. Horntree. This variety is distinguished by an unusual shape of leaves - as they grow, they curl around a central vein. The tips are reddish. In young specimens the trunk is deep pink, and with age it becomes covered with a dark brown crust.
  7. Variegata. A miniature plant with variegated foliage - the main color is light green, with an emerald stripe in the center. The leaves are oval with pointed tips.


Crassula belongs to plants of the Crassula family. This is a fairly diverse species, which has about 300 varieties. One of the most popular is the Hobbit Crassula.

The plant is compact and has an average growth rate. Without crown molding, it rather resembles a bonsai, so it is often used as part of decorative compositions of several succulents. The leaves attract the attention of others with their shape and shade. The color of the leaves is rich, emerald green, often with a reddish tint at the tips. With prolonged exposure to the sun, the color of the leaf blades on the back side becomes purple.

Flowering at home occurs quite rarely , but if you create a comfortable habitat for Crassula, then even the oldest perennials can please you with pink and white miniature flowers collected in inflorescences.

At home, the culture lives for quite a long time - more than 20 years.

Diseases and pests

Throughout the year, the money tree can be damaged by various infections and parasites.

Diseases and pestsSignsTreatment methodsPrevention
Powdery mildewAppears when there is high air humidity or an excess of nitrogenous fertilizers in the soil. Appears as a whitish coating on leaves and stems Remove all damaged organs, then treat the crown and soil with a fungicide - Topaz, Previkur or FundazolControl the humidity level, feed with phosphorus-potassium preparations with a small dose of nitrogen
Sooty mushroomPrecursors to the development of sores can be pests, high humidity or poor ventilationAll damaged areas are removed, the stems and leaves are wiped with a cotton pad soaked in a soap solution. After this, spray with Aktara Regularly ventilate the room, control the humidity level, conduct periodic inspections for the presence of aphids, mealybugs and scale insects
Gray rotIt appears for several reasons - the presence of pests, frequent overflows, excess fertilizer and high humidity in the room. It affects internodes, leaves, the central stem and adjacent branches, covering them with a gray coating. Over time, it becomes watery, the flower begins to rot All infected parts are cut out, then the crown is treated with Teldor. Transplant into a new pot with fresh substrate Adjust the watering scheme, normalize the humidity level and periodically inspect the flower for pests
AnthracnoseFrequent overflow, high humidityTreat the crown with Previkur, Skor or FundazolAdjust watering, control humidity
Root and stem rotKnocked down and heavy soil, often waterlogged. The crown begins to fade, sheds its leaves, turns yellow at the bottom Remove the flower from the pot, place it in a basin of water to wash off the remaining soil, dry it, and cut out all rotten areas. Sprinkle the cut areas with charcoal. After 2 hours, transplant into a clean container with a sterile substrate.
Spider miteAppears in dry air and high temperatures. It envelops the underside of leaves, internodes, and sucks juices from tissues. Affected areas become brownish in color, die, Crassula stops growing Destroy all damaged organs. For minor damage, you can use a highly concentrated soap solution. Neglected flowers are treated with Actellik or Aktara For preventive purposes, it is necessary to maintain moderate humidity and temperature in the room.
ShchitovkaSmall reddish plaques stick to the stems and leaves and suck out the juices from them. In areas of parasitism, the plant turns yellow, then turns brown. Insects are removed with a cotton pad soaked in a soap solution. Then double treatment with Decis is carried out with an interval of 7 days. Follow the watering schedule, periodically loosen the soil, ventilate the room and maintain humidity at the desired level
MealybugIt parasitizes leaves, leaving white mucus. The affected areas die off, the plant grows poorly Remove from the old container, treat the crown and root system with Phosfamide, Actellik or Aktara. Then transplanted into a new pot with a sterile substrate. Buy healthy plants, use high-quality soil for planting and replanting, follow the rules of care

Possible problems during cultivation

Diseases and pests rarely affect Crassula. More often, the flower suffers from improper care, especially from non-compliance with the watering regime. Excessive waterlogging of the soil can lead to the development of root and stem rot.

Attention! In addition to the watering schedule, the correct composition of the soil plays an important role - it must allow water to pass through well. When choosing a pot, you should pay attention to the presence of a sufficient number of drainage holes.

A flower can only get sick through infection from other plants. At the first signs of deterioration in appearance, you should treat the flower with special means or use traditional methods.

Crassula Hobbit is an unusual plant that does not require much attention. Caring for the flower is easy, so even a novice gardener can grow it.

Crassula: leaves falling and other problems with solutions

The flower is highly resistant to various adverse factors. The culture is tolerant of care errors, consisting of violations of temperature or light conditions, and tolerates the lack of watering or fertilizing. This succulent can withstand excessive care much worse.

Particularly harmful to it is too much moisture, which, in the absence or poor quality of drainage, can cause stagnation of water and lead to the occurrence of fusarium rot.

This is one of the most common diseases of Crassula, affecting its root system, then spreading to the root collar, which is signaled by a characteristic white-pink coating, and the leaves of the flower.

A diseased plant most often dies. Only at an early stage can you try to save it by replanting it in new soil, in which case the old soil must be completely removed and the rotten areas of the rhizomes must be carefully trimmed. Prevention of this disease is by following a watering regime, which necessarily alternates with drying the earthen clod.

Reproduction methods

The biggest advantage of starting a wealth tree is the ease of replanting. Transplanting Crassula Ovata at home is done using leaves or cuttings, around spring. When cutting and shaping leaves, the starting materials are dried for a couple of days, and then placed in a container with substrate and drainage.

Of course, you can propagate using seeds, but this is not so relevant and popular. The seeds are sown in special containers, where they are sprinkled with water every day and given a small influx of fresh air. The rest of the time, the seeds are kept under the film. Afterwards, they are transplanted into separate containers.

Reproduction of Crassula Ovata Hobbit

Crassulas reproduce quite simply, it does not matter what species they are. There are several ways: seeds, leaves, cuttings or division.


The most popular and easiest way is cuttings. To do this, take a cutting up to 10 cm with the lower leaves removed. Then it is dried in a shaded place until traces of the removed sheets disappear. Only after this is it placed in water, which is changed regularly. To prevent rotting, it is recommended to add charcoal. When roots appear, the cuttings are planted in a small container. Watering should be daily.


With leaf propagation there is even less hassle. A fallen leaf takes root on its own once on the soil. True, the difference in rooting with cuttings is big. It goes by more slowly.


Seed propagation is the most labor-intensive process. When cared for at home, Crassula Hobbit blooms very rarely, so obtaining seeds is problematic. But they can be purchased. Place on damp soil and lightly sprinkle. Cover the top with film, and when leaves appear, replant.

The Hobbit can be propagated by leaves, cuttings and seeds

Planting Crassula Coral

To grow the Coral Crassula variety, you need well-drained soil with a neutral pH. At the bottom of a clay or ceramic pot, a layer of expanded clay or crushed stone drainage no less than 2–3 cm thick is placed. The shape of the vessel should be such that the plant after planting looks stable and does not fall to one side under the weight of the fleshy above-ground part.

The soil mixture includes high-moor peat, sand and vermiculite or perlite in a ratio of 3:1:1. A commercial soil mixture for cacti or succulents is quite suitable, but experienced gardeners advise calcining it in a hot oven so as not to introduce harmful fauna. The plant is planted so that the root collar is at the level of the surface of the earthen ball, no deeper than in the old flower container.

Young Crassulas are replanted annually; at a more mature age, one transplant every 3–4 years is sufficient. During transplantation work, some gardeners practice sanitary pruning of roots to stimulate renewal of the root system.

Sometimes, in parallel with replanting, the entire plant is rejuvenated by cutting it to the stump. Such procedures have their fans and opponents, in any case, each plant owner makes a decision independently, having made a conclusion for himself whether his flower needs such dramatic changes in appearance or not.

Types and varieties of Crassula

There are so many species of Crassula that it is impossible to talk about them all in one article without causing fatigue in the reader, so we will introduce you to those that are most often in demand in culture. So, representatives of the tree-like Crassula, which is commonly called the “money tree”:

Crassula ovata

It is also ovoid - the most common cultivated species, native to southwest Africa. Under natural conditions, this Crassula reaches a height of three meters, but in an ordinary apartment it grows no higher than one and a half meters. Its leaves are shiny, oval, silver-gray or green. This species produces many shoots and is characterized by rapid growth. White or pink small flowers are collected in apical umbellate inflorescences. This species is the most shade-tolerant, which is important for growing indoors. Crassula ovalus has become the basis for the development of many varieties that even amateurs grow with pleasure and ease. Among them:

  • Crassula Minor is a compact form of Crassula oval, especially the “Crosby’s compact” variety, the reddish leaves of which are no longer than one and a half and no wider than one centimeter. An excellent plant for a mini garden;
  • Crassula Hobbit and Crassula Gollum - two very similar American hybrids of Crassula oval and Crassula milka with the original, as if with an outward shape of leaves, fused from the middle to the base - in the Hobbit and with leaves rolled into a tube and expanding funnel-shaped towards the ends in Gollum;
  • Crassula Sunset is a tricolor cultivar with white (or yellow) stripes running along its green leaves, and the edges are edged with a red border.

Crassula arborescens

Similar to Crassula, it has an oval appearance with bare branches and trunk, round obovate fleshy flat leaves from 3.5 to 7 cm long, light gray with a bluish tint and with a red border at the edges. Pale pink and white flowers are collected in panicles, although Crassula tree rarely blooms at home. Unlike Crassula oval, it does not tolerate shadows at all - it needs bright light. The following varieties of Crassula arborescens have been cultivated:

  • Crassula undulatifolia - the leaves of this variety are narrow, flat, silver-blue in color with a red tip. There is a variegated form;
  • Crassula curly with large wavy leaves.

Crassula portulacea

It is silvery - very similar to Crassula oval and tree-like, but much smaller in size.

Of the creeping crassulas in culture, the most popular are:

Crassula lycopodioides

Or mossy (Crassula muscosa) - a compact shrub plant up to 25 cm tall with tetrahedral fleshy creeping shoots with curled tops. The characteristic structure and arrangement of the leaves makes this Crassula look like a moss. The species is undemanding, tolerates shade well, and in bright light the leaf scales acquire a red tint.

This is interesting: How to properly replant a violet at home, replanting flowering Saintpaulias

Crassula pseudolycopodioides

It has more curved shoots, and the leaves are not so tightly pressed to the stem. This variety has forms with yellow, silver and variegated leaves.

Crassula lactea, or milky (Crassula lactea)

A large ampelous plant with shoots reaching a length of 30 cm, gray-green rounded leaves, pointed at the ends, 3-4 cm long and 2-3 cm wide.

Crassula picturata

A highly decorative plant with branching, lodging shoots and leaves with original colors - numerous red dots on the green surface, which look purple on the underside of the leaf. Along the edge of the leaf there are transparent cilia.

In addition to these species, Crassula Cooper and tetrahedral are grown in cultivation from creeping ones.

Of the columnar crassulas, the most popular in home floriculture are:

Crassula perforata, or perforated (Crassula perforata)

A medium-sized plant with diamond-shaped leaves that cover the stems as if they were strung on it. The color of the leaves is light green with a bluish bloom, along the edge of the leaf there is a red cartilaginous border.

Crassula buddha , although it would be more correct to call this hybrid of Crassula pyramidalis and Crassula perfoliata “Buddha’s Temple”. This plant looks like columns of tightly pressed, dark green triangular leaves strung on a stem. When the “column” reaches a height of 15 cm, it may fall on its side under its own weight. This cultivar blooms with red flowers in short apical inflorescences.

Also in home floriculture, crassulas are grown marginal (or bordered), spatulate, rocky, round, scion, rosette, crescent-shaped, grouped, pierced-leaved, woolly, Schmidt and others. Sometimes in a flower shop you can see a plant for sale called “Crassula mix”. You should know that this is not the name of the variety or form, but the marking of the batch of Crassula, meaning that it included different species and varieties.

Classification and description of the succulent Crassula moss

Photo of Crassula muscosa in the African desert Plant classification
Scientific name: Crassula muscosa Synonyms: Crassula lycioides, Crassula lycopodioides, Sedum Lycopodiodes, Sedum muscosum, Crassula lycopodioides f. acuminate, Crassula anguina, Crassula pseudolycopodioidesCommon name: Crassula or Crassula mossy (or mossy)Family: Crassulaceae (Crassulaceae)Subfamily: CrassuloideaeGenus: Crassula (Crassula)

The Crassula lycophytes grows in southern Africa (southern Namibia), is widespread in semi-arid and arid regions, and prefers rocky terrain. The succulent has miniature leaves in a light green shade, they are tightly arranged around a thin stem. The culture is distinguished by its superficial root system, consisting of a large number of thin stems that are not able to penetrate deep into the soil. In rare cases, aerial roots may form on the lower shoots, which will absorb moisture from the air.

The succulent does not have a straight trunk; it has thick and long shoots that are distinguished by excellent branching. In the center of the main shoot, roots begin to form, and young shoots begin to form on the sides. You can observe flowering in winter. At this time, many beautiful flowers appear in yellow-green colors and have a pleasant smell. As it grows, dense green bushes form, reaching a height of up to 20 centimeters. Another name for the culture is often found - Crassula mossy lycophytes.

Transplantation and propagation

As the Crassula grows, it will require replanting. You can do this every year. But it is better not to disturb the roots of the plant too often. It is enough to replant the flower about once every 2-3 years. This must be done as follows:

  1. Remove the flower along with a lump of earth from the pot.
  2. Prepare a slightly larger planting container, pour a layer of expanded clay on the bottom and add a little substrate intended for succulents or cacti on top.
  3. Carefully place the plant, without removing the old soil from its roots, into a new pot, filling the free space on the sides with fresh substrate. Then the soil is compacted and lightly watered.

If necessary, Crassula can be propagated. To do this, use the seed or vegetative method. When growing on an industrial scale, they often resort to planting by seeds. But at home, it is easier to get a new plant by rooting a leaf or cutting.

Keeping the plant in normal apartment conditions is very simple. You can forget about it for a while, go on vacation or to the country, but Crassula will calmly survive this period. The flower usually does not cause any trouble to the indoor plant grower. Even a child can handle caring for it.

Is there a Crassula on your windowsill?

Timing and technology of transplantation

Young specimens of Crassula Hobbit are replanted annually in the spring. Replace the soil and select a suitable pot with a diameter 2-3 cm larger than the previous one. Plants older than three years - once every three years. Crassulas of “respectable” age are even rarer; sometimes, instead of replanting, they only replace the top layer of soil.

During each procedure, the drainage (expanded clay or pebbles) is washed well and the soil is replaced. If there is a suspicion of rotting of the roots, they are carefully inspected and, if necessary, the damaged ones are cut off. The sections are dusted with ash. In general, if possible, they try not to disturb the root system and move the tree to a new place of residence using the transshipment method.

The fat plant reacts painfully to transplantation and may shed its leaves. After a couple of weeks of adaptation, she will recover.

Columnar and creeping species of Crassula

Of particular interest to lovers of succulents are the creeping and columnar forms of Crassula plants:

Species nameShape of stemsLeaf shape and colorHeight or diameter of the bush
Crassula lycophyteLong, creeping shoots, fleshy but thin. Length - from 20 to 30 cm. Capable of branching. Small triangular leaves that tightly cover the entire stem in four rows. The color is green, in bright light there is partial red pigmentation. When growing, it covers an area with a diameter of up to 0.5 meters.
Crassula rockErect branched shoots up to 0.5 m high.Fleshy triangular small leaves, sitting in pairs on the stem. They grow together, tightly grasping the stem. The color is green, with dotted pink pigmentation. When growing, the bush covers an area with a diameter of 30 cm. The height of the bush is up to 50 cm.

Thus, creeping crassulas are similar to ground cover plants. Crassulas that form tall, narrow bushes are called columnar.

Some creeping Crassulas can be grown as hanging plants - in hanging pots.

Propagation of Crassula by cuttings

The easiest and most productive way to propagate crassula is by cuttings. For this species, not only leaves, but also shoots can be used as planting material. These may simply be fallen parts of the flower. Before planting the seedling in the ground, it is recommended to treat the cut area or wound with charcoal powder. Some gardeners also advise “withering” part of the plant for 2-3 days.

Crassula reproduction

Due to the fact that the flower is absolutely unpretentious, the seedling can be rooted in different ways:

  • after short drying;
  • after rooting it in a glass of water;
  • without preliminary preparation, plant directly into the ground.

Note! If, before planting, preliminary preparation of the seedling is carried out, then you should wait until the first roots appear

Transplanting a plant

A young money tree is replanted annually, an adult one every 2-4 seasons. For especially large specimens, reaching 1-1.5 m, growing in a mineral substrate, the pot is changed every 5 years.

Lovers plant Crassula in soil for cacti. To improve aeration, loosening mineral components are added. Professionals prefer to use gravel - it is easier to care for the plant, there is no need for drainage, there is no danger of soil acidification, and excellent permeability.

When growing crassula in an organic substrate, take a small pot. The aerial part of an adult specimen is significantly larger than the root, it cannot master the lump, the soil turns sour, the flower begins to rot and dies.

Planting in gravel allows you to choose a pot of any shape or size. Only in a large container can you disperse the stem of the crassula and grow a bonsai. A fully formed money tree is moved into the bowl.

Crassula is replanted with a replacement of the substrate in spring or early summer, when life processes are activated and root regeneration proceeds quickly. Transshipment without damaging the earthen clod can be done at any time, but it is better to carry it out during the growing season.

Characteristics and description

Crassula ovate is a tree-like plant (not to be confused with the tree-shaped crassula, Crassula arborescens, similar to ovata). Like other representatives of this group, Crassula has a trunk and branches.

The stem is characterized by strong branching, due to which the adult plant has a lush crown. But the trunk is rarely branched at the roots, so Crassula oval looks like a small tree.

In young ovata, the stem does not differ in texture and color from the leaves, but with age it darkens, becoming covered with a thin brown crust. Mature stems peel off the bark, causing dark rings to appear on them.

The main trunk can be up to 6 cm in diameter, but even in the old stem the internal tissues do not become woody. Vata leaves grow in pairs opposite each other, abundantly.

Leaf blades of Crassula are fleshy and juicy moisture accumulators. In this species they have an oval-wedge shape, which gave it the name ovata, with pointed tips, flat. The leaves are dark green or gray-green. Some varieties of ovata have red-yellow tones in color. The outer surface of the plate is glossy. The length is about 5 cm, and the width is 2-2.5 cm.

There are several varieties of ovoid Crassula that are amazingly decorative. Most Popular:

  • Hobbit;
  • Minor;
  • Sunset;
  • Gollum.

Some varieties are distinguished by the non-standard shape of the leaf blades - from Oblikva ovata, the leaves of which are curved at the edges upward, are more massive and thicker when cut, and their tips are pointed and raised, to Coral ovata with its fancy tube leaves.

There are variegated varieties, for example, Alba, the color of its leaves contains light, yellowish stripes. There are also brighter varieties, with red tones: on the back of the sheet - Tricolor ovata, on the entire plate - Horn Tree, along the edge - Sombrero.

Ovata Hobbit

By crossing Crassula species such as ovata and lactea, breeders have developed several hybrids. One of them is Ovata Hobbit, which has unusual leaves: the plates are strongly turned outward and grow together at the point where the edges touch.

The shape of the leaf resembles a bell, expanding upward. Its edge, and sometimes the entire inner surface, has a wine tint. The intensity of the color depends on the lighting.

The Hobbit grows up to 60 cm in height. The branching of the trunk is even more pronounced in the hybrid than in the species ovata, and the stems are thicker. The remaining parameters are the same.

Ovata Minor

This plant is smaller and grows slower than Crassula ovata. The leaf length of Ovata Minor is only 1.5 cm and the width is 1 cm.

If Crassula is placed in a sunny place, a clearly defined red-pink edge will appear on the leaves. In specimens growing in the shade, the color of the cover is uniformly green.

Ovata Sunset

A variety of Crassula ovate, the leaves of which, in conditions of abundant sunlight, acquire a yellow-green tint and a pronounced cherry border.

The shape of the plate is usual, characteristic of Crassula ovata. It does not exceed a meter in height.

Ovata Gollum

Another descendant of Crassula ovata and Lactea. At home it grows up to 80 cm. Gollum's leaves are curled with their edges up and form tubes pointing upward.

It is difficult to understand from the descriptions what is the difference in the shape of the leaves of the Crassula Gollum and the Hobbit. But, after carefully comparing photos of plants, you can notice that in the second hybrid only the lower part of the leaf grows together, while in Gollum the edges are completely connected.

Ovata Coral also has a similar shape, but in this variety the “tubes” narrow towards the edge, and the cylinder of the Gollum leaf is even, except for the expanding upper part. The edge of this “funnel” may have a border. There are variegated forms of the hybrid.

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