Summer twilight violet: variety description, planting and care

Saintpaulia Summer Twilight recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. The variety was bred in 2007. The creator is Konstantin Lvovich Morev, a student of the most outstanding breeder in Russia, Boris Mikhailovich Makuni.

Moreva varieties are distinguished by their originality and are not inferior in quality to foreign ones, often superior to them. Summer twilight has already entered the golden fund of the best violets of domestic selection.

Description of the Moreva variety

Violet class – compact standard. The socket is neat, for display.


The foliage is rich green, medium in tone, closer to dark. There is a white border along the edge. The shape is harmoniously oval, the surface is quilted.


The flowers are semi-double stars, have 7-12 wide, slightly pointed petals, arranged in light waves. There is a small corrugation along the edge. The shape of the flower is voluminous and lush. Flower diameter - 5-6 cm. Color: lilac-violet, with a white thin irregular border and eye. The color of the edge smoothly, but without prolonged stretching, flows into a rich, cold violet tone, giving the flower a watercolor appearance.

The buds are collected in brushes of 3-5 pieces. on each peduncle. They are strong, stocky, not long, bend slightly under the weight of the flowers, which easily form a neat hat in any growing conditions. Flowering is persistent, abundant, lasts up to 3 months.


The Summer Twilight violet has a lot of advantages, thanks to which it has gained not only collectible fame, but has also become a sought-after variety for indoor decoration:

  1. A characteristic decorative appearance that evokes associations with the night sea, thunderclouds, and evening twilight. A beautiful elegant combination of variegated foliage and white and purple flowers.
  2. Exhibition quality. Compact, not “sprawling” rosette, stable peduncles, abundant flowers.
  3. No special requirements. This is a good variety that will show itself with standard care for violets. Does not require special measures, stable and reliable.

The violet will show its potential only after 2-3 blooms. The first flowers may be small and simple.

Transplantation after purchase and during reproduction

Summer twilight violet is recommended to be replanted periodically. To do this, you should choose wide pots with drainage holes, since this crop has a superficial, branched root system. It is important to select the correct container diameter. For young seedlings it should be no more than 5 cm, for starters - 6-7 cm, and for adults - 9-12 cm.

Algorithm for transplanting violets:

  1. Place a 1-2 cm layer of drainage on the bottom.
  2. Sprinkle it with soil.
  3. Place the socket in the center.
  4. Fill the remaining voids with soil.
  5. Water generously.

Note! When the rosette becomes 3 times wider than the diameter of the pot, it needs to be replaced.

Growing conditions

The variety is not demanding. No special conditions are needed. Grows well in ordinary apartments.

Conditions of detention:

LocationWestern and eastern windows
LightingAbundant diffused light without direct sunlight
Temperature+16…+18 °С
Humidity80 %
PrimingLoose, with excellent hygroscopicity. Ready-made or homemade, from peat (2 parts) and perlite (1 part)
PotPlastic, 1/3 higher in height than in width, compact, diameter - no more than 1/3 of a socket.

Why should you choose plastic utensils? It is easy to clean, when transplanting, it is easily separated from the walls of the earthen clod, is not exposed to temperatures, and provides good protection against hypothermia or overheating of the roots by the sun’s rays,

Chateau Brion

Peduncles erect, powerful. The flowers look like pompoms, large, double, and wine-colored. The edge of the petals is decorated with a wide corrugated white border. The socket is standard. The leaves are slightly wavy, elongated-ovate in shape.


There are 3 types of variegation. The most beautiful is the type with bordering variegated leaves. In such plants, light areas are located evenly along the contour of the foliage.

The color of variegated leaves can be white, cream, white-pink, brown, grayish-pink, less often yellow, dark pink. The intensity of the variegated color depends on the conditions of the plant and the air temperature. In a cool and well-lit room, the flower becomes more vibrant. With a lack of light, the leaves become greener, and in some cases the variegation disappears entirely (during flowering). Coloring is inherited rather poorly.

With crown variegation, the center of the rosettes is colored golden, pink and white. This species is the most stable and is inherited.

Rows of green foliage alternate with colored ones. During the flowering period, in most varieties the center of the rosettes turns green.

A more stable type is mosaic variegation. The foliage of such violets is partially or completely covered with an irregular, intricate pattern, similar to a pattern on marble or a mosaic of cream, pink, streaks and spots. This type of violet is quite rare.

Another type is known, this is spontaneous variegation. These plants do not transmit variegation from the parent varieties.

Summer twilight

The flower has the correct proportions. Flowering is quite abundant. The inflorescences are large, semi-double, contrasting. The background color of the petals is lilac-violet. The edges are trimmed with white ruffle. The leaves are variegated, slightly concave. The edges are slightly wavy. The rosette is smooth, spherical in shape.

Blue Dragon

The flowers are large, pale blue. The edge of the petal has a white-green border. The socket is powerful and flat. The leaves are dark green in color, with a crimson or purple tint on the underside. The variety is grown on a well-lit windowsill or loggia.

South night

The variety has dark blue simple star-shaped flowers with bright crimson fantasy peas and a thin white border. The foliage is dark green with pink splashes. The socket is smooth, standard sizes.

Chic poppy

This is a variegated plant with double, large-sized flowers with a wavy, fringed edge. The flowers reach 6 centimeters in diameter. The edges of the petals are dimpled, similar to ruffles. The coloring of the petals is excellent, from light pink to orange-red tones. The leaves are pubescent, spade-shaped, decorative. Light greens from the center become discolored and turn into white tones, making them variegated. At times the leaves become completely white.

Violet propagation

Saintpaulia is easily propagated by leaf cuttings and flower stalks. The second method is for professionals and is usually used only by breeders to consolidate the characteristics of a particular bud. At home, propagation by leaf cuttings is preferable.

Rules for choosing cuttings:

  1. You should choose a leaf from the middle row, not too old and not too young.
  2. It must be healthy, strong, elastic, without damage.
  3. You should definitely evaluate the quality of the buds above the leaf; future young plants will receive these signs. Flowers must fully confirm the official description: large, with a clearly visible white border and eye, abundant, double.

You should avoid taking cuttings from flowers with too thin a border and a dark shade - there is a risk of getting spores with pure purple flowers without white color (specimens with genetically absent characteristics).

Further actions:

  1. The cutting is cut obliquely, the cut is dipped in crushed activated carbon, the cutting is immediately placed in clean water without drying it out.
  2. The cut should be periodically inspected for the appearance of rot. If it appears, the affected area is cut off again, and the cuttings are placed in fresh water. In the future, it is changed daily.
  3. After 1-1.5 weeks, roots will appear.
  4. As soon as the roots reach 1 cm, the cuttings are planted in standard soil for violets.
  5. In a month, young plants will appear from under the ground.
  6. They are carefully planted in small pots or plastic cups.
  7. The mother leaf can be re-rooted.

If the cutting is too large, the process of the appearance of babies may be delayed. To stimulate their growth, the upper half of the leaf blade is cut off.

Problems that a florist may encounter

You should always be attentive to the condition of the plants

It is important to promptly prevent the spread of diseases and pests. Diseases relevant to Saintpaulia ek:

  • fungal diseases;
  • root rot;
  • stem rot;
  • leaf rust;
  • gray rot;
  • late blight;
  • powdery mildew;
  • vascular bacteriosis.

Additional Information! Due to elevated temperatures, red mites may appear in the flower. When the first “guests” appear, the violets are immediately treated with insecticidal agents.

  • flower thrips;
  • cyclamen mite;
  • aphid;
  • scale insects;
  • woodlice;
  • sciarids;
  • nematodes.

After purchase, it is recommended to replant the plant and inspect the soil. If pests are noticed, the soil is replaced with a better quality one. If the roots have sprouted through the drainage holes, change the flower pot.

Violet care

Variegated violets are somewhat more demanding than ordinary ones, although the Summer Twilight variety is highly reliable - it will work even with standard care. However, it is worth considering its features.

  1. It is advisable to keep it cool, at a temperature slightly below normal room temperature: the white border and shade of the flowers will be more expressive.
  2. More careful attention to lighting will be required. If the leaves become too green, the plant is not getting enough light.
  3. If you need a year-round flowering plant, lighting up to 12 hours of daylight is desirable.
  4. Violets do not like spraying, but need fairly high humidity. This is achieved by placing plants on a tray with wet pebbles, spraying the air nearby or installing ultrasonic humidifiers.
  5. The shaggy leaves of Saintpaulia actively collect dust, so the room where the plant stands must be impeccably clean. An occasional shower is acceptable for plants that are not yet flowering, but with caution.

Temperature and humidity

The most beautiful flowering of this variety is observed in cool rooms, in which the temperature does not rise above 23 degrees and does not fall below 16. If the plant is in too hot a room, the original white border turns pale and almost disappears, and the rosette in the center becomes clogged.

Avoid excessive humidity or dry air. During the hot summer period, air humidity can drop to 40%, which has an adverse effect on violets. During the heating season, the same problem appears, and gardeners try to move plants away from radiators. In this case, it is enough to increase the humidity using special humidifiers.

Very often they use trays with grates or expanded clay filled with water. The flower pot is placed on the pallet from above. If expanded clay is used for moistening, it is necessary to avoid getting excess water into the bottom of the pot.

Attention! It is prohibited to apply spraying to the Summer Twilight violet, as to other plants. The fuzzy, velvety leaves dry out slowly and rotting may begin. Basically, even an inexperienced and novice florist can cope with caring for the Summer Twilight violet

However, the most important procedure is watering the plant.

Basically, even an inexperienced and novice florist can cope with caring for the Summer Twilight violet. However, the most important procedure is watering the plant.

It is important to stick to the golden mean here. Overdried or too wet soil is harmful for violets. The most ideal condition for plant growth is slightly moist soil in a pot.

The most ideal condition for plant growth is slightly moist soil in a pot.

Mistakes to avoid:

  • overdrying the soil, followed by an attempt to moisten it using abundant watering;
  • abundant watering of violets growing in dense soil;
  • abundant watering at low temperatures;
  • watering the plants with tap water without first settling;
  • Do not water violets with too warm or cold water.

These gross mistakes can lead to slower growth of the plant, infection with a fungal disease, and even death of the flower.

Attention! To keep the plant healthy, it is necessary to water it twice a week with settled water at room temperature. Feeding the plant should begin two months after transplantation. Alternating organic and mineral fertilizers will give the best results

Why do you need to do this?

Alternating organic and mineral fertilizers will give the best results. Why do you need to do this?

Feeding the plant should begin two months after transplantation. Alternating organic and mineral fertilizers will give the best results. Why do you need to do this?

An organic mixture containing a lot of nitrogen stimulates leaf growth and is used during rosette formation.

Mineral fertilizing is used during flowering and bud formation. The presence of phosphorus in them provides violets with a bright color and large size of flowers, while potassium helps strengthen tissues.

Note! Do not use fertilizer with a large amount of nitrogen during flowering. Instead of flowers, the violet will begin to grow green mass

Mr. Summer Resident warns: mistakes when watering violets

The global mistake is the wrong choice of soil. The root system of violets is very sensitive to excess moisture. And if this moisture is too cold, bacterial rot and viral diseases cannot be avoided. Therefore, good drainage and light, air- and moisture-permeable soil are required.

Mistakes when watering:

  1. Very cold water. The water temperature should always be 5 degrees higher than the ambient temperature.
  2. The liquid is taken from the tap and does not settle. Salt deposits on the soil “suffocate” the roots, make it difficult for the plant to feed, and can even lead to complete death. The best water for this is rain or melt water (water is frozen in the freezer, then defrosted).
  3. Frequent watering. Moisturize Saintpaulias only as needed. You need to touch the soil. If it's dry (but not dry), it's time to water it. The frequency depends on the time of year and room temperature, so there are no universal recommendations. Hand test only.
  4. Too superficial. Water wets only the top layer. The roots that are located below do not receive moisture, and a zone of increased dampness forms on the surface - increasing the risk of disease in the plant. Watering should be done efficiently, so that the water completely passes through the earthen lump and appears in the pan. Excess moisture is drained.

Home care

Proper watering and fertilizing

Saintpaulias are very demanding on the quality of watering. Violets should be watered in small portions, taking into account the individual characteristics of the plants. The frequency and volume of watering depend on many factors:

  • Plant age;
  • Amount of light;
  • Temperature and humidity in the room;
  • Soil type;
  • Volume and material of the pot.

The violet needs to be watered when the substrate has dried up on top, and this happens in different plants at different intervals.

When watering, moisture should not fall on:

  • Petioles;
  • Leaves;
  • Growth point.

The indicator of correctness will be:

  • Well-being of violets;
  • Flowering activity;
  • Condition of the foliage.

ATTENTION! Water Saintpaulia with soft, settled water at room temperature. Violets can be watered in different ways

Violets can be watered in different ways.

The best way to water at home is to use a 100-150 ml syringe with a long spout. A medical bulb allows you to water with a thin stream, which is directed to the edge of the earthen clod, avoiding splashing.

You can water violets by immersing them in water to 1/3 of the height of the pot.

This method should be used carefully and not often, as there is a high risk of root rotting.

There are many types of fertilizers, the choice is yours. It can be:

  • Sticks;
  • Liquid;
  • Granular fertilizers.

Experienced violet growers often choose liquid fertilizers. They are easier to dose and easier to use.

Feeding rules:

  1. A young plant needs more nitrogen to increase biomass;
  2. Violets need phosphorus during the period of bud formation;
  3. To prolong flowering, potassium is needed;
  4. It is better to fertilize from above;
  5. Choose a complex fertilizer containing the main macro and microelements in chelated form;
  6. Transshipment can be more beneficial for a plant than fertilizing.

Lighting and temperature

The dark-leaved Sunset variety needs bright, diffused light. According to observations, the best violets of this variety are obtained on the window and under the lamp itself. The variety is resistant to fading.

The optimal temperature for keeping the variety is 21-23. Children and cuttings are more demanding on temperature (+23-25) and humidity. At temperatures below +14 and above +29 the plant will die.

Effect of air humidity

Air humidity is very important for Saintpaulias. Their natural habitat:

  • River banks;
  • And waterfalls.

Humidity content for the Sunset variety is 60-70%. With regular watering and a comfortable temperature, adult plants feel good even at lower humidity (30-40%).

You can humidify the air with special household appliances and using devices made from scrap materials.

Soil requirements

Soil for violets should have the following properties:

  • Ease;
  • Air permeability;
  • Moisture capacity;
  • Sufficient amount of macro and microelements;
  • Close to neutral pH (5.5-6.5);
  • Free from pests and pathogens;
  • The presence of living beneficial microflora.

IMPORTANT! Without balanced, properly selected soil, it is very problematic to grow Saintpaulia. Approximate soil composition:

Approximate soil composition:

  • High peat or Greenword soil – 50%;
  • Vermiculite (perlite) – 20%;
  • Sphagnum (coconut fiber) – 30%;
  • Nutrient soil – 10%;
  • Crushed charcoal and dolomite flour can be used as a loosening additive.

Pruning and hygiene

Flower stalks of violets develop from axillary buds. For abundant flowering, the Saintpaulia rosette should consist of approximately three tiers.

When forming a rosette, the leaves located below the third tier can be removed. The following are also removed:

  • Empty flower stalks;
  • Yellow, sickly, damaged leaves.

By tearing off the lower leaves, we expose the stem of the violet. When the stem without leaves reaches about 2 cm, it is covered with fresh soil.

Violets are inspected weekly, and the following is monitored:

  1. Is the substrate moist enough?
  2. The need to add soil;
  3. Signs of parasites and diseases (wet areas, spots, cobwebs, wilting);
  4. Unnecessary leaves and flower stalks are removed.

IMPORTANT! Dust, accumulating on leaves and petioles, harms violets. Plants can be given a hygienic shower

Pre-protect the soil in the pot by placing it in a bag and tying it so that water does not get on the soil. The leaves are washed individually under a thin stream of warm water.

Plants can be given a hygienic shower. Pre-protect the soil in the pot by placing it in a bag and tying it so that water does not get on the soil. The leaves are washed individually under a thin stream of warm water.

Violet Sunset needs a hygienic shower.


Children should be replanted as needed, regardless of the time of year. As soon as the dishes become too crowded (the violet leaves are more than 2/3 larger than the diameter of the dishes), the young plant is transplanted into a larger pot than the previous one, 2-3 cm in diameter. The method is transshipment. That is, the plant is placed in a new container without violating the integrity of the earthen coma.

Subsequently, the plants are replanted once a year in the spring. Very old plants, over 5-6 years old, will require a rejuvenation procedure. The rosette is cut off at the root, old leaves are removed, and placed in water. As soon as the roots appear, it is planted in the ground according to the usual pattern.

For abundant flowering, violets need a slightly cramped container. A large pot will cause the plant to direct all its energy into the tops.


S. Sazykina. A very beautiful variety. But I can’t say that I’m completely unpretentious. On a shelf where the lighting is good, but the temperature from the lamps is high, the petioles stretch out and the leaves become slightly spoon-shaped. It’s as if the leaves are closing from the increased temperature (see my last two photos). Feels good on the windowsill. Flowering is abundant, flowers are large on strong peduncles. It turns out to be a very beautiful hat. I've had this variety for a long time. To get an even outlet, I changed his “place in the sun” more than once. The place on the windowsill turned out to be the most suitable place for it.

Diseases and pests

Possible pest diseases are described in the table:

ProblemCause and symptomsCorrective measures
Root rotThe activity of fungi, activated due to lack of care (excessive watering, hypothermia of roots). It grows poorly and slowly, the leaves are deformed, flaccid, without turgor. Remove the flower from the pot, carefully examine the roots, remove all damaged parts with a sharp knife, and replant in sterile soil. In severe cases, cut off the rosette at the root and re-root it.
Gray rotCaused by bacteria. The buds and peduncles become covered with gray spots, the flowers do not open and become deformed. Spraying with Topsin-M. Search for errors in maintenance (wrong soil, incorrect watering, ceramic pot, dampness, cold, plant injury, overheating or hypothermia of roots).
Powdery mildewCaused by certain types of fungi. A white coating appears on the leaves and buds. Treatment with drugs “Topaz”, “Fundozol”, “Bayleton”, revision of conditions of detention.
Insects: scale insects, aphids, thrips, mites, whitefliesSaintpaulias are rarely affected and are typical for plants kept in extremely poor conditions.Spraying with insecticides “Bazudin”, “Aktellik”, “Fitoverm”, “Vermitek”. Removal of affected parts. Organizing proper care for the plant.

To avoid the above problems, it is enough to keep the flower in suitable conditions and follow the standard rules for caring for plants in the house. For all beginners, a shower and preventive treatment with insecticides are required. This will prevent pests from appearing.

Creating comfort for Saintpaulia Summer twilight is not difficult in the conditions of an ordinary apartment. Healthy specimens successfully cope with diseases on their own, delighting with fresh leaves and bright flowers.

When and how does it bloom

Violet Magenta - description and characteristics of the variety

During flowering, the Summer Twilight violet is an unforgettable sight. A large number of flowers are formed in the center of the rosette, which look especially elegant against the background of the variegated colors of the leaves.

Types of flowers

Saintpaulia Summer Twilight has large flowers. Their diameter is 5-6 cm. The flowers are voluminous and lush. When buds bloom en masse, flower stalks may not withstand the load and lie on the leaves.

Flower shapes

According to the description, this variety has semi-double and double flowers, shaped like a star. The main color is white, but it has prominent blue-violet spots of regular shape. The edges of the petals are wavy. This feature creates a feeling of lightness. In summer the color is brighter, and in winter, in conditions of lack of light, it is much paler.

Color contrast depends on lighting

Flowering period

Summer twilights, like all Morev violets, can bloom all year round with minimal care and sufficient light. Buds are formed abundantly not only by adult violets, but also by starters.

Changes in care during the flowering period

At this time, it is important to control soil moisture. Lack of water can cause flowers to wither, and then the plant will need time to restore buds

During the flowering period, it is recommended to use phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. You cannot spray the violet at this time so that the flower does not lose its decorative effect.

Violet Summer Twilight (K. Morev)

Violet Summer Twilight.

History of the variety

Saintpaulia "Summer Twilight" was released in 2007. The creator is Konstantin Lvovich Morev , his varieties are often not only not inferior in quality, but often superior to foreign ones. He is a student of the outstanding breeder of Russia, Boris Mikhailovich Makuni.

This variety was created by Konstantin Morev.

And thanks to the skill of the breeder, the “Summer Twilight” variety was loved by many , and retained its popularity for more than 10 years. That is why Saintpaulia “Summer Twilight” was included in the golden fund of the best violets of domestic selection. See above violet Summer Twilight Morev photo.

Photo and description of the variety

The flowers of the SM-Summer Twilight variety are purple with a white eye and a white border, which emphasizes the beauty of the wavy petals. The flowers are large, double , with velvety petals, the edges of the petals are wavy, which gives additional volume to the flower.

The flowers are large, 5-6 cm, but take a long time to open and gain size. When they first bloom, flowers often:

  • Not very large;
  • Not very terry;
  • Or semi-double and double in one bloom.

But already in the second flowering the rosette shows itself in all its glory , the flowers become fluffier and larger.

IMPORTANT! The color of the flowers against the contrast of white and blue is preserved in any conditions.

The rosette grows evenly and neatly, has an oval shape . The variegation of the rosette, even in the heat, decreases, but does not disappear at all, and in winter, at cooler temperatures, the variegation appears more clearly.

To more clearly express the variegation of the rosette, it can be placed on the windowsill and not additionally illuminated. The variegation is especially pronounced in winter, when the days are shorter. Then she shows herself in all her glory.


The rosette “Summer Twilight” has clearly expressed variegation . But when the lighting is too bright, it decreases.

To maintain good variegation, the rosette is placed on the north window or on the bottom shelf of the rack. She loves cool weather and does well where it is not very hot.

A clear white border along the edge of the leaves is emphasized by the rich green center of the leaf . And the rosette, even without flowers, thanks to its variegated leaves, looks very impressive.


The variety sports very rarely, but presents unexpected surprises . The color of flowers may change beyond recognition. Sometimes flowers:

  • Pure blue, or pure blue;
  • And also purple with a white eye;
  • Or even become dark purple, almost black, blue, soft purple, and purple with a white center inside.

The variety “Summer Twilight” (Morev) quickly propagates by cuttings , and basically all the children will bloom according to the variety.

Blue sport violet "Summer Twilight".

Violet “Summer Twilight” – Sports by color.

Sport violet “Summer Twilight”, color change , no white eyes, and no variegation.

A sport of violets that lacks variegation.

Dark purple sport "Summer Twilight".

How to grow seedlings correctly

Usually the flower is not propagated by seedlings; it is better to grow matthiola from seeds. The flower has weak roots and does not tolerate transplantation well. However, if a gardener wants to get wonderful aromas already at the beginning of summer, then it is better to use the seedling method.

Before sowing seeds, you need to prepare containers and soil. The soil used is nutritious, loose, with excellent water and breathability. Containers and soil need to be treated with potassium permanganate.

Rules for planting matthiola:

  1. Seeds are sown in early February. Another sowing is carried out in March, then matthiola will bloom at different times.
  2. Since the seeds are quite small, they are scattered over the prepared soil, keeping a distance of at least 4 cm, and sprinkled with a little earth. There is no need to deepen the seeds. Carefully water them with warm water and cover them with glass or film.
  3. Containers should be placed in the sun. Before the first shoots appear, it is better not to water.

To grow seedlings from seeds, special conditions must be met. When the first shoots appear, it is necessary to create excellent lighting and reduce the temperature to +12°C, otherwise the seedlings will stretch upward.

If seedlings are grown in boxes, then they need to be picked every 2 weeks. Keep in mind that with all caution, some of the seedlings will die.

To minimize the risk of damaging the roots, the soil must be well watered before planting. Carefully remove each plant, trying not to injure the delicate roots. In the container where we will replant the plant, make a hole, place the seedling and cover it with soil up to the cotyledon leaves. So that the seedling can immediately contact the ground, we slightly squeeze the soil around it. After this, the plant must be watered.

Professional flower growers who have been growing matthiola for many years grow seedlings without picking them. An egg or chocolate box is perfect for this. After filling the cells with soil, plant 2-3 seeds in a separate hole. As the seedlings grow, they leave one sprout, the strongest.

Plant the flower in a permanent place, without destroying the lump of soil, as soon as the warm season arrives. Most often this is done in late spring - early summer. Planting is carried out keeping a distance of 15-30 centimeters, it all depends on the variety. In order for the plant to take root faster, it needs to be shaded.

Conditions for sowing seeds directly into the garden bed:

  1. The soil is spilled with potassium permanganate, loosened and grooves no more than 0.5 cm deep are formed, otherwise the sprouts may not break through to the surface.
  2. To distribute the seeds evenly, they are mixed with sand in equal proportions and scattered into furrows.
  3. Cover it with 0.5 cm of soil. Do not compact it, you just need to sprinkle the soil a little with water.

Night violet, which is sown in autumn or spring, emerges in late May - early June.

How to choose a landing site

In order for the plant to grow healthy and not stretch in height, it is planted in an area where there is enough sunlight. When planting, matthiola must be protected from the wind. By observing these conditions, you can be sure that the plant will grow in a short time, produce tassels and delight you with a wonderful smell.

If we talk about the soil, then it should be loose and fertile . However, it is not recommended to fertilize the plant with manure, as it may contain late blight spores. The plant grows well on loamy and sandy soil . The acidity of the soil should be neutral.

It is not recommended to plant night violet in a place where cruciferous plants previously grew. This can cause the plant to become infected with clubroot or fungus.

The soil needs to be prepared in the fall. Digging makes it possible to prevent fungus or blackleg. The earth must be dug at least 40 centimeters deep. You can dig while adding manure to the soil.

How to properly care for seedlings

Matthiola two-horned will grow healthy even among amateurs, if you follow all the rules for planting and caring for it.

  1. When 2-3 leaves appear on the plant, the plants dive. You need to leave a distance of 15-35 centimeters between the sprouts. It is also necessary to take into account the peculiarities of growth. Dense seating can cause fungus.
  2. Mattiola loves watering, but does not tolerate waterlogging of the soil; the rhizomes can rot. Weeds must be removed immediately after they appear. They can weaken plants and also provoke fungus.
  3. After watering, the soil must be loosened so that air can penetrate to the roots.
  4. Faded inflorescences must be removed so that they do not absorb nutrients.
  5. Matthiola needs to be fed after planting. Usually, nutrient mixtures for indoor flowering plants are used for this. The first time feeding must be done 3 weeks after planting in open ground. It is especially necessary to feed the plant during the formation of buds and flowering.
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