If your personal life is not going well, the reason may lie in houseplants that are husbandmen.

Flower of happiness or widow's tears? Signs and superstitions associated with fuchsia

Fuchsia is a beautiful exotic flower from the cypress family. The plant originates from South America, from where it was introduced to Europe in the 18th century. Gardeners love fuchsia for its elegance, stunning blooms from April to mid-autumn, and variety of species and colors.

There is a beautiful legend about the appearance of fuchsia; many superstitions and beliefs are associated with this flower. People call it the flower that brings good luck.

Contents Folk beliefs and observations Why does it bloom? Why is he dreaming? Can I keep the plant at home? What are the benefits of home flowers? What could be dangerous? The meaning of a flower according to Feng Shui Where to put it?

Popular beliefs and observations

Fuchsia is not only an attractive houseplant, it is a real home talisman. It is believed that the flower is able to protect its owners from damage, the evil eye and other damage, and fill them with energy to overcome any difficulties.

Why does it bloom?

The magical effect of fuchsia is especially effective during the flowering period.

Why do you dream?

A dream about fuchsia is a sign that the dreamer is protected from jealousy, bad thoughts against him, the evil eye, corruption and other negative magical influences.

If you dreamed of several flowers - to the successful progress of affairs, the embodiment of ideas and dreams.

Is it possible to keep the plant in the house?

Fuchsia in the house is a talisman of prosperity and good luck. It charges members of the house with positive energy, joy, love of life and drives away bad moods and irritability, thereby reducing quarrels and conflicts.

The benefits of an indoor flower

The plant helps people find a common language, fills the atmosphere of the home with mutual understanding, support, and mutual respect.

Fuchsia is especially irreplaceable where a large family consisting of several generations lives under one roof. This eliminates resentment and alienation and allows everyone to feel needed and loved.

If the plant is in the house for a long time, its owners develop intuition, and in some cases, the gift of clairvoyance.

Owners of this flower recover more easily and quickly from heavy physical or mental stress and get rid of accumulated negative energy. Even a short moment spent next to fuchsia is enough. In addition, this plant makes the farm hardy and productive.

How can it be dangerous?

Fuchsia is sometimes called widow's flower. It is also called widow's tears. Some particularly superstitious people believe that this plant drives men out of the house. However, there is no explanation on what this negative opinion about the plant is based. Each gardener decides for himself whether or not to have fuchsia in the house. But most people who own flowers neglect this superstition and consider it wrong.


Hibiscus (Chinese rose) is not only a homewrecker and a husband, preventing peace and tranquility in the house, but also a vampire plant. It is called burnet and even the flower of death.

It is believed that a large plant requires space around itself, so the hibiscus will try in every possible way to get rid of “extra” or unwanted family members.

In Latin America, as well as in some European countries, they are seriously afraid of this flower, believing that it takes away life force, bringing its owner closer to the grave.

They say that this plant can portend bad events. For example, if a hibiscus suddenly began to shed its leaves, one of the household members will probably soon become seriously ill.

Hibiscus has an interesting feature: it gives girls feminine energy, making them very attractive, while the insidious flower takes away the strength from men.

The flower provokes conflicts and quarrels in the family. As a result, the woman is left alone. It has been noticed that the larger the bush, the faster the man will leave the house.

One very interesting category of flowers is associated with magic. They received the self-explanatory name “husband flowers.” Many women and girls avoid them and do not allow them to appear in their home. There are very good reasons for this. They are associated both with people’s personal experiences and with ancient stories and legends.


Feng Shui meaning of a flower

Feng Shui experts, depending on the shape of fuchsia leaves, attribute them either to the male Yang energy (if the leaves are pointed) or to the female Yin energy (if the leaves are round).

Therefore, choosing the right plant for your home should help adjust the energy in your home, directing the influence of the flower in the right direction.

But whatever the shape of fuchsia leaves, the flower will always help its owners avoid troubles and problems, fill them with vitality, energy and inspiration.

Fuchsia. Useful, healing and magical properties

The beneficial properties of fuchsia are due to its beneficial effects on a person’s emotional state. The flower is also credited with magical properties: it has a beneficial effect on the aura of the home and strengthens relationships. This indoor plant is recommended for creative people. The flower helps develop intuitive abilities and harmonizes the energy of space. In a house where there is fuchsia, people quickly find non-standard solutions, because the plant emits creative energy and helps to think creatively. The plant cleanses of negative feelings and thoughts.

Entire legends are made up about fuchsia, because its flowers are so beautiful that they could not leave anyone indifferent. Once upon a time there lived seven sisters who danced very beautifully. One day, while dancing, a wizard saw them. He was so impressed by the beauty of the girls that he wanted to make one of them his wife, and her sisters his concubines. The sisters, of course, refused the wizard, and out of anger he turned them into flowers that looked so much like dancing girls.

The most important healing property of fuchsia is its beauty. When you look at all the splendor and variety of colors and shapes of this amazing plant, an elusive smile appears on your face and your mood lifts.

And a good mood, as you know, is the key to health!

Fuchsia also has a number of magical properties: it cleanses the atmosphere of the energy of thoughts, words, and feelings of people who are conservative in their views and beliefs, who tend to adhere to tradition in everything.

If there are people in your house who react painfully to any changes, who do not like to change their clothing style, home decor, or relationships with people, plant a beautiful fuchsia.

Fuchsia is useful for those who find themselves in the same unpleasant situations every now and then. If you see that certain difficulties haunt you with some frequency, if you cannot break out of a vicious circle of troubles, get a fuchsia.

It’s not for nothing that this plant is called the dancing flower, or ballerina. In some countries, fuchsia is called “grandmother’s plant”, “Japanese lantern”, and for some its flowers resemble the fluttering of exotic butterflies.

The Rosicrucians (members of a secret religious order that had occult characteristics) endowed fuchsia with the qualities of the goddess of love: softness, tenderness, warmth, beauty, grace.

Fuchsia is the best friend of older people; it strengthens the spirit and inspires hope. A very kind and optimistic plant, it does not allow you to despair and attracts all the good things under the roof of your home or office.

Where is the best place to put it?

It is best to place a fuchsia pot on the northwest or northeast side of the apartment.

To ensure harmony, trust, mutual understanding and warm relationships reign at home, place the plant where all family members most often gather, for example, in the living room or kitchen.

To attract happiness in love, fuchsia is placed in the bedroom, but away from the bed.

Fuchsia attracts attention with its bright appearance. However, this plant is loved not only for its flowers. This has a very positive effect on the atmosphere in the house and on each family member.


Fuchsia. Kinds

The most common plant species:

  • Fuchsia splendor is a popular species with edible berries. It blooms in June-August and blooms for a long time. This type of plant is one of the ancestral forms and is considered highly decorative.
  • Fuchsia Boliviana is an evergreen shrub with elliptical leaves and large dark red flowers. The plant blooms profusely from March-April. This type also belongs to highly decorative forms and is perfect for home use. It was this type of fuchsia that was considered sacred by the Incas. It's all about the berries, which have a narcotic effect. The Incas grew this plant variety for ritual purposes. The Bolivian flower looks spectacular thanks to its beautiful flowers and noble wood.
  • Fuchsia Magellanica is an evergreen shrub. Blooms profusely with bell-shaped flowers. The plant can be used for vertical decoration of walls and windows.

The Aborigines called all types of plants “black bag” for their properties of dyeing fabrics. The juice of the fruit was used as a natural dye.

Bright fuchsia - signs and superstitions

There is a legend about an evil sorcerer who wanted to achieve the love of seven dancing sisters at once. The beauties refused to become concubines to the sorcerer, so he cursed them and turned all the girls into a single bush.

Features of the flower

Family happiness

It is unknown who and why called the fairytale bush “widow’s tears,” but esotericists do not see in it any threat to family happiness. On the contrary, the plant successfully smoothes out any rough edges in relationships - between spouses or representatives of different generations.

Single women

What about single women? Can they keep fuchsia at home? Without a doubt! Signs assure that such a “neighbor” will enhance the charm and attractiveness of any lady.

Fuchsia in the house - signs

All plants in one way or another affect the physical well-being of people. Some “beauties” can be quite dangerous, so breeding them should be done with caution. Fuchsia for the home in this sense is a real find.

None of the parts of the bush are poisonous, and some cooks even add its seeds to food.

Fighter against negativity

But the main thing is still different. Signs and superstitions call the fuchsia flower an excellent fighter against negativity.


Botanical description of fuchsia

The plant has flexible, numerous branches that are relatively abundantly covered with foliage. The leaves are small in size, pronounced green or slightly reddish in color, oppositely located, oval-lanceolate in shape. The average leaf length varies between 40-50 mm.

There is a point at the end and slight serration of the edge.

Flowering is abundant and very long. Flowers can have different colors.

Depending on the varietal characteristics, indoor plants can form simple or double flowers, consisting of a tubular corolla and a bright calyx with bent petals.
A characteristic feature is the presence of long stamens.
After flowering, edible fruits and berries are formed on the plant.

Flower of happiness or widow's tears? Signs and superstitions associated with fuchsia

Fuchsia is a beautiful exotic flower of the fireweed family. The plant's homeland is South America, from where the flower was brought to Europe in the 18th century. Flower growers love fuchsia for its elegance, lush flowering from April to mid-autumn and variety of types and colors.

There is a beautiful legend about the appearance of fuchsia; many signs and superstitions are associated with the flower. People call it a flower that brings happiness.

Origin: Brief History

This plant is popularly called ballerina. Her flowers really resemble the figure of a ballerina.

There is a very beautiful legend about this flower. It says that in the distant past there lived 7 sisters. They were very beautiful and distinguished by their dancing skills. When they danced, nature froze. A magician from another state heard about them. He decided to take one of the girls as his wife and the rest as concubines. The sisters refused. Out of anger, the magician turned them into an unusually beautiful flower, reminiscent of their dance.

The question of the date of origin of the flower is very controversial. It is generally accepted that the discovery of this plant belongs to a French priest . He went on a trip to South America. There, his attention was attracted by the original flowers, called Fuchsia Triphylla Flora Coccinea. He named them in honor of Leonard Fuchs, known in Germany as a doctor of medicine and botany. 1703 is the date of birth of fuchsia. The dried samples did not reach Europe. They died in a shipwreck.

There is another version of the origin of the plant. In 1689, there were 3 plants similar to this flower in the National History Museum in London. They got their name - fuchsia magellanica. In Europe, it began to be cultivated almost 100 years later.

Popular beliefs and observations

Fuchsia is not only an attractive houseplant, it is a real home talisman . It is believed that the flower is able to protect its owners from damage, the evil eye and other harm, and fill it with energy to overcome any difficulties.

Why does it bloom?

During the flowering period, the magical effects of fuchsia are especially effective.

Why do you dream?

Dreaming of fuchsia is a sign that the dreamer is protected from envy, unkind thoughts addressed to him, the evil eye, damage and other negative magical influences.

If you dreamed of several flowers - to a successful course of affairs, the embodiment of conceived ideas and dreams into reality.

Is it possible to keep the plant in the house?

Fuchsia in the house is a kind of talisman of well-being and success . It charges household members with positive energy, joy, love of life, drives out bad moods and irritation, thereby reducing the number of quarrels and conflicts.

The benefits of an indoor flower

The plant helps people find a common language, fills the atmosphere in the house with mutual understanding, support, and mutual respect.

Fuchsia is especially indispensable where a large family of several generations lives under one roof. The flower eliminates resentment and alienation, allowing everyone to feel needed and loved .

If the plant is in the house for a long time, its owners develop intuition, and in some cases, the gift of clairvoyance.

The owners of the flower recover strength more easily and quickly after heavy physical or psychological stress, and release accumulated negative energy. To do this, it is enough to be near the fuchsia even for a short time. In addition, the plant gives household members endurance and performance.

How can it be dangerous?

Sometimes there is an opinion that fuchsia is a widow's flower. It is also called widow's tears. Some particularly superstitious people believe that the plant drives men out of the house . However, there is no explanation on what this negative idea of ​​the plant is based. Each gardener will have to decide for himself whether to have fuchsia at home or not. But most flower owners do not pay attention to this superstition, considering it false.

Feng Shui meaning of a flower

Feng Shui experts, depending on the shape of fuchsia leaves, attribute it either to the male Yang energy (if the leaves are pointed) or to the female Yin energy (if the leaves are round).

In accordance with this, the correct selection of plants for the home will allow you to adjust the energy inside the home, directing the effect of the flower in the right direction.

But no matter what shape the leaves of fuchsia have, the flower will always help its owners avoid troubles and problems , fill them with vitality, energy and inspiration.

Flower varieties

Fuchsia is loved not only by flower growers, but also by breeders. Over the entire period that the flower has been a cultivated plant, many varieties and hybrids have been bred. Every year more and more specimens appear, differing in the shade and size of the flowers, the shape of the leaves, etc.

In flower shops in our country you can most often find the following varieties:

  • Brutus . One of the most popular varieties. It is a small bush. The inner petals of the flowers are purple, and the outer petals are scarlet.

  • Deep Purple . A variety with drooping branches and large double flowers of deep purple color.
  • Checkerboard . It is distinguished by erect, slightly branched shoots and red and white flowers.
  • Bella Rozella . The peculiarity is the iridescent pink hue of the flowers.

  • Leonberg . The petals of this variety are pink, but the bracts have a different shade

Where is the best place to put it?

The best choice for placing a fuchsia pot is the north-west or north-east side of the apartment.

In order for harmony, trust, mutual understanding and warm relationships to reign in the house, the plant is placed where all family members most often gather , for example, in the living room or kitchen.

To attract good luck in love, fuchsia is placed in the bedroom, but at some distance from the bed.

Fuchsia attracts attention with its bright appearance. However, it is loved not only for its flowering. The plant can have a huge positive impact on the atmosphere in the house as a whole and on each family member individually.


Fuchsia. Ballerina flower

Flower growers' homes contain a large number of beautiful and inspiring plants.

Every housewife thinks about replenishing her greenhouse with Fuchsia, a flower belonging to the Fireweed family.

The birthplace of the perennial plant is considered to be Central and South America, as well as New Zealand.

At home they are used to decorate the room.

How to properly care for it and make it produce buds?

  • Light . Fuchsias develop well in artificial and natural light. But there must be enough light. Otherwise, the plant will stretch out and will not bloom.
  • Temperature . In summer, the optimal temperature for fuchsia is 18-20 degrees. In hot weather, it is better to take the flower outside. In winter, the temperature drops to 8-10 degrees.
  • Watering . Regular, abundant but moderate watering should be provided. In winter it is significantly reduced. Spraying and washing are done periodically. Water for irrigation must be settled.
  • Fertilizer . For full growth and flowering, you need to fertilize the flower once every two weeks with special fertilizers for flowering plants. Such options as “Peters”, “Kemiru” are suitable. In winter there is no need for fertilizing.
  • Trimming . Pruning or pinching is a prerequisite for proper care of these flowers. Pinching begins at the cutting stage and lasts throughout the life of the fuchsia. It is preferable to do this procedure in the spring, before the flowering period. To form a bush, you need to pinch the side shoots after 3 or 4 pairs of leaves.
  • Reproduction . It is recommended to combine propagation with pruning. Cuttings are rooted in water or directly in the ground. Rooting time ranges from several days to a month, and depends on various factors. It is advisable to periodically spray shoots that take root. Learn more about fuchsia propagation. including about growing from a leaf, we talked here.

Read more about the basic rules for caring for fuchsia at home here.

What is a plant

The attractive appearance of Fuchsia will not allow either household members or guests to show indifference. The plant has numerous stems that can be flexibly positioned in any direction.

Abundantly arranged leaves cover the branches and have an unusually colored plate of pronounced green or reddish color. The leaf shape is oval-lanceolate, with a length of no more than 0.5 cm and a characteristic pointed end.

The flowers of the plant resemble a bell with elongated stamens.

Depending on the acquired species, the appearance may be simple, or it may differ in double flowers.

After a long (from April to mid-autumn) and abundant flowering, the buds leave behind edible sweet berries that can be used to make pies, liqueur, jam or decorate ice cream. The flowers themselves are also used to decorate salads.

People often call the flower “Ballerina”, due to its great resemblance to the figure of a ballerina.

Fuchsia. Home care

The gardener does not need to put a lot of effort into caring for Fuchsia.

The soil should not be excessively waterlogged or, conversely, dry. Maintaining constant humidity promises the plant a healthy appearance and long flowering. When flooding the soil, it must be drained and allowed to dry a little.

Brown-yellow spots on the leaves will help you understand that there is a lot of water in the earth. In the case of wilted leaves, but proper watering, the pet needs to take a shower or spray it, the flower really likes it.

The best time to moisten the soil, especially in summer, is considered to be early morning or evening, when there is no scorching sun.

The plant is characterized as resistant to diseases and pests.

If whiteflies appear, you should immediately wash the stems and lower parts of the leaves with warm water and laundry soap, avoiding contact with the ground and roots. A polyethylene film placed on top of the soil can serve as an excellent protection against penetration of the mixture.

Spider mites can appear in a flower when the plant is in a room with warm and dry air. In this case, the plant can only be saved by treatment with biological products.

Positive signs

Fuchsia belongs to a number of flowers that are purchased by housewives not only to decorate the house, but also to create a positive atmosphere.

This is due to the fact that the plant has been considered magical since ancient times and carries a number of signs and superstitions that endow all households with positivity and determination. But this is not the entire list of benefits of the flower.

For businessmen or people involved in activities that require developed intuition, a flower is simply irreplaceable.

Creative people must place Fuchsia at home for a surge of energy and vitality.

Harmonization of disturbed energy also applies to the ability of the plant.

When there are children in the family, Fuchsia located in the room, where household members of different ages often visit, will help to find common interests and eliminate misunderstandings between different generations.

In difficult situations, the plant will help you find a quick solution.

Think creatively and take non-standard actions that will help radiate creative energy.

For women caring for a flower, charm and charm are presented as gratitude.

A pot with a flower located in the house reduces the risk of diseases not only of the gastrointestinal tract, but also of the mammary and thyroid glands.

When purchasing a new home, the first plant that will strengthen auras and block the penetration of negative energy from the outside should be the Fuchsia flower.

A person who has this green pet always feels a surge of strength and stands out for his cheerfulness and love of life.

Negative signs

Most women who have Fuchsia on their windowsills do not attach much importance to its negative feature, associated with another belief that characterizes the plant as a widow's flower or widow's tears.

But experienced flower growers reassure the future owners of the flower that such a statement is unjustified and groundless.

Any appearance of yellow or black dots on the leaves does not carry any frightening signs. This only symbolizes improper care, watering or the development of any pests.

Loving Fuchsia and treating her like a member of the family will mark the beginning of strong friendships with all household members and the risk of a negative attitude will simply go away.

The plant cannot harm those who are gentle, friendly and attuned to the flower with an open soul.


Fuchsia - reviews

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I started getting interested in fuchsias not so long ago. Previously, I was only familiar with the usual red-burgundy fuchsia, and that’s where my interest ended. But not so long ago I saw a photo of varietal fuchsias, and I couldn’t believe my eyes - how extraordinary they are!!! And they caught fire))) they are not fussy about their care, the main thing is sufficient watering, fertilizer, avoiding direct sun, stagnant moisture in the pot and overheating of the roots, well, care and attention, like any beauty))) spring and autumn pruning of branches is also necessary . One pity is that in winter they have a dormant period and fuchsias practically do not bloom. In the photo - my some beauties fuchsia Fey, Wattenpost, and Anabel

Ksenia Slezova


A very finicky plant. I'm not a fan of hers. What don't I like about fuchsia? So this is that when it blooms, it crumbles like I don’t know what. And not with leaves, but with flowers! You have to constantly clean.

The flowers are certainly unusual, we must give her credit here. I've only seen two species in person. One of them grew in our house for a long time. This is the most common: the middle is purple-burgundy, and the edges of the petals are curved pink.

The pure shape of the flower is the only plus. She is very capricious when it comes to grooming. Watering is necessary with light drying of the top layer of soil. A little more - the leaves turn yellow. A little less - it withers.

The leaves are still falling off from the heat and from the extra draft. It is extremely difficult to find a place where it will stand. Any transfer = shedding of leaves. A very stressful plant.

Grows quickly in diffused light. But if it is absent or insufficient, it may not even bloom. The roots very quickly fill the new pot and replanting is needed again. You also need good support. It is not a vine, but it needs to be attached to something. The flowers may even break the stem.

Aphids love it very much. But it is difficult to breed it, given the priorities of this plant.



My grandmother had such a flower! She called him “Bell”! It bloomed very beautifully. I took the cutting from her, first put it in the water. When it gave roots, I transplanted it into a pot. It seemed to start growing! Flowers even appeared. I was happy, so I think I now have such a flower! BUT! Then for some reason it began to wither and died! It seems like she did everything as it should, and didn’t twist it and didn’t move it from place to place. Because “Fuchsia” doesn’t like that. And she sprayed it. I don’t know what he didn’t like about me! I tried to grow it several times, but it didn’t work! I like it very much, it’s a really beautiful flower. There are a lot of varieties of “Fuchsia”. But this flower probably doesn’t suit me, it’s probably not my flower! So it doesn’t grow for me! It’s a shame! Maybe someday I’ll still be able to grow this beautiful flower!



I saw a photo of this charming flower in the “selling flowers” ​​group. It was very small, but was already blooming. I really wanted to buy this beauty for myself. Having gone to the other end of the city, I bought myself a blooming fuchsia for only 100 rubles. I brought it home and after three days I began to be disappointed (The flower began to shed its flowers and leaves. After searching on the Internet, I read that it needs a period of rest. In my hot city apartment it was very difficult to find a place where I could send the flower into hibernation. So it stood on the window all winter, but I tried to adhere to the rules of dormancy as much as possible. I replanted it in the spring, but the flower does not want to grow. Now it stands with one branch. And it’s a shame to throw it out, and it takes up space. In general, the flower is not for a novice gardener. Although I don’t consider myself that way.

my Interests



Beautiful and blooms a lot


It won't take root

I love flowers, different, blooming, not blooming. They grew well, bloomed, and shoots were easily accepted. We moved to another apartment and many of the flowers apparently didn’t feel comfortable, and new ones didn’t grow well. I wanted the flowers that our grandmothers planted at home when we were children. I started looking for fuchsia. It bloomed constantly with my mother and there was no special care. For a long time I couldn’t find anyone. Once at the market a woman was selling, I bought it. Autumn has bloomed a little and that's it. By spring I began to pull it in. The leaves have fallen off. New ones will grow and fly around again. I tore off the shoots and planted them, but the same thing. I changed the soil, changed the pots, nothing helps. Recently I saw it again and bought a small fuchsia at the market. She has a lot of buds. I'll try to get this flower again. My new purchased fuchsia.



Fuchsia was given to me at work. I once had a fuchsia, maybe I bought it when it was sick, or maybe the hot summer had that effect, but it quickly died. I cared and cherished the new fuchsia, it quickly began to grow. The most interesting thing is that it blooms all the time, sometimes I feel sorry for it and tear off the buds, but literally a week later it’s covered in buds again. Fuchsia is very easily propagated by cuttings, just cut off the soft trunk and put it in water, when it gives roots, replant it in the ground. In a month it will already bloom. It loves a lot of water, I water it every other day. My fuchsia is now 2 years old, I don’t like tall bushes, so every year at the beginning of summer, I cut cuttings and renew the plant. I recommend fuchsia to all lazy people; it is the most unpretentious plant.




Does not require much sun and can grow in moderately lit areas.


Requires special attention to the moisture content in the soil. He's being capricious.

One day I was given a pot with a small fuchsia sprout... At first, this plant did not cause me much delight. Time passed and the small bush grew and was completely covered with cute, unusually shaped flowers! The plant resembled a Christmas tree decorated with toys and was a delight to the eyes and soul!




Incredible beauty, variety of varieties, long flowering


Very difficult care

How many times have I tried to raise this beauty at home. And nothing good ever came of it for me. And once, while on an excursion in St. Petersburg, I saw fuchsias in the palace that were shaped like a tree. After that I re-read so much literature and tried out varieties. But my long-term struggle for such a tree has not yet been crowned with success. I just can’t seem to grow a beautiful adult plant. I bought both seeds and seedlings. Of course, it turns out better in seedlings. But all my plants suffer the same fate. Somewhere in June, the stems become very elongated and the plant takes on an ugly appearance, and after that whiteflies or spider mites appear. My flower becomes sticky or covered with white cobwebs and begins to wither. And by autumn I throw it away so as not to torment either the flower or myself. They write everywhere that it is easy to care for, but I have never had a flower survive in decent shape, at least until the next season. Although I followed the wintering rules and provided him with a period of rest. It is obvious that this is not my flower. You need patience here.



This year I decided to try planting plants of different colors from seeds from the Chinese website Aliexpress. At the end of March I ordered seeds of Fuchsia, Orchid, Purslane, Buttercup, and Zinnia. The seller also sent Rose seeds as a gift. Unfortunately, I can’t give you a link to the store because it was removed from the site. I ordered purslane

here. This is the only plant that turned out to be 100% viable and similar to itself. The seeds arrived within a month and were in transparent bags with a piece of paper with the name, the purslane was in a colored bag like in the seller’s picture.

Last photo of fuchsia seeds.

The plant on the left is a supposed fuchsia. The leaves vaguely resemble fuchsia.

Photo 2 months later:

Judging by the buds that have gained color, this is not fuchsia at all. The plant has sprouted from the side. The flowers resemble those of bell peppers. Just like seeds. We will continue to watch the growth.




easy to care for, blooms beautifully.


You need to make sure that the soil doesn’t dry out.

Fuchsia is a wonderful flower, it has been growing for me for several years and feels great. In summer, this flower should be taken out into the fresh air, to a well-lit place, but shaded from the midday sun. You cannot turn the flower, otherwise the buds will fall off. It is important to ensure that the soil in the fuchsia pot does not dry out. You can fertilize the plant. Fuchsia should be left to overwinter in a cool room, so this plant can rest before further growth and flowering. You can water fuchsia occasionally. Fuchsia easily propagates by petioles. To do this, you just need to root the shoots in water and plant them in the soil. When this plant blooms it is impossible to take your eyes off it, its flowering is unusual. Such a flower will be a joy for every housewife.



I love fuchsias, I even tried to grow them myself, but... they grow kind of long, thin and don’t bloom. Complete disappointment.

Now I admire these beauties from others.

Anna Zakharchuk


Charming houseplant, I love fuchsia. Delicate, mesmerizing with flowers, completely unpretentious in care. It grows well and pleases on the eastern side of the room on the windowsill. I try to shade fuchsia from the bright sun soaring in summer. In winter I spray the leaves which she loves very much. During the flowering period, I water it moderately and feed it a little, for example, I dilute ash in the water. I remove wilted flowers. Feel comfortable and cozy with her.



Fuchsias are constantly attacked not by aphids, but by whiteflies, they are white and fly, the terrible creature is very difficult to fight, I fought with chemicals until all the flowers were poisoned



Now about the fuchsias.

I have long wanted to talk about my beautiful “ballerinas”.

I wrote a “complete treatise”, but then I re-read it... and decided to shorten my writings. But she left something behind.

Let me start with the fact that my collection of fuchsias has become quite thin...

Why? I'm telling...

When I saw a fuchsia flower for the first time, I fell in love. I fell in love with this lightness, airiness, grace and contrast.

I dreamed…

I imagined how I would “get her” and how I would raise and cherish her, and she would definitely reciprocate my feelings and grow her “braids”, and show me her “waterfalls”, and I would have complete “Gardens of Babylon”!

That's what I dreamed...

Aha! Wait!

I tried a lot...

Firstly, the extraction of cuttings of treasured varieties.

Like any newbie, I thought that it was all about the varieties.

Oh! I’ll have a Ballet Girl and I’ll be happy! The ballerina appeared, but there was somehow not enough happiness...

Oh! Well, now I’ll find Pink Marshmallow and then for sure! But even after the appearance of the famous “marshmallow”, and after the arrival of Deep Purple and other celebrities, happiness in the form of hanging baskets drowning in airy “ballerinas” never came...

And I kept getting them and getting them in all imaginable and unimaginable ways. It’s not even worth talking about how much money was spent on all this “richness”; money, as they say, “goes without saying.”

Go ahead…

Secondly, I learned to reproduce. This is also a different story. Either you can’t wait for the roots, then there is a “black leg”, then in the midst of complete health “the ears begin to wither”... In general, I learned.

Thirdly, I learned to shape. It seems like I learned it.

Fourthly, I learned to grow and cherish, I learned to care and please, I learned to listen and listen, I learned to “negotiate”...

The path of “developing virgin lands,” it seems, was not so short, but my family never saw the “waterfalls”...

And so, several years ago, having visited one wonderful European city and walking along the city boulevards, I suddenly saw an incomparable sight: the pedestrian zone was fenced off from the roadway by some amazing bushes. The bush was covered with flowers from head to toe! Upon closer inspection, the bush turned out to be fuchsia! Fuchsia grew in the ground in the open air, almost on the roadway. No one “flyed and buzzed” over it with watering cans, stimulating fertilizers, aktar-fitoverm...



At first, I also loved exclusively decorative foliage plants... Blooming ones are pleasing only in season, I thought.

But fuchsia is something! Their multiple fragile flowers and variety of colors are simply amazing!

And how nice it is in January, when there is a New Year tree in the house, to find these dancing princesses on your windowsill. They are capable of this, proven. The abundance of flowers cannot be compared with summer flowering, but nevertheless...



Fuchsia is one of my favorite houseplants. In my collection there are plants in the form of compact bushes, as well as ampelous forms. I prefer double flowers in white or pink. But among the hybrids there are also unusual purple, burgundy and other inflorescences, including two-color ones.

The plant is quite capricious - it took some effort to get the first fuchsia to bloom. The flower needs a period of rest; in winter it must be cut and stored in a cool room, with almost no watering. In spring, watering must be increased and complex fertilizers must be added to the soil.

In order for fuchsia to bloom profusely, it is necessary to have bright lighting and timely pinching of shoots, stimulating the appearance of buds and the correct formation of the plant crown. The reward for your troubles will be bright and delicate flowers that look great in any interior.

Elena Lyubimova


I have a lot of indoor plants, including flowering ones. Passiflora, Decembrist, Kalanchoe, and other plants bloom regularly for me. But some of them can’t get them to bloom, maybe they are offended that there are many other plants nearby. One of these colors was fuchsia. It bloomed only once during its stay with us. But it’s very beautiful, you can’t take your eyes off it. And then it froze, grew, but did not bloom. Then I gave fuchsia to a friend; to be honest, she doesn’t really like flowers. But the fuchsia I gave her blooms constantly. I ask what the secret is, he doesn’t know, he also waters it, also sprays it, doesn’t even fertilize it. Now I’m thinking, maybe she didn’t like my feeding. Now it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that the friend and her family are happy.



My fuchsia disease ended in failure. After the entire fuchs collection burned in my office without air conditioning over two summer weekends, I keep only two varieties, Tom West and Golden Marinka. They do not bloom profusely, but with beautiful leaves they please, and I don’t demand more from them.

I completely agree that there is no point in fighting the climate. It is necessary either to create suitable conditions or not to torture the plant and yourself in vain. Actually, this applies not only to fuchsias, but to all plants in general. And climatic conditions will not replace any professionalism, even if you are a hundred times a professional, but... in the cool there will be shameful petunias (Ust-Kamenogorsk is a living example), and in the heat both fuchs and the same pelargoniums will burn.



I really like fuchsia. It is easy to propagate: just break off a shoot and place it in a glass of water to sprout roots. It is best to do this in late autumn.

Fuchsia loves soft living conditions. I make sure that direct rays of the sun do not fall on it, protect it from drafts, and spray it with water if it is very hot. In summer, the flower pot is placed outside. I feed it with fertilizers.

In winter, fuchsia is dormant. I place the pot in a cool place and water as needed. Some leaves may turn yellow and fall off, but this is normal.

Vika Davletova


These indoor flowers of my childhood, all kinds of flowers my mother had on her windowsills in the village, and they all disappeared somewhere, she’s like a magpie to me, whatever beautiful thing she sees, she’ll definitely plant it, so we had this flower for a little while, and when I got tired of it it was given to my mother, she gave it to my grandmother, we used to say about this flower that these were earring flowers, and I especially liked, when no one saw, to burst flowers that had not yet bloomed, oh, how my parents scolded me, if they saw me, when I do like this. And they are beautiful flowers, but for some reason I don’t like its stems, they are a little bare, I like lush, green and well-blooming ones, of course these flowers bloom well, but there is not enough greenery.



I have known the “Fuchsia” flower for a very long time - I remember this beautiful flower from the time when I was very little and ran to my grandmother and “Fuchsia” grew on her windowsill. As a child, for me it was just a beautiful flower with colorful flowers. But I grew up and of course I also wanted to buy such a flower, I went to the store and bought not one but three flowers at once with different colors (I couldn’t resist choosing just one. They were so beautiful). I came home and planted them, the flowers took root well with me, they bloomed very beautifully, I couldn’t be happier. But one day an old friend of mine came to visit me, saw my flowers and began to tell me that “Fuchsias” are generally not allowed to grow in the house, at least in a dacha on the street.

It turns out that “Fuchsia” is called “Widow’s Flower” and the presence of this plant in the apartment has a very bad effect on others, and I began to understand. that we have something connected with this flower, since our relationship with my husband has changed a lot. We began to quarrel often and move away from each other. I quickly collected all three of my flowers and transported them to the dacha. I don’t know if it was related to the flowers or just a coincidence, but our family relations improved. I am of course very sorry. that flowers no longer grow in my apartment. after all, they decorated it so much with their recolors, but it’s better to be safe. At the dacha, the flowers feel great and already there they delight my eyes.

Signs and superstitions for Fuchsia in the house

In different parts of the world, people have always strived to create comfortable living conditions for themselves. Today, every apartment has televisions, washing machines, dishwashers, vacuum cleaners and other appliances. Which is ready to make life easier. In addition to practicality, people do not forget about the aesthetic side of the issue. Houseplants today, like hundreds of years ago, continue to decorate homes. Fuchsia is a beautiful perennial plant often chosen for home decor. There are many beliefs associated with them. Let's look at the signs and superstitions about the fuchsia flower.

Fuchsia flower folk signs and superstitions

For a long time, fuchsia has received the status of a special, magical plant. According to folk signs, a representative of the Fireweed family serves as a kind of amulet and talisman. He is able to protect the house and its inhabitants from evil forces. A person who plans to harm you or cause damage will not be able to cause harm while you are under the protection of fuchsia. A representative of the Fireweed family is able to reflect negative energy and fill the surrounding people and the room with joy and happiness; the arrowroot flower has similar energy. If you place a bush in the living room or kitchen, where the whole family and guests often gather, you will be able to minimize quarrels and conflict situations in the house. Returning home, people will experience only positive emotions, be filled with positivity and be able to relax.

During the flowering period, fuchsia has the strongest energetic force. According to folk signs, if a bush is completely covered with buds, this is a good omen:

To activate the magical qualities of fuchsia and positive signs, it is necessary to provide the bush with decent care. Only in a healthy state can it help the owner and his environment.

It is enough to water the soil in a timely manner; the soil in the pot should always be kept moist. Experts recommend watering in the morning or evening. In addition, it is necessary to maintain the temperature regime in the apartment and avoid drafts.

IMPORTANT! Most of the signs associated with a representative of the Fireweed family are positive. Combined with its easy care and attractive appearance, the bush has become a leader among indoor pets.

Technology for growing fuchsia at home

Even inexperienced and novice gardeners can care for fuchsias. Indoor fuchsia is a shade-tolerant and unpretentious species, and caring for any variety of this ornamental crop in indoor floriculture is very simple:

  • for indoor fuchsia, the presence of diffused light is very important, but some varieties develop well and bloom profusely even in the shade, when grown on northern or western windows;
  • in winter, it is best to keep a houseplant in a fairly cool room, for example on glazed and well-insulated balconies or loggias;
  • at the stage of active vegetation, the soil in the flower pot must be constantly kept moist;
  • in the resting phase, which occurs from the last ten days of October to the beginning of February, watering must be limited and irrigation measures must be carried out as the soil in the flower pot dries sufficiently;
  • in especially hot and dry seasons, it is advisable to spray the indoor plant or periodically give the ornamental plant a warm shower;
  • after the indoor plant begins to grow, it is necessary to begin regular feeding, carried out three times a month using mineral fertilizers or the Kemira-Lux preparation;
  • good results are shown by alternating mineral fertilizing with the application of organic fertilizers in the form of a diluted mullein solution;
  • It is important to remember that timely and correct pruning of fuchsia contributes to its more active flowering, therefore the first pruning is carried out in late autumn and consists of removing thin, weak and damaged shoots;
  • in the spring, at the stage of formation of new foliage, severe pruning is carried out, allowing you to leave a pair of buds on last year’s growths;
  • throughout the entire growing season, the crown is systematically formed by pinching and pruning shoots;
  • indoor fuchsias can be damaged by aphids, whiteflies, spider mites, and are also sometimes affected by gray mold and rust, so competent and timely preventive measures are mandatory.
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