Dichondra: care at home, how to preserve in winter, replanting and pruning, popular types of photos, diseases and possible difficulties
Soil preparation Dichondra grows best in deep, loose, well-drained soil, so seed
at home
Episcia: 30 types of velvet flames with photographs
Introduction The eye-catching plant has long been noticed and studied far and wide by both scientists,
Viola on the balcony and in the rooms - advantages and disadvantages
The name “violets” is so firmly attached to the delicate and touching Saintpaulias that the true representatives
Columnaea shadiana flower, foreign selection, rare varieties with photos and descriptions
Popular species There are more than 200 species of columnae, many of which remain to grow
Tetrastigma: care and reproduction at home
Tetrastigma Voinier - home care, photo
Tetrastigma is a plant that is a wild grape. It is rapidly expanding in area. Leaflets
Ampelous violets (Saintpaulia), home care
Among a number of hanging plants, which differ in their growth form, most suitable for hanging pots and
12 commandments: how to grow seeds at home
Author of the article Daria Vorontsova Reading time: 19 minutes AA I’m sure: it’s not enough to buy
Is it possible or not to keep ivy in an apartment according to signs?
Climbing indoor vines are very popular among gardeners. Such plants include wax
Calibrachoa photo
Calibrachoa: subtleties of planting and growing at home
More recently, just 20 years ago, this plant was classified as a member of the Petunia genus, but after
Ampelous begonia - secrets of successful cultivation
Growing ampelous begonia from seeds: from sowing to planting in the ground
Begonia is a perennial flowering plant. Flowers are simple, double, semi-double, of various colors and shades. Blooms
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